#I was so excited for the egghead arc & now I have no one to watch it with and no way to share it
gildedmuse · 4 months
If anyone is wondering why I haven't updated, there are a number of reasons. However, a major one is that Crunchyroll will no longer allow you to use old versions of the app. What this means is I am no longer able to take screenshots of record small scenes so I can transcribe them or basically do most of what I do here.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this blog, I am a broke ass bitch with a chronic, genetic kidney diseases I had the pleasure of being born with, which severely limits me in a number of ways. One such way is money: medical bills at expensive and even with insurance I owe something like $1,462.78 and that's just the past year. Nevermind the bills I collected from other hospitals/doctors. The result is I live a pretty simply life, including the fact that I don't own any sort of fancy recording equipment like "a pc". Every screenshot, every gif, every artistic and not so artistic edit, every video recording, every single post and fanfic and reply, that is all done from my phone. It's my one and only portal to the Internet and sole tool to do whatever is is I do.
With that in mind, while I am proud I managed to take my degree in English Literary Theory and learn how to do all of that on an older model Android I've had for a few years now, I also know that then bulk of internet denizens are just WAY more skilled/knowledge at this then I will ever be.
Keep in mind, I have no money (so advice along the lines of "just buy this $99 program, it's so easy!" or "why not just get a cheap laptop, you can get one for under $600 EASY these days" or even "you just need a monthly subscription to this OTHER streaming site, that doesn't have a film blocker" just doesn't help, especially since I don't even have my own subscription to CR so there is no just dropping that to pay for another.) I was hoping someone out there knew a method I could use to record the "latest" episodes.
I say latest but I left off at 1078. I know, I'm ages behind, but there is a good reason for it.
Please, anyone who knows how I can take screencaps (recordings would be useful but not required) PLEASE contact me and let me in on your secret.
I won't tattle, I swear. I just want to be able to watch the show and react about it on this blog since, sadly, I've recently lost all my OP watching buddies to various life circumstances.
Failing that, I need someone to agree to watch every single episode along with me as my "recorder", recording long swatches of each episode and then sending to me when we're done so I can get my screencaps and gifs and the likes. The good news? You'd have someone eternally thankful for your contributions, who would credit you in every post, and I wouldn't even use any jokes/observations/thoughts you might share while we watch without permission. And.... errrr. Did I mention the gratitude? Shit, that's really all I have.
But I have so much of it!
Guys, I hate getting all emotional, but I am having a hell of a year between the dogs, the bad diagnosis and, hey, this is currently my face:
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For comparison, when I'm not dying:
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Just any help or even attempts at advice would be welcomed. I know it's stupid, but a lot of what I personally get from reading/watching/playing things is in sharing it with others. I shouldn't have to explain that, it's part of why places like Tumblr and AO3 EXIST.
Feel free to reach out in a reblog, comment, tag me, DM, message me on discord (gildedmuse). Whatever is easiest. And thank you, so, SO much for any potential advice or help you can offer.
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chososhoeso2 · 2 years
One Piece 1066 Spoilers:
The god complex is real today. I feel more confident than Enel right now. My theory that I posted after reading 1065 was right - minus Joyboy. I was right about the connection between the tech on Egghead and the ancient civilization that Ohara was researching with the poneglyphs. I was right about there being a connection with that and the giants - but I didn't expect that Saul would be the connecting factor. I'm curious now if Saul already knew the importance of the library of Ohara before he met Nico Olvia or if it only sunk in after meeting her and Robin. Like were the giants of Elbaf aware of what was going on/being researched? (IS IT BECAUSE JOYBOY WAS A GIANT) Also, how did Saul make it out of Ohara? Did Aokiji help him after helping Robin escape? I already thought Aokiji was a double agent - still working for the Marines while with the BB pirates (most likely as part of SWORD). But is he actually a triple agent? Like was he a secret member of the freedom fighters that Dragon mentioned? If Aokiji did help Saul, then he aided the two people who were able to carry on the will of Ohara. There's no way that someone who is just a govt dog would do that. I mean Fujitora is a kind and reasonable admiral, but I don't think he would have saved those two.
