dazzlingkm · 9 months
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Henry Danger | Season 5: Episode 16 - I Dream of Danger
The fact that Henry laughed when Ray joked about him proposing to Charlotte says a lot of things here. Then when Jasper and Ray started suggesting their ship names Chenry/Henlotte when they got married, again Henry didn't even complain— he even looked fond of the idea of him and Char. Charlotte was the one who complained and said "We're not getting married". Schwoz even teased "Not until you kiss you're not" Charlotte then decided it was her cue to leave and Ray said "runaway bride", again Henry just smiled. And I was like dude say something for god sake!?😂😂😂
Just look at the boys, they look so proud of the two. With their big smiles and everything. Not to mention, Schwoz IS the biggest Chenry shipper and I seriously think he should be the President of Chenry.😂
Call me delusional or whatever, I don't care. Just looking at Henry's expression in that episode says otherwise. I think he has a thing for Char at some point.
We've been robbed by Nickelodeon. And I. Don't. Like. It.😑
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unredact3d · 7 months
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ugh shes so swag shes so beautiful
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quick question: what is it like to not be a multishipper? like? i genuinely don’t understand
do you just only see one possibility and then block out anything else? do you see the possibilities and just pick your favorite? please explain
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hahahax30 · 1 year
what about charlotte x henry idk their ship name
Fairwell? Branchild? Henlotte? Idk their ship name either diamwowjd
Anyways. I do ship them ofc
What made you ship it?
This is going to sound very silly, but what made me ship them was the sole fact that they were an established couple. I don't think I would've shipped them otherwise
What are your favorite things about the ship?
✨Henry✨ idk but he's just great and I absolutely adore it when men adore their partners. It makes me go all soft
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I once told this to someone and they threw me quite a lot of hate, but they're HORRIBLE parents.
Everyone makes them out to be amazing parents because they were there to 'raise' Will, Jem and Jessamine. However, none of their parenting attempts succeeded. I mean, Jessamine ended up dead and she was kind of a huge bitch, it wouldn't be until Tessa that Will would stop acting like a jerk, and Jem is already perfect so it's not like they did anything extremely wrong when 'parenting' him (but they could've tried to protect him from Jessamine's racism because that whole thing was swept under the rug in tid but it did exist and just imagine immigrating to a completely different country because you're an orphan and finding out you need to share a house with this racist, entitled girl).
And then, when they actually became parents Charles turned out to be Charles, and Matthew became an alcoholic because they failed to communicate with him (or are we going to pretend like a simple 'hey Matthew, I'm pregnant' wouldn't have solved all of Matthew's character arc?)
This isn't to say I hate them or anything. I'm quite indifferent to them tbh and I don't dislike them in the slightest. It's just that then being good parents is like saying Boris Johnson brushes his hair (aka a lie)
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noreasonjustbored · 2 years
Fall In Fake Love With Me
Hey y’all! *laughs nervously* I know I haven’t updated in like a century but I’m back! This is the one story that I promised myself I would finish and I definitely wanna keep that promise. You might wanna go back and read the first three chapters to refresh your memory since it’s been so long. I hope you enjoy!
Tag List:
@mychenrymadness @up-the-tube @heyimtavia @adorkable-blackgirl @topazmoonstone
If you want to be removed or tagged in my future posts, let me know. Please leave me feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“It sure is crowded for a kickback” Charlotte muttered as she sidestepped a large football player rushing to the front door they had just walked through. She could hear the sound of him puking fade away as they ventured further in.
Walking into the party was almost like walking into a parallel universe. Not because anything particularly crazy was happening but just because they were there. In a place they had never been welcome before. Or had even considered going during normal circumstances.
They weren’t pariahs or anything and Swellview is a smallish town, population wise so it wasn’t like they were unknown. They were just standoffish with people outside their circle. Most of their time was spent at the ManCave with Ray, Jasper and Schowz. Fighting crime took a lot of energy. There wasn’t much left over for social interaction.
“Do you want something to drink?” Henry asked Charlotte.
“Yeah sure” she responded back easily.
Henry started weaving through the crowd while Charlotte followed.
Once they made it to the kitchen they saw that it was relatively empty. Only a random couple who were making out on the island and a guy who was asleep with his body half inside of the pantry could be spotted.
“We were definitely not at dinner long enough for people to be this drunk” Charlotte muttered.
“Seriously”, Henry said while carefully stepping over the sleeping dude’s face to access the refrigerator, Charlotte following his path.
“How long till we can leave?” Charlotte groaned.
“Come on, don’t be like that Char. Let’s try to have fun.” Henry pleaded while handing her a sprite and getting a coke for himself.
She muttered her thanks while accepting the drink. “I’ll try.”
“That’s my girl.” He said encouragingly with a smirk.
“Shut up” replied Char while pushing his shoulder lightly. “Let’s go chill on the couch.”
