#Hatchetfield Theory
No, because people keep acting like Grace Chastity being consumed with a lust for the power that Lords in Black provided her doesn't count as a world ending Cataclysm - but it very much does. Not only has she shown little to no empathy for others throughout the entire show and only ever felt bad for lying to authority figures and being horny - but the final song of the Musical is essentially a reprise of Max's Murder Song/Manifesto which places her as a parallel to Max. Max sings about how he's going to kill ALL the Nerdy Prudes and not once but twice tells the audience that it doesn't matter if someone is actually a Nerdy Prude because he makes the rules and gets to decide who is or isn't a nerd etc etc. Grace's take is that she is going to kill all the Dirty Dudes but she's literally singing it to a guy who has, throughout the entire musical, done nothing to indicate he's a pervy/dirty dude and only kissed her after she asked him too. Like Max, Grace Chastity doesn't actually care if someone genuinely fits the framework of her stated victimology, because she has the power so she gets to make the rules.
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Honestly it's like some people didn't think about the implications.
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thericeballofcamelot · 7 months
So, you know how tinky's whole thing is time travel and he says he wants the full set of Spankoffski brothers? - What if Pizza Pete... is actually Pete Spankoffski? Like, Tinky transports Pete to before the time split and like Ted, he's homeless at first, but he's a lot more resourceful than Ted and he sets up this tiny pizza business that eventually grows into Pizza Pete's. He builds a life for himself and he makes decent money - he's not happy though. He'll never be with Steph.
Imagine modern day Pete and Steph going to Pizza Pete's on a date and Steph decides they have to leave because the manager won't stop staring at her, but she doesn't realise it's because she was his best friend once - and she's still the thing he treasures above all else.
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random-jot · 8 months
Ok so there’s 5 Black Altar’s in Hatchetfield…
There’s also 5 Lords In Black…
Could the Lords In Black each have a stronger link to one of these places above the others?
Three of them are easy to place based on the stories they appear in:
Pokey — The Starlight Theatre
Wiggly — The Lakeside Mall
Tinky — CCRP Technical
That leaves us Nibbly and Blinky as the remaining Lords In Black and Hatchetfield High and The Waylon House as the remaining Black Altars - These two are harder to place since neither one are directly involved in NPMD or interact with those locations
It’d be tempting to say the Watcher World theme park was Blinky’s, except we know now that’s not one of the Altars — for my money Hatchetfield High makes the most sense; we all know high school is a cesspit of misery and pain, sadistic Blinky would love to watch all of that
That leaves Nibbly as The Waylon house… which, to be honest I can’t think of a concrete connection beyond process of elimination, but I also can’t really think of a connection between Nibbly and Hatchetfield High other than like. The school cafeteria. Lot of consumption going on there I guess? Idk Blinky for the high school just makes more sense to me
Blinky - Hatchetfield High
Nibbly — The Waylon House
Although, I just thought of the other way: the nerds & Steph set up the house so record their prank on Max: to view his suffering… which now I think of it does sound very very much Blinky’s wheelhouse. In which case, Nibbly for the high school… ehhhhh, I still got nothing except the school cafeteria.
Either way, this is fun to think about!
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thelandsthatare · 8 months
So, we know that when people die in Hatchetfield and the Black and White brings a version of them back, the thing that comes back is an evil shadow that only has some of their original personality. We see this in all of TGWDLM and with Ethan and Jane in Black Friday. Now, we know this is what happens to Max Jägerman too; his ghost doesn't listen to reason and seeks revenge on those who caused his death, even though they obviously didn't mean to kill him. He turns into a Literal Monster that only has some of his personality; namely, it continues being a bully, only gets more cartoonish (and highly entertaining). But it is also attracted to Grace Chasity, which is the only neutral-to-positive aspect of him that the ghost retains. This attraction also makes it possible for Grace to make her sacrifice.
In conclusion: the only thing besides hatred and violence that remained in Max after he died and turned into a vengeful ghost is the thing that defeated him in the end.
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thunder-birb-00 · 2 months
Headcanon about Bastard’s Box (probably Tinky as well as how he might obsess over Ted cause eeyup)
sometimes I wonder if say, Tinky collects Teds like collecting Barbie dolls.
