#zombie writes
zahmbie · 9 months
Kay hear me out. Habit with a partner who also murders people
You guys would be a nightmare for Vinny lmao
Content warnings for discussion of violence and gore, with the reader actively participating in it
I’m a little split here, one one hand HABIT loves freaking out his partner occasionally. He’d never hurt you of course, but he thinks it’s funny to see your disgust when he comes downstairs coated in blood and gore or to see your reaction to him bringing home a victim. 
On the other hand, you’d probably be the perfect partner for him. He doesn’t get to scare you but he gets to be as openly fucked up as he wants, and he can drag you along with him! He’s normally not one to initiate a date (unless you count sitting on the couch watching old horror DVDs a date), but now he drags some poor soul up to the attic and calls you killing them together a date night. Romance isn’t dead but that guy sure is
He lets himself be a little more ‘romantic’ than usual when you two are together like this. He’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and lay his head on your arm/shoulder and guides the knife you’re holding, or draw little hearts on you in blood with his finger. 
A very fond memory between the two of you is just spending all night sharing stories of murdering people. You guys shared ideas and worked out plans together, and HABIT looks at you like you’re the only thing in the world that matters as you describe the first time you killed someone. He’s not really able to relate to any fears of getting caught (though he does make a big show of protecting you from cops), but he loves the excitement in your eyes as you talk about it.
He often calls you pet names but the peak of comedy to him is calling you over the top pet names in front of a victim. He’ll be monologuing to someone about how he’s gonna rip their throat out with his teeth and his voice is so deep and he’s snarling so much you can barely understand him, then he looks over at you and calls you some shit like snickerdoodle in the same tone.
I’m picturing the attic scene and HABIT switches like “You think you’re untouchable? Not even god could hide from me. Oh my Precious Sunshine Honey Bun Love Bug would you please get me my good knife <3”
HABIT’s really likes the idea of inhabiting you while killing someone. It’d be a huge show of trust on your part, letting what’s more or less a demon into your body and mind willingly. He’s super into the thought but if you aren’t he won’t push it, he’s pretty rough with his hosts and has little (if any) self preservation skills. Even if he treated you like you were made of glass- which he would- you’d still come out of it with some scars.
He’s held on to the heart of the first person you killed together for months, giving it to you preserved in a jar as an anniversary gift.
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shamefulzombie · 8 months
Your art is so good it makes explode/pos
Anyway I’m like, super super curious what your full story headcanon is between Lilac and Ethan!! Will it be revealed in later pieces?
That’s all I wanted to ask, ur super cool!!!!
Thank you! A lot of people been eating my drawings lmfao
I’m glad so many of you guys love my art style cuz I used to hate it and tried to change it multiple times ty 💀
And about Lilac and Ethan, I don’t know how to write much (I can only express through art) but I headcanon them to like, trying to be friends before. I probably didn't check this fully, i went yolo on this writing 👇
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I like to imagine the two popular musicians have posters all over the town/city.
Since Lilac is like 44, she probably (almost) lost her touch to playing the guitar, getting frustrated because she adores playing her guitar and enjoys the popularity that brings her comfort. Her popularity is slowly dying down and she notices her posters are getting replaced by Ethan’s and him doing most of the promotions, obviously she gets jealous.
Lilac and Ethan one day a meet up somewhere, she noticed it was the same musician that replaced her posters. At first, Lilac was pretty chill with him, not trying to cause a big problem. Kind of creating a friendly rivalry for the two, bragging towards each other, singing at a karaoke, playing music altogether. Then like there’s like a concert music competition, Lilac finds out he’s only 19 and since she hangs out with him, noticed he's already like super talented at music (prob any kind of music), earning more appreciation from the public than her. That messed her up and fears losing, boom- Ethan’s dead, causing devastation upon the world since Ethan was that popular. Luckily for Lilac, she got away and the popularity slowly returned to her, but Unknown Cultist [Effect 2], does some…investigation. (Oh and I like to think Effect 2 and Ethan are close, well, inspired by potiman and splatjack’s Orin Ayo theory lore)
You guys don’t have to follow my HC ✋
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zhukzucraft · 2 months
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nuclear family as described by Iskall
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drewsephrry · 3 months
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everybody moved on, help im still at the restaurant
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
Imagine if a zombie apocalypse happened and nobody cared. It didn't really effect wealthier areas because guards would shoot them down. There's some paranoia that zombies would overrun humans but society never really breaks down.
