#I never put trash cans in Sim bathrooms normally because there's no need for one there even tho IRL it's probably like
rockethorse · 2 years
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When artistic visionary Ann Ghelld passed away, she bequeathed her beloved townhouse to the city as affordable housing for fellow creative types... on one stipulation; that nobody touched its eccentric and wildly impractical layout. While this final request has caused its share of architectural headaches, nonetheless, the Ann Ghelld Building survives in the heart of Sim City’s basket weaving district. Upon crossing its unusual threshold you might grab a coffee from Cafe Urele, pick up a bouquet or snacks from LlaMart Convenience, or simply catch the elevator up to any of its three apartments.
I love watching LilSimsie’s videos, even though we play different editions, and I particularly enjoy her shell challenges - where she uploads empty exterior walls and others have to make a lot out of it. I especially liked this one, referred to lovingly by LilSimsie & her followers as the “Big Mistake Shell Challenge” - because all the exterior walls are 100% diagonal.
This is just as difficult to work around in TS4 as it is in TS2, so I wanted to join in the torture! The (wonky) red lines mark the untouchable shell. I ended up really happy with the results, so I’m sharing this fully-furnished, cleaned, play-tested, CC-free apartment building in the hopes you’ll enjoy it too.
Important info, more pics & download link below!
When you move Sims into an apartment, it’s difficult to safely alter anything outside, so please make sure to check that everything is as it should be before you move Sims in.
You do not need CC or mods to play this lot. However, it was made with a few common mods in mind, and if you don’t want to use them, please tweak the lot before playing:
Rugs have been placed off-grid. Either make sure you have Rugs Off The Grid, or delete/move rugs to avoid graphical glitches as seen in these previews.
If you don’t have Water Inaccessible Flowers and Trim Inaccessible Bushes then you may need to move/delete some landscaping and/or fences.
The ground floor was designed for use with Apartments & Shopping On The Same Lot. If you don’t use this mod, nothing bad will happen, but the bottom floor will not sell anything except via the vending machines & electronics kiosk. You can replace the convenience store with a common area such as an indoor pool, computer room, etc, or even another apartment; I honestly recommend leaving the cafe as-is, because your playable Sims can still work there as a barista.
There is no CC in this lot, but there are some deco "accessory” items not normally accessible by players (e.g. a saucepan). If you delete these you may not be able to replace them. Similarly, some items were placed with Shiftable Everything. If you delete some items you may not be able to replace them in the same positions without this mod.
A corner counter in the top apartment may not corner properly when the lot is placed. This can be fixed with moveobjects. Although it clips, it is considered within the apartment, so you can put objects on it without apartment cheats.
If you don’t use Shiftable Trash Chutes, your chutes may appear glitched (see below). This is harmless and can be fixed simply by replacing the chute. Note: the chute on the second floor was originally placed with the cheat setquartertileplacement on.
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If you play with CC, then I also have some suggestions for where it might improve this lot:
The expensive computer in the cafe (I hate that hideous thing) would be much better as a laptop.
The flower plots on the rooftop would also make a great produce garden with Honeywell’s placeable garden plots.
You can replace a corkboard in the lobby with a jobs board.
The signs for Cafe Urele might look nicer with a recolour or swapped out for a cute sandwich board.
The bike racks by the basketball court look a bit bare without some deco bikes.
The bare brick wall at the back of the building is prime real estate for some graffiti.
The busker’s guitar out the front will look a little more appropriate with an invisible amp recolour and maybe a decorative case.
If you find all the lights overpowering, don’t forget to turn some off.
And of course, don’t forget to add fences, hedges, etc. that will make this lot blend in better with the surrounding lots in your hood.
The first apartment has two separate bedrooms; Currently, it’s furnished as though occupied by two unrelated roommates - one sewist and one musician - but it could also work for a parent and a child. It has this kitchenette common area as well as a small balcony.
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The second apartment is the most “luxury”. It’s a cozy open-plan studio with a double bed, a small but quality kitchen, and its own balcony. This is ideal for a D.I.N.K couple or perhaps a single Romance Sim.
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The top apartment is the smallest and cheapest, barely fitting a kitchenette and single bed, but there’s space to move out on the building’s largest balcony. Perfect for an artsy single Sim working or studying in the big city. (The little reading nook bumpout is my favourite detail.)
