websterss · 1 year
so far the only plans i have are in the form of a bad summary so!
a toddler too young to be placed in cryogenic hybernation, the reader was raised by those who stayed behind on pandora, the only world she had ever known. her father, a military man who retreated with the rest, and her late mother, a biologist who chose the other side. the reader quickly took on spider as her younger brother, only a baby when he was abandoned beside her, but while he quickly took to the trees and the sully children who were close to his own age, she happily stayed in the lab.
the reader will also probably have chronic headaches (because i'm self indulgent) so she stays in the lab just in case a bad one hits. and because of this she's only met neteyam a handful of times. i'm thinking also that her mother originally was going to have an avatar, but there was a complication and it had to be restarted, then she died before it was fully grown. and then because of the complication the new avatar ends up more closely matching the reader's dna or something.
that's all i have right now because i'm playing sims and only thinking about avatar in the background of my brain lmao
Its the (baby can’t be put in cryo) that did it huh?? OH I LOVE IT!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 I honestly can’t wait!
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sainamoonshine · 2 months
My unpopular opinion is that in languages with grammatical gender like french, it does make sense for Murderbot to be referred to by whatever pronoun is usually used for robots or constructs. (In french, therefore, grammatical masculine.) Because there are no traditional « it » pronouns in these languages for objects, and while there are neo-pronouns, they are things one must choose for themselves. Do you honestly think MB actually spent time thinking about its pronouns?! No it didn’t. On forms it picks « non-applicable ». When people ask it what pronouns they should use, its honest opinion is « why do you even need to talk about me. Just don’t fucking do that. Don’t think about me either. Just fucking stop perceiving me altogether! »
Thinking about what pronouns to use probably makes it way more uncomfortable than letting people call it what they’ve already been calling it. Making a conscious choice about its identity? And telling other people about it??? No thanks bye, it’s just gonna walk into the ocean now, see you never.
Lbr it probably thinks the only bots that get fancy pronouns are comfort units, and the pronouns are probably shoved into them by humans same as everything else. MB would meet a bot using a neopronoun and it would wish it could barf. Because in a language like french, he/him and she/her, when applied to objects, ARE fulfilling the function of the english « it ». Nobody is saying the table is a woman or related to feminity in any way outside of stand-up comedy; when it comes to objects grammatical gender really has fuckall to do with human gender even if we use the same words. Even animal species names have grammatical gender and everyone gets that there are male and female turtles even if the word « turtle » is a female word, it’s not that confusing.
(I know this is strange when your language has different pronouns for people and for objects, but understand that english uses the same word to indicate if I’m addressing one or many people, and that is confusing to me.)
TL;DR; stop harassing international fans for not getting the correct MB pronoun in english right off the bat. Yes in english calling it « he » or « her » or « them » is upsetting because it’s projecting an identity unto it. But same goes for trying to get a foreign language translation to use a pronoun intended to express or showcase an identity (or even a lack of one!). Murderbot has not thought about it this hard, refuses to think about it this hard -> and that is its only canon accurate gender identity.
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sweetjegus · 2 months
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thinking about suyin beifong and how she decided to build a family (and a clan of metalbenders; and a gleaming highbrow society of philosphers; and a walled city to protect everyone within) of her own
photos by silver fyre photography
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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oaxleaf · 1 year
melanie's relationship to the slaughter is interesting for many reasons, but one of them is how very little she seems to neither enjoy nor be tortured by it. the main difference between slaughter and desolation is how personal it is, and that's reflected in their avatars - all desolation avatars seems to on some level enjoy the pain they cause. but beyond that, most avatars get something out of their status, like how jon says he likes some of the power and knowledge he gets, or how daisy likes the purpose of the hunt. even those who have nothing positive to say, like oliver, act more like a victim to their entity instead, where they themselves and their pain and fear are actully feeding it. but melanie always seems to speak about the slaughter like it merely numbs her. like, at least during her time as an avatar, there's no space for enjoyment nor fear nor any other emotion beyond anger. and i really like that, because once again, the slaughter is impersonal. we hardly ever get an actual description of the perpetrator in slaughter statements. it reduces someone from person into weapon
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martyrbat · 10 months
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hm hm hm i feel like this will be really interesting to read with the knowledge of korra and how that effected her instead.... because korra (from my limited knowledge so i could be talking out my ass here) knew she was the avatar at an early age and DID get that community. she had katara and her parents, she had her mentors, she was isolated from the real world during so and perfected the elements other than air (which i kinda recall her struggling with and how its the opposite element of earth so im excited to see if those kinda play out :3) and she was more eager to be the avatar and the excitement and significance it brought (which was a bit clouded by her being sheltered but also would have been expected more before the war impacted things)
i also remember matty saying kyoshi struggled with earth bending (which im super excited to get to and see/see her journey and how it will differ) but!!! i just think its really fun how theyre kinda off the bat setting up this expectation and new grounding for readers who have a past grasp of the avatar universe. even as someone who isnt super familiar with the lore, i know enough to recognize that oh! thats something new!! so just kudos to the writer(s?) for just setting this up to be something very different and in a natural way :3
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pippastrelle · 3 months
The misogynistic pitfall of anti-misogyny morals (ATLA and Artemis Fowl)
[Note: everyone both suffers from and upholds misogyny no matter what. It's everywhere and in everyone's subconscious biases. People of all genders make the world a better when they take that effort to listen to others' experiences and recognise we're all human.]
