#He spares nothing even for Kaeya
kanonavi · 10 months
(Spoilers for Kaeya’s Hangout)
I actually can’t believe that one route of Kaeya’s hangout is literally just everything I’ve ever wanted from the two of them interacting. The fact that Venti, Barbatos, looked Kaeya in the eye and basically said “Even though you feel lost, I will watch over you as you search for what you’re looking for” has just left me in shambles. 
The first route I played was the one where Kaeya vagued about wanting to break free from the chains of fate and not wanting to exist as a pawn in other’s schemes, and now Mondstadt’s Archon has told him to his face that he will watch over him as he searches for that freedom. I’m just insane about it. I’m insane about it! 
Because it really is the kind of thing that I think Kaeya needs to hear. He’s in a better place than he’s ever been (he has his place within the Knights and has forged friendships with them, he’s on better terms with Diluc, etc.) but clearly these kinds of thoughts still occupy his mind. And now I don’t necessarily think Kaeya knows for a fact Venti is Barbatos, but I’m certain that he of all people understands that Venti is more than he says he is. So to have this person who clearly has a deeper understanding of Barbatos than most say these things to him must serve as at least a little bit of a comfort.
I truly cannot stand to hear it said anymore that Venti doesn’t care about his people, because it just isn’t true. Venti believes in letting his people live their own lives without any heavenly micro-managing, but he still loves them so deeply. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have gone along with Kaeya’s scheme to help Grace and he certainly wouldn’t have said all of that to Kaeya. A God who doesn’t care wouldn’t go out of his way to tell a person who wasn’t even born in his nation, “I see you and your struggle, and I am with you.”
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dutybcrne · 9 months
A little known fact is Kaeya usually tends to cry out of frustration. Little known, because he tends to be so good at masking it and holding back when it comes to a head, with only Adelinde having been the one he felt comfortable enough to cry around, back in his youth.
Nowadays, he will adamantly refuse to cry in front of anyone, even those he’s closest to. But if one who knows him well enough might happen to witness his lashes seemingly fluttering as he rolls his eyes after a verbal bout with Diluc, they’ll know.
They’ll know.
#hc; kaeya#//He felt comfortable w/ Addie bc he wanted to be strong for Crepus & Luc. She was safe to confide. Nowdays; he feels ashamed to w/ her#//Back as a kid; he only (genuinely out of heavy emotion) cried in front of Crepus and Diluc ONCE; each#//Him crying crocodile tears to get something out of them is a WHOLE different story. But yeah#//Crepus; after he got scolded for going to Sumeru—bc he realized then how much the man cared. Crepus realized what it meant to him; too#//With Diluc; he never once legitimately cried in front of him up until The Confrontation#//Would make faces and almost tear up; at times yeah#//But he TRULY cried only that time; and it wasn’t even BECAUSE of Diluc himself#//It was because of Kaeya's Vision#//Kaeya had already only been in a bit of a spiral over Diluc lashing out & conflict of his loyalties; of Crepus' death & guilt of mourning#//But it’d been made worse by the Vision bc how was it KAEYA got to have a Vision & thus be saved from certain death by the gods#//But CREPUS; the good; kind man who’d taken him in and been nothing but loving to him; & courageous to the end was left to DIE?#//WHY would the gods spare a SINNER and not HIM?#//It had been too much to bear and utterly broke him in that moment; his sobs more akin to screams drowned out by the downpour#//Of others he’d cried in front of; Lisa and Rosaria are the only others. And even then; it's been AWHILE since either event#//Even with the extremely vulnerable moment he had with Jean after Diluc left; he kept it together for her#//Lisa and Rosaria both caught him while drunk and his fears and frustrations (respectively) bubbled right to the surface#//Significant others/close friends will NEVER see him actually cry unless it's MASSIVELY serious. Like; genuinely life-or-death serious#//Anywho BACK to the post's actual subject#//With Diluc; ever since he's come back; Kae gets so easily frustrated with how they can't get along; even if he gets Why it's so#//But it's much rarer for him to actually get upset enough to tear up in the moment; so unless you're LOOKING for it; it goes unnoticed#//Those times tend to coincide with when he up and decides to head out early for whatever reason#//Bc he Knows he's about to break; and thus tries to get away#//It's not really that he doesn't think Luc would care; it's that he Knows the man would be utterly Awful handling it#//And thus Kae would much rather take the L and lick his own wounds alone than let Luc's rep take a hit#//He does cry a LOT more than most people think; but Diluc actually has nothing to do with it then—it's actually over his paperwork#//It frustrates him the most of everything; esp since he'd always struggled with writing and reading; no matter the help he recieved#//In the privacy of his office compared to his lessons as a lad; he's actually able to get his frustrations out#//Which does help LOADS bc he's forced to take a break to cry it out; then continue a lot calmer after he's gotten it out of his system#//It's one of; his not his Only; healthiest coping mechanisms
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areislol · 8 months
genshin men getting reverse isekai’d into creator! reader’s world
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. fluff, although it is a gender neutral reader it does mention afab reader, lowercase intended, not proof read 🙅🏻‍♀️
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. i have been meaning to write isekai’d or reverse isekai’d fic for SO long but i’ve been busy and procrastinating so 😢 this is sagau!!
►— wordcount. 3.8k
✧ part one | ✧ part two | ✧ part three | ✧ part four | ✧ part five |more tba.. NAVIGATION
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at first, it was the genshin men who wanted you to be transported into their world. you know.. the world you’re familiar with. but somehow albedo’s machine malfunctioned and did the opposite of what it was supposed to do.
it was a normal day, well for the residents of teyvat who were just minding their own business, but not for the men who had gave away nearly all of their mora for albedo’s machine to work.
a very selected few men from each region gathered to mondstadt (sometimes it took a few days for a week to arrive there but they were determined to arrive there faster as they didn’t want to waste time).
kaeya, diluc, venti and albedo from mondstadt gathered were anticipating for the day albedo would put out the news that the machine would finally work. everyday when they had spare time or whenever they could, they would vist albedo in dragonspine and check up on the machine and ask for the good news
if albedo needed anything or needed some mora (or if he needed someone to run errands for him) they would happily oblige, anything for their grace.
zhongli, xiao, baizhu from liyue would anticipate for the news ever since they had gotten the information and letter from albedo himself as well from jean about the machine that would supposedly bring the creator to their world.
they immediately started to help with whatever they could, even travelling to mondstadt to see if there was anything they could help or provide with, if nothing they would stay for however long they could and watch albedo work on it, fiddling with their fingers or twisting their articles of clothing from anticipation, trying to hold back their excitement and joy of finally meeting their creator.
zhongli is one of the few who were your oldest worshippers, in his prime he would sculpt many statues of you, based on what the scripts had described of what the creator looked like and he was sure that it was one his most best work in his lifetime.
zhongli definitely gave albedo all of his mora, not caring if he needed them to buy food to eat, why worry about that when he has something else to prioritise? all he needed was you, to survive.
kazuha, itto, gorou, ayato, heizou and thoma from inazuma was ecstatic at the news of your soon arrival!! they spent their minutes, hours and days filled with excitement and could not focus on anything.
although ayato was calm and collected, there was no denying that deep inside he was freaking out like c’mon? the creator is finally descending? after thousands of years? and they expect him to be calm? no way.
all gave albedo and sucrose their up most help. giving him materials that would only be found in their region and not in mondstadt, for the machine. in their spare time they would fight the enemies and gather whatever they dropped and send it to albedo in the hopes that it would be a major help to the machine (it was and albedo sent his thanks in a letter).
cyno, al-haitham, kaveh, wanderer and tighnari from sumeru was shocked to say the least, at first they were wary of the news. i mean of course they believed in you, and the story of your descent but at the same time how could they trust this.. albedo person? but after getting the letter inviting them to dragonspine to see the machine for themselves and to see his blueprints, notes and so on, they agreed and once arriving, they definitely believed him.
after confirming that everything was real, they began to team up with albedo (if he allowed them but albedo was more than happy for some help as he was getting tired just from doing majority of the things with sucrose..) and helping him. kaveh was an architect so he helped albedo with the model of the machine and with al-haithams, tighnari and wanderer’s knowledge they began to make the machine more safe and reliable.
they’re all very happy and overjoyed knowing that soon they will bring their creator back to where they belong, just knowing the fact that they will soon be able to see and witness their grace in their glory and flesh was everything.
lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley, freminet and aether from fontaine was more than ecstatic upon hearing the news. lyney started to practise more with his magic tricks, trying to add more action and more of the surprise factor in his tricks so that he could impress you and hear you praise him.
neuvillette almost cried tears of joy (and flooded fontaine) at the letter albedo sent to him. just looking at the sentence “we will be able to see our grace soon, please help in anyway you can.” made his eyes water.
he started to mentally and physically prepare himself for your arrival, making sure to look his best and presentable, while also preparing for how he would greet you. a bow would do- no.. a bow where his forehead touched the ground, yes, that will do. he couldn’t wait for your arrival (even explaining to the very excited melusines too about his profound love and adoration for you).
neuvillette admired you from hundreds of years ago, hearing your stories and heroic acts made him fall more in love with you. he goes to your temple (that he made by himself) and prays every day before going to bed.
wriothesley, freminet and aether on the other hand was more calm although nervous at the same time. wriothesley (and everyone else) had heard many great stories about you, the great power you hold like no other, your kindness, your hospitality, your beauty—everything. so there was nothing else he wanted than to witness you in the flesh, although he is scared what your beauty may blind him.
aether is also anticipating your arrival, when he was younger his parents would tell him the great stories about you and how the elements came about, not only that but he has a hunch that you could possibly help him find his sister, no.. he’s positive you will.
and from the other regions, childe, capitano, dottore, pantalone, pierro and dainsleif were almost going batshit crazy once word spread that the creator was going to be teleported into their world from albedo’s machine. dainsleif could feel it in him, he could feel the shift in teyvat, the way the trees and nature around him started to be more responsive and grow more large and.. prettier?
the fatui had paused all of their plans and focused soley on you, their creator. they wanted to make sure that the archons or anyone else doesn’t reach you but.. that would be diffcult considering that a non fatui was creating this machine along with the help with so many different people from different regions.
they had always worshipped you and was hopelessly devoted to you, giving you gifts right below your statue, sometimes even ranting to you about their problems and how the archons were absolutely useless.
dainsleif was.. consumed with many emotions. he believed that he was one of your most devoted and the most loyal of them all followers. he believed that your word was law and whatever you ordered him to do or whatever order you give to anyone, they should obey. and if not he would love nothing more than to deal with them, anything for you.
altogether, they all (reluctantly cough cough the fatui, diluc, tighnari and wanderer cough cough) helped cooperate with bringing you back to the world you belong in, giving albedo thousands and millions of mora, any material from their home region, their support and so on. that was how devoted they were to you.
and finally, the day albedo and sucrose sent out all of letters telling them that the machine was ready, everybody came scurrying to dragonspine, their hearts racing in an inhumane beat, once they all arrived they were swearing BULLETS and albedo offered them all towels since he knew none of them would like to be presented to the almight creator looking… sweaty.
everybody stood around the machine, their eyes shining with excitement and their hearts beating from nervousness, and on the count to three, albedo would turn the notch and whatever came next, well, they would just have to cross their fingers and pray.
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albedo turned the notch on the machine and within a milisecond a bright light had appeared, blinding everyone as they quickly raised their arm to cover their eyes.
some started to cough as smoke filled the room, many yelling in confusion, yelling on top of their lungs if it worked to which no one replied of course, they couldn’t open their eyes nor felt anything different until their bodies started to feel all gooey like they were melting. their vision (despite covering their eyes) was going white, their mind was foggy and they were dizzy.
but after a few seconds they felt better, they felt like they were in a different place, they could sense it.. after waving their hands away to clear the smoke and before they knew it, they were in a totally different room and place. they were inside of a room, not a room from their world, their was unknown technology on a desk that they have never seen before. there was unknown stuff all around them.
they all looked around in confusion, taking in everything. “where are we?” “what is this place” “are we going to meet our grace?”
suddenly, zhongli spotted someone on the bed, sleeping calmly despite all of the ruckus they had caused. zhongli shushed everybody to which some scowled at (wanderer mainly) and before they could argue back, he pointed at you.
pointing at the sleeping figure on the bed wanderer immediately shut his mouth. it was dark so they couldn’t make out your face but no worries! your phone just lit up and everybody looked at it, curious at the light device. kazuha paid no mind to it and grabbed the strange device before shining it on your face. his breath hitched, stumbling back just a bit.
everybody else looked at your face and was stunned. their voice caught in their throats as they finally, finally saw you, their grace.
your beauty was like no other, even the little drool seeping out of the corner of your lips were adorable!
some started to sob quietly, too overwhelmed with their feelings and with the fact that they just saw their creator (neuvillette, lyney, childe and zhongli a little bit..). while everyone else was murmuring under their breaths about what they should do, you were sleepinf peacefully. and everytime you moved in your sleep everybody would tense up and hold their breaths, scared to wake you up (and scare you in you did).
but after a few minutes you did wake up, to their horror and fascination. you rubbed your eyes and looked around groggily and through the seeping moonlight through your blinds you could make out the many black silhouettes in your room, surrounding you.
freaking out, you held your breath and tried to calm yourself down, telling you that your mind was playing tricks on you but after gulping and turning on your lamp to just reassure you it was nothing, you saw many men surrounding you, wincing at the sudden light.
your jaw dropped before screaming absolute bloody murder, grabbing your pillows and (your poor) plushies and throwing it at the unknown men in your room, closing your eyes shut you prayed to god that this was just a dream when someone spoke.
his voice was dreamy and so soft although deep, like silk. it flowed smoothly like running water.
