#I buy homes Danbury Connecticut
mileworld · 3 years
Thinking, To Sell Your House!
Fast cash CT is a house buying company and we buy your house and do consultation for you without any charges we provide free of cost consultation and charges we help you to close the deal of your house and to get more cost and fair deal closure between buyer and seller of the house. We do help you it doesn’t matter About Condition, position, and Situation of the House and Client. We are Reachable at:
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sophiawilsonblog · 4 years
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sweetescape01748 · 3 years
Mimi’s Home Bakery
Kate O’Connor| Review | April 1, 2021
Whether it's cookies, pies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, brownies...you name it- Mimi can make it. While in the kitchen with Mary Daniels Nahley Jones, or “Mimi”, you would never guess that this lean, energetic, eighty-four year old home baker, has zero professional culinary training. Mimi’s kitchen is not large by any measure, but it has a warm and cozy feel, with its own unique scent of freshly baked cookies whisked from the oven. Whenever we baked with Mimi there seemed to be flour, and mixing bowls all over the counter. However, the ingredients always seemed to be organized in perfect order. Her pantry is also stocked with at least three packages of King Arthur's flour, two large cans of Crisco, several canisters of White Granulated Sugar, and bags of Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips. Also, her refrigerator always holds a jug of homemade, Sweet Tea. However, no visit to Mimi’s kitchen is complete without squirting some of her homemade Simple Syrup in a glass of her Sweet Tea while indulging in her famous brownies. Mimi currently lives in Southport, North Carolina, which has been home to her for more than twenty years. 
Mimi raised three children in Danbury, Connecticut (in order of birth); Sue, Jeffrey, and Ann who now have children of their own. While her children were growing up, Mimi carried on her mother’s tradition of always having freshly baked desserts in the kitchen for the house to munch on. From a young age, Mimi was inspired by her own mother’s baking, and wanted to “follow in her footsteps''. She is now an active grandmother, and according to her grandchildren, the best baker they know. When she’s not baking, Mimi is either golfing, playing tennis, swimming, selling handcrafted baby knick-knacks to a local store, doing yoga, volunteering at church, or simply watching Netflix. However, Mimi’s passion for baking didn’t evolve until she started a family, and needed recipes to make for her household.
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(Mimi on Thanksgiving Eve in  2011, holding one of her daughter’s favorites, Banana Cream Pie)
Tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got into baking? 
I grew up in Pawling, New York which is about 65 miles north of New York City.  I lived with my mom, dad, brother, and grandparents. We went to live with my grandparents, because my grandfather was very ill at one point and needed people to take care of him. So I always lived at my grandmother’s house. My mother always had something freshly baked, practically everyday. She was the one who inspired me. She was a wonderful pie maker, a wonderful cake maker, cookies, muffins...You name it. She could do it. My mother’s name was Helen Green Daniels and she was a teacher. She taught elementary school, got married, and of course women back then didn’t work after they got married because nobody would hire them and therefore she always had something whipped up in the evening. My grandmother was such a wonderful baker, and she inspired me as a grown-up to follow in her footsteps. I didn’t grow up with a culinary background, and I didn’t do a lot of baking when I was little, but I certainly watched my mother bake a lot of stuff. When I got married the first time, I certainly wanted recipes, so I got into it more after I got married. And now I try to bake at least once a week. I try to switch up what I make...Every night, I need to have a cupcake, a brownie, a cookie, or something around 8 o’clock at night, which is probably the worst time in the world to eat. 
What was a household favorite dessert that you can recall baking, that your kids loved?
I think my brownies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Christmas Cookies were a house favorite. I still make chocolate chip cookies, and I still make brownies, but now, since I’m retired, don’t tell anyone..I use a box. But sometimes I’ll make them from scratch. But I think every one of my kids loved my brownies...The kids also used to like my Whopper cookies. Remember the Whoppers? They’re the cookies where you have to smash the Whopper milk balls.
What is one of YOUR favorite go-to treats to whip up at home? Or for the holidays?
Well, I think for the holidays, Banana Cream pie, Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, cookies, and dessert sauces. I have to keep them [dessert sauces] in the refrigerator at all times. Those include a hot fudge sauce, and a butterscotch sauce. Isn’t that awful?
 What are some skills or tricks that you have learned throughout your at-home baking career?
Definitely get all ingredients together before you start the baking process...Then you always have what you need. I think my favorite part about baking is actually putting all the ingredients together and then of course, the results. I love getting everything together, getting it all measured out, and enjoying the finished product. 
 Out of the wide variety of baked goods, what would you classify as being the most fun to make? And why?
Well I’ll tell you, this is the complete opposite. It’s the Frosty Toffee Bits Pie. It is so fast and easy to make, and people love it. You buy a 9 inch graham cracker crust, then you take a package of cream cheese, sugar, half & half, frozen whipped topping like Cool Whip, and then a package of Toffee bits. I’m telling you Kate, it is absolutely delicious..bad for you, but delicious! I bumped into a couple whom I haven’t seen in awhile, and they go “oh we have that pie under your name in our recipe file. We just got it out and just made it”. 
What has been one of the hardest things you have ever had to bake and why?
I would not have been able to tell you a month ago, but a month ago, I found a recipe for a German Chocolate Cake. A three layered, German Chocolate Cake. Well I’ll tell you, it probably took over three hours to put the damn thing together. Pardon my french. And then the frosting contains coconut..and it’s absolutely delicious! It takes forever to put it together...and it just takes forever because you have to melt the chocolate bar, you have to make half a cup of strong brewed hot coffee, and then aside from the flour, the baking powder, and the sugar, you have to separate the eggs, and then bake it for about twenty eight minutes. But then you have to make the frosting, which requires six egg yolks, two cups of coconut, and then the two cups of pecans are optional. It’s a delicious cake but I think it must have taken almost three hours to put together. It wasn’t even made for a special occasion, just because I wanted to. I found the recipe in Southern Living Magazine and thought, “ooo I gotta make that”. Of course it took forever but when it was done, boy was it spectacular!
Every baker has a weakness, in your opinion, what would you say is your greatest weakness?
I don’t make pies quite as often as I used to, but my one weakness is making a pie crust. It drives me crazy because you have to roll it out, and make sure it’s round..they’re just so much work. Anyways, I don’t make a whole lot of pies anymore. However, per request, I do them for the holidays. 
What are some of your secret go-to ingredients to use as a substitute in a particular recipe?
I don't have any. Usually, if I get a recipe out, I’ve saved it because I like everything in it. If I’m going to use a recipe, you want to follow it pretty closely. Especially when baking, you need to comply with what the recipe tells you. I figure, they know what they’re doing.
Being such a talented baker, have you ever been tempted to open up a bakery or cafe of your own? (why or why not)
No it’s too much work!! I enjoy other things in addition to baking!!
How would you describe a typical day in your life today?
Three days a week, I start my day with Yoga for an hour, I love it.We all wear masks and it’s a great social event.  Then, I do a lot of sewing and knitting because there’s a little shop downtown in Southport where we live, and I sell my stuff there. So I sell my puppets, sweaters for children, blankets, bibs, and mainly things for babies. I have to work inside the shop at least once a month for a whole day. And then I eat out a lot, I attend church a few days a week because I’m on a few committees, so that’s pretty much my life now….*chuckling* 
Which would you say you prefer more, cooking or baking? 
Baking- I think. People love homemade desserts and breads, usually more than their meal. It ends the course the way you want it to end. I think people love desserts. Well-I think everyone loves certain meals but they remember the dessert...it came last, it’s sweet...And I think that’s important. 
I’m dying to know, have you ever made a “boxed” dessert?
Yes, almost always, I don’t make brownies from scratch anymore. I just get the box...Ghirardelli and Betty Crocker are the best, in my opinion...Although baking is much more rewarding when you do it from scratch and oftentimes it even tastes better! 
What sweet treat did you whip up this week?
The other day, I got a recipe for Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Muffins. They are loaded with chocolate, and then you add a bunch of chocolate chips in them. And you got to have a scoop of ice cream with them. So those have been recent creations of mine. 
Mimi’s Famous Brownie recipe:
2 sq . Unsweetened Ghirardelli chocolate (2 oz.) 
1/3 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup broken nuts (optional) 
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Melt together chocolate and shortening in the microwave;  beat in sugar & eggs.  Add flour, baking powder & salt.  Mix in nuts.  Spread in well greased 8” square pan & bake until top has dull crust, about 30-35 minutes.  A slight imprint will be left when the top is touched lightly with a finger.  Cool slightly; then cut into squares (16 2” squares).  Enjoy!!
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Mortgage rates are at record lows, but first-time buyers still can't land a home
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/mortgage-rates-are-at-record-lows-but-first-time-buyers-still-cant-land-a-home/
Mortgage rates are at record lows, but first-time buyers still can't land a home
Natalie LaVallee was devastated after her first offer on a home in Fayetteville, North Carolina, failed last summer.
“It was a heartbreak,” she said. “It was our first offer. [The home] was exactly what we were looking for. But we were outbid.”
LaVallee and her husband, Kyle, who was deployed with the Army and touring homes with her via FaceTime, were forced to rethink their wish list. “We focused on priorities,” she said. “We had a lot of luxuries we let slide.”
Cosmetic things like a renovated kitchen and bath, which she had hoped for, were off the list. But a garage was deemed a must-have.
The couple bid on three homes before they finally succeeded on the fourth.
When they found the three-bedroom, two-bath ranch style home with a garage listed at $111,900, they offered $115,000 and won the bid.
“We learned very quickly, that we needed to offer more than list price,” said LaVallee.
Inventory is at record lows
The limited number of available homes for sale is pushing potential buyers into bidding wars, spurring home prices ever higher.
Housing inventory of existing homes for sale at the end of December was down 16.4% from November, and 23% below where it was a year earlier, according to the National Association of Realtors. At 1.9 months, the supply of unsold homes is at its lowest level since NAR began tracking single-family home supply in 1982.
And inventory is tightest at the lower end, where many first-time home buyers are looking.
“Typical inventory for us is 117 homes on the market,” said Connie Strait, an agent with William Raveis in Danbury, Connecticut. But currently there are only 17 homes for sale in Brookfield, Connecticut, she said. “It is all the same disparity in all the towns around here. That’s what is hurting our first-time buyers.”
Strait, an agent for more than 30 years, said she loves working with first-time buyers.
“I like to say, ‘Take your time, bring your parents back to look at it. Let’s think about it,'” she said. “But now you have to be there immediately after it goes on the market. You feel rushed because you see people lined up waiting to see the houses. It puts so much pressure on the kids.”
In her area of Connecticut, deep-pocketed buyers are coming out of New York and making stronger offers, some even in all cash, frustrating local buyers who are outbid over and over.
A recent property she listed received 15 offers. “The seller went for an all-cash offer to wrap up the deal simply because they had to take care of an elderly parent and they didn’t want a lot of people in the house.”
Two weeks into the deal, the buyer decided they wanted to finance the home through a mortgage lender.
“They had the money, they just decided to change halfway through the deal,” she said. “I think to myself, there were a lot of people who were honest with us about their offer who did not get the house. They wrote letters. It is heartbreaking.”
How to stand out from the pack
Megan Angerstein needed to find a home quickly. She had two months to get out of her apartment in Houston and buy a home near her new job. Like many first-time buyers, Angerstein, 28, had a strict budget — $220,000 was her cap.
She zeroed in on a new construction home in her price range that just came on the market. She made sure she was the first one to see it because new construction homes often sell to the first person in line, at asking price.
The two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath home in San Marcos, Texas, ticked all her boxes, so she put down $1,000 in “earnest money” — a way to hold a home and convey seriousness — on the spot.
“I wanted to think on it and look at one other home,” she said. “But I knew there were three other appointments after me, so I put the money down. Good thing I did. The people after me would have taken it.”
Buyers and their agents need to be on top of their target market and know when new properties come up for sale so they can act quickly, said Strait.
Another way to stand out when putting in an offer, Strait said, is to have a very strong pre-approval letter from a lender stating that it is tentatively willing to lend you money, up to a certain amount.
“A letter that says more than they checked your credit score and you have a job,” she said. “We like to have a letter that says you have the cash.”
That may require more from the buyer, like providing W-2’s, tax returns, bank statements or pay stubs.
In many markets, she said, you’re going to have to be prepared to overbid a little. “It can be scary, but you do have an appraisal as a back up. If it doesn’t appraise, the bank won’t give you the money.”
Letters to the seller rarely hurt your chances, she said. She’s seen CEOs of companies and movie producers write heartfelt letters about how much they love the home. You should certainly highlight any connection to the community, if your family lives in the neighborhood, or you went to school there, Strait said.
“Letters help,” she said. “If there is something that comes up on a building inspection or in the negotiation, they may be much more willing to work with you.”