So he has a Ted of every kind. Teds he traumatised, Teds doomed by the narrative, even the infected Ted too. The requirement for Tinky to just collect the Teds is they gotta die.
On the regular, each Ted is basically kept in their own rooms in the Bastard’s Box. By right, the multiple Teds from every timeline collected thus far should not meet each other, because Tinky simply doesn’t need any Ted to know about the other Teds.
This could go a few ways. One is some Teds DO bump into each other at times and dive into each others’ very shared trauma before the time goat comes back to see what’s the next Ted to play with.
Second is that, the Teds, in between times of Tinky messing with a Ted, literally gather round and just start chattering away about anything. Sometimes maybe they help each other with whatever game Tinky is giving one of them next. Gotta help each other, you’re all doomed to be a time goat’s toys for life.
Third, with which I think for laughs and no plot, is the Teds Talkshow just for Teds. Hilarity ensues. Tinky does not know of the Teds Talkshow. Nobody knows who assembled it, they just know that this talkshow sometimes appears at random to the Eldritch folks down in Drowsy Town, assuming they have a radio or even their form of TV.
thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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justarandombrit · 2 months
Wrote all this down ages ago but forgot to post it anywhere, so here you go:
I was just thinking about how cool it'd be if every main character in TGWDLM was linked to one of the Lords In Black, and then I started properly considering it.
Pokey, Blinky and Tinky are all obvious. Paul, Bill and Ted. If you know anything about Hatchetfield lore you'll get this.
Then, I thought, “Well Nibbly doesn't really have any sort of ‘special guy’ like the others, since he just eats whoever becomes Honey Queen, without having any real attachment. I guess there's Roman Murray, but he's just a member of The Church Of The Starry Children, he's not specifically linked to Nibbly, and anyway, we're talking about TGWDLM characters.
So. Which main character of TGWDLM is most linked to Nibbly? Oh, I don't know, maybe THE ONE LITERALLY CALLED SWEETLY?!?!?!?
Yeah, I settled on Charlotte. It was mainly because of her last name, but I do think she fits Nibbly’s whole cutesy eldritch horror thing he has going on. Also pink.
That, of course, leaves one main character left for TGWDLM. Emma Perkins.
Even though this is only because I decided all the others first, I think it works pretty well. Emma, as we know, absolutely fucking despises capitalism. So, her being linked to the literal embodiment of capitalism actually makes a lot of sense.
Think how goddamn climactic it would be if Emma was the one to defeat Wiggly. Realistically speaking for the future of the series, if the Lords In Black ever do truly get defeated, it's either going to be by General MacNamara, Lex or Hannah, or, most likely, Miss Holloway or Webby, but imagine if it was Emma. Emma Perkins, who once described her business model for selling pot as “Raging against the capitalist patriarchy… in, like, a chill way. While still making tons of money”. So for Emma to ditch the “chill” part and LITERALLY FUCKING SHOOT CAPITALISM IN THE TENTACLES?!?!?!?!? That would fuck so hard
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zeauxie · 2 months
ART CREDIT: @thirdchildart
SPOILERS: the Black Book, Miss Holloway lore
It’s pretty solid foundation for lore, but please keep in mind that I couldn’t make out everything, and there might be some mistakes. If it’s not, then I’m a fool, and my eyes still hurting from an intense squinting session means nothing.
“[They] warned me I was a fool to seek out the lords and I [?] [?] but I hope searching for [a/s_?] will [?] [wor_?]. [p_?] of Holoy Blane/Blame(?) found a way [?] in Hatchetfield. And I [lo_?] [?] me [?] [?] [?] pages in the [b_?] what [?] [ago/I go?] myself [?] [?] world.”
“And now [?] with my mind and per. [D_?] of a mind. Into the Black and White.”
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I know it’s not a lot, but…
Here’s why I think this is pretty bitchin’ lore wise.
If my assumptions are correct, Willabella was warned that she was “a fool to seek out the lords”, and I think the people who warned her were the Hatchetmen. It’s also worth noting the the very first page of the Black Book says, “You are a fool to seek the Black and White.”
