#I don't know if I'm supposed to censor her name or not but tumblr's not like twitter so I don't think I have to ?
isahorcrux · 1 year
In light of the recent announcement of the Harry Potter TV Show and the fact that this is primarily a Harry Potter fan fiction blog, the below needs to be said.
I am not excited about this show.
If you told my past self 5 years ago this, I’d be shocked.  Five years ago, if they announced a Harry Potter TV show I’d be doing everything in my power to be involved some way or another.  However, in the last five years JKR has shown her true colors and spent her free time and money attacking the trans community.  There are many reasons why I’m not excited about the show or looking forward to it in any regard, but to me the most important is that this show gives JKR more money and cultural capital to further her anti-trans agenda.  This is unacceptable.
I think a lot of us raised on Harry Potter really wanted to separate the art from the artist, dive further into fanfic and fandom and just ignore that the woman who created a world in which we’ve spent most of our lives escaping into.  However, we can’t do that.  It’s come to my attention over the past few days that a lot of people aren’t even aware of the active harm JKR is doing to the trans community.  Most people just say, ‘oh she said some weird stuff on twitter’ right?
Well, yeah.  But, did you also know she launched an active campaign against a reform bill that made it easier for trans people to legally change gender?  You know what happened?  The UK blocked that Bill and Scotland now has to launch a legal challenge to the government block.  She’s also funding a Sex Abuse Crisis Center that excludes trans women.  Yeah, that’s right.  She’s using her money from a book about love and acceptance to actively exclude a marginalized group from a crisis center.  She’s also publicly admitted via twitter that she funds anti-LGBTQ political activity in the UK.
So yeah, there’s a direct line of fans supporting official trademarked Harry Potter anything and that money directly harming transpeople.  Sorry for that rude awakening, but some of y’all are doing backflips to avoid seeing this.
Now, is there a way to prevent Warner Brothers (and Max, lol) from making this show?  Probably not?  After mergers and at a point when the tv and film industry isn’t booming, they need money.  You know what makes money?  Harry Potter.  Which is why they’re rebooting it.  Another question that’s been raised, will the looming writer’s strike affect this?  I would guess probably not?  Most UK writers (and International writers at large) are not in the WGA.  JKR has always wanted the most amount of British people involved in Harry Potter adaptations, so they’ll use the strike to find a UK writer and get them to work.
So what can we do?
Don’t watch the show.  Or, if you do.  Pirate it. In fact, cancel your Max subscription before the show launches.
They’re going to spend A LOT of money on this.  If the numbers aren’t there for them they will do what every other streamer does with an unsuccessful show and cancel it.  They announced 5 Fantastic Beast movies, and yet...where’s that last one?
Anyway, thanks for reading this whole thing if you’ve gotten this far.  Please share with friends who are excited about the show.  Please engage in meaningful discussions with other Potter fans.  Please support our trans friends and strangers.
Once again, this blog says FUCK JKR.
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Salve, love 🌞
If you still write for tg with these prompts, I was curious about 🤰💘💞😳 prompts with tg, especially Furuta, boys, but with girlfriend who's human. Whether she knows they're ghouls or not is up to you, but I think she would accept and love them with all her heart no matter what.
Forbidden fruit is sweetest, don't you think?
Hi Love,
Gosh, it's been so long! Yes, I still write about it. I can't quit because I would feel bad for quitting on all of you who follow me for just TG. Okay, so you're in luck because I finally finished them. I'm going to be writing about how they fall for their gf in this one. And yes, I agree. Where there is conflict, there is interest. I hope you liked them and that my writings of Furuta will fill your heart with joy.
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
Other Requests you asked for:
🤰When their gf is pregnant.
💞 Their reaction to their gf say "I love you," for the first time
😳 How they make their gf blush?
Ask: 💘 How they fall in love with their gf?
You know he's a very soft and emotional person.
Like out on the surface even.
Although he is the kinda guy that doesn't openly talk about he feels.
So it's a little difficult to be in a relationship with him because while he may be sweet and possibly a little quiet, you both don't talk about how much you care.
It’s rare he’s more about showing than talking about it.
And so it can be hard to know how it feels.
Anyhow he grew to love by you always thinking about him when things could endanger him.