You'd hear about infested areas out in the rust belt, where entire towns were overtaken by the undead. And mabye you'd see a zombie or two when you're in a really bad neighborhood and you have to cross the street. Most undead are harmless outside of large groups, but it's always good to stay safe.
And if you go to an area that's completely overun things really will look like the apocalypse. And there's something exciting about that. Society is interested in those ghost towns, not as a tragedy, but as a spectacle. You've seen reality TV where people will head into the worst of the outbreak with nothing more then a knife and a camera, all while the locals look on wishing someone could take them back.
Most people don't think about zombies. They're just another thing in the world that sucks right now. Occasionally there's a reminder of them, but eventually you forget why anyone is even afraid at all. It seems so normal.
One of your coworkers was attacked the other day by a zombie. Nobody really knew her well. The main thing people were talking about at the office when it comes to her is how lucky she is the be in the hospital having her wounds treated and disinfected, instead of stuck at work. Someone as young as her is expected to be able to fight one off, mabye she did it on purpose. Nobody was still making jokes when they realized she died, people aren't supposed to die that way if they're rich enough to work in an office.
The apocalypse isn't enough to end society. Society is meant to be more resilient then reality, that's the point.
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allurilove · 1 month
Yandere x Zombie you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Includes: Body mutilation, gore, stalking, desperate and perverted man, gender neutral reader, begging, dry humping.
*He doesn’t have a name, and is referred to as “your stalker,” He only exists for reader, and without you, he ceases to exist. Here is part two! This is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: It’s the zombie apocalypse, and you’re a zombie who has a little stalker/fan. He tried to offer himself to you, but you want nothing to do with him.
You’re just trying to go on about your day being a zombie, but an annoying and persistent man won’t leave you alone. He thinks he’s slick, but you see him, and best him every time.
Your stalker always hated zombies. They reeked of death, their breath sour, and their jaws claimed thousands of souls. He kept quiet as he tiptoed around, hiding his body behind a trash can as you feasted on your latest victim.
You went for the jugular, your teeth puncturing their skin, and a burst of metallic tasting blood filled your mouth. You were wild. Your whole hands, neck, chest, and face were stained with blood. You had a couple of flies around you, which you ate as a snack too.
However, with you, he was infatuated. He never once thought it was disgusting that your skin stuck to your skull, your arm twisted in an unnatural way, and how your hair was matted. Or how your clothes were torn, and you had holes in your shoes.
He tried to trap you. But unlike the other zombies, you were smart. The bear trap didn’t work, he tried to lasso you and failed, he spent time building you a cage, just for you to trap him in it.
When you went after a group of humans, he panicked. He hated when you went after a crowd, and he watched with his heart hammering. He prayed that you would survive, and rip them to shreds.
Your stalker often made sure you were well fed. He dragged an old body that remained untouched, and he purposely pushed it into your view. He winced as the body rolled down the hill and knocked you down like a bowling pin. Whoops.
After this has gone on for months, he became envious. Your attention was solely focused on the girl you trapped against the wall, he huffed and puffed, crossing his arms as the girl continued to scream. He began to wonder how it would feel to be eaten by you.
He handed himself to you like he was the best thing around. He took a shower by the lake, scrubbing his body clean from the dirt and grime. Your stalker wondered if he should just be nude so you had an easier access to him, or be clothed and make you work for it…
Your stalker whistled as he approached you, but you didn’t look at him. Your body just wandering around the abandoned building, and he waved at you. But you ignore him. He purposely laid down in front of you, but you just step on his stomach, making him groan in pain. He watched as you were on the move again, and he grabbed onto your ankle.
“Wait— please!” He tried to bargain with you, “I swear I taste good!” Your stalker whined as you just drag him around, trying to go on about your day again. He decided to do something drastic.
Your stalker needed your attention. He needed to feel your hands on him. He stuffed his mouth with his sock, and he picked up his blade. He jumped a couple of times and his joggers slipped down a bit, enough for him to pull out his member.
It hurt like a bitch. He bit down hard onto the sock as his tears welled up in his eyes, he cut his member from the base— wanting to give you the whole thing.