She also mentions someone named Holoy Blane/Blame “finding a way” in Hatchetfield. I believe Holoy Blane/Blame (probably pronounced Holly) is Miss Holloway, and that Miss Holloway may have been the first to find a way to directly access the Black and White. In Killer Track, Miss Holloway changes her name to Miss Holiday— an absurdly similar name.
The Hatchetverse is notorious for having characters’ identities blatantly lining up with their names.
For example:
Man in a Hurry = Barry Swift
Greenpeace Girl = Harmony Jones
Lex and Hannah Foster have shit parents.
Grace Chasity is pretty obvious— chastity.
The Hatchetverse is full of religious themes.
Mainly Christianity based, and the name “Holoy Blane/Blame” could be a reference to “being holy and blameless” from the Bible, said by Paul the Apostle.
“He has now reconciled by the death of his body, so that he may present you holy and blameless, and above reproach in his sight.” Colossians 1:22.
Basically, Jesus died in a human body to windshield wipe away our sins, leaving us holy, blameless, and innocent.
There are three reasons for why Jesus’ violent death was the sacrifice needed to save people from their sins. He says the three reasons for Jesus’ painful death in a human body was to, one: present us as holy, for we cannot be holy without his sacrifice on our behalf, two: as we still sin in this life, his sacrifices provides forgiveness for our sins, so we are blameless, and three: something about innocence. I can’t remember, but you get the gist.
So, basically, Miss Holloway’s deal with the Lords mirrors Jesus’ sacrifice.
She sacrificed everything to keep evil at bay. She goes around, helping those who cannot find answers themselves. I’d say she also mirrors what Jesus is supposed to embody, especially considering she can literally resurrect. I would also say the Foster sisters embody the myth as well, especially when you know that Lex and Hannah are both in shop class, and Jesus was a carpenter.
The Black Book page line by line:
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leeleezee · 7 months
Hey I’m gonna try to explain an idea I’ve had
It’s about Ted and Peter Spankoffski and the bow ties.
Originally we see him with this dark red one.
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In tgwdlm Ted is still there. Not taken by Tinky yet.
Same with Abstinence Camp in Nightmare Time 2
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Nice red one and Ted is still alive in universe.
However, we don’t see or meet Ted in NPMD. Not really mentioned besides Tinky. Now the LiB are aware of a the timelines so it could have been that. Or it could have been Tinky took Ted already and Pete doesn’t like to talk about his brother who went missing. In NPMD he doesn’t have a red bow tie. It’s green plaid.
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Same with the suspenders I’m noticing. They match. Anyway, while Pete doesn’t where this classic outfit the whole show, he is wearing something different than his other two iterations.
So what if in his grief over losing his brother, Pete wears the green one that Ted got him. I have head canon that Ted bought him his first bow tie because he wanted it and I just think it’s fun. But then sad when Ted goes missing and Pete only wears the bow tie Ted got him.
And then at the end of NPMD at homecoming Pete’s wearing the red bow tie again.
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So it’s not just they didn’t have the red bow tie, right? I can’t put into smart words what it represents. But I feel it means something. I feeeeel it.
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nerdy-prude · 8 months
Let me introduce you to what I like to call The Lords in Black theory
Notice how in NPMD during The Summoning each of our remaining main characters are told something by a lord in black.
Blinky says: 'We've been watching you, Gracie. Someones been a naughty girl'
Tinky says: 'Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I'm gonna have the whole set in my toy box!'
Nibbly says: 'Stephanie, yum yum!'
Now, as we already know, Hannah is kinda like 'The chosen one' of the Hatchetfield universe. She plays a major part in BF, from the very begining she hates Wiggly. Wiggly on the other hand, is kinda like the leader of his brothers.
In Yellowjacket Hannah is fighting Pokey but she can't defeat her until Lex, a powerfull, MAJOR CHARACTER and her own sister shows up.
It seems as if all of the brothers are somehow connected to one of these major characters. All of these characters are important parts of the story and have shown to be powerful in some way. With Lex and Hannah their power is more clear since they have the gift, but think about it, we don't really know that many people who have had the Black book, even less good people who have had it.
