#It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. (Verse - Reboot)
fragilehunter · 5 years
//Similarities between my classic and reboot Vs-
Absolute cryptid energy  Asexual  Agender (He/him) Autistic Familiars (Reboot V’s are angelic, not demonic) Generally good people  Poetry fixation (Classic focuses on Blake, Reboot focuses on T.S Elliot - but they both like poetry in general) Quiet, judgemental bitches  Self isolation and terrible coping methods 
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ustrinamor · 7 years
tell everyone how to start pre-established relationships with your muse! How to be their friend? Enemy? Ex? Go for it! Have lots of fun and tag five blogs you want to know better afterwards!
tagged by:  Stolen from @chantryprince because I can’t resist pre-established stuff tagging:  @ralliedcry (both your bbs I’m a lazy tagger lmao), @dirthera , @ass--sass--sin , @thxwarden , and anyone else who wants to do it!
(I put this under a cut because I’m doing it for all of my muses so it might get long! I’m only doing a couple of ideas for each to help with the length. Also, these are all pretty non-specific so they can be tailored on a case-by-case basis. Come talk plots with me and we can make something specific to our muses!)
(Mostly Dragon Age) A contact or acquaintance she’s made in the underground. They might be one of the few people who know of her involvement with the Kemurikage. Pls give her more criminal friends
(Dragon Age) A family friend, most likely nobility with Tevinter background/connections but Orlesian nobility works too.
Tbh she has a lot of connections in Orlais as a Marquise’s sister so she could know someone through that. This also extends beyond Orlais to a degree.
She is well-loved by the Orlesian commonfolk and is likely to have friends of non-noble status throughout Orlais. A lot of her work has been put to improving the lives of those outside of the gentry, and she’s really spent more time among commoners than nobility as she’s grown into her adulthood.
Fellow assassins in any verse (Elder Scrolls/Dragon Age mostly)
Worshippers of Nocturnal. No doubt she’s been sent to do a few personal requests for the most faithful of them. She’s likely even been sent as assistance to the nightingales and other agents on occasion.
Fellow bards and ex bards. Perhaps they even worked together on a few assignments.
People from Kirkwall. She built a wide net of connections while spying there. She spied in Kirkwall the same time Hawke was there. One of her objectives was to actually spy on Hawke and their companions later on when they became more involved with events.
People she knew during her brief time as a slave in Tevinter. She was young and escaped when she was barely into her teens, so this would be less familiar than other relationships.
Fellow Dalish. Teslaena was First in her clan before she got kicked out, so she was highly involved in dealings with other clans.
Free Marchers. Tess’s clan was very friendly to humans in Kirkwall, Ostwick, and Starkhaven and for the most part had a good relationship with them. She explored the cities a lot, always interested in human culture. She might have made a few friends there. She also lived in Kirkwall later after being exiled, so that makes this way more likely.
Other ninja or demon hunters. Slayers gotta stick together yo
Associates of Taki. She probably introduced Natsu to a lot of people, since she is her successor.
Antivans; anyone ranging from nobility to bards to assassins to whatever. It’s her homeland and she has a wide net of connections there specifically.
She honestly knows or knows of 90% of the nobility in Thedas tbh. Being the skilled ambassador that she is, she likely has numerous friends among the gentry.
(DMC Reboot timeline) Other Demons. She was one of Mundus’s top lieutenants before her fall from his favor. No doubt she’s made a lot of allies and still managed to keep some even after getting into trouble. Probably has a better relationship with other demons now that Mundus is gone, actually.
(Dragon Age) Mortals she’s made deals with in the past. This is largely more likely to occur with mages since there is easier access to them than non-mages, but she is powerful and has likely found non-mages who were willing to make deals with her.
Former members of the Circle, apprentices or high-ranking. She likely only still thinks fondly of the people who did not approve of the rebellion, but there may be a few exceptions where she is forgiving to those who joined. (Younger apprentices and people who were just led along, mostly, since she believes some of them truly didn’t know any better. For older enchanters or established members or members who actively pushed for the Circle’s dissolution, she is unforgiving.)
