#He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy. (Verse - Corruption)
fragilehunter · 5 years
//Verse reminder, rundown, whatever 
Some are born to endless night. (Verse - Main)
Pretty straight forward, its V within the main timeline. Technically I’ve included Visions of V in this verse but I’ll probably make a new verse for that entirely. 
Without contraries there is no progression.  (Verse - Post DMC5 2)
I’m doing these out of order because originally, this wasn’t my main post 5 verse but it is now. This is my verse where V survives alongside Vergil after the game. Nothing changes in game and after Dante and Vergil return from the underworld, Vergil brings V to life once more, using his own life force. Because he’s developed his own soul and personality, he doesn’t take all the pieces from Vergil that he had the first time and their memories overall are shared between them. His lifespan will be short but he is grateful for survival. (Note, this is the explanation created by me and @betteresurrection and I’m happy to alter it for any other Vergils) 
If a thing loves, it is infinite. (Verse - Post dmc5 1)
This is my other alternate ending to the game. In this version, Urizen is defeated. V has no hope of returning to Vergil and in his desperate attempts to survive, he ends up absorbing his familiars and their power. The boost lasts long enough for the Qliphoth to begin to fall and as such, the rot in V seems to begin to heal. The exposure to the Underworld and strong demonic power was killing him but with it gone, his human flesh could begin to fix itself. After coming to terms with the fact that he can survive on his own, he continues on as a Hunter in hopes of cleaning up what Vergil caused. 
He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy. (Verse - Corruption)
In a bid for power, V attempts to bind himself to his familiars differently so he may draw from their abilities without relying on them directly. Things go wrong and result in a horrifying fusion of the four of them. He is a twisted, terrifying amalgamation of wings and claws and fangs. He fights to keep control but he often loses.
The true method of knowledge is experiment. (Verse - Angelo)
A verse in which V is ‘born’ in Fortuna, a creation of Agnus in his quest to repair the Yamato and further his research into demonic power. He is named Angelo, and he is something akin to the biological offspring of Vergil, or perhaps a clone. His demonic powers, however, were far too weak. He was unable to fix the Yamato or be of any real use to Agnus’s research. So he was used as a test subject whenever the need arose, not considered human so did it matter what was done to him?
He is kept hidden away, only the very upper members of the Order is aware of his existence. After the Order falls, Angelo takes on the name V to separate himself from Agnus’s other creations.
Life delights in life. (Verse - Family)
V and Urizen are the twin sons of @betteresurrection and @thefallenapprentice . Urizen is the younger but far more powerful and demonic than his older brother.  V finds a Shadow demon and makes a contract with her, binding her to him and learns to use her powers as his own. He continues to make deals with other demons and seems to have an overall inherent ability to tame lesser demons.
Secret joys and secret smiles. Little pretty infant wiles. (Verse - Motherhood)
Set in my main verses but is the V to @doomedevotion ‘s main verse
His eyes were dry - no tears would flow: a hollow groan first spoke his woe. (Verse - Nelo Angelo)
Verse in which, due to trauma and memories, V regresses to a point where he believes himself to be Nelo Angelo once more. He believes Mundus is still active and ruling and sees him as his King and Master. He seems to believe this weak body is a punishment for something he has done, and desperately wishes to be returned to his strength and his armour. 
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. (Verse - Reboot)
V is made up of the parts of Vergil that he ‘killed’ and left behind. While he isn’t exactly human, what he truly is is uncertain and definitely not something that he existed before. Certain he was going to die, V used the last lingering grasps of power he had to create his own protectors - his familiars. As he passed out, they were sealed within him, leaving tattoos inked upon his skin.
He comes to terms with the fact that the closest thing to what he is is an Angel. He is extremely weak and powerless and spends his time hidden away in a small, but comfortable apartment on the edges of Limbo City. He wants to continue to protect people so he works online to keep an eye on demon activity and unravel demonic conspiracies and out any demons he can.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy. (Verse - Corruption)
Power corrupts. Power destroys. So acutely aware of this, so aware that this constant desire brought the downfall of his former self, and yet still weak to its call. He will never be strong enough to resist.
How many times must one being fail before a lesson is learnt? 
It’s a mistake, an error, an unseen flaw. Or was it obvious? Discarded weaknesses, unwanted emotion and connection, a desperate need to never be abandoned again. It binds them. Tighter, must tighter, than they realised. 
A verse in which V and his familiars become far too entwined. V’s desire for power and for life leads to a failed fusion of the four of them. A strange amalgamation of lingering demonic nightmares and a weak human. He is unstable, physically and mentally. A writhing, vaguely human shaped mess of claws and wings and fangs. He fights to keep control. He loses often.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
Send ⛓ to capture my muse. Accepting
The demon screamed - A horrifying sound of multiple voices blended and layered on top of one another. Clawed hands attempted to rip at the chains binding him but it was futile.
The screaming died into a snarl. Fangs bared and eyes wild, the strange best lowered himself defensively as he glared at his captor. His wings ruffled and shifted beneath the chains. He wanted to escape desperately but there was nothing he could do to fight this. 
“Let go....!” He screeched. 
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fragilehunter · 5 years
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//He’ll be fine
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fragilehunter · 5 years
ofcreed replied to your post “›“”
Credo was quick to act and he had captured a demon that had been reported. There hadn't been any known threats persay but the brunet wasn't going to let a demon run around without knowing it's intent. So he opted to capture instead of slay. The man stood there holding the chains as he watched the demon freak out and then calm down. "Enough of that."
The demon snarled, black fluid dripping from its mouth. It was a being like no other and its instability was clear. But it didn’t struggle further, simply glowing and glaring. 
“Free me.” The strange voice demanded. “Break this heavy chain that does freeze my bones around... Selfish! Vain!”
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