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All bathrooms are more or less identical, with a toilet, basin, medicine cabinet, trash can, and shower. The second floor studio has a shower/bath combo.
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I wanted the lot to have free skilling opportunities, so all residents have access to the rooftop garden and free use of the crafting station & chess set there. There’s also a bookcase in the cafe, a guitar on the street for busking, an outdoor gym, and a basketball hoop.
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Sims should be able to access everything (except the flowers/hedges - see above) without routing errors, though of course, with such an “interesting” layout, your Sims might get a bit cramped and fussy. The only issue I ran into is that there’s nowhere on the second floor for the newspaper to be delivered, so it often glitches into the apartment on the left, regardless of which apartment you live in. You can retrieve the paper in buy mode without cheats. This is not an issue on the top floor.
Thank you so much for reading! I don’t remember the last time I shared a lot for download; if you do end up playing it, I’d love to hear how it went.
Download Ann Gheld Building [CC Free]
#the sims 2#ts2#sims 2 lot#I don't know what to tag this with lol#sniffles. looks at you directly. please clap#I never considered myself a builder so sharing lots makes me way more nervous than sharing CC!#if you like it then reblogs would mean ... the Sim world ... [staring at you with huge eyes]#in all seriousness though this was so fun I love shell challenges. It being entirely diagonal was SO interesting#in TS4 and TS2 alike a lot of items NEED to be on straight walls to function#TS4 doesn't have elevators or spiral stairs though so their stairs situation was even harder haha. I do feel bad about that#but placing things like toilets and counters etc was hard because they look best against straight walls#and some other items just don't function diagonally. like some of the dressers. or they do but need a 4x bigger footprint#and I couldn't use any of my precious walk-around/through blocks!! because CC free!!#I do adore Shiftable Everything though god bless modders#I'm experimenting so much more now that 1) I don't have to fiddle with OMSPs and 2) I know I can share it wantonly#I think my favourite little outcome of the extreme space/orientation restrictions were that I actually had a reason to put trash cans#in the bathrooms. Like that was the only place they would reliably fit#because all the bathrooms were so weirdly shaped because they all needed straight walls. so they all had little pockets#meanwhile the rest of the apartment typically didn't have space for a bin where it would be accessible in normal gameplay#I never put trash cans in Sim bathrooms normally because there's no need for one there even tho IRL it's probably like#the most common place to have a trash can after the kitchen#BAM. Lil bit of realism for you. Two sim birds with one sim stone#anyway I'm rambling. I had a lot of fun with this and I'm gonna do more shell challenges and maybe share more builds#there's also a little rockethorse easter egg for you to find if you do download it#thank you again for reading!#rockethorse lots
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chellexo · 7 years
What’s the funniest commercial? Anything local that uses clip art and is just basically unintentionally hilarious
What’s something you’re dying to say to someone in this answer? The reason we aren’t friends anymore is because you are a bully. Also, I swear you could’ve majored in passive-aggression, because you’re a master at it.
Who’s that towards? One of my roommates.
Do you believe in fairy tale love? Eh. Kind of.
Is there a guy who you can go to with no make-up on in sweatpants and bedhead and he couldn’t care less? Only relatives, ha
What did you fall asleep thinking about last night? Bellarke or Nick & Jess
Do you have nightmares after watching a horror movie? Sometimes
Does pop taste different in cans than it does in bottles? I guess so
Did you know that pressing strings on the guitar really hurts at first?Ohh, yes.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with E?
Who’s someone who puts up with you no matter what? My sister and my cat 
What’s the last drink you poured for someone? Water for Brigitte
Can you taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Yes
What about normal Pepsi and Diet Pepsi? Yep
What’s the last thing you bragged about? Maybe parts of my San Fran trip, but I really try not to brag
Do you wear more than one pair of socks when it’s cold? Not unless I’m going out into the snow
What’s the last thing you bought at a dollar store? Trash bags, I think
Do you think you could be an inventor? Ehhh, probably not
If you dated someone that someone else liked, would you rub it in their face? Of course not.
