#before anyone freaks out about mob and gai
bigkickguy · 1 year
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Please feel free to judge me - I was working with the made up rule a character can only show up on the board once! Otherwise this board would be 30% Dante 30% Yusei and 30% Lee
out of this board I have put a lot of rotating time into some of these, and basically almost none for others? They all add up in my mind! I am just matching themes or min maxing with what I want for my favs in most of these In descending order of how much I think of them + some notes below:
Yusei x Kaito (5ds x Zexal) - i have thought about them for years, they were just my favs from each series! I have rewritten like 4 crossover stories for them in my mind and have been since i first watched zexal. I just think they should build robots in a garage together, the ultimate romance. They both try to do everything themselves so now they can battle it out over who gets to put more of the world on their shoulders (they still would not share lol)
Dante x Oersted (Devil May Cry x LiveALive) - this one is more recent but i like the idea of this a lot with post game Oersted! Dante is a character very connected to love as a theme, him meeting Oersted who is just sad and needs to know love can be good in his life? Yes. This is just thematic min-maxing and a lot of 'I can fix him'. I also think it would be hilarious if Oersted gets summoned or something and is just like tired and refuses to do evil shit again cause he's growing. Dante got called to get him out of there and is just like, 'uhh you ok dude?' and he becomes Oersted's wacky wahoo dream man.
Kaiji x Akagi (Kaiji x Akagi) - this is somehow in #3, but i also had like a solid year they were all I thought about. It's a grey area of crossover validity because they were in a side gag manga of all of fkmt works crossing over? I think it still counts! A lot of people are into this I don't need to go into detail.
Mob x Gai (mp100 x Buraiden Gai) - buraiden gai is short and fkmt writes people being dehumanized by big rich organizations really well. It was a take on how shit the private juvenile detention centers are and Gai gets falsely accused and then busts out of the Worst one. (Describing that cause I assume more people have watched mob than they've read that!) This is a min-maxing of love and positive vibes because I need good things to happen for Gai. He's also got a very unique thought process and I think him and Mob hanging out would be hilarious. Gai would just be like 'i can punch faster than light' and mob would be like 'oh wow that's cool! I'm psychic!' and levitate something and Gai would lose his shit on the spot.
Luna x Angela (Virtue's Last Reward x Library of Ruina) - I am very emo over both of them and they both deserve good things and to be respected as people and not treated like they're tools or disposable. I think Angela can be angry for Luna and Luna can be soft for Angela. This is mainly a thematic min-max though. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM AND I NEED BOTH OF THEM TO GET TRATED BETTER BY THE WORLDS THEY ARE IN!!! Ultimate for this chart, both 'I can fix her' and 'I can make her worse' at the same time!
Ike x Kalas (Fire Emblem x Baten Kaitos) - I thought about it once cause I just think about crossovers for fun to pass the time when I can't sleep sometimes now it hurts. I feel like this is just a side grade of Ike x Soren, they feel emotionally similar to me. Specifics are pretty different but that's the fun rotating part :)
Akane x Aiba (Zero Escape x Ai the Somnium Files) I'm not going to lie I needed to fill out this board originally, but now I've been cursed with the idea of them hanging out. I want them to be the protagonists of a crossover game so badly!! They could be the ultimate crazy energy team up!
...I am getting tired of typing these out and I have thought about them probably only once or twice past making this chart after this point. I assume no one will read this anyway :)
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nicole-alt-delete · 1 year
Part 3 of Black Bandana! Part One | Part Two | Read on Ao3
Steve hesitates, looking confused for a moment before he enters the trailer and shuts the door behind him. He knew Eddie was freaking out a little about this, but he didn't expect him to be so... distant.
He chews on his lip a little, trying to decide where to start, wishing that Eddie would just come and sit on the couch with him instead of leaning against the wall so defensively. It breaks Steve's heart, but he sits down alone anyway.
"There's no mob, Eds," laughing softly, nerves dancing around the edges of it. "I'm not mad or- weirded out, or whatever it is you're worried about. I- I didn't mean to force you into outing yourself, so I'm sorry, but It's fine that you're gay, y'know?"
He wants to say more, and he almost does, but he looks up at the other boy instead, curious about whether or not it's actually helping any.
To his minor relief, he thinks it is.
Eddie is still leaning against the wall, but he's a little more slumped into it, not so tense now. The hands that were so fiercely gripping his sleeves are now crossed more normally, fingers tapping anxiously. The jittery movement was better, because it meant Eddie was thinking, taking him seriously.
Steve watches as those big brown doe eyes of his dart up to meet him in the eyes, scanning him for traces of a lie, internally debating whether or not Steve means it. Whatever he sees must be enough though, because he sighs and pushes himself off the wall, coming closer to lean on the arm of the couch instead.
"Okay, so- hypothetically," Eddie starts, pointedly avoiding eye contact now that he's closer. "If what I said wasn't a total fucking joke- you'd be okay with that? Really?"
Steve smiles softly but looks up at him seriously. He nods, "Of course, Eds."
Eddie Squints.
The question catches Steve off guard. He blinks, and makes that confused little face he makes when something should be obvious.
"What do you mean, 'why?', because you're one of my best friends-" He shakes his head laughing, but his heart skips a beat as he takes a breath, "And, well, you're not the-"
Eddie cuts him off before he can get anywhere close to his confession, a frantic,  "That's not an answer Steve!" and a finger in his face shutting him up quickly so Eddie can  be dramatic for another moment.
"Plenty of best friends don't put up with that shit, I would know- one minute it's 'let's hang out', and the next it's 'I don't want you spending the night anymore'- not to mention everyone knows Robin is your best friend,"
Steve can't help but roll his eyes at the irony that Eddie misses from that statement, but he doesn't stop him, simply watching as he waves his hands around and whines about all the reasons Steve might change his mind about hanging out with him.
Steve just leans back into the couch and lets him talk, until eventually he can't help but crack a smile and laugh at something he says.
Eddie stops and frowns at him, hands paused in mid-air, "What? What about that is funny Harrington?"
Steve laughs softly again and shakes his head, pushing his hair back, "Nothing- just- Eds, we were literally cuddling last week at movie night, I think I missed my chance to be scared of gay shit by now. And- you think you're the only gay in Hawkins? I mean, reasonable, but... not true,"
He shrugs a bit as he says it, like it should be obvious, but Eddie stares at him like he just explained the Upside Down all over again.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Steve hums for a second, "I mean... I mean what I said. You're not the only gay guy in town. Or- like, not-straight guy? Not-straight anyone- You- you know what I mean, right?"
He's a little flustered about it now, but the red on his cheeks is only confusing Eddie more. He slides down off the arm and sinks into the couch cushion, leaning towards Steve  as if proximity will suddenly help him understand.
"Steven Harrington, are you telling me you know other gays?"
Steve laughs again, nodding.
"Yes- yeah, man- that's what I'm saying. I mean, I guess technically it's only one- or two? depending on how it counts..."
Eddie leans in more which extremely does not help Steve process his thoughts any better. He's squinting at him the way he glares at the kids during DnD, when he's trying to use his dungeon master charisma to trick them into screwing up.
He swallows.
A small glance down at Eddie's lips.
"What're you saying here?"
Steve squirms for a second, but he just ends up laughing again.
"...That I... wasn't really wrong for wearing your bandana like that earlier?"
Eddie stares at him blankly for a second before his eyes go wide and his face goes bright red. Steve expects him to clarify, or pounce on him, but Eddie ends up laughing and looking mortified, pulling back and slapping a hand to his face.
"NO- nope, no, god, fuck Stevie- don't say that, oh my god,"
Steve frowns. Eddie's still laughing about it, but Steve feels like he missed a joke, and it honestly kind of hurts.
"What? Eds- that's not funny, I just- I'm serious!"
Eddie laughs again but whines apologetically this time, "No- no, I know you are but- god, you really don't mean that-"
"Yes I do! I like Men!"
He looks a bit surprised to hear Steve say it so plainly, but goddamn if he doesn't look pleased about it after everything. It only makes Steve even more lost as to what Eddie's laughing about.
"I'm sure- I mean- I believe you sweetheart- about that at least, you'd have to be an idiot to lie about- but I mean- the bandana Stevie,  it uh. It doesn't...*just* mean that you're... gay,"
Eddie's still giggling, biting his lip now, his usual goofy self back where it belongs. Steve meanwhile, is beyond confused and wondering how his confession has gone so, so wrong so many times in one day.
"It...doesn't? But you said-"
"I know- yeah, well- you wanted an answer and we were in the middle of Family Video for Christ's sake, I couldn't blurt the whole definition, exactly,"
Steve quirks an eyebrow at him and leans in, filling the space left from when Eddie pulled away. He steals another quick glance at the metal head's lips, entirely too aware of how red they are from having been chewed on all day.
When he looks back up into his eyes it's obvious Eddie's embarrassed to say it, and Steve takes note of the way he's dying to hide behind his hair if not for how close their faces are already.
"So, then? What's it mean, Eds?"
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Ayy, finally here with a part 3. Next part will probably get spicy so minors im sorry but you have to leave 🔪
Fun news is that I'm now also posting this on ao3 for all ur bookmarking needs, so please check that out.
Thank you everyone for your support, I'll try to tag as many as I can in the replies but no promises 💜
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Rebel Robin podcast (ep 3 &4 analysis)
For those who haven’t read them yet. Here’s the analysis for podcast ep 1&2. Analysis of Rebel Robin book-here. And eastereggs from rebel robin novel- here.
So the main things I noticed in ep 3 was how Robin spying was shown as a huge NEGATIVE-and Mr Hauser got upset over her doing so. Robin listens to mr. Hauser’s phone call (like Karen with Mike in s3/ us gov spying on calls in s1) & on a different occasion Robin also eavesdrops on a private convo he is having with someone else in his classroom ( like El spying on Mike talking to Lucas in s3). And when he finds out about this he tells her how wrong it was to spy on other people like that. In the past, I also talked about how the theme of spying is shown for many other st characters ( in the show) and how it  isn’t romanticized like people think it is- here .
Anyways , Ep 3 ends with a call from a h*mophobic teen( Dash) telling Robin to “stay away” from Mr. Hauser cause he’s “dangerous”. Why he thinks he’s dangerous is solely for the fact he’s gay.I think this theme may come into play in s4 Hawkins (in relation to the satanic panic). In ep 4 Robin jokes to (gay) Mr. Hauser  : “ So what are you into... satanism?” (Sadly most queer people have been told over and over we’re going to hell for being gay/lgbt+. it’s sadly an almost universal experience.) For those unaware- the ‘satanic panic’ was a right wing christian movement in the 80′s that WRONGLY associated certain things with supposed satanism.  Just some of the many things they demonized : rock music , stephen king , wearing black,  horror/fantasy media, and of course queer people and d&d (hellfire club - the name is a a xmen ref but in the show it’s probably an inside joke about the satanic panic and people being scared of d&d). We see foreshadowing of the satanic panic hinted in s3 (in relation to d&d)- on tv the narrator asks if “satanism” (pans to d&d set) is to blame for the odd occurrances in Hawkins. And given how the s4 el-trailer had the clock say 3:00am for the “witching hour” also called “the devil’s hour” since it’s supposed to be a subversion of jesus dy*ing at 3:00 pm. And the possibility s4 may take place around Easter.  I think we’ll see that religious (Christian) extre*sm  causes many people in Hawkins to interpret the supernatural as ‘satanic’. And no , I’m obviously not talking poorly about all religious/christian people).
After this Mr. Hauser jokes how Hawkins is like “lord of the flies” and how he “worries” what would happen if teens were left to their own devices-like in the book. The themes in the book mostly focus on the dangers of ‘mob mentality’ and how human beings can become v*olent and turn on each other- if the safety of civilization disappears...
This I believe is foreshadowing - i mentioned in a post a while back (here). How movies on the s4 list had the theme of :  a supernatural event indirectly causing towns people to act irrationally and turn on eachother v*olently. Despite literal monsters attacking them from outside (they chose to turn on eachother instead). In the end some townspeople become the real monsters via mob mentality/v*oence/false witch hunts (the mist, the birds, etc). In ‘the birds’ (while people are hidding in a store)- they wrongly  blame certain characters for the supernatural chaos. Similarly, in ‘the mist’ (crowd of townspeople are trapped in a store) and some  start interpreting the monsters as being sent as punishment by god- some town’s people start quoting the bible and saying the only way to stop the punishment is to start “sacrificing the s*nners and nonbelievers”. BIG YIKES.ST references mapple street (where the wheelers and sinclairs live). It’s based on the twilight zone ep of the same name “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” .The ‘monsters’ of that episode -were the townspeople turning on eachother because they incorrectly think their own neighbors are part of an invading supernatural army. The enemy was actually the paranoia/mob mentality-not the supernatural force they feared.  And yes i do think this concept is linked with 80s satanic panic and will cause some town division/obstacles for our heroes to deal with . **I also think the s4 bts of the Hawkins blood clinic-may be used to show h*mophobia (linked to satanic panic) in the town. Like in one s4 movie “paradise lost”the punk rock boys who were into black clothes, rock music , horror/stephen king books- were accused by the town’s people of being gay AND have demonic powers that are k*lling fellow town’s people.