Speaking of the Marines. I've been rewatching one piece and I just watched through Dressrosa again (I should still be on Thriller Bark but my friend is watching Dressrosa for the first time and I wanted to watch it with her - I'm gonna go back to watch TB don't worry). But there's an episode at the end of the arc where some loose ends are kind of getting tidied up; like the squad going to Zou, Bege heading to Zou, the alliance between Kidd, Apoo, and Hawkins, and most importantly: smoker and tashigi with the gigantification children from punk hazard. They were taking the kids to vegapunk. Now I don't remember whether we see smoker and tashigi again after this - I mean it's been like 3 months since I saw that episode the first time. But are smoker, tashigi, and the kids on Egghead right now? Will we get a meetup of the strawhats, smoker, vegapunk, and dragon all on egghead?
Speaking of which, I also recently read through Loguetown in the manga. Was Dragon visiting Loguetown to recruit Luffy? That's kind of the vibe I get from this.
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Like it seems like he wanted to recruit Luffy for the purpose of his goal towards freedom, but then realized that freedom can also be achieved on the seas as a pirate, like Roger when he became king of the pirates - hence the Roger quote about freedom.
On the same vein of freedom, does Dragon know the truth about the gomu gomu no mi? Has vegapunk told him? I would assume that vegapunk knows the truth because of all of his research. Vegapunk said he knew Luffy would be coming to Egghead, so I'm curious as to what exactly he wants with him.
And what is the ultimate goal that vegapunk and dragon were talking about during the ohara flashback? Obviously it has to do with freedom, but is it something massive like the abolishment of the WG and celestial dragons? Or is it something more subversive like getting all nations to rise up in rebellion to fight for their own freedom from the WG in order to make them obsolete? Or does it maybe have to do with revealing the truths about the void century? Or is it finding the new Joyboy? Does vegapunk already know that it's Luffy? Also, does this goal have anything to do with Luffy's true dream?
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And who are the decent people that vegapunk is talking about? Is it Aokiji like I mentioned earlier? Or is it Garp or Fujitora? Or Saul? Sengoku? Are there others that we haven't met yet? -i didn't mention koby or helmeppo bc they definitely were not around 22 yrs ago when vegapunk was telling this to Dragon-
Less important thoughts:
1. I'm so excited to finally see usopp on Elbaf. I feel like that's when he'll have his own sort of awakening and truly hone his observation haki. I really like that idea of Usopp being able to use his observation haki to show someone a false future - like tricking someone like Katakuri to see something that isn't actually going to happen when they see into the future.
2. Where tf did the rest of vegapunk's head go? Did he just like slice up his head/brain to put parts of it in each of the 6 satellites?
3. Speaking of the satellites? What's their range? Like do they work the same as Bluetooth where they disconnect when they get far enough away from the real vegapunk? How terrifying would that be to see someone "die" in front of you bc they just got out of range lmfao
4. Who else is part of the SSG? Obvi not the other members of MADS, since they're doing other things
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5. Is Vegapunk human or is he a different race? Like why is his head like that? And because his head is weird and tall like that, then could Imu's head just be shaped all tall and pointy like their silhouette? I originally thought it was just an obscenely tall crown, but maybe not?
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6. I can't wait to see Robin learn about Ohara's research, the ancient civilization, and the void century from vegapunk and Elbaf - and possibly see Saul again!!! I have a feeling this next arc is just gonna be super heavy on robin and usopp.
Anyways, there go my thoughts on 1066. I feel like this was all longer than the chapter itself, but I just had to get it all out there. It's so fun rewatching/reading everything while also reading the new chapters. There's so much to piece together but Oda has placed all of these breadcrumbs so perfectly and subtly, now it's just getting to the point of tying it all together, and I'm having so much fun with it. Can't wait to update after 1067 🤙
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fxllingout · 1 year
GEAR 5! GEAR 5! GEAR 5!!!!
damn was wano great it definitely lived up to all the hype, it was so well written with so many great characters who had a lot of time to shine, the length of the arc was intimidating at first but i’m glad oda took his time with it, i especially loved tama and yamato and i was so happy seeing more of ace, also we got to see more of zoro and luffy’s dynamic and i always enjoy that, and gear 5 oh i was so excited when it happened i love how ridiculous and comic bookie (is that a word?) it is, its such a fun power up i wanna see it animated that would be really cool!, also jinbe finally joins the crew and he’s such a dad, sanji destroying his raid suit and worrying cause he thought he was becoming like his brothers and asking zoro to kill him if that happens :((( i just wanna give him a hug, sanji is like the one character that continued to grow on me since the time skip (excluding fish man sanji i don’t know her) and is now in my top favorites, wca was what really did it for me and now i just wanna protect him. there was so much lore this arc lots of information that some i couldn’t even pay attention to cause a lot of intense fighting scenes were happening, i have to go back to the wiki or something later to read up on everything, joyboy and the big elephant, the one piece, the world government, the celestial dragons, and the void century, and most importantly what is luffy's dream i wanna know oda you can’t keep cutting off at the most important part!!, also i wish i could read oden's journal i wanna know more about roger, so many exciting things!!!! i loved wano so much.