Sure you may not admit it or openly state that your worried/care/will get involved but it’s just bc you become involved.
You have this unexplainable care about those you care for and no matter how much you may come off or how damaged you may be.
I think he especially likes you if you’re strong and you get through things.
It’s your will power.
When he is falling in love it would be hard to tell.
The subject would only come up in a very intimate or serious moment to which would surprise you.
He’d hold in his feelings for a while before stating that he loves you.
Part of him worries what telling you could mean for you both because your guys life is already hard and love makes it harder.
When he loves you he starts to care about you even more.
He’s completely in and is always there.
No one compares to you in his eyes and he hopes that you know that.
His biggest wish is to see you happy.
Your smile makes him feel that he’s done well and that’s all he really wants in return.
He wants you to be happy, you’re that person he wants be by forever.
When in love he will use your first name or shorten it even because he wants to have a closeness with you that he’s never had before.
He does bring flowers every time he thought he was going to tell you.
But the time he told you it was when you two were spectating your lives together.
“Maybe it’s not in the cards for us, maybe we’re not supposed to be happy, Ken.” You’d frown, your hand on his cheek before putting it down.
“I don’t like that, I don’t want that. Not with you, not even for a second.” He said upset.
“Don’t shut me out, Y/n. Not after everything. I’ve been with you for as long as I can remember. Yes, I may have lost my memories of you for a while but that’s changed now.”
“And you accept everything that’s happened?” You’d look at him in question.
“Yes, all of it. Y/n, you’re all I’ve ever cared for. And I could never imagine going back to a life without these memories or anything. I could never imagine not loving you.”
Your eyes widened, “You love me?”
“More than you’d believe . . . I know it’s—“
“I love you too.” You’d say giving a weak smile him.
This boy is very open about his feelings.
I mean who do you think asked out who?
He did obviously.
He’s always so open about anything.
Although love makes him feel giddy.
At least in the beginning
But he loves every minute of it.
And honestly idk if he realizes it but when he does it’s actually funny.
He’d literally here something on tv about love and then started to realize that you were in his head practically 25/8.
He was probably eating cereal in this time and literal spit everything when he realized he was in love with you 😂
I literally can’t w him.
Anyways, he gets closer than usual.
He wants to be around you more. A lot more.
Like he gets clingy.
He talks about you more.
He does more than he should and his love is so unconditional for you.
Flowers a lot of times, gifts, good morning/night texts, escorting you home all the time, and taking you anywhere that you’ve always wanted to go.
He was doing so much and it was just crazy
At one point you asked what was going on and for a while he tried to play it cool.
He would act like he’s always being this hyper until he blew his cover at one point.
You were at home and he just kept looking at you so you asked.
“Hide, what is up with you?”
“Hey, I can’t admire my girl?”
“I didn’t say that, I’m just asking you why all this looking? And all these nice things?” You’d ask as he pulled you into his lap.
He’d look into your eyes, tucking your hair behind your ear, “Babe . . . I love you.”
“What, Hid—?” Before you could ask He’d shut you up with a k!ss.
“Please, say you feel the same.” He’d say after pulling away.
You’d smile to no end sincerely, “Of course, I do.”
He’s pretty closed up and this punk @ss would not admit it.
Especially if he was young.
You the saying “young, dumb and in love,” that’s what young Ayato was like.
That’s his kind of love story.
Like if he loves then it was through you being his anchor.
His thing to look forward to and love.
You were the brightest thing in his life and he treasured that but there was a lot of miscommunication.
There’s so much disagreement between you both about some stup!d fights but they mean a lot to you both in that moment.
He’s also the kind of person who never falls and then when he does he falls hard.
He’s also too stubborn to admit that he cares tbh.
So he’d blurt it out in an argument.
It’s along the lines of “because I love you, stup!d.”
Whereas when he’s older it’s a real and pure love.
He’s more mature and takes things a bit slower but still he’s a hot head and it always was probably during a argument where he told you he loved you bc Ayato will never openly say it.
He keeps it to him self.
I don’t have dialogue for him I’m sorry
He’s quiet, like really quiet.
So like Ayato he will keep it to himself for a long time.
When he loves you he fights with you more because he cares about protecting you even more.
