#I might just have to read some Dc x mlb
starwrighter · 9 months
Dude, get a restraining order
(Prompt) (Ao3 link)
(The results from the poll have arrived!! You have chosen unintentional Yandere Damian! )
Danny had a feeling the next several months were going to suck. Out of everyone in his school, he'd been the one picked for the whole "Transfer student," nonsense. With his reputation, you'd think he'd be the last person you'd want to show off out of state.
Regardless, Danny was chosen, and now he was on a plane headed to New Jersey Gotham. "The City of Crime" sounds like a blast and a half. All the rouges and criminals that wouldn't be his problem to deal with. It seemed like heaven in theory, but Danny knew with his luck he'd be getting mugged left, right, and center.
Pressing his face against the window, Danny allowed his mind to wander. To the portal, the friends who wouldn't be here to support him, to the ghosts who didn't want to kill him. Dani and Val were going to pick up the slack back home but that wouldn't help with the rumors no doubt going around about Phantom's disappearance. He could only hope he still had a secret identity when he got home.
Maybe if he did crime against the local vigilantes he'd get sent home early...
No, the rouges and local criminals did that on a daily basis they wouldn't crack from a little trolling. Or maybe they would? Then again, Red Hood used guns and the current Robin ran around with a real ass god-damn sword so trolling was a bad idea.
In all honesty, Robin was intimidating even with the little information he had about him. All he had were blurry, articles from various news outlets and attempted interviews with some ridiculously persistent reporter. Robin sounded more cryptic than he was! The entire concept of a teenager his age manifesting out of the shadows and chasing him with a katana would forever be his biggest concern during his stay in Gotham.
When the plane touched down Danny was left in a busy airport terminal. Vague instructions from his teachers and chatter from the employees trying to get him out onto the street as soon as possible were all he had to go off right now. Also, a brochure that he was 90% sure was all bullshit.
Gotham's air felt closer to smoke than it was anything breathable. Burning his nostrils, a scent of gas and cigarette smoke pretty much engulfed the city. It was so bad the second he took a breath, his core jolted, snapping into gear, not allowing anything to enter his lungs before it filtered. He'd never been so glad about dying until now, and never had he ever been as impressed in a population as he was now.
Danny had only been here for ten minutes or so but he'd already come to the conclusion that Gothamites were as metal as amity parkers. Wandering through the city, Danny tried to keep his face neutral. Not a smile or the slightest tell that he wasn't from here. He'd rather not get mugged before he reached his apartment. Though, maybe a fatal injury would get him sent home early.
Looking down at the map on his phone, Danny drew closer to the apartment building he'd been assigned to stay at. Supposedly, it was closer to the rich kid school he'd be temporarily attending. Why they decided it was okay for a teenager to live by himself in Gotham was a complete and total mystery. He could only hope he wouldn't die a second time during his stay.
Getting the key from the front desk was a much easier process than he'd thought It'd be. But it could never be quick enough. His suitcases were heavy!! And he was so very very tired. When he got into his apartment he tossed his suitcases onto the floor, inspecting the place he'd be staying for the next few months. It pretty good setup, a bathroom with a combined bath and shower, a tiny kitchen for cooking, and a small bedroom with a twin XL mattress. Grey sheets that Danny didn't quite trust were clean. Danny barely had the time to settle in before he was pelted with schedules, school rules, and uniform requirements.
His uniform as supplied by the school was a navy blue blazer with the school label embroidered on the pocket. A tie striped black and blue tucked into a stuffy-looking dress shirt. Overall it felt more like he was dressing up for one of Vlad's stupid Gala's than it did school.
He wasn't given any time to unpack, not a second to relax or get used to his surroundings. Nope! He was expected to pack up his school supplies and head to school right away! Seriously, not a minute before the front office was asking where he was, as if offended he didn't teleport to school the moment he touched down.
The school itself was intimidating. Twice the size of Casper High, it looked like a private school. It also looked like a school where he'd face severe bullying. Just from looking at the entrance, he could tell this building had proper equipment down to the most obscure of clubs. Kids rushed past him some looking panicked as a school bell rang while others just seemed annoyed.
He strolled leisurely through the school hall on the way to the office. There was no rush, he didn't even want to be here. What were they going to do? Send him home? Oh no, what a tragedy! Snickering under his breath, Danny scrolled through the avalanche of texts Vlad was sending him. All of them pertaining the same message of "Get your ass to school you're making me look bad!" It almost convinced him to skip but the pissed-off edge to the office lady's voice in their last phone call was enough to goad him into creeping into the office.