He handed you his cock, and you took the phallic looking thing in your hands. With some sick perversion he wanted to see you eat it, to hold it in your hands, and watch it disappear down your throat.
He’s seen you eat raccoons, rats, pigeons, and decomposed maggot filled bodies rotting away in the hot summer sun, their guts spilled open, and there was barely any flesh left to eat. He’s seen you dig through trash and shove it in your face.
He watched you tear into your own arm after not being able to find something to feed on for weeks. He watched you bite into a pee soaked leg after the human pissed itself after seeing your morbid face.
And yet you wouldn’t eat his freshly cut dick?
You looked at him with an unamused expression.
Your stalker frowned, his hands snatching back his body part after you refused to eat it. His hands were shaking, and his legs about to give out— due to his wound he haphazardly wrapped with bandages. His ego was bruised.
You continued to stare at him with disgust, as if you haven’t done something as vile as this. But to be fair, it wasn’t your fault that you were eating humans. It was the damn virus.
First, you don’t care to eat him. Second, you barely seem interested in him. And now third, you’re rejecting his offering? This was enough to make a grown man cry.
“Is it too small for you?” He pouted. “I- I happen to be a grower-“
He swore he saw you roll your eyes. For someone who barely had any mobility except for shuffling around, you had the gall to roll your eyes. You just groan. You try to wave your arm at him— to dismiss him, but you just smacked his face.
“Am I not appealing to you?” He glared at you, his face turning pale. His pants are soaked in blood, and he twitched.
The man fell down to his knees, throwing his dismembered cock to the side, and he clasped his hands together. His breath is ragged, and looked at you as if you were an angel who could take him out of his misery.
And so you do.
Most of your victims are scared, clawing at your arms and leaving red harsh marks on your skin, but he holds you closer. He moaned as your body was pressed up against his— chest to chest. You sat right on his hips. His blood tasted like nectar, it was pleasant and sweet. Your tongue swiped at his sweat.
“Oh god yes! Please eat me!” He cried out, and his fingers dig into your rib cage as you start to grind onto him.
He was already on deaths door step, his heart beat slowing down, and his grip slightly loosened. Your stalker’s moans, and the chanting of your name quiets. It wasn’t long before he let out his last breath.
Your stomach is full and you’re satisfied.
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2-dsimp · 19 days
omg zombie?? Rotting companion when?? I wonder if he's the slow type or the "I may be decomposing but I can sprint at a full 20 km/h" kind of guy
I luv zombiesss
-andwy tiddy hater
Cw: Heavy angst, obsessive/possessive tendencies, your boyfriend turning into a lovelorn zombie.
Synopsis: Soma, your boyfriend, happened to be the number one gamer in the world due to the fact that nobody could beat him at video games. Nobody except for his Lovely player two who he absolutely adores. One day during a zombie mob flash he sacrificed himself and got bitten in your stead so that you may live another day. Now as time passed, he was set to roam the streets as an undead zombie. Waiting to see you again to ensure that he won’t ever let the both of you be separated again. Not over his half dead body.
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
Soma, your boyfriend, is always so eccentric but sweet at the same time. He’d always make sure to mark down your important days on his calendar just to make sure he never misses a moment in his darling’s life. Which is everyday, from the moment you wake up down to the moment you close your eyes goodnight.
The Pro Gamers journal is filled with borderline obsessive scribbles of him recording the way that you sleep. And listing a bunch of observations about how adorable you looked curled up or sprawled out like a starfish. Not only that he takes the time to analyze and document every bit of your habits as if you he’s a biologist and you happened to be his precious specimen.
Either way no matter if you’re asleep or awake his hands won’t grow tired of drawing portraits of you. Within his sketchbook he used as an excuse to highlight gaming mechanics to his team. He’s pretty freighting when it comes to it, if you ask anyone on his team. They’d tell you to not even try and reach out towards it for a better look, since you get an automatic knee to the face.
“Oh my bad didn’t ya say that you wanted a close up of my combo breaker? Hmm? Not in irl? Well you Shoulda been more specific my guy”
Fast forward a few months, It all happened so suddenly when your part of town got hit with an unknown anomaly from a parasitic animal. That escaped from Devildom into the human realm. Successfully kickstarting a disease which made those who aren’t familiar with its origins. To fall into a frenzied state of loss consciousness and inability to control of one’s body.