They once again voyaged through the throng of partygoers in order to reach the living room. Spotting a large sectional, they beelined for the empty spaces at the end.
Henry sat in the corner and before Charlotte could sit next to him he grabbed her hips to redirect her onto his lap.
Letting out a surprised squeak, she tried to protest and move to the seat beside him but Henry sat up against her back and whispered in her ear “Bianca, 3 o’clock.”
Charlotte looked out the corner of her eye and saw Bianca glaring at them over the rim of her cup as she took a sip.
Char subtly raised her eyebrows in disdain and then leaned against Henry until they were both molded into the couch. Noticing that Henry still had his hands resting lightly on her hips, she pulled them around her further so they were wrapped around her midsection with her hands covering his.
Not questioning her sudden bout of confidence, Henry pulled her impossibly closer.
Rage seemed to radiate from Bianca as she downed the remainder of whatever liquid courage was in her cup and handed the hollow plastic to a confused stranger partying beside her.
Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Bianca put on a mask of indifference and started to dance in a way that was supposed to give off sensuality but was severely lacking.
Is she serious? Charlotte thought while watching her dance and obviously make eyes at Henry behind her. Feeling a sudden burst of petty energy Charlotte turned her body slightly and placed a kiss on Henry’s neck. When she looked back into the crowd she saw that Bianca had found a random football player and was now attempting to grind on him. Folding her lips inside her mouth to prevent herself from laughing, Charlotte leaned back against Henry’s chest and murmured “Check mate.”
Throughout this whole process that couldn’t have been more than three minutes, Henry was a little stunned. He may have overestimated his own skills when he was teasing Charlotte about needing to practice earlier. Now he was the one feeling like a novice.
Pulling her onto his lap had been impulsive and it seemed like a good enough idea until Charlotte did what she does best and elevated it. She always makes a plan so much better he thought absentmindedly.
Now that they were in this position, all he could really do was focus on controlling his breathing. He might’ve bit off more than he could chew. Why was he feeling tingly all of a sudden?
Thirty more minutes into the party and Henry was in hell. He didn’t fully think this whole Charlotte sitting on his lap thing through. He’s realizing that he put way too much faith in himself and that was his first mistake.
His second mistake? Not thinking about how much Charlotte would be moving. Charlotte is definitely not the type of girl to go out alone in the middle of the crowd but he’s coming to the realization that she is a chair dancer. And he’s the chair.
He isn’t even sure if she’s conscious of it but every time a song she likes comes on she sways a little to the music and she also moves her hips. Very subtly but definitely enough that he can feel it.
After a reggaeton song that was popular on TikTok ends, he needs to get her off of him. Like now. Otherwise their friendship will take a very awkward turn.
“Um, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick” Henry whispered into her ear before putting his hands on her hips to lift her off of him.
“Ok no problem.” she replies while standing up.
Practically sprinting to the bathroom, Henry gets there and discovers that there is a line.
“Ugh. This is not what I need right now.” He grumbles frustratedly under his breath with his head down.
He must’ve been louder than he thought because the girl in front of him looks over her shoulder.
It’s Bianca. But Henry is too busy glaring at his shoelaces and thinking of Schowz in one of his bean baths to help calm his racing pulse.
Dropping her clutch on the ground in front of her, Bianca reaches down to grab it and rubs up against Henry on the way up.
“Whoa, dude what are you doing?” he says while backing up with his arms raised.
“Sorry, I just dropped my bag.”
“Riggghhhhhhhtttttt” Henry replies in a disapproving tone.
“My bad.” She simpered unapologetically. “But it seems like you enjoyed it.”
“I definitely didn’t.”
“That’s not what I felt.”
“What you felt had absolutely nothing to do with you.”
“Of course not. Because you have a ‘girlfriend’” she replies boredly.
“Yes. I do have a girlfriend. No air quotes required.”
“Uh uh. Henry, why are you playing so hard to get? I know this thing with Charlene is just a ruse to make me jealous. Admit it.”
“You know what Bianca? You’re right about one thing.” He crooks a finger at her. “Come here, let me tell you something.”
She leans closer to Henry as he bends down to speak directly in her ear.
“I am hard to get. For you. For Charlotte I’m just hard. She’s the reason why you felt what you felt. It had nothing to do with your little bend and snap stunt.”
Bianca looks disgusted as she processes his vulgar words and their implications.
“But you know what you did do for me?”
“You helped me lose my boner.” Henry states while leaning back up.
He looked at her and saw nothing but affronted disapproval all over her face.
At the same time, someone was exiting the bathroom. “Oh look, it’s your turn” he casually remarked while leaving to go back to the party.
She stood there in stunned silence for a few moments.
“Yo! You gonna pee or not?!” the new person behind her exclaimed before shoving her aside when they received no response.
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cherrychenry · 4 years
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no lies detected, dr. doofenshmirtz for president!