A face of thinly veiled annoyance rested on the desk lady's face. He could barely get a word out before a school map and schedule were shoved into his hands. A bare-bones explanation of the school rules was given along with his school ID before he was all but shouted at to get to class.
You'd think there'd be an adjusting period where they'd walk him through everything and let him get settled in at his own pace, but nope! This is Gotham! Apparently, that's not how they roll with transfer students. It's like they wanted him back in amity as much as he did.
He wasn't sure if he liked that or not...
(I don't know who want's to be tagged for this one)
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halfagone · 8 months
Oooh, good point! I think I’d prefer to go for a mix of two and three. An experienced Danny who’s super sick of the hero life, but he’s still pretty experience and maybe even harbors resent for the league since they never helped him out. I kinda have a thing for stories about Danny having issues with the league, lol. What do you think?
This is in continuation to this post.
From what I've seen you're not alone with that preference/niche! lol I've even read some Miraculous Ladybug x DC crossover with a similar concept, back when I used to read fics for MLB (it's been a while since I last read fanfic for MLB though). I know I did play around with the concept for down the rabbit hole (goes the throne). However, something that's very tricky to balance is making sure Danny doesn't come off as... self-centered, I guess the right word would be?
Because yes, it's understandable that Danny would be upset that no one tried to help him if they did reach out. At the same time, you have to consider the possibility of censorship thanks to the GIW (which is a popular headcanon) or that Vlad used Desiree to make a wish that would shield the town for his machinations and schemes (which is another headcanon I've seen used before). Danny can be upset at first but if he finds out that their attempts for contact literally could not connect, then it would be unreasonable for Danny to keep harboring that resentment when they're here now because they found out. That implies that had they known back then they would have tried something too, but they are not meant to be omniscient, no matter how hard Bruce might try to be.
Plus... the JL already have a lot of responsibilities. Most if not all these heroes have a base of operations- an entire city to take care of. And yes, so does Danny, but they can't just drop everything and come to his rescue, especially if the problem is much more extensive than just closing the portal. (Which Danny could technically do at any given time, but chooses not to.) But let's not talk about that. And there's also all the off-world missions they're in charge of or participate in. And many heroes have their day jobs and civilian lives to maintain, and plenty of these heroes have kids! Things are complicated!
But complex situations make things all the more interesting, do they not? ;3
Let's play around with that, shall we?
"Are you really a ghost?" Bart asks Phantom in curiosity. Is it just 'Phantom' or is it 'The Phantom' because the latter sounds much more mysterious, but is that trade-marked by-
"You think too fast," Phantom grumbles under his breath as he zips around a burning piece of rubble. He hardly bats an eye at it, just watches it fly past and then freezes it, effectively putting out the flames. The rubble slides innocently across the blacktop, falling alongside all the other pieces he's already frozen over.
Phantom's hardly even trying. It's so not crash.
"You're not like any ghost I've ever seen before," Secret agrees with a small frown. She doesn't distrust Phantom necessarily, but her own curiosity is hard to fight down.
Phantom's lips twist with amusement. "I could say the same to you actually." The group collectively watch as Phantom's legs twist and disappear into a wispy tail, the ghost curling it around as if to hug himself.
"What kind of Casper..." Kon overhears Tim mutter to himself. It's a good thing he doesn't have a piece of paper, else he'd be taking rapid fire notes. A computer would've done in a jiffy, of course, but it's not like they had access to one of those in a blown out city street like this.
"I've never heard about you before," Cassie comments with pinched brows. She doesn't look happy about it.
And for what it's worth, Phantom doesn't either.
"You wouldn't," Phantom drawls. There's no mirth in his voice. He turns back to the villain of the day, hands sparking as he zaps the machine so thoroughly that sparks fly and the metal audibly creaks.
Kon shivers at the display. He's not afraid, not really, but he's still uneasy... He knows that Captain Marvel is one of those heroes on par with Superman, and right now, watching Phantom wield his lightning, Kon's starting to see why.
The group shuffle around uncomfortably as Phantom sucks up the villain into a soup thermos? Now that's not something you see every day.
"What's that do?" Tim, ever perceptive, prods Phantom for answers.