During the earliest stages of the infection that spreading through your quaint city. Which was thankfully isolated from the rest to prevent even more of an outbreak. You were on a date with your boyfriend who was such a advocate for being spontaneous. Soma loved to surprise you with fun outings like going to amusement parks, para gliding, bungee jumping, kayaking, you name it.
But this time he wanted to give you a breather and take you on a lowkey cute date at a nearby cafe. Soma had an arm around your hip squeezing it lightly while he leaned against you like an over grown puppy.
“Lovie I’m so lucky to have you~ I don’t ever wanna live a day without being able to hold you, love you, kiss you, n fu—“
“Oh we’re here already! You excited to try out those cute menu items you’ve been fangirling about hun?”
Your boyfriend exclaimed giddily oftentimes having a habit of rambling on about how much he adores you on a daily basis. He went to open the door for you right after pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. It was something he always did before he had to leave your side even for just a brief moment.
Since he was paranoid in the fact that anything could happen to his cherished relationship with you. And he’d rather not it happen without him kissing you one last time.
You guys had just entered the door only to be met with a the rabid eyes and foaming mouths of the former patrons that dined there. It wasn’t any help that this cafe was jammed packed due to their popularity so it’d only take a split second for you to get snatched up by one of the infected standing in line.
You could barely register the way you were shoved out of the store by your boyfriend in an attempt to guard you from being taken by the horde. You stumbled outside the glass doors eyes wide with shock as you witnessed. A different side of Soma that you’ve never seen before, one that had him going batshit crazy.
Seeing how those filthy hands tried to take you away from him. Had him going off on a tangent about how he’d kill them twice over, for even trying to touch a single hair on your head. Claiming how you were his and his only and that nothing on heaven nor earth would change it.
Despite being outnumbered he put up one hell of a fight knocking the parasites down one by one into eventually one of them took a chance to bit his fist that he used to sucker punch their teeth out.
“Man you guys sure are tenacious for a bunch of deadweight…Shit just my luck”
Soma sighed, as if it was only a minor convenience that he’d gotten bitten. But nonetheless he kept letting his fist and legs fly not stopping until every single undead bastard was on the ground. Thanks to his self defense classes in karate.
It was only a matter of time before they got back up again so he turned around to give you a relaxed expression. A bright loving grin on his face as he asked you a simple question. While his veins became more prominent on his skin appearing in an abnormal pigment.
“Would you still love me as a zombie babes?”
You could only sob saying yes frantically as you watched your loved one turn into a different being. At your answer he let out a flippant sigh of relief before continuing to lock himself inside the restaurant. Using the key that was hanging off the hip of an employee he stunned.
“Good, then you’d better watch your back since whether im dead or alive I’d still be crazy in love with you baby.”
The gamer said in a soft tone that had a darkened edge to it, almost as if he wasn’t just trying to lighten up the mood with one of his lighthearted quips. But was issuing you an actual warning to beware of if you ever came across him while he wasn’t in control of himself.
Now go, your eyes should see only good things. And I’m afraid it’s gonna be ugly for me, Ah wait! Before you go…Give me kiss?”
Soma asked with a boyish grin pressing his face against the glass door with his lips puckered. As he waggled his eyebrows at you. It made you pissed off to say the least at how he was treating this a some kind of joke.
But you couldn’t help but notice his body twitching sporadically which was a telltale sign of how anxious he was. How scared he was of losing you. And how terrifying he’d be once he turned knowing that there’d be nothing to hold him back from showing his purest form of love for you.
Your boyfriend was already internally battling the urge to pull you against him. So you’d never leave his sight, that you two would be together forever regardless of death since nothing could ever change the way his heart beats purely for you. So just one more kiss, no matter if There’s a thin glass barrier, he just wants to be close to you, to somewhat feel you before his body shuts down on him.
You scrambled to press yourself against the door your palm on top of his. You gave him one last longing gaze, beforehand pressing your lips against the glass. Not noticing how he was just unblinkingly staring at your reflection. Burning the image of you so deeply into his mind that even if his critical thinking perished he’d never ever forget you even in death.