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charpaige · 4 years
my canon chenry fantasy
Here’s how I would’ve made Chenry canon. This is a little bit over 2,300 words to compensate for the slow burn they should’ve got.
For starters, I would’ve started their relationship in Season 3. I know, I know, what about starting it in Season 1? We’ll let Henry enjoy all of his little love trysts in the first two seasons since those were actually pretty important to his character growth. It also allowed Charlotte and Henry to really bond and have some really important conversations. So, we keep those.
But, one of my favorite tropes is when someone close to a superhero gets kidnapped and they realize how important that kidnapped person is to them.
I would’ve had Charlotte get kidnapped by a new villain. A female villain too, since we barely had any of those. She’d be like Rick Twittler in a way. Since she shows up unexpected and adds a level of seriousness that the show hadn’t possessed yet. Let’s call her Miss H.
And of course, Charlotte being kidnapped drives Henry crazy because hey, one of his best friends are missing and it seems like Schwoz and Ray aren’t doing enough to bring her back.
So, Henry decides to take matters into his own hands. And predictably, he fails miserably in his rescue attempt and ends up captured with Charlotte.
While waiting for Ray and Schwoz to rescue them, the two of them have some serious bonding for a few days. They talk about missing Oreo milkshakes, wonder about what happened to Jasper’s bucket collection, and dramatically fantasize about their youth like they’re knocking on death’s door.
When Captain Man finally makes it to where Charlotte and Henry are captured, they’re moved to a room by Miss H’s goons with a two-way mirror so they could see the showdown between Ray and Miss H. There’s a countdown for ten minutes in the room, but they have no idea what it does.
However, it seems like Captain Man does. Because he looks towards the mirror with concern while Miss H. gives her monologue about her villainous ways.
Henry and Charlotte watch the fight and look back and forth between that and the timer while freaking out together, and not knowing what to do. Once the timer hits the half-way mark, they unexpectedly reach for each other’s hand, squeezing a little too tight.
And then, in typical Captain Man fashion and for television like suspense, he manages to stop Miss H. and stop the timer with one second left to spare. Henry and Charlotte respond by immediately hugging each other and jumping for joy with huge smiles on their faces.
Unexpectedly, their faces are inches apart from all the excitement, they’re out of breath in a good way, and their hearts are racing from anxiety and jubilation. But their eyes meet like they’ve never met before and lean into a kiss.
But they don’t get to kiss since Captain Man barges in and makes them jump apart like they were doing something illegal.
From there, Henry and Charlotte have a hard time talking about the almost kissing incident. It’s a little awkward and they can’t even share a bowl of popcorn without fear of their hands touching.
But they eventually talk it out. It was all in the moment they say. It just felt right at the time they say. It doesn’t mean anything and they’re still best friends they convince themselves.
Everything is cool till Charlotte gets a boyfriend. Which, completely throws Henry for a loop because what the heck, who is this guy, and why does he think he’s good enough for Charlotte.
But Henry sees how happy he makes Charlotte, how well he treats her, and how annoyingly cute they look working on LIMP projects together. So, he lets them be and keeps his jealously to himself. But they still remain pretty close and everything is seemingly normal.
Until normalcy starts to go down the drain. Because Henry and Charlotte are closer than ever now that she has a boyfriend, which is weird. But knowing that Henry doesn’t have to deal with his feelings for his best friend makes their interactions a little better. And every time Charlotte shows up to work with her boyfriend with their hands laced together, Henry gets used to the small uneasiness in his stomach and smiles a little bigger because his bestie is happy.
But happiness might as well be a pair of black jeans since it fades over time. Suddenly, Henry gets a little frustrated that he has to watch Charlotte so happy while being a sidekick to a superhero is taking a toll on his mental health, school grades, and his ability to be a teenager.
But Henry keeps it to himself since he doesn’t want to feel like a bother with his problems. Until the Christmas episode that is.
I’d keep it the same as Season 5’s episode with Ray and Henry saving Christmas trees. Except Charlotte is throwing a small Christmas party at her place with some of her class friends and Henry was supposed to be there to take a breather from being Kid Danger.
But he’s Henry with a good heart. So, he has to save Christmas even though he’s kind of sick of saving everything and not being able to hang out with his friends.
Henry arrives late to the Christmas party after everyone’s left except Jasper’s passed out on the couch from drinking too much eggnog with gingerbread crumbs all over his face.
Charlotte gives Henry a cup of hot chocolate and they sit by the fireplace where Charlotte makes him spill the beans on how he’s been doing since they barely get to talk anymore.
He makes her go first since he knows Charlotte gets an ear full of talking men since she works in the Man Cave. She fills him on accelerated testing, joining the newspaper committee, and some crime tracking system she and Schwoz had been working on in the Man Cave.
However, he’s caught off guard when she reveals that she and her boyfriend broke up a while ago. Henry had been so busy and sleep-deprived he didn’t even notice them not eating lunch together, holding hands, and at the library together.
