#I just think it would be fun if molly ever tried a seance with the nein
dent-de-leon · 7 months
Thinking about when Beau suggested Mollymauk could do a seance to talk to the Traveler, and he just went, "I don't normally speak with the dead on a first date, but we'll think about it--" Anyway, please consider--Molly not just giving tarot readings, but also trying to fake seances. Except maybe the Moonweaver gives him a bit of help, and he realizes he actually can make contact with something--
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justwritethatdown · 4 years
The Bella's house is haunted by the ghost of a girl who died there in the 80's . They have a seance. Things go very badly...
Rating: M for vivid description of violence
Words count: 3k
Trigger warning: cruent deaths, mention of blood
(I’ve been meaning to tell you)
I think your house is haunted
Beca had moved in the Bella’s house and had been living there with the other girls for just one week when she started to notice there was something weird going on in that place.
At first, she thought it might have been one of the girls – definitely Amy – who was playing tricks on her; it was just annoying silly things, really, like misplaced objects, doors that opened and closed on their own or songs that mysteriously changed to Cindy Lauper while she was listening to her Spotify playlists. All things Amy could have managed to do with little effort.
What made Beca question her believes were the events of that day she was sick and decided to stay home while all the girls went to class and then to rehearsals. She was home alone, so nobody could be pranking her, but strange things continued to happen – doubled even.
It started with her headphones; Beca could swear she’d left them on the desk, next to her computer, but when she came back from the bathroom they were gone. The brunette looked for them everywhere and finally found them in the fridge
“Mh, weird” she mumbled to herself, making her way back in her room to start working on a new mix.
 Halfway through her mix, her laptop started to flash and then it showed statics
“What the fuck!? Come on you can’t die on me right now” lamented Beca hitting her laptop, she took her brand-new iPhone 5 and saw it was doing the same thing “what the hell is going on?”
She threw the phone asides and stated that she was delirious, probably due to the fever, so she decided to make herself one of Chloe’s infusions. Beca put the boiler on the stove and started looking in the cabinet for the infusion, when the home theater they had in the living room started to blast Time after Time.
“Who’s there?” she called out but didn’t get an answer. If she was honest, she’d admit she was starting to freak out a little bit.
The brunette slowly entered the living room to see that nobody was there
“That’s not funny” she called out, doing her best to hide the shake in her voice “Amy I saw you, you can come out” she tried, but again, no answer. She gulped and went to turn off the stereo, then slowly sat on the sofa to calm down, but the boiler’s whistle made her jump
“Fuck” she spat out marching to the kitchen.
Beca took a deep calming breath pouring the boiling water in her favorite mug, put the boiler away and sat down to enjoy her drink. The warm bitter liquid running down her throat was starting to relax her and free her lungs, she put down the mug and rubbed her face with both hands, when she heard the mug crashing on the floor.
  Chloe opened the door and the first thing she saw was a baseball bat moving in her direction. She dodged it and saw a very startled Beca holding it
“Beca what are you doing?” she squeaked
“I- sorry I thought…” trailed off the brunette letting her weapon fall and tiredly hid her face with her palms
“Hey, what’s going on, how are you feeling?” Chloe asked removing Beca’s hands “Oh my god, Bec, you’re burning up! Let me take you to bed”
 “I broke a mug” mumbled Beca while Chloe was helping her under the covers “and my phone” she added
“Your phone is working…” stated Chloe showing it to her “don’t worry for the mug, now try to get some rest” she whispered tucking a lock of brown hair away from Beca’s forehead.
Beca let out a heavy breath and briefly considered telling Chloe what she went through
“Mh?” the redhead asked turning around with a soft smile
“Thank you” mumbled the brunette before rolling on her side. “Ghosts don’t exist you’re just delirious” she told to herself before falling asleep.
 “You’re such a loser”
“You will never be one of us”
“There’s no place for cowards in here”
It was night, the cold air was making Beca shiver. The area of porch she could see from her bedroom’s window looked different than usual and she couldn’t recognize any of the voices laughing at her. She wasn’t looking down from her window, she was standing outside the window. She was barefoot.
