#I hate it!!
snarkspawn · 2 years
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yea I'm late but I swear I started it on day 4: white
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sobbing-space-trash · 11 months
I hate how when a skinny girl wears an outfit that exposes her bellybutton, it's considered "trendy" and "cute", but when a fat girl like me does it, it's considered "trashy" and "sloppy" -_-
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gravehags · 29 days
just saw a pic of tobias at the grammis oh my god babygirl please cut your hair lmao
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lyriumrain · 5 months
i think one of my least favourite things to happen in the wake of an internet figurehead being outed as "problematic" (vague term used here to cover the wide variety of ways people can suck), is the inevitable statements being made left and right from the self righteous and the smug, that lecture us on "how could anyone ever watch/listen to/read this person's work? They were obviously always bad and you must've been bad or stupid to ever find enjoyment in what they made. They were also always annoying/boring/lazy and their creations always sucked anyway - can we finally say that now they've been publicly executed?"
the TL;DR of this is "I'm very intelligent and always knew this person was Bad, and therefore everyone else that ever liked them is a dumb cunt."
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teex · 1 year
Do you ever miss tknp like… viscerally? I look back at your blog and miss them so much. Why must Nolan be doomed by the narrative? :(
viscerally!! i miss tk + nolan, and also just that era of the flyers roster skating around together at ice rinks across the country veryveryvery much
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the-kestrels-feather · 8 months
I'm so tired of my mom.
So my dad made gumbo tonight because my sister is home and she LOVES it. which I also LOVE, and he puts big chunks of green peppers and onions in it, which I don't. I'm not a big vegetable person in general, but most I'll eat. I don't like green pepper, so I just pick it out. And I like onion but I don't like the big pieces so if they're too big I'll pick them out. And when I went to go out my dishes away she side eyes my pile of peppers and goes "this is ridiculous" in the most passive aggressive condescending tone and I just????? I'm sorry I've told you I don't like them?? I don't care that they "don't have a taste", I can taste them and it's also a texture thing?? Like??? I eat everything else in the gumbo, including the diced tomatoes, why the fuck does it matter leave me the fuck alone.
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semperama · 10 months
I hate that my attention span is so bad now that if I don't write something to completion the moment I've thought about it, it's probably never getting written. I'm just accumulating WIPs in various states of doneness that likely will never be totally complete. Feels bad!!
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killerwithknife · 3 months
today i feel particularly unlike myself
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starstruckodysseys · 1 year
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hey tumblr
why the fuck is it there now
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stevethehairington · 8 months
why is it that EVERY FUCKING WHERE i go i have god damn fucking stoner neighbors!?!?!
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ukulelekatie · 2 years
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this. this is my new enemy.
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crayolacolor · 1 year
i feel like i haven't made any long-lasting connections with people in a long time because my anxiety brain constantly psyches me out of initiating interactions with people i haven't known for years already.
i've lost contact with a lot of people that could have been friends because i never knew when it was safe to consider them a friend and not just an acquaintance. so my brain convinced me that if i initiated an interaction it would come across as weird or creepy. and the longer we didn't talk, the more i felt that way.
and then there's people i'd really like to be friends with in servers i'm in on discord, but i constantly overthink and tiptoe around my conversations with them because i'm afraid of coming across as "too friendly" with people who still consider me a stranger. i'm afraid of oversharing, coming across as too pushy about my interests, or accidentally steering the conversation too much towards myself.
and it's such a catch-22 because how the heck am i supposed to befriend people if i never feel like it's okay for me to initiate an interaction or talk about anything that goes beyond the surface level??? it's frustrating as all heck and i wish i could just relax and talk to people like a normal person but nope, my brain hates me and makes me overthink every conversation i ever have.
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officialdreadwolf · 1 year
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Absolutely screaming like forget about her for a second this is bad enough all on it’s own 😭😭😭
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
what are your thoughts on tbhk the anime?
I appreciate it for existing because I wouldn’t have engaged with the franchise otherwise… but I absolutely despise it. The botched plot. The botched animation. The botched everything.
It’s something with complex themes and rich layered intricate storytelling that was watered down to a tween comedy, and I don’t want a season 2 unless they remake season 1 with a massively bigger budget.
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7vs8 · 2 years
why can’t I just purchase a years supply of medication. Why do I have to go back monthly. Why can’t they just give me the shit in a huge mason jar. This would make it easier for BOTH OF US!!!!!
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monkeymindscream · 1 year
I give you two undertakings, both of them optional, for the three sentence fic ask game: Bee/Wasp in the Elite Guard AU, and Megatron/Shockwave in a post-canon AU of your choosing.
It’s unfair, really. Wasp – sorry, “WaSp PrImE” – is the same bullying, arrogant crankshaft he’s always has been; he just hides it better now. It’s a colossal, unfunny joke that even the slightest hint of a smile (or Primus help him, a laugh) from him is enough to make Bumblebee’s spark flip and his oil pressure drop to almost zero.
Shockwave went undercover as Longarm, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. When Lord Megatron was declared offline, he waited for a sign of what to do next in between mourning.
He wept when Lord Megatron took his servo in his as they razed Cybertron with a cloned fleet of Omega Supreme, because at last his waiting was over.
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