#I LOVE TJEM SO MUCH they’re just trying their best and helping everyone!!!!!
jitteryjive · 2 years
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cherub, protector of the golden hives in dj’s empire! lore under the cut B)
FINALLY GOT TO developing them. thank god. they’re so unique to this space au
ch3r_ub [they/them], more informally known as cherub or cher, is a cyborg (spaceling/android mix) who is the dedicated protector of a production facility of goods and structuring called the golden hives, a beehive. that basically works as a normal beehive but it’s very futuristic and mechanic. there are inferior versions of them that are basically just regular toads while they’re uniquely recognized as cherub.
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they have many abilities, as shown in the image above. they can operate weaponry built into the function of their robotic parts and gear, such as built-in guns that their gloves can morph into, a retractable dagger that is stored in the form of their stinger, and a controlled outlet of electricity they can use to electrocute offenders with their palms, soles (of their feet), and wings. additionally, their hands contain something called a reflective core that works as a measuring and repair system, generally having them operate as a doctor due to their ability to detect sickness or things such as lowered/raised blood pressure, intake of oxygen, etc, and heal wounds or various injuries. the orange pads on their fingertips are sensors to sense textures or acidity in foreign objects, fluids, and other things unknown to them. they’re still very curious like the og cherub so they get too curious sometimes and overuse the sensors.
cherub’s visor allows them to identify objects and their origins, alongside logging citizens and their names along with all known information for stored use in their memory files. the visor can scale temperature, oxygen levels, moisture levels, wind speed, and other examples.
one last detail is that they can fly! their wings, made of a woven texture that’s used in the sails of the star ships used by their empire, are strong enough to support multiple people, and they can cause windstorms with them.
unfortunately, too much use and wear applied to cherub causes them to shut down into what they call their organic state, rendering them a regular organic being as their powers restart and regenerate back to full strength. it doesn’t happen often, though, as their usage is regulated consistently.
tldr. cherub’s a cool overpowered bee warrior
i forgot to add!!!! tumblr isn’t letting me add links fuck you tumblr so cherub’s song is work that honey by tristan alric B)
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