Members of the Orlesian court. She has a favorable reputation, if not a vicious one. Many would like to befriend her if only to earn her favor.
Political rivals, whether mainstream or for control of the underground.
Nobility who have slighted her (and most likely paid for it.)
Many people still look poorly upon her family for what the Shame of Serault did. Some have even taken measures against her family. These people are unforgivable to her.
Nobility who for the most part openly act for their own gain. She is quick to speak against people she finds selfishly motivated, uncaring of the repercussions.
Rival assassins in any verse (Elder Scrolls/Dragon Age mostly). Perhaps there was a contract dispute, or a target was killed by one assassin while the other believes they target was rightfully theirs (or just doesn’t like having a paycheck stolen)
Worshippers of other Daedra. Particularly Mephala or Molag Bal. (Not so much Azura, Meridia, or Sanguine, as they are the least ‘intrusive’. Mephala and Molag Bal just like to fuck shit up for other daedra lmao)
Slavers and Tevinter nobility. For the most part it isn’t personally towards a single person or noble house, just the institution in general. When it comes to House Erimond, however, it is deeply personal as that is the house she served as a slave.
People she worked against as a bard. She worked for Empress Celene on occasion as her employer was a close friend and supporter of the empress, so she has done things against Gaspard and his supporters as well as other rivals of Celene and her employer.
Templars. Particularly from Kirkwall or other cities in the Free Marches. She explored the cities a lot, so despite the clan’s good relationship with the cities, she’s likely encountered her fair share of Templars who were apprehensive or rude to her for openly presenting herself as a mage. A few probably even tried to arrest her for apostasy.
Other Dalish that she didn’t get along with. Her pro-human views likely have earned a lot of detractors and enemies. A lot of people would be especially angry that a clan’s First had pro-human opinions.
Demons. She’s a demon hunter, so it’s a natural fit.
Other demon hunters that see her as no more than a demon herself. They might want her dead because of the demon sealed inside of her, or believe she’s a hypocrite or some sort of sleeper-agent.
The rare few members of nobility that don’t like her lmao
People who have worked against her family and their fortune (assassins, etc.)
(DMC Reboot timeline) Angels. Demons and angels have a longstanding history of hate and war, so there’s a natural dislike.
(DMC Reboot timeline) Demon hunters. I mean....this is kinda obvious too lmao. She didn’t start appearing in the mortal world again until after Mundus’s death, but someone who hunted her before she disappeared might remember her.
Vivienne has a LOT of enemies, particularly within the mage rebellion. She’s got plenty at court as well, so really a past rival or enemy could come from anywhere for any various reason.
This is honestly  on a very specific case-by-case basis, so I’ll just say how likely an ex-lover relationship could be with a muse.
Azula: Not very likely. She trusts very few people, and is extremely selective with casual relationships.
Faline: Somewhat likely. She’s had a few relationships, some of them with suitors her mother wanted her to marry though she always chose not to.
Daeris: Extremely likely. Daeris is very into casual relationships, and uses them as an unhealthy coping mechanism. She tends to scare off at signs of real romance.
Arsine: Likely. She’s had a few casual relationships and a couple of serious ones.
Teslaena: Not likely at all. She’s only ever been in a relationship with one person. She’s not quick to give out her heart, and she doesn’t like casual relationships.
Natsu: Not very likely. She tends to put all of her focus into her work, not to mention she doesn’t see herself as dateable because of her occupation and the fact that she has a demon sealed inside of her. She is a romantic at heart, though, so there are exceptions, but she’s gotten her heart broken every single time she’s tried a relationship.
Josephine: Not very likely. Maybe a few fleeting romances when she was younger, but since she has matured and her focus has become her familial duties, she hasn’t had much time for idle romances.
Trish: Somewhat likely. Trish is a tease, but she’s picky with who she actually gets involved with. Never anything serious.