Mr Hauser says he thinks steve Harrington is Ralph from lord of the flies. And Robin disagrees saying he’s Jack. Personally- since this was when Robin didn’t know/hated Steve. I think Mr hauser is right that Steve is Ralph (one of the oldest boys) who’s “commitment to civilization and morality is strong”. But Jack  (perhaps the popular s4 kid Jake?) and his savage crew take control of the group and start trying to attack Ralph and his friends (steve’s crew- over satanic panic?). How this begins is -
 Jack, torments Ralph and others. And some kids begin to develop savage personalities, after someone claims to have seen a Beast (demongorgan?) in the woods. This creates fear among the boys, which allows Jack to access more power.Ralph gets into an argument with Jack, who splits from the tribe. Many of the other boys follow Jack, who uses fear to manipulate the boys into leaving Ralph. And Jack’s crew begin attacking Ralph and his friends.
Ok, next topic of ep 4- the sentimental part of my brain got emotional when hearing how upset Robin was. And than Mr Hauser-telling her she’s wrong and she’s not “broken” or “rotten” and “nothing about her needs to be fixed’” (got me right in the feels) . As a queer person- I feel like every lgbt+ kid/teen needs to hear what Mr. Hauser said to Robin. 
However,  the analytical part of my brain -did notice some easterggs/ series parallels.
The convo starts with them talking about music Mr hauser likes (such as Bowie). And transitions to Mr Haauser asking about things she likes, whether she’s being bullied, and he later tells her “ DON’T let other people’s small mindedness make you fell bad about yourself. you don’t need to change yourself-no matter what anyone else says” . And Mr Hauser than says him calling her the “weirdest girl in Hawkins” was a compliment (not an insult-like she initially assumed). 
This is remarkably similar to certain scenes in s1/2. In s1, Jonathan mentions musicians he likes such as Bowie, asks Will about what he likes,  and tells Will “don't like things cause people tell you you’re supposed to-especially not him (their dad who called him h*mophobic names)” . In s2, Jonathan tries to cheer Will up after asking if he's being being bullied. And calls Will  “a freak” (and says it’s a good thing) and he should be content with being a “freak “ and compares Will to Bowie ( who was openly queer since the 70s) . 
In ep 4, Robin also mentions how sad she is that her parents won’t let her ride her bike anymore cause their paranoid about her safety  (like what happened to Will in s2).
Robin (before Mr. Hauser comforts her) says she feels like she has a “rot” inside her  . This is a s2 eastergg that could be linked to either Will or El. Will says his now-memories are “growing”, spreading”, and killing.” Later Kali says the emotional pain caused by her father  caused a “wound” to “spread”. Later allusion-Brenner tells El she has a “terrible wound “ (“a rot”) that Will “grow, spread, and kill.”
The reason Robin rants about feeling like she has a “rot” inside her is because she’s being bullied, and  lost all her Hawkins friends and says  “maybe I’m broken maybe there is just something about me that drives people away? I’m the only common denominator-there’s something wrong with me! There’s something inside of me that’s just rotten and there’s nothing i can do to fix it”. Which 1)-poor Robin. 2) I feel like could easily be How Will feels in s4(who will be the same age as Robin is here in the podcast)- his dad abandoned him, all his hawkins friends are gone , the st s4 movies have h*mophobic bullying in them (and he was bullied in the past). In a interview Noah said Will in s4 “doesn’t really get along with people-it’s just him and Mike.”  I think it fits more so with Will than El . But they may feel similar:  it’s implied in s4 audition tapes she’ll be bullied too,  she moved away from her friends,  and her father (Hopper) fake “passed away.” It could easily be how both Will and El feel in s4- that there is  something “broken”/ “rotten” about them . In fact, in the rebel Robin novel there is even a character named Sheena. Sheena reminds me a bit of a mix between Will and el . She is very quiet, queercoded, and is often bullied. And she finds mean notes and other things stuffed  in her locker- placed there by bullies. A bit like how Will found the zombie-boy note in his locker. A teacher doesn’t stop her bullying just blames her and says “ This wouldn’t happen if you made it just a smidgen easier for PEOPLE to understand you.”(sort of reminding me of that Noah quote about s4 Will not getting along with most people/Jonathan saying not to change himself cause “people” say to). But sheena can be another name for Jane (there was also a 80s show character named Sheena who was psychic) so ...maybe foreshadowing of el/jane being bullied in highschool? Along with Will?
*It’s not a eastergg/parallel...just speculation. Unlike the rebel robin book... in the podcast (in multiple episodes) almost every time she opens up to Mr Hauser about her problems she says it’s ok for him to do the same and she’ll be supportive and listen. However, Mr Hauser (so far) always rejects her offer-much to her hurt/frustration. In ep 4, she asks if he has someone his “own age” he can talk to about his problems-which he says he does. Now... since in ep 4 Mr hauser is paralleled to Jonathan maybe Jonathan will have someone his own age to talk to about his problems (maybe his new friend Argyle?) We see similar to Mr Hauser giving advice/pep talks to (gay) Robin. Jonathan is always giving advice/peptalks to our (gay-coded) Will. But so far- Jonathan has no one he really emotionally leaned on in the same way (Will does with Jonathan). I also wonder if Will in s4 starts gets tired of how he always confides in Jonathan (but Jonathan never does the same with Will  in return)? Like Robin with Mr. Hauser?
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nightcoremoon · 3 years
so for the first time I saw batman: the killing joke.
it was okay I guess. but massively overrated. I expected some fucking masterpiece of cinema but instead it was just two unrelated short films that were more style and flash than substance.
so first off, barbara's storyline was mediocre. franz wasn't a compelling villain; just a creep, and a trust fund brat. oh wow he's a mafia kid who stole his family's fortune by hacking. if it was the falcone family I'd have cared more but it wasn't so it's just some faceless deathfodder rando. who gives a shit. the whole situation was just a vehicle to shove batman's dick into babs. which kinda fucks over bruce's character here and judging by the timeline kinda makes him a bit of a groomer, yikes. bruce and gordon have known each other since bruce was a young boy and we know that bruce is way older than babs so yeah bruce totally knew her from birth until present day, he literally utilized an active power dynamic to police her crimefighting activities, and he should have fucking known better and stopped her when she kissed him because it would (and did) compromise their professional dynamic, but hey, batdick. and at least barbara recognized that she was behaving emotionally rather than logically when it came to bruce and paris and took the high road out. that would be a serviceable standalone episode to write her on a bus in a serialization but THIS IS A MOVIE. so for a waste of an already short runtime it's like having an appetizer before your meal but instead of something like a crab cake before stuffed flounder, you get greasy onion petals that are more fried batter than onion before getting a well done cheeseburger that's just a glorified hockey puck on a sponge with a kraft single on top. the animation and vocal delivery were excellent of course, not gonna disparage that aspect, so it was well made, but the writing was just not very good. a polished turd. quantic dream must have developed it then because it feels like I watched a david cage production.
so in a 78 minute movie, five of which were the credits, we had a half hour Disney/Pixar short except those bring joy and this brought boring. also there were a lot of shots of her ass tits and underwear that were obnoxiously male-gazey and there was a token gay for the sole purpose of dangling a carrot on a stick for the queers. look kids, warner brothers and dc comics cares about the lgbts! give us money! a waste of time before the real reason why anyone came to see the movie that literally only exists to pad out the runtime to make it a feature length (even though paying a full ticket would've been a total ripoff because, again, IT WAS ONLY 78. even 9 was 81 minutes long and that had an amazing storyline so I forgave it, but 78 minutes? ugh.
alright now for the joker segment.
what the fuck? that sucked! *throws tomato*
mark hamill and the joker's lines and the art and the cinematography and the choreography was all good and the plot was cohesive. I get it.
but holy shit was the writing weak as fuck.
okay so some rando breaks the J-ster out of Arkham (already unlikely but ugh whatever), he didn't turn a trick or recruit or anything, he just went to purchase a carnival. or, steal one. but wait, he DID recruit, but he went to get all of the stereotypical Circus Freak™ stereotypes. little people, fat lady, bearded lady, wolf man, strongman, diaper man (wait, what?), and the two headed woman. I guess if you don't really think about why all of them were super readily available in the outskirts between arkham and gotham [i just realized they both end with -am] then it makes enough sense. and then literally right after that HE RECRUITS SOME GUYS TO HELP HIM KIDNAP GORDON. and then strips and photographs barbara. um. ew. you can tell the writer and director were men. Alan Moore is constantly molesting women in his comics and this one trick pony should be put down already. but whatever. the plot is weak and it only gets saved by the flashback sequences.
oh no.
they're not that great.
he's a failed unfunny comedian who just wants some money to move his wife to a better house so he turns to thievery with the mob. OR YOU COULD JUST STOP GOING TO THE BAR AND BLOWING IT ALL ON BOOZE. I mean the cops knew where to find him after all so clearly he's a repeat customer (or moore is a bad plot writer who relies on convenience and shut the fuck up and don't critically analyze it). alright so he gets wrapped up in the mob to perform a heist on a playing card factory. GET IT, BECAUSE HE'S THE JOKER??? and he uses the moniker of the red hood to retain his anonymity. I expected the mobsters to be working for francisco but no the paris storyline was only cooked up screenplay for passing the runtime so why would they do something clever and interesting and make the film cohesive? that'd be really stupid to make the movie feel more like one movie and not two short films. at least when grindhouse & planet terror did it they advertised themselves as an anthology film. whatever. he falls in the vat of acid which melts the red hood to his face and I gotta say that's actually a pretty good idea to get his face white and his hair green and his lips red. I like that part. oh wait I forgot about the most important part! his wife gets shoved in the refrigerator. OH WOW THAT'S JUST SO COMPELLING AND ORIGINAL, TOTALLY NOT SOMETHING THAT ALREADY HAPPENED TO GREEN LANTERN. TWICE. although she wasn't literally shoved into a literal refrigerator like alex was. rip in frozen pieces you absolute legend of a trope namer. alright, so... so the joker is sad because his wife died. you know, the wife we saw for two minutes and knew the moment we saw her drenched in sepia she was gonna die. and she died offscreen. kyle's gf died and he was fine. gordon's wife died and he was fine. batman's parents both died and he was fine. oh boo hoo someone I love died! fuck off. I am so goddamn sick of people trying to justify their evil with "I was sad once". it's a stupid trope and it's not compelling. the only valid version is doctor doofenshmirtz' evil(er) version in the PF movie because it's hilarious that it's because of a toy train because that's the emotional depth that fridgewomen is treated with in all of these storylines. but at least batman said so. oh yeah, I almost totally forgot, batman's in this movie.
batman punches people and nonlethally takes them out. by suffocating them and letting them get stabbed and throwing them into pits of spikes and HEY WAIT A GODDAMN SECOND! okay let's just ignore that bit and hope that the little people squeezed between the gaps in the spikes and the strongman could breathe in the face mask and the two headed women had KO gas and the fat lady was fat enough that the knives only stabbed her cellulite. it wouldn't be the biggest reach one would have to make in watching this fucking disaster of a plot mess.
now I did like that it was actually batman, and by that I mean he gave a shit about the insane because he recognizes that mental illness is not a cause of dangerous or criminal behavior, just a potential exacerbating factor if it wasn't treated. yeah he brutalized mobsters and crime lords but they were mostly in self defense while gathering intel. he politely asked sal maroni and the sex workers for information and they gave it to him without violence- he manhandled maroni but only after he reached into his pocket for a cigar which could've been a gun. also batman says sex work should be decriminalized if only by not ratting them out to the cops. he was a genuinely good person in the second half of the movie. too bad it was ruined by the shitty first half that made him a borderline groomer.
joker's song was... bad. mark hamill performed his ass off but the song wasn't that good. it just tried to be willy wonka if he was a voyeuristic monster. oh yeah have the only girl character be paralyzed stripped and photographed only to give her father ManPain™. again... the fuck? joker and batman were both gross but, again. male writers. if it was a one-off I could drop a thermian argument because, alright one and done makes sense, especially 1988 standards. but it saturated and soured the entire goddamn movie because of abhorrent pacing decisions. so you're goddamn right I'm gonna bring it up twice! joker was a creep, his plan was dumb, nolan and burton and lord/miller and even ayer had better motivations. YES I AM SAYING THAT JARED LETO'S JOKER HAD BETTER WRITING THAN MARK HAMILL'S JOKER. not nearly to the level of ledger nicholson or galifanakis but hamill didn't have a lot to work with here and I maintain that his performance was amazing; honestly I like his the best out of all of them but just... not here. but I think I can cut some slack to firelord ozai and luke skywalker even if he just phoned it in here which he didn't. writing was just weak. and that's all there is to it. don't anon me and threaten to remove my bones ok?
alright so batman and joker fought and joker got the upper hand and was gonna kill him but it was a prop gun. haha. they had a heart to heart and batman tells joker that he wants to help him get better, even after joker killed robin and molested barbara and traumatized gordon and did countless other travesties, he still said he would help. but joker said no, and told a joke that was good enough to make batman laugh. and then the credits rolled.
what a completely pointless and empty ending. oh it's deep and meaningful and poignant? ok sure, I guess, movie, but you didn't earn that. shyamalan did the same thing a dozen times. that doesn't make him any less of a shit writer.
