#I need to practice writing Vinny i forgor about him ngl
zahmbie · 9 months
Kay hear me out. Habit with a partner who also murders people
You guys would be a nightmare for Vinny lmao
Content warnings for discussion of violence and gore, with the reader actively participating in it
I’m a little split here, one one hand HABIT loves freaking out his partner occasionally. He’d never hurt you of course, but he thinks it’s funny to see your disgust when he comes downstairs coated in blood and gore or to see your reaction to him bringing home a victim. 
On the other hand, you’d probably be the perfect partner for him. He doesn’t get to scare you but he gets to be as openly fucked up as he wants, and he can drag you along with him! He’s normally not one to initiate a date (unless you count sitting on the couch watching old horror DVDs a date), but now he drags some poor soul up to the attic and calls you killing them together a date night. Romance isn’t dead but that guy sure is
He lets himself be a little more ‘romantic’ than usual when you two are together like this. He’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and lay his head on your arm/shoulder and guides the knife you’re holding, or draw little hearts on you in blood with his finger. 
A very fond memory between the two of you is just spending all night sharing stories of murdering people. You guys shared ideas and worked out plans together, and HABIT looks at you like you’re the only thing in the world that matters as you describe the first time you killed someone. He’s not really able to relate to any fears of getting caught (though he does make a big show of protecting you from cops), but he loves the excitement in your eyes as you talk about it.
He often calls you pet names but the peak of comedy to him is calling you over the top pet names in front of a victim. He’ll be monologuing to someone about how he’s gonna rip their throat out with his teeth and his voice is so deep and he’s snarling so much you can barely understand him, then he looks over at you and calls you some shit like snickerdoodle in the same tone.
I’m picturing the attic scene and HABIT switches like “You think you’re untouchable? Not even god could hide from me. Oh my Precious Sunshine Honey Bun Love Bug would you please get me my good knife <3”
HABIT’s really likes the idea of inhabiting you while killing someone. It’d be a huge show of trust on your part, letting what’s more or less a demon into your body and mind willingly. He’s super into the thought but if you aren’t he won’t push it, he’s pretty rough with his hosts and has little (if any) self preservation skills. Even if he treated you like you were made of glass- which he would- you’d still come out of it with some scars.
He’s held on to the heart of the first person you killed together for months, giving it to you preserved in a jar as an anniversary gift.
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