What’s worse, cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen? Bathroom
What does your toothpaste smell like? Mint
What’s the first thing you do after a shower? Comb my hair and put in leave-in conditioner
Do you think it’s so cute seeing elderly couples holding hands? Yesss. Restores some of my faith.
Are you grateful for everything you have? Yes
Do you and your family pray before eating dinner? Sometimes. Usually just when we go out to eat though
Does your email have any under scores in it? No.
Do you swoon over characters in movies and TV shows? I don’t think I do anything else, honestly
What’s the last link you sent to someone? Don’t remember...
Do you ever hear your favorite bands or singers on the radio? Yep!
Where is The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants set? The answer before mine spoiled that it’s in Maryland, soo I guess that’s it, ha
Does knowing a person plays an instrument make them more attractive? Yep
Do you ever get annoyed for no reason at all? Ohhhh yes.
What do you have for midnight snacks? Crackers, chocolate, anything, really.
Can you wear T-shirts and tank-tops all year long where you live? Nope
Does going to Australia sound appealing? YES! I’d absolutely LOVE to go
What about Greece? Yes
Who’s the last person who took care of you? Parents
Who never fails to piss you off? Myself
Should Britney Spears just go away? Haha, of course not
Would you ever get a tattoo of your favorite band or singer’s name? No
Do you feel awkward with your family? Sometimes, but not usually. With some extended family, yeah.
Would you ever move to another country? For a short amount of time, maybe. I’d have to be pretty comfortable with the country first, though, and understand how everything works. Also, I’d obviously have to have a good job lined up too 
If you found out someone you know is gay, would you think less of them? No
Who’s the last person to come to your door? One of my family members
How would you react if you found out Edward Cullen is real? When was this written? Hahah. That would be beyond freaky.
Is your hair in need of a wash right now? Yep
Have you ever hurt someone by accident? Yes
How many gyms are in your city? Tons
What’s your favorite video game? The Sims
What’s your make-up routine? Moisturizer, concealer, powder foundation, mascara, liquid eyeliner on the top, add some color to eyebrows, lip balm or lipstick
Do you know what the ‘green party’ is? Kind of
What’s your iPod/MP3 player like? I have an old green iPod nano and an iPod Touch
Do or did you keep a journal and did anyone ever read it? Yes, many. A couple people have read sections of them.
Do you own any form of a Gameboy? Yes! I got a Gameboy Advance in ‘01 and still have it.
Do you own any TY tinie beanie babies and, if so, which ones? Oh my gosh, my siblings and I had an entire basket full. Can’t remember specific ones now, though.
What’s the best part about Halloween? Dressing up.
What’s the best part about Christmas? Being with family and seeing their faces light up with the magic of it all
Do you like Valentine’s Day and why or why not? Yeah. It’s cute! 
What TV channel do you most watch? The CW and Fox, for The 100 and New Girl.
Which radio station do you listen to most often? At school, 93.7 or 100.7. At home, 99.5 or 101.5.
What grade are you in? 16th
Do you have any pets and do you want any(more)? Yes! A cat and a dog. I’d maybe want another cat someday, but Gigi hates other animals, ha.
Is make-up overrated? No.
Which color looks best on you? Light blue or green
What’re you doing tomorrow? Not sure! Hopefully something productive.
Do you ever listen to Gospel music? Not really
What religion are you? Catholic
Have you ever seen a double rainbow? Yep
What’s your favorite store in the mall? Books-A-Million or Bath & Body Works
Have you ever seen a cat with blue eyes? Yes
Can you knit? Not really
Where do you live? Virginia
Where do you want to live? Somewhere in New England, or maybe southern California. But I do like VA a lot
What time is it? 1:10 p.m.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
rollercoaster tycoon loopy landscapes pc
rollercoaster tycoon loopy landscapes pc
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes.
Genre: Simulation, Construction / Building Sim Developer: Microprose Publisher: Infogrames ESRB Rating: Everyone
Go Go Go Karts
If you are good at making “go karts” then listen up. If you make the number of laps 5 to 10, you will have the excitment rating HIGH!!
Arid Hights Warning
In the scenario “Arid Hights”, your main concern is keping you park rating above 700. If you have a park rating below 700, you will recieve a warning that says if your park rating doesn’t reach above 700, your park will closed down for good. Then you’ll have to start all over again!