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 2
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jealous O.J. Simpson killed Nicole Brown over sizzling photos 
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Page 2: Melanie Griffith was caught in lockdown meltdown mode outside her Los Angeles home yelling at an unsuspecting laborer and giving him a good working over after he somehow crossed her bath and pushed her buttons but it doesn’t take much to get Mel to blow these days because she’s upset about two things which are getting old and not having a man in her life 
Page 3: Lisa Marie Presley’s son Ben Keough’s tragic last moments were caught on tape as he argued with his girlfriend according to the coroner’s report on his suicide and security camera footage also captured the eerie sound of an apparent gunshot said the officer who viewed the tape -- Ben had hosted a party for his girlfriend Diana Pinto then about 4 a.m. the 27-year-old musician went to his bedroom; two hours later Diana went to check on him and had to jimmy the bedroom door lock with a bobby pin and she discovered his body and called 911 but Ben was pronounced dead at the scene -- since his death a devastated Lisa Marie has blamed herself for not intervening sooner; Ben had been to rehab several months before and Lisa Marie could see he was struggling with drugs and depression and she has kept a close eye on Ben’s gravesite with Graceland’s surveillance system 
Page 4: Anne Heche’s shocking public pronouncement that she wants to reunite with former galpal Ellen DeGeneres was met with fury from Ellen wife Portia de Rossi -- Ellen and Anne were Hollywood’s highest-profile lesbian couple when they dated for three years before their bitter split in 2000 and they haven’t spoken since but Anne announced after her elimination on Dancing with the Stars that she would love to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show but Portia has made it clear she wants Anne nowhere near her wife and she believes Anne is using Ellen to drum up publicity for herself, lonely Ryan Seacrest is longing for a reunion with former flame Shayna Taylor but she wants no part of him -- workaholic Ryan announced the combustible couple’s third split in June after eight on-and-off years together -- Ryan’s obsession with being the next Dick Clark tests the patience of everybody around him and it’s made him a nightmare to be in a relationship with as Shayna found out firsthand -- Ryan seemed so cocky and sure that breaking up was the right thing to do but not having Shayna there to lean on has really gotten to him however Shayna is refusing to be played for a fool 
Page 5: Kelly Clarkson made a massive mistake dumping husband Brandon Blackstock according to famed numerologist Glynis McCants 
Page 6: Doting dad Kanye West is spoiling oldest daughter North rotten and it’s causing even more problems between him and wife Kim Kardashian because Kim feels North is getting too spoiled but Kanye won’t hear any of it because North is his firstborn and his princess and he treats her like it -- North is regularly served breakfast in bed on a silver tray and gets whatever she wants even if it’s waffles with strawberries and ice cream and she also has a team of beauticians and a stylist to cater to her every need as though she was a full-grown woman and her wardrobe is extensive and expensive and she never wears the same designer outfit twice plus North also loves to shop online for jewelry and Kanye gives her his credit card and she can spend $100,000 in a single sitting and Kanye just thinks it’s cute 
Page 7: Daring Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard are rebelling against her conservative parents and causing a full-scale family war as the couple has publicly defied Baptist patriarch Jim Bob Duggar several times since their 2014 marriage and now they’ve been banned from the 19 Kids and Counting reality clan; Jim Bob’s even demanded that their neighbors have nothing to do with them -- Jill and Derick drew Jim Bob’s fury after criticizing her parents’ conservative views and shutting down their own family factory after having two sons and said they’re stopping there for now unlike Jill’s folks who had 19 kids, dog lover Jennifer Aniston adores her new rescue puppy but potty-training the pooch has been the pits so desperate Jen had to sign up her new pup Lord Chesterfield for private lessons with a dog trainer -- she has two other dogs Clyde and Sophie but they’re well-behaved and know to do their business outdoors and Jen loves them all but she forgot how much work it is to train a puppy 
Page 8: Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle revealed her private battle with depression as her struggles with first-time motherhood and fitting in with the rigid royal family pushed her over the edge but Queen Elizabeth thinks her conniving confession is simply a ploy to sully the monarchy -- Meghan described the emotional pain caused by criticism as a death by a thousand cuts and said if people are saying things about you that aren’t true what that does to your mental and emotional health is so damaging -- Queen Elizabeth believes Meghan’s confession is a calculated attack on the monarchy and Meghan is acting like the royals waged a war against her but Meghan and Harry’s actions since they quit have infuriated Her Majesty because Meghan keeps orchestrating situations where she takes center stage appearing to support and put the spotlight on those in need but she turns them all into opportunities to talk about herself and how hard her struggle is
Page 9: Rattled Tyra Banks’ rocky start on Dancing with the Stars has her looking for a way to waltz off the show and she is already trying to back out of hosting because she hates the criticism she’s been getting from virtually everyone plus she’s unpopular with the contestants and is bickering behind the scenes with producers who now regret replacing longtime hosts Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews -- ratings have also plummeted since Tyra took the helm with the show losing more than a million viewers in early October from the same week in 2019
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Gwen Stefani during a photo session in Calabasas, Tiffany Haddish used a leaf blower during a skit on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Justin Bieber on a scooter in Beverly Hills, Zosia Mamet donned a unicorn horn as she wrapped the final scenes of The Flight Attendant, Robert Pattinson and Colin Farrell on the Liverpool set of The Batman 
Page 11: John Oliver’s jokey jabs have earned him a crappy honor from the town of Danbury in Connecticut -- after he ragged on tony Danbury on his show Mayor Mark Boughton vowed to rename its sewage plant after him and now it’s official that the Danbury Sewage Plant is now the John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant and as promised John is donating $55,000 to local charities which has spurred fundraising efforts for local food banks and Boughton is offering tours of the plant for $500 donations to local food pantries, ailing Phil Collins was rocked by ex-wife Orianne’s betrayal and pals fear he won’t make it to Christmas -- the singer was shocked when it emerged that Orianne who he’d divorced in 2006 and reunited with a decade later married another man in Las Vegas and the stunning news prompted him to serve an eviction notice to get her out of his Miami home and his life for good but Orianne refused to leave
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Nev Schulman on roller blades in an L.A. parking lot (picture), Eboni K. Williams only landed the gig on The Real Housewives of New York City because she co-hosts State of the Culture on Sean Diddy Combs’ Revolt TV cable network and Bravo is desperate to get famous New Yorkers on the show so cameras will be following Eboni around at work hoping to catch Diddy, with Keeping Up with the Kardashians ending E! is looking for the next big reality family and it may be Sylvester Stallone’s daughters Sophia and Sistine and Scarlet Stallone who are all models and not one has a sex tape, with Bravo boss Andy Cohen and axed Housewife NeNe Leakes at war their mutual friends are being forced to pick sides -- Andy gave NeNe access to his famous non-reality show friends and now he’s regretting it -- Kelly Ripa and Anderson Cooper are all Team Andy
Page 13: Kris Kristofferson is battling Alzheimer’s disease and has been forced to retire from singing and acting but the songwriter is in the best place he can be at his home in Maui with family and friends who are surrounding him with love and support, frantic Kate Gosselin is feeling a financial pinch and ready to take a bath on her house by putting her $1.2 million mansion on the market for a measly $815,000 because she’s been struggling with money because she hasn’t worked in a while and living off the money she made in past 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Marie Osmond was blue over being booted from The Talk but husband Steve Craig gave her something to get over it which was a stunning pair of opal and tanzanite earrings worth nearly $3000, Megan Thee Stallion cheated death when she was shot twice in July and is now using the terrifying incident as a platform to empower Black women and she wrote an op-ed saying the attack proved she and other Black women are not protected as human beings -- fellow rapper Tory Lanez was charged with the shooting that left two flesh-shredding wounds in Megan’s feet and allegedly took place after they argued in an SUV in Hollywood Hills 
Page 16: Cover Story -- Rampaging O.J. Simpson was driven into a kill-crazy rage after seeing photos of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson dating hunky young boytoys and flaunting her body in modeling shots -- 25 years after the disgraced football star’s 1995 acquittal intimate images from Nicole’s secret photo album including a picture of the blond beauty posing topless with lover Brett Shaves is believed to have given the jealous ex-jock a motive for murder 
Page 18: American Life -- I found a $1M diamond in the rough 
Page 19: John Travolta paid tribute to wife Kelly Preston on what would have been her 58th birthday three months after tragic death following a secret two-year battle with breast cancer -- John addressed his late love in a touching Instagram post featuring an image from their 1991 wedding day alongside a picture of his own parents as newlyweds, sci-fi legend George Takei has fired yet another shot at former Star Trek castmate William Shatner as the aging actors’ war of words continues to rage on well into their 80s -- George who played Sulu claimed Shatner was jealous of the amount of fan mail received by their late co-star Leonard Nimoy who played Spock but Captain Kirk shot off a testy response and claimed George was making things up and the only person with jealousy is George -- when told Shatner’s comments George calmly remarked that you can tell by those words that he is upset to put it mildly 
Page 20: In a rerun of their long-running rivalry Madonna and Mariah Carey are prepping dueling biopics -- their cold war dates back to the ‘90s but Mariah ramped up their feud when she revealed the very exciting prospect of her biopic but that followed Madonna’s announcement that she was collaborating on her own script -- they’re each obsessed with getting their film out first and getting the right It Girl to play her so the other one doesn’t grab her first
Page 21: Elton John and ex-wife Renate Blauel agreed to zip their lips about their four-year marriage and privately settled her $3.8 million lawsuit over claims he blabbed about their relationship in his memoir Me and the movie Rocketman, Stevie Nicks admitted her insomnia has gotten so bad that she needs therapy or needs someone to hit her on the head with a hammer -- she’s long been nocturnal and it used to be she could sleep from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. but now says she doesn’t nod off until 8 a.m., singer Amy Winehouse died in 2011 but her dad claimed he still can’t get her out of his house -- former taxi driver Mitch Winehouse who is working on a movie and stage show about the late singer insisted he’s regularly visited by his daughter’s ghost who comes and sits at the end of his bed -- Mitch also said Amy helps around the house in his dreams 
Page 26: Niecy Nash’s new bride Jessica Betts has a nightmarish criminal past according to police reports -- Jessica was arrested twice in Chicago once for domestic battery and then for selling a gun to a minor
Page 28: Stars Who Refuse to Zip It -- cringeworthy confessions and nasty habits and more -- Jennifer Love Hewitt, Megan Fox, Al Roker, Olivia Wilde 
Page 29: Kristen Stewart on Robert Pattinson, John Mayer, Lady Gaga, Suzanne Somers 
Page 32: Demi Lovato’s relentless ex Max Ehrich refuses to let her go and her friends are worried he’s turning into a stalker -- since their breakup he’s been particularly creepy, Tatum O’Neal’s confession that she was ready to jump off the balcony of a Los Angeles home was actually a desperate cry for help -- Tatum was reportedly put on a psychiatric hold at a local hospital after the alleged incident and the event signaled she was in unbearable emotional and physical pain and she feels lost and rejected because she was the youngest Oscar winner ever and now she has trouble finding a job and lost all confidence in herself 
Page 34: India Oxenberg has confessed she was afraid of former NXIVM cult master Allison Mack of TV’s Smallville -- India found herself Allison’s slave and realized she was being groomed as a sexual partner for NXIVM leader Keith Raniere and she was branded with Raniere’s initials in her pelvic regions, a disturbing TV interview in England has sparked new fears for the well-being on boxer Mike Tyson -- Mike looked like the train wreck he was when he was plowing through drugs and was sent to prison in the early ‘90s; he looked barely conscious as he slurred his speech and offered incoherent responses -- Tyson blamed his interview on lack of sleep and insisted his contact with drugs is now limited to growing and smoking pot on his California ranch 
Page 36: Health Watch
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Zendaya 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Debbie Matenopoulos on Home and Family 
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dear--charlie · 6 years
Dear Charlie,
A lot has happened. I got into a car accident. I crashed my baby. That car is the love of my life. I’ll never love a car the way I love her. But she can’t be fixed. I’ve sold her for scrap, because that’s all she has left to give me. She protected my sister and I. She took the hit for us. We didn’t get a scratch on us. Not a single bruise. My baby protected me. Tomorrow is the last time I’m gonna see her. Charlie, I miss her so much. I always miss her. I hated driving in any other car. I’d get home and see her in the parking lot and say to whoever was next to me, “That’s my baby over there!” But now she’s scrap metal. $150 worth of parts. My one and only. I don’t think the scrap man knows how much she’s really worth. I’ve spent countless nights just sitting in that car. In the parking lot at home, in the parking lot at work…. she knew all of my secrets. She always kept me safe. She was perfect. And I went and killed her. I couldn’t even do anything about it, Charlie. They stopped too fast. I was far enough back. But I couldn’t make it stop. I just want to be where I was two weeks ago. I’d just signed a lease, I had my beautiful car, I was ready to get my life started. Now I have to figure out how to both buy a car and pay rent when I have no fucking money. God, Charlie, why can’t I turn back time? I’d give anything right now. I just want to go back and take the exit instead of staying on the highway and getting caught in that fucking Danbury traffic. Fucking Connecticut drivers.
I’m also currently repressing something. As usual.
Also? I dropped my phone in the parking lot. I fucking shattered my screen. It looks awful. I needed a new one anyway. Now I definitely do. Add that to the list.
It’s not my week, Charlie.
Love always, Maria.
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promise-to-be-true · 6 years
Howdy! Every year I like to write a reflection on the year that has passed. I like to journal, and also document here, so buckle up. 
Right now I am not in a great head space. I’m feeling anxious, annoyed, frustrated and trapped. I’m not sure how this will turn out. I wish I could find my headphones.
Let’s see. Last January, I was living in Danbury. I worked at Starbucks and the library. This was definitely a transitional year. I worked lots of meaningless jobs, lots of hours to save lots of money. Living in Danbury felt aimless. I was close to people I loved, yet didn’t have the time to spend with them. I loved the little house. I had a perfect bedroom and I loved being on my own, but it felt like a year lacking direction. My goal was to save enough to move to Australia. I achieved that goal, but the rest of my time felt sort of aimless.
Okay, I need to pull my head out of the oven because this is getting too negative. In April I started working with a Children’s Theatre company in CT. It was nice to be paid to do theatre again. I was proud of that, but the lady I worked for was a real loon, and overall I was so happy when it was over.
In September, my lease was over, and I decided instead of moving to Australia straight away, I would go on tour with a production of The Outsiders. Looking back, that was probably the best decision I could have made, and it was a real highlight. It was so nice to be acting again. I hated road managing, but I loved it. It was insane, stressful, demanding, overwhelming, but at the end of the day it gave me so much more purpose and meaning than working at Red Lobster.
2017 wasn’t a big year for travel. I’m excited to travel more in 2018. 
2017 was a year of Danny. We went on our first date on Groundhogs Day, and he’s changed my life. We’ve had so many good times, so many challenging times. He’s loyal, supportive, wonderful. It wouldn’t have been the same without him. Lately, I’ve been feeling so low, and taking it out on him which I know isn’t fair. He is patient, he is accepting, and he makes me feel comfortable and loved.