It can even be annoying.
He becomes different for the time being and it gets you two to argue.
Ren tries to not show it once he realizes it even if you two are together
He’s worried about what you’d say.
And it think it took him a little to realize it.
But when he does he’s a little weird about it.
He might do some silly things and possibly stumble over words.
Hell, he might even trip over things!
It’s so hard to tell what he’s thinking about.
He’s literally a walking mystery box.
And he never shows his true emotions.
Like it’s hard to tell where he draws the line and how much he cares.
Plus showing emotions isn’t something he really does but with his gf he does to some degree.
But love is another story.
Even when he knows it he will not say it.
Like ever.
In all honesty he thinks love is silly and tells you that careing or loveing is something he finds hard to believe and forget actually telling you.
He fell for you because you’re one of the most self-less people ever and he’s extremely selfish so I mean he values that you put up with him.
He feels like you're someone he should be protecting, especially if he’s known you for a long time.
I think it’s also because you're this independent girl who gets hurt and he just can’t stand to have you be put down so he feels like he’s responsible for what happens to you and how you feel.
I wouldn’t say you’re his anchor but you have this man hypontized.
Unfornetly he views you as something fragile, human or not.
What’s most admirable to him as well is how your fragile, you may seem tough but you have this touch, this warm and loving soul, and feelings which make you so human (even if you're not).
And because he can’t find good or hope in anything, it means a lot when he can see it in you.
So he loves those things about you and how he’s someone you try not to burden bc you care so much to not bother him.
Even tho he wants you to bother him.
I think it’s also because you’ve stuck by him and you’ve tried to change him or whatever and even tho he may not change, seeing your belief and effort makes him want to.
To Uta, being in love is hard and he’s afraid of what kind of person it would make him and if it would affect what you two have.
Still, he wants to tell you so badly but at the same time, he feels like it’s always the wrong time to say it.
He also feels like he’s the reason why you’ve become so damaged, and brittle with relationships.
There came to a point where his actions even meant pushing you away or keeping you really close at times which was confusing.
He might be such a coward that he never tells you or when he does its too late or at the wrong time.
He will literally deliver this news to you even after you have your life togetehr and are happy with someone else.
He’d literally put that on you after years, and when your in a relationship and its just not fair.
realistically it would be sickening but, here it wouldn't be because, well, these are bf and gf hcs.
it's gentle and little by little its deeper.
Honestly, he finds falling in love very silly.
So tbh when he met you he didn’t think any of this small attraction would turn into something so big.
So personally he took it as a joke, sorta like a game-play situation when it comes to love/relationship standards.
Although as he progressed into the relationship with you, things changed gradually.
It’s mostly through the conversations you had.
Furuta isn’t someone who appears to open up easily, in fact he seems to be secretive about, pretty much anything.
So it takes a while to get to know him.
The crazy part is that he fell first, not you.
He couldn’t believe it took a sweet and sincere girl (unlike Rize) to get him to love.
He thought he was going to end the relationship but that wasn’t the case.
The reason why he feel for you is because your like this joy to him that he has honestly never had.
Your honesty, bravery, and most of all your love and sincerety are what puzzle him.
You’ve gotten him to be speechless even after his remarks, and you’ve never back down from all that you’ve seen.
For Furuta its the fact that your willing to stay even when the going gets tough.
And its the fact that you appreciate and have the capability to care, love, acknowledge, etc.
He probably said it when you two where lying in bed having a soft moment.
Or it was after you two had gotten home from fighting off others who tried two attack you both.
He was holding you close to him while he wiped the b|ood off your cheek before he told you.
He’s never had so much care with any woman except you so you should feel special.
Takizawa (ghoul):
never falls, but this time only really hard.
Like, he didn’t even think about that being part of his life or an option.
But then you came along and everything changed.
It started off very slow, almost nonexistent.
So he thought nothing of it.
It happened through being around him and helping him all the time.
There where many instances where you both were around each other.
And given the various situations you were into, it gave you both time to make converstation and observe one another.
Even though you both were different and contrasted you both a good pairing.
You made him better, and he was able to see that his life wasn’t over just because his life changed.
I mean you’re the only good thing in his life so, to him you mean everything.