But there is one very much good character who has had and used the Black book. Miss Holloway, everyones favorite witch lady who in every universe fights Wilbur Cross, the guy who has been described as the ultimate bad.
Now some of you might be thinking: "Okay, well that doesn't yet prove anything. There should be bigger evidence if they were actually connected. Their stories should be tied together" Well, funny you should say that! Lets take a deeper dive, shall we?
Both are the 'leaders'with the most power. Hannah and Wiggly says to her: "We just keep running into each other, don't we Hannah"
In Yellowjackect it was made very clear that Otho was incredibly powerfull and no one could defeat him. Lex did just that. Also, I am not trying to say any of the brothers are more powerfull than others (well, maybe expect Wiggly) but the thing is, we know that there is a world where Pokey wins. We know his powers. We also know Lex' powers. It would make sense that out off all of them Lex would be connected to her.
Tinky hates Ted with a burning passion, that is why he trapped him. It makes sense that he would be after his brother too. Also kinda unrelated and doesn't prove much but it would be funny that when Peter says: "I have been waiting for what feels like five ducking years and I still haven't gotten my hot chocolate" would have more meaning than just a funny bit. Almost as if he could feel that in another universe five years agohe ordered a hot chocolate and never got it. Like he could sense TIME and SPACE differently?
Whose dad has had the Black book? Oh right, Stephs! And what did mayor Solomon Lauter say abou the black book again? Wasn't it something like: " ...It comes with a price, a terrible price" and "No! I am not touching that book ever again"?
And who has a major part in organaizing the Honey Queen festival? That's right, the mayor! Who has shown multiple rimes they will do anything to keep getting elected? Who has shown to be interested in power? Who has shown to be 'Hungry'?
What if he cast a spell and Nibbly wanted her daughter as a sacrafice? What if he then gave something else. Something that made him bury the book. It might have worked for a while. But Stephanies fate was already sealed. Nibbly still wanted to have Steph tho, he tought she'd be yummy.
Ahh, Grace, Grace, Grace...
I have to admit, she was more of a mystery to me but lets SEE what we can FIND. (Laughs in Jigglypuff)
Grace is the perfect Christian girl. She never does anything wrong! But then she just snaps? She very quickly comes up with a plan on how to hide a body. Then at the end she goes after 'the souls of the pervs'. But to everyone around her she still looks like an innocent young girl. Makes you wonder what else she has hidden. Makes you wonder about the other alternative universes. Maybe Blinky was referring to many different Grace Chasities. He ment the many different things Grace has done bc of her faith and hidden from anyone elses eyes. Only problem for her is that you can't hide anthing from Blinky.
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lonelylittlebookworm · 8 months
so in celebration of NPMD going up on youtube i’ve been rewatching the hatchetfield shows, and in TGWDLM i noticed that jeff blim wears a letterman jacket with a big J on it during La Dee Dah Dah Day… which could possibly stand for Jägerman ?
because NPMD was written first, that means the character of Max Jägerman was already written when they were doing TGWDLM, and if Pete is in TGWDLM as the hot chocolate boy then maybe Max was there too ?
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Paul and Lex were authorised to use a firearm
Emma, Lex, Becky and Steph have used one
Sometime after Emma (unauthorised) uses it, the helicopter crashes and Paul leaves for the Starlight Theatre where he gets infected
Sometime after Lex (authorised) uses it, they succeed in defeating Wiggly('s cult),
But sometime after Becky (unauthorised) uses it, Hatchetfield gets nuked
Sometime after Steph (unauthorised) uses it, Grace obtains the Black Book and starts devouring the souls of people she deems pervs
In conclusion, if people unathorised to use a firearm could just Not Use One, they might get a happy ending
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shadowess · 1 month
Theory on Hatchetfield Ghosts
From what we see, the ghosts in Hatchetfield tend to be a bit, well... crazed. Here is my theory for this. See, it's pretty self explanatory with Max, he was already a literal monster when alive, and the Waylon place was enchanted by the lords in black. So yeah no wonder he became what I shall refer, a rabid dog. However, if we look at the Working Boys, those ghosts had no specific reason other than pettiness, and supporting Hidgens in his own dislike at his changes towards his musical. But if you actually think about it. A lightning strike is not a murder, there's no exact reason for them to be vengeful. However, I'd say, they were even more feral and rabid than Max was. So here is where I say, normally, a ghost is either bound to the Black or White, or even in the Void. Or as me and @thunder-birb-00 refer to it. The Second Dimension. Anyhow, whenever a ghost is left to roam Hatchetfield however, without settling in any specific afterlife dimension. They become a rabid dog. At first, they can start out like Max, more or less in control of every action they take, but perhaps a lil more trigger happy. But as time goes on, years, months, however long it takes the become more and more unhinged, deranged... until they become a danger to even their own loved ones....