He wants to be nosey and ask a whole bunch of questions, but her answer to them wanting to be just friends sufficed enough.          
So, Henry finally got to rant and rave about how tired he is of being Kid Danger sometimes, how much his grades are suffering, and how much he misses being the Three Musketeers with Jasper and Charlotte. He manages to leave out the fact he has a massive crush on her.
Which is hard since she looks really pretty in her forest green sweater, a Santa hat headband, and her hair straightened for her yearly layered haircut.
Charlotte puts her hand over his and does what she does best, makes him feel better while telling him how to go about his next moves to get his life back. After the serious talk is over, they vibe and catch up and Jasper wakes up to join them like it’s old times.
Jasper says his goodbyes to Henry and Charlotte and dashes home to do a weird Christmas ritual with his mother. This leaves Henry and Charlotte awkwardly standing in the doorway and saying their goodbyes with a hug. They smile a little sheepish after they separate, but Charlotte’s eyes briefly glance upwards and slightly widen.
Henry follows her line of sight and notices the culprit of her gaze, mistletoe above the doorframe that had been forgotten.
Henry coughs awkwardly and quickly says goodnight in an attempt to get out of there as soon as possible. Except Charlotte reaches for him and stops him in his tracks.
She’s looking up at him like the last almost kissing incident and Henry just thickly swallows waiting for her next move.
“You know how much I hate breaking holiday traditions.” And Charlotte leans into him and kisses him on the cheek.
Henry knows he’s embarrassingly flushed and his mouth his probably slightly agape, because who is this version Charlotte and why was mistletoe only around on Christmas?
But he’s Henry, so he’s cool and suave (yeah, right), and he smiles and wishes her a good night.
He somehow floats his way home and doesn’t stop thinking about the kiss till he falls asleep.
But the cheek kiss suddenly freaks him out while he’s eating breakfast, because what the heck does it even mean??? Does she like him? Are they on the path to being more than friends? Or does Charlotte really just love holiday traditions and he’s a victim of circumstance?
All the thinking drives him crazy, so he finally turns to Jasper to ask about what any of it means. From the beginning when they almost kissed to now. And unsurprisingly, Jasper just shrugs and says, “I dunno.”
So, Henry remains really conscious about his crush on Charlotte and unsure if their best friendship is in danger (ha, get it? ‘cuz he’s Henry/Kid Danger, yeah okay it’s not funny) or worthy of something more.
It’s up in the air till they kiss in I Dream of Danger and become official. Instead of Charlotte being freaked out by the dreams because of her inability to see Henry in a romantic way, she’s freaked out because she’s afraid of their relationship changing.
They’ve been Henry and Charlotte. The best friends for the longest amount of time. A friend turned romantic relationships usually turn out well, but she’s worried about theirs going down in flames and losing her best friend for the rest of her life.
But Henry reassures her that everything between them is going to be fine whatever path their relationship takes. And they can talk about it later when she’s not feet away from a hungry lion.
So, he rescues her and they don’t kiss, but instead, she hugs him really tight for basically saving her life.
Later on, Henry walks her home since he’s afraid to let her out of his sight now. And they talk a little bit more about their feelings for each other and admit that their relationship has been on its ups and downs.
When they’re at Charlotte’s doorstep, they get awkward since they both got a lot off of their chests in a short amount of time.
Henry has his hands in his pockets. “So, yeah…” he trails off.
She anxiously laughed. “Yeah, so what now?”
“I don’t know. Should we try the whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing?” He’s looking at the ground when he says it since this is the most nervous he’s ever been in his whole life.
“Well, I like you and you like me, so I guess it makes sense?”
“You guess?” Henry laughs.
Charlotte playfully rolls her eyes at him. “You know what I mean.”
They smile really big at each other and banter a little more till the air gets serious again. The conversation truly feels like it’s at its end now, so Henry goes in for the final blow.
“Can I kiss you?” Henry has to ask because hey, we love consent.
Charlotte nods frantically while saying yes.
And then they kiss. It’s terse but sweet and they’re both in astonishment afterward, since wow, I just kissed my best friend and it was actually kind of great.
They awkwardly part ways after that but then we get separate scenes of how happy they are. We get to see Charlotte run upstairs to her bedroom to scream into her pillow in glee. And we get to see Henry jumping up and down in excitement and punching the air. And yeah, Chenry is canon at that point.
Chenry dates officially in front of the audience from the beginning of Season 4. The first episode from that season is Sick & Wired, so we open with Charlotte taking care of a sick Henry and her remaining by his side. Ray thinks they’re lying to hang out together since they’re dating, so he still convinces Jasper to wear a wire and blah blah blah, you’ve probably seen the episode.
And yeah, so imagine official Chenry for all of Season 4 and 5. They’re not super-duper romantic and always engaging in PDA since it’s a self-proclaimed ‘kid’s show’ and I want kids to know that you don’t have to always be kissing and all over each other to be in love or in a relationship.