"It contains ghosts, spectral entities, the works," Phantom replies curtly, capping the thermos with practiced ease. Ease that spoke of experience. "You kids alright?"
"Dude, you're barely four years older than some of us," Anita deadpans with an unimpressed look. "You don't get to call us 'kids'."
Phantom lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "Sorry, y'all are still babies to me." He points at Kon. "You've gotta be, what, not even six months old?"
Kon prickles at the remark. "That's none of your business." He knows he's not that old chronologically, but that doesn't make him an infant. He'd appreciate some respect about it.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," Danny replies and it sounds sincere? But most of them don't take too kindly to him anyways. He just gives bad vibes is all. "Where are your mentors? I feel like there should be at least one of them around to supervise."
"We can take care of ourselves," Tim insists, crossing his arms over his chest. Uh oh, he's hurt Timmy's feelings. That's never a good sign.
"You're kids, you shouldn't have to," Phantom sneers slightly, snidely more like.
"Like you did?" Secret asks tentatively. Phantom's hair visibly floats up, picked up by an inexplicable wind. His eyes glow a shade brighter. It's eerie. It's uncomfortable.
Phantom's face might be impassive, but he still remains an open book.
"Yeah, something like that," Phantom murmurs, his tone unreadable. "I hope you can take care of yourselves. One day you might be the only ones that do."
With that ominous warning, Phantom disappears. Here one minute, gone the next. Like a true ghost.
"I vote we call him 'Casper the Unfriendly Ghost'," Bart announces out of the blue. "Raise your hand if you agree?"
At once, every single member raises their hand.
"Motion passed."
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tylindel · 1 year
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I posted 71 times in 2022
That's 43 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (7%)
66 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 53 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#maribat - 23 posts
#mlb x dc - 13 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 11 posts
#ml - 6 posts
#animals - 5 posts
#damian x marinette - 4 posts
#dick grayson - 4 posts
#chat noir - 4 posts
#marinette x damian - 4 posts
#jasonette - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#but then he’s at home and just gets completely totaled by his army of traumatized children
My Top Posts in 2022:
20) What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? What about writing in general?
I love that a basis is set out about character so I can take them and stick them in whatever and how ever many situations as I want and see what happens.
For writing in general I gotta say I love being able to bring a random thought or feeling to life through stories and share them with others who might feel the same
1 note - Posted October 8, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
1) fluff
Oh absolutely I love to give hurting characters love which os probably why my second top is…
2) angst
Even if I go in planning only fluff angst in the form of panic attack or grief sneaks in. It allows for the comfort and care from loved ones. I cant commit to just angst though, there is enough sad things in the world lol.
3) songfic
This absolutely, i get most ideas while listening to a song or while thinking of a song. And their are so many good songs out there that can apply (read: Every song is thought out in fic form at some point or another in my brain lol)
4) not beta read
This less so lately. I know how horrible my grammer can be and how easy it is for me to overlook errors if i read and stare at the fic long enough. I am very thankful to have some wonderful writer friends to help me out here.
5 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
2. Top 4 additional tags:
1) fluff
Oh absolutely I love to give hurting characters love which os probably why my second top is…
2) angst
Even if I go in planning only fluff angst in the form of panic attack or grief sneaks in. It allows for the comfort and care from loved ones. I cant commit to just angst though, there is enough sad things in the world lol.
3) song fic
This absolutely, i get most ideas while listening to a song or while thinking of a song. And their are so many good songs out there that can apply (read: Every song is thought out in fic form at some point or another in my brain lol)
4) not beta read
This less so lately. I know how horrible my grammer can be and how easy it is for me to overlook errors if i read and stare at the fic long enough. I am very thankful to have some wonderful writer friends to help me out here
11. Partial to char pairing: yes I absolutely do. I lean towards Daminette with Jasonette a close second when I’m writing. Reading wise I’m equal opportunity.
As for why, well I think it stems from my love of seeing the bad boy/angry boy softening for sunshine/sweet girl. I love bringing a character with trauma or insecurities together with a partner who will see that and do their best to support and soothe them. All while making sure they feel seen and loved beyond imagine.
14. Tropes only read if friend writes:
Hmm probably gender swaps. Nothing really against it It just does not typically bring me joy *shrug*
Only otherthing i avoid reading unless its by a friend or im in a special mood is true Main Character Death, meaning they dont come back through magic or something.
16. An AU id love to or have read:
Royalty is always fun, as is fairy tale in that same thread. Vampire is always a reoccurring au/theme I come back to as well. Though i have yet to write a fanfic au with it.