“are you alright, your grace?”
your what? opening your eyes, you could see that some of the men were grabbing a hold of your plushies while some were on the floor, meaning some did get hid while some others didn’t.
wait a minute.. as you took a closer look at the people you realise that it’s…
“zhongli..?” you mumbled, squinting your eyes to see if it was really him and there was no doubt it was really him. you could see his eyes lighting up, he seemed really happy that you said his name, it was sort of cute.
that was when childe and heizou along with others pushed zhongli, trying to get your attention as they called you their “grace” and acted really really happy to see you.
observing everyone you soon realise that all of these men are all from the very famous game you play—genshin impact. “w-wait a minute.. zhongli-“ you point at him, he nods with a tender smile, you could only smile back nervously, totally unaware of the death glares zhongli was getting.
“heizou, childe, thoma, dainsleif, xiao.. holy crap!” your eyes widen and you hop off your bed, slipping on your slippers are you look at everyone else. “this isn’t real…” you mumbled, holding your head with one of your hands. looking around once more you felt the very intense gazes of the very handsome men staring you down.
your cheeks flushed red as you took in the fact that these handsome men are fighting for your attention, and are literally standing in your room and just.. there!!
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walking back into your room, you yank the mattress with all your strength when dainsleif and xiao walked up to you, offering you help to which you shake your head at. “no i’m good, thank you though!”
everybody was waiting patiently for you as you set down the mattress.
“okay.. you guys can sit and sleep there for now.. now tell me what happened. as far as i know you two aren’t from this world, obviously because you are all from genshin impact! you know, the game?”
you said, sitting down on your bed as you watched some of them sit on the mattress while some stood beside the mattress.
they all nodded before albedo spoke. “you see, your grace, we intended to bring you back to our world because that is where you belong—the world you created.” he began, looking into your eyes to look for any reaction.
your eyes widened at his words. “me..?” you said in disbelief. “oh.. uh continue!” albedo continued on.
“and we spent many months working on the machine, and today i had finished it, i called everybody else who are in your room and i turned the notch, and there was blinding light, and then we were in your room.”
you nod your head at his words, taking in the information. “i’m just as confused as you are, your grace.” albedo reassures you, you could only give him a small smile before speaking again.
“listen i’m just.. i’m confused on why you’re you know.. calling me ‘your grace’.. i mean i understand the formalities and all but..”
zhongli and neuvillette raises their brow. “that is because, you are our creator, you created the elements, giving us visions, you carved the very world we live on, teyvat.” zhongli explains.
furrowing your brows, you tried to understand him, you really did but, you just couldn’t imagine yourself doing all of those great things zhongli explained to you.
“listen.. you probably have the wrong person and-“ “no,” everybody whips their towards dainsleif, giving him a scowl for him daring to cut their creator off.
“i can feel like, you are our creator, you.. this feeling you give me, to us, is other worldly, please.. your grace, believe me.”
dainsleif pleads, his eye(s?) staring deep into your soul, begging for you to understand. and to be honest you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes, it was tempting you and… you gave in.
gulping you closed your eyes and sighed. “i-.. fine, i may not believe that i was capable of doing all of those mountain moving stuff but i will.. you know.. just call me y/n.”
all of their eyes widen from surprise. kaveh breaks the mumurs of the men among him. “y-you would give us the honor to call you by your real name? i’m afraid we can no-“
“nuh uh, no need to call me ‘your grace’ anymore, it feels weird being called something so high..” you cut kaveh off and you could hear the collective, audible gasps from around you.
venti, heizou and kaveh (who were standing beside the mattress) basically launched themselves onto you, almost crying from happiness of the fact that you were allowing them to call you by your name.
“oh your grac- no, y/n!! it would be such an honor to call you by your name!” venti cries, hugging your body as heizou and kaveh clinged onto your arms, tears brimming their eyes.
you could only laugh nervously at the sudden affection and pat venti on the back, when you realized that this was a one in a life time experience where you actually meet these handsome (fictional but not anymore) men so you decide to hug venti back, patting his back.
“i-it’s all good venti but uh.. you’re squeezing me a bit too hard..” you managed to get out, tapping him on his arm. venti pulled back and smiled sheepishly. “oops..”
venti, heizou and kaveh got a good scolding from zhongli and dainsleif about jumping on the creator like that.
it was starting to get a bit hot and stuffy in your room so you decided to get up (with kaveh still clinging onto your arm) and walk over to the window and opening it up. feeling the cool breeze hit your face you sighed with satisfaction.
turning back around you saw all men staring right back at you. right.. you still had 23 men in your room. “uh.. so, are you guys thirsty?” you said nervously, offering them a small smile. it was your first time having a guy over at your room let alone 23!!
you don’t even know why you offered them water, you just wanted to ease the awkwardness.
they all nodded and you nod your head, making your way to the door and you could feel them staring holes into the back of your skull.
“i’ll go get some water, i don’t know if i have 23 glasses though..” and as you walked out of your room you could hear many footsteps following behind you, through the hallway and into the kitchen.
sighing, you crouched down to the cabinets and opened it, grabbing as many cups as you can. there was only 10. geez, who knew those “best child in the world” and “best co worker in the world!” would come in handy? you had 5 each, filling each of them up with cold water before passing it to thoma, xiao, neuvillette, wanderer, al-haitham, and a few others.
they were all fighting over who would get the last cup since you held that cup, it was special.
“‘kay, once you’re done drinking just wash and pour another cup for the others okay? here’s the tap and here’s the water jug.” you pointed to the water jug and once they gave you a nod of acknowledgment, you made your way back to the bedroom with zhongli following right behind you.
soon, everybody else came into your room, talking amongst one another. you plopped down on your bed and took a deep breath, taking in everything.
you were sleeping peacefully, woken up to 23 handsome men in your room, threw pillows at them, sat down and talked to them about their situation, offered them water and a place to sleep. yeah.. what a day.
“everything alright, your- y/n? i know it’s a lot to take in i… i want to apologize. is there anything i or we can do to make it up to you?”
turning your head, you faced zhongli and smiled softly. “no, it’s okay, if anything im worried for you guys.. i mean how do you feel? you’re not home anymore and i don’t know how long it’ll be until you guys go back home.”
the men hum and agreement and started to question when they will come back home. that was until neuvillette spoke up.
“but, y/n, we worship you and devote our entire selves for you.. i mean yes we would miss our positions but being with you is much more meaningful.
hm. interesting.. you thought to yourself. they seem very fond and loyal to you. it was cute. yawning, you blinked away your sleepy tears and hummed, making yourself more comfortable in your bed.
“blankets and pillows are in the closet right behind the mattress, make yourself at home..” you mumbled sleepily. “if.. if there’s no more space then you can sleep with me, i can only fit two or three people.”
honestly, who on earth would offer that? but you couldn’t pass this opportunity with these handsome men!! so why not?
everybody’s eyes widen at this offer. some of them scrambling to get onto your bed to sleep by your side, dainsleif, zhongli and neuvillette were pulling back heizou and venti back onto the mattress, knowing they would probably be up to no good next to you.
the ones who managed to get on your bed was childe and xiao, yes, xiao. he wasn’t trying to fight for a spot though (kind of was..) but he accidentally pulled away kaveh instinctively and landed him a spot beside you!!
childe sighed happily and snuggled up close to you, while xiao laid on the bed motionless, it kind of scared you.
“it feels so nice to be by your side y/n~” he mumbled, holding onto your arm, xiao scowled at him—staring daggers at childe. “don’t be so jealous, you’re beside them too you know..”
xiao narrows his eyes before staring up at the ceiling again. even though it was dark you noticed how he seemed to be blushing, was xiao always this cute?
the rest of the men had to sleep on three different mattresses, some even sleeping on the floor because they refused to sleep beside some people. most people ignored itto because he snored, really.. really loudly. he kept you up until 3 am.
you knew you were way too calm when reacting to this situation but then again, you have been a big fan of genshin impact for years now.. and you were crushing on all of them!! you would always wish on the very same bed you’re sharing with childe and xiao, that you could meet them, even if it was in your dreams.
so now that you could actually feel, look and talk to them.. you decided to take this opportunity and try to become as close with them as possible.
even if they have to leave in the end, you want to create many happy memories.
> ✧ part two
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note: THIS WAS SO RUSHED AND DOESNT MAKE SENSE I KNOW IM SORRY 😭😭 i promise next part will definitely be better 🙏🏻 as i said before this is not proof read so excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes 😢
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls if im missing anyone please tell me because i have an inkling feeling i missed a few..
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!!
another note: I CAN ONLY ADD 30 TAGS? GOD
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luxxid · 1 year
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꒰ characters ꒱ ayato, al haitham, diluc, kaeya, heizou, tartaglia, scaramouche x fem!reader
꒰ warnings ꒱ mdni, smut, riding, vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), semi-public sex
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ayato absolutely adores fingering you out in public, usually in places where you least expect it. he loves the thrill of the unexpected, and the feeling of adrenaline it brings. his demilune shaped fingernails grazing your glutinous walls. the table covering the filthy acts occurring under it. he loves to make sure that you too feel the thrill of the unexpected, as his nails move deftly over your body, drawing out sensations you never thought possible. he loves watching beads of sweat fall off of your forehead, forcing the moans to stay put in your mouth. he loves to make sure your heart races with anticipation as his fingers masterfully explore every inch of your body, taking you to a place you have never been before. his touch electrifies your senses, leaving you wanting much more. don't worry! if you've been a good girl, he'll reward you the second the both of you get home
al haitham loves fucking you to oblivion in the depths of the akademiya's library. the sound of skin slapping emitted throughout the wide room. his fat cock pumping inside your prodding hole, not even sparing a single moment to recollect yourself. al haitham's viridescent eyes are filled with lust and intensity, the sage didn't let a minute to waste, making sure your mind were blasted until you had your tongue out like a dirty bitch. crescent shaped nails dug deep into your thighs, leaving purple-scarlet marks. a sly smirk spread over his ephebic face. the knots in your stomach kept tangling itself even more, white halos formed around his pointy tip, being the cocky man he is, he would pull away at the last moment, making you spill tears of displeasure, revelling in the sensation of a shattering orgasm.
diluc loves to fuck you on his chair. the lumber material creaking with every thrust he made to your coaxing slit. gashing his aeonic length into you pertinaciously. he devoured you with fiery passion, his fervour intensifying with every stroke of his insatiable desire. tepid digits surrounded your naked waist. pleading moans echoed throughout the chamber as you melted in his arms, succumbing to the tender pleasure of his presence. diluc gently moved in and out of you, carefully caressing your inner walls with his long, soft thrusts. his torrid lips gently pressed against yours as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. his hands ran through your hair as you both moved in sync, lost in the moment.
heizou adores to fuck you in his office, precisely on his desk. all the research papers scattered on the floor. but he didn't care, all he was focused on was you, and your fruity cunt. his tongue did wonders— to say at least. lapping at your folds restlessly, both of his palms settled on your waist. crimson bites scattered all over your thighs. all he wanted to relish in was the pretty clit of yours and your ethereal moans. your hands kept tugging on his auburn locks, pretty tears clamping out of your eyes. he didn't want to waste a single second, he wanted to savour every moment of it - his tongue running circles around your precious clit and your gasps of pleasure causing an even deeper passion within him. his caresses and kisses making you lose yourself in the pleasure of it all, only to be found in his arms.
kaeya finds it entertaining to ruin your innocence, on his chair. two pretty thighs on top of his own, two hands on his shoulders as he held your waist with his frigid lissoms. his lean figure smirking as he caught the perception of your weeping form. riding his cock so good and nicely, he lights dimmed, and the air smelling of the exotic perfumes. you felt the sensation of pleasure radiating from the inside of your body and his as you both moved in perfect harmony. he would teasingly push faster, his hands dragging your curves and his firm lips pressing against yours as the intensity of your orgasm grew. you were in a trance, lost in the moment, completely entranced and unable to control your moans and groans.
tartaglia absolutely loves to obliterate his vulnerable angel whilst present in a meeting with the fatui. his fingers soaked in your weeping, slick cunt. oh his fingers were just— splendid. the ginger locked male had his eyes on you, smirking at your dumbfound figure. stuttering at every word pointed towards you. several eyebrows were raised at your contour— several except one. he definitely enjoyed the discomfort and embarrassment he caused you, relishing the sight of your distress. plummeting his finger even more into your cunt, soaked with your juices. you were so cute like this, weren't you? he was entranced by your vulnerability, savouring the moment as you struggled to keep your composure. his fingers were like a brush, painting over your innermost depths, as he delighted in your blissful expression.
scaramouche find the idea of completely ravaging your blubbery cunt on his chair. his angry red tip nibbing your clit, stimulating the nerves which transported pure pleasure and euphoria. his fingers delicately touching every curve and fold of your body, as his tongue gently teased and tantalized with pleasure, sent shivers of delight down your spine. degrading your every breath and move. each knot made was a step closer to your release, but knowing the male, he would extract his fingers right then and there. leaving you with no choice but to beg for it. his actions were relentless, forcing you to succumb to his every desire, while knowing no matter how much you begged, the pleasure would be denied until he deemed it was time.
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
synopsis: they ignore you after an argument
characters: childe, ayato x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationships, mentions of injuries/ burns in childe’s
notes: since the other one did so well, i decided to make a part two. i was originally going to add dainsleif but these were both over 1k words each, so if i do another part he’ll probably be in it
part 1 (scaramouche, yelan), part three (xiao and heizou), part four (kaeya and alhaitham)
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You and Childe had been dating for quite awhile and were friends for even longer before you made it official.
And while you weren’t a part of the Fatui, you respected his work and stayed out of it…for the most part, anyway.
Recently, he had been coming home more and more injured each night and you were growing increasingly worried about him and his job. You loved and respected him, but you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t getting upset about his work.
When you finally brought your worries up to him, he blew up on you telling you things like “You need to stay out of my work life,” “What happens to me doesn’t concern you,” and “You could never understand.”