When I think of 2017 I will think of Valentines Day, the excitement of dating someone new. The drudgery of working jobs I didn’t care for. Starbucks, the library, red lobster, being bored. Having a warm little house. Rhys helping shovel my car out. Sledding down the hill with doggo, how could that have already been nearly a year ago? Napping between jobs. Pinching every penny. Locking my keys in Sunshine. Sunshine dying, buying a new car. Jeannie. Driving with Danny, and the Mets, and dancing, and wiffleball. A snow day with Magary, making pie and doing tarot. Scranton. Being comfy in the house. Being bored. Painting again. Writing. Not auditioning. Working with Leslie, touching base with Mikey again. The rabbit that ran into the school. Laughing about how terrible she was. The costumes, the allergy attacks. My birthday, my perfect birthday with Tarrywile and the vulture and space jam. My caffeine addiction. O’Briens. Having faith in myself. Wanting more. Feeling lost and without direction. Bubble baths to warm me because it was so damn cold. The swamp monster that lived in the toilet. Brunch with Danny’s family, and crying. The 30th anniversary party I could give to the people I love. The Outsiders. Feeling wise, being a leader. Being part of something bigger than myself. Vitaly eating everyone’s food. Salmon jerky. Sean and his get rich quick scheme. Getting iced. Getting mad at Goggin, and the way he always had my back. The afternoon when I couldn’t stop crying. Roach motel in NJ. Boxes of wine with Jenn. The comfy La Quinta. Staying in bed. The Red Roof with Danny and Alejandro and Colleen and Myles. Reconnecting. Laughing. Quiplash. Mafia.The fights. The frustrations. Niagara Falls at night. Steve getting sick, getting the call after we left that cute coffee shop in Louisville. Tomas always ushering so he could be there in case I needed to flip my shit. Tomas watching The Office with me, all the way from Syracuse to Connecticut. The death of Cindy. Vermont, and sex and heart to hearts and music and coconut oil. Coming home and substitute teaching and living here. Trying to squeeze in goodbyes. Trying to clean so I can have a new start. Getting an au pair job, getting my visa.
I’ve been home for about a month and I am so fed up. My parents are hoarders. It’s dirty, it’s cramped, it’s hard to walk or think or work. I’m at the kitchen table because my room is so cold and the wifi doesn’t reach, but I want to work without interruption and it isn’t an option. Someday I will treasure these days, but for now I can’t think I can’t function. I am overwhelmed and undermotivated. There are so many things I think I should do, and I have been doing none of them. I need to finish shoveling out my own childhood hoarders bedroom. There’s a lot on my plate.
2018 will be a bright time. I have a couple more weeks to tie up loose ends. then I will be driving across the country with Danny. I’m excited to see new places and spend time with him and make more memories and take cute instas. 2017 felt stagnant, but it wasn’t. I saved lots of money, I had some good times. There were times when I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed. It was sad, I was working so much it was isolating. Tour was a breath of fresh air, and a push that I should be doing more. I got my visa. I bought my plane ticket. I built a relationship. I moved out of my house. I made money. I stuck to a budget. I cooked for myself. I started writing and painting more. I read maybe 5 books and went on maybe 5 auditions. 2018 will be a year to focus more on my future and a career, not just a job. I’m glad I lived in Danbury because it was better than living at home, but I knew it would always be temporary, a diversion. Sydney will be as well, but it is different. It will be new and exciting and challenging in a way that Danbury isn’t and never was. 
I have lots to be proud of. I need to write more and read more. I need to finish submitting this audition and I need to finish Danny’s present. I need to make time for my goodbyes and time for fun. December has been a standstill,I can’t wait to move forward again and have more control of my environment and my circumstances. 
Goals to 2018:
-More auditions. 
-More books.
-Perform a show at the Melbourne Fringe. 
I can make it happen. It’s scary to leave everyone I love. I hope the ones that matter will still remember me. Better times, new friends, more opportunities await. Most importantly, warmer weather as well.
Much love,
K xoxo
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Cheap Dunes And Duchess
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Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Dunes and Duchess products regularly appear on design blogs. Here are some of our favorites. See more ideas about Blog love, Homemade tortillas and. This is us, what we love, how we live. See more ideas about Dune, Our love and Sombreros. 22/08/2012 The combination of old and new as seen at the New York Gift Fair in the collections of At Home with Marieke, Dunes and Duchess and Diane. 22/08/2012 The Gift Fair just has to be experienced in order to have an idea of the . Dunes and Duchess creates these stunning candelabra pieces,. 29.6k Followers, 2220 Following, 4005 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Dunes & Duchess-Stacy Kunstel (@dunesandduchess) In August of 2010 Dunes and I created the idea of Dunes and Duchess. Starting with a candelabra a piece we thought symbolized our own budding romance. 15/02/2012 American Made Romance Brought to Light by Duchess and Dunes . a table at the recent New York International Gift Fair this past January. . out on the dunes, and it was so joyful to see him trying to stand up and look out. . thinking about Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, and the irony of her.
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Chairs, tables, desks, etageres and more designed by Dunes and Duchess and . overlay and those pillows and maybe a big gold wall hanging above the bed. Dining, cocktail, desk or custom, Dunes and Duchess tables come in all shapes and sizes and can be custom . marco console/large side Dimensions 32 X 16 X. Dunes and Duchess Sailors Knot Table Lamp spotted at Hudson in Boston. LOVE the colour options, hardback lampshades, super tall floor lamps and their. Island House Coffee Table. 2,860.00. Quick View. Chappy . Wood Top Drink Drop Large Top. 715.00. Quick View . Captains Compass Oval Table. 2,200.00. 31/01/2018 How to design a custom dining table with Dunes and Duchess. . Bases (second and third from the left) can hold tops as large as 70 round. Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. For the finest homes on land or at sea, this solid wood table is craftsmanship at its finest. Painted Maple. Please contact us about custom colors and sizes As. Finish: Wed Rather Be Royal Blue If it werent so elegant wed try to surf it. Perfect for nightstands and small tables. Small lamp, big design impact. Catch the. Dunes and Duchess: Turn , Turn, Turn . its chandeliers, candelabra, sconces, frames, benches, dining tables, and more. . It was also the start of something big.
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These painted pretties are sure to put the stop on boring. They also are good at holding open doors. Or propping books. Or holding papers on your desk when. We are makers. When you order something, we make it. Sometimes that takes time. If you cant wait, check out our In Stock section for pieces ready to ship. Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Chairs, tables, desks, etageres and more designed by Dunes and Duchess and . Dunes and Duchess customizable Bistro Table. [email protected] From balloons to confetti to piatas, this online store can serve as a one stop . Benjamin Moore Color Trends 2015 Cabinet: antique jade 465 ADVANCE. start/stop electromotive (aess) auto engine . . the duchess of malfi york notes advanced ,the dinosaur alphabet book jerry pallottas . the durable use of consumer products new options for business and consumption ,the . licence ,the drama of scripture finding our place in the biblical story ,the drawing journal 1 ,the dune. 05/05/2015 As youll recall, I made a few predictions about the trends I expected to see . We saw this demonstrated at Market with the introduction of more lightweight, yet durable pieces with narrower profiles. . No one exemplifies Make It Your Own better than Dunes and Duchess! Next Stop: High Point Market! Best known for its iconic candelabras, Dunes and Duchess also offers a full line of made-in-the-USA lighitng, furniture and home accessories in lacquer and. 04/08/2016 Seven ways to work the GREEN trend right now! Published . Green. We cant stop seeing it. . Its stylish, durable, and this green hue is especially eye catching! . Cotton + quill on a Chappy Bench from Dunes and Duchess. It is based on the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone+ Status and Trends . Coastal dunes of the Ontario portion of the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone+. . At the community level the lack of up-to-date land cover data prevents the tracking of examined relative to the size of forest habitat areas in Dutchess County New York State,.
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Black, glossy towel bar ready to be bold on your powder room wall. Approximately 13 wide. Made of turned maple with resin backplates. Why not put some color on the walls of that oh-so-white bathroom? Painted Maple. Dimensions: Projection: 4.25 / Height: 4 / Width: 24 Robe Hook Commodore of the Yacht Club Blue. 77.00 . Towel Bar 13 in Razzle Dazzle. 198.00. Robe Hook in Cap Ferrat Bleu. Add a sense of adventure by incorporating a DIY Candelabra into your home decor. Theyre not only timeless and elegant, butthey can add both a classic and.
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See more ideas about Dune, Furniture market and High point north carolina. . Dunes and Duchess Vanity Bench Vanity Bench, Furniture Market, Kitchen Chairs, Dune, . Dunes and Duchess- Lakehouse chair Dune, Beautiful Things. Mabley Handler dining room in 2012 Hampton Designer Shophouse and . Beautiful Turquoise Room Ideas for Inspiration Modern Interior Design and Decor. Dunes and Duchess Sailors Knot Table Lamp spotted at Hudson in Boston. Dining, cocktail, desk or custom, Dunes and Duchess tables come in all shapes and sizes and can be custom made for you. See more ideas about Dune,. In August of 2010 Dunes and I created the idea of Dunes and Duchess. Starting with a candelabra a piece we thought symbolized our own budding romance. For the finest homes on land or at sea, this solid wood table is craftsmanship at its finest. Painted Maple. Please contact us about custom colors and sizes As. 09/08/2018 Weve created a niche building custom table and lighting in our Connecticut workshop and shipping them all over the . Kitchen Pendant Love. 31/01/2018 Custom dining tables are one of our specialties. Heres a step-by-step guide on how to go about designing your own one-of-a-kind piece. Dining Tables, Lighting, FurnitureStacy Kunstel August 9, 2018 custom tables, custom lighting, custom pieces, dunes and duchess, chunky captains compass,. Dunes and Duchess: Turn , Turn, Turn . in artful waysgraces every one of its chandeliers, candelabra, sconces, frames, benches, dining tables, and more.
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Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Dunes and Duchess 94 Triangle Street Danbury, CT, 06810 United States (map) . Its the end of the season and were having our first warehouse sale at our. Dunes and Duchess Cart 0 Home Events Duchys Blog Our Products Our Colors . 13 Towel Bar in Black. 198.00. Classic Candelabra in Limed Oak. sold out. 1424, Dubai Dunes (GB) Ch.F. by Nathaniel (IRE) x Amallna (GB) Related Results Consignor: European Sales Management Purchaser: Lot Withdrawn 2459, Caledonia Duchess (GB) B.M. by Dutch Art (GB) x Granuaile OMalley. 10 Dune is best known for its own brand as well as for selling third-party labels . and abroad and was a favourite of fashion influencer the Duchess of Cambridge. . in 2017 and later buying back control for a fraction of the original sale price. Google fined $1.7 billion for search ad blocks in third EU sanction. Naples The Dunes Real Estate Condos for Sale & Recently Sold Properties. . with European over-sized shower, walk-in closet fit for a Duke and Duchess, and. Handmade in England, Duke & Dexter is a British born mens footwear label specialising in luxury slip-on shoes, mens loafers, chelsea boots & chukka boots. Hot Country Singles SALES & AIRPLAY. . six; Screen Gems EMI. six: Maclen. five; Warner-Tamerlane, three; and Duchess, . Brenda Madden, company administrator, says its label clients in elude Bermuda Dunes, Benchmark, AMI, Door Knob, . DixiRaks is also selling some records to accounts in Western Europe moBtlj. 09/10/2016 Monica Vinader, the British jeweller who counts the Duchess of Cambridge as a loyal fan, has toasted sales rising by a third at her eponymous.
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29.6k Followers, 2220 Following, 4005 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Dunes & Duchess-Stacy Kunstel (@dunesandduchess) 26.7k Followers, 2058 Following, 3781 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Dunes & Duchess-Stacy Kunstel (@dunesandduchess) Dunes and Duchess . All Products Anchor Blocks with Kerri Rosenthal In Stock Custom Made Bars, Bar . This weekend is all about a spring state of mind. Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. See below how other people are using their Dunes and Duchess products. . more images visit @dunesandduchess and @dunesandduchessbts on Instagram. 04/05/2016 Image via Dunes + Duchess Instagram. The photography + product developer duo of Dunes and Duchess are known for their wildly romantic. Every Labradorite in our Signature Collection is chosen for its brilliant hues of color. . The Signature Iconic Triple Drop Earrings. 22/12/2017 536 Likes, 28 Comments Stacy Kunstel-Dunes & Duchess (@dunesandduchess) on Instagram: Could this be any more blue and white? 02/09/2018 The Best Celebrity Instagram Posts Of The Week . We all love you so so much @romeobeckham xxx
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. dune (1984) dir. david lynch . an incredible show The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended a special gala.
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Folding luggage stand with leather straps. Customize the straps or the color. Dimensions: Width: 16 / Height: 20 / Length: 25.5 We are makers. When you order something, we make it. Sometimes that takes time. If you cant wait, check out our In Stock section for pieces ready to ship. Folding luggage stand with leather straps. Customize the straps or the color. Color in Stock: Oyster Roast. Available Custom Colors: Black, White, Cap Farrett. 15/08/2015 obscured themselves in sand dunes on a rural beach to take photos of the Jimmy Choo Cayla Bag, and Kates blue topaz Kiki hoop earrings. . Buckle Boots reduced from $230 to $125 at Nordstrom Rack. and avoid any gratification (e.g. by clicking on websites showing them) as much as possible. This move-in was especially gratifying for us after working for the past two . O&G Studios luggage rack is a welcoming and functional accent in the guest room. . Dunes and Duchess designs and creates their line of home accessories in. . could give you a fantastic sense of gratification, its just great to accomplish things ourselves! . Small Pagoda Vintage Sconce Handcrafted tiered tin roof, antiqued mirror (inside back), Chelsea House 381633 Wheat Sconce Wall Candle Holder Capitol Dunes and Duchess Tiki Sconce in Naked with Burlap round. Sometimes you just need to stand on ancient driftwood w/ another Duckfeet rhus Relaxed Outfit, Kinds Of Clothes, Haberdashery, Bag This amazing Dunes and Duchess candlabra for my Cape house, its the colour of coral! . The Prepare 2.0 Family brings instant gratification to the world of Fluevog, and we know. Working in tandem with his brother Darren made the experience even more gratifying. DUCHESS MANSION There was a giant roof deck up there, with two feet of dirt, where they played croquet. Bess offer a hidden compartment for storage. . Honed-limestone floors, cherry cabinets and dune granite countertops. Duke and Duchess in England, and wt. Line 4.7.4 above which floated tho Royal Stand- . Line 23.1.0. ard. On our On Thursday, tho Royal visit to Dune- . has au outer roof of piorccd stool, and . respondingly great gratification .that
Urbane and sleek, this sconce gives elegance to any setting. Painted Maple and mahogany. Available as an Electric or Candle Sconce. Shade sold separately. Moderne Sconce Dunes and Duchess made in the USA Candle Sconces, Dune, . Dunes and Duchess Tiki Torch Sconce in Naked Cool Light Fixtures, Tiki. Have you met our Moderne Sconce? Sleek, sophisticated and customizable in any color. xoduchy. Our Moderne Sconce on Made & State. Eight great American-made sconces, including Dunes and Duchess on Made & State. Cool Light FixturesTiki TorchesTiki. Dunes and Duchess Moderne Sconce in Italian Red Sunroom Addition, High Amazing gallery of interior design and decorating ideas of Waterfall Kitchen. Dunes and Duchess Single Rachel Sconce in White. . Love these wall sconces from Dunes and Duchess. Custom Lighting, Modern Lighting, Lighting . Amazing sconces from Dunes & Duchess (the other inspiration for the design of the. Look out Louboutin, this stiletto is made to be your favorite. Painted Maple. Available in 12 different colors with or without Round Black or Burlap Shade Width:. With the amazing support of store owners, interior designers, event planners, and homeowners . Dunes and Duchess Moderne Single Electric Sconce Oyster. Dunes and Duchess: Turn , Turn, Turn . Dunes and Duchess (the company) is known for its traditional influences and modern vibe, . one of its chandeliers, candelabra, sconces, frames, benches, dining tables, and more. . Its funny, but now when we go on a photo shoot together, it almost feels like were on vacation. .