“Come on, we don’t have all night!”
Beca swallowed hard, her head was spinning, she slipped.
 Beca woke up in her bed, damp with sweat, her – now working – phone pointed 4AM, she groaned and went back to sleep.
 Weeks passed and then months, objects kept disappearing and appearing in weird places and Beca made sure to never be alone in the house again, but she never talked to anyone about what happened, she was too embarrassed about it – ghosts don’t exist.  
One evening, after helping Jessica find her bracelet that ended up being in a plant near the bathroom, she decided to talk to Chloe about it.
“Hey Chlo, can we talk for a moment?” she mumbled, still uncertain about saying it out loud
“Sure, what’s up?” asked the redhead putting aside her Russian lit book
“I uhm… this might sound weir but…” she trailed off
“You know you can tell me everything, right?” assured her Chloe leaning in to grab her hand
“I – not that I believe in this kind of things, but uhm… I think there’s a ghost in the house”
Chloe’s face fell and she cleared her throat sitting back straight “Yeah, that’s Molly” she said casually, going back to her reading.
“WHAT?” gasped the brunette
“Molly” repeated Chloe “she died here in the 80’s” she explained
“You don’t actually believe she- she’s living with us, right?” stuttered Beca
“Of course, she is-”
“What are we talking about?” interrupted her Stacie
“Apparently we have a ghost” explained Cynthia-Rose who happened to hear the conversation
“Cool, a ghost story!” gasped Stacie excited “wait, I’ll call the others”
 They moved in the living room after Stacie gathered all the girls and Chloe started telling the story
“In the 80’s this house was the sorority house of the θγτ. Those girls were known to be the cruelest sorority Barden had ever seen. They always made their new members prove their worth through impossible dares, like eating worms or doing dangerous things. Most times the new girls run away crying and were thrown out of the sorority, but there was this girl – Molly – who wanted to be part of the sorority more than anything. She was willing to die for it-”
“How did she die?” interrupted Beca, her throat felt tight and her heart was beating incredibly fast
“It was initiation night. They gave her a dare, a test of bravery…”
The crunching of chips coming from Amy destroyed the mood Chloe was skillfully setting with her story
“Amy, would you mind!?” lamented Cynthia-Rose
“What?” asked Amy stopping with her mouth full of chips
“We’re kinda in the middle of something here…” added Ashley
“Go on” spurred her on Stacie
Chloe cleated her throat “they told her that to be a member of the θγτ she had to walk on the ledge from side to side of the house only wearing her nightgown. They knew she was scared of heights, they probably thought she would have given up, but she tried anyway…”
“fuck…” whispered Beca, she had chills thinking about her dream
“She fell” added Chloe in a sad voice
“Do you want to contact her?” offered Lilly in her usual creepy tone
“Yes! Let’s summon a ghost” squealed Stacie
“Dude, no!” gasped Beca horrified
“What? You scared Mitchell?” challenged her the tall brunette
“I’m not scared” retorted Beca
“Come on, it’s Halloween week, it’ll be fun” tried Jessica and the girls agreed. Beca didn’t like it, she didn’t like it at all.
 Lilly seemed to be rather expert on the field. She made them move the furniture and drawn a pentagram on the floor in the middle of the living room, she turned off the lights and placed five candles, one on each point of the circled star. The girls were sitting in circle around the symbol while Lilly placed herself in the center and started saying something Beca assumed to be in Latin.
Suddenly a gust of wind turned off all the candles and the room feel silent
“You girls shouldn’t be playing around with seances” Lilly said in a demoniac voice and someone, probably Jessica or Ashley – Beca wasn’t sure – screamed. Some of the girls turned on the flashlight on their phones and they could see Lilly standing up, with her hair down on her face.