26. Only dialog or no dialog?
This ones tough I think no dialog would be easier as you can get what they talk about through descriptions of actions. Although you could set a scene with just dialog….hmm yeah, no dialog for me I struggle with convos in my fics generally.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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As best as I can make it, this is how I envision Déjouer from the Maribat fic I am working on rn. I will add a link once I post the first half. Marinette with the Fox Miraculous. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38004349/chapters/94921090
25 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello tumblr!! I have a question for all the Maribat readers who see this!
*This is not my artwork, I am no way claiming the lovely piece of work. If you enjoy it please go to the Webtoon it is fluffy batfam shenanigans!*
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Now that I have got your attention (thank you WFA webtoon) I would love to hear who you consider a maribat author celebrity! For example someone you feel is well known and you remember them or their fics frequently.
Here are mine:
@nightlychaotic / chaotic_immortal
@batsandbugs IcedAquarius
Just to name a few of the many many amazing authors out there. Please comment those that you feel are celebrities and share with others so they can also add their thoughts.
106 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ellienettie · 3 years
Heyyy, since you've been reading so much felinette lately maybe you could help me and drop some fic recs, pretty please~
Also, have a great day <3
Hi! Thank you have a great day too! I also have a bunch of fics that you might like? (Just ignore it though if you don’t like it) It’s all in ao3 and in case the links don’t work I also put in the title. A lot of the fics are incomplete but still updating and if you ever need more recs just ask! 
[special mentions but not felinette] https://archiveofourown.org/works/26444197 (The chaos of one blue haired girl) (mcu x dc x mlb) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20959169 (#LetMarinetteDrinkCoffee2k19) (mlb) (complete) (series)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21740473/chapters/51864814 (Wed Locked) (mlb) (incomplete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26716498/chapters/65173525 (I would like one family please) (warning: every chapter has made me cry. Just saying) (incomplete) (mlb x dc)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20695151/chapters/78855697 (Jerk in Sheep's Clothing)  (incomplete) (mlb)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30202386 (What if we make an exception?) (mlb x dc) (dickinette pairing) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28600485/chapters/70096860 (Click, who is this?) (incomplete)
(Warning! this is a dark story) https://archiveofourown.org/works/31009583/chapters/76596701 (The Perfect Facade) (incomplete and on hiatus)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30280494/chapters/74629956 (Can you keep a secret?) (incomplete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22259539/chapters/53154364 (She sits alone) (incomplete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31780057/chapters/78667831 (All it took) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31504520 (A case of unmistaken identity) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30441762/chapters/75058857 ("I love you..") (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30806963 (Without Words) (Series) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30488559 (The Oopsie) (Complete) (series) (sad ending)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21610276/chapters/51529858 (New Friends) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25804855/chapters/62680285 (let me love and appreciate the hell out of you, damn aged eel!) (incomplete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27868194 (Cough Meds and Cuddles) (series) (complete)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14524326/chapters/33557421 (When May Comes) (complete)
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alixanonymous · 4 years
Why I Ship MariBat & Why I Don’t Think It Makes Me A Bad Person (An Almost  Essay)
I want to start this post with a disclaimer: I do not speak on behalf of all MariBat fans and am in no way trying to. I just feel like as someone who is a part of the Miraculous fandom as a whole, I sometimes feel like I have to justify why I like MariBat. All I’m trying to do here to explain my personal reasons for liking it and not in any way hate on anyone who doesn’t.
1. How I Got Into The Fandom & Why I Stayed
I can’t really tell you the exact place it started. I think I was just looking through MLB fanfiction on AO3 and Tumblr and slowly started noticing Damian Wayne popping up more and more. I actually had to Google who he was and that’s when I found out that apparently there were a lot more Robins than Dick Grayson. MariBat fanfiction actually made me fall in love with Batman and maybe the DCU as a whole. I recently binged the entire New-52 animated movies to learn about Damian Wayne and trust me as soon as comic books stores reopen, I’ll be there. I just found I was really fascinated by the BatFam and really liked the possibilities that stemmed from having them interact with Marinette. From a Miraculous standpoint, the scope of MLB’s story is still pretty small and at this point still pretty much limited to just the city of Paris even if season three expanded it a bit. So having DC x MLB crossovers adds in this really cool aspect of other superheroes and widens the possibilities. 