Making Bundles Money When You Start
When your just starting a park, make sure you build a rollercoaster to attract guests. Then build some thrill rides to contain the guests. Then, raise the park enterence fee to $15.00. Then, the money will pour in with the rollercoaster bringing in so many guests. This is the best way to start off a park.
Vertigo Views
On the scenario “Vertigo Views” you can set the hyper coasters admission price up to 9 dollars.
Making Money For Coaster Building Challenges
In any scenario where you can’t have a park enterence fee and you need to build coasters to beat the scenario,this will only work.Start off a park like you would for any park.Make alot of money to pay off the bank loan of $15,000.Then Make at least $5,000 after that and start on one of the coasters you have to build or finish building(like “Volcania” for instance).This is the easiest way to finish a coaster building scenario.
The Bottomless Pit
Now lets have some fun. You must try this!
1st Step: Create an Undergroung path about two levels down, make sure its about 8 blocks long.2nd Step: Let the peeps walk down the underground path.3rd Step: Using the Undergroung Veiw to see the peeps, delete the path away before they escape.4th Step: Delete the rest of the path right out from underneath their feet.Final Step: Enjoy!
Hire Einstein
To extend your research by leaps and bounds, find Guest #1 and rename him “E=MC2”. Then find guest #2 and rename him “E=MC3”. The two will meet and begin brainstorming. Shortly thereafter they will ask to be hired on as the park�s research developers. Say “yes” and pour your resources into the think tank. The following year, research and development will have grown by leaps and bounds. You will have all of the latest rides and nearly a billion dollars to spend!
Utopia At Mega Park
To unlock Mega Park, a scenario with a sprawling plot of land and no objectives, you must complete all other scenarios.
Retain Ride Popularity
To retain a scary ride�s popularity, simply delete a segment of track and replace it with the same thing. The guests will be fooled into thinking that the amusement has been improved and will continue flocking to it!
Receive A One Million Dollar Gift
To get lots of money for your park, close it down for one full year! Afterwards, a man dressed in a blue suit and holding a clipboard will give you a little �helpful money� ($1,000,000).
Maximizing Productivity Of Shops And Stalls
Location is the key to maximizing profits! Here are a few business tips: Don�t squeeze stores together. They will compete for customers and their prices will fall. Put shops and stalls near the rear of the park, NOT at the entrance. Once tired and hungry guests have walked all the way to the back, they will be more than willing to pay higher prices for snacks.
Stinky Staff
Here are some tips on staff:
For handymen: Automatically fire them from mowing when you hire them. They will mow all day if you don't. If you have gardens, station a handyman there, and he will water them.For mechanics: In a really big park, hire one for every ride. Have them inspect every ride every 10 minutes. Be patient with them to get to a broken down ride because if you move them when they are heading for a ride, they will stop going there.For security guards: Only hire a few unless vandalism is really bad.For entertainers: These guys can really scare people, so only get these guys for really really really long lines- only hire a few.
Save Your Park From Disaster After A Ride Blows Up
When a ride in your park blows up, the icon for that ride will automatically popo up on the screen, no matter where you are in your park. When this happens, hit the pause button in the top lefthand corner as soon as possible. Then on the bottom right of the icon for the ride that just exploded, click the button with the four red arrows. This will take you to where it exploded. KEEP THE GAME PAUSED!!! Now hit the construction button that shows you your building options. Look for a cheap ride that people like, like a 3D cinema or a spiral slide. Unpause the game and immediately build this dinky ride in the location of the ride that crashed. FOLLOWING ALL THESE CONFUSING STEPS WILL KEEP YOUR PARK RATING FROM DROPPING TOO MUCH!
Vandalism And Trash And Vomit
If you see a piece of path that has vandalism, trash or vomit on it, put a trash can there and hire a security guard. It helps!
Don’t build big pretty gardens! (a few flowers here and there is great) but not really big ones! Once I built this really cool garden, and half my park (2,000 some)got all upset because they were getting lost even when they had about ten maps!
Vandalism And Trash!
Many people will come in your park and get mad. (especially if you have alot of dead ends and big patches of path) Don’t build lots of paths! It’s a mess!
Get A Cool Desert Park Right After Opening!