“Shit, she looks just like Samara” said Amy
“You foolish girls, must pay respect to the rituals” Roared Lilly
“Fuck, is she possessed?” gasped Cynthia-Rose
“Lilly that’s the best Halloween prank I’ve ever seen” laughed Stacie “You look disgusting”
At that Lilly howled in rage turning to Stacie and showed her face, her eyes were completely white, and her body was still facing forward while her face was turned to look at the brunette. The girls screamed and moved away but Beca noticed Chloe was still on the pentagram
“Chloe what are you doing?” she shouted to her
“Molly” tried the redhead swallowing hard
The monster turned to face her and Beca grabbed Chloe’s hand to drag her away. Molly grunted and started to walk towards Stacie, in the meantime someone had turned on the lights and Beca could see that Lilly wasn’t wearing her clothes anymore, she recognized the white gown she was wearing in her dream.
Molly reached Stacie and cornered her
“Please, please not my face! Or the boobs, please-” begged the girl, but the spirit reached out to her throat and ripped her trachea out making blood splash everywhere. All the girls screamed in horror crying out Stacie’s name and the lights went out again.
 The Bellas ran away in different places of the house and Beca had no idea where the others went, except for Chloe who had never let go of her hand. She had dragged her in a room and locked the door behind them, everything was dark and Beca could barely make out the silhouette of Chloe’s face.
“I can’t believe Stacie is dead” sniffed Chloe
“Yeah, that’s crazy” murmured Beca letting the redhead hug her
“I’m glad you’re her with me” she breathed out
“Me too, I can’t imagine being alone right now” confessed the brunette and Chloe pulled away from the hug
“No, I mean… I’m glad that it’s you” clarified the redhead looking into her eyes
Beca swallowed hard noticing how close they were and in the dim light she could see Chloe’s eyes looking down at her lips for a moment. It’s funny how you throw all cares to the wind when you think you’re about to die. Beca leaned in and kissed her. Chloe responded instantly pressing her against the door and slipping her tongue into Beca’s mouth. Her hands were desperatcely gripping at Beca and for a moment the brunette thought that maybe this was worth dying for.
Their kiss was interrupted by Cynthia-Rose pointing a flashlight at them
“Finally!” she cheered making them jump “we need to go to the basement, unless you have something better to do…” she added in a judgy tone
“Why to the basement?” asked Beca clearing her throat “of all places…” she added with a shiver
“To fix the lighting maybe?” retorted Cynthia-Rose
“Okay but why can’t you go?” asked Beca hissing when Chloe hit her with her elbow
“Because the black and the queer characters always die first in horror movies, and if you didn’t notice, I am black and a lesbian! So, I’m definitely not going there alone” explained the girl
“Of course we’re coming with you” agreed Chloe.
 “Lock the door” intimated Beca once they entered the basement. They reached the electric cabinet and Beca pointed the light of the phone to it “you know how to do that?” she asked
While Cynthia-Rose was working on the cables Beca let herself get lost in the comfort of Chloe’s body pressed up against her back and the girl’s fingers intertwined with her owns. It caused a weird warm sensation, like if it didn’t matter that there was a murderous demon around the house and that they were all going to be slaughtered by it.
When the lights started working again the girls turned around to find Molly covered in Stacie’s blood standing in the middle of the room. Beca whimpered and pressed herself more into Chloe who had pretty much the same reaction, while Cynthia-Rose threw her flashlight to the monster hitting her in the face and gaining them some important seconds
“Go go go go go!” she shouted, and they started to climb the stairs.
As soon as Beca and Chloe were out of the basement door, it slammed shut behind them trapping the other girl inside. They could hear her scream and hit the door trying to open it, so they started doing the same until Beca couldn’t hear her anymore
“Chlo…” she tried, but the red head wouldn’t stop “Chlo-”
“We need to get her out of there Beca!” she cried
“Chlo, it’s too late… she’s gone” she sobbed “we have to go” she added grabbing Chloe’s hand again, but this time it wasn’t enough to calm her.
They started to run towards the door, when the couch slid between them and their target, they turned around to see Molly slowly approaching them.