Admittedly, it probably wasn’t the best time seeing as he had just had a really rough week, but you knew it was better sooner than later. The last thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to leave for work one day and not come back home because he got killed.
After a long period of yelling back and forth and getting no where with each other, he stormed out of your shared home without a word and left you standing alone in your house.
Whenever you and Childe had an argument, it wasn’t uncommon for him to go out and train or practice sparring to blow off some steam. So, you let him do his thing and decided that he would probably just come back later and you guys could talk it out like the responsible adults you were.
Much to your dismay, Childe never did return and apologize like he normally would. Because, while he did come back, he didn’t utter a word to you. He merely brushed you off when you asked if you could talk to him and went into your shared bedroom and locked the door. Of course, you had tried knocking a few times to see if he would come out, but it was to no avail.
This went on for the following few days as well.
He would come home and hang his stuff up and then return to his work or to train outside, not even sparing you a glance. Even when you tried to talk to him, he would just stare ahead with a smug smile on his face as if he was mocking you.
Though, it eventually became crystal clear that he was, in fact, mocking and ignoring you. When you made dinner, he would push it away and cook his own. When you would try to snuggle up to him at night because it was too cold, he’d lightly push you off and scoot closer to his own side of the bed.
Even when you had a rough day and wanted nothing more than to have him hold you, he would return that same smug smile and ignore you. And if you tried to talk to him, he would make sure your shoulders bumped as he walked past you to really rub in the fact that he wasn’t going to listen to you.
Today in particular, you were becoming quite frustrated with him. When you had woken up, he was getting ready for work. He even made sure to flash his bandages at you since he knew how worked up you had gotten about them. You even saw the way he nearly laughed at your frown. But all you did was shove down your anger and turn away from him.
Instead, you decided to go pick up groceries for the week and run a few other errands to de-stress. And when you returned home, you decided you would make yourself your favorite food. It’s not like Childe liked it anyway, so there was at least one bonus to him not eating your food.
You put away your groceries and got to cooking. It was going pretty well, though the thought of your argument was still lingering in the back of your mind. Somewhere amidst your cooking, Childe had returned home which brought the argument to the forefront of your mind.
How long was he going to continue ignoring you? It’s not like the argument was your fault anyway. No one could blame you for looking out for your boyfriend’s safety, after all, it was out of love.
Suddenly, a painful burning sensation spread across your hand and a loud scream escaped your mouth followed by a string of curses. The tears that had been unknowingly building up in your eyes had now escaped and flowed down your face as you grasped your hand tightly.
At some point when you were lost in thought, you had accidentally grabbed the burning hot handle of a metal pan and burned your hand. You didn’t even notice the worried Childe now bent down on the floor in front of you asking what happened.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you up to the sink, turning on some cold water and carefully placing your hand underneath it before rushing off to find some first aid supplies. Once your crying had ceased and your hand was taken care of, he sat you down on the couch while he grabbed you some water.
He glanced around the room as you downed your water, now feeling quite awkward at the silence, contrary to how he was acting the rest of the week. You sat the cup of water down and stared down at your bandaged up hand and away from his gaze.
You gulped down your nervousness before softly speaking, “Are you done ignoring me now?”
Though he should’ve felt it days ago, guilt rushed over Childe and he snapped his eyes toward your own with a sad look in his eyes. A sadness you felt he had no right to feel.
He opened his mouth to respond but closed it just as quick, blanking on what to say to you. He didn’t have an explanation for what he did and wasn’t sure how he could make it up to you.
You shoulders dropped and you huffed out a sigh before getting up and turning to go to your room, “Nevermind, it was pointless to ask.”
Childe stood up quickly, nearly falling over at the sound of your dejected voice, “Y/n! Wait, I-”
He grabbed your shoulder and gently turned you around, quickly embracing you in a tight hug, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ignored you like I did and I shouldn’t have waited till you got hurt to stop it. Please forgive me, y/n, I’m so sorry.”
You returned his embrace but pulled back to look at him, too tired to argue with him, you spoke, “Why don’t you help me finish cooking and then we can talk over dinner?”
He nodded with a warm smile. Childe was never good at apologizing, you knew that well. Yet, you couldn’t help the way your heart warmed at the way he tried for you.
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Ayato and you had been together for a long time, having both been prominent figures in Inazuma. Naturally, the two of you got along well and eventually began dating.
You shared a similar nature of hardwork that often resulted in overworking yourself, and because of that, you guys made it a rule to keep each other in check and take care of one another.
Recently, however, Ayato was overworking himself again with marital affairs and some international stuff. So, you decided to check up on him and try to get him to take a break, even if it was just for an hour or two.
But contrary to how he would normally react, he lashed out at you and called you overbearing and annoying. He even told you that you checking up on him the way you do makes him feel even more stressed.
Stunned at his words, you silently hid your tears and trembling lip as you hurried out of his office to leave him alone.
It had only been a day since your argument, yet, Ayato was still locked up in his office. You were too nervous to knock on the door or even see him, so you tried your best to avoid him for a bit. Though, that obviously couldn’t last forever.
Your first encounter was at breakfast.
Thoma had made a big and delicious breakfast for all of you to enjoy and you were hoping it was going to give you the chance to talk to him. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t talk to you. Instead, he spoke to Ayaka the entire time and even had Thoma join you guys.
When you had asked for him to pass you the teapot, he simply side-eyed you and acted like he didn’t hear you. Ayaka and Thoma were quick to glance between the two of you with puzzled expressions. Luckily, Thoma was nice enough to grab it for you to avoid the awkwardness.
For the remainder of breakfast, you kept to yourself and ate in silence, not even looking up at everyone else.
Your next encounter with him was when you were passing by him in one of the main areas of the Estate. You had been carrying a stack of papers to bring to Ayaka when you had tripped and dropped them, allowing them to scatter across the floor.
Ayato had been walking out of his room at the same time only to witness the entire thing happen.
Normally, he would be quick to get on his own knees and help you gather the sheets of paper and make sure you were okay. However, since he was seemingly ignoring you, he merely stopped to stare down at you before walking past you and around the papers.
You just sighed and continued picking them up as he walked past, wondering why he was acting like this.
The final encounter was the same night when you guys had guests over for business. There were around ten to fifteen of them, and they weren’t people you had met before.
Usually, Ayato would have you standing close to him with an arm around your waist or have his own arm linked with yours, but tonight there was a rather unusual distance placed between the two of you. You were sure even the guests could see it.
Regardless, you tried your best to appear normal with a bright smile on your face and politely answering any questions. Unfortunately, you couldn’t help the fidgeting of your hands or the way your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. You just hoped the guests couldn’t see it.
It felt like they were going to be there forever as you sat distanced from Ayato. While you pretended to be paying attention to what they were saying with the occasional nod or smile, you were really just lost in thought over how to fix whatever it was that was going on between you and your boyfriend.
He was barely even acknowledging you, and it almost seemed like you weren’t even there. You didn’t even look like his partner.
Having had enough, you got up to excuse yourself to use the restroom. But on your return back to the room, you had stopped as you heard two of guests, who you recognized as being an older husband and wife, gossiping to themselves in hushed voices.
“Archons, have you seen Lord Ayato’s s/o? They don’t even look like they should be with him!” The man laughed, his wife quick to join in.
“I agree, at least it’s obvious he’s not that interested in them anyway. I give it a good few weeks before he finally breaks up with them and he marries someone actually worth his time.”
You clenched your fists and attempted to stop the tears from falling from your eyes as they continued to talk. You, on the other hand, turned around and rushed to your and Ayato’s shared bedroom.
After what you had just heard, you couldn’t be bothered to stick around for the rest of the night, especially with the new found thought of Ayato breaking up with you now plaguing your mind.
When twenty minutes had passed, Ayato had begun to get suspicious of where you were. Sure, he was supposed to be ignoring you, but you didn’t normally take this long and he was worried. After all, he was still your boyfriend.
His eyes darted around the room at all the guests while his mind was beginning to fill with ideas of how to kick the guests out without it becoming obvious he wanted them gone.
He gulped down his thoughts and stood up out of his seat and fixing his attire before pretending to look at what time it was on the clock, “Ah, I do sincerely apologize, but it is getting quite late. Perhaps, we can all meet another time?”
The guests looked toward the clock as well before agreeing with him and grabbing their coats and other belongings. A fake smile remained plastered on Ayato’s face as he walked the guests out and bid them a goodnight.
As soon as they were gone, his nonchalant facade dropped and he was quick to rush back inside to search for you. When he couldn’t find you anywhere, he hurried to check your shared bedroom.
When he had slid open the door, he found you curled up on the bed under the covers and lightly sniffling to yourself. Alarmed at the sight, he rushed to your side and bent down to meet your face.
You were quick to cover your face with the covers and turn over to the other side, not wanting to face him. Ayato’s shoulders dropped as he let out a sigh and walked over to the other side and sat down next to you.
Carefully removing the glove off of his hand, he gently grabbed the covers and pulled them down to see your face, “Y/n, please look at me…”
Finally looking him in the eyes, he was able to inspect your tear stained face. His heart broke at the sight and he moved closer to you, but you moved back, “What do you want, Ayato?”
“What happened?” he whispered.
“What happened is you’ve been ignoring me all day. You wouldn’t even look at me! You ignored me at breakfast, you ignored me in when I dropped those papers, and you ignored me when those guests were here!” you took a breath before staring down at the bed, “And the guests…the guests-”
“The guests..what? What did they do?”
You stared down at your hands with blurred eyes, “I heard them talking about us when I came back from the bathroom. They…they said that you were going to break up with me and that I wasn’t worthy of you.”
Ayato was quick to wrap his arms around you and bring you closer to him, “Don’t listen to them. They don’t know what they’re talking about, they don’t even understand business! I love you, y/n, and I’m sorry for ignoring you like I did. It was childish and it went too far. I didn’t mean anything I said to you, I don’t think you’re annoying or overbearing, so please don’t listen to any of that or think that you aren’t worthy of me.”
“So…you aren’t going to break up with me?”
“Archons, no. I’m never going to leave you, y/n,” Ayato reassured you, “Now, c’mon, let’s go to bed and we can talk more in the morning.”
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tenjikyu · 7 months
𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘬 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 ����𝘰𝘮𝘦 - 𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘬𝘪 - 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ really angsty with some fluff at the end , male!reader throughout the entire series .
tag list :@wanderchive @wanderer-baizhu-simp @gimmealamp @mis-disaster @remi-appalace @lucianidealz @sleepdeprivedpotato @unemiart @heejinsong @kiiyoooo @sweett-heartzz @camryn-ciel67 @aruaruaru @danika-redgrave124 @ravencalamity @snowcatlove @bunbunboysworld
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it’s been awhile since diluc had seen his little brother’s face, and from the moment he stepped into the manor he knew something was up.
he noticed it in your eyes, the colour dimmed down and that childlike glint lost into the depths of your coloured iris’. he saw your eyebags, weighing down your once flawless skin. he noticed your attitude, expecting a big hug and questions of his wearabouts, however he received nothing more then a harsh glare and a quiet “i’m going out, see ya”, not even sparing him a second glance. you just walked out the door, not a care for his presence.
what a familiar sight that was, only the brothers roles had been reversed. just how much had he fucked up, and what was left of yourself to apologise to?
you laid your head on the young bards thighs, his fingers dancing upon his lyre with a gentle breeze forming in the winds. your tears stained your cheeks, however you made no attempt to wipe them, as a soft white feather came down before your fingers could reach and wiped them away for you.
“what should i do barbatos? i’m lost” you whispered gently, the gods ears picking up every word as your lips moved.
lord barbatos knew the answer, however he knew you may not take his answer lightly. you were only getting colder, showing even less signs that your old self was still present in your husk of a body.
for now though, his thin fingers would continue to caress your head, stroke your hair and keep you close. for now, he would do his best to stand in as your light in the dark, your safe place.
lord barbatos knew, deep down in his soul, that you weren’t just unhappy, you were utterly shattered and no amount of apologies, gifts or explanations could repair what your brothers had caused you.
for now though, he wants you to just continue holding onto whatever you can of your sanity.
you wandered aimlessly around the streets of mondstadt, dragging your shoes against the pavement and sulking to yourself. the lingering numbness that never left your side since that fateful day was a lot more rowdy then usual, thumping in your stomach. how much longer should the gods make you suffer like this? how many tears will you shed on that bards shoulder until you finally feel at ease? how many times do you have to push away diluc before he takes the hint that he can’t fix this??
making your way back home to the manor, you dreaded what awaited you.
it was the same thing every time you made it home.
diluc would be sitting in the dining room chair, mulling over how to approach you. he’d give you an apologetic smile, open up his arms.
and you’d shove him away, just like every other night.
that shut diluc down, and so kaeya continued.
both of them fell silent upon heading a third party enter the tavern…
“ he left.” was all venti spoke.
it was only just above a whisper, red strains in his eyes indicating tears had recently filled his vision not long beforehand.
“i didn’t stop him, he just picked up a bag, said his goodbyes to me and headed towards liyue. my best guess? he’s either headed towards inazuma to be as far away from this mess that you both have created, or he’s headed towards fontaine using liyues route, as an attempt to throw the both of you off his track.”
and then, the sounds of the dieties shoes exited the tavern.
the two contrasting brothers could only stare in utter disbelief at the bards words, but then,
they ran.
almost in sync with eachother they raced towards the manor i’m a rush unlike any other they had ran.
kaeya had never run so fast and diluc had never felt so ill. both of them could only pray to the gods above that there would be some form of evidence of your whereabouts once they arrived back at the manor.
and they were completely out of luck.
your bedroom had been destroyed beyond repair. diluc hadn’t entered your bedroom once since his return, in hopes to give you as much privacy as possible and kaeya hadn’t even entered the place since the fight.
your bedsheets were mauled, almost as if a boar had trampled on them. your clothes were everywhere, only your staple clothes seemed to no longer be in the room. notes upon notes with incomprehensible writings but obviously very emotional statements were scattered around them. your walls had marks and scratches from furniture denting them, plates and cutlery were stacked on your desk and finally,
you. you were gone.
for the first time 3 years, diluc held his brother as he broke down in your bedrooms floor, his own body suddenly to heavy for his legs to withstand.
and unfortunately for them, it would be a long time before they ever got to see you again.
you had finally made it to the entrance of the court of fontaine, only your bag in hand as well as a melusine next to you, guiding you to your new home that you had purchased with some of the mora you.. obtained while back in mondstadt.