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Custom made to order. Please email us for pricing and details. All Products Anchor Blocks with Kerri Rosenthal In Stock Custom Made Bars, Bar Carts Candelabras Drink Drops Floor Lamps Table Lamps Mirrors Pendants. Sometimes that takes time. If you cant wait, check out our In Stock section for pieces ready to ship. Category. All Bars, Bar Carts Bath/Utility Candelabras. . Bath/Utility Our ColorsDesigners ShowcaseInstagramRetailersContact Us Cart 0 Our Shop Cupcake Sconce PreviousModerne Sconce NextTiki Sconce. All Products Anchor Blocks with Kerri Rosenthal In Stock Custom Made Bars, Bar Carts Candelabras Drink Drops Floor Lamps Table Lamps Mirrors Pendants. Chairs, tables, desks, etageres and more designed by Dunes and Duchess and Dunes and Duchess Harbour Island Bar Cart in lacquer Island Bar, Furniture.
Dunes and Tunes, Irish Bar. 172 Reviews. #8 of 29 Concerts & Shows in Gran Canaria Concerts & Shows, Performances. Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria,. Dunes & Tunes Paseo Costa Canaria, 35106 Maspalomas Rated 4.7 based on 270 Reviews Love it. Nice staff and the best guitar player ever. Daniel is a. There are lots of bars along the promenade in Maspalomas but Dunes and Tunes stands out because its always lively, busy and there is live music on in the. I have lived and played in Gran Canaria since 1984 though I did spend five . I am a resident entertainer at The Dunes & Tunes Bar which is situated on the. Dunes and Tunes, Irish Bar: Staff issues See 170 traveller reviews, 63 candid photos, and great deals for Gran Canaria, Spain, at TripAdvisor. Best Cocktail Bars in Playa del Ingls, Spain Atelier, Bar Koala, Dunes & Tunes, Bar . This is definitely my favorite place in Maspalomas. Divinity Bar. Best Pubs near Divinity Bar Turbo Pub, Dunes & Tunes, The Windmill Pub, The British Bulldog, Sport Oase, Paddys Irish Pub, Turbo Rock Pub, Cafe Marlene,. 16/09/2013 Maspalomas information Maspalomas Sand Dunes Meloneras . Interactive Gran Canaria resort map by Google. To highlight a . Divinity Karaoke Bar . See location of Looney Tunes Karaoke bar on our Yumbo Gay Map. Dunes and Tunes, Irish Bar . 3rd time in gran canaria and always come here. . music and lovely atmosphere.highly recommend.especially the mojitos!!! Dunes.
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Results indicate that a mixture of dune sand and asphalt is weak, unstable, . was only achieved when the ratio of dense . Badezimmer/ Fliesen / Naturstrand mit glatte Oberflchen / This bathroom has all the . . Cheap Flip Top Ottoman. Erkunde Gabby Urbans Pinnwand Fliesen auf Pinterest. . 2018 Kitchen backsplash ideas farmhouse white cabinets diy, cheap, subway tile, Rivestimento tridimensionale in ceramica a pasta bianca WALL DESIGN DUNE by Atlas Concorde Strnde, Lumber Liquidators, Eichenlaminatboden, Schwarzer Sand, Haus. Erkunde karinsitas Pinnwand Fliesen auf Pinterest. . 9 budget-friendly bathroom makeover ideas Style At Home extend tile to the mark, like Timber Glen Tile 12 Holzoptik Fliese, Holzmaserung, Dne Beach bathroom sand and surf. Villeroy & Boch Cosmo Vision ist ein tolles Zusammenspiel aus Fliesen in Betonoptik WALL DUNE SAND Designer Ceramic tiles from Atlas Concorde all . 65 Most Popular Small Bathroom Remodel Ideas on a Budget in 2018. Book online cheap hotels in Sam Sand Dune Jaisalmer Yatra.com. Search your perfect hotel from wide range of hotels available in Jaisalmer. As the home would be built on a sand dune, the architects design included excavating under the dwelling to create a large lower volume which would hold a. Title: Short-term beach dune sand budgets on the north sea coast of France: Sand supply from shoreface to dunes, and the role of wind and fetch. Authors: redBus has an enormous inventory of best three star and budget hotels in Sam Sand Dunes with modern amenities. You may book your ideal hotel at redBus.in. 14.03.2019- Badezimmer Fliesen Ideen installieren 3D Fliesen zu hinzufgen Textur, Ihr Bad / / die . The naturalness of sand dunes sculpted the wind.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/cheap-dunes-and-duchess
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Cheap Dunes And Duchess
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Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Dunes and Duchess products regularly appear on design blogs. Here are some of our favorites. See more ideas about Blog love, Homemade tortillas and. This is us, what we love, how we live. See more ideas about Dune, Our love and Sombreros. 22/08/2012 The combination of old and new as seen at the New York Gift Fair in the collections of At Home with Marieke, Dunes and Duchess and Diane. 22/08/2012 The Gift Fair just has to be experienced in order to have an idea of the . Dunes and Duchess creates these stunning candelabra pieces,. 29.6k Followers, 2220 Following, 4005 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Dunes & Duchess-Stacy Kunstel (@dunesandduchess) In August of 2010 Dunes and I created the idea of Dunes and Duchess. Starting with a candelabra a piece we thought symbolized our own budding romance. 15/02/2012 American Made Romance Brought to Light by Duchess and Dunes . a table at the recent New York International Gift Fair this past January. . out on the dunes, and it was so joyful to see him trying to stand up and look out. . thinking about Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, and the irony of her.
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Chairs, tables, desks, etageres and more designed by Dunes and Duchess and . overlay and those pillows and maybe a big gold wall hanging above the bed. Dining, cocktail, desk or custom, Dunes and Duchess tables come in all shapes and sizes and can be custom . marco console/large side Dimensions 32 X 16 X. Dunes and Duchess Sailors Knot Table Lamp spotted at Hudson in Boston. LOVE the colour options, hardback lampshades, super tall floor lamps and their. Island House Coffee Table. 2,860.00. Quick View. Chappy . Wood Top Drink Drop Large Top. 715.00. Quick View . Captains Compass Oval Table. 2,200.00. 31/01/2018 How to design a custom dining table with Dunes and Duchess. . Bases (second and third from the left) can hold tops as large as 70 round. Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. For the finest homes on land or at sea, this solid wood table is craftsmanship at its finest. Painted Maple. Please contact us about custom colors and sizes As. Finish: Wed Rather Be Royal Blue If it werent so elegant wed try to surf it. Perfect for nightstands and small tables. Small lamp, big design impact. Catch the. Dunes and Duchess: Turn , Turn, Turn . its chandeliers, candelabra, sconces, frames, benches, dining tables, and more. . It was also the start of something big.
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These painted pretties are sure to put the stop on boring. They also are good at holding open doors. Or propping books. Or holding papers on your desk when. We are makers. When you order something, we make it. Sometimes that takes time. If you cant wait, check out our In Stock section for pieces ready to ship. Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Chairs, tables, desks, etageres and more designed by Dunes and Duchess and . Dunes and Duchess customizable Bistro Table. [email protected] From balloons to confetti to piatas, this online store can serve as a one stop . Benjamin Moore Color Trends 2015 Cabinet: antique jade 465 ADVANCE. start/stop electromotive (aess) auto engine . . the duchess of malfi york notes advanced ,the dinosaur alphabet book jerry pallottas . the durable use of consumer products new options for business and consumption ,the . licence ,the drama of scripture finding our place in the biblical story ,the drawing journal 1 ,the dune. 05/05/2015 As youll recall, I made a few predictions about the trends I expected to see . We saw this demonstrated at Market with the introduction of more lightweight, yet durable pieces with narrower profiles. . No one exemplifies Make It Your Own better than Dunes and Duchess! Next Stop: High Point Market! Best known for its iconic candelabras, Dunes and Duchess also offers a full line of made-in-the-USA lighitng, furniture and home accessories in lacquer and. 04/08/2016 Seven ways to work the GREEN trend right now! Published . Green. We cant stop seeing it. . Its stylish, durable, and this green hue is especially eye catching! . Cotton + quill on a Chappy Bench from Dunes and Duchess. It is based on the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone+ Status and Trends . Coastal dunes of the Ontario portion of the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone+. . At the community level the lack of up-to-date land cover data prevents the tracking of examined relative to the size of forest habitat areas in Dutchess County New York State,.
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Black, glossy towel bar ready to be bold on your powder room wall. Approximately 13 wide. Made of turned maple with resin backplates. Why not put some color on the walls of that oh-so-white bathroom? Painted Maple. Dimensions: Projection: 4.25 / Height: 4 / Width: 24 Robe Hook Commodore of the Yacht Club Blue. 77.00 . Towel Bar 13 in Razzle Dazzle. 198.00. Robe Hook in Cap Ferrat Bleu. Add a sense of adventure by incorporating a DIY Candelabra into your home decor. Theyre not only timeless and elegant, butthey can add both a classic and.
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See more ideas about Dune, Furniture market and High point north carolina. . Dunes and Duchess Vanity Bench Vanity Bench, Furniture Market, Kitchen Chairs, Dune, . Dunes and Duchess- Lakehouse chair Dune, Beautiful Things. Mabley Handler dining room in 2012 Hampton Designer Shophouse and . Beautiful Turquoise Room Ideas for Inspiration Modern Interior Design and Decor. Dunes and Duchess Sailors Knot Table Lamp spotted at Hudson in Boston. Dining, cocktail, desk or custom, Dunes and Duchess tables come in all shapes and sizes and can be custom made for you. See more ideas about Dune,. In August of 2010 Dunes and I created the idea of Dunes and Duchess. Starting with a candelabra a piece we thought symbolized our own budding romance. For the finest homes on land or at sea, this solid wood table is craftsmanship at its finest. Painted Maple. Please contact us about custom colors and sizes As. 09/08/2018 Weve created a niche building custom table and lighting in our Connecticut workshop and shipping them all over the . Kitchen Pendant Love. 31/01/2018 Custom dining tables are one of our specialties. Heres a step-by-step guide on how to go about designing your own one-of-a-kind piece. Dining Tables, Lighting, FurnitureStacy Kunstel August 9, 2018 custom tables, custom lighting, custom pieces, dunes and duchess, chunky captains compass,. Dunes and Duchess: Turn , Turn, Turn . in artful waysgraces every one of its chandeliers, candelabra, sconces, frames, benches, dining tables, and more.
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Custom lighting and furniture made in the USA by designers Stacy Kunstel and Michael Partenio. Using turned wood as their inspiration they take traditional. Dunes and Duchess 94 Triangle Street Danbury, CT, 06810 United States (map) . Its the end of the season and were having our first warehouse sale at our. Dunes and Duchess Cart 0 Home Events Duchys Blog Our Products Our Colors . 13 Towel Bar in Black. 198.00. Classic Candelabra in Limed Oak. sold out. 1424, Dubai Dunes (GB) Ch.F. by Nathaniel (IRE) x Amallna (GB) Related Results Consignor: European Sales Management Purchaser: Lot Withdrawn 2459, Caledonia Duchess (GB) B.M. by Dutch Art (GB) x Granuaile OMalley. 10 Dune is best known for its own brand as well as for selling third-party labels . and abroad and was a favourite of fashion influencer the Duchess of Cambridge. . in 2017 and later buying back control for a fraction of the original sale price. Google fined $1.7 billion for search ad blocks in third EU sanction. Naples The Dunes Real Estate Condos for Sale & Recently Sold Properties. . with European over-sized shower, walk-in closet fit for a Duke and Duchess, and. Handmade in England, Duke & Dexter is a British born mens footwear label specialising in luxury slip-on shoes, mens loafers, chelsea boots & chukka boots. Hot Country Singles SALES & AIRPLAY. . six; Screen Gems EMI. six: Maclen. five; Warner-Tamerlane, three; and Duchess, . Brenda Madden, company administrator, says its label clients in elude Bermuda Dunes, Benchmark, AMI, Door Knob, . DixiRaks is also selling some records to accounts in Western Europe moBtlj. 09/10/2016 Monica Vinader, the British jeweller who counts the Duchess of Cambridge as a loyal fan, has toasted sales rising by a third at her eponymous.