Vivienne: Not likely at all. Her love life has always been focused on Bastien. Before he came along, she was too busy instrumenting her ownadvancement to worry about dull affairs.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
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//Some quick sketchies of my reboot V
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fragilehunter · 5 years
//Verse reminder, rundown, whatever 
Some are born to endless night. (Verse - Main)
Pretty straight forward, its V within the main timeline. Technically I’ve included Visions of V in this verse but I’ll probably make a new verse for that entirely. 
Without contraries there is no progression.  (Verse - Post DMC5 2)
I’m doing these out of order because originally, this wasn’t my main post 5 verse but it is now. This is my verse where V survives alongside Vergil after the game. Nothing changes in game and after Dante and Vergil return from the underworld, Vergil brings V to life once more, using his own life force. Because he’s developed his own soul and personality, he doesn’t take all the pieces from Vergil that he had the first time and their memories overall are shared between them. His lifespan will be short but he is grateful for survival. (Note, this is the explanation created by me and @betteresurrection and I’m happy to alter it for any other Vergils) 
If a thing loves, it is infinite. (Verse - Post dmc5 1)
This is my other alternate ending to the game. In this version, Urizen is defeated. V has no hope of returning to Vergil and in his desperate attempts to survive, he ends up absorbing his familiars and their power. The boost lasts long enough for the Qliphoth to begin to fall and as such, the rot in V seems to begin to heal. The exposure to the Underworld and strong demonic power was killing him but with it gone, his human flesh could begin to fix itself. After coming to terms with the fact that he can survive on his own, he continues on as a Hunter in hopes of cleaning up what Vergil caused. 
He who binds himself to a joy does the winged life destroy. (Verse - Corruption)
In a bid for power, V attempts to bind himself to his familiars differently so he may draw from their abilities without relying on them directly. Things go wrong and result in a horrifying fusion of the four of them. He is a twisted, terrifying amalgamation of wings and claws and fangs. He fights to keep control but he often loses.
The true method of knowledge is experiment. (Verse - Angelo)
A verse in which V is ‘born’ in Fortuna, a creation of Agnus in his quest to repair the Yamato and further his research into demonic power. He is named Angelo, and he is something akin to the biological offspring of Vergil, or perhaps a clone. His demonic powers, however, were far too weak. He was unable to fix the Yamato or be of any real use to Agnus’s research. So he was used as a test subject whenever the need arose, not considered human so did it matter what was done to him?
He is kept hidden away, only the very upper members of the Order is aware of his existence. After the Order falls, Angelo takes on the name V to separate himself from Agnus’s other creations.
Life delights in life. (Verse - Family)
V and Urizen are the twin sons of @betteresurrection and @thefallenapprentice . Urizen is the younger but far more powerful and demonic than his older brother.  V finds a Shadow demon and makes a contract with her, binding her to him and learns to use her powers as his own. He continues to make deals with other demons and seems to have an overall inherent ability to tame lesser demons.
Secret joys and secret smiles. Little pretty infant wiles. (Verse - Motherhood)
Set in my main verses but is the V to @doomedevotion ‘s main verse
His eyes were dry - no tears would flow: a hollow groan first spoke his woe. (Verse - Nelo Angelo)
Verse in which, due to trauma and memories, V regresses to a point where he believes himself to be Nelo Angelo once more. He believes Mundus is still active and ruling and sees him as his King and Master. He seems to believe this weak body is a punishment for something he has done, and desperately wishes to be returned to his strength and his armour. 
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. (Verse - Reboot)
V is made up of the parts of Vergil that he ‘killed’ and left behind. While he isn’t exactly human, what he truly is is uncertain and definitely not something that he existed before. Certain he was going to die, V used the last lingering grasps of power he had to create his own protectors - his familiars. As he passed out, they were sealed within him, leaving tattoos inked upon his skin.