“here it is! this apartment unit has been on the market for awhile considering it’s price! i’m surprised a foreigner was the one to claim it! all the furniture is already in the house, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. here’s the keys!” the ever so kind melusine handed to you.
not having the heart to be rude to such a sweet creature, you gave her a gentle smile and she skipped away. with a deep breath, you decided to head into your house..
or you tried to, anyways.
“hello there good sir! it’s lovely to meet you! we live close by and thought we’d introduce ourselves.” the hyperactive man in front of you spoke.
sighing to yourself internally, you decide it’s better to start off on a good foot over a bad foot when it came to your neighbours.
“my name is lyney, and this is my lovely twin sister lynette! we have a younger brother too, however he is currently out diving at the moment, so he couldn’t be here to greet you. both my sister and i would love to have you come to one of our shows that we’re performing in two days time! here’s a free ticket.” he winks to you, handing you a ticket, lyneys (seemingly reserved) sister only sighed at his antics.
“thank you.” you you muttered. “now may i please enter my house? i’d like to see it” you say with a.. slightly irritated tone, however neither of them payed much mind to it.
“of course, mon chéri! but only if you let us in for tea” he once again winked at you with a sly smile.
you knew should have just shut the door in his face when you had the opportunity…
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chastiefoul · 10 months
frozen in time | kaeya
back with kaeya angst word count: 1.1k words theme: neglect, regret
gone were the days where he looked at you and saw his world, and somehow he’d always find a way to remind you of that fact.
and today is just the last straw.
when you first started dating him, you wondered how could kaeya never get tired of sweet-talking and complimenting you and the answer came as naturally as breathing for him, you deserve it. now that a few years passed, and his song of praises gradually dulled.. in-between exasperated sighs and spaces, was he implying that you have become someone who is not worthy of it anymore?
 “kaeya, will you come home early today?” you asked, voice still laced with sleep as you catch him already up and about in the break of dawn. funny how quickly things change. he used to be the hardest person the get rid of when you wake up in the morning as he cling into you until the very last second where he’d be late to work. but now even the hold of his arms when sunrise peeked is turning into a rare occasion.
the question lingered in the air, enough for it to sink into you how you’re now so accustomed in asking a question you never thought would be asking. kaeya who’d be running home the second his job allowed him to, spring on his step now barely come home early, now most often than not reeks of booze when coming home and you no longer have the heart to ask why. Not when the man seemed to be avoiding your shared house like a disease, going to work early, coming home late.
though sometimes a little bird with the title outrider would always tell you that kaeya drinks alone, it feels like it doesn’t mean anything anymore. nothing does, when he’s not by your side; and you’re starting to think that it’s not the case for him. kaeya has changed and unfortunately not for the better, not for you anyway. but you’re sure the knight of favonius hq was cheering now that the cavalry captain seemed to be taking his job more seriously.
he sighed, you stiffed slightly. he’s been doing that too many times these days, so loudly that you knew he’s making sure you heard it. making sure you know what you’ve asked inconvenienced him. “there’s a lot of work i need to catch up on,” he said coldly, tidying himself in front of a mirror, not sparing even a glance at you. your stomach tightened at the tone no matter how many times you’ve heard it, “okay, um.. well i’m planning making your favorite meal today for dinner, can you try?” you asked softly, another one of your many wasteful efforts to spend time with him, or lately, it feels like you wanted to reassure yourself that kaeya still loves and wanted to be with you. but why is it that each day the only reassurance you’re getting is that you’re being completely wrong?
no good morning or night, nothing of his gentle voice when speaking to you as he couldn’t seem to get his hands off you, no more of sweet nothing whispers, no more of... everything.
every day you keep building a hope that today will be different, that his reponse to something will be different, will get less cold but alas, those expectations keep being crushed by the man himself; leaving you to almost nothing to hang on onto this strained relationship except for the most important reason of all—that  you love him. so completely utterly in love with him. however you’re not sure you can keep doing that when he slowly but surely showed that he perhaps no longer feel the same.
he let out another of his signature annoyed sigh. How many times must you be reminded that now kaeya thinks talking to you is a chore?
“i can’t, (y/n), just.. drop it okay?”
you knew that one, a rhetorical question he had expected the answer to, assuming that you’d be okay with that. well, you thought that maybe it’s finally time to tell him that you were definitely not okay. “no, kaeya, i will not drop it this time, what is it today? another drinking session that’s why you can’t come home early?”
he’s quiet for a moment.
“can you really blame me? the house feels a little suffocating lately.”
that stung. oh that stung like a bitch.
because you were there. the unsaid words were clear the second he let out those words and he knew that because his face turned into one of ‘fuck i didn’t mean to say that’ so quickly. regret apparent on his features.
you didn’t even know how else you’d react to this horrible revelation that you just laughed. but instead of joy that it emitted, it just sounded incredibly painful. the back of your eyes felt burning, the lump on  your throat hurts. his hands reached out to you but the thought of him touching you right that second just felt revolting. “don’t. even.” you whispered, gritting your teeth.
“(y/n), i-“ kaeya started and you just had enough. you’ve heard him talk for far too long. “no. you felt suffocated by this relationship? tough. i felt unloved and unwanted for the past few months and you don’t see me drinking my life away at some bar.  you know what i did? i tried. i fucking tried, kaeya. i woke up earlier so maybe we can talk more, i visited you at work to bring lunches even when what greeted me was a ‘thanks’ you muttered to your documents, i organized the file of work you brought home when you accidentally slept on your desk, i tried making your preferred meals for dinner in hope you’d come home and spend time with me like we used to, i-“ you took a deep breath, your voice had become so shaky from the threatening sobs of cries.
you covered your crying face with your palms, not giving him the luxury of your defeated face, the face of someone who tried and lost.
“i give up, kaeya. the house feels suffocating? then i’ll leave.” you whispered, tears streaming down your face as you started to go to your shared room, wanting to pack up your stuff. kaeya who has been stunned for the past two minutes, processing your outburst finally snapped out of his trance. remorse and sorrow were all over his face as the usually calm and collected male panicked.
“honey, wait please. fuck. i’m sorry. (y/n), please, don’t leave.” he followed you closely, knowing his place and didn’t dare to touch you. you kept adding clothes to your bag, packing as lightly as possible cause the main thing for you that second was to get away from him, get away from that house that was full of your past and memories.
beside you kaeya kept apologizing multiple times, yet it’s all like a jumble of noise in your head. he kept hovering over you until the last step before the door.
“please, i can’t live without you,” his voice was incredibly weak, strained and would absolutely made you caved in if it was a few weeks ago, before all his actions proved otherwise and your presence there was not a welcomed one.
“kaeya, you haven’t been living with me at all for the past few months except when we’re asleep, i think you can get used to me not being there pretty quickly, you’re very good at that, right?”
your words once again left the man stunned, he's having a hard time finding words that would make all of this a bit more okay however it would be the same as sticking a band-aid on a stabbed and bloody stomach. it doesn't fucking work.
you stared at the man who once made you believed he loved you. anger, frustration, and betrayal all flooded in your chest but above all of that it's just sorrow.
you left, not looking back even once.
part 2.......?
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seineko · 1 year
diluc ragnvindr x reader
warnings: none, just fluff, diluc just raising my standards higher by the second.
happy birthday, mr husband. thank you for making me simp so hard that i can't even concentrate on studying for my semester exams tomorrow. WHAT IS THAT BIRTHDAY ART?! IT'S ILLEGAL.
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the whole of mondstadt witnessed how their uncrowned king fell in love.
for them, it was like watching a romance movie, seeing how the main character slowly changed, bit by bit.
at first, the glance that was directed at you was of indifference, diluc just noting what drink you wanted as you stuttered it out from beside lisa, pushing your drink towards you before tending to another customer.
then was the look that showed acknowledgement when lisa introduced you as a junior from sumeru, who came to mondstadt to work under her. all he did was nod, sparing you a glance. nothing more, nothing less.
the next change in the way he looked towards you was something a lot of people noticed, but only one witnessed. the way he looked and acknowledged you with respect everytime you passed him, giving a small nod whenever your gazes met. the reason will always remain a mystery to the people of the city of freedom.
not to a certain cat allergic archon, though. he did not mean to pry, but who in their right mind would ignore a scene that played straight out of a novel when you happened to stumble upon it? not him, definitely.
so he watched, slowly sipping from his bottle as you patched the cat that diluc was holding, eyes blown wide with panic but hands as steady a mountain. he did not know what happened before, but it wasn't hard to guess.
though, even the bard wasn't so nosy as to look on when diluc's gaze shifted from the cat to you.
the change from respect to adoration was gradual, but not subtle by any means.
the more the time the two of you spent together, the stronger the gaze grew. it still held the respect from before, but the adoration just settled in alongside it, never to leave.
it was kaeya who got to witness the addition of absolute tenderness in his brother's eyes. he was heading back towards his quarters after a stroll with sister rosaria, that's when he noticed you both, lost in each other's embrace. so much so that even as a drunkard passed you, loudly singing, neither of you even showed a sign of breaking the hug.
the tenderness directed towards you when the hug finally broke sent kaeya back to his childhood, when his big brother had almost the same look but directed towards him. that was when he knew that the dark knight hero did not have any plans to let you go.
affection that made it's way into the eyes of the eldest son of ragnvindr was what adelinde noticed first.
the night was cold, strong winds and heavy rain hit mondstadt. she was waiting for the winery's master to come back, towel ready in hand.
soon enough, he did return but with his hand clutching onto a figure behind him, both panting heavily as their clothes dripped the water down onto the carpet.
ever the gentleman, diluc thanked her politely before grabbing the towel from her hands and leading you towards the fireplace, making you sit in front of it while drying your hair with the towel in his hands.
the head maid was about to leave but the look in her young master's eyes made her feet freeze to the ground, heart fluttering as she witnessed them shine after almost 4 years.
adelinde hoped with all her heart that you would never leave the red haired man behind before she strolled back to her bedroom.
the love that spread into his gaze was for only you to witness.
love that sent your head reeling as soon you your eyes fluttered open, still in his embrace as he slowly cupped your cheek. the small, soft smile that settled onto his face was enough to send your heart into a rampage, feeling both as if you're drowning but also as if the you took a breath of the most fresh air this world possibly had to offer, simultaneously.
the chuckle that left him when you cuddled into his embrace, hiding your face in his chest, did not make it any better.
your situation only worsened when he pressed a sweet kiss onto your head and pulled you closer, whispering;
'wish i could stay like this forever.'
this man was a hazard to your heart.
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©2023 by seineko @ tumblr
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kiri-tatsu · 1 year
The final droplets of my patience
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He's been busy lately, and you just wanted to talk with him.
cw/tw- hurt no comfort, you leaving them, gn!reader, not proofread
part 2
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The acting grand sage wanted nothing more than to go home and rest after a long day of work. His eyes had begun to droop on his way home, but he still stood up straight.
As he unlocked the door to his home, he sighed, finally home only to be greeted by his angry partner with their hands on their hips. An apprehensive expression upon their face, "Hey Haitham, can we talk?"
But he didn't really feel like talking or doing much, so he just reached up and instead turned on his noise-canceling on his headphones, as he began to take off his shoes before he got any further into the house.
You felt frustration well up into your chest as you stomped over before pulling his headphones down to his neck. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"
Alhaitham rolled his eyes, "And I'm ignoring you, can you not use your eyes to see that? Can't you go bother Kaveh or something [Name]?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you retracted your hand from him and crossed your arms.
"Kaveh isn't my boyfriend, you are. Now will you listen to me?" Alhaitham pinched the bridge of his nose as he glanced to you. "Well if I knew you were this annoying and can simply see how tired I am, I wouldn't have asked you to be my significant other."
Your heart sang to your stomach as you stared at him with a look of pure disbelief. Inhaling sharply, your throat suddenly felt dryas you nodded while rubbing your clammy hands on your pants.
"I understand..." And with that you picked up your shoes by the door, and left through the door without even sparing another glance. Like always Alhaitham knew you'd be back later, after any squabble or small petty arguments, you always came back and he opened his arms to only you.
With a sigh, he just continued to go to his room so he could see, if he sees you in the morning, then he'll apologize and then everything would be fine again.
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Balancing being the Darknight hero and still trying to make time to be present at Angel's Share at times, he just wanted nothing more than to collapse in his warm bed with his beloved.
He entered Dawn Winery with a sigh, his shoulders slumping as he breath a sigh of relief, somewhere where he felt safe enough to be vulnerable.
He closed the door behind him as quietly as he could as he just came back from his Darknight hero duties of protecting Mondstadt. But nearly jumped as someone cleared their throat from behind him as a lamp was clicked on.
"And just where have you been? Returning at such unholy hours in the night." He turned around as he gave a small breath of relief, "It's just you [Name], I thought someone broke it."
"Aren't you going to answer my question?" Well, as much as he wanted to tell them, he still never came out to anyone beside the Traveler and Paimon about being the Darknight hero.
"Apologies [Name], but I don't think I can... At least for your safety," with a click of your tongue, you stood up, and only now could he see that you were fully dressed up as if you were going somewhere. "[Name]?"
"Until you can learn to be truthful to be, I will be staying elsewhere Diluc. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night seeing you never beside me."
Diluc felt his heart stop momentarily as you walked passed him, he turned and caught your wrist, but you pulled away quickly. "I'll see you later, find me at Cat's Tail whenever you're ready to talk."