You were hesitant to leave him wanting to stay until his final hours but he childishly shooed you away. Claiming that he doesn’t want you to see him become an uggo version of himself. Since glowing down in front of his beau would be immensely embarrassing. He couldn’t help but feel a cruel twist of satisfaction seeing your reluctance to leave his side and those pretty eyes of yours welling up with tears meant only for him.
“We’ll meet again soon Lovie, mark my words, if you think I’d ever leave you alone then you’ve got another thing coming… So make sure to do your best until I come to make you mine once more permanently”
A few days later, the infection took hold of him but not in a way he was expecting. Sure he may have lost some of his humanity, but for a strange reason. The pro gamer still retained some fragments of his consciousness. His head was pounding from your name, invading his headspace. With every pulse of his brain that was fried at the moment.
Soma chuffed with a crooked grin, as he suspected not even death would take away his inherent need for you. Nor could it ever make it cease to be. He had to find you, sure it was selfish but he can’t stop from obsessing over your very being ingrained in his hazy memory. Where only the images of you were clear as can be.
Breaking the lock with his newly found inhuman strength, he became a half mindless zombie. Who actively searches for his you like a moth to a flame. Tearing everything and anything apart that stands in his way.
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A/n: if you want to see more of your undead boyfriend feel free to send in an ask 👀
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callisteios · 8 months
hello. I've made another uquiz! it tells you what kind of supernatural creature you are give it a go :)
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anonymousangstmonster · 4 months
Prompt #46
When Danny went into the portal, nothing came out, no ghost, no traumatized but still partially alive kid walked out. His fried corpse left slowly rotting in the unseen inside of the portal, somewhat preserved by the high levels of ectoplasm circulating through.
Months later, Maddie deactivated the portal to inspect the inside for any flaws that might cause the machine to malfunction.
She let out a blood-curdling scream when she found the ashen dead body of her previously missing son. His eye sockets were hollowed out pits of blackness, his skin was grey and crusty, his veins were black, she could see the shape of his skeleton under his skin. It was horrifying, but it was undeniably him.
She jumped back and out of the portal frame, collapsing into sobs as she realized where her son had been all this time and what had happened to him.
Danny awoke face up in the darkness of the portal, the only sounds he could hear were the wiring of various machines and a woman crying. He weakly lifted his hand to feel his face, it was dry and missing some bits. He tried to stand but immediately collapsed onto his hand and knees, so he started crawling towards the exit.
When he saw his mother heaving sobs a couple yards away from him, he tried to get her attention, his attempt at saying ‘mom’ come out more as a groan or moan, curtesy of his decayed vocal cords and stiff half-rotted lips.
You always see fics where his parents find his body in the back of the portal and connect the dots to realize Phantom’s Danny, but have you ever seen a fic where there is no ghost, only the body, but that body is still Danny?
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zahmbie · 11 months
Hi! Love your writing! If it’s okay, can I request Jeff, Toby, and Jack (separate) in an argument with their s/o and their s/o asks if the creeps are gonna hurt them?
Jeff, (Eyeless) Jack, and Toby’s reactions to their s/o asking if they’d hurt them
Notes: the fight isn’t elaborated on but it is implied
(edit: just realized I read jack and assumed you meant eyeless jack, let me know if you meant LJ!)
It doesn’t matter how upset he was during the argument, no matter his emotional state he drops it immediately. His first focus is making sure you’re okay. He’s a fairly goofy and upbeat guy but he’s still a serial killer with fucked up hobbies, he knows he can be scary and the last thing he wants is for you to think he’d hurt you, he’s had nightmares about that!
He forgets whatever you guys were arguing about unless you bring it up again, his only concern after that is making sure you’re okay and you know he loves you.
If Jeff is pissed enough he’d reply with something like “I fucking might if this keeps up.” Then he looks and sees you genuinely scared and realizes he might be the asshole here. He’s not quite ready to admit that though so he’ll mumble something that might’ve been an apology and head into his room for the rest of the day. He simmers in anger for a while before he finally calms down.
Jeff finally comes out of his room to find you the next morning. He’s not great at apologies, but he actually seems genuine. If you sit down to talk things out with him he’ll discuss it with you, but otherwise his default is to apologize and then pretend the fight didn’t happen after.