So, we’d just occasionally see Henry and Charlotte holding hands while sitting on the couch, Henry’s arm around Charlotte’s shoulder, the two of them sharing food and drink, them smiling super big at each other in the background when other characters are talking.
The occasional kiss could involve forehead kisses, cheek kisses, and even hand kisses because those are so wholesome and underrated. Plus, I’d want there to be a running gag that Jasper never gets to see Henry and Charlotte kiss. Since, The Bucket Trap he really wanted to see them kiss, so what’s better than to not have them kiss. It’d also be for Jace and Riele’s sake too not gonna lie. Since I’m sure that’s awkward and people ship them enough in real life.
But yeah, Jasper only sees Chenry holding hands, long hugs, and other romantic shit. And in the last episode, they offer to kiss in front of him to appease him, but there’s a power outage as soon as they go in for it and Jasper misses the whole thing with a dramatic “Noooooo!”
Canon Chenry also means we get a prom episode where they look awesome in a matching tuxedo and dress. We get a Valentine’s episode that lets them go on a date. We’d get graduation day Chenry in their caps and gowns.
Matching costume Chenry for Halloween. Like, imagine the two of them wearing a peanut butter and jelly costume where they’re each a slice of smeared bread. And Jasper gets to be a milk carton and maybe his significant other could be a chocolate chip cookie. Idk, I’m just rambling at this point.
So, yeah, that’s all I got. 
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i-am-disaster · 5 years
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Henry and Charlotte pining over one another while being married is peak relationship
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llpodcast · 2 years
(Literary License Podcast)
Nekromantik (1987)
 West German horror exploitation film co-written and directed by Jörg Buttgereit. It is known to be frequently controversial, banned in a number of countries, and has become a cult film over the years due to its transgressive subject matter (including necrophilia) and audacious imagery.
 The film is currently banned outright in Iceland, Norway, Malaysia, Singapore, and the provinces of Nova Scotia and Ontario in Canada. In 1992, the Australian Classification Board banned the film outright in Australia due to "graphic necrophilia content". In 1993, the film was banned in Finland. The film was banned outright by the New Zealand Office of Film and Literature Classification in 1999 due to "revolting, objectionable content (necrophilia, high impact violence, animal cruelty and abhorrent behavior)". The film is banned in a number of other countries as well. 
 Basket Case (1982)
 This American horror film written and directed by Frank Henenlotter, and produced by Edgar Ievins. Kevin Van Hentenryck stars as a normal-looking person who seeks vengeance for the unwanted surgery that separated him from his deformed conjoined twin brother.
 The movie was shot on 16 mm film. Basket Case had a budget of only about $35,000, financed by a small production team largely with its own rental money to enable the film to be realized. Director Henenlotter did not have control over the post-production, and the result was dark, murky, and converted to a different aspect ratio. The film was shot in part on Manhattan's 42nd Street. Henenlotter wrote the film as he walked around Times Square, which he called a "seedy, wonderful atmosphere."
The special effects for Belial consist largely of a puppet in some scenes and stop motion in others. When Belial's hand is seen attacking his victims, it is really a glove worn by Henenlotter. The puppet is used in scenes with an actor and where the eyes glow red. The sequence for Belial's rampage used stop motion animation.
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dazzlingkm · 9 months
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It's the way he looks at her for me✨
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anncody · 5 years
Doesn’t make sense!!!
I don’t get the whole Henry Danger series right now. They left us with Chenry or Henlotte or whatever ship name. Then this thing going on between Babe from Game Shakers and Henry. I get that dreams are dreams, but there’s the point of the truth about them coming out too. I mean, it would be a better series if Charlotte and Henry both came out and said the truth to each other about the dreams. Also, Charlotte can clear air between her and Jasper since he thinks that the dream was about him. Then the whole Babe and Henry relationship where he goes to see her again in NY, but not too long ago had a dream about kissing Charlotte. The storylines aren’t adding up. Idk ijdk...
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mysamcedesmadness · 5 years
So, What Are We Doing This Summer?
It was called to my attention that Henry's age was confirmed as 17 in either the Frittle episode or his birthday episode (I've not repeatedly watched those, so I didn't remember), which would either put them in their senior year or put Henry as a graduating 18 year old next year, which does happen, so I'll go with that.
Also, for some reason, all of the italics and bolds and such disappear whenever I paste to Tumblr. I honestly don’t feel like redoing tonight, but the ffnet post has them, for various emphasis on words and stuff, if that’s a better read for you.
So, What Are We Doing This Summer?
There was no Sweet Sixteen thing that she wanted to do. To be fair, her parents wanted to throw her something and invite her friends over, but she just wanted a nice dinner, some cake, maybe a museum trip and to look over college packets. Last birthday, she went to a show that she wanted to see with her friends, but it was such a hectic night that she almost didn't get to see it.
