#I had fun doing this but four dudes on one canvas was a massive pain in the ass not going to lie
mamamittens · 2 years
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It's the boys!
Fun little facts about each of them, cause they're all quite different despite sharing the same name!
Ignore how lowkey jank their faces look, it's really hard to draw a sharp nose from the front and I don't usually draw exaggerated expressions. Also their muscles are probably wrong, but I don't exactly live with jacked body builders, so I worked with what I had (Google, I promise I'm not secretly jacked).
One who took the most lessons from Garp, including fashion
His dream is still to see Luffy be the Pirate King but personally he wants to be a good man unlike what he (assumes) his father was like
Considered the weirdest pirate because of this, acting more like a marine in personality despite breaking the law (as it should be)
Is a bit stiff but is ultimately quite the softy
How he meets Whitebeard is through asking Marco what Roger was like
He absolutely didn't expect Whitebeard to take a shine to him and is very quietly thrown off about it
Doesn't really fight Whitebeard and gives everyone weird looks when they try and bond with him
No one realizes he has a devil fruit power cause he hides it for fear of losing control
Losing Sabo and the big fire really scarred him for fire usage
Therefore he has the least control, and anytime he does use it, it's in incredibly powerful explosions
He's terrifying when angry, just an unstoppable wall of anger coming right at you
The most accepting of his execution and the most shocked that Whitebeard came and rescued him
The best at throwing off any accusations of his heritage because he doesn't even look like a pirate on a good day
Best at conversation while lying because he just looks so earnest all the time "Sir, that's not how pregnancy works. I was actually born early"
Garp absolutely dies laughing about it later
He's actually just the Ace I wrote for "Exquisite Control" tbh
The most insufferably confident one of the group after getting over his father
Smokes cause it makes him look cool
Yes, his boots are platform boots, because he's tired of tall bastards looming over him all the time
Very creative uses for his devil fruit in little ways
Will absolutely fuck with people, including little flickers of fire over the ocean to freak look outs on marine ships
He can't smile politely, he just looks like a psychopath
The least chill when pissed off
He doesn't really react to being Roger's son after he lets go of his baggage, it just doesn't matter to him at that point
He will strong arm his way into a conversation if he sees someone creeping on a lady/man, playing up his roguish charms if need be
He's always looking for a fight, but he's the only one that can get one just by smirking at any point in time
He does not handle disrespect well at all, not to himself or people he's fond of
If you think he's above bitch slapping people with a fire palm, you're wrong, though he might cheekily smack someone's ass (Marco) the same way if he's feeling feisty
The most Luffy-like, a constant joy and pain in the ass to be around
Very expressive and energetic, including with his devil fruit, often punctuating declarations with firecracker pops
The one that scares people by accident the most because he's either very loud or worryingly quiet, there is no in between
He looks the dumbest, but make no mistake, he's a terror with his observational skills
Card/pool/game shark and people fall for it every time, he learned from Sabo
Smiles the most like his late father but with enough sunshine child rays no one connects the dots except Whitebeard
Took the news of his heritage the best and seeks to enjoy life while waiting for Luffy to take the crown, thinks it's really ironic that his adopted brother would do it instead of the 'heir'
Is not afraid to take the piss out of people
Is really platonically/casually handsy with people and pretends like he didn't know how warm his hands are or when he 'accidentally' digs his nails into tickle spots
The more the person hates him the more he finds joy in making them laugh anyway
Any insult is remembered and you will never realize it when he gets his revenge, so from an outside perspective, he looks incredibly happy go lucky and forgiving
Do not be fooled, he has so much fucking spite
Challenged Whitebeard because he was genuinely curious about how he's stack up against him
Whitebeard obviously thought the feral sunshine child was adorable and wanted to recruit him immediately
If you're getting Bruno vibes, you're not wrong
His super power isn't his devil fruit, it's anxiety
He took the news of his heritage and the lose of Sabo the hardest
Now he compulsively makes so many plans and backup plans that no one realizes when his plan didn't go well because the transition between them was so smooth
He needs a hug the most, though Clover would probably also cry if you kept holding him for a little longer
He uses his fire in very spooky ways, little willow-wisps and crazy butterfly effect plans
Has a tendency to fondle his necklace and other jewelry as a nervous tick or when he's thinking
His baggy clothes hides a lot of secret mouse-ka-tools, like, so many tools you would not believe it
He never really started fighting Whitebeard because he was getting too stressed trying to plan around all of Whitebeard's allies
How did they cross paths? Well, he was executing one of his plans and ran afoul of Jinbe by accident
Naturally, it did not take Spade five days to beat him, and Whitebeard was quite impressed
The one thing Spade never planned on was honest interest and affection
He was spontaneously hugged a lot by the more fraternal Whitebeard Pirates and his expression was like a sad puppy without fail
His genuine smile has pulled out literal 'aww' sound from even hardcore pirates
The one that prevents Thatch's murder the fastest because he trusts but verifies things, and Teach did not pass the vibe check
He gets the tattoo on his wrist under the cuff bracelet so he can look at it and run his fingers over the ink anytime he gets too deep in his thoughts
Can you tell who my favorite is, lmao?
As a side note, it's a shame Ace doesn't take more fashion cues from the people he grew up around, like sure he wears a necklace like Dadan, but imagine if he wore a closed vest or a button up? Maybe grew his hair out and pulled it back? idk, all I know is that anytime I imagine a gender bend Ace, she dresses more like Dadan instead of wearing booty shorts and a bikini top.
Hope this was as fun for you as it was for me!
Don't forget about that February (2022) raffle!
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