On desert parks (especially Arid Heights), those poor people who come in long pants get hot. But they LOVE water rides. The first ride you should build is a Demon Drop. If you have Loopy Landscapes and are a tycoon know it all, you hopefully know what Demon Drop is. It’s a water slide, and it is NOT custom built (built by you). Build a couple demon drops at the front of your park. People will rush in, and they will love it. REMEMBER to build a really really long que line!!!!!!!!!!!
Name someone Richard Tan and he will walk around the park pickpocketing people!
Moving Grass/People
(Works best at Arid Heights) Make a LARGE square and put “NO ENTRY” Signs facing inward. People will walk in. When you have at least 75 people, use the ground tool to raise the ground up and down. WATCH THE PEOPLE FLY!!!
Boxing Time
If you have guests that are really mad, then make a little box by rasing your land and it will give that guest time to cool down and gain his/her happiness and increase your ratings!!
Quack Or Pop
Click on a duck and it will quack. If you click on a balloon that is in the air flying away it will pop. Note: This doesn’t help at all, it’s just fun!
Custom Ride Music
Additional ride music may be added as follows:
1. Convert the new music file into a .WAV file, PCM format, 22,050Hz, 8bit, Stereo.2. Move the file into the 'Data' subfolder in the RollerCoaster Tycoon installed folder, and rename it to either CUSTOM1.WAV or CUSTOM2.WAV3. Run the game as normal. The additional music file should be recognized by the game, and will appear in music selection menus as "Custom Music 1" or "Custom Music 2".NOTE: there can only be 2 custom music files if you add a 3rd it will not work.
Tips To Building A Good Park
To build a “WINNER” (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easy steps.
1. Never borrow debt from the bank unless you absolutely need it.2. Always, Always, Always when you borrow debt make sure you pay it back because after you pay it in, you earn bundles, and bundles more than you did before and even faster than you did before.3. Space your food stands away from each other, and never charge over $4.00 for them otherwise you will lose buissness.4. Everytime you build two rides then charge $5.00 more to enter the park. But if you build a roller coaster that people like then you can automaticly charge $5.00 more for the entrance fee, But if it sags low in the crowds demolish it and do not charge the $5.00.5 .Always give your attractions "Names".6. Put a bench near a ride that has a high nasea or high intensity rated rides.7. Put a bathroom after every ride you make or almost every ride you make.8. Give your attraction a theme and give it a cool name to go with the theme.9. Put benches and trash cans next to food stands and be sure to space them.10. To make some of your attractions have a better excitement rating on a ride higher make it under ground or parts of it underground. But remember not all attractions can be put under ground.11. Make you rides play music but not all the rides as it might be disturbing to your guests in the park.12. Also if you can paint your attraction do it definitely it attracts crowds.13. Try making twin roller coasters and add a racing mode to them.14. Always test your rides before you open them.15. Make sure to put lots of scenery in your park.16. Break your park into sections.17. Be careful not to get hooked up into a certain type of ride and add lots of variety to your park.18. When you are in the icon in selecting what ride you would like to build--look down to where it says other info--read that to get advice.19. Put alot of entertainers to improve your guests happiness.20. Build you way from the back of the park forwards. ADVICEThe best advice in the workd I can give you is just to have fun building in your park.
More Money Fast
Make all of your rides free. And then put your entrance fee way up high. More people will want to come to your park!
Avoid Making Intense Rides
Yes, we all know how much it sucks to make a totally awesome rollercoaster only to find out moments later that it’s to intense for your guests, so here’s 5 easy ways to avoid intensity:
1. After steep drops always make wide turns2. Loops aren't meant to be done fast, but rather slowly.3. If you can try to use banked curves as much as possible.4. Shorter roller coaster trains=less speed gained which=less intensity5. Instead of making a ride go up and down in a line a gazillion times make it go up high and down once.
Cut Grass Yourself!
Many people become frusterated because all Handyman ever do is cut grass! But hey, somebody has to do it. Guess what, that somebody can be you! First of all, click on your handyman then click on his pointers ( what he can and can not do, the picture is a hand pointed like a gun) change it so the handyman isn’t allowed to cut gras. Now cut all of the grass you want by selecteing your lower/raise ground technique, click on the area you want to cut and presto, the grass is neatly cut.