I can understand the concept of batman laughing at joker's joke, humanizing him.
I get it. I see what they tried to do. I respect it.
but this movie was massively overhyped and overrated and I expected it to be so much better than it was. but overall to me it was just another batman cartoon to throw on top of the pile. maybe it was influential to graphic novels. maybe it shaped batman into what he is today. it published right as tim burton's movie and I can respect its place in the pantheon of comic history. but sometimes things that are classic...
aren't that great.
citizen kane, casablanca, the maltese falcon, the treasure of the sierra madre, gone with the wind, singing in the rain, all of them are classic and legendary pieces of art. but they're just not that good, interesting, appealing, watchable, or FUN. they were good at the time- I mean come on we all know them today- but on going back you'd have to really appreciate the finer details to still love the movies today. and this belongs there, in the vault, to be appreciated from afar. influential if dated.
but god am I still disappointed nonetheless.
it was just okay. had some good ideas, had some really bad ideas, had some ugly stuff. overall mediocre. first half 5/10, second half 7/10, overall 6/10.
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secretgamergirl · 4 years
Hate Mobs Gotta Go
Last night, I did something I have never expected to do, and just full on gave up on a fun RPG writing assignment. Which I had to do because I hit a point where it was so overdue and unfinished that I was falling asleep sitting up and stress vomiting and other such things. There’s a whole lot of factors behind that. Other health issues, the toll of being on total pandemic lockdown for months, with neighbors just straight up open mouth coughing at my door, emergencies with friends and family, multiple fires and hardware failures, but the main thing was, and still is, the constant harassment from a militant hate mob, completely out of touch with reality.
Years ago, I remember there was this thing the internet at large was fond of doing with foaming at the mouth far right religious extremists- Mercilessly ridiculing them in public to expose how disconnected everything they said or did was from reality. Remember seeing this one float around and laughing your head off?
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And if I mention the Westboro Baptist Church, you immediately picture a single family of raving bigots picketing funerals and such with their big homophobic signs, with a bigger crowd mocking them, right?
For some reason, the modern version of that particular flavor of fringe weirdo doesn’t get that sort of ridicule. Presumably because they’re focusing almost exclusively on trans people, and most people have this weird thing where like if you stick up for trans people you get cooties or something and never dig into the real juicy ridicule fodder. But for real, this stuff is OUT THERE. Just look at a few examples here.
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Come for the weird ravings about harvesting baby organs. Stay for the... adult woman who apparently believes breasts get their shape from actually being sacks filled with milk under women’s skin? Now, how about this colorful comparison?
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For anyone who wasn’t aware, pronouns are words like “I” “you” “he” “she” “it” and “this,” while rohypnol is colloquially known as “the date rape drug,” so this is utter gibberish. The full context of course is that this person is trying to make the argument that forcing this bigot to refer to women she’s prejudiced against as “she” instead of arbitrarily tossing around “he” or “it” is... raping her brain, I guess?
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So... this is pretty clearly some creep’s weird little fantasy. The obvious giveaway is pretending that trans women “aren’t in the correct bathroom” when going to... the correct bathroom, and that the non-existent law about this is somehow enforced by... random bigots opting to deputize themselves. What DOES happen for real though is bigots like this being arrested for barging into public restroom stalls with camcorders aimed at the crotches of women on toilets and trying to defend themselves by insisting they have some duty to check what their genitals look like. On which note...
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That’s just disgusting. It’s also as close as I feel comfortable to posting all the graphic fantasies I see from these people about the barbaric genital mutilation they imagine trans women subject ourselves to which really has no basis at all in reality. Well maybe I can post this one.
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I’m not going to go through and itemize all the baldfaced lies in that, because I really kinda hope I don’t have to, and also because the person who slapped this together was kind enough to break it up in such a way that I legitimately can say “every single line of this is a completely baseless lie.” Also the art in the corner is stolen from a child-friendly comic whose author is trans, so, that’s extra slimy. Also wow that “bone scans” bit is actually one I’ve never seen. Where the hell do they even get these ideas?
Also this one needs some setup. If you have time, this right here is a freaking journey, if not, I’ll try to summarize.
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So a while ago, this one particular unhinged bigot decided the most productive way to spend all her time was to get in touch with a bulk sticker printing business and order thousands if not millions of these weird gross poorly framed slabs with a really crude drawing of a penis and bunch of gibberish she really wishes were the names of popular twitter hashtags that nobody else but her ever uses. And then after receiving these, just... wandering around the city she lives in all day every day plastering them on phone booths and power poles and the mirrors of bathrooms in like.. elementary schools and park benches, just everywhere. And then makes multiple passes a day apparently to make sure nobody has tried to remove any of them, as detailed in this amazing thread I’ll link again.
So the latest break in that particular saga is that same zealot going around plastering stickers like this around too, to make it seem like “both sides do it.”
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It should be obvious that that’s a “blacks rule!” sort of fake between the baffling text and using the extra inclusive, particular emphasis on supporting people of color, general purpose LGBT+ flag, but also, like their fellows on 4chan, they plan this sort of “false flag” crap in broad daylight:
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I should really properly credit the whistle-blowing on that particular oddity, and I should also note that aside from the breast milk sacks, this is all just stuff I saw TODAY catching up on my twitter feed, but my main point with all this is to illustrate that we really are dealing with Jack Chick/Westboro Baptist-level unhinged zealotry... but again, nobody’s out there pointing and laughing. And it turns out, when you don’t have people pointing and laughing at this sort of thing, you get people taking it seriously. So... when I went to quickly search for a news story to link with the bit about creeps barging in on women with cameras, the results I got were... this.
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That... sure is a lot of stories about totally innocent people in a demographic I belong to being murdered by total strangers goaded into blind murderous hatred by the sort of people I’m pointing and laughing at! Ha ha! There’s a very real chance of that happening to me every time I step outside, for any reason! Tee hee! I live in a state of constant fear! Whoopsie!
And it’s not just stuff like that. The people posting these rambling tirades about “breast milk sack implants” and putting crude penis stickers everywhere, never being called out as the unhinged weirdos they are, either have the world turning a blind eye to all this crap, or have everything they do downplayed in the media to the point where outright sexual harassment, doxing, and slurs I don’t want to repeat get headlines like “so-and-so made comments that some fringe trans activists on the internet deem ‘possibly transphobic’” and that’s AT BEST. More often you get stuff like the one incident I managed to bring a lot of public attention to way back when, where some bigot just literally walked up to someone on the street, grabbed them, savagely beat the hell out of them until pulled apart, had friends film the whole thing, and bragged after the fact about it, and every story that appeared as a result claimed the assailant was the victim, because they were all written by her friends.
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Face obscuring provided by me here, by the way.
And that isn’t a one-off incident. Because, see, most of these unhinged weirdos spewing out all this transphobic gibberish are not, as you would think, a bunch of barely educated Trump hat wearing members of some fringe religious congregation. They’re editors and producers in major British news outlets. This isn’t me shouting conspiracy nonsense either, this is well-documented. Like, The Guardian gets public internal protests over this crap. So does the BBC. Yes, other respected news sites cover this. Media watchdog groups do their best to reign this in with hearings and such, but, don’t actually have any power to enforce anything really. So when there’s “reporting” on this crap, it’s coming directly from the “breast milk sack implant” people. Oh and here’s some screenshots of the headlines of those stories you’re too lazy to click through and actually read:
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And of course, sometimes when they want to really come across as respectful, they try to find “scientists” and “doctors” who back up their ravings but all they have to fall back on are disgraced quacks who spend most of their time on activism work to normalize pedophilia.
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I’m not bringing that point about Cantor up to discredit his writings about trans people by the way. He doesn’t really HAVE any writings about trans people. He just pasted the names of a bunch of random studies from the 70s about whether playing with barbies makes you gay into his blog a few years back and this crowd was so desperate for validation they declared him an “expert in the field” and started passing out links to his.... pro-pedophila blog. Which is part of this whole pattern, but I’ve written about that before. Oh and the governments of multiple countries manage to treat all these people as “experts” and make policy decisions based on their ravings. That’s fun.
Anyway, aside from encouraging random people to, you know, just randomly murder anyone they see who looks like maybe a trans woman, every so often this weird little cult pulls in an actual celebrity who then has a public meltdown as they post all this gibberish to a wider audience. Currently this is going on with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling (who’s actively promoting the pedophile guy up there on Twitter), and I think also William Shatner, but I haven’t really looked into it. The last big one though was Graham Linehan. Who you might remember from co-writing some sitcoms that were popular decades ago in Britain, or from being the weird cartoon villain who tried to kill the funding of a children’s charity, prompting this strange pledge drive marathon of Donkey Kong Country.
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You might also know him as one of... I think honestly just two people who have ever managed to be such out of control stalking hate mongers that they were actually given a permanent no possible appeal ban from Twitter. Personally though I know him more as, you know, that one absolute creep who’s been obsessively stalking me for like 5 years and never shutting up about his weird personal obsession with me.
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I WOULD link the recent freaking filmed interview he did where he spent forever rambling about me, but I’d have to actually watch it to confirm I had the right link, and also the only place I could quickly find a link to it would be on his twitter feed, which as stated, no longer exists. Oh and random side note there, despite being personally, by name, the person he was explicitly targeting all his hateful ramblings at, he wasn’t banned from that site for any of the disgusting stuff he said to me. He just slipped up and mentioned a cis woman with a professorship while shouting about this crap recently and that caused people to actually take action. I do so love being invisible.
Anyway, point is, prior to Rowling grabbing the baton from him as his social media presence went up in flames, this guy was name-dropping me a LOT. Presumably he still is, just in places fewer people see it. And when you have as big an audience as he did, and that audience is as full of hatemongers as his was, that has a pretty noticeable effect. I’ve been deluged with so much hateful garbage for so long it’s impossible for me to put any numbers on it. The closest I can do to quantify it is note that hate dump was big enough that I was also flooded with more weird messages intended as support from total strangers than I could deal with, totally losing access to social media feeds and my e-mail from the volume for a good bit, and THAT flood was big enough that I got this whole second wave of creepy stalkers who’d built up this whole weird fanon where this stalker here is like, someone I used to date or be business partners with and not just some creepy dude like twice my age stalking me over the internet, from a completely different hemisphere.
And I mean... in the broadest of strokes, I can kinda laugh all this off. Because... these people are completely ridiculous, out of touch with reality, and mostly live in other countries. But... all the threats and shouting are very real and very constant and like.. picture someone outside on the street shouting at your windows about how they’re going to break in and kill you. You really can’t ignore that. Even if they’re unarmed, and all they’re really capable of doing is shouting and pounding on your door, you can’t really just ignore that shouting and pounding and just watch a movie or play a game or write this article you promised would be done 3 months ago. You can certainly try, but a pretty big part of your brain is going to be occupied with thoughts about how maybe you should call someone to see if they’ll escort this violent person away, or maybe you should barricade your door in case all that pounding does something.
And I mean this isn’t a bad metaphor for how all the constant threats and stalking I’m dealing with thanks to celebrity bigots personally obsessed with me impacts my life, but it also does a pretty good job of describing how my night went pretty recently when I ACTUALLY DID HAVE SOMEONE POUNDING ON MY ACTUAL REAL PHYSICAL DOOR SHOUTING ABOUT STABBING ME TO DEATH, and no, there was no resolution to that beyond the sound of sirens causing that person to back off.
I also had an experience not too long ago where I was supposed to take a cab to a routine appointment, a car showed up with the cab company’s name on it, somewhat early, and proceeded to drive me... out to the middle of the freaking woods like an hour from where I live, and when my phone rang with my actual cab asking where I was the driver freaked out, had me get out of the car, and took off leaving me just... stuck in the middle of nowhere freezing to death and trying to find a landmark an actual cab could pick me up from. Still don’t know what the hell that whole thing was about and whether a cab driver just REALLY didn’t know what he was doing and panicked or what, but I do know that talking about it publicly in the vaguest of terms lead to a bunch of unhinged shouting from... apparently some unconnected ride share driver with a habit of dumping trans women between stops when they try to get medications or something, convinced I was calling him out for that.
So.... yeah. Things aren’t exactly going great in my neck of the woods. I’d really appreciate it if people would properly treat these unhinged violent weirdos like unhinged violent weirdos and not respectable members of society so they quit getting so bold and public with the violent stuff, and people who listen to them get properly shouted down for doing so.