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Kaeya was the calvary captain, but where is the calvary? No one knows, but he does go around town to avoid his work, well as long as Jean doesn't see him. And today was again one of those days he was caught by Acting Grand Master Jean and was roped into doing some paperwork, for the fourth time this week.
He was tired, slouching over a large stack of papers from noon to nearly midnight, and he didn't even get to bother Diluc at the Angel's Share tonight which made him a bit snappy.
He returned home only to be greeting into an immediate embrace. "I was so worried about you Kaeya! Where were you?" A sigh escape him as he took your arms from him and guided them to your sides as he held your shoulders.
"Darling, I am a bit tired, so can you maybe not be so hyper right now?" A frown made its way to your lips as you shrugged off his hands, "But I was just worried about you, why are you getting angry?"
"[Name] unlike you, I am a knight, and I help people around the city. And you just sit here and write poetry all day," He grabbed the papers on the desk and held them up, "Tell me how is this going to get us money to live in this house?"
He threw them into the air as he turned around, and pushed everything off the desk in irritation making your furrow your eyebrows and raise your voice.
"Kae-" He held a hand up and you huffed irritated, "And another thing, why is that you don't do anything around the house? Maybe if I had my head attached to my body the day I asked you out, maybe I would have seen how terrible this relationship actually is."
Tears quickly gathered in your eyes as you turned on your heel and went out the door leaving Kaeya to stand in the empty house of his in the dark.
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Well, he's always busy. But still he comes down from Dragonspine in order to talk with you everyday, or he just uses his lab at the Knight's headquarters instead to do some research so he could stay closer to you.
Today was one of those few days he was able to make it home to you, and he slipped his coat off of his body as he was just about enter further into you shared home.
"Albedo?" His head turned to see you at the small little entry way as you gave a little smile, "Hey... it's been a few days since I last heard or seen you."
Albedo gave a confuse glance as he was tugging off his boots, "Oh, I hadn't realize, I'll try to inform you when I come and go better." With a little sigh, you shook your head as you crossed your arm and he looked over at you.
"That wasn't a normal sigh... Are you perhaps upset with me?" You gave him a look and he felt his confusion further rise, "Duh! You've been cooped up in your labs and I can never see you becasue you don't even pay attention to me."
Albedo raised an eyebrow as he looked over to you, "Well, you know how much my research and experiments mean to me, [Name]." A sigh of frustration left you as you stood up straight and placed you hand on your hips.
"Would it kill you to at least show that you care about our relationship Albedo?" With a sigh of his own he began to put back on his boots. "If I had knew that pointless arguments about time management would be included in our relationship, then I wouldn't have asked to be in one with you."
You bit your bit as you felt anger wash over you, his words hitting your heart and ears roughly making you wish you didn't hear what he had just said. "Leave."
"[Name]," you shook your head as you walked to him, grabbed his coat from the coat rack and handed to him as you opened the door. You pushed him out the door before slamming it shut in his face.
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The Conquer of demons, he lives up to his name as he goes all across Liyue protecting the people from the evil that lurks in every corner. He hardly gets rest as he moves everywhere.
The one evening he returns to Wangshu Inn, he is a bit surprised to see your figure standing at the railing where he usual stands at, arms resting against the rail as you look at the setting sun.
"Hey, long time no see Yaksha." You turned and looked at him seeing his usual expressed with his arms crossed as he makes his way over to you, standing a bit away.
"What are you doing here tonight?" A snort leaves your mouth as he still didn't bother to look at you. "Xiao, I'm your significant other, I don't really need a reason to see you."
He shook his head as he continued to look over the land below, "Why are you here?" You gave a sheepish smile as you stood up straight, "I wanted to see if you'd join me for a day down at the harbor?"
"And Liyue unprotected? No, and plus I'd rather not further engage with mortals," you gave a frown as you huffed resuming your position to lean against the railing.
"Why can't you take a few hours of you day out for me?" You glanced at him but he didn't even bother to acknowledge your gaze. "[Name], I would sacrifice you in order to keep the people of Liyue safe rather than to leave them unprotected."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you stood up immediately, and then began to walk away. And you didn't even bother to glance back him, and he didn't bother to spare you a look.
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ayaboba · 6 months
summary: they can get a little overboard with gifts, especially for you.
characters: ayato, kaeya, wanderer, zhongli.
notes: gn! reader, last sentence in ayato’s is suggestive, wc: 120-200 per paragraph.
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ dreamy december event masterlist
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If faced with the prospects of going on a little rendezvous to a market or enduring a lengthy cooking class with Ayato, you’d gladly risk the guarantee of waking up with an upset stomach.
At first, the answer to the choices seem almost obvious, you don’t even need to think twice before coming to a conclusion. Why would anyone face the risk of food poisoning in comparison to a harmless shopping trip?
You sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, are thankful and cherish every single one of the gifts Ayato never failed to starve you of, selected with the most detailed and precise of observations and preferences. Your workspaces are graced with the most refreshing pieces of decor, your bewitching collection of accessories is always the most elegant and entrancing, and your wardrobe, perhaps the most elaborative and extensive out of all, owns the most divine pieces of fabrics and fibres too substantial to comprehend.
Frankly, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise when you tell Ayato to lower his budget, which, as he strongly believes, is a sacrifice towards his serotonin. Eventually, through trailing kisses, hasty promises and faltering sighs, you two finally come to an agreement.
Kaeya earnestly explains, over and over, that can’t help it, that you should be placing the blame on the sellers for luring him yet again into purchasing. The harsh burden of having a generous soul, he sighs. Can’t you feel an ounce of pity for him? Besides, he truly can’t help that, “there were just so many things that reminded me of you.”
To be brutally honest, Kaeya’s only motive for these ceaseless piles of presents was purely out of self-indulgence. It was quite selfish, yes, but the pleasure didn’t derive from the shopping, it wasn’t to satisfy his spontaneous decision-making when it came to such matters, but rather the gleeful radiance shining from your face whenever he came home with something in hand. How you attempted to reserve yourself and not seem overly excited, and Kaeya delights that he can see right through you.
The only way to understand his strange way of thinking was to picture yourself in his shoes. Would you do the same if it promised such a reaction from Kaeya?
Wanderer is the pure embodiment of the phrase, “actions speak louder than words.” Secrecy travels with every move he makes, every action he meticulously plans. It weaves into the reasoning of the most minuscule of tasks when it comes to you; he can’t refrain from it. Striving for perfection entrusts some sort of validation seeping into the ventricles of his heart, before pumping out avid determination, a desire to exceed after each result, one grander and more adoring than the last.
The gifts he pledges aren’t a mere reimbursement for his lack of sweet nothings or public hand-holding, they’re something much more sentimental with enigmatic depth, a beautifully tied bow unravelling cryptic messages that only sweeten as time ticks along. It’s summarised within a few careful judgements, courtesy of his impeccable ability to read your emotions, those gifts are, and will always make your smile a thousand times more genuine than any sugarcoated words or physical affection in the eyes of him and you.
Working as a consultant at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor must bestow the blessing of generous income and time.
It’s the only explanation for this growing observation: the handy wallet somehow never running out of mora (though you admit, he can be quite forgetful of it), and the suggested galore of unlimited spare time, which certainly must be the reasoning behind why Zhongli can afford to obtain such bountiful amounts of precious treasures that always leave you breathless.
Quite often, his indulgence results in a slicing feeling of guilt, leaving you in a state of burrowing gloom, overthinking the matter until the idea is reduced to a singular strand of disregard. After all, the little trinkets are simply harmless expressions of love, even if they occasionally overflow your doorway.
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bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin Characters when you have a nightmare.
Part 2
Part 1
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Albedo, Aether.
Warnings: Blood [Diluc], injections [Albedo], physical abuse [Kaeya], getting attacked [Venti, Aether, Xiao, Kaeya], death [Diluc], War [Zhongli], bird [venti]
Notes: potential spoilers, not proofread, I might make a platonic one with the minors but I don't know.
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Its tall figure stood in front of you in an intimidating manor, "You wish to mess with the abyss," the deep voice said. Fear spilled through your blood, and your body stood paralyzed from the anxiety. 'The abyss herald' you thought to yourself, 'no please no'. You tried to run, but nothing happened. The blue figure only crouched forward. "You will perish"
~Aethers POV~
'Today was long,' I thought to myself as I walked to the house in the teapot. As I opened the door, whimpers and shouts could be heard. Paimon looked at me with worried eyes, "(y/n)!" My thoughts rushed. How did someone break in?! I slammed open the bedroom door only to find my shaking spouse, Paimon flying in after, their eyes wide as tears spilled out. "What happened?!" I shouted slightly, the grip on my sword tightening. I looked around for any signs of intrusion, and it then became clear on what happened.
I sighed softly, placing my sword down. I grabbed their body, humming them sweet nothings. "What happened?" I asked again, quietly this time. Not trying to upset them any more than they were. "The abyss." Their voice was quiet, filled with fear. My heart dropped. "they did so much. It felt so real. " Paimon hugged their arm slightly.
My eyes teared slightly, 'I'm hurting them,' I thought to myself. My grip on them tightened. "It's just a dream, I will always save you. They won't ever put a hand on my beloved." They sobbed quietly into my chest, "Please don't leave Aether." My heart panged. "I would never leave you, not for anyone. Or anything." Paimon then rubbed their head "Yeah! If they even try they will have to suffer the wrath of Paimon!"
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You helped your boyfriend with his experiments quite often. This one was testing sleeping patterns with a potion he had made. You laid on the padded table, and his hands placed the pillow under your head. "Sleep well, darling, we will go over the results when you wake." he kissed your forehead, carefully injecting the liquid into your veins. You world quickly going dark.....
~Narrators POV~
Not much was happening. Their body laid eerily still on the table, Albedo writing down notes. The male then got up and grabbed his stethoscope. He placed it upon his lovers chest. His eyes shot wide, and their heartbeat was abnormally fast. He stayed their for a short while, waiting for the beating to slow. However, it only quickened.
His hand grabbed a spare potion as well as some salts. He injected their vein with the new liquid and placed the salts under their nose, and his lovers' eyes shot open. He slowly sat them up, carefully bringing a glass of water up to their mouth. "Did I take it too far?" He asked carefully. He wasn't quite sure what had happened while their body was at rest. "No, you didn't. It seems I had a nightmare 'Bedo." He nodded, swiftly noting that down.
"Would you like to speak on the matter?" His thumbs rubbed their knuckles lovingly, and they nodded and let out a relieved sigh. "It was just your clone, ha, seeing you get stabbed, wasn't that cool." His face contorted into one of regret. "I see, I do deeply apologize," he kissed their forehead softly, helping them stand. "Let's grab some fresh air."
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His spouses head laid on his lap as he finished up some paper work, their breathing was slow, signaling that they had fallen asleep. He smiled softly to himself. "How have I gotten so lucky?" he muttered softly, kissing their temple before allowing his attention to go back to his work.
A few minutes went by, and his attention was quickly torn from his work when their shaking hand grabbed his leg. "No, no," they whispered in their sleep. His lovers' eyes were still closed, lip slightly trembling. He quickly added the dots together. "Dear?" He said softly, "Wake up, my love, come on," he said, shaking their body delicately.
~(y/n) pov~
His body laid limp in Kaeyas' arms, tears globbed from his one eye. "He.... he took the hit for me." The cyro male mumbled, his voice cracking softly. "No, NO." You ran up to his body, and your eyes met with the crimson liquid that stained his mouth. You and Kaeya both sobbed over his body, "There's gotta be something, we... we can take him to the statue! He'll heal! Right!" Kaeya only shook his head, more tears spilling from his eye. "It too far gone."
Ringing filled your ears as you shook your head in denial. However, a soft voice filled your brain. "-my love, come on.".......
Your body shot up only for it to be met with the concerned arms of your husband. "Hey, it's alright now, I got you." he kissed your forehead, hugging you tightly. "I'm here," he rocked his body slowly, "Let's go for a walk my love, we can talk about it then if you wish"
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His body stood over yours, his eyepatch off revealing a golden eye. He smirked. "You are truly stupid, ah you poor thing. I only used you to get the role Captian."
His hand gripped your face roughly, wiping the tear and licking it. "Awe, dear, already crying, are we? How weak." He slapped your face, his eyes looking down at you with hatred. "Do as you please." He said to those with Fatui masks. "They are useless to us now."
~Narrators POV~
"Come on (y/n)! Get up!" Kaeya shook his lovers body, successfully waking them. However, when their eyes stared at him in fear, he quickly let go of them. Their eyes pooled with tears. "Kae...." they mumbled. "You aren't using me, are you?" Their weak voice broke the cyros' heart. "My dove, I would never. I don't know what happened in that terror of yours. But whatever the case, it's not the truth."
His heart ached at the hesitancy when he hugged his lover. "You're simply the most important thing to me. Never doubt that." He softly said. He then laid on the bed and brought them to his chest. "Sleep now, when you wake, I will be here. You same old Kae."
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Venti [Barbatos]
Your body lifted from the couch, your heart beating heavily against your ribs. It was a silly nightmare, really it was. An impossibly large toucan from Sumeru had chased you down and tried to make you its next lunch. Despite the silliness, it still struck fear into your heart. Which didn't get missed by your husband. The front door slammed open, the bard rushing though, striking more fear into your body than the nightmare had. His eyes peered into yours.
"The wind -" he interrupted himself with a heavy gasp, "it told me," he continued to try and catch his breath, "nighmare" he finally managed to mutter before plopping his body on yours. "Barb, how far did you run?" You askedslightly amused. "I would run across all of Teyvat my windblume"
You blushed slightly at his remark. "I was chased by an eight foot bird," you bluntly said. He giggled loudly and held his stomach. "A bird! Ehe, I could easily protect you from a bird." You smiled softly and grabbed his hand. "Well, you didn't in my sleep, you stink!" He gasped and held his chest "The pain oh god! It hurts! My poor soft heart!"