i also wanna talk about egghead cause even tho we’re only a couple of chapters in there’s already so much happening everyone is getting into fights left and right, i was wondering when we were gonna see more of bonney i’m so excited for her character and story, vegapunk does not look like how i imagined but i’m also not surprised lol, also they’ve just gotten to the island and they’re already fighting with freaking lucci, OH GOD HOW COULD I FORGET SABO he better be alive oda i swear or i’ll cry my eyes out if saul is somehow alive sabo has to be right, okay whatever thought process i was having is now gone lmao
i made it to the latest chapter i can’t believe it, now i have to wait for new chapters like everyone else, what a journey this was thank you for coming along with me cait it was so much fun talking to you about everything!!
literally nothing makes me feel more crazy that gear 5 like before i caught up with the manga i had seen the deign and went woah thats a cool fucking design and then LEARNING WHAT HE COULD DO IN GEAR 5????!??!?!?!??? like especially, im assuming youre fully caught up now with egghead, the new chapters where he just fucking decimates lucci with his cool ass loony tune powers like ive genuinely never loved a power up in any show more than i love this one.
anyways, back to the rest of your ask lol, wano is so fucking good, like im also glad oda took his time with it cause it was 1000% worth it. and so many of the characters kicked absolute ass like, i really did love the sanji fight and the shit with the raid suit as well an demon robin is my fucking queen and the entire fight on the roof with kaido and big mom and just ahhhhhhh i fucking love wano and the build up to onigashima and also, i dont know if you watched any of the episodes for wano (i wouldnt blame you if you didnt, i tried to watch a few and the pacing hurt so much) but the animation style of the arc fucks so hard, especially with the fight sakuga. AND THE LORE the lore i fucking love the lore like i dont know if i will ever find a series that will ever top the way i feel about one piece lore.
on to egghead, im so fucking happy we finally get to meet vegapunk, like i know it was 1000x worse for those following the series for awhile and hearing about him for so long but never seeing him or meeting him but now hes here!!!!!!!! and i agree, i did not think that he would look like that but seeing him now its like yeah no thats definitely vegapunk like what else could he look like but that lol. and fucking real about sabo, if oda gave luffy a brother back only to take him away immediately imma be so pissed, let my boy have his brothers 😭
i cannot tell you how happy your asks have made me, cause like im well aware at how quickly my blog switched to one piece, like i was not expecting to get into the series at all but then all of a sudden it was the thing my brain fixated on and there was no stopping that and i knew that a lot of people would unfollow cause one piece is not what they followed me for at all but then i got you asks about the series and i was just so happy seeing at least there was one person who liked my one piece posting and being able to talk about each arc with you has been so fun so thank you for talking to me about it cause like genuinely every time i saw you sent a new one i would light up
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swampgallows · 5 years
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after SEVERAL DAYS ive finally completed my own version of this. not to be confused with husbando squares. i had to really reach for a couple of these as i was trying very hard to make this a favorite list and not a kin list but you can see the parts where i failed
descriptions under the cut, starting at the top and left to right:
JAN VALENTINE from Hellsing: i was obsessed with this dude when i was like 13. i wanted his beanie and i loved his fucked up piercings. also the first blowjob i ever saw. i covered my eyes. traumatizing!
RED DEATH from Venture Bros.: a dignified killer. the voice of clancy brown is absolutely integral to this character and my affinity for him. cant go wrong with a murderous family man. “brownies? yes, thank you!” plus he had a sick mohawk in the 80s.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS from Star Wars: coughing bastard wields four glowsticks at once. what’s not to love?