That's how plans with the friends tended to go. Unexpected and hectic. So, Sweet Sixteen, she was doing things with her parents! And that was all that there was to it!
"But, what about the time WE want to spend with you?" Jasper asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows and handed him a pamphlet. "Here. Underline cons in red, highlight pros in pink."
"What is this?"
"College brochures."
"Why are you looking at college brochures, we still have more than a year of high school left?"
She laughed, "And I very well can't figure out what schools to apply to after graduation. Senior year student council has so much to do for all of those senior ceremonies, I want to make sure I've given myself time to think about where I'm going."
"Why not Swellview University?" He wondered.
"It's on my list, but not my top choice. I want an HBCU or an Ivy League school."
"I'm gonna go right there to Swellview U. It's a good school!"
"I'm sure it's great. It's just not exactly what I want," she said and they heard the sound of Captain Man and Kid Danger coming down the tubes.
She smiled at them as they approached, resuming some kind of debate. "Dude, there's no way that a giant pancake could best a giant waffle. The waffle has ridges!" Henry fussed, then kissed her on the cheek.
"What are you two even TALKING about?"
"Animated and animatronic breakfast foods," Ray said, popping gum into his mouth. "Henry thinks that sausage would be more of a romantic than bacon and that a giant waffle could defeat a giant pancake in a fight to the death, covered in butter and syrup!"
"HOW do these subjects get started?" Charlotte wondered as they changed back.
"What about a crepe?" Jasper wondered.
Henry and Ray both laughed and repeated, "Crepe?"
"Oh yeah, a giant CREPE can fight!" Ray taunted.
Henry added, "Guess it's gonna just roll up to the scene, since he's gonna lose his innards if he steps up." The duo fell on each other laughing. Jasper sighed and shook his head.
"I'm not sure why you entered their weird little world."
"Third Wheel Syndrome has me sensitive, I think."
Henry took a seat next to Charlotte and asked Jasper, "What do you mean?"
"Since the two of you got together, I'm feeling left out," Jasper admitted.
"How? I just spent four hours stuck in a vat of scrambled eggs and country gravy. You and Char have been here going through…" he picked one up from in front of Charlotte and she sucked her teeth. "College brochures." He set it down, "Jasp you're leaving for college too?"
"No. I'm marking pros and cons for Charlotte. I'm going to Swellview University. We talked about this."
"I know! I was gonna be super upset if you were gonna run off on me. Bad enough she will be." He pointed a thumb to Charlotte.
"What happens when that happens?" Jasper wondered.
"It's at least a year in the future. We haven't even discussed what we're doing this summer," Charlotte said. The three were quiet for a moment. Ray and Schwoz were talking among themselves a few feet away.
Henry broke the collective silence between their trio by asking, "So, what are we going to do this summer"
"There's my birthday.." Jasper said then squinched his face and shook his head, "You weren't talking to me, were you?"
"I was talking to you both. Anybody have plans already?"
"I never have plans," Jasper said, almost certain that Henry was definitely only talking to Charlotte.
She said, "Same old same old for me. Summer Youth Program in June. Beginning of July trip with my parents. The only thing different this year is I'm going to add three or four campus tours of whichever colleges have the least cons and most pros."
"Need company?" Henry wondered. She furrowed her eyebrows and actually looked up at him. "Just to you know, make sure that you enjoy yourself despite the work."
"I love college tours. I'll enjoy myself," she said.
Henry pouted, "Fine." She looked questioningly at the sky about his salty tone, but left it alone. Henry sighed, "Jasper, do you think you'll want to spend any time with me this summer?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Jasper cheered. Charlotte rolled her eyes. She hadn't said that she wasn't going to spend any time with him.
In fact, her visits would be four weekends from the entire summer. Her Youth Program was on Thursdays. Her trip was two weeks. Aside from that, she was pretty sure she'd see both of these clowns every other summer moment. She'd tuned out the boys making plans without her whenever she heard Jasper declare, "It's gonna be super hard for us to do these things whenever you and Charlotte are married and stuff."
Henry shook his head and Charlotte chimed in, "Whenever what?"
Jasper reminded her, "Remember that whole hashtag Henlotte thing?"
"That was a joke, Bro," Henry said, laughing a little uncomfortably. "Nobody actually thought that I was proposing or that we were gonna be kissing. That's why it was so hilarious."
"Yeah, but you are kissing. You kiss a lot. You're together. Charlotte's thinking about her upcoming colleges before junior year end. Do we really believe she's not thinking beyond that?" Henry's head turned sharply and quickly to Charlotte.
She scoffed and said, "Don't look so panicked. As it turns out, I've been focused enough on my educational future that I haven't been circling anything in bridal books on the off chance that my boyfriend ever wants to me to participate in the antiquated institution of marriage."
Henry sighed, relieved, "Oh thank God. Wait. So… You never wanna get married, at all? To anybody?"
