#I feel that OT3 should be under number 3 in the list somehow xD
lonicera-edulis · 1 month
"2. OT3?" - I don't have any by now.
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twistedsinews · 5 years
F, I, L, M, S, and W! (I didn't mean to form a word there, but whoops)
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oof.  I… have no idea.
My first instinctive answer was this, from Fuzz:
“What are you doing and why must you be doing it in front of a fucking camera.”
“You really want to nail this bitch?” Gat leaned in closer, and Faith turned her head towards his breath where it tickled her ear. “Think about it… nothing destroys a career faster than evidence of a turgid, illicit romance.”
“Torrid,” she corrected, on reflex, as she half-leaned, half-pushed him back to look up at him.
“Torrid romance.”
“Nah, I’m pretty sure I meant turgid.”
Faith blinked at him, then shook her head, weighed down by sheer incredulity.
“Right,” she said, meeting his expression with a tight, wry smile. “You’re a big boy; far be it from me to tell you whether you’re allowed to whip your dick around on primetime television.”
Mainly because it’s the type of wordplay I have a lot of fun with and am proud of when it works out.  Whether anyone else ever finds it funny is a question, but I get the impression at least some folks out there like my writing, so.
I’m also inanely proud of the fact I got the “You’re under arrest for everything,” thing into a fic here, and I don’t know if proud is the word but I have a lot of fun any time I get to write drunken shenanigans like here.
He dropped the board flat on the floor, and the pointy thing on top of it.  It danced and spun back and forth.
“Yeah, yeah, can you get me in touch with the guy upstairs?”
“Fine, then can you ring big red for me?”
“So it’s just you and me?”
“Got any good advice on how to deal with women?”
was a literal last minute addition under the Yuletide deadline that made me really happy that it popped into my head when it did, because the visual was picture perfect and made me laugh.  And considering the weight of the rest of the fic, it was a nice light little capstone to it, too.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
All of the tropes listed below?
I guess maybe romance stuff.  I always felt really exposed as a kid liking romance stuff, so for a very long time I either suppressed it or pretended I didn’t, I guess.  I definitely read for the fluffy mushy feelings, but it’s still hard to admit that out loud.  (And then there’s the feeling that the specific type of romance stuff I like is somehow SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT ME AS A PERSON, which… nah.  But y'know.  There’s a reason I still can’t write teh lemons.)
Also, I mean, I’ve caught hell for writing fic instead of filing the serial numbers off and monetizing like a sane American should, so fic in general can be a pretty guilty pleasure thing even though it shouldn’t be.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
… … …I’m one of those people who revises on the fly while writing.  :P
I have a difficult time reading my own writing, but it’s better than it used to be.  These days I can manage a spelling, homophones, and redundancy check after I finish.
Perfectionism is dumb.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
…I have a lot, and I’ve probably forgotten some.  
For SR, I have four prompts left from like five years ago, all of them for Halloween and I should probably get on them right fucking now so I don’t miss it again this year.
I have a bunch of pre-Boss Saints one-offs with Gat, Dex, Lin, and Aisha (and occasionally Julius and Troy.)
I have a few longer ideas that I keep putting off, because I suck at writing longform.  One involves Faith’s stint in prison between SR2 and SR3 that lands the Saints under Ultor’s corporate branding.  Another is the Faith backstory fic involving a murder cult trying to avert the end of the world.
More road trip fic in general, on that latter topic.
I have a ‘Saints go to Japan [for contrived probably Ultor reasons]’ idea mostly just get them squaring off with one of Shogo’s cousins.  I have something involving the Samedi and how utterly fucked up a person can get on Loa Dust… I had a Zinyak’s Red Door idea, I don’t know if I wrote down enough of it to remember where I was going with it…
I really want to write more Oleg sometime.
See also: Asha.
I want to write a SR movie script before the actual movie comes out, for the lulz.  I had the core idea a good few years back now, I just haven’t gotten to it.
…and, yeah.  My SR folder has like 3 times as many files as the rest of my fic folders combined, send help.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Us against the world.
Our heroes either failing or otherwise coming within an inch of completely losing everything up to and including their lives before pulling it together for one last push to make it through.
Presumed dead.
A wide variety of romance tropes, including but not limited to: battle couples, UST, bickering to hide feelings, light-hearted teasing, heavy emotional defenses that only fully come down in private, heart-eyes in general… etc, etc.
Characters being coerced by the enemy in some way, especially if they have to do things against their grain or fight their friends or something for highest angst value.  Good people from the bad guy’s side switching sides.
Huddling for warmth.
All of the love triangles resolving to OT3s.  All the OT3s in general, actually.