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"XIAO," you yelled out, only for him not to come. Your heart dropped to your stomach, 'he.... he said he'd always come.' You thought to yourself. The Geo Lawachurl charged at you again. You just barely dodged it. "XIAO, PLEASE!" You yelled again. However, he still didn't respond. "I'm gonna die, please, please, please, please xiao..."
~Xiaos POV~
"xiao" a quiet voice strung itself in my brain. It a flash, I stood in front of their bed, their body was shivering as tears escaped your eyes. "What happened?" I scanned their bodies for injuries.... "xiao" their voice muttered again. "I need you to tell me-" he stopped his sentence when he noticed they were asleep.
He carefully shook his lovers body, confused on what to do. When their eyes opened, he looked at them with worry. "(Y/n)?" He asked carefully. They trembled slightly. "You came." They said, hugging his body. "I told you I would. What do you take me for?" They shook their head softly. "Please stay with me tonight." My heart stopped for a second, but I nodded. "I'm here."
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Your eyes went wide as you sat up from his lap, Zhongli placed his tea down and moved his attention quickly to you. "Honey?" His deep voice filled your ears, you shot your eyes towards him and sighed softly. "Never do that again 'Li" you said. His golden eyes looked into yours with confusion. "I do not understand. Have I done something to upset you?" His hand held yours softly. You smiled and shook your head.
"You turned into a damn dragon and struck into war." He hummed softly, grabbing his tea and handing it to you. "Drink this it'll calm your nerves, I assure you, my love. My duties as the God of Contracts have long been over. I am here with you now." You smiled at his reassuring words, "Good. If you leave me, I will damn your soul." You said with a straight face, and his eyes widened a small smile, painting his lips. "I would never leave such a treasure."
I liked this >:) especially ventis 💀
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iicheeze · 2 years
Subtle, yet hidden
context: What if you were just a normal person who likes genshin impact, but keeps getting hints of a God, more powerful than the Seven Archons combined, sleeping in the depths of Teyvat from the Archon quests, books, characters, and more?
cw: cultism, yandere behavior, possible archon quests spoilers
edit: I just finished the Archon quest and corrected some stuff
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You were just a normal student in college, trying to get by and survive until graduation. But of course, you've been working very hard, you deserve some relaxation time, no?
You always use that time to play your favorite game, Genshin Impact. It's element of RPG styled game attracts you, let alone the story! It captivated you to the point you'd sometimes put some money here and there. (Though, you'll have to eat less due to that problem..)
But as you progress more and more to the story, and exploring the nation, you couldn't help but see some... hints? Hints about a God. It's called.. The Divine One, you guessed. Many names were heard. Their Divinity, Their Grace, The Divine One, The Creator, etc. You heard that they are the one to create Teyvat from dust, and its people.
You decided to dig some more information, curious of this ‘ Divine One ’. As you explored the Knights of Favonius' library, Liyue's Book store, the Jade Chamber, Inazuma's Publishing Store. But you also found out that the Divine One is also talked about from the NPCs! Even from the playable characters!
All you can hear is that they treat them like their saviour. And even heard about a prophecy that the Divine One is going to awaken soon and ‘ purify ’ the dirty, wretched world they have stained. Maybe they were talking about the Fatui that stained Teyvat.
You hear nothing but good things from the playable characters, some are obviously devoted worshipers, some are more.. closeted.
“ The Divine One? Why, of course. I know them. Their Divinity is the one who created Teyvat from scratch. Liyue is nothing but a piece of their Divinely work. But yet, I'm glad that over the years, I have grown Liyue to civilization. I'm proud of it. I just have to wait for Their Grace to finally be awoken from their sleep, for I can finally show them my work. ”
“ The.. Divine One? Oh! You mean Their Grace! Of course, of course! I know them. They were very nice. And knowledgeable too! Obviously that's what's expected from the Creator of Teyvat, of course. Haha! But not only that, they're the reason why I'm very attached to this lyre here. ..Tell you the story of how I got attached to it? No way! Keep that to your imagination! ”
“ Ah, Their Grace. ..I apologize. I'm not interested in talking in this topic. I do not believe that I have the right to speak about Their Divinity. Without their own consent. ”
“ Oh! Their Divinity! If I remember correctly, they passed Greater Lord Rhukkadevata their knowledge for the ‘ greater good ’. I don't know what it means, but perhaps she saw things that were meant for Their Grace's eyes, yet they spared her knowledge when in need. I wish that I can be like her someday. ” (Before Archon Quest)
Though, what interests you is Kaeya's response.
“ The Divine One? Why are you suddenly asking me this question? Well, I do believe in them, of course! Although, Their Divinity have been sleeping for thousands of years.. A lot of people have been taking advantage of that. A certain city.. Up in the sky. ”
You figured out that he was talking about Celestia taking advantage of The Divine One's sleep to destroy Khaenriah, as a reasoning of ‘ breaking the Heavenly Principles ’. But sooner, you found out that The Divine One wasn't the one who made the Heavenly Principles.
Celestia made the Heavenly Principles not long after The Divine One fell to their sleep. It isn't fair, you thought.
But really, you can't wait until the next nation update! You're really curious about the Divine One. You can't wait to finally get to meet them!
But of course.. What they didn't know is that Their Divinity is you. You are the one playing this game. You are the one who chose the Traveler as your vessel to ‘ purify ’ each Nations' problems. The Archons aren't stupid. In fact, none of the Playable characters are stupid!
They know that it's you behind the Traveler. They're just informing you of your position here! They're just preparing you for what's about to happen soon. You won't mind, right? After all, they've heard several times that you wished that you lived here. Don't worry! For they are going to make your wish come true.
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Hanging out with them - Platonic!Tall Genshin Men x Male!Reader
A/N: Due to the upsetting lack of platonic requests with the male characters, I have decided to take immediate action. Sorry for how slow things are now, but the heat boils out my very soul daily.
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Diluc is an introvert by nature. With most people he is lukewarm, no matter how kind or affectionate they might be. But you are different. You just feel right, or at least that's how he would put it. You're respectful of him and his way of handling social matters. Most of your time will be spent inside, visiting art displays or chilling inside the mansion with a cup of grape juice and a board game, or outside, fighting human scum and monsters in the dead of night. He never rests with his training, so he'll ask you to spar with him fairly often. Seriously, this man needs someone to have his back and teach him to lay back more, else he inevitably burns out. 
Hitting the many taverns in Mondstadt in a duo is Kaeya's favorite. There's so much to pick up from the other visitors, aside from the obvious delicacy of alcohol. Sometimes the evening ends in following a shady individual and jailing them, other times you just enjoy a quiet drink, talking about everything and nothing. Maybe you'll even get yourselves hot dates, or even just one-night stands? With Kaeya's silver tongue and both of your charming looks, everything is possible… 
Childe loves looking for trouble with you. Outside of Liyue Harbor, of course. Some stray Hilichurls, minding their own business? That's a good excuse to beat them up. You know, for public benefit! Treasure Hoarders in the wilderness? Well, too bad you two were passing by. Sometimes Childe wants to go undercover and have a drink, especially in the shadiest of taverns. The chances of a good old unarmed barfight are very high, and those of a Milelith patrol coming in - very low. Or, if you're not keen on real violence, you can always just spar, maybe even with the new recruits. They could use a good, humbling beating. 
"Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those that share the memory?" just became outdated. With Zhongli you won't be only reliving the memories, but making new ones as well. He sometimes can't believe you're real. It's been so long since he talked to someone of a similar mindset. Over countless pots of tea and bottles of wine you will spend your tireless nights talking about the world, how it changed, how it once was. Most people will find your high-level discussion unintelligible at best, unable to imagine the vast knowledge you two possess. And how about you invite old friends over? Especially Venti - drinking with him is never boring, you two know that best. 
Due to his condition, any sort of physical exercise is out of the question with Baizhu. He tends to be very busy as well, so there's few moments where you can enjoy some spare time. Aside from work, he doesn't have many hobbies. Sometimes he'll play cards or board games with you, sometimes you'll down some shots (a reasonable amount of course), or play with Qiqi. The little zombie is such an amusing person to be around. 
Beetle fights and messing around are both fun, yes, but those divine muscles don't maintain themselves, do they? As his Numero Dos, you're more welcome to tag along on Arataki Itto's gym trips. He'll spot you and give you any sort of advice you need, as well as keep you as motivated as youkaily possible. His incredible enthusiasm is virally infectious, so you'll get those abs in no time when he's around! He might be a silly oni most of the time, but he has an admirable discipline when it comes to staying in shape. He'll help you along the way as much as he can. But do join Shinobu's efforts to remind him that not every day is leg day. 
Thoma is a soft guy, and he enjoys simpler and quieter activities. It would be hard for him to pick a favorite, however. He only does what he likes doing, and you make things hundreds of times better. Tending to the stray animal population is certainly one of his best picks - and it shows! The fluffy guys know you by look, sound, smell and feel by this point, that's for sure. If you've got some spare Mora, why not go out to eat? Or maybe just play some hotpot in the residence? Ayaka and Ayato certainly won't be against him using some leftover food to enjoy with his pal. 
Despite engaging in entertainment and social events a lot, in reality Ayato doesn't like them. He needs to watch his every step, keep tabs on all of his fellow partygoers and keep his guard up. Things like chess are fun, sure, but they are quite taxing on the mind. Sometimes, Ayato just wants to get a few drinks in and play card games for money. Unrefined pleasures for sure, but don't judge him. It doesn't require that much focus, and he can devote most of his attention to a pleasant conversation with you. Thoma won't let his baby sister find the bottles or catch you in the act of gambling, don't worry. 
Despite Sumeru being the land of wisdom, Alhaitham finds that there’s no shortage of fools and cretins in its society. Aside from the Akademiya, but even within its walls there are certain misplaced ‘individuals’. Hanging out with you brings a breeze of fresh air into his days. You’re not a fool, not by any means, you’re not as up-your-own-ass as the scholars he works along, and you’re not nearly as annoying as his roommate. He doesn’t want to read books with you, since it would be just wasting your time, sitting in silence. Instead, Alhaitham wants to discuss them. Your opinions are always fascinating, and your ability to explain them in depth is truly exceptional in a casual environment. In truth, you’re probably the only person he actively wants to be around. 
Arts, literature, music… Kaveh enjoys them, yes, but there is something else - engineering. Not only architecture, but also mechanics. You’re great because you don’t ridicule him for even the craziest ideas he has. You laugh along with him, you help him build his inventions, and you never get tired of sticking new eyebrows on his face. Perhaps one of your designs will one day get popular? You’ll be rich in your thirties, that Kaveh promises every day. It’s also nice to have someone to lend a few thousand Mora when he’s in need… Don’t worry, he always is on point with the deadlines.
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Thanks for reading!
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myballsyourballs · 1 year
so i see that requests are openn!! my first time requesting so please correct me if i said anything wrongjehd, i want one loonng fic (if u can obv) abt reader ranting to kaeya because she is rlly close to him (and she is dating diluc btw no romantic feelings between kaeya and reader) abt how she feels like she isn't good enough or at diluc's level and thinks it's unfair for diluc for her to stick with him and diluc overhears everything and they go back to dawn winery and have a long angsty chat and comforts reader. THATS IT IDK IF IM MAKING SENSE, you can totally ignore this if you don't want to write it ofc <3
far from perfection
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diluc x fem! reader
genre: angst/fluff imagine
notes: sorry this wasn't very angsty- im not in a very angsty mood rn</3
synopsis: reader is a little insecure about her relationship with diluc. she confides in kaeya, and diluc overhears.
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“Hey,” the man in question pauses in his writing, glancing up at you with a smile. Kaeya resumes his paperwork for a brief moment, before ending the sentence he was writing with a flamboyant underline. “What’s up?” He kicks his feet onto the desk, crossing his legs at the ankles.
You sigh, slumping into the chair opposite him. “I feel like shit."
Kaeya raises a gloved hand to cover his growing smirk. "I can see that."
You frown, glaring at the cavalry captain. "I'm serious."
"Got it," Kaeya murmurs, expression switching to amused into something sincere. "What happened? Trouble in paradise?"
At the sight of your now melancholic-like expression, he sighs gently. Guess he hit the nail on the head. "What'd he do this time?"
"What?" your face morphs into confusion for a moment. It's such a foreign, alien idea that Diluc could have ever done something to upset you. "No, nothing. Diluc is perfect..."
You trail off.
Kaeya stares expectantly.
"Well that-- that's sort of the problem. Diluc is... too perfect."
The man in front of you raises his eyebrows sarcastically, looking at you like you just read the entirety of the Gliding Manual aloud and he was forced to listen. "I really don't want to hear you yammer on about how much you like Diluc. Spare me, please."
You groan, "That's not it." Your hands drag down your face, your slight irritation verging on exasperation. Kaeya gives good advice, but it’s hard to actually get that advice when he never stops talking.
"Then what is 'it'?"
"I'm not good enough for him. He's so amazing and I'm just... me."
Kaeya's eyes flicker with realisation before he moves into disbelief. "Seriously? Diluc is mediocre at best. You, on the other hand, are great. I'm very picky with those I associate with. You being one of my closest friends is not something to take lightly."
"Friends isn't even close to partners," you mutter, eyes downcast. "You're missing the point. I'm not good enough for him. That's fact, and I don't know how I should deal with it."
"How? How are you not good enough for him?" Kaeya asks, merely confused at this point. He couldn't really fathom how you could see yourself like that.
“He’s so out of my league— I mean, he’s the owner of this incredible winery, he makes up more than half of Mondstadt’s entire alcohol industry, owns a tavern, he can bartend, he’s the wealthiest guy in this region, he’s selfless, kind and sweet and— and not to mention — he’s a literal hero!” you furrowed your brows, voice cracking near the end of your little spiel. “I don’t— how do I even come close to living up to that?”