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lostanarchymagazine · 4 years
Hanna-Barbera Beyond is a comic book initiative started in 2016 by DC Comics that consists in a line of comic books based on various characters from the animation studio Hanna-Barbera.
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Wacky Raceland is a comic book series that re-imagines the cast of Wacky Races competing in a desert wasteland, reminiscent of the Mad Max film series, filled with all kinds of obstacles, towards one single goal, Utopia, mankind's last safe haven. It is also one of four comic books introduced by DC Comics in 2016 as part of the comic book initiative Hanna-Barbera Beyond, among with Scooby Apocalypse, Future Quest and The Flintstones.
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The world has ended, but the race has just begun! Penelope Pitstop, Peter Perfect and the rest of the Wacky Racers vie for the finish line in a contest where the winner takes all and second place is death. Today’s trial: the shattered maze of freeways known as the Überpass, where they’re beset by giant sand beasts, mutated insects, and worst of all, Dick Dastardly’s murderously poor sportsmanship. The last thing they need after surviving the race is a brutal bar fight in a local dive, but that’s just what they get!!
Dick Dastardly and Muttley �� Drivers of the Mean Machine, Dick Dastardly and Muttley are known by the other racers for being the biggest cheaters there are, not to mention the biggest bastards there are. Before the apocalypse, Dastardly was a world-renowned pianist called Richard D'Astardlien, who lost his wife and son due to his cowardice during a nanite attack. As for Muttley, he is a mutated and robotically-enhanced dog whose intelligence and aggressiveness were slightly enhanced thanks to his exposure to the "SC-00-B2" serum, created in the Butcher Shop as one of the many projects overseen by Professor Pat Pending.
Penelope Pitstop – Driver of the Compact Pussycat, Penelope Pitstop is a tough, no-nonsense young girl who takes no orders from anyone and sees herself as a strong and independent woman in a world where the strongest prevail. She has a close bond with her car, stating that they are full-time partners in the race, looking out for one another. Before the apocalypse, Penelope lived in the Greek island of Aegina, with her mother and her sister, who were killed by a tsunami that destroyed the island.
Peter Perfect – Driver of the Turbo Terrific, Peter Perfect is seen by the other racers as Earth's last Boy Scout, mostly because of the way he acts, upholding the rules of chivalry. Unlike most of his fellow racers, Peter believes that even though the world has ended, it does not mean one should act and behave like a savage. A natural driver, he is also a bit of a scaredy-cat, trying to make a good impression in front of Penelope, whom he has a soft spot for.
Professor Patrick "Pat" Pending – Driver of the Convert-a-Car, Professor Pat Pending is an erudite and slightly insane scientist who, in the past, was head of the projects and scientific experiments conducted in a private research facility called "the Butcher Shop". Among those experiments were some of the individuals that would later join the Wacky Race, as well as creations that caused the end of the world. With an insane yet brilliant mind at his disposal, he makes his job keeping the racers alive; for secretly, he needs them to accomplish a goal that he set for himself a long time ago. It is revealed that he subliminally programmed the Announcer to create the Race (and the racers) so that he would have an army to destroy her.
The Ant Hill Mob – Drivers of the Bulletproof Bomb, the Ant Hill Mob are a group of gangster-like albino midgets with a hive-mind mentality composed of seven members, named I to VII, having V (pronounced Vee) as their leader. Although sharing a hive-mind, the seven members of the Ant Hill Mob can think and act for themselves separately. They were part of an experiment conducted by Professor Pat Pending in the Butcher Shop, which manufactured them in a cloning facility in order to be used as cheap manpower for the military.
Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear – Drivers of the Arkansas Chug-a-bug, Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear are a duo of hunters who lived up north. Having been friends ever since they were kids, they have always looked out for each other. Luke is an alcoholic who drinks in order to forget the horrors he sees (he carries around a map with the locations of all the bars in the Wasteland), while Blubber is half-human, half-bear as a result of the Announcer's surgery to piece him back together after a grizzly bear attacked the two friends, nearly killing him.
The Red Baron – Driver of the Crimson Haybailer, Red is a narcissistic, homophobic sociopath with Nazi tendencies, always referring to his motherland and how Adolf Hitler was right about eradicating certain kinds of people off the face of the planet, while stating that he himself is the living proof of Germany's Master Race. Before he joined the Race, Red was a professional gambler, having ripped off some of the most powerful men and women in Las Vegas. He was also in love with the daughter of Las Vegas' most powerful man, the Colonel, who accidentally killed his daughter when she placed herself in front of a bullet meant for Red. He has a particular hatred for Sergeant Blast.
Rufus Ruffcut and Sawtooth – Drivers of the Buzz Wagon, Rufus is a gay lumberjack who believes in the old saying that "bigger is better". As for Sawtooth, he is a small androgynous street urchin who fancies all kinds of knives, whom Rufus adopted as his protégé.
Sergeant Blast and Private Meekly – Drivers of the Army Surplus Special, Sergeant Blast and Private Meekly are an unstoppable duo, familiarized with all sorts of military tactics and an amazing arsenal at their disposal. Sergeant Blast is a transgender woman and spends her time reminding the others that although she is transgender, that makes her no less worthy than anyone else. As for Private Meekly, he is a weapon enthusiast, who sticks around Sergeant Blast not because he fears her, but because he respects her.
The Gruesome Twosome – Drivers of the Creepy Coupe, the Gruesome Twosome are a duo of freaks who resemble monsters, with Little Gruesome resembling a green-skinned vampire and Big Gruesome resembling a Frankenstein monster-type gladiator. Not much is known about them, except for the fact that Little Gruesome is able to control a swarm of bats that do his bidding, while Big Gruesome has incredible strength.
The Slag Brothers – Drivers of the Boulder Mobile, the Slag Brothers are a couple of Neanderthals who were brought back to life through the experiments conducted by Professor Pat Pending in the Butcher Shop before escaping it. Although they were frozen in ice for thousands of years, both Rock and Gravel Slag are able to understand English and speak it through the use of caveman expressions, thanks to a series of brain surgeries conducted by Pat Pending. Having lived off the land in the past, the two men are incredible scavengers and hunters.
The Announcer – The mysterious host of the Wacky Race. The Announcer turns out to be Professor Pat Pending's wife, Angelique Pending, who lost her body in an accident during the Slag Brothers' rampage through the Butcher Shop. In order to save her, Pat Pending removed her brain and placed it in a special container, which allowed her to live. Unfortunately, the lack of a physical body resulted in her going insane, unleashing an apocalyptic event on Earth which turned it into a wasteland.
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stonylovessteve · 5 years
Gifts Revealed June 29th
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It’s the third day of gift reveals! Check back each day for more reveals or keep an eye on the AO3 collection.
Please keep in mind that while viewing the works produced for this exchange, you will see a wide variety of takes on Steve’s character, ranging from light and fluffy to dark and angsty. This is because we allowed our participants the freedom to show their love for Steve in many different ways, some of which you may not agree with. Please use your good judgement when picking which works to view and comment on. If it’s not something you like, then it wasn’t for you.
To our participants, please be sure to comment on your gifts and thank your creator for making something for you. AO3 sometimes forgets to send gift emails, so be sure to check this blog (or the collection) each day to see what’s being revealed. We allowed bonus gifts, so your creator might have made something extra for you!
All creators are still secret, so don’t post anywhere about your work, even if it has been revealed. You can, however, reply to comments on your work. AO3 will automatically show you as an anon author until creator reveals.
Creators: AO3 will post your work under the date it was submitted. Once your work has been revealed, go into edit and click “Set a different publication date” then change it to today’s date. This will ensure that your work is posted to the top of the new works.
Without further ado… onto today’s gifts!
Three Challenges for Katie_Kat (MCU AU, 6,6k words)
King Steve is offered a marriage alliance with the mysterious Prince Tony which will help his small country greatly. Except that there is a twist. There always is.
Be My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine for Neverever (MCU AU, 1,8k words)
Letting out an overly tired, but still fond, sigh, Steve closes his charms tome and caps his inkwell before pushing it back towards the center of the table and places his quill next to it. “Okay, Tony, you have exactly twenty minutes before I really do need to get back to studying. Why do you need me to be your pretend boyfriend?”
Or, even as wizards Tony and Steve still can only find there way to each other through the muggle trope of fake dating while fighting their real feelings.
a date with disaster (or, the time steve essentially whored himself out on national tv to pay his rent) for Serinah (MCU AU, 3,6k words)
Steve's been having a hard time finding freelance work, so Bucky signs him up for a reality dating show to earn some extra cash. Little does Steve know that this is going to be the worst date he could possibly imagine, on purpose.
To have and to hold for LegendsofSnark (MCU, 1.4k words)
Written for the prompt: Parents!Stony: Steve has somehow gotten sick and Tony is freaking out because Steve always takes care of him and Peter. Cue Peter and Tony frantically trying to do everything in their power to get Steve better. And Steve smiling at his little family.
You're Always Worth It for Hayluhalo (EMH, 1.6k words)
Tony sees it in the way Steve’s shoulders grow tenser, the way his answers become shorter and snappier. Sees it in the way his eyes grow colder and harder. He sees it in the extra hours put in to training and working out, the way Steve goes through combat bots and reinforced punching bags.
Or, Tony takes Steve on a mini vacation and helps his partner unwind.
when you're gone for ishipallthings (MCU, 25.6k words)
Steve's had to get used to many things in the 21st century but falling in love with Tony Stark might be the weirdest one yet.
Especially because the man's dead.
The shadow of men for silversoul_snow (MCU AU, 6.8k words)
When Steve sinks his teeth into bringing Tony Stark to justice he shouldn't be surprised the mob boss takes a mutual interest. He ìs suprised the mobster does this by kidnapping him, but the most confusing thing is that Steve doesn't really mind...
In a world where soulmates are only rumours and myths, what chance do a cop and a crook have together?
time doesn't love you anymore (like i love you) for jayjayverse (MCU, 3.1k words)
Steve returned the Stones to their respective places, and it's time to go back home. But after an accident with the time traveling bracelet, he's stuck in 1993, where he tries to find the help of a young Tony Stark. After a few drinks in the most popular gay bar in town, things might take a different direction.
Breakfast [Art] for SirSapling (Ultimates, Art)
For the prompt: 1. Stressed out Steve gets pampered
If anyone needed a lazy day and breakfast in bed, it's probably Steve.
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likeshipsonthesea · 5 years
If you're doing prompts, 19 and 24 for nurseydex
for au mash up 19. Summer Camp AU and 24. Soulmate AU
okay so in this universe, as per any soulmate universe, soulmates are A Big Thing. the way that soulmates work–let’s have some fun here– when you touch your soulmate for the first time, they leave a color in the spot they touched you. it has to be skin-to-skin. this will become important later.
so in this world, since soulmates are such a big thing–almost everyone finds their soulmate, the only typical cases that don’t are people that die young or people who are aro, though there are platonic soulmates and poly and such, bc we’re inclusive here boyos– but because they’re so big and common and everything, there are a lot of industries around them
psychics and palm readers have specialized skills to tell you what your soulmate is like, bio-medical companies sell drugs that tell you how long it will be until you find your soulmate (sketchy, but people are desperate) and the weirdest one, imo, is the send-away summer camps for children to find their soulmates young.
yeah. weird.
there’s science to back it up, saying kids who kind their soulmates at younger ages live longer, healthier lives, and the matches between those soulmates is much stronger and, now, with the advent of social media, kid soulmate findings always go viral
so now onto our story; nursey’s parents all have very big work summers coming up (his parents are one of the few poly soulmates in the world, his dad is aro and platonically bonded to nursey’s mom and mama, who are v gay and v in love, and they all live together happily in a beautiful brownstone) so they ask him what he wants to do for the summer and he shows them the brochure for the Summer Soulmate Camp in the rural part of maine.
why did nursey choose this one? he’s a romantic and thinks the greenery is the perfect place to fall in love, it won’t be too hot for the summer, he can go swimming, and they have a hockey rink. it’s perfect.
(also, sidenote, i imagine he’s about ten or eleven here, dex is the same)
so though nursey’s parents are a little hesitant, they also want their son to be happy, so they buy him all the gear he’ll need, drive him up to maine, and kiss him goodbye on the first day of camp.
nursey takes to the camp immediately–the food isn’t great, very bland, but the people are so nice and there’s so much to do and he can’t wait to find friends, even if he doesn’t end up finding his soulmate. his roommate is a great guy–named chris, but goes by chowder– and he’s so enthusiastic and he tells nursey he plays goalie in hockey so when the day comes to join the hockey group on campus, they both head down to the rink, bouncing and excited.
this is, of course, where dex comes in.
dex, a sullen, tiny, perpetually frowning little dude gets matched up with nursey for d-man. despite nursey’s initial hesitation at such a little guy being a d-man, dex soon shows his worth by checking the opposing forward hard.
