#I will continue updating this and the not-crossover OTP bingo list in the future for fun when im bored lol
bigkickguy · 1 year
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Please feel free to judge me - I was working with the made up rule a character can only show up on the board once! Otherwise this board would be 30% Dante 30% Yusei and 30% Lee
out of this board I have put a lot of rotating time into some of these, and basically almost none for others? They all add up in my mind! I am just matching themes or min maxing with what I want for my favs in most of these In descending order of how much I think of them + some notes below:
Yusei x Kaito (5ds x Zexal) - i have thought about them for years, they were just my favs from each series! I have rewritten like 4 crossover stories for them in my mind and have been since i first watched zexal. I just think they should build robots in a garage together, the ultimate romance. They both try to do everything themselves so now they can battle it out over who gets to put more of the world on their shoulders (they still would not share lol)
Dante x Oersted (Devil May Cry x LiveALive) - this one is more recent but i like the idea of this a lot with post game Oersted! Dante is a character very connected to love as a theme, him meeting Oersted who is just sad and needs to know love can be good in his life? Yes. This is just thematic min-maxing and a lot of 'I can fix him'. I also think it would be hilarious if Oersted gets summoned or something and is just like tired and refuses to do evil shit again cause he's growing. Dante got called to get him out of there and is just like, 'uhh you ok dude?' and he becomes Oersted's wacky wahoo dream man.
Kaiji x Akagi (Kaiji x Akagi) - this is somehow in #3, but i also had like a solid year they were all I thought about. It's a grey area of crossover validity because they were in a side gag manga of all of fkmt works crossing over? I think it still counts! A lot of people are into this I don't need to go into detail.
Mob x Gai (mp100 x Buraiden Gai) - buraiden gai is short and fkmt writes people being dehumanized by big rich organizations really well. It was a take on how shit the private juvenile detention centers are and Gai gets falsely accused and then busts out of the Worst one. (Describing that cause I assume more people have watched mob than they've read that!) This is a min-maxing of love and positive vibes because I need good things to happen for Gai. He's also got a very unique thought process and I think him and Mob hanging out would be hilarious. Gai would just be like 'i can punch faster than light' and mob would be like 'oh wow that's cool! I'm psychic!' and levitate something and Gai would lose his shit on the spot.
Luna x Angela (Virtue's Last Reward x Library of Ruina) - I am very emo over both of them and they both deserve good things and to be respected as people and not treated like they're tools or disposable. I think Angela can be angry for Luna and Luna can be soft for Angela. This is mainly a thematic min-max though. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM AND I NEED BOTH OF THEM TO GET TRATED BETTER BY THE WORLDS THEY ARE IN!!! Ultimate for this chart, both 'I can fix her' and 'I can make her worse' at the same time!
Ike x Kalas (Fire Emblem x Baten Kaitos) - I thought about it once cause I just think about crossovers for fun to pass the time when I can't sleep sometimes now it hurts. I feel like this is just a side grade of Ike x Soren, they feel emotionally similar to me. Specifics are pretty different but that's the fun rotating part :)
Akane x Aiba (Zero Escape x Ai the Somnium Files) I'm not going to lie I needed to fill out this board originally, but now I've been cursed with the idea of them hanging out. I want them to be the protagonists of a crossover game so badly!! They could be the ultimate crazy energy team up!
...I am getting tired of typing these out and I have thought about them probably only once or twice past making this chart after this point. I assume no one will read this anyway :)
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