Kaeya looks mildly surprised, albeit slightly sad. “You don’t have to. You’re his lover. And—”
“But I shouldn’t be!” you shake your head, eyes watering in frustration. He didn't get it. “Diluc is perfect! And I couldn’t be farther from that…”
Kaeya sighs. You hear the floorboards creak as he moves to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Now, I have no idea what got these thoughts in your head, but they’re irrelevant. Diluc is really not that perfect—”
“Yes, he is. It’s completely unfair to Diluc for me to stick with him,” you mumble, throat dry. “I’m not good enough.”
“Hey, now,” Kaeya chastises. “I, for one, think you’re fantastic. Diluc, as… mediocre of a brother he is, makes some good choices. And one of them was choosing you to be his partner,” he pauses, letting the words sink in before beginning to speak again.
“Not to mention, Diluc is his own person with his own free-will. You don’t get to decide whether he wants you or not, he does. And he’d be an idiot not to want you. Given he’s still in a relationship with you, I guarantee a lack of want isn’t the case.”
That gets you thinking. Whilst on some degree, Kaeya is making sense — everyone makes mistakes. Diluc, as perfect as he is, isn’t exempt from that. A slip in judgement, or simply not thinking things through could've caused this situation. A situation that, in Diluc’s mind, could be one that he thinks he’s trapped in. Breaking up with you could hurt his relationship with Kaeya even more, given the two of you are friends. This then makes him trapped, in a sense. Right?
You settle into a somber silence, Kaeya's hand rubbing gentle circles on your back.
"I really..." don't think that's true. Not like you were gonna say that, though. Kaeya was already dealing with a lot already -- you interrupting his time to do paperwork just so you could rant was enough.
"You really...?"
"I... ah, thank you. I really wanna thank you. You're a good friend, Kaeya."
The cavalry captain smiles, "Of course I am. I'm the best."
You chuckle, looking away. A beat passes. "I should head back, shouldn't I?"
Kaeya hums, nodding his head gently. "Probably," He moves from his spot next to you and settles back into his desk chair, sighing. Blue hair sways as he hangs his head back, eyes sliding shut.
Taking that as your cue to leave, you stand, plastering on a bright smile. "Thanks again, Kaeya.”
Kaeya’s eyes meet yours for a beat, narrowing in suspicion at your sudden change in mood. "…Anytime."
The atmosphere feels odd when you walk into the Dawn Winery.
“Diluc?” you call.
“Was that true?”
His voice responds. You look towards him. He’s got his back towards you, leaning casually on a chair with his arms crossed. His shoulders are still.
Diluc seems solemn. He still won’t face you.
“Was wha—”
“Do you really believe that? That you’re such a burden to me?” He turns his head to face you slightly.
Your body stills. You almost wait for him to clarify if he overheard your conversation with Kaeya, but it's a clear guarantee that he has. Diluc’s eyes are looking everywhere but at yours.
“Oh. That. Uh,” your lip trembles slightly, “Yeah, I do think that. B—But it’s not your fault! And, you know, it’s alright if you want to break up with—”
“How could you say that?” Diluc whispers. His eyes finally meet yours. It’s a startling sight; eyes red-rimmed and brows furrowed with such emotion. Diluc never loses his cool. Not even in front of you. “You mean everything to me. You could never be a problem, nor a burden to me. I am… not all that perfect. Not as much as you make me out to be. Don’t compare yourself to the likes of me,” he pauses, contemplative. His brows knit together further, fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides. He chuckles dryly, “You’ll only disappoint yourself.”
"You are perfect, though. It's--"
"No, I'm not. That’s delusional.”
You flinch back.
“No, that’s not what I—” he rubs a hand on his temple, “That’s exactly what I mean. Sometimes I say the wrong thing, or make the wrong choice. My money and wealth doesn’t make me better. I’m still… me. Nobody’s perfect. Especially not me.”
“But… that—”
“There’s no use trying to disagree. I am not perfect. Neither are you. Nor anyone else.”
You purse your lips, avoiding his eyes. You can hear his heavy boots approaching you, his clothing rustling and buckles clinking.
“…You don’t get it, Diluc.”
He hums, “Enlighten me, then. What don’t I get?”
“I’m not good enough for you. You deserve someone better,” you sigh, “You might not be perfect, but in my mind, and everyone else’s, you are damn near close. I’m not worth it. I’m probably one of the worst picks for you and you don’t even know it--”
“--I do know that you’re one of the best picks for me. And I think that I, as an independent adult man, would know what’s good for me. I know what I want,” Diluc pauses, grabbing your hands with glove-clad fingers, “and I want you. No one else. Just you.”
You pursed your lips. "Surely--"
"No. There are no exceptions, no 'but's, no nothing. I want you," he clenches his jaw, "only you."
"...You aren't staying with me just to keep on good terms with Kaeya, right?"
"What? No," Diluc sighs again, exasperated. He goes silent for a bit -- as if considering what to say that will convince you. "A baby is able to cry when they want food, or reach out when they want affection. If a baby can figure out what they want, why can't I?"
"Diluc, that isn't the same at all--"
"[Y/N]. It doesn't matter. Stop arguing with me. You will not win."
"Yeah, but a baby--"
"--doesn't have complex desires like--"
"Okay, fine."
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yestrday · 2 years
Just more thoughts, that's all. If you want to listen or not, up to you. So we've seen... those scenes with character's traits (in the academy au) like Zhongli, Kaeya, now Childe but how about Diluc? Immediately I thought of his arms and hands. Maybe his hands are slightly calloused, he has some visible veins, and boy does he have a grip. Maybe mc never really notices because, well, they never touch him and his uniform covers it up. Even though he's always carrying your bag to class (whether you accept his offer or not), or handing you something like a spare pen, or intertwining arms to walk you to lunch (only if you ask though). But one day when he gets particularly protective and his hands are on you-- you never realize how warm they were, or how constrictive of a grip he has. Okay, that is all thoughts I have to offer. Thankssss.
*sigh* once again the simping for mere body parts riles me up. /cracks knuckles and pulls up sleeves/ time to right about beefy armed daddyluc
you might like: yandere! academy childe & his thighs, academy! darling staring at yan! zhongli's ass, academy! darling groping yan! kaeya’s tits
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diluc’s arms are a source of strength and comfort to you. when he sees you carefully balancing paperwork that needs to be carried to the teacher’s lounge, he silently puts a strong yet gentle arm on your shoulder before carrying half of the load. or when he takes your bag for you so that he has an excuse to walk you to your class. 
perfect, calm, and diligent, diluc is a senior whose praise you revere a bit more than the others. more often that not you find yourself scampering off to find him, eyes glistening excitedly as you bear good news about some of your achievements. when you find him you practically leap at him, immediately gushing about a contest you were picked for or a quiz you aced thanks to his help. it’s like a puppy pawing at its master, the way you smile expectantly up at him.
it’s a sight he finds adorable. his stoic face crinkles into a fond look as his big and warm hands reach out to pat your head. your head melts into his touch, eyes closing and lips curling in satisfaction, and his heart melts alongside you. his arms pull you in closer by the waist, the action making you feel safe and protected.
kaeya, pointing at yn and diluc cuddling in the hallway: what the fuck is this allowed?\
that’s all there’s really to it until he one day spots you with a cut. it’s not even that serious, just you being stupid and accidentally cutting yourself with a pen or some shit. so here you are at the clinic, waiting for the nurse because this wack ass clinic doesn’t have bandaids (ooOOo plot). in diluc comes and the shock when he sees the cut on your face makes him drop everything and rush to your side.
you want to say ‘dramatic much?’ but you spot the dead-eyed look on him. it’s more than dramatic. mans about to commit murder, so you keep your mouth shut.
“who did this?” he demands. it’s obvious from the shaking scowl on his stiff face that he’s trying to hold back the anger to avoid scaring you. he tugs off his gloves and gingerly brushes just below the cut. “...it’s going to leave a scar.”
IS IT??!?! fuck it better not. you hope it’s just being a dramatic bitch as you smile up at him in hopes to alleviate his rage. “it’s okay, really,” you try to reassure him. you place a hand on his outstretched bicep and squeeze it as an act of comfort. “nothing i can’t handle.”
diluc’s dull eyes arch sadly as he stares at your smile. how beautiful and pure you are, to try and shoulder this much pain. so unlike the utterly useless garbage who dared to lay a hand on you. if only... if only he could lock you away in a far better place, safe within the confines of his home. he would feed you the finest food, dress you in beautiful clothes....
diluc is muttering some alarming things beside you, but you’re not paying attention as you continue squeezing his bicep. holy fuck he’s swole. you reach your other hand and feel it again, you know, for science, and you drool when you feel how firm and hard it is.
shit, you think. he could chóke me for all i care and i’d say thank you. you continue feeling it, going down and down until you feel his hand that’s still on your check. what the fuck this dude literally has veins popping out from his elegant yet large hand. why the hell is it still on your cheek? it should be on your neck, damn it.
when the nurse comes in, he sees a very baffling sight: the young master of the dawn winery muttering bloody murder and his elaborate plans to cage you and the poor thing that’s very studiously studying his biceps.
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — you spend your days sorting out conflicts as a negotiator, but nothing could have prepared you for the bad blood between your dearest childhood friends. diluc says a lot of things he doesn't mean, —but also says a lot of things he does .
#. characters! — diluc .
#. warnings! — angst, mentions of the canon death of a loved one, family issues, explicit depictions of arguments .
#. word count! — 3.9k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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When this journey began, you’d been expecting a lot of things, —mostly Kaeya and Diluc bickering back and forth, the younger instigating petty verbal spats only for the older to snap back after a while of disinterested replies. You’d even been anticipating a night or two of awkward sleeping arrangements, folding in on yourself in hopes of keeping your distance from each of them, as if you hadn’t sought their warmth as your protectors in your youth.
But you’re not a little kid anymore, and the two young men at your side are no longer your closest friends. Your nights aren’t spent telling silly ghost stories under cozy blankets in the bedrooms of Dawn Winery’s manor. Nowadays, Kaeya shows off on the battlefield, glints of bloodlust in his visible eye, rather than climbing trees in your backyard until slivers of fear began to prick at his feet and the best option was simply to climb back down. Diluc, on the other hand, doesn’t show off much at all. He works alone, his head held high and his walls higher, —keeping everyone out, because he’ll never be able to tell where the next betrayal is coming from.
You like to think you haven’t lost all of your childlike wonder and spark. At least, not to the extent of either of them; one who bears a Cryo Vision and yet burns with guilt and shame, and the other who wields a Pyro Vision, but has frozen himself to the bone just to keep others away.
As a so-called negotiator, employed by the Adventurers Guild to deal with a variety of issues that often stem from conflicts and misunderstandings, it feels disgraceful that you’d be incapable of playing peacekeeper between the two of them. But your skills feel years beyond rusted as you stand with them, seeking refuge from a ruthless storm in an old, abandoned hilichurl camp. It had rolled in from far away, taking all three of you by surprise. Abandoning your uncovered wagon with minimal supplies to manage through a few days' journey was the only viable option as the wind began to whip loose branches from trees and lightweight rocks and pebbles from the ground.
Even in such horrid weather, thieves offered no breaks from their crime. They snatched away your wagon’s contents, in spite of it having been hidden away in the trees. You can’t help but wonder how long they’d been tailing the three of you from the city. . .
Beyond that, you wonder why fate has decided to be so cruel to you. Diluc was a distant assistant of the Knights of Favonius these days, only offering help when it was completely necessary. Why he chose to take charge of this mission is beyond you, and why Kaeya decided to join at the last minute, you’ll never understand. Especially now that all they’ve done is largely overlook your existence in order to get petty digs in at one another.
They’d managed to complicate what was supposed to be a simple trip to Liyue Harbor to settle an even simpler dispute.
“Hey, Master Diluc,” Kaeya calls out, tone condescending, “mind giving us a hand over here?”
The redhead spares his brother an agitated glance, nearly throwing daggers with his tongue before his gaze came to rest on you. . . You’re just as sweet looking as he remembers. There’s always been something so innocent and warm swimming in your eyes, as if your full well of kindness has overflown and pooled right into your stare. For your sake, Diluc swallows his not-so-kind words and makes little show of lighting the fire between yourself and Kaeya, who offers no thanks.
“You should sit down,” you say to Diluc softly, moving off to the side to let him rest before the newly lit fire. “You’re dripping wet.”
“I’m fine—” he begins roughly, but stops himself immediately when you flinch at the harshness of his tone.
He hadn’t meant for it to come out like that. A deep breath in, and he tries again, gentler this time.
“I’m alright,” he corrects, but offers no apology for startling you just before. “A little rain never hurt anyone.”
If both of you had been younger and these past few years had never happened, you’d have been quick to question his liberal usage of a little. It’s pouring, maybe more than you’ve ever seen it, and lightning slits the sky ruefully as thunder booms from the heavens.
“Don’t be so cold,” Kaeya chides, and takes pleasure in doing so, “I’m the one with the Cryo Vision.”
“You’re also the one who doesn’t know when to keep his crooked nose out of other people’s affairs,” Diluc answers bluntly, a sharp edge to his voice.
“Crooked?” The younger questions, ignoring Diluc’s blow to his character in lieu of the cosmetic insult.
“Enough,” you insert yourself tiredly, “now’s not the time to be arguing.”
Archons. How had this come to pass? It was bad enough that the two of them had found themselves on the same mission, —but for you to be here as well? Talk about bad luck. Maybe all those times of patching Bennett up after unfortunate circumstances got the better of him has made his fate rub off on you. . .
Neither of the brothers apologize for their actions, but you hadn’t been expecting it anyway. You’d have been more surprised if they did, actually.
“Fine,” Kaeya shrugs, “let’s change the subject then while the soup heats up.”