“You don’t belong here” thundered Molly tilting her head “you didn’t complete the ritual”
“Yes, yes she does” gasped Chloe placing herself in front of Beca “Bree didn’t want her at first, but then she was okay with it”
“Chlo what are you doing?” whispered Beca, but the monster suddenly turned around and walked away “what the fuck?” breathed out Beca in confusion.
They saw Cynthia-Rose crawl out from the basement and ran to help her
“How are you what did she do to you?” asked Chloe helping the girl up to her feet
“Slowly, slowly, I’m injured” she gasped showing them a bleeding wound on her hip “she pushed me downstairs, I must have caught a nail or something”
“Come on, let’s take you to the bathroom, Chloe has a first aid kit” said Beca pushing the girl’s arm around her neck to help her stand.
 On their way to the bathroom, they found Jessica with a tear-stained face standing next to the staircase that led to the second floor, Chloe moved to hug her and saw Ashley’s lying on the floor with her neck broken and some limbs twisted.
“Fuck” sadly whispered Cynthia-Rose rubbing her face with her palm
“Lilly was following us upstairs, Amy got away” sobbed Jessica “I couldn’t leave her”
“It’s okay, come here, it’s okay" tried to comfort her Chloe.
 The group made it to Chloe’s bathroom and the redhead was trying to medicate Cynthia-Rose as best as she could
“What else did you see in horror movies?” asked Beca
“About ghosts? They’re usually here because they have unfinished business- ouch”
“Sorry" whispered Chloe
“ ‘s alright. But those were movies I don’t know- OUCH!”
“I’m done" promised Chloe getting up
“I don’t know if it applies to real ghosts” added Cynthia-Rose
“It’s all we have" huffed Beca “I need to try, and we still need to find Amy"
“I’m coming with you" said Chloe
“No, it’s too dangerous I don’t want you to get hurt”
“You’re not going alone” argued Chloe and Beca gave up
“Alright. Jessica, you stay here with CR”
 Beca and Chloe started to wander around the house, looking for Molly
“Why did you think the ghost was after me?” whispered Beca
“Her name is Molly” corrected her Chloe “and I don’t know…” she trailed off
“You mentioned Aubrey, did she tell the ghost- Molly, to haunt me or something?” suggested Beca
“What? No" gasped the redhead “I just assumed because she’s been here the whole time I was in this house, but since when you moved in, she seemed to be… more nervous” she explained
“I had a dream about her" confessed Beca “I mean I was her. In the dream. The night she died… I think she just wants to be accepted"
They heard a loud noise and suddenly stopped swallowing hard
“we should check that” said Chloe in a tiny voice
“I hope it’s Amy" huffed Beca nodding
 As it turned out it was Amy, but she’d just been thrown against the wall by Molly.
“Amy” shouted Beca without thinking, letting the ghost know they were there
“Beca, finally! Save me, I’m too important to die" screamed Amy trying to free herself, but the monster shoved a hand in her chest ripping her guts out.
“No!” cried Beca “stop it, what do you want from us?” she shouted at the ghost
Molly let Amy’s body fall to the ground and started to walk towards them again.
“You did not respect the ritual" she kept saying, the lights were flashing like crazy and there was wind coming out of nowere
Beca took a step forward “what ritual? What are you talking about?”
Molly pushed her asides and took Chloe by the throat. The redhead gasped trying to free herself from the bloody hand chocking her, but it was pointless
“You must complete the ritual!”
“I’ll do it! I’ll do your ritual” volunteered Beca
Molly instantly let go of Chloe and turned to the brunette
“Bec no" begged Chloe trying to catch her breath
“You are a Bella now!” she declared, confusing both Chloe and the ghost
“I, as co-captain of the Bellas, declare that you have passed the test and are a Bella. You’re one of us" she gulped, her heart was beating so fast it was hard to breathe, like if she’d run a marathon. Chloe had reached her and was standing beside her
“And I, as the other co-captain, approve that" confirmed the redhead.
“Thank you" whispered Molly.