Guests That Never Leave
If you want to stop guests from leaving your park, but up a banner sign right infront of the exit from your park. Then click the No-Entry symbol. Guests will not be able to go past the sign, however, this really makes your park rating drop, and makes the guests mad, NOT RECOMMENDED AT ARID HEIGHTS!
To build a “WINNER” (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easy steps.1.Never borrow debt from the bank unless you absolutely need it.2.Always, Always, Always when you borrow debt make sure you pay it back because after you pay it in, you earn bundles, and bundles more than you did before and even faster than you did before.3.Space your food stands away from each other, and never charge over $4.00 for them otherwise you will lose buissness.4.Everytime you build two rides then charge $5.00 more to enter the park. But if you build a roller coaster that people like then you can automaticly charge $5.00 more for the entrance fee, But if it sags low in the crowds demolish it and do not charge the $5.00.5.Always give your attractions “Names”.6.Put a bench near a ride that has a high nasea or high intensity rated rides.7.Put a bathroom after every ride you make or almost every ride you make.8.give your attraction a theme and give it a cool name to go with the theme.9.Put benches and trash cans next to food stands and be sure to space them.10.To make some of your attractions have a better excitement rating on a ride higher make it under ground or parts of it underground. But remember not all attractions can be put under ground.11.Make you rides play music but not all the rides as it might be disturbing to your guests in the park.12.Also if you can paint your attraction do it definitely it attracts crowds.13.Try making twin roller coasters and add a racing mode to them.14.Always test your rides before you open them.15.Make sure to put lots of scenery in your park.16.Break your park into sections.17.Be careful not to get hooked up into a certain type of ride and add lots of variety to your park.18.When you are in the icon in selecting what ride you would like to build–look down to where it says other info–read that to get advice.19.Put alot of entertainers to improve your guests happiness.20.Build you way from the back of the park forwards. ADVICEThe best advice in the workd I can give you is just to have fun building in your park.
Invisible Trees
If your press Shift+$ at the same time it will make the trees look practicly invisible.
Slow Go-Kart Driver
Name a guy “mr bean” and he will drive slow.
Picture Guest
Enter “Chris Sawyer” as a guest name to have them walk around and take pictures of your park.
Painting Guest
Enter “Simon Foster” as a guest name to have them walk around and paint pictures in your park.
Waving Guest
Enter “Katie Brayshaw” as a guest name to have them walk around and wave to everyone they meet.
Hungry Guest
Enter “Tony Day” as a guest name.
Happy Guest
Enter “Melanie Warn” as a guest name.
Double Payment For Rides Guest
Enter “John Mace” as a guest name.
Wow! Thinking Guest
Enter “John Wardley” as a guest name.
Faster Go-Karts
Enter “Damon Hill” as a guest name. Enter “Michael Schumacher” as a guest name to race even faster.
Currently we have no unlockables for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
or trophies for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
the sims hot date expansion pack pc
the sims hot date expansion pack pc
The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack.
Also Known As: Hot Date Expansion Pack: The Sims
Genre: Simulation, Life Development Sim Developer: Maxis Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Pending Release Date: November 14, 2001
No More Robbers
For any door that leads into the house, make that door a girls bathroom door, that way men, who are the robbers, will not go in there, because they think that it’s a girls bathroom.
Easy Money
Sometimes flies will appear in your house. Enable the move_objects on code. Enter buy mode and delete them before the flies have been there more than a day to get $460. Note: This does not work with cockroaches.
Zombie Sim
Kill your Sim, and before the Grim Reaper takes him or her away, get your husband or wife to plead with him. He will say ” I’m generous today, so I will spare your Sim”, then bring him or her back to life. That Sim will now be green but will live a normal life. Note: If you do not want them to be a zombie, enable the move_objects on code and delete him or her. Then, click on their head and they will return without turning green.
Playing In Bed
Enable the move_objects on code and move the bed while your Sims are busy in bed.