"Honestly, it's never crossed my mind. I've had one stupid boyfriend and I'm only 16. Why I would daydream about becoming someone's less respected partner is beyond me."
"Less respected?" Jasper repeated.
But Henry was stuck on "Stupid boyfriend?"
Charlotte snatched her brochures from Jasper and explained, "Married women are taken less seriously than their married male counterparts in the corporate world. Whether I go into STEM, academia, politics, business, or even if my degree proves useless and I wind up regretting decisions in retail - women are already valued less and when you add a wedding ring, they're expected to be full time workers and full time homemakers while Daddy retreats into his little solo space to unwind after his hard day's work. And don't let her become a mom! She doesn't get the necessary time off to be the kind of mother that everyone expects. Simultaneously, whatever kind of mother she is, the workplace thinks is too much." She was stuffing her bag and then looked at Henry, "And for the record, just because I haven't thought about it doesn't mean that I need your graphic depictions of relief about it!" She snatched her bag and headed for the elevator.
Jasper called out, "Okay, but that explanation of the workplace tells that you've definitely thought about it."
She glared at him and snapped, "That information is common knowledge to women!"
As the elevator door shut, Henry looked confused. "So.. Am I supposed to be thinking about marriage, or not?"
"I think that you shouldn't be, because Charlotte doesn't have marriage plans, but maybe if it crosses your mind, try to not seem repulsed by Charlotte being your wife? Her execution of the subject was all over the place."
"The place of lies," Ray said. "Women wanna get married. It's their reward for being good girlfriends!"
"That's a gross oversimplification of like everything involved in what you said," Henry commented. "Honestly, now that I think about it, Charlotte has literally never mentioned anything about weddings or marriage or anything like it. Not even so much as a "I'll play this song someday at my wedding."
Ray commented, taking a seat by Henry, "That's probably because she's been resigned to the fact that nobody's ever gonna marry her. I mean, she's the worst, amirite?"
"You're not," Jasper said, at the same time Henry said, "No."
"So, either of you can picture having Charlotte there, every single day, nagging you, telling you what to do, why this is unsafe or that's unwise?"
"That sounds like every day of my life since 5th grade," Jasper said.
"Yeah! Char is the smart one. We all know that. We need someone like that everyday!"
Ray muttered, "Still the worst."
"What is your problem with Charlotte?" Henry asked, exasperated."I mean, what if this does go different for us than my other relationships and it winds up being something real and lasting. Do I always have to worry that you're gonna be a butt to her?"
Ray laughed, "Yeah. I've known this was coming for a long time. I'm not treating her any differently no matter what status you have. Because as far as I'm concerned you've always been endgame… Also, she's the worst."
"Because she forces you to have to be better?" Jasper wondered.
Ray groaned and mumbled, "For your information, yes."
Charlotte came home and her uncle was on the couch, watching TV. What else was new? "Hey, Uncle Roscoe.
"Hey, Niece! You wanna watch the Kids Danger cartoon with me?"
"No. I've gotta look over college info so Mom and Dad will be able to plan my visits in between their orchestras and excavations. Speaking of, are they out tonight?"
"The Swellview Opera House. Your mom says there's a casserole just for you in the oven. Don't worry, I don't want whatever that is. I'm ordering a pizza." She nodded, disappointed that she wouldn't be able to discuss her college choices with them tonight. "You wanna watch one of your wedding dress shows?" Uncle Roscoe wondered.
"Not even Say Yasss, This is Your Drass?" He turned off the TV and wondered, "What's wrong, Tiny?"
"Sometimes, I feel like an outsider. Even in my own home and even with my only friends. Like, we're all sharing this one life, but nobody's on the journey with me and those that are on the journey, we're not on the same page."
"You know, I was an outsider like that too. Shoot, still to this day, as a starving artist."
"How can you be starving when you live here and eat everything we have?"
“I ain’t eat that grass casserole your mom made you.”
“I’m sure you mean bean sprouts,” she said, “And that’s not the whole casserole…” The doorbell rang and she looked at him. He reached for the remote control and she gave him a look. “I’ll get it.” She went to the door and by the time she peeked out of the peephole to see Henry nervously bouncing, Uncle Roscoe was laughing at something on the television. She called, “I’m gonna step outside and talk to my friend, Unc.”
“Girl, I’m watching my shows,” he said. Basically, he didn’t care.
She opened the door and stepped outside. Henry laughed, “Your friend? Something you need to tell me?” He joked, awkwardly. “What do you need, Henry?” She asked, sounding irritated.
“I need to explain what happened earlier.”
“So… Jasper was talking about marriage and we’ve never spoken about that, because neither of us are thinking that far ahead into us. But, whenever I seemed relieved, it wasn’t because I think I’d never wanna marry you or something. I just thought that we were both in the same space - a space where that’s not even a conversation yet. So, I’m sorry if I sounded insulting to you.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “We rushed really fast into the entire boyfriend-girlfriend thing. There’s no need for us to rush anything into anything else. So, it’s fine.”