“will, buddy, we’re not checking in this league, okay?” the coach, a well-meaning woman with smile crinkles next to her eyes.
dex stares up at her. “if i’m not checking anyone why am i even here.”
there may or may not have been an expletive in there somewhere. we’re not going to mention it if you won’t.
and you might be wondering, “hey why is dex being such a dick” or maybe you’re just like “mm in character” (ur wrong but whatever) but here’s the story. these summer camps are usually reserved for people who have the money–there’s only so many spaces and aside from the soulmate thing, they still have a bunch of amenities and it’s for the whole summer. by all rights, dex shouldn’t be here.
but then last winter happened, and he fell down during hockey practice, and the doctor explained to the poindexters–little mama p standing tall, resolute, her husband holding onto her waist in support, dex’s older brother j, finally not wearing an asshole’s smirk– that dex was sick. badly.
and see, dex is fine. like, the chemo sucked and his hair falling out sucked and everyone looking at him like he’s a weak little useless fucking– it sucks. but that was months ago, and it’s sort of in remission now, and though the doctor says it’s probably going to come back and they’ll have to do another round of chemo– dex is fine okay. the buzzed hair doesn’t look too bad and he’s stronger now, he can play hockey again.
but the cancer scared his parents, and his extended family, and though they all believe in the natural meeting of your soulmate, they all silently agreed that dex didn’t have the time to wait. the only thing sadder than dying young was dying without a soulmate.
so they scrounged up the cash through all the branches of their family tree and sent dex to Summer Soulmate Camp, and now here he is, angry and isolated and ready to check any rich prep kid that looks at him funny on the ice.
as you can imagine, nursey and dex don’t get along well at the start.
dex isn’t much into soulmates and doesn’t keep his opinion to himself, and nursey is so wholeheartedly romantic that he can’t imagine not thinking about your soulmate every day. “they’re the one person who can make you the best you can be,” nursey says, one day after practice, and dex scoffs.
“if you’re not good enough on your own, how the hell is your soulmate being chained to you gonna make it any better?”
they also argue about money things, but mostly brand names that dex doesn’t know, or international trips nursey doesn’t realize is a luxury. to be fair, none of the other kids know this either–nursey at least tries to listen
(he’s too young, really, to understand how his blackness has affected him in a similar, possibly more visible way. later on, he’ll read books about slaves “given permission” to marry their soulmates from masters, the interracial couples that ended in mobs driving the black man out of town–or worse– and the history of black soulmates being restricted and demeaned and made to feel less than. now, now he only notices being the only mixed boy in the room some of the time. now, at least, is a calm before the bliss is broken.)
but the thing that comes along with all of nursey and dex’s arguments is that they come to know each other better than anyone else at the camp. even chowder, who tags along with them all the time when he isn’t following after the girls’ volleyball team (he hasn’t touched farmer yet, so he can’t know, but he really likes her smile and she’s the best at doing handstands), even he doesn’t know how nursey feels about books the way dex does, after the late-night talk around the bonfire when nursey got rambly and giddy and dex just.. listened
and it takes a while before dex talks about the cancer. back home, everyone knows, but here he could pretend. nursey doesn’t tell everyone–dex almost expected that he would, but that was more on him than nursey– but he listens and nods and doesn’t pity dex, respects him maybe, cares, but no pity.
and that night, sitting on the end of the dock in a rare unsupervised moment, nursey nearly reaches out to hold dex’s hand in comfort, and dex nearly hugs nursey when he says, “fuck cancer” in the most emphatic, simple, comprehending way dex has ever heard, but neither does. they’ve learned, in this culture, the importance of touch, and both boys are too scared to find out, to break that last barrier. this could be enough. this should be enough.
the rest of the summer is spent in a haze of friendships and salt water and trees and scraped knees and laughter, and all of them swear that they’re gonna text, call, facetime, whatever. they’re going to keep this up. they’re going to be friends forever
they’re not allowed phones at the camp, so they write down each other’s numbers– just dex’s, actually, because he’s the only one who can remember his home phone number– and nursey and chowder swear to call when they get home and give dex their number (chowder also has farmer’s number, now, and her mark–smudgy and bluish purple on his shoulder from where she tackled him trying to spike the ball in a game on the beach last week. his, teal, is on her palm almost in the shape of a heart)
on the day of pick up, dex’s family shows up first–closer– and he and nursey are forced to say goodbye. “i guess this is it,” dex says, hefting his duffle bag strap onto his shoulder.
“no it’s not,” nursey insists. “i’ll call you. i will.”
“yeah right,” dex says, but he’s smiling anyway, and something about the moment–two boys, from such different worlds, somehow so similar in all the important ways, stand in front of each other, having never touched but knowing every little thing– something about the moment makes it so, suddenly, being soulmates doesn’t matter.
they’re friends. no matter what their colors say, that can be the most profound relationship they ever have.
“see you, nursey,” dex says, impulsive, and reaches his arms up to hug nursey close. nursey, startled, wraps his arms around dex. the hug is so unexpected, so quick, that neither of them feels dex’s forearm brush against nursey’s neck, neither of them notice the spread of green–on dex’s arm– or orange– nursey’s neck
later, after dex’s dad pulls in the driveway of their house, dex shoves open the door he’d slumped against when he got in the car and absentmindedly goes to wipe off the mossy-green stuff on his arm only to see it and freak
nursey, since his is behind his head, isn’t the one to notice his mark. it’s only when he’s going up the stairs in front of his mama that she yells something about “papito why didn’t you tell us you found your soulmate?” and nursey drops all of his bags and races up the stairs to the bathroom to try to use a hand mirror and the bathroom vanity to see the sunset dex left on his neck
but here’s the drama, right, nursey goes for his bag to find dex’s number and call–and he can’t find the paper it was written on. he scours his stuff to no avail. his parents call the summer camp, but they legally can’t give out information, and nursey doesn’t know the name of dex’s town and– you get where i’m going. they can’t find each other. they lose touch.
and both boy wonders what could have been, dex wonders why nursey didn’t call (probably develops a complex, whatever) and nursey wonders why dex never tried to look him up, and nursey hopes that dex’s cancer didn’t come back and dex hopes that nursey is still the romantic he’s always been, but they don’t see each other for another seven years.
what happens then? well, these hockey nerds go to take a tour of this cool college called samwell and, well. the rest i’m sure you can figure out from there.
(excerpt from the aftermath; a frequent fight
“i can’t believe you lost my number”
“i can’t believe you gave me a mark i can’t even see”
“i can’t believe you wanted to go to a summer camp to find your soulmate when you were ten”
“i can’t believe you didn’t–”
“nursey, dex, please can we just pick a place to eat and go?” poor baby chow
boys; “well, i had cancer, so i think i should get to pick–” “hey, you can’t pull the cancer card every time you want to eat at the grill, it’s not fair!” “i lost my hair, derek!” “so? you shave it all the damn time–”
chowder’s stomach rumbles. he texts chowder frowny faces and she sends back a cry-laugh and a wink. he gets no sympathy for his plight.)
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minimalregrets · 5 years
The One Where I Told Church I Was Gay: September 15
Intentional Checklist Item #1: Prepare Sunday School Lesson
Being a gay mormon makes things complicated.  
I only recently came out of the closet but still haven’t told anyone at church.  This morning I was preparing a lesson for an adult Sunday School class of 60 or so people, and while preparing I realized that coming out to them would not only tie into the lesson, but also show a huge amount of vulnerability that makes a class memorable.  I planned it into my lesson and then had high anxiety about it for the next few hours before teaching.
As I sat down in the room before class, I tried to talk myself out of it.  The average age of my congregation is sixty-five, they’ll mob me.  I stood up to begin teaching and I knew that I was going to do it anyways.  
“Today we’ll be exploring how challenges and trials are in reality one of the greatest blessings of our lives...” (I’m sweating.)
“Trials may look like those my mother faces with health...” (I’m shaking.)
“Trials may look like those of my youngest brother dealing with moving to a new school...” (I’m freaking out.)
“I’ve only recently begun talking about my own challenges of being a gay member of the church...” (I’m free.)
Instantly I saw looks of admiration, instantly I saw looks of confusion-- instantly, I didn’t care anymore.  I had their attention.  The lesson went perfect and i delivered a genuine message on allowing the trials of life to change us.  Others shared their lessons learned in trials, several class members teared up (and I teared up with them), and it seemed as though everyone stayed engaged for each moment of class.  I did not mention being gay again.  
At the close of the class, a woman I do not know stood to offer the closing prayer.  I can’t quote her exact words, but in essence she prayed, “We are grateful, Heavenly Father, for Brother Peacock and his gift to teach us powerfully the gospel, and his ability to help us understand clearly the message of the scriptures.  We pray for his ongoing blessing and strength.”  I immediately began to tear up.  As she ended, and I whispered a quiet “amen”, I was instantly overcome with emotion.  Before I left the building, a dozen or so of the class members stopped me and complimented the class as being one of the best they had ever been to.  Several members made comments on my ability to be vulnerable and it made all the difference on the feeling of the class.  Each time, I gave my sincerest gratitude for their compliment and held back tears.
Lucy and I got to the car when most of the parking lot had already cleared out.  I buckled her in and climbed into the car myself.  I started the car, and buried my face in my hands and wept.  Lucy, sweet as ever, offered to sing Twinke Twinkle Little Star to me to cheer me up.  
I wept because the #1 thing about coming out, getting a divorce, and embracing being gay that still fucks me up is that i now have to choose between my heart, and my faith.  Teaching that class awoke in me the feelings of love i have for my church and what it has meant to me my entire life.  Soon I have to resign from my church-- as I begin dating men I must either leave or face church discipline to be kicked out.  I wept as I saw two of the most important things in my life clashing, with no way for both to make it out alive.  
But I am a truth seeker.  Out there is the truth of what is right and what is wrong.  I will find it, and i will live it.  Right now I am drawn to finding the love of a guy who can love me back, and I feel what seems like the approval of God in doing so.  I may have to step into the fog to see what is on the other side, but I believe in a God that will see me through.  
I pray to God that he will see me through.
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moonbelt · 7 years
I don'tknow if you already answered this but do you have any anime recommandation?
i’ve never been asked for anime recommendations in my inbox before usually i just recommend some to ppl that message me or my friends irl but IM ACTUALLY REALLY EXCITED TO DO THISSS -
okay here are 15 anime i’ll recommend to you anonie :)
these are in no specific order 
1: Boku No Hero Academia - character develoment? check. Non-neglecting of side characters? check. Bomb af graphics? double check. Loveable best boy? yep yup. Great fandom that collectively hates Mineta? yesh
2: Diamond no Ace - sports anime that actually shows the struggles of different teams? yesss. epic scenes that are so great it could be a meta anime but it still retains the basic functions of baseball? huehue double yes. the mc is such a ball of energy and genuinely wants to be the Ace and has so much development as a character that you honestly start wanting him to get that number? yes yes yes yes yes
3: Nichijou - one of the greatest work anime has produced. really its so effing hilarious and it really pinpoints the things everybody does in everyday life. like flip a police officer for mistakenly confiscating your boys love manga. accidentally stabbing your thumb with a mechanical pencil, the struggles of ordering at Starbucks or even..
Tumblr media
yeah.. ordinary life ha
4: Magi - a smol baby boy tryna bring peace to the world? check. fucking strong girl that can beat any kind of wild beast there is? heck yeah! magic? yup. loads of backstory that actually makes sense and relates to the arcs? checkity check. villiains that really arent villains and good guys that truly are the bad guys? ho boi yessss. a magical recorder? you got it. also the graphics are great
5: Mob Psycho 100 - another smol baby boy just tryna navigate middle school. blessed with amazing psychic powers but powerless in terms of popularity and friendships. truly such a great anime that teaches a lot of moral stuff and has A M A Z I N G fight scenes. our boy mob is such a freaking god and the art style is very different but so expressive 10/10 would recommend
6: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - [Daily Lives of High School Boys] like nichijou, this is another anime that is at the height of comedy gold. every episode is such meme worthy. the main protag really isnt the main protagonist, so many puns, great side characters, and i cant express how much of a feel good anime this is
7: Bakemono no Ko - okay this is a movie. and when i say this is such a fascinating movie, i mean it. this really smol boy gets adopted by a bear after he runs from home. this big bad bear™ is actually so pure and best dad. the uncles are great and so punny i cant. okay, they also have some really epic sword fights.. i really cant explain this movie without giving spoilers lmao but go watch it if you want, you wont regret it
8: Hunter x Hunter - young fisher-boy and young assassin-boy walk into a hunter exam together, who survives? friendship.. and the newly acquired dads they found along the way [honestly go watch it, i was skeptical at first but i never loved anything more in my life] also the arcs are so monumental, really great plot and friendship!!