Although the Lords in Black love chaos, they technically like a chaos of their own making, or influences. And such, they don't like to leave rabid ghosts too long in Hatchetfield, sure its fun for a lil while, but, Hatchetfield is their playground, not a dead spirit's.
Of course, it's more fun to let the humans get desperate enough to seek their help. They'd be willing to give away, or do anything in order to rid themselves of a rabid ghost.
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vexerieart · 1 year
The Lords in Black and their obsession with wants
I've already had the theory of tgwdlm and how it relates to wants, but NPMD takes it to a whole new level. The Lords in Black are obsessed with wants. This is easily show within the Lords in Black song, specifically the:
"whatever we want we want we want whatever we want we get, whatever you want you want you want forever in our debt!"
This line is super interesting. It even stuck out to me the first time I watched it. Once you get your want, you are indebted to the lords in black. It's a 'I scratch your back you scratch mine' scenario. And we have seen it before!
Pokey - Once you get your want within tgwdlm, that is the seal to your death. I could go into a whole in depth theory here, I have on in my google drive, but I will keep it shorter than that here. Paul originally wanted a black coffee, which we knew wasn't his actual want, and the hive tried to provide that with CORC/COPC and that would've been it, but Paul actually wants Emma and he gets the promise of Emma after the helicopter crash and gets her officially in Inevitable. Emma wanted a pot farm and to not die in hatchetfield, and to finally see paul. She got all three. Ted wanted to screw around with another man's wife and he definitely did that. Bull wanted his daughter. Charlotte wanted to be wanted/loved. They all got it and they all died. TLDR is that once anyone admitted to their want in tgwdlm, they would get it and proceed to die. It was a game of chess. Also the line "What do you want, Steph?" that is a clear mirror to TGWDLM- GOD!
Wiggly - He focuses on the want for more than you have; the want of happiness and to fill those holes. Everyone wants that, but it's more prominent in adults within Black Friday. In exchange for those holes to be filled, you give him power. You give him the means to escape and be free in your world, but you don't know that. Nothing comes free in Hatchetfield, and it isn't just the simple price of 49.95. You're in his debt.
Tinky - The want to change the Past. In exchange he drives you to insanity, satisfying his sadistic needs. Once again, not that you know that. But there is always a price to pay for a redo in time.
Nibbly - The want for Power. Not only does Roman literally channel his power from Nibbly, but it is also shown in the Honey Queen Festival itself. Anyone who ends up being sacrificed to Nibbly was hungry for power, but instead of you getting it, Roman does and it ends your life as your soul gets devoured.
Blinky - The want for knowledge / to see all. This one you might be confused by. Alice wants to be at the party and to know that her girlfriend isn't cheating on her, and the one thing holding her back is her father. Meanwhile, Bill wants to know what is going on in Alice's life so he can have a closer relationship to her. The debt that must be paid for blinky is complete corruption of your mind, as you lose sight over what is truly important. It's a game for him.
Once you have gotten what you have wanted from the lords, committed your trade, there is always a major sacrifice. But for stuff like Grace's situation, it also opens up a new door for the lords. The ability to gain valuable resources/people to serve them. Grace was such an easy person to manipulate to serve her want, to rid the world of dirty dudes, while also serving their want. The want to feed on others souls so they can wreck havoc on the world when the time comes.