Suddenly the lights stopped flashing and everything seemed to be back to normal. Lilly’s body fell to the ground with a thud and Chloe immediately moved to go check on her but Beca stopped her
“What if she’s faking it?” questioned the brunette
“Why would she fake it?” pointed out Chloe and went to kneel down besides Lilly.
“Is she…” asked Beca
“She’s breathing” assured Chloe relieved
“We should call the police” suggested Jessica once her and Cynthia-Rose joined them.
 The police was still taking their depositions and Lilly was taken away with an ambulance, it was clear that the girls couldn’t have been killed by a person, but the policeman refused to believe their ghost story and kept asking them if they’d taken any drugs or were drunk. He kept bringing up an animal attack, almost like if he was trying to convince them.
Chloe went to sit on the porch next to Beca, both wrapped in those panic blankets they’d only saw in movies before that night.
“You saved my life" she stated humping her with the shoulder
“Well, you tried that first” answered Beca looking down at her feet “I noticed you stepping in front of me"
“Yes, but it turned out she was never after you… she just wanted the head of the sorority to accept her"
“If I only figured that out earlier Amy would still be alive, maybe Ashley too" sniffed Beca
“Hey, look at me” told her Chloe reaching out to gently tilt Beca’s face towards her “it’s not your fault, okay? If anything you saved the rest of us. If it wasn’t for you I…” she trailed off shivering at the memory of that cold hand around her throat
“I’m glad you’re okay" whispered Beca with teary eyes before leaning in to kiss her.
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monsterlovinghours · 5 years
More Than I Deserve
today we venture outside the world of headcanons. here’s my first ever fic about the stinky rat bastard man. multichapter, dunno how many yet. BeetlejuicexOFC
Like most hauntings, it began with a seance. 
Predictably, existence in the Netherworld was dull, pointless, boring. But every so often, a human voice would flicker through the emptiness, broad with false, mocking authority. As if they had any true power to command the dead. He would claw his way through the rift, manipulate their little board game to spell out some ominous nonsense, then spend a few glorious days in their home causing mischief and chaos. Sometimes they moved out. Sometimes they called a priest. Some tried to ignore it, either in the hopes that it would go away in time, or convincing themselves that it was simply in their heads, that the slamming doors and bleeding walls were merely a product of their imagination. Those were the most fun.
But not long ago, a different voice had echoed through the darkness. Soft. Seeking. Hopeful. Intrigued, Beetlejuice answered the summon, pleased to find a lone woman sitting curled up on her bed, a candle in a red glass jar cupped in her hands. No board, no sigils, no salt or incense. He entered through the shadows, trying to determine the best way to scare her; a pale hand waving from beneath the bed? A sudden burst of orange flame from her candle? A skeletal face appearing in her window? But to his utter shock, her eyes focused on him, and a surprised smile curled her lips. 
"I didn't expect someone to show up so fast."
He froze, stunned. "Can...can you...see me?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Should I not be able to?"
"Uh…" For a moment, perhaps for the first time ever, he was lost for words. "Most people don't. No one alive does, anyway." Not knowing what else to do, he waved. "Hi."
“Hello.” Her head tilted at a curious angle, regarding him cautiously but with no real fear. “What kind of spirit are you?”
“Spirit?” He chuckled, tugging at the lapels of his dirty, threadbare blazer. “You got the wrong idea, girl. I’m what you’d call a demon.”
Her eyebrows rose, but even now, she didn't seem scared of him; wary, perhaps, but not afraid. "A demon? I didn't think the spell was that powerful." She set the candle aside and folded her hands in her lap. "Are you a Faustian-pact demon or a chaos-and-anarchy demon?"
"Chaos," he said with a snicker. "I don't have a use for human souls." Casually he leaned backward into midair, reclining on nothing with his hands behind his head, regarding her with barely disguised interest. "Lemme ask you something, babe. Why'd you call me here?"
Her shoulders rolled in a nonchalant shrug, her eyes not quite meeting his. "I just wanted to see what would happen. I've never tried a summoning spell before."