…I know I’m forgetting some, I like a lot of tropes.  XD
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I tend to like more general prompts, because the way ideas spark in my brain I don’t like to feel like someone really wants to see something specific ‘cause I’m just… gonna let 'em down somehow.
Even with general prompts, I sometimes get the feeling that I’m going off prompt, even though whenever I’m writing to a prompt is because the idea came from the prompt in the first place.
It’s my brain, I don’t know how it works.  XD
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greyliliy · 6 years
You know what? It’s after midnight and this is when I should be asleep but instead make random posts, so here’s another one:
MY FAVORITE MY HERO ACADEMIA Characters (in order from Top Favs to wherever I stop listing):
1. Iida - Look, this boy had me in the first episode he showed up where he asked Present Mic about the robots and then later when he accused Izuku of trying to interfere with other contestants. It only solidified when he immediately apologized on the first day of class and it’s just been downhill from there. Iida’s adorable & I literally had to stop watching the show during the Stain arc because I was not ready to see Iida go through all that.
My Ships for Iida: Midoriya’s first up because CUTE & Todoroki’s second because bonding over having family members who are Pro Heroes. Uraraka is third because also adorable.
2. Bakugou - I have a weakness for unrepentantly angry & violent characters. They’re like walking catharsis for all the angry emotions I can’t do anything with because I generally try to be a nice person. Bakugou can be a horrible person all he wants with zero consequences and I kinda love it. Don’t get me wrong, I also like his character development and how he’s learning to care about others like Izuku & Kirishima, but I also kinda hope his overall character doesn’t change much. His fixation with Izuku is also super fascinating, won’t lie. But I mostly like him because he’s a violent little brat with feelings.
My Ships for Bakugou: Izuku because they’re like fixated on each other and it’s fun, and because I’ve always been weak for a Bully x Favorite Victim when it comes to unhealthy relationship pairings (when it’s Bakugou pursuing; when it’s Izuku playing the “I’m gonna’ make Bakugou Mine” game, I downplay that aspect more). Kirishima is kinda a given second fav as long as they’re more Bros than sappy because their canon friendship is amazing. Todoroki is also growing on me as an option. Same for Kaminari.
3. Shigaraki - If we ignore the part where I hate his costume (the hand on the face is okay, the rest of it can go), I love Shigaraki because he’s a spoiled brat. He’s got his own personal babysitter/butler, and his Master actually cares about him, and Shigaraki himself is just a great blend of being completely insane and also intelligent/knows what he’s doing. Also on the more shallow spectrum: I love his Quirk. You do not understand how much I love his stupid, angst-for-days, terrifying Quirk.
My Ships For Shigaraki: Dabi. Aesthetically they look good together & personality wise they’ve got great bicker-buddy potential. Toga because I kinda OT3 Shigaraki, Dabi & Toga and like all versions of the three of them interacting. Kurogiri also makes the list because I’ve read a lot of “Butlers/Servants of some sort x their Younger Spoiled Masters” BL plots and well, *waves hand at them* that’s what they are. XD
4. All Might - One hundred percent confession, the first time I saw the My Hero opening, I had convinced myself that All Might was gonna’ be some sort of scam or fraud and Izuku would have his dreams kinda crushed somehow and then go on to be the real hero. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. All Might is 100% legit and amazing and I love him. He loves everyone (even Endeavor!), and he’s strong, and even has the decency to be human with doubts and mistakes and just. All Might.
My Ships For All Might: Endeavor. They’ve got the Izuku/Bakugou thing going on and I like it. Though I kinda ship it as more of a “what could have been” Melancholy thing. I really don’t have a lot of ships for him but I can say for absolute that my NoTP is All Might & Inko. Just no. Inko is a married woman and until we’re told otherwise she loves her husband who’s working abroad. I’m really sick of everyone assuming Izuku’s dad is a bad guy because he works abroad and doesn’t get to see his family often. WAIT. Tsukauchi. The cop dude. Him & All Might are adorable. There’s a ship. xD
5. Todoroki - This brat grew on me so hard. He was always a character that was just sort of “there” for me ‘cause I wasn’t too invested in him, but then he let Iida be on his team in the Sports Festival & when he apologized to Sero and started to melt him from the ice I was like “Okay. You’re adorable.” And then again, it just went downhill from there. Todoroki’s adorable and awkward and he’s trying so hard. *pinches his cheeks* Also he’s super over powered and I kinda love it.