2. Why Salt Doesn’t Bother Me 
Oh, boy am I hesitant to go there but I can’t ignore the biggest complaint I see against MariBat shippers. So again, not here to speak on behalf of all salt-lovers, but here’s why I like to read salt or why I don’t get personally offended by people who write salt. As someone who deals with anxiety, I find myself using salt as an outlet sometimes. I see salt kind of like an exaggerated portrayal of things that people like me find to be frustrating. So let me give a specific example. When Alya doesn’t believe Marinette’s claims about Lila lying, as someone who struggled with similar situations between friends, I found reading stories where Lila’s bullying of Marinette was blatantly obvious and seeing how her classmates react to it to be a form of relief since the show has yet to resolve the tension in the class and have Marinette be believed. Do I actually think her classmates are as bad as some stories portray them? No! However, the differences are so apparent that I have no trouble setting apart canon-behavior and how the author writes the character. FanFiction is FanFiction. Any character can be turned into a monster and any monster can be written in a better light in FanFiction. People do it all the time. My love for the source material doesn’t change because I read salt, okay? It’s just a matter of knowing what’s canon and what’s fanfiction;.
3. Adrien In The MariBat Fandom
If there’s one argument I can’t really fault the anti-MariBat people for having, it’s this one. Sexual assault and harassment are serious topics and I can in no way fault people for being upset when they feel it’s being portrayed in the wrong manner. I guess I just want to reiterate my previous points that just because a character is portrayed a certain way in a fanfic doesn’t mean that character is also like that in canon and salt often deals with exaggerated (I don’t know if that’s the right word for it) or amplified behavior. I don’t think Cat Noir’s flirting in canon is actually harrassment and any stories I’ve read that portray him in that light have all illustrated the problem being more serious that, such as him not stopping when Ladybug says no (which she doesn’t in canon) or him pushing for dates after being repeatedly refused. Just because that’s a version of Adrien in a fanfic doesn’t mean the readers see canon Adrien to be like that. Personally, I love Adrien. I ship Adrienette as well. I can just separate the different ways he’s portrayed in stories. [Gotham City is a dark place and the BatFam, especially Damian has a dark backstory so there has to be some OOC writing to meld that with the bright, happy place of MLB’s Paris. For example, some stories do this by describing the mental strain the people of Paris might have to deal with in order to avoid being akumatized which I also find to be an interesting concept in MLB fanfiction.] Lastly, I would just like to point out that not every MariBat fanfic makes him out to be evil. There are just as many that show Adrien being a supportive friend. Again, it comes down to how the writer portrays him and whether you read that story is up to you. 
~ My Point Or The Bottom Line ~
What you ship or don’t ship is your choice and doesn’t have any bearing on if you’re a “true fan”. Again, if you don’t like MariBat, that’s okay! I just hope you can say the same to the people who do! MariBat has made my life a lot bearable these last few months and I love interacting with the other people with me in this fandom. I also love Adrienette (actually Lukanette too and MariGami and a lot more) and the Miraculous fandom as a whole and I really don’t want my love of MariBat to isolate me. I see myself becoming more and more invested in the Batman fandom too so I don’t want to have to always defend my personal ships when everybody has the right to like what they like. Okay? I’m all for friendly discussions but I don’t want to be shamed for what I like. No matter what you ship (As long as it’s legal), you are welcome on my blog and to be my friend! Thank you to anyone who read any of this essay! Man, this is long!
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davewakeman · 4 years
Talking Tickets 14 February 2020
Hey There! 
Thanks for reading! If you like what I’m doing here with the newsletter, please share it with folks. They can sign up here.
I’m doing a quick survey so that I can deliver more relevant ideas and content to you. 5 questions. It might take you 5 minutes!
I will be in Philadelphia and New York City this week!
Have you had a chance to download the new ebook, What Matters In Ticketing Now?, created in partnership with Booking Protect we gathered 40+ thought leaders from around the world to give their opinions and ideas on what matters in tickets now! Join us for a free webinar on February 26th at 10 AM Eastern where we cover trends, takeaways, and actions that will help you get the most from the ebook.
FYI, I’m not including the story on Google’s ticket plans this week because I don’t really know enough yet to have formed a realistic opinion on the topic yet.
To the tickets!
———————————————————————————————————— 1. The Premier League is floating the idea of starting a Netflix-style subscription service: 
Everyone is trying to get into the OTT game, especially after the successful launch of Disney+.