9: Yuri On Ice!!! - edgy ice skating and gay couples that reaffirm what love is? check. little smol bean yurio tryna act all mighty and tough? yep. amazing soundtrack? heck yeahh! great characters that in no way hate on homosexuals? you got it. amazing graphics? best boys? well dang, you got it!
10: Shokugeki no Soma - food. food. food wars. great scenes that have food giving you orgasms? basically a sports anime but about food? great mc that really deserves all the love he gets. when they tie a bandana on their forehead, shit is about to get started. food. food. food wars.
11: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - as i write this, i cry. this was so good and i was wary of watching it bc there was/is so much hype around it but alas IT WAS SOO GOOD I CANT. like two brothers? amazing morals? the fact that nothing is as it seems? kickass female characters. alchemy. the hype is real with this one, but its so worth it and i 10/10 would lower you down FMA hell.
12: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - [also known as Reborn!] i found this by mistake and my life really hasnt been the same. mafia story. first few eps are just comedic and really dont tell you jack shit about the storm thats coming afterwards. holy heck, a main character that set standards for how to demolish your enemies? friendship! fight scenes that make you wanna fite anyone? so many powers that actually make sense? checkity check. friendship!!
13: Bungou Stray Dogs - hidden powers that main character doesnt know about? check. good dad dazai. another mafia story. a mafia boy tryna kill the mc because of his powers and dazai has become mc’s dad instead of his [okay i’m trolling lmao] but really this is a great mafia anime. theories. villainous characters that have been blackmailed into being bad.. really it has it all
14: Haikyuu!! - small chibi boy just wants to play volleyball in peace. “i can jump™” meets skyscraper black-haired blue-eyed god who rules the court. [trollingg] but honestly, this has to be one of the most accurate sports anime i’ve watched. spiky main and side characters that are completely adorable and its kinda hard not to get sucked in, but you will
15: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - gamer dude dies [by mistake] and on his way to the afterlife, he’s given a chance by a goddess to go to another world and defeat the demon king. grants him the possibility of taking any one thing to this new world, my guy picks the goddess [fukin dead] and whoops there ya go lmaoo. but no honestly, its great and funny and the explosion/action scenes are beyond E P I C. also best girl, Megumin, is there so you should def check it out
— obviously these recommended anime are in my opinion. im not some anime god but thanks anon for giving me a reason to finally do this *finger hearts* —
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findsupercat · 7 years
So what are your top five?
This was really, really hard and I cheated at a lot and the number of fic I still had to leave out is heartbreaking. Basically you get two top sevens (in no particular order), one for WIP and one for completed.  I tried to limit myself to one per author (sort of successfully if you only look at one category at a time and ignore honorable mentions).
This is kind of long so the recs are under the cut:
Completed Fic:
Family by @pinkrabbitpro Cat gets seriously injured protecting Alex. I have a weakness for Cat proving her love in extreme ways  and (not really) unrequited pining. Favorite moment: Cat getting caught touching Kara or Cat’s disappointment when she has confirmation that Kara is Supergirl.
Let me lend a helping hand by @wistfulwatcher. Kara loses her powers and Cat…helps. Honestly this is just hot (and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t include at least one completely smutty option) but with a sneaky side of emotional involvement in the second chapter.  Favorite moment: Kara realizing that Cat is feeling vulnerable/rejected… also all the sex.
More about you by @bridgetteirish Cat decides she’s going to date Supergirl; it gets complicated and angsty quickly.  Favorite moment: The science section. I have a LOT of feelings about the science section.
A Shadow Passed by @fictorium/ @damelola Kara doesn’t save the plane.  Favorite moment: Who died?
Got a piece of my mind (to tell you who’s mine) by @itsswanqueen. I’m such a sucker for a soulmate AU.  Soulmates have their names on each other’s wrist; Cat’s is in Kryptonian. Bonus General Danvers plot. Favorite moment: Cat’s reveal and the bits about Adam.
Fallen by @spaceshipsarecool Kara is the Devil and Cat wants to make a deal. Really interesting from a theological point of view. It’s perfect. Favorite moment: Kara requesting a kiss. 
Thursday Nights by @rtarara  what if Kara landed on time fic. Kara is a prostitute and Cat is her John.  If you enjoy having your guts ripped out while you read fic, @rtarara is definitely the writer for you. Favorite Moment: “I’m an idiot, but I’m not delusional.” I’m always gonna cry in a rtarara fic. This is where I lost it in this one.  
Honorable Mention (which I didn’t count because I told you it was a favorite yesterday and this way I could sneak in another by @spaceshipsarecool):
Lab Down Under It’s perfect. Whimsical supervillain Cat and superpuppy Kara following her around and taking care of her.
Still in Progress Fic:
The Music and the Mirror by @fictorium/ @damelola The ballet AU. I will drop literally everything I’m doing when I see an update. Not even kidding. I pulled over on a road in the middle of nowhere Ohio to read a chapter and read another while helping my sister try on wedding dresses. Favorite moment: Cat freaking out over Kara’s feet. Bonding over Vodka. All of it. Just the whole fic.
Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars by @inspectorboxer​. Kara/Supergirl and Cat go on amazing dates and take on the Joker. This is actually a series with the first two being Cat and Supergirl dates and the Joker plot line really picking up in the third and fourth. I adore these stories.  Favorite moment: “Just come tonight as Kara Danvers and that will be enough.”
Chasing Fog by @pinkrabbitpro Bat fam AU. Kara is Bruce Wayne’s adopted daughter and Cat is Catwoman. The world building is amazing. It has tons of plot and is deliciously slow burn. Featuring an awesome Carter and a really interesting take on Alex. Favorite moment: Cat telling off Alex. And basically every moment with Cat, Kara and Carter all together. 
One Bridge at a Time by @dinovia-grant. Cat and Kara (and Carter) end up telepathically linked. It’s amazing and lovely and every chapter is the length of a small novel. Favorite moment: “Trickle down crazy!” and  Cat and Alex’s confrontation.
Hope it’s worth (I’ve born ready) by @hiraeth-unstuckintime​ A soulmate AU where anything written on your skin shows up on your soulmate. Cat and Kara begin communicating while Kara is still on Krypton. I’m a total sucker for a soulmate AU and this one is perfect. Favorite moment: “It’s that thing you humans do before marriage, right? You explained it to me. “
The Hidden Force by @musetotheworld​ Star Wars AU. Kara was a padawan who escaped the massacre. Such a fantastic job done with the Star Wars world/mythology. Really excellent Alex and Kara interactions and a side of pretend dating and Sanvers. Favorite moment: Basically all of Cat and Kara’s talks.
The mob bosses daughter by @supercitycarnival Mob boss!Cat and bodyguard Kara.  It’s only one chapter in but it’s amazing so far and it is off to a very promising start; I’m really excited about it. Also if you haven’t seen Full Circle mob!Cat is really REALLY hot.  Favorite moment: Kara’s reflections on Cat.
Honorable mention (It would be higher but I’m not sure it’s still updating so I didn’t want to rec it if it’s been abandoned):
Secrets by writtensword (does anyone know if they’re on tumblr?). Adam is gay and brings Kara to Thanksgiving with Cat and fam as a cover. It’s perfect and lovely. Features extremely awful Katherine Grant and a really cute Winn/Adam thing. Favorite moment: Adam coming out to Cat. 
What do you think? Anyone want to make a case for different fic? Argue that one of mine is overrated? Request themed recs?
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
This is going to be majorly personal, you ready? haha sure.
Promise to take this without deleting any questions? yep.
Are you happier now than you were five months ago? probably not. i had a vacation to look forward to back then.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone? yes.
Can you sleep in total darkness? i can only sleep comfortably in total darkness.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? what’s up?
How many people do you trust with everything? apart from family just one.
What was the last thing you drank? water.
Is there anyone you want to come see you? yes. hopefully tomorrow.
Name one thing you love about winter? sleeping in.
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? yes! i’m getting a lash lift.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? i had to work in my least favourite place.
Can you commit to one person and one person only? yes.
How do you feel about your siblings? pretty good. we’ve been hanging out a lot more recently.
What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today? looked at the time.
Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? yeah, my boyfriend.
Have you ever kissed the last person you sent a text message to? yes.
Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with? not really.
Could you go out in public, looking like you do now? nope.
You never know what you got until you lose it, true or false? both true and false. it depends how you live your life.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? yes.
Ever get hurt by someone who promised they wouldn’t? i don’t think anyone’s ever promised me that.
Are you good at hiding your feelings? sorta.
Are you listening to music right now? nope.
Who was the last person you talked to on facebook chat? a group chat with my friends.
When was the last time you were in a very good mood? not today that’s for sure.
Would you hook up with your brother’s best friend? no brother.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? yes.
Have you laughed today? yes.
What made you laugh really hard today? idk actually lol.
Are you one of those people who just doesn’t care? sometimes.
Would you rather not eat or not sleep? i’d rather not sleep.
How is your relationship with your mother? it’s fine. sometimes we’re close sometimes we just keep to ourselves.
Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence? well yeah. but i’m not one to approach everyone and try to be friends.
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? depends who i’m talking to.
Do you believe that all girls are the same? no.
You are single, why? i’m not.
Did you drink any alcohol this week? Did you get drunk? nope.
Do you like to cuddle? yes.
Would you ever try being a vegetarian? i could. but i won’t just because.
Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for your first love? i’m still in love with my first love.
Have you ever had stitches? nope.
Do you like your bed? yes. i wish it were bigger but whatever.
How come you’re not going out with the person you like/love? i am.
Are you busy tomorrow? yes.
Do you think someone is thinking about you? nah everyone who’d think about me would be asleep.
Are you short? average.
Did you drink anything with caffeine today? nope.
If YOU (not your parents ) won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? pay off all my debts. oh, and i’d be happy.
Favorite drink? root beer.
Is your phone right beside you? yes.
Do you know anyone that is gay? yes.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? sam.
Is it cute when guys/girl kiss you on your forehead? yes. my boyfriend never does this lol.
Is there something that you could never give up? eating lol.
Would you prefer a small, intimate wedding proposal, or a big-scale, over-the-top proposal? small and intimate. i’d love it to be just us two. i don’t want those extravagant proposals with freaking flash mobs and shit.
What’s bothering you right now? nothing.
Have you had to carry someone? yes. like a kid.
Do you hate anyone? nah.
What were you doing at 12 am last night? just arriving home.
Do you drink more apple or orange juice? apple.
Was this summer a good one? it was okay.
You kissed someone today, didnt you? no.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? ummm. yes, my friends are coming over on saturday night.
When were you last outside? two hours ago.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? definitely.
Does the person you like, like you back? yes.
What’s your favorite part of school? my friends i guess.
Do you think long distance relationships work? they definitely can. as long as there’s talk about what’s happening in the future. i couldn’t be in a ldr for the rest of my life.
Do you believe in kissing when you’re not together yet? sure.
Someone just handed you $100,000,000 now what? run.
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? nude.
Who is the first person you texted this morning? my boyfriend.
Is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind? heart.
Can you honestly say that you’re okay right now? yes.
When was the last time you gave your number to someone? a couple weeks ago.
Has anyone upset you in the last week? no. i mean yes.
Do you miss anyone? yes.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but didn’t? yepppp.
What do you drink a lot of? water.
What’s something you really want right now? money.
How did you get your last bruise? no bruises.
Last awkward situation? hmm nothing.
Are you a mean person? i can be.
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? no.
What’s your wallpaper on your phone? a generic iphone one.
What do you hear right now? sense8.
What song before that? -
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? nah.
