#I go through a buttload of soy sauce and jalapeños
floral-hex · 1 year
had been thinking about seeing the new Ant-Man when it came out, ya know, on one of the discount days bc movie tickets are pricey these days. I mean, it looked right up my alley; alternate dimensions, timeline fuckery, cool visuals, Jonathan Majors ripped as hell. Buuuuut I saw some spoilers, some shitty cellphone footage, read some reviews, ended up caving and reading the plot online… so anyway, I decided to spend that money on a jug of soy sauce and bag of jalapeños, and I think that’s a fair alternative.
#I go through a buttload of soy sauce and jalapeños#they just go with everything!#also no Marvel hate at me on this post#just let me enjoy my visual junk food#is it so bad to want to see Paul Rudd towering before me on a giant screen???#anyway… yeah… it looked really interesting to me. much more so than any of the recent Marvel movies.#I love science fiction with alternate dimensions and time stuff#buuuut… I guess I couldn’t really expect Marvel to actually do anything too exciting with those concepts#but hey! it might actually be good when I finally see it!#I just don’t have much of a disposable income and I think I’d rather spend that cash on foodstuff I know I’ll enjoy#and I’d rather not spend money on going out if I’m this ambivilant on it#critic’s reviews are mid. viewer reviews are completely unreliable to me#marvel fans will either give super positive reviews just bc it’s marvel#or they’ll tank their reviews for the dumbest reasons. like saying it’s too woke bc black Kang#fickle as cats and just as reliable#ALSO I saw tweets saying stuff like ‘oh it’s the beginning of a new phase so it’s a little rough and not that great but give them a break!#my buddy my friend they have churned out so many of these films by now#’new phase’ means nothing! they should know how to tell a good story!#and why can’t the start of a new story arc be good? you can have a good story that sets things up for the future#you butts. you fools.#I was honestly so hyped to see Kang fuck shit up 😕#and I actually really like the Ant-Man movies#I just haven’t really been into any of the Marvel movies after Endgame#okay but again… I haven’t seen it. just read the plot and some reviews.#don’t listen to me. I’m just ranting.#I wanted something really weird and cool with characters dying or whatever I dunno… I’m grumpy about it#but I made some fried rice. it’s good. I got some jalapeño in my eye. that’s not so good.#I hope no one actually wasted their time reading through these tags. I’m sorry if you did#you can ignore this#text
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