‘Show, don’t tell’ is one of the most fundamental rules of writing because nothing takes you out of a story like battling with what you’re reading for the right interpretation. It forces you to back out of the reading experience and re-process everything.
This is where the pitfall of anti-misogyny morals lies in otherwise very well-written media like ATLA and Artemis Fowl.
In the Book 1 finale of ATLA, the protagonists arrive in the Northern Water Tribe where Katara is told she cannot learn martial Waterbending because she is a girl. Katara and the other protagonists revolt against this and the episode ends with Katara being able to join the boys’ class. Similarly, in Artemis Fowl (Book 1), Holly Short is the first female Recon officer. She revolts against surrounding male officers who tell her she should not be in Recon because she is a woman and she continues despite it.
Surely, the interpretation is meant to be “Don’t exclude or look down on people just because they’re girls/women”. However, what do they actually say about girls/women at large?
In ATLA, we don’t see any other girls discuss their inability to learn martial Waterbending, either for or against. We don’t see any other girls join Pakku’s lessons even after he acknowledges Katara as a master. When the Fire Nation invade, we don’t see the women’s healing or general Waterbending skill come in handy. The interpretation you could reasonably come to is no girl or woman in the Northern Water Tribe wants to learn martial Waterbending or has anything to contribute with their Waterbending.
In Artemis Fowl, we learn of one other female officer in the LEP: Lili Frond. But Short balks at the idea of her being in Recon because she’s a “bimbo”. In other words, Frond cannot be Recon because she is unintelligent in a specifically feminine way. Of course, this could reveal Short’s biases. She’s been so degraded for being a woman, she’s internalised that femininity is not appropriate for her profession. However, Frond only ever appears in reference to her rising ranks because she’s an attractive woman riding her family’s coattails. We never hear of other female officers trying to follow Short’s lead or involve any other female fairy. The other prominent female characters in the book are Juliette Butler, who’s a distractable teenage maid that Short mind-controls, and Angeline Fowl, who spends the book catatonic in grief over her husband’s disappearance. Minor roles. The interpretation you could reasonably come to is no woman advances in the LEP on her own skill or has anything to contribute in the central kidnapping plot.
When you set up an anti-misogyny plot in a piece of media that doesn’t lend much agency or interest to other girls/women, it becomes an issue of ‘telling’ not ‘showing’. “Girls can do anything” becomes “Well, Katara and Holly Short can do anything”.
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eggs-love-loki · 3 months
They gave Yue more personality and agency which was a good change yet they killed all of Katara’s personality and agency which was a bad change
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good-beans · 7 months
I keep seeing more and more ocgram stuff and become increasingly tempted to post about my own but ough
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ranger-kellyn · 1 month
decided to actually watch the last airbender and y'all...i can't lie. this is a gorgeous show
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
Need someone to make a “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” meme but with old school runescape
#GOD it was such a ride#my first ever account got hacked by someone who was doing that ‘runescape censors your password even if you type it backwards’ scam lol#another time i got scammed in a trade#someone pretended they were going to give me this whole set of armour in exchange for some gems i had#then took them back at the last second so i lost my gems#it was just uncut emeralds but i was really upset about it#i hadn’t figured out what to do with them yet so i thought they were valuable#some people there were SUPER nice though#i remember cutting down some trees on a new account; trying to get my woodcutting skill up#and a level 3 person with the default avatar walked up and started cutting down a yew tree. i & everyone else around was shook#someone said like ‘yo are you a bot or an alt or something’ and he said ‘oh i just don’t train combat. i don’t find it interesting’#he had like level 70 in woodcutting and a lot of others but never did combat#i also befriended somebody who was way higher level than me just randomly and we used to talk whenever we were both online lol#i complimented her ‘socks’ (actually boots) and she straight up showed me the dungeon you can go through to get them#which was awesome#and then when the grand exchange opened i lost like a weekend of my life#i was always getting nerfed by random events as well. that was the other thing#i really miss it sometimes. i don’t miss how grindy it was though#i think that was why i liked to train combat. it felt like less of a grind because you could break it up by picking up loot and organising#your loot. i used to always train prayer by burying the bones as well lol#on my best account i had probably level 20 prayer due to this#tl;dr you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me (2006 runescape)#personal
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starscreaming666 · 1 year
More like Avatar the way of Neytiri continuing to be justified in every single thing she does
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kunosoura · 1 year
I really don’t think Harry Potter is particularly worse than other franchises either in its fictional politics or in how its revenue is used to cause political harm in any way other than how notorious JKR has made herself as a public figure. Arguments about it seem less about any content or crime unique to the property and more about the spectacular position it’s found itself in where supporting or hating it is more about your stance on transphobia (and increasingly antisemitism with that game coming out) than it is about the content of the series.