At a certain point, saturation has to become a serious consideration. And, we also have to think about what does this mean for folks selling tickets and trying to get folks to come to their venues.
Seven League put together a good list of trends that they think will impact sports in 2020. Some of them seem like obvious things, especially the fact that “customers don’t want to be owned.” And, as we keep trying to think digital-first, we have to ask ourselves what does that mean for the customers we are trying to guide?
First, we have to consider if this is even the right strategy. ESPN is losing subscribers at a faster clip than ever before and the revenue from their OTT platform won’t be able to fill the gap in revenue in the near-term.
Second, how will this continued quest for folks’ entertainment spend impact the live event experience? I’d be a prime target for this Premier League OTT product if Tottenham Hotspur wasn’t already on most weekends, to begin with.
But if you start asking whether or not I’m going to pick the MLB OTT over going to a game, that’s where the challenge becomes a lot more interesting. Or, NBA TV or NFL’s offerings…on and on.
How do we keep the value proposition high? Especially when it is already a challenge.
2. Touts found guilty of fraud in the UK:
This is breaking news as I type of this week’s newsletter. So I’m sure there will be new details emerging over the next day or so.
This is the first case of its kind to be tried in the UK and it illustrates some of the differences between the US and the rest of the world in the way that the secondary market is thought about.
Where this story gets really interesting is that it comes on the heels of the Competition and Markets Authority sent out an Initial Enforcement Order against the Viagogo and StubHub merger this week.
Considering the state of the rule of law and enforcement in the States right now, I’m not 100% sure if this will have any impact on the merger going through in the States or not.
For me, keep an eye on this story. Will there be more lawsuits? What will the secondary market associations have to say about this?
After I finished writing this section, another article popped out showing how much money was being made on reselling football tickets in England…which is illegal.
3. The Australian Football League are crushing it right now: 
The first story is about how David Stern contributed to the growth of the AFL into a national sport in Australia. Which, obviously, coincides with remembrances of his life since he just passed.
It is an interesting story because it shows how sports business ideas travel the world so fluidly.
The second story that caught my eye this week isn’t a story but a piece of content.
My friends in Melbourne, Oli and Tom both sent me this video “To Hell and Back” from the pre-season of Melbourne FC. (The team that heavily recruited me to be a fan when I was speaking at the AFL in November.)
If this isn’t the best piece of team created content I’ve ever seen, I can’t quite remember what beats it.
I’ve watched it twice.
It is raw, compelling, and gives you access to the team in a way that you may only see on Hard Knocks.
And, if I’m being honest, it is much more authentic than other behind the scenes productions I’ve seen.
Finally, the AFL announced that they were freezing prices and eliminating ticket fees at Marvel Stadium in the Docklands. 
This is a really strong move by the AFL to ensure that their fans feel like they are being listened to and cared about. The AFL Fans Association has been concerned that the game was losing appeal to its core fans for the past few seasons in the rush to maximize revenue.
While this is only 1 stadium, I think having it be such a high profile example may start a reaction of changes around the league.
There are  lessons here for all of us from the AFL:
1. You have to tell stories. Melbourne FC’s story is powerful and I can’t imagine that it won’t have an impact on every aspect of their business, especially coming off a season where they didn’t perform up to expectations.
2. Your job as a business is to create and keep customers. With so much TV money flowing into sports, it becomes easy to lose connection to your customers. The reality is that all of this TV money and all of these other monetization opportunities flow out of the fact that you have fans and customers that care. You have to always put them first or you are going to lose them, once they are gone…there is no guarantee that you can get them back. 
4. The XFL kicked off to a solid start: 
The opening weekend saw decent attendance and ratings that were pretty close to the launch of the AAF last year.
The promotion around the kickoff was pretty strong, as you might expect from something led by Vince McMahon.
While tickets on the secondary market spiked to around $130+ in DC for the opening game, it seems that a lot of the games were loaded up with a lot of comps as well…which will be interesting to watch heading into week 2. (FYI, I’ll likely take the boy on Saturday to see the DC v. NY game at Audi Field, if anyone is around.)
Where do y’all think the ticket sales and ratings will go this week?
For me, 2 things to think about:
1. Is pricing going to be an issue for fans?
Get-in face value is $24 in DC, but I saw parking was $40 and I can only imagine that beers are $12+ and who knows about merch and other things.