Recommended Tactics
First, create a 9×9 wall square. This is the size the house should be for one person. On the center of the wall facing the road, create the door of your choice. Do not put in any floors or wall paper. In one corner, create a 2×3 room. In this room, make a door on the two-square end. Then next to the door, place the cheapest toilet. Across from the door should be a shower, and across from the toilet should be a sink and white mirror. Next, make a 4×4 room somewhere on the opposite side of the bathroom. In here, put a silver refrigerator, a white oven, a silver garbage disposal, and a single, cheap counter. On the counter put a food processor. On the opposite side of the room, make a 1×2 desk. Place a computer and two chairs here, so you can use the computer and eat at the same desk. On the square next to the door, put a phone that connects to the wall. In the largest room, place the following objects: a cheap bookshelf, a work-out machine, a chess board with one chair, a gnome making desk, a preserve making desk, and a TV with a black lounge chair. If you want more money to spend on floors and wallpaper, then get a black-and-white mini TV. Otherwise, get a black 24″ TV. The first thing to do in Live Mode is get to a job. Only take jobs that have a daily pay of $200 or more. If none of the jobs pay this high, check the newspaper. Most of the time the newspaper will have the same jobs as the computer, but they may be different sometimes. If you still cannot find a job with that pay, then go to the gnome making desk. Make gnomes until your Sim cannot work any longer. Go into buy mode and sell all the gnomes. This will make up for some of the money you have lost. If you get a job that has the right amount of pay (over $200) then you should make gnomes until your carpool arrives. When the day is over and your Sim is worn, then replenish his/her’s stats. Continue to make gnomes and preserves and always sell them. Do whatever is necessary to gain job promotions. If your job needs creativity, always paint (because you can sell your paintings). If you need friends, take every other day off to make friends downtown or at your home. When your relationship with someone goes below 75 (top bar, 20 lower bar) then repair your relationships to ensure promotions. Keep getting promotions and build onto your house until your Sim’s house’s net worth is over $95,000. When it is, buy any lot, create your dream house, and finally get married.
Easy Highest Ranking Job
Use the following trick to get the highest ranking job but not see your friends every waking minute. Build all your skill levels up (cooking, body, logic, etc.) and make at least fifteen friends. Once you have made them and got your job, delete your friends’ houses so they will no longer appear in your neighborhood. Your friends will disappear under the “Relations” category and you will get to keep your job.
Catch Burglars Faster
To catch burglars faster, buy two burglar alarms and put them facing out toward the street, mailbox, or trash can. If you want to be slightly safer, you can put more inside. When a burglar appears, the alarms will sound when he is on the street. By the time he gets to the door, the police will probably be there.
Keep Burglars Out
If you want to keep burglars out and have a female Sim go into buy mode and buy a Female Powder Room Door as your front door. The burglar will wonder where the door is and simply walk away. Female Sims can enter with no trouble. The only drawback is you have to have all female Sims as friends. The advantage is that it is better than buying a security alarm and a door, as it serves both purposes.
Visit From Santa
This cool cheat makes Santa pay your house a visit. It doesn’t always work but here it goes: You will need to make a fire place and buy a Christmas Tree (from Livn’Large) to place beside. On a small table near by you will need to place the plate of cookies. It doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try!
Get Sims Almost All The Way Up On Job Points!
NOTE: This will work on any of the 3 expansion packs or just the Sims. When you are in the “Making a Family” window, make 3 kids with all of their personality points and clothing and heads that you want (this will only work with 3 or more kids!). Then right before you would normally push “done” go back to the kids one at a time and press on the “adult” button, they will grow into what they will look like older and you can change them all you want then move them into a home and look at their job points, they will be pretty much halfway up on all of them and it will say that they have a job but I don’t think a car ever comes by to pick them up so you can get them they job they wanted.
Easy Ladder
Before you get a job make a couple of friends and try to increase some of your work attributes.This way once you get a job you’ll move up the ladder a little faster.
Quick Money
Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud;: as a code. Then hold [Enter] so that “No such cheat” begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians. Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!; and so on. Every “!” results in another 1,000 simolians.Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!;! and so on. After your last exclamation point, type a semi colon then a colon. The end of your entry should look like !;!;!;!;: Then, hold [Enter]. The “No such cheat” message will flash. Hold [Enter] to quickly get up to 9,999,999 simoleons.
Never Pay Bills
Use the following trick to pay your bills, but cost you nothing. Tell your Sim to pay the bill as soon as he or she walks into the same room as the bill. Pause and save the game, then enable the move_objects on code. Delete your Sim, then revive him while the game is still paused. Resume the game and tell your Sim to pay the bill. The bill should be reduced to 0 Simoleons.