He’s not quite ready to drop the argument like the other guys are, but he very quickly tones it down. He’s a little hurt you’d think that but he doesn’t blame you, he’s generally pretty chill but he knows he’s a monster. He was also, admittedly, getting a little more heated then he normally would in an argument. 
He might need a few minutes to cool off and clear his head, but when he comes back he’ll sit down beside you to sort out whatever you guys were fighting about. He’ll also stress that he’d never even think of hurting you. Even in his more feral demon-y state if you even look scared it’s enough to bring his more rational brain back to him.
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oct0bra1ns · 5 months
Do any of your yanderes get jealous? easily *cough* maybe yan!zombie🙊
Tw: manipulation, mentions of bringing harm to others , yanderes, notes:hmm good question, also new yanderes wooo reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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To put simply, their yanderes', all of them get jealous, the better question is, how do they deal with it?
Yandere Zombie! is by far the easiest to get jealous, you could look at someone else for a second and they'd be in tears. They cling to you even more, hoping to scare of anyone who comes closer to you and if they still don't stay awake then, yandere zombie will be having a yummy dinner. If a person going missing doesn't tell you to stop talking to others, they'll ramp up their emotions, shedding tears, having a fit because they can't express themself before huddling up by your side, waiting for you to comfort them.
Yandere Jock is a bit less jealous, he's well aware there's little to no competition simply because he's the best of the best. Adding to it, he always makes sure that you walk around with his jacket or something he own to keep people away but oh does he hate when you talk to anyone else or when someone comes to you to ask for something, he wastes no time in throwing his hand over your shoulder, or leaning his head on top of yours/ wrapping his arms around your waist if you're too tall, glaring at them from behind, even giving them a little 'talk' if they don't back off.
Yandere monster is least jealous, sure he's given you restrictions on where to go and always having him accompany you but he does not give a shit about anyone who tries to approach you. He trusts that you won't go against his boundaries and he's aware that his citizens are well informed on what'll happen to them if they try to get too close to you. Overall, the most chill yandere.
Yandere Doctor, ohh boy, he won't show it outside and in his defense, he doesn't get jealous easily but the moment people start flirting with you, his jealousy flares up. If he's with you then he glares at the person, giving them sharp response before taking you away. If he's not there to witness it but hears it from you or if you work at the same hospital as him and because he can't say anything to the patient, he'll give you a strained smile before dealing with it after work :)
Yandere Househusband, i'd say lies in the middle, he knows no one can take you away from him because both of you are quite legally bounded and so he doesn't mind if anyone tries to do something but, when people have the audacity to twirl their hair or try to get a drink with you, he quickly comes over, linking your arms together, leaning on your shoulder, subtly (not really) showing off his ring. He makes it a point to dress to the heavens when the two of you go out somewhere just so he can show off how well you take care of him and well, if they get too annoying, he can always be a kind neighbour and give them some delicious cookies :)
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heres-someart · 6 months
I blacked out and redrew Hermitcraft text chat
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The original text if you want it:
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bizlybebo · 6 months
it’ll be 2030 and i’ll still be opening ao3 posting dsmp fic btw. the world may forget but i won’t let it. i’ve silenced my fears of this fandom dying by simply deciding to Become the fandom if it ever gets too small. i will be dragged out of this shitty minecraft role play kicking and screaming because you Cannot stop me.
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evilminji · 5 months
Would Amity Parkers be Immune, specifically, to the Zombie Virus?
Cause think about it, they are all Ecto-contaminated. Maybe not all LIMNAL but at the very least? The closer they lived and worked to that Ecto Hot Spot? The thicker it runs in their blood.
And Ectoplasm?
Don't Play That.
Full stop.
What am I talking about? Basically, Yes. All the things. If it's a Thing, Ectoplasm would Prefer It NOT. Ectoplasm is corrosive AF. Aggressive AF. Will eat and eat and eat. And who would win?
Primordial Semi-Feral Plasma... or a virus.
Their immune systems are non-existent. Gutted and replaced by the goo in their veins. Virus goes in, thunder dome proceeds. Victory, as always, to The Goo. Which MEANS?