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CRACK THEORY: The Hatchetfield “Show-Within-The-Show”s Are Each Hints About The Next Musical
Okay, there’s so many real-world reasons why this theory is bullshit. But it kinda’ works and it’s definitely fun, so bear with me (below the cut because it's a couple of paragraphs)
In TGWDLM, Workin’ Boys is about a group of people trapped in the capitalist (business) system, struggling with the gaping holes in their emotional/personal lives (mostly from missing each other) as time takes them away from their college selves.
While a lot of Starkid’s work critiques the capitalist system in one way or another, no show goes as hard in that direction as Black Friday. It’s all about people caught up in the capitalist grind. And Wiggly preys upon the holes created in people’s hearts by the realities of life, capitalism, grief, and the passage of time, some of the same things that plague the Workin’ Boys.
Also in Black Friday, we have Santa Claus Is Going to High School, in which Kris Kringle goes to high school and becomes a star athlete, helping Northville High go up against their nemesis South Heights. Nerdy Prudes Must Die also revolves around high school students, many of whom are caught up in a sports rivalry of their own. Also, Kris Kringle is an ancient, powerful being who assumes the form of a high schooler, just like the Lords in Black in their one Nerdy Prudes appearance.
So, pretending this theory is true, what are the ✨implications✨ of The Barbecue Monologues? They deal with the food industry, a character disconnected from their own past (I know that’s Trevor fudging his line, but whatever), and a woman who longs to perform and be the center of attention. What else in Hatchetfield ties all of that together? Who works(/has worked) in the food industry, has a shrouded past (albeit not to herself), and was likely once a performer who so cherished being known by others that the Lords in Black accepted that human connection as a sacrifice?
The next Hatchetfield musical will be about Miss Holloway.
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ratsarecute4 · 3 months
Okay, so I've seen a lot of people in this fandom with the headcanon that we never see Stephanie's mom because something happened to her and she went missing. I've seen it go one of two ways, one being that she was Honey Queen, and another being that Solomon traded her to the Lords in Black for power and his position as mayor.
I like the second one better for a couple of reasons because it gets me thinking like, when Grace, Pete, and Steph made the deal with the LiB, it was to give what they cherished most in return for stopping Max. We can assume that Solomon made a similar deal: what he cherished most in exchange for power. In npmd Solomon very obviously wants nothing to do with the Black Book, so we can assume he feels regret over the deal, and doesn't want to ever interact with the LiB again. So, what if the reason he is such a dick to Steph is because he doesn't want to love or cherish anyone again? Because the LiB can take that person from you? And that love becomes a weak point that can be used against you?
He doesn't want to cherish or love Steph, because then the LiB might try to take her away.
Either that or he's just a dick, which could well be it.
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thunder-birb-00 · 2 months
Rambling about Webby, just, humor me a tad bit
I love the Lords in Black as much as Webby, but i must have this as a little discussion about the moral goodness of Webby. She is suppose to be good but like, i just can't help but feel how off her morality is just ever so slightly, besides being a white cosmic spider.
Just for example, Wiggly is an ass. He can understand humans but chooses to use his understanding to exert his wrath, play up their insecurities, and dominate the world. Numerous times. He is in his twisted way, empathetic. But is so caught on "wanting his wrath" so like certain people, actively manipulate the human emotion and thusly making things go his way. Webby is also an ass for the Yellow Jacket saga. Hannah wants to save the world from Pokey, but Webby wants Hannah to instead cower as the inevitable occurs in Yellow Jacket. If Webby is against her brothers, why did she put no effort to stop Pokey from Apotheosising? Technically if applicable, the same can be said for Black Friday, with how Hannah can barely interpret anything Webby is saying, and because Webby can speak like a regular human, then why speak in cryptic riddles when the world was at stake from Wiggly's machinations? Again, just a thought i had in mind for a while now about Webby. It's like, she awkwardly chooses to be incompetent in times of her brothers actively destroying a timeline. Like, i felt that she is a powerful being that CAN go head to head with Wiggly or Pokey, especially Pokey because of the whole mind thing. So like... again if she's so against them... why cold feet when her brothers are causing apocalypses and hurting humans , inclusive of Hannah?
ok old soul will snooze now. -Thunder
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