You take that as your cue to scrape some poorly sliced veggies into an old hilichurl pot that Diluc had placed for a crude wash in the rain. It’s set to be rudimentary at best, but your hope is that the mint leaves you managed to gather along the way will add enough of a flavor contrast to make it edible at the very least. Your choice of fancy ingredients was well beyond diluted, and whatever you managed to scrounge up from the wreckage of this hilichurl camp is as good as it’s going to get. Beggars truly cannot be choosers, especially in situations such as this.
“It’s been a while since I’ve spoken to you, y/n,” Kaeya notes. “How’ve you been fairing?”
“I’ve been well,” you answer, only paying him a fraction of your attention. “You’d know that if you ever bothered to read any of my letters.”
His face drops for a moment, confident facade staggering in the shadow of your newfound shortness. He knows you’re right, and Kaeya can’t blame you for being upset. It wasn’t his intention to lose sight of you, but somewhere along the line between that fateful stormy night, the dissolvement of his relationship with Diluc, and his subsequent promotion to Cavalry Captain. . . His fondness for you had been lost to the wind. He got your letters, would sit them aside for later, —and then later would never come. Eventually, he’d lose those letters too amongst the towers of paperwork on his cluttered desk. 
“You wrote to him?” Diluc pipes up, sounding all too casual for the ache that lingers in his heart.
He hadn’t received any letters from you. . . Not one. Not a single message, short or long, —just nothingness, like throwing flames into a limitless void. Why Kaeya, the one who hadn’t even bothered to answer? Why couldn’t Diluc even be your second choice?
“Just. . . Just a handful of times,” you say softly. “I never heard back, so I stopped writing.”
Kaeya opens his mouth, maybe to explain, maybe to make things infinitely worse for himself, but Diluc beats him to the punch.
“You know I would have answered you,” he tells you. “It’s been forever since the last time we spoke, —don’t you think it would have been nice to hear from you? Just to say hello?”
Now, you’ve found yourself in Kaeya’s shoes; stuck between a rock and a hard place. There’s no appropriate excuse as to why you never chose to reach out to Diluc, you just. . . Didn’t. In the same way Kaeya never wrote you back, you never wrote to Diluc at all. But Kaeya did.
“It’s not like you can shove all the blame off on other people,” Kaeya interjects, tone laced with a seriousness you don’t often hear from him. “You’re hardly easy to approach these days. You’ve practically holed yourself up and away, wallowing in your own self-pity.”
“Kaeya, that’s a little much, don’t you think—” you start, but Diluc is quick on the attack, speaking over you and then over the thunder that resounds through the atmosphere.
“As if you’re any better,” the redhead scoffs, “I don’t need to be patronized by someone like you. You talk to everyone, but you don’t have any real connections. Your secrecy forces everyone away eventually, and when you wind up alone again, I hope you remember that you’ve done it all to yourself, Kaeya.”
“You don’t mean that—” you say, eyes widening and heart dropping low into the pit of your stomach.
“Oh, and you’re wishing that on me so you feel less alone about living that way now?” The younger male retorts.
Of all the years you’ve known the both of them and of all the times you’ve seen them argue, none of it has ever amounted to something like this. Their voices are dangerously low, as if the misty grey indifference of passive aggression has clouded their judgements, leaving them void of everything except simmering rage for one another.
“What, so now I’m not even entitled to choose how I get to grieve?” Diluc accuses.
“Nobody even said that,” Kaeya bites back in return. “There you go, twisting people’s words again so you feel better about villainizing them.”
“I don’t need to villainize you, —you do a good enough job of that all by yourself.”
“I could say the same to you,” Kaeya scoffs. “Pushing everyone away because you’re too scared to make connections, running off for so long just to come back a completely different person, abandoning everyone who ever cared enough about you to take your burdens for themselves.”
“Oh, and you think you fall under that category somehow?” Diluc demands. “As if you weren’t the one who’d been lying the entire time, keeping Celestia knows how many secrets from everyone? I know you’re the Cavalry Captain now Kaeya, but don’t be such an arrogant fool. Get off your high horse and come join the rest of us in reality.”
“That’s rich coming from you,” Kaeya all but snarls. “All you’ve done since that night is run away, —from your duties, from your family, from the nation you claim to love so much. And you know what I think, Diluc?”
“I really couldn’t care less what you think, Kaeya—”
“I think you’re the one who needs to come down off your high horse. You weren’t the only one who got hurt that night, but you mope around like there’s nobody in the world who shares your burdens! You’re not special. You’re not the only one who lost someone!”
“He was my father!” Diluc says, right on the cusp of shouting over the pouring rain that pummels against the roof of the hilichurl hut.
“He was my father too, dammit!” Kaeya yells, the flat of his palm slamming against the dampened dirt. “But I didn't just lose him, —I lost you too.”
The elder male is visibly stunned by that assertion, unable to form words in reply. Kaeya doesn't wait for a response, good or bad. Ungracefully, he pulls himself to his feet and storms off into the rain, and despite your protests, he doesn't look back. You suppose he's back to pretending like you never existed.
Silence reigns between you and Diluc for a short while. When you make the first move, parting your lips to say his name softly, he's quick to cut you off in a small, sad voice.
"Why didn't you write to me?" He questions. "Why didn't you ever come see me? You knew I'd returned, and you still didn't come."
Though his words are accusatory, he doesn't sound particularly angry. If anything, Diluc just sounds hurt. 
"I. . ." you begin, knowing nothing you can possibly say will make this any better. "I just didn't think you'd want to hear from me."
His stare is blank, as if he isn’t sure what to make of your admission. He opens his mouth to speak, but just as quickly closes it again, swallowing the words down to dilute their harshness. Maybe Kaeya was right, he thinks to himself. Maybe I’ve pushed everyone so far away that I’ve alienated myself completely.
If that’s the case, he notes soon after, then I have no one to blame but myself. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize genuinely, interrupting his spiral of thought.
Diluc looks your way again, meeting your eyes diligently this go around, but still, he says nothing. 
“When I heard you’d returned, I walked by Dawn Winery every morning, thinking that I could work up the courage to see you face-to face,” you explain. “It sounds selfish of me now that I’m saying it out loud, but. . .”
“No,” you interrupt, shaking your head to offer a correction, “it was selfish of me. I was being selfish. I couldn’t stomach the thought of seeing you again because I knew you’d be so different, —I’d be meeting someone new in the place of the boy I grew up with, and I wasn’t ready to face it.”
Strangely enough, Diluc understands where it is that you’re coming from. He’s not dense enough to be blind to all the differences he exhibits in comparison to his slightly younger self. Once upon a time, he was vibrant and open, —he let people in because he assumed the best of them. Diluc sought trust and love from the people of Mondstadt, vowed to protect them with his very life. . . Even now, he feels that way. These days, he acts from the shadows instead, as if loving openly will somehow make him more vulnerable to injuries of the emotional kind.
“Do you hate it, then?” He inquires, “—the man I am right now. Do you hate me?”
“No, Diluc I—”
You stop again to take a sharp breath in. It’s now or never to say all the things you never chose to write down in a letter for him. At the very least, he deserves that much.
“I should have come to see you,” you admit. “I knew that from the start. And I wanted to see you, because it’d been so long, and I just needed to know that you were okay; that whoever you’d become while you were gone, you were healthy and hadn’t just given up on the world. But I got glimpses of you from afar, and it made me realize just how much of a distance had grown between us. It was like I could hardly recognize you, even when you looked the same. So I turned around, and eventually, I stopped going to Dawn Winery altogether. I hid when I saw you in public, just to avoid the conversation, —to avoid the “Hi, how’ve you been?” because I knew you’d just lie and say everything was fine.”
The bitter truth is that you’d been pushing Diluc away, just as he’d been doing to you. You yearned to be close to him again, to be able to pull him so close that you could feel his heart beating against you. . . But the space between you and he only grew wider with the passing days. He made a routine for himself, and you didn’t want to disrupt it. Not when he’d had to pull himself up from the depths of despair just to manage it in the first place.
You worried that you represented little more than the past to him, —that you’d be some ghost of a childhood friend coming back to haunt him, and heaven knows Diluc doesn’t need anymore demons wrapping around his pretty fingers. 
“Everything should be fine,” he answers softly. “Everyone has to move on eventually. We can’t live in days that have already passed us by.”
“That doesn’t mean doing it is easy,” you remind him, matching the gentle tone of his voice.
“It’s not easy,” he agrees. “It hurts like hell. I hate going home because the manor feels so empty, and I can’t find any trace of anyone there. Not my father, not Kaeya, not you, —not even myself. It’s like all the rooms just swallow everything whole until there’s nothing left to feed on, and all the good things have disappeared. All the memories, all the laughter, all the love is just. . . Gone.”
Another apology creeps up the back of your throat, but you know now isn’t the time to be saying sorry a  million and one times over. You can take any other time to feel guilty, to feel sorry for yourself in the wake of your own recklessness. . . But this is about Diluc.
“All the art my father hung up on the walls, —the chess board he taught me how to play on. I’ve run my fingers over every frame, every pawn, every knight, and I can’t feel him anywhere. It’s almost like he never existed, even though every part of the manor has remained unchanged since his passing. The maids and other staff don’t speak of him; at least not when I’m around. . . It’s like they’ve all signed some unspoken contract to guard my feelings by pretending nothing ever happened.” 
You’re left speechless by his show of openness, thinking to yourself (if only passively) that it’s been far too long since you’ve heard Diluc be true about his feelings.
“Kaeya comes around sometimes, but he never comes in,” the redhead continues. “The manor was his home too, but it seems that he can’t stand to be inside anymore, so he’s left me alone to pick up all the pieces, and I hate him for it. But I love him too, from the bottom of my heart. He’s my brother, —blood or not. I know he’s hurting too, and it kills me.”
“He knows that,” you insist. “Kaeya knows that you love him, and he loves you too. It’s just that all the animosity between you two reaches a boiling point when you stuff everything down and hide your pain away, and he wears it on his sleeve, letting it seep out the moment he gets set off. Both of you love to pretend that you’re fine alone, that everything will work itself out somehow if you ignore it for long enough, —but I think we’ve established that that’s not quite how this is gonna go.”
And then Diluc laughs. It’s low and deep, coming straight from his chest, lasting no more than a handful of seconds. The stars in his eyes burn alight again, flickering like a lost lantern in the wind. A softer breeze than the howling gusts just outside the hilichurl structure you’re sitting in that’s miraculously managed to stay intact thus far.
“That’s so like you,” he comments, amusement clinging to his words. “You’re so honest in a roundabout way; trying your best to protect my feelings, and Kaeya’s if he happens to be eavesdropping on us, all while essentially saying we should stop being idiots and just talk about our problems.”
Although that’s a very watered down version of your conviction, it works well enough, you suppose. A giggle bubbles up from the back of your throat, exploding into the chilly air.
“That’s one way to say it, I guess,” you laugh. “I know that’s a lot easier said than done, but I’m hoping you see where I’m coming from. It might not be my place to say it, —but it’s hard to watch you two ram heads like this. Even though none of us are kids anymore, it’d be nice to be like we used to sometimes.”
Diluc agrees. He thinks about that more than he’ll ever be willing to admit; about the days he spent running past the vineyards, you and Kaeya right on his heels, laughter soaring through the open air. He thinks about the sweet taste of freshly mixed juice drinks, foam clinging to his upper lip. . . He can make his own drinks these days, of course, but they never taste quite like his father’s.
When he smiles like this, you get a glimpse of the boy you grew up alongside. You get a glimpse of the young man you fell in love with, yet never made any mention of it so as not to upset the balance. It was easier if everyone remained friends; if you never chose to cross the line. You suppose that’s yet another reason why it was so hard to approach him after he arrived back in Mondstadt. It wouldn’t be fair to grieve the loss of who he used to be, but it was nothing short of inevitable.
I loved you then, and I love you now. 
“In any case, I. . . I should go look for Kaeya,” you say; but there’s no conviction in your words.
He’s an adult, and you know better than most that Kaeya can take care of himself; rain or shine. In fact, with that Vision of his, he might as well be better suited to stormy nights and rainy days. Though he seems like he wants to, Diluc says nothing to keep you from going. Maybe it’s just that he doesn’t want you to soak yourself to the bone, or maybe it’s that he just wants you to stay; nothing more, nothing less. Either way, he doesn’t say it.
Until he does.
“Y/n, please. . .”
You pause, turning to look at him the moment he says your name. Diluc swallows, hoping the words don’t go down with it.
“Don’t leave.”
Your heart stutters. As the sky grows darker somewhere off in the distance, as the rain slams roughly against the little hut you’re stuffed in, —as thunder resounds loud enough to shake the very ground beneath your knees, you find yourself pulled into his orbit again.
It’s all too easy to love him like the sun is dying.
Now’s not the right time, this isn’t the right place. . . Nothing about this is right, but you can’t bring yourself to pull away. He smells of rain, soil, and must; hair disheveled and falling out of the loose, low ponytail at the back of his head. The plain scent of bland vegetables boiling just a foot or two away would have thrown you off if you’d been lucid enough to care.
His kiss is fervent and desperate in a way you never expected, —something less than sweet, but far from bitter. Damp hands cup your cheeks like you’re made of brittle porcelain, so gentle that you can melt into his touch without having to question why. It’s hard to believe these lips are the same ones that threw insults Kaeya’s way just a bit ago, and when you rest your forehead against his, breathing through the haze, it’s even harder to imagine that his lovesick stare is only meant for you.
You could spend forever here, but that wouldn’t serve either of you.
“Go,” you whisper softly, pressing the flat of your hand to his chest. “He’s your brother.”
Diluc hesitates, but deep down, he knows you’re right. He’s angry, —he’s been angry for a long time now. It’s eaten at him for longer than he’ll ever care to admit, burning up his mind and scorching all the flowers. 
And maybe, he thinks to himself with your face cupped in his chilled hands, it’s time to start letting some of that anger go, washing it away with the rain.
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