The reason why he fell for you is because no matter whats happened you’ve done your best to combat it.
And you changed things for him to.
And when he got to know all that you had been through and all the darkest parts of your life he admired all of your strength to continue.
Plus if you were still good deep down he’d cherish the fact that not everyone is as bad as he’d like to think.
You’re the one person he look at and actually smile.
And once he loves you, that won’t ever go away.
He is f*cking tied to you forever.
I don’t know if he’d ever get the chance to say that he loves you but if he did it would be when you two are having a good time.
You both have been spending a lot of time and he’d say it at the right time all the more for you to k!ss him afterwards.
It wouldn’t surprise me if you said it first considering he doesn’t say too much.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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To whom it may concern
Tw: suicide, rape, guns, abuse.
You probably don't know me and on account of many things are probably finding this note beside my corpse or on tumblr, i apologize if it is the first one.
Putting it simply, this world is too dangerous for me to live in. After all, how can one love when everyone they know is trying to kill them? How can one be themselves when we live in a society dominated by the freakish demand that existing peacefully amongst yourself in a unique manner is cause for riots and calls for extermination? Yet in your eyes, whom are reading this, likely find the blind eye or face the same wrath; Perhaps you have a strength in you I do not possess.
See for a long time i thought i had that will to keep going, but it became more appearent with the crime of being me that there was no possible way for me to recover from anything but reliance on those who fit the societal demands and norms. Essentially in laymonds terms, I had to rely on my girlfriend to do all the heavy lifting, and when that understandably became too much for her she too passed a blind eye to my suffering. It was not without good reason, and should you know them please do not bother them about it - i know she made mistakes, she herself knows too.
In the event blood family reads this, i have a message to help guide you in the right direction, should you be confused about this whole thing.
Fuck you.
You heard me. I don't care about your sob story, neither does the .45 entering my skull. Try to gaslight me that didn't happen with my brains all over the floor, and with this texting to every one of the extended family you have no fucking hope of covering your shitty excuse of being a person any longer.
Thank you, by the way, extended family for believing in the good within people, but perhaps reading further along i will be disowned from that title, i dont care as long as my family gets dragged down with that too.
Lets start from the beginning. Hi, my name is Wisp. Its lovely to meet you, I go by it/its and i'm very sociable and excitable, though you will never know this aside from taking my word for it or reading the comments from people who are two faced and pretend they cared about me for their pity pointed popularity contest. If anyone other than u/ Ghoul4Gals comments that they knew me in real life, they are a suck up and are not to be trusted.
Other facts about me, I'm a wraith who needs anger to feel happy. That probably doesnt make sense so let me break it down: Everyone makes energy, i don't. I need a way to get energy, pulling from peoples irritation and anger fills that up. Imagine a cup of water, but you have a hose spigot and i dont, so i have to ask for other peoples water.
And like that ive been disowned by half the family.
What? You don't think you're human? But what about the lord and his book?
For the record Chelsey and James, that book is the primary reason i am dead. Gopd job ruining the housing market.
Next, i grew up in a place called Hartfolks elementary school. Mr.Alamanotaur raped me in the library staff room and recorded it, blackmailing me for years. Oops did you think you could keep that covered up too, mom? Guess what, my pain is not some excuse to keep secret cus you are fucking angry im ruining your social status with the family!!!
Fuck! Fuck... i ... don't want to fucking do this man
I just wanna go home, but there is no home for me. I just want to hug, kiss and love but i am pushed away by my closest friends and called a freak. How am i supposed to live with that pain? How am i supposed to wake up and pretend i wasn't stabbed in middle school because of my bullies? How do i explain that despite being censored for years by the same people who are supposed to give me love and care, the reason i went to the hospital is because some asshole named Reyomi decided my life was worth less than the inconvenience of working on a project with me?
Don't... even get me fucking started on high school. I cant even remember most of it, but my body does when it shakes at night in fear of everything that came and went. I also got the honor of having to lie over and over to my extended family about how i changed my mind about being trans.
You might notice ive done nothing but focus on the bad with my childhood, and thats because it amounted to nothing. Thats right those 18 years of schooling? Nothing was used. Nothing except reading, because thats all i need to know when i say "Welcome to Land Burger" and "have a nice day". So i can say this hundreds of times and open another credit card to not be able to pay the bills.