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centeris2 · 1 year
oh dear now I’m having a bit of an existential crisis over the sso character update/creator because like, do I make myself again like I did when I first started sso over 9 years ago? If I just make a current version of myself it will no longer match what Rebecca the fanfic character looks like (and not just because like, updated graphics. It’s been 9 years I look very different physically)
that’s a bit of dissonance I was not prepared for and I’m not sure how I’ll tackle that once the character update does come out
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
God fucking damn it he opened the fucking door.
#you know the drill.#spoilers in the tags! dont read tags unless youve listened to 160 of tma!#anyway fucking hell jonah can you lay off the dramatics for one second. and are we SURE this guy isnt a web avatar cuz hrghhhhh#i LOVED seeing everything all spilt out. also the fucking CHILLS i got when the statement opened with 'hello jon.'#and ough. just jon desperately trying to look away from the statement. i hate jonah-elias-whoever so fucking much.#also why does daisy have a safehouse? is that just like. a think people have? huh?#and all the shit before this episode too. like my boy :( martin :(#peter taunting jon in the lonely was imaculate. chefs kiss. martin sounded so. empty and far away in there. the echo was nice.#and holy FUCK the entirety of 158.#my heart fucking SKIPPED when i heard notsasha. as well as the hunters. and the recording of gertrude#gertrude really went 'what are you gonna do? stab me?' which is so valid of her. also... her cat? huh?#and the whole thing with peter martin and elias in the prison tower like huh?!#peter: thats it mister... get into the lonely! get in there!#martin: this house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE#ive of course been interacting with the fandom for a bit so i knew of the 'sorry for the deception' monologue but i though it was in s5?#it really caught me off guard is all. and of course i had no context to hearing the whole thing and hearing jon read in eliass voice was so#taking a small break to say jon what the fuck was up with that jess girl?! like it was frustrating to see the staff always mad at jon#but the only time i felt i understood where the others were coming from WAS scrutiny.#thinking about 'answer my question!' 'leave me alone!' forever by the way. fuck peter honestly#i would like to say i thought lonelyeyes was ALL CRACK until 158. still not quite my thing but i can definetly see it now#the 'are you scared? perfect.' from elias really hit different after its revealed elias was trying to get him marked#and its just like !!! to save martin jon had to compete eliass plan! he got marked by the lonely trying to save martin!#in lighter news georgie and melanie! woo! in darker news melanie :( ough. ouch. and daisy i think? lesnians stay losing apparently :(#im still very confused on elias and peters bet though so ill ask about THAT in another post probably. like. dude.#gertrude: im maintaining my humanity.#also gertrude: throws micheal into the spiral?#i liked the conformation how low stakes the extinction was because i REALLY did not get it? i always forgot it was ther#from the start it felt like a ruse from peter so it was nice to hear martin call it out. the extinction was really not doing it for me.#anyway. catch me sobbing ough. they worked so hard. did all they could to prevent it. but in doing that they brought it themselves#the magnus archives
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polux-aka-hyakunana · 2 years
Just some tag thoughts in this fine raining morning before I work 🌠
#i wish one day i have the guts to develop and talk more about my guardian ocs#in most of my comics they are just avatars to my thoughts throughout the season content#but i did some alfa-16 lore content that was actually well received so i should try doing more#the exo lore is just so so good and intriguing i do want to explore more of that in my baby hunter#i promise she's more than an elsie simp skdijwjdjsjfj#like... i portrait alfa as a silly and expressive character but she does have a strong dark side within her that powers up her stasis#for years she was a lonewolf seeking to be strong without relying on others#and that could be something to explore in exo dreams since she would hate getting attached to people she would nightmare about later#she might relate to the drifter when it comes to priorize self survival but at the same time she endangers herself a lot to test her limits#(tragically for her im not that skilled but i wanna pretend shes better than I'll ever be sjfjsjfjis)#meanwhile az (aka denka the warlock) is the complete opposite and yet seeks the same survival guts#az follows the bomb logic tip to toe he's the supporter on the fireteam and relies a lot on others#since the day on twt i began to answer questions about him i also got super interested in what lore az got in him#like... being first rezzed instants before the red war and having these first days of guardian life as a normal guy#living in the farm as a refugee until he restores back his light and now he returns that help#getting attached to the vanguard especially cayde and later seeking vengeance on forsaken#being afraid of his darkness while alfa wants to get deeper to control it#tHERE SO MUCH NOT ORGANIZED LORE IN MY HEAD I WISH I COULD EXTERNALIZE EVERYTHING#meanwhile my titan is nonexistent lmao
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