Again, when people are making these decisions on going to a game, we have to ask the question: “Is this a good value compared to X?”
2. Will people continue to tune in?
The rationale has always been people can’t get enough football. Is that true?
If it is, what does that mean to other sports?
Or, will the NBA All-Star weekend drown out week 2’s games?
I think the advantage that the XFL has going for it is that Vince McMahon is a better marketer than most folks and he understands the need and power of storytelling, which is a powerful tool in building an audience. 
5. Be More Chill and Dear Evan Hansen can teach us a lesson about reaching younger audiences:
Everywhere I’ve gone in the world the last year or two I’ve had people talk with me about reaching new audiences.
In Australia, the concern that despite the population being incredibly diverse that audiences were getting “older and whiter”.
This week, I saw an article about how the Flyers audience is getting olderand they are working to bring in a younger audience.
And, I built a workshop called “Fans For Life” around the idea of managing the lifecycle of a fan in a way that enables you to do a better job of bringing fans to your venue.
The example of these two productions and the continued success of Hamilton in markets around the world shows that people still love theatre and are willing to check out new shows, we just have to be willing to allow the art form to reflect how people view art today and recognize that the internet and mobile devices have changed the ways that folks are going to engage with our content.
The lesson here is that we have to have a strong POV about what we are creating and why, but trust that our audiences are going to engage with our shows and productions in the way that they want to, not necessarily the way we want.
So to continue to sell tickets, we are going to have to continue to think through the ways that we deliver our content to our audiences. Be that online through chats, groups, and forums. Or, video, movies, and soundtracks. Everything is fair game today! 
I posted my 100th podcast episode last week. New episodes will start rolling out in the next day or two. Do you have a suggestion for a future guest?
I’m hosting a workshop in NYC on April 1st. I’m bringing “Fans For Life: Creating and Keeping the Modern Fan” to NYC. 
I’m doing a FREE webinar on February 27th at 1 PM Eastern called “The Language of the Sale “. This webinar is built off of lessons learned during my sales trainings with sales teams around the world over the last 6 months and my own experiences creating new business opportunities. 
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Talking Tickets 14 February 2020 was originally published on Wakeman Consulting Group
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tylindel · 1 year
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I posted 71 times in 2022
That's 43 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (7%)
66 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 53 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#maribat - 23 posts
#mlb x dc - 13 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 11 posts
#ml - 6 posts
#animals - 5 posts
#damian x marinette - 4 posts
#dick grayson - 4 posts
#chat noir - 4 posts
#marinette x damian - 4 posts
#jasonette - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#but then he’s at home and just gets completely totaled by his army of traumatized children
My Top Posts in 2022:
20) What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? What about writing in general?
I love that a basis is set out about character so I can take them and stick them in whatever and how ever many situations as I want and see what happens.
For writing in general I gotta say I love being able to bring a random thought or feeling to life through stories and share them with others who might feel the same
1 note - Posted October 8, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
1) fluff
Oh absolutely I love to give hurting characters love which os probably why my second top is…
2) angst
Even if I go in planning only fluff angst in the form of panic attack or grief sneaks in. It allows for the comfort and care from loved ones. I cant commit to just angst though, there is enough sad things in the world lol.
3) songfic
This absolutely, i get most ideas while listening to a song or while thinking of a song. And their are so many good songs out there that can apply (read: Every song is thought out in fic form at some point or another in my brain lol)
4) not beta read
This less so lately. I know how horrible my grammer can be and how easy it is for me to overlook errors if i read and stare at the fic long enough. I am very thankful to have some wonderful writer friends to help me out here.
5 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
8 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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As best as I can make it, this is how I envision Déjouer from the Maribat fic I am working on rn. I will add a link once I post the first half. Marinette with the Fox Miraculous. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38004349/chapters/94921090
25 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello tumblr!! I have a question for all the Maribat readers who see this!
*This is not my artwork, I am no way claiming the lovely piece of work. If you enjoy it please go to the Webtoon it is fluffy batfam shenanigans!*
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Now that I have got your attention (thank you WFA webtoon) I would love to hear who you consider a maribat author celebrity! For example someone you feel is well known and you remember them or their fics frequently.
Here are mine:
@nightlychaotic / chaotic_immortal
@batsandbugs IcedAquarius
Just to name a few of the many many amazing authors out there. Please comment those that you feel are celebrities and share with others so they can also add their thoughts.
106 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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