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seoktere · 7 years
My First - Namjin Fanfiction |First Hangout|
Chapter One Namjoon spend the next day looking for Jin at school. Turns out he didn't have any classes with him, they only had lunch together. He was going to sit with him during lunch but Jimin said no. Plus Jin looked happy talking with this other guy with orange hair. "Namjoon-ahh let's go." Jimin whined. Namjoon was waiting for Jin after school. "Jimin I told you I was gonna wait for Jin. Why don't you go home or hang out with Yoongi." It wasn't a question it was a command. His silver hair friend let out a groan and left. "Namjoon!" He heard a familiar high pitch voice. "Jin!" I yelled back. Jin stopped in front of me and punched my shoulder. "Aish what the fuck." I cursed at him as I ran my fingers them. "You're supposed to call me hyung. I'm older than you." I couldn't help but smile at his whining. It was cute. "How was I supposed to know. I barely met you yesterday." "I'm sorry I forgot." Guilt was place all over his face. "It's okay it only hurt a little." "Do you want me to kiss it better?" Jin teased. "Sure." Namjoom smirk. "Wait what..?" His eyes went wide. "You asked so I answered. Now go make my shoulder better," Namjoon commanded. "Okay." He kissed his hand and then placed it on my left shoulder. "Anyway, why were you waiting for me? Aren't you busy?" "Uhh, I wanted to ask you something. And yes I'm busy but I decided to cancel everything I had today to hangout with you." "What if I didn't want to hangout with you. I couldn't have other plans." "Do you?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "No. Let's go." Jin grabbed my hand and took me to his car. "You didn't bring your car right?" "I did but I can tell Yoongi to come and get it." "Yoongi? Isn't that the guy that's always sleeping in class?" Namjoon nodded. "How did you get to be friends with him. Last time we were partner up for a project all he did was sleep or talk about music. He never once helped me. But thanks to my smartness we got a A++." "Don't tell anyone but he's actually from our company too. We were pretty close when we were rookies and during my debut. Yoongi is actually the one who inspired me to come back to school." "That's so cool. Are you guys releasing anything together anytime soon?" "We are," Namjoon smiled, "but that's a secret so you best not tell anyone." "Okay." Jin laughed. "Can I drive? I wanna take you somewhere." Jin nodded and got on the passenger seat. "Are you friends with everyone at school?" Jin asked. "There's only a couple I'm already close with. Yoongi, Taehyung-" "Isn't that the guy that has a rectangular smile?" Namjoon nodded and then continued, "Jimin- ah which reminds me. Im really sorry about the way he acted yesterday. He was in a pissy mood so he took his anger out on you." Jin's smile turned into a visible frown. "Yeah I understand. But don't worry I'm all good now." He patted Jin's head. "Good cause I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. And that's it, I'm only close to three people. Well four counting you. What about you? Are you close with anyone at the school?" "Hmmm, there's Hoseok who I known pretty much my whole life. Ah- Jungkook, he's a few years younger than us. He lives next door so we hang out everyday. That's about it. Plus you of course." Jin winked at the younger boy. He didn't seem to notice since he was driving. "So where are we heading?" The pink hair asked after minutes of staring out the window. "We're going to this famous store that I know and then the park." "Why are we heading to the store?" "To buy some snacks. I though you'll be hungry." Namjoon didn't want to admit but he asked Yoongi to do a background check on Jin. He was actually aware that Jin was older but didn't want to called him hyung because it would of been creepy. He found out Jin's favorite color, hobbies, talents, sleep schedule, and his living family members. Apparently they have that type of information at school. Something about wanting to make the students and teachers as comfortable as they can since they are the one studying. *** "What do you want." "Can I get everything." Jin stopped when we arrived to the candy section. "Do you think we can?" "Do you really? Cause I can buy you anything you want." Jin's eyes winded and immediately started yelling, "no! I was kidding! I don't want to make it seem as if I'm using you for money." Namjoon placed a hand on Jin's shoulder.  "I told you I'll buy you everything you want. Don't worry about so just go and choose whatever you want." "Ugh okay but I have to pay you back." "Jin you know that's the least of my worries. I have lots of money. You can pay me back with your happiness." "Namjoon you're so cheesy. Thank you!" Jin leaned in and kissed Namjoon's cheek. "Would that be enough as a payback." Namjoon nodded with a red face. "Just get anything and don't worry about the price." Namjoon forgot to mention but he took Jin to the most expensive grocery in Seoul where the prices were dollars than one thousand dollars. "What kind of chocolates are these? How come I never seen them before?" "These chocolates were made by a seventy- eight year old artist name Kim Won Le. He died at the age of eighty-two by a heart attack. He only did a limited amount of chocolates which is why they cost a lot." Jin frown. "Then we shouldn't get them." He put them back were they belong." "You're right, we shouldn't. There's a bigger box." Namjoon reached on top of the shelf and got a double size box with forty chocolates in it. "Namjoon what are you doing. I don't like you spending money on me." "Then pretend its a present for your birthday." "My birthday is in December." Namjoon sigh in annoyance but still he put the box in the basket. He took a hold of my hand and they continue walking looking for other snacks. When they went to pay Jin couldn't help but feel guilty about Namjoon wasting his money of him. "Hyung how about we split the money?" Jin nodded, he was feeling good about it since he has a good amount of money. "You're total is $11,327 with forty five cents. The cashier said smiling. "Wait what...?" Jin only had a couple of hundreds in his wallet. "Namjoon I don't think.." "Huyng it's alright." Namjoon took out his wallet and payed for the snacks, in cash. Jin started feeling guilty again. "I'm gonna put the stuff on the car, wait for me outside." Namjoon took the bags and left. "Are you two together?" The cashier asked once Namjoon was out of the view. Jin's face was red. "No we're just friends." "Isn't he that famous rapper, what's his name... Rap Monster," Jin nodded "How do you know him?" The cashier asked again. "We go to school together. Hint the uniforms." "Do you like him?" Freaking cashier doesn't know how to shut her mouth. "I uhh..." "Jin let's go." Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand before I could reply to her. "Did you possibly hear everything?" "Only when she asked you if you like me. Do you?" "I mean I like your music but as in I like 'like' you...no." Namjoon tried to hide his frown but it was noticeable for Jin to see. "Namjoon?" Jin said in a low whisper. "I bought a blanket for us to sit at when we get to the park. And I also got a bug spray so that they won't bother us." * * * The ride to the park was awkward. Jin kept stealing glances at Namjoon once a while but he never took a glance at Jin. The older friend was getting frustrated. Yes, he did like Namjoon but he wasn't too sure if it was a crush. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything to him. Namjoon once again grabbed the food and and a different bag which contained the spray and blanket. "Thank you for doing this Namjoom." Jin kissed Namjoon's hand, the one he was holding his hands with. Namjoon was confused. He was gay and he wasn't in the closet. Well, only his closes friends and his family and his manager know. But as for the fans, they were clueless. Especially since his manager is against it, not his sexuality but who he dates. Back when Namjoon first debuted he started going out with a guy from the same company as him. The guy was a rebel, completely opposite from Namjoon. He would swear, smoke in public places, been caught multiple times having sex in restrooms, and has also been caught stealing in many stores. The rapper's manager didn't like him one bit so he kicked the older guy out of the group once his contract was over. And when it did, Namjoon and his older boyfriend broke up. The guy was furious. He followed Namjoon around until he was alone and almost raped him. He was suddenly stopped by Yoongi, that's how they met. The guy hasn't showed up ever since. But Namjoon was feeling confused on the mixed signals Jin has been showing him. He's clingy and kisses a lot- and also lets Namjoon hold his hand, and then he's saying he has no feeling towards him. Namjoon didn't have a crush on his hyung, at least not yet. When he's around Jin he feels warm and carefree. He doesn't have to worry about the elder only using him for fame or money. He doesn't have to pretend to be the bad boy rapper image his manager told him to act as. He can be his usual shy geek that lives to read and listen to jazz music. Namjoon lives rapping, it was his dream but the sound of jazz makes him calm and helps him concentrate. That's what he also feels like when he's around Jin. Would it be too soon to have a crush on Jin. Maybe he just likes being around him, so it couldn't be that. "I didn't know they sold lots of American candy here. Have you tried any of these?" Jin asked the rapper "Just the basic ones. Lollipops and the chocolates. Have you?" Jin shook his head in response. *** After their small picnic they went to walk around to wherever their feet lead. They got to know each other better and even thought Jin knew mostly everything about Namjoon, he got to learn more about him during his training years. For the rest of the day went great, they didn't get mob by fans just a couple came over and asked for pictures and autographs. Some fans even called Jin handsome and pointed out his amazing cheekbones. When it was dark, Jin drove Namjoon to his own apartment. He wanted to take him home himself but his manager said it was too risky so they send his chauffeur to pick him up. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Jin asked nervously when they got there, he didn't know if Namjoon would like to speak to him after he embarrassed himself today when he fell of the swings at the park. "Definitely. Since we have the same lunch, you and your friend should come and sit with us at our table. To get to know each other better." Jin nodded eagerly which made Namjoon feel better about his request to the elder. They both heard a beep behind them. Namjoon was leaning in for a hug but then Jin held his hand out for a high-five. "Oh ahaha," the rapper laugh feeling a neural relating to a nerve go in his nervous system. He slapped the older's hand slightly before getting out of the car and getting to the one behind. Jin now wished he should've of hugged Namjoon. ***
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justsomewhump · 7 years
I think it’s time I shared my story about being a whumper.
I was really, really young when I first enjoyed seeing characters bleed. I mean, I think I always remember myself that way, but if I had to choose an age, I’d say about 8 years old. That’s when my older sister downloaded issues from a comic magazine called Witchblade, and I sat next to her while she was reading them. English is not my first language, so I couldn’t understand a thing at first - but it had some interesting moments where the characters bled. Case in point:
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(this woman is the protagonist, and might I say I just noticed she’s wearing a collar. wow. also yes I do enjoy a little female character whump here and there)
Most of these were pretty minor in comparison to what I enjoy now. But hey, I was 8. I doubt my sister actually enjoyed the above whump as I did, so she kept reading for the story. As I said, I didn’t know what they were saying back then, so I kept re-opening the whumpy parts when no-one was looking.
I grew up a little, and then started watching Naruto when I was about 14. I gave up after a few hundred episodes but the casual show of violence there inspired me to take one of its characters and change the circumstances around him and weave a plot where he would be the protagonist (much later I found out this was called an AU). And he was getting whumped af. I tried to add some character development and dynamics to the story, but the one part I kept going back to was him being possessed by a sort-of demon and the demon causing him a helluva lot of pain. Eventually I gave up on the story, though I remember most of its details.
When I was 18, I read Battle Royale (read: here be BLOOD) and at the same time started writing down a story where an ex-cop is getting kidnapped by a mob boss whom the cop had betrayed and arrested, and is also getting tortured to the point where he begs for death.
All that time since my childhood, I was scared to share these feelings with other people. I felt somewhat okay knowing that it was all in my head and I enjoyed it only because I knew it was fictional and wouldn’t ever be okay with those scenarios coming true in real life. But still, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about all these thoughts, I was scared they’d look at me like I was crazy, a serial-killer wanna-be. So I kept it in.
Then the TV series Once Upon a Time happened and Killian Jones entered my life.
I did feel a little sorry for him, because he was the most whumped character in the show even before he was literally tortured, but I enjoyed the minor, at first, whump.
Then I read the fic Being for the Benefit of Mr. Gold by @mathildia. And, look. I’m still a virgin, and bordering on asexual. Yet I had no qualms actually masturbating to a story whose almost every chapter had hardcore BDSM gay sex, where my fave character was the most willing sub you’ll ever meet. This story still holds a special place in my whumpy heart.
Then Hook was whumped gloriously on our screens.
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I was frozen, because I enjoyed the whump so freaking much. But at the same time I felt bad for him for narrative reasons, and also because almost his whole fandom felt really uncomfortable with this. So while I felt bad for him, I liked seeing him bleed and was thinking of ways of how to make it all worse but I felt like I had to keep it in, because appearances and all.
Then @killian-whump appeared and slowly dragged me out of the closet. I started searching through her blog and had what someone may call a “whumper epiphany”. I learnt that my liking to characters suffering had a name. I finally had someone to talk to freely about how much I loved seeing characters bleed, and how actually normal that is. I made her gifs of whumped Killian for her blog. I collected all the grunts and whimpers and general pain sounds he’s made over the course of his then three seasons in the show and put them all in one audio file. I asked her to keep them all secret, but I honestly loved making every single one of them. But I’ve made some true friends here on Tumblr, and while I consider killian-whump one of them, it never felt easy coming out to the others, similar to how hard it is coming out to my “real-life” friends. Especially if I told them I get horny with sexual whump.
So after much deliberation, I created this blog. And here’s to everyone on the whump community: you’re amazing. You’re all lovely and adorable and so accepting of each other and our differences, and I love that. I’m sure we’ve all felt it, that dread feeling that something is wrong with us and that we can’t share it because the others will think we’re going nuts. And the fact that we’re all here, and we offer support, and share the enthusiasm, and say that it’s okay to feel that way, that it’s normal, and don’t argue on what’s the “right way” of enjoying whump, it’s just so heart-warming and lovely.
So, thank you, really. Thank you for being there and being so open and accepting. It really means a lot. Thank you.
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: Lady Bearica Andrews
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This anything-goes entertainer makes up one third of the self-deprecating nightlife collective The Nobodies, who are finally getting their props as of late: a Glam nomination in December, and the the go-ahead from Bob the Drag Queen herself to take over the Slam Awards in January. Let’s catch up with Lady Bearica Andrews and get the T on the Ki!
Thotyssey: Hey Bearica! Welcome back! You've been traveling--tell us a little about your journeys.
Lady Bearica Andrews: I just returned from a much needed trip home to the West Coast. I was there to see one of my best friends tie the knot... and to give shows for the first time in the LA area. 
Side note: love weddings... all of them. I'm going to have a major gay wedding someday with all the Hetero-Normative-Wedding-Accouterments.
I hope you do! Any madcap adventures out there?
Nothing crazy--although on the first night back I went to every fucking gay bar in Long Beach. Dropped a certain New York queen's name in order to have an “in” with Morgan McMichaels (fucking sweetheart, that one).
Had a chance to hook up with one of my longest all-time crushes on New Years Eve night...but turned him down. WHY?! Ugh. Who goes on vacation and becomes a prude?