I only met Ghouls last year. They felt inhuman too. I was so happy i wasnt alone
I just.. miss them. They went offline, i think they lost their password or something.
I think the worst part of this is i could tell you everything i love but i know it will make no difference, you still will not know who i am and i will be forgotten minutes after this letter gets closed. I like biking and hiking and vlogging, i like butterflies and raising them from infancy and potato bugs, but why does that really matter in the end when i am just a speck of a grain of a morning breakfast reading in someones day?
Fuck i havent even talked aboit what my mom has even done. Though the abuse should have been obvious when i came to meetups and christmas parties with black eyes or my pretend smiles, i once blinked help at my in laws and they didn't seem to get it.
It just is all some sick game of pretend. I should pretend im not me, i should pretend im normal, i should pretend i know what fractions are or that i can keep a healthy work life schedule. I should pretend my apartment that is evicting me is my home. But that was lost long, long ago and my landlord who charges me $2000 a month for a single bedroom can have fun trying to clean brain out of the drywall.
You know how expensive that is? I work two jobs and it doesn't come close to rent. Everything else is just so expensive anc distractions only take me so far.
I just... want ghoul back. I want my only friend, i want them to be something more, o was gonna ask them out and everything. But somehow that gets ruined and this manifesto of living incorrectly paves the way of irreversable consequences. I.. i leave all my stuff to her. I don'r want any of it going to my parents or family. I don't want extended family either. Just... do me one favor, please.
Find ghoul, tell her im sorry. Tell her i love her.
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eversoslinky · 5 years
Who created Jessica Rabbit?
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The ultimate male fantasy in the form of a cartoon. Gravity defying hour glass curves and legs that go on for years, Jessica Rabbit is an icon and one of my happiest childhood memories was sitting on my Auntie's sofa and watching "Who framed Rodger Rabbit?" the film itself impressed me because it merged cartoons and real life together. Nothing impressed me more, (maybe except the scene in the Wizard of Oz when everything turns to Technicolor.) The film itself and the story didn't hold my attention ,however the gorgeous red haired lady did.
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I wanted to BE Jessica Rabbit, still do. In fact she's my Halloween costume this year. I think if I look beyond the obvious the reason I love Jessica so much is because she's a married lady, she loves her husband. I'm a hopeless romantic who aspires to meet the one man to share my life with. But also I love the idea of being sexy, so sultry and inviting to men and women and then... when they get too keen on me on push them away... and purrr in a husky Scarlett Johansson/ Lauren Bacall tone. "Sorry, but I'm marrrrried... I lurrrrve my husband." She's the ultimate burlesque performer and yet she doesn't remove a single iteam of clothing... her sex appeal is obvious in her appearance and that's what I love. There is no little giggle, no cuteness she's pure, one hundred percent vamp. In this blog I am going to explore and celebrate an absolute icon.
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The first time you see Jessica she slinks on stage in a gorgeous sparkling red gown, which is probably the outfit Rita Hayworth would of worn in Gilda back in 1946 had the censors of allowed it. (That spilt on the side of her dress is so high!) The way Jessica moves on stage and performs reminds me of Cameron Diaz in The Mask. (Maybe this inspired her role as a nightclub singer at the Coco Bongo club) Of course I love the fact she sings "Why don't you do right?" Which was originally sung by Peggy Lee as she strides across the stage. Four year old me was watching this going "This is who I want to be when I grow up"
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But who created this absolutely beautiful cartoon ? She was the brain child of an animation team, Gary K. Wolf, Richard Williams and Robert Zemeckis. With each adding bits of their favourite movie stars to create a hybrid of the ultimate bombshell. Personally I think Jessica's body is very Jayne Mansfield. That massive chest can only be compared to one real life human woman and seeing Jayne wiggle down the street in "The girl can't help it" I think, could of been one of Jessica's design muses. However... here are the original Hollywood icons who inspired Jessica.