My Ships for Todoroki: Momo is first on the list. I like their interactions and I think they’re sweet in general. They’re both quiet and smart and I think they’re good for each other. I mentioned it above, but I also rather like Todoroki with Iida & Bakugou. Last on this though - I don’t like Todoroki & Izuku. At all. They’re great friends, I’m really glad they had their awesome canon moments, but I don’t ship it at all and I’d rather not see it either. XD;
6. Aizawa & Present Mic - They’re sharing a slot because I’ve just started thinking of them as a unit. Their best bro friendship & contrasting personalities is just that amusing to me. But yeah, Aizawa’s awesome and I love that he seems like the only person on the planet who kinda doesn’t like All Might (I mean, he does, but he acts like he doesn’t and I love it) and he’s got “I’m super strict but I actually care” vibes all over the place. Kinda like Piccolo in DBZ. Present Mic is just fun.
My Ships for Aizawa & Present Mic:  Each other. Friendship or more are both acceptable. I got nothing else for them, really.
7. Kirishima - Boy needs to start wearing his hair down & stop dying it, but aside from that, I love this boy. He’s bright, he’s happy, and under it all he’s got as much self-esteem issues as everyone else in this school. I like that he reached out to Bakugou & was cool enough to impress him, and I enjoy that he’s just a generally uplifting and spirited person who connects a lot of people together in the class.
My Ships for Kirishima: Bakugou, first off. Kinda easy to see why - they play off each other well, and if I want some happy/healthy relationship goals for a change, they fit the bill nicely. Mina is also a very good option, especially after hearing about their shared schooling days in Middle School.
8. Sero - I just like Sero. He’s walking common sense with a touch of ego that makes him a well rounded character in the side lines. And I love his smile/teeth. They just look nice.
My Ships for Sero: I don’t...really have any. Maybe Mina? Mineta? I don’t know. Psh. Maybe Todoroki because their Sports Festival match is what made me start to adore Todoroki.
(Okay, I had to open up the wiki at this point to browse characters to see if I missed anyone, so I think we’re down to the wire. Plus, I’m starting to fall asleep so you can see these posts get more rambling as I fade out. :D)
9. Endeavor - Don’t look at me like that. The dude’s freaking awful but he’s also the number two hero for a reason. He’s a horrible person who’s also like...awful in that way I love--like that “He’s almost unaware that he’s horrible” kinda way. Obliviously awful. And as messed up as it is, you can’t argue that Endeavor doesn’t adore his kid (or at least one of them...). He’s good at what he does (the dude’s kinda bad ass when he’s working), and I’ve seen previews of recent manga pages and it looks like he’s getting an attempt at a little redemption arc. I’m weak for horrible people who realize their mistakes and try to make up for it. It’s not realistic by any stretch of the imagination, but it is still really nice to see. Some of my all time favorite characters in fiction are horrible, “irredeemable” monsters turned good guys (*cough* VEGETA and like half the cast of DBZ *cough*) and I kinda want to see it here.
10. Dabi & Toga - I don’t actually know anything about them yet other than the fact they’re both aesthetically pleasing & I like their general character tropes (the cool jack ass and the yandere). Plus they OT3 with Shigaraki like WOW and I love it.
11. Tsukauchi - How do you not love Normal Guy in a case of super heroes and quirks? Nice guy. Super cute with All Might. Awesome side character for the win.
12. Bakugou’s Parents - Look. His parents are adorable together and I love them. Also Bakugou’s mom is basically a grown up Bakugou and I’ve already established I love Bakugou so why not her to?
And I think that’s it. That’s what I’ve got. Generally speaking I love everyone in the show (even Mineta) and I just realized Izuku didn’t make the list and that’s kinda hilarious. He’ll get an honorable mention. But for real. I love everybody including Uraraka and Momo and Aoyama and all of them. Good show. Good cast.
HONORABLE MENTION: Izuku - I like Izuku a lot, but not as much as everyone else. I think my favorite thing about him is his obsession with Bakugou (”Kacchan” - I love it.) and frankly his fixation is like my favorite thing to play with fandom wise in this show. I love that he’s a reckless, anxious, unstoppable force and generally Izuku’s a great character. I think the only reason he’s not higher on the list is I always felt there was a bit of missed potential by having him be a Quirkless, BadAss Normal Hero (kinda like his prototype) that kinda lingers whenever I’m watching the show.
My Top Ships for Izuku: Uraraka is, funny enough, up first because I think their canon, mutual crush on each other is freaking ADORABLE and I think they have great chemistry. Bakugou is up second for obvious reasons *cough Izuku is obsessed with him cough* and I kinda picture that no matter who Izuku ends up with, they’re going to have to tiredly condition themselves to getting used to the fact Bakugou’s a huge part of Izuku’s life and he’s not going anywhere. Iida is also a fav for this ship because of awkward cuteness.
Now I’m done. *passes out*
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