#I used to have a newt myself! he was named Marvin after the robot in Hitchikers guide :*)
capricioussun · 1 year
I’ve got herp brain rot from treating a skink so here’s an odd asK - Do any of your lads like amphibians/reptiles?
Yeah absolutely!!! I can give a quick run down of everyone’s pref, too!
Actively doesn’t like or is scared of Them - Patch, Hawk, Cue, Pictoris, Berry
Indifferent to Them - Papyrus, Red, Haze, Eclipse, Snare, Hemlock, Raviel, Pin, Ice
Likes Them well enough - Sans, Blue, Gold, Copper, Dove, Rust, AR, Luck, Ara, Boötes, Cire, Lace, Rosewood, Clover, Perp
Loves Them!! - Stretch, Ghost, Coal, Boss
Just an overall animal person - Edge, Dusk, Antares, Elester, Void
Most of the guys in indifferent would also be friendly with them, they just don’t really have any draw to them particularly, while the only ones afraid of them would be Patch and Berry
That being said! The guys that like them would be friendly with them, wouldn’t mind keeping the household friendly types as pets, and might be interested in learning more about them from those that are more interested! Of which, Stretch, Ghost, and Coal would be the ones with most direct and specific interest!! Boss is mostly just in that category because he likes them more than most other animals, and may keep a more exotic type as a pet, but otherwise isn’t like the others as much.
Antares would also be an exception to being just an animal lover overall! The other guys in that category love animals, but rarely seek them out as any sort of specific interest, while Antares loves animals, all animals, a lot! He’d love to read books or watch specials about any of them, he’d love any chance to meet any animals, from something as simple as a cat to the most exotic creatures on earth!
So!! Antares and Stretch would likely be the most knowledgeable on those dudes, they’d know tons of different species and breeds, and may even keep some as pets, household situation allowing, while Ghost more so just likes them in general. Would enjoy keeping a pet or visiting them at a zoo or reserve, but he doesn’t really seek out information about them as much. Just likes that they exist and finds them neat! I think he’d have an especially soft spot for snakes. Antares might also have a tiny bias for, if this applies, all the strange creatures in the deep sea. That’s not so much amphibian or reptilian, but it’s adjacent agjdhsjfjdj
I think Stretch would especially love learning about their histories and like, their evolution! Amphibians especially, they’re so neat to him, well, and komodo dragons, I think they’d also be a favorite! I’d imagine he’d really enjoy having an aquarium with some newts and fish!
Oh! And Coal loves salamanders and snakes a lot!! But lizards are a close second place, he’d love to learn more about them on the surface, he really admires how adaptable they are and how unique they are to so many other animals!
Fun tangentially related fact! Edge loves when toads visit his garden, and leaves little “scrap nests” of leaves and garden trimmings around the flowers and porch for them <3
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