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All the best female cartoon characters have red hair! How beautiful is the little mermaid? Jessica's whole look was supposed to be modelled on Rita or maybe just Rita's character Gilda. Gilda was a nightclub singer/ slight striptease artist (Who only removes one glove, but removes it in such an incredibly sexual way that that one glove is enough!) Perhaps this inspired Jessica's costume of elbow length gloves? (Who knows?) The ultimate pin up girl and force's sweetheart was definitely inspiration for the animation team who drew Jessica Rabbit but she was one of many women who's beauty inspired the team...
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A little known fact about Jessica Rabbit is her predecessor... "Hot red riding hood" another curvy redhead who made her first appearance in 1943. Another Night club singer HRRH was another cartoon babe to steal the show. However, HRRH, I feel needs a blog all of her own so let's return to her another day and focus on Mrs Rabbit...
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I just love Veronica Lake! I love the fact she was only 5ft 2 and weighed just over seven stone she was so sexy and vampish but also tough! Why am I not surprised they used her likeness to create Jessica Rabbit?! That peek-a-boo hairstyle is absolute genius, not being able to see half the face adds mystery and allure to a person... It's like a burlesque show only done with hair not clothes. As Veronica herself once famously said "I never did cheesecake like Betty Grable, I just used my hair." And who needs to remove clothes when you have a face like Veronica? (The picture I've used on this blog I have on my bedroom wall) She's got perfectly high cheekbones and a lovely heart shaped face with the most narrow part being her mouth, jaw and chin.
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Ingrid Bergman was a Swedish actress who came to Hollywood, they tried (like they did with many others) to change everything about her to make her into their idea of a movie star, she refused. If they didn't want her the just way she was she would simply move back home (Taking her trained stage acting talents with her). I just adore her! What an awesome lady! Could you imagine an actress today being told she's "too tall?!" Ingrid was 5ft 9, but some high heels on her and she'd be over 6ft but she was perfect and carried herself with such elegance and poise. Watch any on her films and check out that stride! I think Jessica Rabbit's statuesque frame was definitely inspired by Ingrid. So what if a leading lady is taller than her leading man? As a stage actress Ingrid sure knew how to carry herself.
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"What about that look, that look Lauren Bacall had?" Said Robert Zemeckis during a brain storming session when drawing Jessica for the first time. Those sexy heavy lidded eyes and that pout, that dark alluring quality that gives away absolutely nothing and puts you in your place at the same time. That's Lauren 's look, the ultimate femme fatale, it kind of keeps you guessing... is this woman good or is she a villain? Or can it be possible for a woman to look like one of the bad guys but be really sweet with a heart of gold? How did Lauren create that signature stare? Well, apparently during the filming of "To have and have not" she would get so nervous she would shake(!) Lauren was a strong confident woman off camara but when she was being filmed she would get anxious. The only way to stop the shaking (and hold the ever present cigarette to her lips in a effortless manner) was to tilt her chin down to her chest slightly and look up. Creating the sexy Bacall look we know and love today.
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Vikki Dougan, a name you may not of heard of. Unless you follow me, Eversoslinky over on Instagram. (I like to acknowledge the forgotten stars of Hollywood) Vikki was an unknown actress during the 1950s who used to crash Hollywood parties, when I first saw pictures of her I just had to post them, she's so unknown and under the radar and yet her fashion sense inspired one of our most loved cartoon characters- Jessica Rabbit. Those gorgeous backless dresses are just mindblowlingly fantastic and pretty daring considering they were worn during the 1950s (!) It's been some great debate as to which actress inspired Jessica Rabbit the most, with some people refusing to acknowledge Vikki as she never "hit the big time" or "made any popular movies" never the less she was a party girl and gained many column inches during her time, she was a style icon who I believe should be celebrated as the woman who influenced Jessica Rabbit's body con backless dress.
I have many more pictures I'd love to post on this blog but unfortunately Tumblr won't let me post anymore... apparently the number is ten and I've hit my limit (!) ... Sorry people but then again... NOT sorry cause it ain't my fault!... All that's left to say now is Jessica Rabbit is a cultural icon and who knows? maybe if we are really lucky she might appear again in another film. Until then I will start working on my tribute to her. The next time someone asks you who inspired Jessica Rabbit, you won't reply back with "Veronica Lake" but with "Rita, Veronica, Lauren, Ingrid and Vikki" cause they all have features that have made up the greatest cartoon of all time. xoxo 💋
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