“But, you seemed upset.”
“Yeah. For the reason that I told you, but it’s not a big deal. Honestly, I have other things to be upset about. Maybe it just landed on you. So, I’m sorry.”
"You wanna talk about your things?" He asked.
She sighed and leaned against the front door. "You know how my parents and I go on a trip every summer together?"
"This year is the last one. Next year, they're sending me on a solo trip after graduation to see the world myself before college."
"That sounds awesome."
"But, I hardly see them now and I just want them to go over the pros and cons of these colleges with me. I know that sounds silly to other people, but it's a huge decision to make and I wish sometimes that they'd be more involved instead of just trusting my judgement. They raised me to be independent and they don't realize that sometimes, I could use just a little dependency, you know?"  
Henry nodded, "Yeah, I get that. I haven't been able to depend on my parents in quite a while. But… I've always been able to depend on my friends. So, if you just need someone to lean on, I literally have nothing better to do than here for you." Henry offered her a hug and she smiled a small smile and accepted it. When she was hugging him, he said, "And it'd be excellent, I think… some time in the far future… you know?" She looked up at him. "IF we were thinking about that."
She nodded, "If I was gonna sell myself out in that way, it'd be with my best friend." He laughed. "I meant everything that I said about marriage! The only way that I'd be on board is if it was handled like a business arrangement with someone I trust."
"You trust like two people," he chuckled.
"Yep. And they'd both be IN the marriage."
"Me and???"
She stared at him and suggested, "Think it through."
"OH, YOU!"
"I already regret this unofficial contract."
"Fortunately, we've got a long time to even think about that. We haven't even discussed..  the physical evolution of our relationship." Her eyes widened and she wondered if he was talking about what she thought he was. He noticed and quickly changed the subject, "Or what you and me are doing this summer!"
She relaxed and nodded, "Aside from the few weeks, four weekends and Thursdays, I'm all yours…"  He raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I'm open! I mean my time is free! I have a casserole to check on. I gotta get inside!" She rushed back in, shut the door and Henry shook his head and left. "Why would bring that up, Henry? She was already having a day. I mean, sure.. you wanna discuss it. But, you haven't been together that long and it was a FLUKE that you even got her. This happened kinda haphazardly. You're gonna screw it up if you keep being weird!"
Charlotte leaned against the door, breathing hard. Are… we THERE yet??? She glanced out of the window and saw Henry look back at the house before walking away with his head down. A few minutes later, she got a text: Hey. Sorry if I scared you bringing up THAT. I won't mention it again. I don't want stuff weird between us. Call me when you don't feel awkward.
She sighed with relief and replied instantly: Thanks, Hen. You're a great friend and honestly the best boyfriend.
Henry: Not stupid boyfriend?
Charlotte: Not at all. ILU
Henry: SAME.
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neshatriumphs · 5 years
Honestly, I don't mind *clap hands and smooth it out* Henlotte. I know it's already Chenry, which, I'VE been pronouncing "Shenry," but sounded like Jasper said Chenry like chimney, BUT Henlotte is kinda cute.
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noreasonjustbored · 4 years
Hope this makes it easier for anyone who wants to check out my writing. Last Updated: 08/31/22
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Jealous (Charlotte x Henry)
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
Fall In Fake Love With Me (Charlotte x Henry)
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
You Can Never Run Fast Enough (Charlotte x Henry)
* Part 1
* Part 2
One Shots
* Patch Me Up (Charlotte x Henry)
* I Don’t Like Charlotte (Charlotte x Henry)
* Undercover With Danger (Charlotte x Henry)
* Perception Is Reality (Charlotte x Henry)
* You Will Never Understand My Everything (Charlotte x Henry)
* Tell Me It’s Okay To Fail (Charlotte x Henry)
* The Truth Is The Scariest Part (Charlotte x Henry)
* Don’t Dress Up As My Enemy (Charlotte x Henry)
* If You Love Me, Let Me Sleep (Charlotte x Henry)
* For A Wedding That Never Happened (Jordan Baker Internal Monologue/ Simone Hicks x Jordan Baker)
* I Can’t Name What I Feel For You (Kourtney x EJ)
* Respect My Gangsta (Charlotte Page Internal Monologue)
* Covering My Love For You (Jennifer x Khalil)
* Did You Forget Who’s In Charge? (Ben x Uma)
* You Feed My Soul (Amie x Elias)
* I Can’t Seem To Let You Go (Kourtney x EJ)
Dialogue Prompt List
These prompts are always open. (Charlotte x Henry) (Jennifer x Khalil) (Ben x Uma) (Amie x Elias) (Kourtney x EJ)
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cherrychenry · 4 years
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henry prudence hart, when the love of his life, charlotte page walks in
y'all CAN'T tell me they weren't in love with each other.
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the height difference!!
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