"So what are you, some kind of witch?"
"Mm, basically."
Nodding slowly, his gaze raked over her form, not even trying to hide a leering smile. "For a witch, you're pretty easy on the eyes. You got a name, cutie?"
A pink flush crept onto her cheeks, and he grinned. “Molly.”
“Molly, huh?” He turned in midair, lying on his stomach with his head resting on his folded arms, still grinning wickedly down at her. “Molly the witch. Pleased to meetcha.”
Her brow raised, sitting forward to perch on the edge of the bed, legs dangling over the side. “And you? Do you have a name?”
His grin fell into a grimace, and he rolled his eyes. “See, that’s where things get complicated, babe. I’m only here because of your little summoning spell, so when that candle burns out, I’m gone.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, whistling through his teeth. “And as you can see, there’s not a whole lot I can do while I’m here.” To demonstrate, he attempted to pick up the candle from its place on her nightstand, only to have his hand pass through the glass; the flame didn’t so much as flicker. “The only thing that can bring me here permanently, the only thing that can let me interact with the living world, is for someone alive to say my name three times.”
“Huh. Weird rules.”
“You’re fucking tellin’ me.”
“So, what’s your name?”
His head cocked to the side, a lopsided smirk on his face. “You that excited to have a new roomie, dollface?”
“Maybe I just want to see what happens.” There was a sparkle in her eye now, something playful and mischievous, something he liked. 
“Aren’t you a curious little breather? Well, sweet stuff, there’s another catch. I can’t say my name.”
Molly sighed, running a hand back through her hair, which now that he was closer he could see was a deep blue. “Whoever made these rules didn’t make it easy for you, did they?”
“Welcome to my literal hell.” He shrugged. “Most kids that end up summoning me use one of those damn Ouija boards to do it, so it’s easy enough to spell out my name. Don’t suppose you got one of those, do you?”
“No.” She chewed her lip for a moment, then rose from the bed and crossed to a somewhat cluttered desk, digging around until she found a piece of cardboard and a marker. She scribbled out a lopsided alphabet in block letters, then cut a rough planchette out of paper. “Will this work?”
He grinned, canines flashing in the lamplight. “I guess we’ll find out. Do your thing, babe.”
She smiled, settling cross-legged on the floor with the makeshift Ouija board in front of her, her index fingers on the planchette. He was amused to see that her cheeks were still a delicate pink. Carefully, she circled the planchette around the board three times, then looked up to see him sitting on the opposite side of the board, mirroring her cross-legged position. “Okay. What is your name?”
“Here goes nothin’,” he murmured, and placed his hands over hers. She felt nothing, and neither did he, but both grinned in unison as the planchette began to slide across the board. 
Slowly, he spelled out his name, brow furrowed in concentration, an almost manic gleam in his shifting eyes.
“That’s it, babe!” The excitement in his voice is palpable, every tooth on display in an unnaturally wide grin. “Say it again.”
“Beetlejuice.” A nearly feline smile curled on her mouth, the air faintly tingling with the electric charge of his anticipation.
“Gimme one more, sweet stuff.”
She paused, heightening the suspense, and she wasn’t sure if she actually saw the flash of red in his eyes or if it was simply her imagination.
Somehow, impossibly, his grin widened, the shadows on his face deepening, as if lit from beneath, like a child shining a flashlight under their chin. The green of his hair was vivid, poisonous, the color seeming to pulse with an otherworldly power.
"There we go, much better." He got to his feet and pointed a finger toward her candle, the flame immediately extinguished, the glass jar shattering, the red shards like blood spatter against the carpet. "Thanks a million, babe."
Molly had flinched when the glass broke, clambering to her feet, the makeshift board forgotten. "So...what happens now?"
"Now?" He grinned, rising to once again lie on his stomach in midair, reaching out to grasp her chin with icy fingers. "Now you get to live in your very own haunted house." He chuckled. "Oh babes, you and me are gonna have a blast."
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