Zombies are just low-grade HIGHLY SHITY ghosts to them. Probably the result of someone fucking around with crude, man-made Ectoplasm in a disease research facility. These guys are knockoffs of the most OBNOXIOUS variety. But unfortunately... there are a lot of them.
Bummer :/
So like? Everyone's all "oh no! You've been bitten! Oh woe is you!" And they're just like " D:> MY SHIRT! That was my LAST CLEAN SHIRT! Those BASTARDS!" Because?
Lol. What's a bite gonna do? Give um, at WORST, a mild fever for like an hour?
You guys, however! Should get behind the barricades! Let us handle this! Shoo, shoo! It's not SAFE for you! Don't worry, we brought miss Lunch Lady. Dinner's in 5. And the Yetis are already dead, so they're fine!
Anyway~☆ *violent swing* *takes a zombies head off*
@hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @ailithnight @babbling-babull @nerdpoe
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allurilove · 25 days
Yandere x Zombie you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content!
Includes: He tries to sew his dick back on, stalking, begging, mentions of dead bodies and blood, cannibalism?, gender neutral reader, unrequited love.
*This is the second part to the first one! Check the first one when you can! And here is the third part! He is referred to as “your stalker” and this is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: You thought that by eating him he would leave you alone. However, he just comes back to life- continuing to follow and bother you.
You never saw yourself becoming a zombie “mentor” especially to your stalker, but he’s so defenseless and dumb, it’s hard not to step in.
You try to keep him in line, making sure he doesn’t make any romantic advancements towards you, but he doesn’t listen.
He screamed in agony as you munched on his body, his heart beats becoming faint, and he finally let out his last breath. You pulled back, and admired your work. There is a huge chunk of his torso missing, and there are little bites everywhere. You lick your lips, his sweet blood tasted nice, and he was one of the better meals you’ve had.
That was months ago. You moved on, and you were looking for your next victim. It seemed like the humans were getting smarter, they knew to avoid certain areas as they became zombie hotspots. You shuffle through the forest, moving your head back and forth to detect any movement.
Your eyes zero in at the man that stands by the lake, he’s so still and he’s barely moving. His face is flat, eyes are bloodshot, and he lets out a groan. Your eyes trail down lower, and you realized he didn’t wear any pants.
Your stalker jerked awake, his eyes widening and he put his hand on his chest. He felt his still heart. He pats himself down, his hand grazing his smooth hip. Shit. His cock. He slowly looked at the dick that was tossed to the side, it was limp and oddly colored. He almost missed it.
He pouted as he crawled to his dismembered body part, and he took it into his hand. He had an idea. It took him awhile to find his footing, and he kept tilting to one side. His body couldn’t really support himself after you did a number on him. He pushed himself to try to remember the area he was in, most of the buildings had turned to dust, and it was unrecognizable with all the blood and dead bodies.
He sighed as he had to shove his way through the door, a dead body right in front of the entrance and when he finally got in, the body got smushed against the wall. He gagged as the body “popped.” He stumbled his way into the store, and he looked around for a needle and thread.
The place he was in used to be a “Joanne’s” and he sometimes came here for yarn and fabric, he went to the familiar aisle, and started to look for what he needed.
He rummaged through the basket filled with left over thread, he decided on a color, and he hoped that pink would help his… misfortunate situation… prettier. He had his shirt in his mouth so he could get a good look at his hips, he shimmed off his pants, and he aligned his dick to where it would usually be.
He let out a surprised yelp when he pierced the needle into his skin, he continued to sew his cock back on, and eventually it was done. He let out a sigh of relief, letting his saliva coated shirt out of his mouth. He tossed the needle to the side, and he examined himself in the reflection of the window.
He thinks he looked good. Probably better than all the other male zombies out there. And now, all he had to do was to find you. Maybe you would date him now that you two were the same species. He walked around for months, trying to find you, taking breaks to eat, and damn was it hard to convince someone to let you eat them. He would gesture wildly, pointing at the scared human and then at his mouth- he started to make chewing noises. The human screamed and shoved him out of the way.
How rude!
He groaned as he had to pick himself back up, which always took him awhile. He sighed as his stomach rumbled and he began his hunt for another poor soul.