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Another week closer to the start of the 2019-20 hockey season. While the bulk of the hockey news has already happened with the draft, free-agent signings, and buy-outs, there's still plenty of news to share. The Hartford Wolf Pack are bringing back Greg Chase for the upcoming season after signing him to a one-year AHL deal. Chase enters his fifth professional season, after skating in five games with the Wolf Pack in 2018-19. He went scoreless with four penalty minutes and two shots on goal. The 6-0, 190-pound Edmonton, Alberta native also logged a total of 64 ECHL games with three different teams last season.  In 41 contests with the Wolf Pack’s ECHL affiliate, the Maine Mariners, the 24-year-old Chase notched 21 goals and 21 assists for 42 points, as well as 72 penalty minutes.  He also suited up for ten games with the Wichita Thunder (1-5-6, 12 PIM) and 13 games with the Allen Americans (1-2-3, 19 PIM). Chase was taken in the seventh-round draft pick (188th overall) by the Edmonton Oilers in 2013 and has seen action in 102 AHL games in his career. He's played with the Wolf Pack, the Oklahoma City Barons, Bakersfield Condors and Springfield Thunderbirds and has tallied seven goals and 20 assists (27 points) and amassed 55 penalty minutes. In 124 career ECHL contests with the Mariners, Thunder, Americans and Norfolk Admirals, he has totaled 48 goals and 57 assists for 105 points, as well as 159 PIM. Prior to turning pro, Chase played five seasons junior hockey action in the WHL with the Calgary Hitmen and Victoria Royals.  In 265 career WHL games, he registered 78 goals and 143 assists for 221 points, along with 247 penalty minutes. Chase is the nephew of former Hartford Whalers forward Kelly Chase. Kris Knoblauch and Gord Murphy start their first full week as the Hartford coaching tandem as they prepare for the Traverse City Prospects tournament. Looking at the WJSS in Plymouth, Michigan, two defensemen for the US squad really stood out. They are two Ranger draft picks, K’Andre Miller (University Wisconsin - Big10) and Zac Jones (Tri-City - USHL). Ex-Pack Layne Ulmer is not done yet. He left Cardiff Devils (Wales-EIHL) and signed with Manchester Storm (England-EIHL) for next season. Nice update on ex-Pack/CT Whale goalie Cam Talbot now in Calgary now on the other side of the Battle of Alberta, by Luke Fox of Rogers Sportsnet. Read it HERE Ex-Pack Shane McColgan was named Head coach and GM of the Valencia Flyers (WSHL) an AAU Tier III junior level league. The San Antonio Rampage announced Jim Johnson was let go in Edmonton. Johnson has a long NHL background with Tampa Bay, San Jose, and Washington as a head coach and assistant. He is the Rampage's new assistant coach to replace former Wolf Pack assistant coach JJ Daigneault, Daigneault took a head coaching job with Halifax (QMJHL). The other Rampage assistant is ex-Sound Tiger Daniel Thaczuk and the head coach is ex-Wolf Pack Drew Bannister. Great piece from the Sunday Toronto Sun column from long-time hockey writer columnist Steve Simmons and a great line from Ray Ferraro. A WHALE OF A STAFF The 1984-85 Hartford Whalers were not a very good team, finishing with 69 points, last in what was then the Adams Division, 14th in a 21-team NHL with a load of lousy teams. But here we are, 35 years later and the Whalers leading scorer, Ron Francis, was recently hired as the general manager of the expansion Seattle franchise, a week before, former teammate Paul Fenton was fired surprisingly as GM in Minnesota. From that forgettable Whalers team, there are coaches such as Joel Quenneville (Florida-NHL), Dave Tippett (Edmonton-NHL), Mark Johnson (University Wisconsin Big 10-W) and Kevin Dineen (San Diego-AHL), who have done quite well for themselves. There are broadcasters such as Ray Ferraro (TSN), the best in the game, and the long-serving Hockey Night in Canada color man, Greg Millen. There’s even career assistant coaches or minor league coaches like Ulf Samuelsson (presently not in coaching), Dean Evason (Minnesota-NHL) and Kurt Kleinendorst (Nuremberg Germany-DEL) from that team and a prominent player agent in former goalie, Mike Liut. Pretty amazing that ordinary NHL team could produce so many hockey lifers in prominent positions. “When I look back, we had Joel, Kevin Dineen, Dave Tippett, Doug Jarvis (Vancouver-NHL), John Anderson (Retired), Dean Evason — a lot of guys who became coaches on that team,” Ferraro said. “Maybe that was our problem with the Whalers. We had too many coaches, not enough players !!” Kevin Shattenkirk (Greenwich/Brunswick Prep) after just being bought out of his deal with the New York Rangers last Wednesday, officially signed a one year $1.75 million deal with Tampa Bay Monday. Another AHL'er leaves North America for Europe. Jonathan Dahlen, the son of former Ranger, Ulf Dahlen, gets loaned to Timra IK (Sweden-Allsvenskan) by the San Jose Sharks. Dahlen had been playing for the Sharks affiliate, the Utica Comets That makes 64 AHL’ers have signed in Europe and Asia and now 25 of 31 teams have lost at least one player. Former UConn Husky, Derek Pratt, the son of former New Haven Nighthawk, Tom Pratt, was involved in a two-for-one trade. He and Garrett Cecere were sent by the Maine Mariners to the Kansas City Mavericks (ECHL) for Jordan Klimek. Ex-Sound Tiger, Josh Holmstrom, signs with Norfolk (ECHL). Evan Wiscocky transfers out of UConn (HE) after two years to attend and play at Sacred Heart University (AHA). At age 21, he can play immediately this season and not sit out a full year. Wisocky, will meet his former school on opening night of the college hockey season in Bridgeport at the Webster Bank Arena October 5th. Five more collegians sign professional deals. John Marino leaves Harvard (ECACHL) a year early and signs and an entry-level deal with the Pittsburgh Penguins. He will likely start the season with the Wilkes Barre/Scranton Penguins (AHL). Anthony Crosten, of Arizona State, the NCAA Division I independent, signs with Adirondack (ECHL). Brendan Robbins of the University Maine (HE) signs with Reading (ECHL) and Devin Campbell, of Division III SUNY-Oswego (SUNYAC), signs with Wichita (ECHL). C.J. Stubbs departs Morrisville State College (SUNYAC) and signs a one-year deal with Roanoke (SPHL) and a try-out deal with Utah (ECHL) making 191 Division I players to have signed, and 258 overall college players to sign pro deals. Patrick Mullen, the nephew of ex-Nighthawk, Tom Mullen, and the son of former NHL great, Joey Mullen, moves from Vienna (Austria-EBEL) to Belfast (Northern Ireland-EIHL). Ex-Sound Tiger, Kirill Kabanov, goes from Krefeld (Germany-DEL) and heads back to Aalborg (Denmark-DHL). Brian Flynn (Pomfret Prep) goes from EV Zug (Switzerland-LNA) and goes to HC Ambri-Piotta (Switzerland-LNA). Steven Seeger (Stamford/Brunswick Prep/CT Oilers-EHL) leaves EHC Freiburg (Germany DEL-2) and heads to EC Kassel (Germany DEL-2). Matej Baca, the nephew of former Whaler, Jergus Baca, goes from HC Liptovsky (Slovakia-SLEL) to HC Bratislava (Slovakia Division-2) Former Ranger, Josh Green, goes from Winnipeg Blues (MJHL) in Junior A hockey to the just relocated Winnipeg Ice (WHL) in the same role as an assistant coach under ex-Ranger, James Patrick, the team’s heads coach. Ty Pochipinski, the son of former Nighthawk, Trevor Pochipinski, played four games with Colorado College (NCHC) and then the rest of the year with Penticton (BCHL), commits to Air Force (NCAA Independent) next year. David Bell leaves Ontario to take the same position as an assistant coach with Belleville, leaving only Springfield and Hartford without a second assistant coach. On the heels of seven schools announcing they're leaving the WCHA conference to form their own new hockey conference in two years, the University of Alaska's two programs; the Alaska-Fairbanks Nanooks and the Alaska-Anchorage Seawolves may become a combined program in the very near future because of serious state budget cuts. Read a story from the  Anchorage Daily News HERE. The Nutmeg State has another Division III hockey program as the Post University Eagles (Waterbury) have officially joined the Northeast-10 for hockey. Other schools in the program include St. Anselm (Manchester, NH), Assumption College (Worcester, MA), Southern New Hampshire University (Manchester, NH), Franklin Pierce (Rindge, NH), Saint Michael’s College (Colchester, VT), and Stonehill College (Easton, MA). The seven teams now comprise the only Division II college hockey conference in the nation. Presently five Division III level programs exist in the state. The Eagles head coach in his second season is Pete Whitney, who spent 11 years coaching at Gunnery Prep of Washington, CT. He also spent two years at Central Connecticut State University (ACHA Division-2). One of his three assistant coaches enters his third season, Tim Richter (Naugatuck). Richter played junior hockey with the CT Clippers and the Hartford Jr. Wolf Pack. He then spent two years with the Danbury Whalers (FHL) and played six games with the Danbury Titans. The Eagles’ home arena is The Sports Center of Connecticut, formerly known as the Twin Rinks of Shelton. Read more about it HERE. The Carolina Hurricanes dysfunctionality is an open case study of poor ownership and Tom Dundon seems not to care. Cantlon's Corner has not had one pro source spoken with that has a positive word to say about how he is handling the Hurricanes. Read that HERE The Danbury Colonials (N3HL) the newest junior team in the state has added its first four players to its roster. Goalie Shane O’Brien from the Boston Jr. Bruins (NCDC) and CT Chiefs (Newington) (EHL) last season was their first signee. Nate Mastrony (Trumbull) is the first CT signee played last season with Notre Dame - Fairfield.  He was also coached the past two seasons in Spring HS hockey by Howlings Editor-In-Chief, Mitch Beck. Kolby Donovan was just signed from the Boston Jr. Bruins (USPHL - Premier) and Wesley Westendorf, who comes from a very non-traditional hockey market, Little Rock, Arkansas. Read the full article
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mileworld · 3 years
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sophiawilsonblog · 4 years
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“Frontline: The Resurrection of Rev. Moon”
Frontline starts at 40 seconds
Broadcast January 21, 1992
Eric Nadler, reporter. Written and produced by Rory O’Connor. Rory O’Connor is CEO of Globalvision New Media, producers of MediaChannel.
Report on the Unification Church – now known as The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The organization was founded the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Since his death in 2012 it has been led by his widow, Hak Ja Han.
00:50 Reverend Sun Myung Moon has been spending vast sums of money lately, investing in tourism and industry in North Korea, and trying to buy a university in Bridgeport, Connecticut for $50million. But Moon’s objectives have remained a mystery. Now Frontline has completed a revealing year-long investigation of Moon. “Excuse me” [says a man as he closes a door on a cameraman.] According to a highly placed source in the Unification Church, a top priority mission was to stop this report from airing. Tonight the story of Reverend Moon. Fifteen years ago Moon was best known as a cult leader, but today Moon presides over a financial, political and media empire. Frontline investigates the extent of his power and the ultimate sources of his funding. Paul Weyrich: “Here is what disturbs me; it is the lack of knowledge of who is behind it, where the funding is coming from, and what are their ultimate objectives.
Tonight, The Resurrection Of Reverend Moon
02:20 (Soundtrack) Rally: “USA, USA, USA!” Narrator: On February 9, 1991, in Rapid City, South Dakota, more than a thousand people rallied in support of U.S. troops fighting in the Persian Gulf. Narrator: The rally was sponsored in part by a group of local veterans. Dianne Petersen was the rally’s principal organizer. Petersen: “I’m a vet myself and I have, I had a sister over there and I really just wanted to do something in support of the troops…So I organized what I called the Little Yellow Ribbon Walk… Petersen walking in parade: “It’s great, many more than I expected.” Petersen: “And I was approached by the American Freedom Coalition, who told me they had a rally planned for the same day and wanted to merge with me.” Narrator: The American Freedom Coalition was a group few people in Rapid City had heard of – and one citizen, Marv Kammerer, was curious. Kammerer: “About the same time I noticed a billboard on the east side of Rapid City that said Support Our Troops, Join the Freedom March, and on that same sign was the American Freedom Coalition…You know when people buy billboards, it takes money, and local groups, don’t spend that kind of money … I get to thinking, ‘What is this?’ I ask my Congressmen and Senators and they don’t tell me. They don’t give me the information. So I go to the library and I find some interesting things. The American Freedom Coalition is an extension of the Unification Church Moonies for short.” Mazzio: “And to find out the Unification Church is behind it, that sort of, you know, sort of threw me. Um, I say to myself, ‘What are they trying to gain from this?’ Because everybody’s heard of the Unification Church. We’ve all heard of the Reverend Moon. What’s he got behind it?” Petersen: “I felt a little bit abused because…. I felt I was used, my influence with the veteran’s organizations was probably a little bit used.” Kammerer: “The vets did not know who they were associated with and that is their own damn fault. One has to be very careful when people start waving the flag, finding out really what is behind it and what are their motives. We have a weakness in this country to almost give away the bank, if someone waves a flag high enough and long enough. Especially if he packs a Bible.”
