cupophrogs · 2 months
I would say I'm sorry, but I needed the laugh.
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Drew running from Miss Delight.
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“It… it was a struggle.”
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yellowanddepresso · 6 years
Story draft
"Everyone has magic, and it's so damn cool. I mean honestly so many of us take it for granted but I mean, it's just so COOL. I love using it, making different combinations and seeing what happens. Water and cold magic? Boom ice, of course that basic, but then you get cooler things, like earth and fire to make glass magic, I mean that requires enough knowledge of earth magic to be able to separate out different substances, but then you can make GLASS." He says this like something he's repeated many times.
"You know Andrew, if magic really is this cool to you, why don't you go to one of the academies? I garuntee they'd accept you in a heartbeat, I'm pretty sure you've got claim to being the youngest master to a more than a few types of magic, hell I've seen you create fuckin sapphires and you're only 20 dude, next youngest person who can do that is Lithas and she's in her 50s." He says this with a look of hope.
"Yeah, I know but they're so boring with all their rules, like why should I not be allowed to combine more radical forms of magic just Because it "isn't safe"? I wanna know what happens if I combine death and life magic, actually, thinking about it-" a look of curiosity crosses Andrews face.
"I swear to the gods if you try that with me around, I'll find you in whatever hell you send us to and kill you a second time. You know very well what happens when combining those two magics, you may as well kill me where I stand." He snaps, fear in his eyes.
"Ugh. Fine, but see that's what I'm talking about, I wouldn't even be allowed to try that on my own within a bounded field if I wanted. They're just so, strict. We may have only met a few weeks ago but I'd think you should know me better by now Ryan" Andrew almost has a scolding tone in his voice.
"Well it's not my fault that you're too stubborn to join them, the overseers would fund you like crazy and give you access to all the equipment you can dream of once they found out what you can do. I mean really, you should think about it." A look of puzzlement takes over Ryan. "Actually, how HAVE you managed to avoid their attention?"
"Oh, I really haven't they knew about me by the time I was 8, the prodigy mage they called me. They talked about how smart I was, what great things I could do, how I could excel in any field I wanted without any real challenge. Unfortunately for them, I wasn't much for rules, classes, and studying. I just want to have fun, hell they still make monthly attempts at recruiting me" He smirks.
Ryan looks surprised at this "You should join then! If I understand you correctly they're basically begging you to join, and that is something the overseers rarely do. If they're that desperate, they'd probably bend the rules however you want."
"Damn you sound just like them, look there's no way they'd break their precious rules, even for me. I mean, if you love them so much, why don't you go and join them?" Andrew slumps back with a sigh.
Ryan grins "Actually, I'm a certified mage already" The grin fades. "not like it means much apparently, seeing as you are leagues beyond me without any official training."
"Sorry that I make you feel inferior." Andrew says with a smirk.
Ryan looks quite insulted "Hey! That's not what I meant at all, fuck off with that.. You know what I've got nothing to do today, why don't you show me some of your magic? Nothing dangerous though! Just something nice and calm"
"Heh, sure why not, I always enjoy showing off. And since you mentioned sapphire creation I'll do just that" As Andrew stops talking a look of concentration crosses his face and a combination of fire, titanium, and rock comes together in front of him, creating a floating mass of magma "alright, give it a few days and you'll have yourself a nice old sapphire"
"Wait, what? I thought you could just create one! I've seen you do just that in fact!"
He breaks out laughing for a few moments "aw man, thought I could fool ya. Oh well, guess I gotta finish it then" Andrew uses cold magic to cool the magma into a solid mass before breaking it open with some earth magic, revealing a perfectly round, blue sapphire. "There, ya like it?"
"Wow, that interesting to watch, what was with the metal earlier though? I thought it was just a crystal" Ryan says with a look of confusion.
"What? Never took a geology course at the academy? Sapphires get their blue from the titanium in them" While saying this, he extracts  the titanium from the sapphire, forming it into another, almost imperceptibly tiny sphere in his hand, turning the blue sapphire white.
"I.. did not know that, so what is that a diamond now?" Ryan asks.
"Nope still a sapphire, only way to make it not a sapphire is if it were red, that'd make it a ruby" he tosses the sapphire to Ryan, forming the titanium back in. "What really matters in its designation is the material it's made out of, sapphires are made out of corrundum, diamonds are carbon all the way through. There's your geology lesson for the day"
"You know.. way too much about this stuff" Ryan says.
Laughing, Andrew replys "What, just because I refused to attend an academy you think I'm uneducated or something? I still value knowledge, I just learn what I want, not what I'm told. It makes every lesson much more interesting." He smiles to himself. "Anyways, you may have free time but I have some errands to run. Tell you what, practice forming a sapphire like that, it's the simplest way to do it, if you haven't figured it out when I'm free I'll teach you how myself." Andrew picks up his bag and gets up from the table.
"Errands? I thought you were free spirited and whatnot?" Ryan says.
"My spirit may be free, but food isn't my guy and making food with magic is tedious, I'll meet you at the apartment!" Andrew shouts the last part back as he walks away.
Ryan, looking annoyed, forms a shaky flame and some earth in the air, combining them. The resulting magma sphere being no larger than a coin, he sighs and starts walking in the opposite direction of Andrew "I don't understand why he gets to be so talented with this stuff"
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