And then he saw you. It was like his heart could start pumping again, and his cheeks turned pink. He was almost in shock that he was able to find you like this, and he couldn’t believe his luck. You finally stared back at him, your eyes were on him and he was elated. His feet started to walk, and he sped towards to you- almost breaking into a sprint. He opened his arms to engulf you into a hug, you were about to get tackled, but you swiftly moved out of the way.
He landed onto the ground with an oomph!
He whined as he had no more energy to pick himself up. Your ears perked up as you heard his stomach growl, and… was he crying?
You bend down and you roll him onto his back. His eyes drift towards yours, so lifeless and glazed over, he pouted and he reached for you again. You slapped his hand down. You took pity on the man, and you made sure not to make any eye contact with his nude lower half. You helped him get up, forcing him to lean against a tree, and you hand him a piece of meat you’ve been saving up for emergencies.
You couldn’t help but gag at the sight of his dick flopping about. Does he have no shame?? And when you two came across a human who was near close to death, you heartlessly just walked right over, and yanked his pants off. Your stalker puts the pants on as he watched you devour the person.
The pants were quite snug, and he winced as the crotch area was very uncomfortable for him. He slowly sank down to his knees, and he cautiously opened his mouth.
You slowly look up at him, expecting him to start eating on the human, but he just waits. You let out an angry groan and you take a good meaty chunk off the man’s thigh, you spit it out onto your hand, and you gave it to your stalker. Which he gladly takes. He didn’t care that it was covered in your saliva, and he swallowed it whole.
Your stalker waddled as he followed you, his legs looking like they were about to burst through his pants. However, it did make him walk a couple of feet behind you. He couldn’t speed up and press himself right against you, his breath hot on your neck, and his hands wouldn’t be able to wander on your body. So that was a bonus.
You lied to him that zombies slept. He was a… fledgling of sorts, and he didn’t really know the “rules.”You just wished that he would leave you alone. You would lay down onto the grass, and he slides himself right next to you. He fluttered his eyelashes and he subtly tried to wrap his arms around you. You gesture that zombies did not hug, and he said that you two could start a new phenomenon.
You tied him up that night. He stood straight as an arrow, the tree and ropes holding him firm. You tossed around, trying to get your body to sleep. Sensing your restlessness, he let out a sound that he only knows how— a whine. It’s the sort of whine that dogs use to get the attention of their owner.
You ignore him of course, however, it led him to start whining even more. He tried to writhe out of the ropes, grimacing as the rope grinds onto his skin. He starts to move around like a fish out of water, and he pouts heavily. You let out a frustrated growl, your hands gripping at the grass before you rip it out of the ground, and throw it at the male zombie. He coughed, his mouth sputtering as he tried to spit it out.
It was the middle of the night when your body finally relaxed, but your ears picked up on some gnawing noises, and you slowly opened your eyes. Foamy drool and saliva dripped out of his mouth, his teeth firmly latched onto the rope as he tried to cut himself out. You roll your eyes and you rest on your elbows, watching the man cut through the final thin string that kept him apart from you. When he bursted out of his binds, he approached you again. He got onto his knees, his hands clasping together, and he pleaded.
He wanted to feel your body against his, for you to wrap your arms around his waist, and for him to be able to nuzzle his face into your neck. He wanted you to touch him- not because you had to eat him- but because you loved him. What does a man have to do for you to pay attention to him? He already tried to cut off his dick for you, but you didn’t want it. He fed you, kept you safe, and stalked you around to make sure you were doing okay. He even tried to trap you for your protection.
Your stalker was just worried about your wellbeing. He started to bow his head, his forehead resting on the ground as tears swelled up in his eyes. He started to sniffle, his hands still together in prayer that you would let him be with you. That you would let him be yours. If he could form a coherent sentence he would beg. He would use his words to sway you (that never worked) and he would say the sweetest, and the kindest and truest words known to mankind.
You are magnificent in his eyes. You are so captivating, and sultry in your own way. He has never met someone like you, and he wasn’t planning on letting you go. You are a rare find, a person that only comes every thousandth year.
So, why not him?
Why didn’t you want to be with him?
He slowly looked up, holding back his tears, and he saw that you were…. gone.
Allure: tysm for 560+ followers! This fic is pretty unedited, and I’ll fix the mistakes later!
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wlwarhammer · 3 months
Rick grimes is a romcom girlie forced into a zombie show
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