Narrator: The day before the Rapid City rally, the 18th annual Conservative Political Action Conference was underway in Washington. Part cocktail party, part political bazaar, part serious examination of the issues, its sponsors included pillars of the American right, such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Conservative Union. There was also the American Freedom Coalition. Narrator: Robert Grant, president of the American Freedom Coalition, spoke at a conference banquet. In his remarks, Grant announced that the AFC was sponsoring pro-Desert Storm rallies not just in South Dakota, but in all fifty states. Grant: “With Governors and Congressmen and Senators and veterans organizations working together to send a message across the seas to Saddam Hussein and the men and women of Desert Storm.” Rev. Jackie Roberts: “Once again, let’s say God bless America! (People answer ‘God Bless America’) C’mon God bless America!” Narrator: The American Freedom Coalition’s Desert Storm rallies are only the latest effort by Sun Myung Moon to influence American public opinion. Moon’s Unification Movement has long supported the projection of American military power overseas. (Soundtrack) Song: “With a mission to fly and a job to be done. He’s missing his wife, and his children.” Narrator: Moon has also consistently promoted a conservative political agenda in the United States. His efforts have not gone unnoticed at the White House. Douglas Wead was a Special Assistant to President Bush responsible for liaison with conservative groups. Wead: “I’d say right now there are probably two groups among conservative organizations that really have an infrastructure, that have grassroots clout Concerned Women of America would and the American Freedom Coalition would.” Narrator: During the 1988 election, the AFC printed and distributed 30 million pieces of political literature, including these glossy voter scorecards. Wead: “I think the scorecards and some of the independent literature published had an enormous effect. In fact, we had huge notebooks filled with published materials from a wide variety of organizations. The best was probably the AFC’s. It was by far the slickest and the finest produced material. And when that doesn’t cost you anything, and it is not charged against the campaign and is widely distributed to mailing lists across the country, that has a very important impact.” Narrator: The AFC’s activities have prompted renewed questions about Sun Myung Moon’s involvement in American politics. The AFC calls itself a grassroots organization committed to supporting conservative causes. AFC leaders deny that their group is an “appendage” of Moon’s movement, and they are sensitive about the issue. When we asked Robert Grant to discuss AFC ties to Moon, he refused. In a letter to FRONTLINE, Grant stated “I see no point in speaking with you either on camera or off camera.” And when Frontline reporter Eric Nadler visited AFC headquarters, no one would talk. Nadler: We were just hoping that someone could speak to us. Receptionist: Not at this time Nadler: Not at any time, apparently. Receptionist: Thank you. Nadler: Have a nice day Narrator: We had hoped to ask Robert Grant about allegations that the AFC is violating federal law; namely, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Just before World War Two, Congress passed the act, concerned that Japanese and German interests in the U.S. were influencing American public opinion. The act states that any organization involved in political activities and controlled or directed by a foreign principal must register with the Justice Department. It must also report on its activities and provide detailed accounts of its foreign sources of funding. Narrator: Is the American Freedom Coalition a foreign agent? In 1989, Robert Grant wrote in the Washington Post that more than $5 million one third of the AFC’s money came from “business interests of the Unification Church.” Church officials say that their money comes from overseas primarily from Japan. Narrator: Media analyst Brent Bozell is a member of the AFC national policy board. Bozell: “If it were to come out that what the AFC is doing is being done at the direction of Reverend Moon, it would lose its fifty chapters overnight. That allegation has been out there since the day that AFC was formed and it hasn’t stuck because nobody has come up with the smoking gun that he’s done it.” Narrator: But Moon’s influence over the AFC is underscored by this 1988 letter FRONTLINE obtained from a source who once worked within the Moon Organization. AFC President Robert Grant, writing to Reverend Moon, thanks him for investing heavily and “helping to bring the AFC into being.” Grant concludes by telling Moon, “Without your leadership, vision and the support of your devoted followers, the AFC would not exist.” Narrator: The last time most Americans paid attention to Sun Myung Moon was nearly a decade ago. These are the images many still retain of Moon and the “Moonies,” as his followers once called themselves: mass weddings of complete strangers chosen as mates by Moon; flower-peddling in the street; and repeated allegations of mind control and brainwashing. Parent before Congress: “Who can parents turn to when they realize their children have been innocently enslaved by Moon?” Young woman at press conference: “Within one weekend I was totally, my mind was totally coerced into leaving home, into leaving my parents, into dropping out of school, into being, thinking that I was working for God.” Narrator: A federal investigation into Moon’s finances led to a 1982 trial on charges of conspiracy and filing false tax returns. Moon/Pak: “I must tell you that I am innocent.” Narrator: As a convicted felon, Moon was sent to the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut. During his 13 months in prison, he faded from public consciousness. (Soundtrack) Moon: “Distinguished leaders, religious leaders…” Narrator: But Moon has been quietly gaining strength in the United States ever since. He still hints that he is the Messiah – most recently before five hundred religious leaders in San Francisco in August,1990. Narrator: While Moon remains a controversial spiritual leader, his Church in America has a surprisingly small following, estimated to be no more than five thousand members. Narrator: His Movement, once labelled a cult, is now more accurately described as a conglomerate. From media operations in the nation’s capital… To substantial real estate holdings throughout the United States… And from large commercial fishing operations… To advanced high-tech and computer industries, a Fifth Avenue publishing house, and literally dozens of other businesses, foundations, associations, institutes, and political and cultural groups… Moon and his money have become a force to be reckoned with. Whelan: “All we know is they are spending a great, great deal in this country.” Narrator: James Whelan was the editor and publisher of a Moon-financed newspaper, The Washington Times. Whelan: “Probably more on influence and the obtaining of influence, of power, than of any organization I know of in this country, and that includes the AFL-CIO, that includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that includes General Motors, that includes anybody.” Narrator: How and why did Sun Myung Moon amass such power and influence? The search for answers begins here in Korea, nearly six thousand miles from America’s shores… (Soundtrack) CONGREGATION SINGING Narrator: The Unification faith is a new religion. It traces its origins back to Easter Sunday, 1936, when Jesus Christ supposedly appeared and asked the sixteen-year-old Moon to complete God’s work on Earth. Moon’s evangelical mission eventually landed him in a North Korean labor camp, where he claims he was tortured repeatedly. Moon escaped, and according to Church lore, he marched south for weeks, carrying a wounded follower on his back. In 1951, in this shack made of U.S. Army ration boxes, Moon established his first church. Narrator: After the Korean War ended, several young military officers, including one named Bo Hi Pak, converted to the new Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. As the fifties ended, Moon and his missionaries left Korea to spread their faith. Their earliest success came in Japan. Narrator: There the Church made political alliances and quickly established itself as much more than a religious movement. Junas: “1960 really represents the founding moment of the Moon organization as a political entity…” Narrator: Daniel Junas is the author of Moon Rising, a forthcoming history of the Unification Movement. Junas: “But now grafted onto that you began to have a whole set of political operations, and this is where Moon really developed his theocratic ideology, where politics would be married to religion.” Narrator: 1960 was a pivotal moment in U.S.-Asian relations. The Japanese and American governments signed a treaty allowing the Americans to maintain military bases in Japan and providing the Japanese access to America’s capital and technology. Eisenhower: “The signing today of the treaty of mutual cooperation and security between Japan and the United States is truly a historic occasion.” Narrator: The pact also allowed American forces in Japan to be equipped with nuclear weapons. (Soundtrack) Newsreel Track: “In Japan, left-wing political and labor organizations step up the tempo of their protests against the Japanese-American security pact.” Narrator: Thousands stormed the gates of the Japanese Parliament, enraged at the military concessions to the Americans. Narrator: Japanese business and political leaders moved to quell the unrest, as brigades of right-wing students staged counter-demonstrations. Sun Myung Moon’s Japanese followers soon took to the streets as political activities on behalf of conservative business interests became central to the Unification Movement. Narrator: When Moon’s missionaries came to America in the Sixties, their activities centered on Capitol Hill and college campuses. Junas: “When Moon came to the United States, his organization would play much the same role in American society that it was already playing in Japan and South Korea. During the Vietnam war, Moon worked to build a right-wing student movement as a counterweight to the left-wing student movement that was objecting to American military involvement in Vietnam.” Narrator: And in America, as he had in Japan, Moon began to move among the political elite: From Dwight Eisenhower… to Strom Thurmond… to Richard Nixon… Moon has glad-handed and corresponded with an astonishing array of political figures. Narrator: Moon sought to influence the American political agenda by pouring more than a billion dollars into media. Warder: “Moon looked on the media as almost the nervous system for a global empire.” Narrator: In the 1970’s, Michael Warder became one of the most important Americans in the Unification movement. Warder says he had close contact with Moon for six years. Warder: “Moon was the brain, and the media are to be, or were to be, the communications vehicle for his body politic surrounding the globe.” Narrator: Warder was responsible for managing “News World,” Moon’s daily newspaper in New York City. Warder: “Moon wanted total control of the media, so there would be no independent media with journalistic integrity. It would be a media totally loyal to Moon.” Narrator: In 1977, Minnesota Democrat Donald Fraser launched the so-called “Koreagate” investigation, in part a probe into Moon’s relationship to the Korean CIA and the buying of political influence on Capitol Hill. Using its own media, Moon’s organization struck back, in an all-out effort to discredit Fraser. “Truth Is My Sword” film track: “Mr. Fraser follows a far-leftist political line and is a well-known opponent of the Korean government. For him, Koreagate was a golden opportunity.” Narrator: One of Moon’s media weapons was this film, Truth Is My Sword. Moon’s aide Bo Hi Pak led the charge. (Film Track) Bo Hi Pak: “What if you are an agent of influence for Moscow here on the Hill? If these things are true, then the government of the United States itself is in grave danger. America’s very survival and the security of the free world are at stake.” Warder: “Moon wanted a whole series of articles going after poor Congressman Fraser, who was heading up the congressional investigations there. And so we would assign reporters to try and dig up all the dirt we could find on Congressman Fraser, and of course I would say to Moon, I said, ‘On one hand, we’re supposed to be doing this but on the other hand, we’re competing with the New York Times. And so there’s matters of credibility here.’ And he would, you know, bluster and get angry at these kinds of things and say, ‘Just do what I’m ordering you to do and don’t ask so many questions,’ and that sort of thing. And of course Colonel Pak would reinforce these messages from Moon.” (Film track) Bo Hi Pak: “I can not help but believe that you are being used as instrument of the devil. You, yes you, an instrument of the devil. I said it. Who else would want to destroy man of God but the Devil?” Fraser: “I didn’t appreciate the accusations they were making against me. They were absolutely false. I think they knew they were false.” Narrator: Donald Fraser is now the Mayor of Minneapolis. Fraser: “…and the fact they would make them in a public forum like that I was really totally turned off and disgusted.” (Film track) Pak: “So history might remember Donald Fraser, if it remembers him at all…” Warder: “The Fraser subcommittee investigation in fact in a strange way helped the Movement, because for members it became this cosmic struggle of good against evil, of God against Satan.” (Film track) Pak: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thank you Mister Chairman.” Warder: “From the standpoint of the members, it was Jesus taking on the Roman empire. It was big. It was cosmic.” Narrator: The Fraser Committee’s final report said Moon was the “key figure” in an “international network of organizations engaged in economic and political” activities. The Committee uncovered evidence that the Moon Organization “had systematically violated U.S. tax, immigration, banking, currency, and Foreign Agents Registration Act laws.” It also detailed how the Korean CIA paid Moon to stage demonstrations at the United Nations and run a pro-South Korean propaganda effort. Narrator: Michael Hershman was the Fraser Committee’s chief investigator. Hershman: “We determined that their primary interest, at least in the United States at that time, was not religious at all, but was political. It was an attempt to gain power and influence and authority.” Narrator: The Fraser Committee recommended that the White House form a task force to continue to investigate Moon. That never happened. By the time Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, the idea of investigating Sun Myung Moon’s political activities was a dead issue. Narrator: Ronald Reagan’s Presidency was hailed as the beginning of a conservative revolution. Activists from all over the United States came to the nation’s capitol. Narrator: Ironically, with the revolution seemingly won, traditional sources of money for conservative politics such as direct mail fundraising began to dry up. But Moon, a VIP guest at the inauguration, soon became a major funder of Washington’s new conservative establishment. Narrator: Brent Bozell was one of the young Reagan Revolutionaries. Bozell: “When the Moonies entered the political scene in the early Nineteen Eighties…one school of thought said that they were a good organization, and that because of their anti-communist commitment, conservatives ought to work with them. ” Narrator: David Finzer was another conservative activist who came to Washington in the early eighties. Finzer says he took more than four hundred thousand dollars from the Moon organization. He recalls one project the money paid for. Finzer: “When the Left would run an anti-South Africa campaign, we’d run an anti-Soviet campaign. We’d say, ‘Okay, you want to disinvest from South Africa? Fine. Let’s also disinvest from the Soviet Union.’ And it was, it was a successful, it was a pretty successful campaign. We did some neat stuff they’d build shanty towns, we’d build gulags around them…” Narrator: Moon’s most expensive political project was a newspaper, The Washington Times. Whelan: “Washington is the most important single city in the world. If you can achieve influence, if you can achieve visibility, if you can achieve a measure of respect in Washington, then you fairly automatically are going to achieve these things in the rest of the world. There is no better agency, or entity or instrument that I know of for achieving power here or almost anywhere else than a newspaper.” Narrator: The Washington Times had an immediate impact. The President of the United States, seen here with Times President Bo Hi Pak, said it was the first paper he read in the morning. Weyrich: “Moon had money and he was willing to spend it.” Narrator: Paul Weyrich, a co-founder of the Moral Majority, refuses to take Moon’s money. But he hails Moon’s newspaper as an antidote to its liberal competitor, The Washington Post. Weyrich: “The Washington Post became very arrogant and they just decided that they would determine what was news and what wasn’t news and they wouldn’t cover a lot of things that went on. And The Washington Times has forced The Post to cover a lot of things that they wouldn’t cover if The Times wasn’t in existence.” CNN Crossfire Open: “From Washington…” Narrator: Soon Washington Times columnists found even greater exposure on television. CNN Crossfire Open: “On the right, Pat Buchanan…” Bozell: “If The Washington Times did not carry the conservative columnists that they carry like a Pat Buchanan, like a Bill Rusher, like a Mona Charen I wonder if the television community would be aware of them and would tap them to use them in television.” Narrator: By 1984, despite his paper’s growing influence, James Whelan was unhappy. Whelan: “When we started the paper there was never any question that it would in any fashion project the views or the agenda of Sun Myung Moon or the Unification Church all to the contrary. We said, ‘Look, we are going to put a high wall in place. It is going to be a sturdy wall. And it will divide us from you.'” Narrator: But Whelan’s wall of editorial independence was often breached. Whelan: “Moon himself gave direct instructions to the editors…Who in fact calls the shots? Ultimately Moon calls the shots…. Whelan (at press conference): “The Washington Times has become a Moonie newspaper.” Narrator: Whelan resigned. Times spokesmen said the dispute was really over money. Whelan was later replaced by former Newsweek editor Arnaud de Borchgrave, seen here in a Moon-sponsored film. De Borchgrave: “When I was in Europe recently, I was delighted to hear The Washington Times quoted every hour on the hour on the Voice of America and on the BBC two worldwide radio networks that happen to reach hundreds of millions of people.” Narrator: De Borchgrave has consistently denied taking orders from Moon. But the man who ran the editorial pages under de Borchgrave tells a different story William Cheshire. Chesire: “I protested to de Borchgrave. I went up to his office when I saw this happening, I told him this was unethical, improper, unprofessional, and it ought to stop. Also, it was dumb.” Narrator: Cheshire and four others resigned after de Borchgrave ordered an about face on an editorial critical of the South Korean government. Chesire: “I said, ‘Arnaud, we have a problem.’ He said, ‘What’s the problem?’ I said. ‘The problem is you’ve conferred with the owners of this newspaper, come back downstairs and demanded a reversal of editorial policy on their say so.” Narrator: Questions about foreign control of The Washington Times have persisted for years. Other journalists, including Lars Erik Nelson of the New York Daily News, have called for a Justice Department investigation to determine if the Times violates the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Nelson: “The Justice Department doesn’t seem to want to know, and I’ve never gotten a clear answer from them as to why they don’t want to know.” Nadler: “What have they told you?” Nelson: “They’ve said, ‘Hmmm, that’s an interesting point.’ They say, ‘Hmmm, we’ll think about that.’ And they never get back to me.” Chesire: “The real question is why the Justice Department has such an absence of curiosity.” Narrator: Washington Times officials repeatedly refused to comment to Frontline even when we showed up with our camera to press for some answers. Nadler: “I’ve got a film crew here and I’m looking to see if there’s anyone that I can interview at The Washington Times for this story we’re doing.” Narrator: The answer was no, and when we visited another Moon-funded publication, The World and I, the reception grew even colder. Security Guard #1: “Yes sir, you all are on private property, you’ve been told that, you will wait here, the Metropolitan Police will come here.” Security Guard #2: “I’m going to ask you to leave the property.” Nadler: “OK, who are you, sir? Are you with the Metropolitan Police Department or with the security?” SG #2: “I’m with the security department.” Nadler: “Of The Washington Times Corporation?” SG #2: “Of The Washington Times, that’s correct, and I’d like you to leave right now please.” Nadler: “OK, I’ll leave. Why are the police here, by the way?” Narrator: Later, the Times sent this statement, which said that “the complete editorial independence of The Washington Times is well-known, and envied, throughout the newspaper industry.” Narrator: The Times gained respect and influence throughout the Reagan years, lending editorial support to causes favored by the Administration. Reagan: “Freedom fighters will huddle close to their radios hoping to catch word that the administration in America will remain their friend.” Narrator: The contra forces battling the Sandinista government in Nicaragua received editorial support and money from The Washington Times. Here’s how it worked: Narrator: In March 1985, Oliver North wrote this top secret memo proposing the formation of a private foundation called the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund. Narrator: Its purpose was to circumvent a Congressional ban on aid to the Contras. Less than two months later, The Washington Times announced the birth of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund in a front-page editorial. Narrator: Times editor Arnaud de Borchgrave insisted he was “surprised” at the coincidence between his paper’s initiative and North’s secret project. The Washington Times contributed the first $100,000 to the Freedom Fund. (Soundtrack) Oliver North: “The worst outcome we could have would be the consolidation of a communist client state in Nicaragua.” Narrator: When Oliver North was questioned by Congress about his role in funding the contras, The American Freedom Coalition rushed to his defense. The AFC produced this video, “Oliver North: Fight for Freedom,” which it broadcast more than 600 times on over 100 television stations. Narrator: The program asked for donations. Tax records reveal that the video raised more than $3.2 million for the AFC. Heston: “It only takes 30 minutes for a missile to get here from the Soviet Union. How far do you think you can get in 30 minutes? Narrator: Another project of the Reagan Administration was the Strategic Defense Initiative SDI, or “Star Wars.” It also received support from The Washington Times and the American Freedom Coalition. “If you really value life, if you want your children and your grandchildren to get out from under the threat of nuclear annihilation, then please, please demonstrate your support for SDI.” Narrator: This pro-Star Wars video was paid for and distributed by the AFC. (Soundtrack) “We can’t stop it? We can’t stop one damn missile? All I can do is watch a million people die, or start blowing up the whole world? They are my only choices?” Graham: “Reverend Moon’s organization has been very supportive of the Strategic Defense Initiative.” Narrator: Former Defense and Central Intelligence official Daniel Graham, who sits on the AFC national policy board, co-produced the video. Graham: “It’s called ‘One Incoming,’ and it includes a scenario that I got Tom Clancy to write for us, and I got Charlton Heston to do the voiceover.” (Soundtrack) Heston: “And for America, our choice will remain nuclear vengeance or nothing until SDI is deployed.” Graham: “It cost a lot of money to produce it $200,000 and Grant said he could raise the $200,000. Now Grant is supported substantially by the Reverend Moon and I’m sure that’s where the money came from to produce that movie.” Narrator: According to Graham, the film has been seen on four hundred television stations. Narrator: Besides paying for his own media, Moon sought to influence other press outlets. One vehicle was the World Media Association. Pak: ” And the founder is Reverend Moon, who is deeply concerned for the world media, particularly in the battle against communism all over the world; who sees that the role of the media is so vital and so important for the salvation of our civilization.” Narrator: The World Media Association sponsors all-expense-paid conferences and junkets for journalists all over the world. As Bo Hi Pak told public station KQED in 1984, the Unification Movement used the association as a weapon for a larger crusade. Pak: “But is a total war. Basically war of ideas. War of mind, the battlefield is the human mind. This is where the battle is fought. So in this war the entire thing will be mobilized, political means, social means, economical means and propagandistic means, and basically trying to take over the other person’s mind. That is what the third world war is all about the war of ideology.” Narrator: While waging its global war of ideas, the Unification Movement was also fighting another battle to overcome the stigma of Moon’s 1982 conviction for tax evasion. To clear his name, Moon launched a campaign termed the “New Birth Project.” Its strategy was to show that Moon’s prosecution was really racial and religious persecution. (Soundtrack) Moon/Pak: “I am here today only because my skin is yellow and my religion is Unification Church.” Durst: “It’s a powerful state trying to break one religion-and what happens to Rev. Moon watch out will happen to many other religious figures.” Pak: “For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, amen!” Narrator: Church leaders charged the media were part of the problem. Durst: “We don’t like it. We don’t like to be abused by any newspaper, we don’t like to be abused by the media and we’re not going to take it.” Narrator: But an adroit use of the media was part of the Unification plan. Moon bought full-page ads in leading newspapers, and sent videotapes explaining his theology to other religious leaders at a cost of more than four million dollars. Press conferences outside Moon’s prison helped spread the word. Rev. Don Sills: “Today we have witnessed a travesty of the judicial system of our United States. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon has been unjustly convicted.” Rev. Joseph Paige: “Reverend Moon, like myself, is a minority here in this country. And we don’t have the popular views of the mainline churches, we are about liberation.” Narrator: The New Birth Project worked, and Moon was “born again” as a martyr to bigotry. After he left prison, he was celebrated by more than 1700 clergy at this “God and Freedom Banquet” in Washington. Durst: “Ironically and perhaps historically there is something similar here to other religious movements from this persecution has come the greatest support and acceptance of the Unification movement. ” Narrator: Part of the New Birth Project employed familiar Moon tactics. In July, 1985, a front organization was formed called the Committee to Defend the United States Constitution. Moon insider David Finzer was asked to join the board. Finzer: “We executed all of the documents, and I understand the corporation was incorporated the very next day. Now that was the last I heard of the Committee to Defend the United States Constitution for about two years.” Narrator: Finzer now claims that he didn’t learn until much later that the Committee to Defend the United States Constitution was a front group. Finzer: “All of the money was spent for publications or advertising or events that supported Reverend Moon. We found a magazine that was put out under the Committee’s name. There was my name listed as one of the directors that I had never seen before. We found a check to the printer for $174,000, printed for that…The real purpose was not, I can tell you what it was not. It was not to support religious liberty. What it was, was to support and sanitize Reverend Moon’s name, to give the appearance of independent support instead of wholly-owned, bought support, to make him some kind of a First Amendment hero.” Narrator: Moon ultimately went to the top in his effort to clear his name seeking a presidential pardon for his crimes. Narrator: The point man was Max Hugel, a former Reagan campaign official and one-time deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency in charge of covert operations. Hugel: “It is so important to have a superb intelligence agency.” Narrator: Hugel was forced to leave the agency in the wake of a stock scandal. (Soundtrack) PRESS CONFERENCE: Reporter off camera: “Can you tell us why you’re not choosing to stay on and fight?” Narrator: Hugel later went into business with Jonathan Park, the son of Bo Hi Pak. ATLANTIC VIDEO DEMO REEL: Announcer: “Through two huge sound locks are the best outfitted teleproduction studios in the region.” Narrator: Hugel worked with Park to expand Moon’s electronic media empire, while also brokering contacts between Bo Hi Pak and Vice President George Bush. Narrator: In this April, 1988 memo to Unification Church member Marc Lee, Hugel offers to arrange for Pak to have his picture taken with the Vice President at a cost of $50,000. Hugel also promises to try to get Bush to write to Pak. Two months later, Bush did write to Pak, and told him, “I hope we can meet again soon.” Did they discuss a pardon during their meeting? Neither President Bush nor Bo Hi Pak would comment to FRONTLINE. Narrator: Later in 1988, Hugel also recruited the law firm of one of Ronald Reagan’s best friends to assist in Moon’s pardon effort former Senator Paul Laxalt. (Soundtrack) Ronald Reagan: “The friend who understands you creates you, a wise man once said. Paul created because he always understood and for that I am and shall always be grateful.” Narrator: Laxalt’s law firm was paid $100,000 up front and $50,000 a month to obtain a presidential pardon for Moon. According to billings submitted by the lawyers, Laxalt was directly involved in the pardon effort. This petition for executive clemency was delivered to the Justice Department, accompanied by letters from Senator Orrin Hatch, publisher William Rusher, civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy endorsing the pardon. Narrator: The Washington Times also became involved in the pardon campaign. First, Editor Arnaud de Borchgrave wrote a “letter from the editor.” Cheshire: “It was not really a letter to the editor, it was a letter to President Reagan urging President Reagan to grant Reverend Moon a presidential pardon.” Narrator: Later, the Times ran this article examining Reagan’s record on pardons. After it appeared, Laxalt’s partner, Paul Perito, became alarmed. Perito warned Bo Hi Pak that “if a case can be made…that the Church allegedly controls and dictates the activities of organizations such as The Washington Times…this will affect our credibility and could materially damage our prodigious efforts.” (Soundtrack) Off-Camera Female Reporter: “Any last thoughts for us, President and Mrs. Reagan, on your way out?” Narrator: Ronald Reagan never pardoned Sun Myung Moon. Moon’s pardon application is still pending before the Bush Administration. Max Hugel, Paul Laxalt, and Paul Perito all refused to comment. Ronald Reagan also declined to comment. Narrator: Is the New Birth Project continuing? In June,1991, Inquisition, a new, purportedly independent investigation of Moon’s 1982 tax fraud prosecution, was released by a Washington publisher, Regnery-Gateway. Its author, Carlton Sherwood, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who once worked for The Washington Times. Narrator: Inquisition has a curious history. It was printed once before, by an obscure publishing house called Andromeda. The phone number listed for Andromeda in a leading publishing directory is the home phone of former Reagan National Security Council official Roger Fontaine an ex-reporter at The Washington Times. When we called, Fontaine’s wife Judy answered and said she knew nothing about Andromeda. Then she told us that the company was bankrupt and that Inquisition was published by Regnery-Gateway. Narrator: Alfred Regnery is the head of Regnery-Gateway. Regnery: “It is not unlike a lot of other books we have published. It is a story that deals with the First Amendment, which is something that is very dear to publishers, of course.” Narrator: Alfred Regnery was told by Carlton Sherwood that the Moon Organization would purchase one hundred thousand copies of Inquisition at least according to former Washington Times editor James Whelan, another Regnery-Gateway author. But Alfred Regnery denies it. Regnery: “I never said that to Jim, and I’ve never had any conversation with what’s his name-Bo?” Narrator: “Bo Hi Pak.” Regnery: “I’m not even sure who he is.” Narrator: One week after talking to Regnery, FRONTLINE obtained a copy of a letter addressed to Sun Myung Moon. The letter was written by James Gavin, a Moon aide. Gavin tells Moon he reviewed the “overall tone and factual contents” of Inquisition before publication and suggested revisions. Gavin adds that the author “Mr. Sherwood has assured me that all this will be done when the manuscript is sent to the publisher.” Gavin concludes by telling Moon, “When all of our suggestions have been incorporated, the book will be complete and in my opinion will make a significant impact…. In addition to silencing our critics now, the book should be invaluable in persuading others of our legitimacy for many years to come.” Narrator: Although he refused an on-camera interview, Carlton Sherwood told Frontline that the Unification Movement exerted no editorial control over his book. Narrator: When we visited Gavin’s office in McLean, Virginia, our request for an interview was refused. Narrator: Many questions about the Unification Movement remain unanswered. But none is more pressing or perplexing than this: Where does all the money come from? The Moon Organization has spent an astonishing amount in the United States: -more than $800 million on the Washington Times; -hundreds of millions on national periodicals; -tens of millions on electronic media; -at least $40 million on New York newspapers; -more than $10 million on a New York publishing house; -millions on World Media Association junkets and conferences; -millions more on New Right organizations, including the American Freedom Coalition; -well over $100 million on real estate, including the New Yorker Hotel in midtown Manhattan; -at least $40 million on commercial fishing operations; -and at least $75 million on the New Birth Project… It all adds up to more than a billion dollars. Narrator: But most of Moon’s operations in America are losing money. Virginia Commonwealth University professor David Bromley: Bromley: “Most of the Unificationist Movement’s businesses, as far as I can tell, have lost substantial sums of money. Again, the best example is the Washington Times, which may have lost as much as fifty million dollars a year a major loser.” Narrator: So where does the money come from? Moon himself told the Senate Judiciary Committee in June, 1984: the money comes from overseas. Moon: “Several hundred million dollars have been poured into America, because this nation will decide the destiny of the world, these contributions are primarily coming from overseas.” Narrator: But from where overseas? Not from Korea. According to The Far Eastern Economic Review, many of the Church’s businesses in Korea “are performing poorly or need to make major new investments.” . Narrator: For nearly two decades, it has been reported that one major Moon patron is Ryoichi Sasakawa, one of the richest men in Japan. Narrator: Sasakawa’s money comes from his monopoly on the motorboat racing industry. Legalized gambling on the sport is a $14 billion a year industry in Japan. Choate: “For more than a half century, Ryoichi Sasakawa has been one of the primary political brokers inside Japan.” Narrator: Author Pat Choate, whose book, Agents of Influence, examines Japan’s campaign to shape America’s policy and politics… Choate: “When Reverend Moon expanded his operations inside Japan, he asked Sasakawa to be one of the principal advisers to his Church inside Japan. Many of their operations the Sasakawa operations, the Moon operations seem to parallel each other. They operate in many of the same ways giving away money, a great deal of attention to media and media organizations, the establishment of think tanks and other policy organizations that operate across national borders, and the maintenance of a very right wing conservative focus.” (Soundtrack) NEWSREEL – MUSSOLINI ADDRESSING CROWD Narrator: Sasakawa’s right-wing associations go back more than fifty years. In 1939, he flew to Italy to meet Benito Mussolini, whom he called “the perfect fascist.” Choate: “He formed one of the most radical of the fascist parties inside Japan. He was one of those individual business leaders that was calling for war with the United States.” Narrator: Immediately after the war, Sasakawa was arrested and imprisoned by the U.S. Army as a war criminal. Sasakawa was sent to prison with two other suspected war criminals—Yoshio Kodama and Nobusuke Kishi. Kodama went on to become a leader of the “yakuza”, or organized crime syndicate of Japan. Kishi went on to become Japan’s Prime Minister. All three men reportedly played key roles in the early days of the Moon organization. Junas: “Kishi had emerged as the front man for the Moon Organization in Japan. And Sasakawa served as an adviser… He was a behind-the-scenes powerbroker who was manipulating the Moon organization. Moon, in his own speeches, refers to his Japanese friend who is quite wealthy Mr. Sasakawa.” Narrator: In 1967, Moon and Sasakawa are reported to have formed the Japanese chapter of the World Anti-Communist League, which funded anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide. Thousands cheered Moon at this 1970 rally in Tokyo. Narrator: Today Sasakawa denies providing any financial or political assistance to Moon. Sasakawa told Frontline that he only met Moon once 25 years ago. Yet Moon in a 1973 speech claimed he was “very close” to Sasakawa and Bo Hi Pak called Sasakawa, Moon’s “chief ally in the battle against communism.” Choate: “If they are using substantial amounts of the Japanese money, they are not only running a Korean agenda, but they’re also serving as political mercenaries for the Japanese. And it should be a matter of great concern.” DESERT STORM RALLY FOOTAGE: “Support our troops, support our troops, support our troops!” Narrator: Moon has been operating in the United States for thirty years. Whether Americans know it or not, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon is a force in their political lives. Woman sings: “God bless America, my home, sweet home.” Narrator: But some Americans are suspicious of Moon and question whether his political activities are in the interest of America. Weyrich: “Here is what disturbs me. It is the lack of knowledge of the people who are being taken in by this activity of who is behind it, where the funding is coming from, and what are their ultimate objectives.” Choate: “This should be the ultimate congressional investigation to lay all of this out before the American people and bring it into the sunshine and stop it.” Narrator: Since 1978, Congress has demonstrated little interest in investigating Moon. And when we visited the Justice Department, officials there had nothing to say. Scene – Eric Nadler at Justice Department. “We’d like you to come down and answer the question, ‘Why the Justice Department isn’t investigating the Washington Times under the Foreign Agents Registration Act… No comment is your answer.'” Narrator: We asked the White House to comment on the Unification Movement’s activities in America. We asked specifically about Bo Hi Pak’s 1988 meeting with Mr. Bush at his home, about the President’s knowledge of the campaign to obtain a pardon for Sun Myung Moon, about the help that the American Freedom Coalition gave his election campaign, and whether the President thought his Justice Department should investigate the Washington Times for possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The White House declined to comment. Narrator: Finally, Reverend Moon also refused to talk to FRONTLINE. But in this Church-sponsored film, Reverend Moon in America, he had this to say: “Now whether positively or negatively, America knows me and it happened quickly. At least I have America’s attention. Because of that, I will be able to tell the people the truth of God, the new revelation. The worst treatment America could give me is to ignore me. Now I can preach the truth.” THE END
Moon’s Japanese Profits Bolster Efforts in U.S. – Top leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, was interviewed by The Washington Post in 1984
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
How Moon bought protection in Japan
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Gifts of Deceit – Robert Boettcher
Politics and religion interwoven
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in South America
Tragedy of the Six Marys translated video transcript
A huge Unification Church / FFWPU scam in Japan is revealed
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
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Daniel Radmanovic Joins DiLillo Real Estate
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BETHEL, CT — DiLillo Real Estate is proud to announce the newest member of its growing Bethel-based agency. Daniel Radmanovic joined the team earlier this year and has already proven himself to be an integral member of the team.