LURTZ from Lord of the Rings: ground zero for the closest thing to a sexual awakening
KUP from Transformers: that’s just ME, babey! old know-it-all curmudgeon stops at mcdonalds for one black coffee and leaves
JANE LANE from Daria: if i’d watched Daria in high school instead of college I would have modeled my entire existence after her. she treads between being an ideal older sister and being the greatest lesbian/girlfriend ever
THRALL from Warcraft: thrall practically raised me through my teen years and was there for me as a surrogate orc dad before he became an actual dad. the horde is thrall’s family and when i say i’m his child i MEAN it
MEWTWO from Pokémon: mewtwo knocked my socks off when i encountered him in cerulean cave in 1998 on pokémon red, and then once i found out about the first 10 minutes cut from the english version of the movie in 99, it was all over
REXXAR from Warcraft: that’s just my strong asexual mok’nathal husband. i used to pal around with him in desolace back when he was champion of the horde, and once he made his way back to his people at thunderlord stronghold we consummated our vows
DIN from Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: this is the only zelda game i have ever played, one i bought with my own money, with CASH, and i played the shit out of it. i love nature magic and dancing and din has both. 
CHERNABOG from Disney’s Fantasia: i warped the VHS watching this part over and over as a kid. he’s called chernabog now but he was referred to as “satan” initially, and bela lugosi modeled his movement (though they ended up using the director’s poses instead). when he unfurls his wings? that’s the real shit
TWILIGHT SPARKLE from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: i love all of the ponies in their own way and despite how much i abhor tara strong’s VA work twilight remains a top favorite. her anxiety and perfectionism show the downsides of her ardent studiousness, but dont portray her erudition in a negative light. a lot of cartoons i saw growing up always had an “egghead” nerdy character who was unpopular for doing well in school or caring about academia. while i know as an adult that it’s all essentially worthless it’s really affirming to see that pressure candidly portrayed while also not being totally dismissive of it. school was one of the only things i was ever good at, and twilight’s character shows both its heavy downsides and the ways in which it actually can be applied to the real world. 
[free space] GARROSH HELLSCREAM from Warcraft: literally me
WASHU HAKUBI from Tenchi Muyo!: one of my longtime faves! washu is a genius scientist, but with tenchi muyo being a mythological sci-fi series, that points her closer to witch/mad scientist/alchemist. i also liked the gimmick of her being thousands of years old but insisting on portraying herself as a short snarky teenager. plus i love her crab motif and her little wooden cheerleader puppets
JOHN SILVER from Treasure Planet: bear cyborg dad. super huggable, great voice, and has a lil irish jig follow him around in the soundtrack. neck rolls + tooth gap = hell fuckkin yeah babey
PEPPER ANN from Disney’s Pepper Ann: this show made me excited to attend middle school LMFAO because i related to pepper ann so much as a kid. much like twilight sparkle, PA is super neurotic but has an explosive, if not borderline delusional, imagination. she dressed and behaved like an actual kid, and plus she looked like me too. even in the 90s it was rare to see a kid with glasses that wasn’t shafted to the poindexter stereotype, especially a girl (e.g. Gretchen from the fellow Disney show Recess). i liked that she wasn’t feminine but also wasn’t a hard tomboy; she gave me space to feel like i was allowed to exist outside of that kind of gender binary (and especially her younger sister Moose blows all gender expectations out of the water). 
ASUKA LANGLEY SORYU from Neon Genesis Evangelion: foundation of my childhood identity along with all the trauma and posturing therein. think garrosh if he were a 12 year old girl who piloted a mech
DEVIL ZUKIN from Dance Dance Revolution: amazing outfit, rocked the konamix. i like evil zukin too but devil zukin is the fave. sleeveless crop top hell yeah
UNDYNE from Undertale: my bi awakening at 25. strong fish lady love spagety
HELLBOY from Hellboy: mike mignola’s art style has influenced a lot of my own. he’s a demon who chooses to be the good guy and that’s everything to me. he loves kitty cats and pancakes and punches nazis, and hellboy ii: the golden army is one of the best movies of all time.
BLACKARACHNIA from Beast Wars (Transformers): LOVE this bitch. she got to hang out with tarantulas and also expressed that moral grayness i totally love, chillin with rattrap and makin jokes. spider motif is v good also
LEAH from Stardew Valley: life goals. wife goals.
NAILS from Cool World: this movie fucking blows LMFAO it’s absolutely awful but it has the most banger rave soundtrack next to hackers and ralph bakshi’s animation as always is a spectacle. Nails is a hapless anxious cop-spider who can barely load his own gun and looks like a predecessor to a Cuphead reject. plus he’s voiced by charlie adler so he’s got huge personality. funny spider guy
HAWK MOTH from Miraculous: i know what i am. im a bitch who loves bug motifs and villains who are outwitted by literal children, who are utterly convinced they are doing the right and just thing, who stare a redemption arc in the face and go “...nah”
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