He comes to terms with the fact that the closest thing to what he is is an Angel. He is extremely weak and powerless and spends his time hidden away in a small, but comfortable apartment on the edges of Limbo City. He wants to continue to protect people so he works online to keep an eye on demon activity and unravel demonic conspiracies and out any demons he can.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
//Just dumping picrews of Reboot V,,,,
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fragilehunter · 5 years
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. (Verse - Reboot)
Vergil ambitious and stubborn, entirely unwilling to back down or accept defeat. Even as he cuts away his own weaknesses, they preserve some of this stubborn desire to live and succeed. As Vergil took hell for his own, the remnants he discarded birthed something... Something new.
V is made up of the parts of Vergil that he ‘killed’ and left behind. While he isn’t exactly human, what he truly is is uncertain and definitely not something that he existed before. Certain he was going to die, V used the last lingering grasps of power he had to create his own protectors - his familiars. As he passed out, they were sealed within him, leaving tattoos inked upon his skin. 
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fragilehunter · 5 years
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He throws another book.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
V groans in his own annoyance as he’s dropped haphazardly on the couch. His body aches and the jostling doesn’t help at all. The fact that he’s still in one piece is shocking within itself.
“I... Got attacked...” He sounded more frustrated than upset over his situation. “I’ll be okay. Just... Stay with me as I rest?”
@yamatoforvergil X
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fragilehunter · 5 years
//Being an angel, a human body isn't V's true form but he isn't able to keep his real form for very long at all.
But in it, he has brilliant red hair that moves like flames. His eyes glow white and he has glorious wings. His entire form is bright and hard to look at.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
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“Flying shouldn’t be more tiring than walking. What’s the point of having wings?”
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fragilehunter · 5 years
flicks V between the eyes with one finger
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“I don’t know what I did to deserve that.” 
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fragilehunter · 5 years
From yourpromdatedante: rough touch
Send ‘rough touch’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small starter
26. My muse pins yours to the ground.
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V hadn’t meant to approach. He didn’t want anything to do with Dante, he just wanted to pretend he didn’t exist. But rage built inside of him and with a burst of divine strength, he threw himself at his brother.
They both fell and V used the length of his cane to pin the other beneath him. But he realised, so suddenly, that Dante surely wouldn’t know who he was.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
//V absolutely got his hands on at least a good chunk of Vergil’s money so he isn’t the same dirty homeless twink in this verse. Once he settles into his new life a little, he gets a small apartment on the outskirts of Limbo City -- not wanting to be close by but not wanting to leave completely. He generally tries to avoid Dante and Kat and members of The Order - at least in person. He does take a more active role online, not going far enough to claim that he is Vergil but continues to use The Order for information and his own benefit, mostly to keep track of demon activity and Dante.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
//Some differences in my classic and reboot Verses
Classic V - Human with a touch of lingering demonic power Broke and homeless, hanging around in abandoned buildings in Red Grave City Magic user - Witch Weak and sickly Physically about 19 Swirling, intricate tattoos Naturally white hair and green eyes Wants to stick around Dante and fix everything Vergil has done Lots of Trauma and Guilt Cane and sword (Cane is a necessity)
Reboot V - Angel with next to no angelic power Financially comfortable and living on the edges of Limbo City  Magic user - Medium  Weak and easily worn out but not sick Physically about 21 Random seeming, modern, disjointed tattoos Naturally black hair and blue eyes Wants to avoid Dante and Kat and doesn’t super care what Vergil is doing Not much trauma at all and he doesn’t have an entirely differing viewpoint from Vergil  Sword cane (Cane is not a necessity) 
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fragilehunter · 5 years
“ i have to try. ”
quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters Accepting
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“What is the point of trying if you can’t succeed? Who benefits if you fail, hm? You or your enemies?” V saw no issue in being blunt.
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fragilehunter · 5 years
“ i am someone who did not die when they should have. ”
quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters Accepting
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“That is something we have in common, then. But it doesn’t answer my question.” 
V looked unimpressed at the annoyingly cryptic reply – he didn’t like being on the other side of it. Maybe he’d reconsider how he spoke to people as well.
“I’ll ask again. Who are you?”
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