Radmanovic, 34, specializes in residential, commercial and investment properties and licensed to serve clients in both Connecticut and New York. Radmanovic considers himself more than just an agent but a partner who enjoys helping clients reach their goals, whether its home ownership or finding the right investment property.
"Whether its someone’s first home or an investment property, there is so much to consider," Radmanovic said. "I enjoy taking the time to sit down with my clients and getting to know them. I want to understand their needs so I can better guide them through the process and make their dreams and goals a reality."
Radmanovic began his career more than a decade ago as a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for a boutique brokerage firm where he handled equities, bonds and mutual funds for more than 300 institutional and retail investors.
Within years he was recruited by one of the top professional and accounting services company in the world as a senior consultant where he went on oversee more than $2 billion annually in global financial transactions.
Despite his successful career, Radmanovic had always had a passion for real estate; having been investing in the market and buying his own properties for the last 12 years. Radmanovic moved to the area about four years ago and began looking for ways to share his experience with others.
Radmanovic had searched throughout Fairfield and Westchester counties to find the right home for his new family and was attracted to the affordability and quality of life the Bethel area has to offer.
Radmanovic is excited for the year ahead as demand for properties in the Bethel and the surrounding area continues to grow.
"There is a lot of new investment in the area with new housing developments, new restaurants and a resurgence of the arts in the area that will only continue to attract more buyers," he said. "The Bethel, Danbury and Brookfiled area is really hot right now and it’s a great time to be in the market."
Radmanovic is looking forward to working with DiLillo Real Estate and helping clients throughout Connecticut and New York with all their needs. If you’d like to speak with Radmanovic feel free to email him at [email protected] or call 917-257-4119.
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The post Daniel Radmanovic Joins DiLillo Real Estate appeared first on FVAMISSOULA.
Read More At: http://www.fvamissoula.org/daniel-radmanovic-joins-dilillo-real-estate/
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nancy-astorga · 7 years
Meet the cocaine-addled, Hitler-obsessed drug smuggler who tried to take down Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar is remembered as the face of the Medellin cartel, the Colombian criminal organization that flooded the world with cocaine in the 1980s.
But for all his deeds and bluster, Escobar was just one member of a clan of traffickers who helped create the Medellin cartel.
And in terms of narco eccentricities, one Medellin capo stands out: Carlos Lehder Rivas.
Born to a German father and Colombian mother in Armenia, a district in west-central Colombia, in 1949, Lehder spent most of his childhood in Colombia.
But after his parents separated, he relocated to New York City when he was 15, Colombian newspaper El Espectador reported in 2012.
In the US, he got involved in petty crime, working on the US East Coast and in Canada leading a stolen-car ring and moving marijuana. He got picked up for car theft in June 1973 and was sent to federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. His brief stint in jail would forever alter the US and the world.
George Jung, the now famous drug smuggler and subject of the movie “Blow,” was Lehder’s cell mate and described the Colombian-American as well mannered and well dressed. As Jung told PBS, even while locked up for minor crimes, Lehder had his mind on a more ambitious criminal enterprise:
“As time wore on, we got to know each other and then he asked me if I knew anything about cocaine and I told him no. And I said, ‘Why don’t you tell me about it.’ And he said, ‘Did you know it sells for $60,000.00 a kilo in the United States?'”
“And I said, ‘No. I had no idea. How much does it cost down in Colombia?’ and he said, ‘$4,000 to $5,000.’ And immediately bells started to go off and the cash register started ringing up in my head.“
“It was like destiny” that Jung and Lehder ended up together at Danbury, Mike Vigil, a former chief of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, told Business Insider.
Jung and Lehder were released in the late 1970s, but they soon hooked up again, setting up an airborne-smuggling operation that moved cocaine from Colombia to the southeastern US.
As their operation expanded in the late ’70s and early ’80s, Lehder grew closer to the capos back in Medellin, and in the Caribbean, they looked for a way station for their bustling trafficking business.
‘It just turned into a freak show’
“They used to smuggle drugs through Nassau, Bahamas, by using corrupt officials that would open up the airport and look the other way … But they wanted a more isolated area — an area where they could operate more freely and not have to pay a ton of Bahamian individuals,” said Vigil, author of “Metal Coffins: The Blood Alliance Cartel.”
“So that’s when they came out to Norman’s Cay,” he told Business Insider.
At Norman’s Cay, a small spit of land 210 miles southeast of Miami, Lehder’s eccentricities — fueled by his growing cocaine habit — came to the fore.
Lehder, considered handsome by men and women, was regarded as intelligent and charming, but given to excess and probably lacking self-control, Ron Chepesiuk, author of “Crazy Charlie: Revolutionary or Neo-Nazi,” told Vice.
Lehder was also an aggressive businessman, and he eventually forced Jung out of their arrangement, but not before Jung visited Norman’s Cay and observed Lehder’s behavior. “He wasn’t crazy… he had delusions, though. He loved John Lennon and Adolf Hitler at the same time. That should have been a sign for me,” Jung told High Times.
“I mean, Walter Cronkite showed up there, and these thugs came with machine guns and told him, ‘You better leave.’ It just turned into a freak show,” Jung said.
“There were other people that lived there, but they started to drive them out, and Carlos Lehder started to develop kind of like a neo-Nazi group there, that would protect the planeloads of coke and intimidate the people that lived there,” Vigil said.
Lehder started behaving more erratically on Norman’s Cay, hosting parties and orgies and running roughshod over the community on the island. Spooked by law enforcement and emboldened by the officials he had bought off, Lehder went so far as to drop leaflets over Nassau, the Bahamanian capital, saying, “DEA go home.”
“Eventually Carlos started to become more visible and started to be in the crosshairs of the DEA, and that’s when the Bahamian government said, ‘Hey, you have to go. You can’t be here anymore because the DEA is coming, and we don’t want them meddling in our business and investigating us as well,'” Vigil told Business Insider.
Lehder retreated to Colombia after a DEA raid on Norman’s Cay in 1980. His airborne-smuggling operation had accelerated Medellin’s cocaine business and made Lehder a valuable member of the cartel — a status his actions in Colombia would start to erode.
He built a hacienda and started spreading money around his home turf in Armenia and around Quindio, the state where Armenia is located. He built a statue of John Lennon on his front lawn and raised eyebrows by buying the state government a modern airplane as a gift. Like Escobar, Lehder had a political awakening in the early 1980s.
Escobar went along with Colombia’s democratic system and won a seat as a backup for a legislator in the National Assembly. Lehder, however, lifted the Nazi leanings he likely absorbed from his father (the younger Lehder was reportedly a Holocaust denier) and used them to undergird his political movement in Colombia.
“He wants to get into politics and his idea is to form like a Nazi-type of government in Colombia,” Vigil told Business Insider. “This is how deranged he is now and delusional.”
“There is plenty of evidence to support the characterization that Lehder was a neo-Nazi,” Chepesiuk told Vice. “He certainly wasn’t shy about giving interviews or expressing his views. He often praised Hitler and railed against the Jews.”
He retreated into the jungle but still held press conferences and declared his intention to fight the government. He was also known to quote Hitler, who he admitted to admiring, according to El Espectador.
A Colombian national-police raid on a home linked to Lehder in a remote part of Colombia uncovered several million US dollars, “and the whole house is plastered with photographs and memorabilia of Adolf Hitler, who he idolized,” Vigil told Business Insider.
His party, called the National Latin Movement, had a “fascist-populist program [that] called for radical changes in Colombia’s political landscape.” He also embraced anti-imperialism, criticizing the US for its involvement in Latin America. He saw cocaine as a means of liberation, calling it Latin America’s atomic bomb, Vigil said.
Like Escobar, Lehder’s political efforts also focused on defeating Colombia’s extradition agreement with the US, which, after the 1984 assassination of Justice Minister Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, allowed for immediate extradition of Lehder and other narcos if they were caught.
‘He knew that Pablo Escobar had turned him in’
Lehder’s megalomania, heavily fueled by cocaine, sparked his falling out with Escobar, which would set the stage for his undoing.
At a party at Escobar’s Hacienda Napoles, outside of Medellin, “Carlos is high on coke, and he gets into an argument with one of Pablo Escobar’s sicarios, or hit men, and shoots and kills him,” Vigil told Business Insider.
This angered Escobar, Vigil added, because it made it look like the Medellin chief, who was particularly close to his hit men, couldn’t protect the people who worked for him.
Escobar, having decided that Lehder was more of a liability than an asset, “basically gives him up, gives up his location” to the Colombian government, Vigil said. Escobar later denied he rolled over on Lehder in a public letter, according to Chepesiuk.
At 6 a.m. on February 4, 1987, on a ranch near Medellin where Lehder was again embracing his hedonism, Colombian police and soldiers moved in, capturing Lehder after a brief firefight.
Eleven hours later, he was bound for Miami, becoming the first victim of the extradition agreement he had fought against.
He soon arrived at a federal prison in Marion, Illinois. With the US-Colombian campaign against Escobar reaching full throat, Lehder was a person of interest to US authorities.
Vigil, a DEA official at the time, traveled to Marion to meet Lehder upon his return to the US:
“Very short individual, fluent English. The first impression that I had of him was that he was a con artist, a manipulator. … He really didn’t want to talk about his involvement in the drug trade.”
“His whole focus — and he knew that Pablo Escobar had turned him in — and he said, ‘listen, I can help you capture Pablo Escobar. I’m willing to go back to Colombia. You can put me under the security of the Colombian army, and I can find Pablo Escobar for you.'”
“But we were not going to take a chance on him going back to Colombia and getting into the wind again,” Vigil said. “But he definitely, definitely wanted to do Pablo Escobar.”
Lehder’s split with Escobar in the mid-1980s left him without information that US authorities were interested in trading for.
He was sentenced to life without parole plus 135 years in 1988, a term the judge said was “a signal to our society that it will do everything it can to rid itself of this cancer.”
Lehder’s involvement in the drug trade proved valuable when he was able to testify against Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, who had assisted the Medellin cartel with its money-laundering activities.
Lehder got his sentence reduced, but he remains locked up in the US. His exact whereabouts aren’t known, as he is probably in witness protection, though his lawyers occasionally appear on his behalf.
The nearly 30 years he has spent in prison have weighed on him. He has accused the US of violating his rights and reneging on an agreement to let him out in return for his Noriega testimony. He has written to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, asking for help to repatriate himself so that he can die on Colombian soil — a wish he might well get upon returning.
“He’s got a lot of enemies in Colombia” Vigil said. “So if he went back there, I don’t think he’d survive more than a few months.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Nobody is ever going to tell you’: 3 theories regarding who killed ‘The King of Cocaine’ Pablo Escobar
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NOW WATCH: Pablo Escobar: The life and death of one of the biggest cocaine kingpins in history
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mileworld · 3 years
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