Cheat Mode
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time. Result Code 1000 Simoleons rosebud Add new family history stat to the current family hist_add Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt every time a route is found write_destlist Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed auto_level Automatically import and load indicated FAM file import Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked house Check and fix required lot objects prepare_lot Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT flush Crash game crash Create moat or streams water_tool Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files shrink_text Create-a-character mode edit_char Display personality and interests interests Draw all animation frames disabled draw_all_frames off Draw all animation frames enabled draw_all_frames on Draw colored dots at each person's origin draw_origins Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt core_dump Dump selected person's most recent list of scored interactions to a file dump_happy Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a file dump_mc Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for social interactions debug_social End sim logging sim_log end Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats cht Floorable grid disabled draw_floorable off Floorable grid enabled draw_floorable on Force an assert for testing assert Log animations in the event log window log_animations Map editor disabled map_edit off Map editor enabled map_edit on Move any object move_objects on No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded tutorial off Prevent web browser crashes browser_failsafe Preview animations disabled preview_anims off Preview animations enabled preview_anims on Programmer stats tile_info Quit game quit Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt #import Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch rebuild_cp Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF files are writable refresh_faces Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps for all user characters refresh_textures Restore tutorial restore_tut Rotate camera rotation Routing debug balloons disabled route_balloons off Routing debug balloons enabled route_balloons on Invisible objects genable_objects off Run series of random operations on unhoused families fam_test Save currently loaded house save Save family history file history Say "plugh" plugh Say "porntipsguzzardo" porntipsguzzardo Say "xyzzy" xyzzy Selected person's path displayed draw_routes on Selected person's path hidden draw_routes off Set event logging mask log_mask Set free thinking level autonomy Set game speed sim_speed Set grass change value edit_grass : Set grass growth grow_grass Set lot size lot_size Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator sim_limit Set time of day (unpatched game version) set_hour Set z offset for thought bubbles bubble_tweak Sets the neighborhood directory to the path Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. Requires rotation lot_border Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects allow_inuse Show memory view window in debug builds of the game memview Start sim logging sim_log begin Swap the two house files and updates families swap_houses Ticks disabled sweep off Ticks enabled sweep on Tile information displayed tile_info on Tile information hidden tile_info off Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard visitor_control Toggle assets report report_assets Toggle automatic object reset feature auto_reset Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop sim_peek Toggle camera mode cam_mode Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person control menus all_menus Toggle music music Toggle object compression in save file obj_comp Toggle quaternion transformations quats Toggle sound log window sound_log Toggle sounds sound Toggle web page creation html Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins reload_people Trigger sound event soundevent Write out an RTE file every time a route is found write_routes Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt #export
Full Need Meters
If your Sim is very depressed or has another low attribute, enable the move_objects_on code and pause game play. Click on the Sim in buy/sell mode and click the bottom of the screen to delete him/her. Once deleted go to the live mode and double clock the person’s head icon to go to where that Sim is located. Everything should be close to full. Note: Wave the game immediately before performing this cheat, or you will lose any career changes or points you have earned.
Move Anything
Press (Ctrl)+(shift)+(C) In the little gray box that should pop up type Move_objects on. If you want to turn it off type in Move_objects off.
Never Miss Work
Enable the move_objects on code and put your garbage can in front of the vehicle. Enable the move_objects on code and move the car to a different location where an inanimate object is in its way.
Full Energy To Go To Mall
Before you go to the mall, make sure you go to buy mode and activate the cheatcodes’ box. Press Ctrl+Alt+C. (Don’t put in the pluses!) Then, type move_objects on. After that, use your mouse to click on the sim you want to give full energy to. Delete that sim by pressing the delete button. Go back to live mode. You will see that your sim has disappeared. Click on the sim’s face in the face gallery. Your sim will then reappear! Call the cab to take you sim to downtown. When your sim’s mood bars starts to glow red, call a cab to go back home, delete the sim again, make him or her reappear again then call the cab to take your sim back to downtown!
See Your Sims Interests
Press and hold (Ctrl)+(Shift)+(C). In the gray box that pops up type in Interests to see the stuff that they like.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for The Sims: Hot Date Expansion Pack yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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