The biggest potential mishap was booking a show in LA the night of my friend's wedding, which was a billion miles away in Orange County.
But luckily I have amazing friends, who'll pick me up anytime, any place, and feed me full of booze when we get to wherever I'm supposed to be--much like [my cohorts] Ariel Italic and DJ Accident Report at any given Nobodies show.
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So, is Cali is your native land? 
NOOOO! I'm a Kansas boy...Born in Coffeyville, Kansas (on the border of Oklahoma) and raised in Chanute, Kansas (home of some really great people and a huge fucking Wal-Mart).
At 25, I decided it was time to finish my Bachelor's and get out of Kansas and see something else, so I moved to Long Beach, California.
I got residency. Became a townie. Fell in love. Blacked out a few times. Long Beach is one of the most diverse cities in the US. I relished being a “minority” for the first time, learning the nuances of race and nationality, and culture. I also realized, despite my perceived open-mindedness, no matter how much I thought I had educated and separated myself from the small-minded privileged behavior I was raised in, ignorance runs deep.
I'm still learning about my privilege. Like every fucking day. While, I grew up surrounded by what I still consider to be mostly good people; people who'll change a tire on the side of the road; give you the shirt off their back;  I started to see the cracks.
Many people live their entire lives without ever seeing the cracks! 
I had always been envious of people deeply routed, and continually involved their culture and history. I didn't feel I had that at the time. Living in California, is when I first realized 'Gay' or 'Queer' is a culture. It has a history. And I got angry that I wasn't taught this. And my Voice started to grow.
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What were you studying in Long Beach, by the way?
I went back to do film & poli sci/history. I got scared of the idea of learning to make films and missed performing, so I went back to theatre. But I tried to study as many other things as I could. Lots of history.  A little Film. A little poli sci.
The Great thing about the theatre department at Cal State Long Beach, is that they made an effort to educate us, and encourage us to educate ourselves in other areas.
Did you create the Bearica character there?
Short answer: no. Theatre helped me to become more myself. And to learn that you are the character, and the character is you. How can there be a separation? I forget where/who this phrase comes from: "It's (the character) not me, but it's not not me.” Which is kind of what's interesting/confusing about nightlife and drag to me.
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So what eventually got you to New York?
I wanted to move here, turned 30, and decided it was time.
Did you have a plan for what you wanted to do here?
After college, I didn't know that I wanted act anymore; I lost interest in theatre. My first professional audition, I forgot to bring a headshot, and while that may be just a rookie mistake, I saw it as a sort of sign, or whatever. 
I moved home to Kansas to 'root myself'. Fell in Love. Made some really good friends. Fell Out of Love. And then moved back to California to take a class that had been life-changing for many of my peers. I still didn't know I wanted anything to do with performing; I just knew I needed to take this class, with this teacher, before I moved on.
I was also writing a play about a fictionalized drag queen during Stonewall. So that was another excuse to be here 
Oh, sounds interesting! Did you ever complete that project?
I haven't. But this class was where the idea was born. The teacher was Alexandra Billings, who is now on Transparent. She is the single most phenomenal person I've met in my life. She gets it. She saw me. She can probably see you too. No need to meet. She's that person.
How did Bearica make her debut?
Drag was born out of perceived necessity, right? Shakespeare needed a ‘woman’ on stage. I needed to take a view from that stage, rather the dressing room, in order to write this character. Really, I just needed to give myself permission to get up there. 
I haven’t completed this play yet, maybe I won’t. But, drag has most definitely taught me how to tell a story in a way that seems less daunting than putting pen to paper.
Bearica, originally Bearicunt Lotta (LOL!), born on a Halloween like all of us queens, actually debuted at the Monster, on the very same stage as this year’s Slam Awards! Holly Dae’s monthly competition. Sandi Beaches, who is sadly on an indefinite leave of absence, helped name me, and pushed me to the stage. She’s my OG drag sister. 
I did some crazy mashup of “Rose’s Turn” and “Glitch Mob” in a straight-jacket. Everyone was confused. I was elated. Holly forgot my name. I love that kind of contradiction. I love a mashup.
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So, the Slammies are part of the Nobodies' history! Your right-hand gal Ariel italic told us how you two sort of became the Nobodies at the 9th Ave Saloon after a Slam ceremony.
Yeah, that's where we met. everyone else was headed to Westgay. Ariel and I are old, and way less cool than most, so we ended up holding up the bar at 9th Ave (my favorite spot in HK), made the bartender laugh, and weaseled our way into hosting Drag Race--much like we weaseled our way into hosting The Slammies. This Friday is pretty special. Full circle moment in many ways. At the end of the day, ask for what you want, yes?
Tell me a little about the Nobodies, which consist of you two and DJ Accident Report. You've hosted eclectic shows in Brooklyn and Manhattan and beyond, including the viewing parties and a pageant you all created at Eastlands over the summer: Mx. Nobody! 
Mx Nobody! What a great privilege, to be able to provide a space for such a diverse group of artists to come together and push themselves, and each other. Can't wait for Mx. Nobody 2017!
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One element that defines you all is this ruthlessly self-deprecating sense of humor. Where does that come from, you think?
Self deprecation? Doesn't that just come natural to all of us?
The tongue in cheek title of our first show 'Nobodies Hosting Drag Race'  clicked with people--it felt different, so we went with it. It took the pressure off us too, and allowed us just to have fun, making fun of ourselves before anyone else had the chance to. 
Nightlife can be a really difficult world to navigate, especially when there are about a billion other artists (believe me, I counted) raising their voices to be heard. We just wanted to carve out our own space. Once that show was over, Accident Report joined, and  The Nobodies were born; and for that I must say I'm sorry and you're welcome.
Which "type" are you in the Nobodies? Like, if you can break it down to one-dimensional character types like in the Spice Girls (the slutty one, the butch one, the one who can sing, etc.) which one are you?
Well... Eric, DJ Accident Report, is definitely the Angry one (we actually have a segment in our 'Nobodies Talking Shit' shows called 'Shit Eric Shorey hates”). I’m the Late one, and Ariel is the Let's Get It Together one. We all pop out of the same garbage can, though.
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It was nice to see you three nominated for a GLAM this year, though. Did that catch you by surprise?
Yeah. We fucking freaked out! I was in Kansas City hanging out in my cousins living room, probably high af. Ariel texted me and I made some kind of yelp-laugh-noise that made their dog jump. I mean, I was secretly hoping for a nomination, and that validation was really motivating. 
Oh! And so glad to have presented Ari Kiki with her award! She's been such a great Nobodies supporter, like a jockstrap for your tuck. So glad to have her performing at [this year’s] Slammies! 
Congrats on your win, by the way. Well-deserved! I personally loved your “uncle jacket!" 
Haha, thank you.
What really caught me by surprise was the misprint on the card I was presenting Best Photographer from. 
Wait what was the misprint?
Oh, it was a very Steve Harvey moment. The card had double one name and left out another.
But the screen had it right. The crowd was, like, chanting the name left off, and off course it was a Brooklyn girl--Santiago. So when I finally turned around saw his name and said it, everyone thought he was the winner and started cheering. The stage manager was so mad. I was like, 'Sorry for your technical difficulty, girl.” Whatevs.
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So, you all are hosting the SLAMs (aka the Slammies) this weekend, at Monster. What a great fit! The Slammies, of course, are the nightlife awards that cruelly/lovingly reward the “worst” of nightlife, all in good fun. Bob the Drag Queen used to host them, but had to abandon them when Drag Race fame called.
The Nobodies of course have personal ties to the Slammies, but what specifically motivated you all to want to take up the hosting duties for the revival?
You're right... it is a good fit. And it's where Ariel and I met. I don't know though...we just really wanted the event to happen. 
We had another segment in our Talking Shit show called 'Drag Queen Drama' where we'd do dramatic readings of the drama from the previous week. I think holding up a mirror in this community, and poking fun at our missteps is funny. We all get drunk together and do/say stupid things...it’s not that deep! Let's laugh about it. 
It's been an interesting transition for us, going from random shows in front of a pool table in a sports bar in Bushwick to taking on such a beloved / divisive event as the Slammies. From the beginning, the intent was to bring all different types from every borough together to shake hands, slap asses and laugh. The previous Slammies were very, very Manhattan-centric, and we saw an opportunity for The Nobodies to be the East River that connected everyone; we're the garbage floating on top. if you need to walk on us to get to one another, so be it.  
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There’s been some drama with the changing of the guard, though!
I've heard some talk about our “perceived intentions,” and I'd like to clear a couple things up: the nomination process was left up to the public. If there's anything we've learned this year, it's you need to fucking vote! 
Did we have to make some decisions on the final candidates? Yes. Some of the categories are confusing, but so is the concept of an Anti-Awards Show. I remember Erika Klash saying something at the last Slams, like "I don't know whether to be honored or embarrassed,' but she just went with it. And that's the spirit. Do we really think you're not going to be on Drag Race? No! Well, maybe. Who cares? 
I think we made a mistake by not opening ourselves up for noms, though. The Slammies are meant to be about the community, bringing it together, ya know? but if it makes you uncomfortable, let me know, I'll take you off the ballot, silently and discreetly. But come direct. And I appreciate those who have.
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How do you think the show will go?
Here’s's the Real Deal: I am really excited to bring in a fundraising component to the Slam Awards.  All the door proceeds will be going straight to the Trans Justice Funding Project. and I am so thankful for the support of our co-producer, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, who'll be provided us with some scents to give out at the door: first come first served, with a door donation of $15 bucks or more. 
With BPAL, our local sponsor House of La Rue, Mitch Ferrino and the Monster Bar, and the support of our Nobabies and friends, I think we have put together another kick ass show. And Bob the Drag Queen, she was probably just sick of us talking about it. Really though, I have to thank her for trusting us to do this show. Oh, and Jessye Herrell will be taking photos!
So come. Have fun. Maybe make a new friend, or a family, like Ariel and I did. We have performances by GLAM AWARD winners Will Sheridan & Ari Kiki, and Mx. Nobody contestant Miss Cuntstrude. Also, a Secret Surprise Award!
Madness! Do you have any predictions on who will "Misty Meaner" the shit out of the proceedings this time around (i.e., cause a scene and destroy shit)? The actual Misty Meaner again, maybe?
Hopefully! There has been some talk about it. She is nominated for Cunt of the Year, so...
Anything else coming up for you and the Nobodies?
Well, we've been talking to Catland in Bushwick. The owner is amazing, and she has a really great space. We did an event there in October called “Nobodies Worshipping Satan.” It went really well, and I am excited to get back into that space. 
Also, “Nobodies Hosting Drag Race” will return, of course. And personally, I am excited to introduce cousin Shelley to NYC. I think she is flying in Friday from Kansas, so she'll surely be at the Slammies. Come over and help me give her a warm New York welcome:
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Hi Shelley! Okay, last question: what's something that the world may not know about Lady Bearica, but should?
Oh God. that’s a toughy...
First and foremost, I'm a fan of drag, I'm a fan of people. I want to support you. I may not be at every show, but if you need me, let me know. Going through the Mx. Nobody Pageant at the same moment as the Pulse shooting, really tested me as an artist and person. It changed me, like it changed so many others. 
Take a moment to check in with each other, look each other in the eye. We are a community: the T the L the G the B the I the Q. Don't forget to be where your hands are... stay present. 
Wow. okay. There you have it, Serious moments with Bearica. 
Also... #wearethenobodies!
Thanks Bearica, see you Friday!
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Lady Bearica Andrews and the Nobodies will host the SLAM Awards at Monster on Friday, January 13th (7pm). She can be followed on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
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gleefail · 4 years
Glee Memories: 1x9 Wheels
A long, long time ago, as Glee was approaching graduation in Season 3, I found myself nostalgic with some rare free time on my hands. So I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning and jot down some memories, discrepancies that have arisen since, fave quotes, tally solos - all that good stuff, strictly for shits and giggles.
8 years later (eek!) and once more I find myself with an unexpected abundance of free time. With so many revisiting or being newly introduced to the show between binge watching during Quarantine and all the tragedy that has surrounded the show since it went off the air, I figured I’d finish what I started. And by finish, I mean go through the end of S3. Cause I truly cannot acknowledge what happened after that. Except for 5B.
Kicking this off by reposting the first 15 episodes I already went through. Enjoy!
1x9 Wheels I haven’t addressed yet that this voice-over “Here’s what you missed on Glee” guy is different…will be interesting to see when they changed it.
um…when did Kurt tell everyone that he was gay? Didn’t he only come out to Mercedes and his dad so far? I definitely missed that on Glee
Holy crap. I forgot about this Cheerios jump rope number.
This is when I started not liking S1 Quinn. When she started being just plain mean to Finn even as she lied to him about the baby being his. Uncalled for. Although her calling out that he’s a peabrain is hella-necessary.
Figgins can’t pay for a bus for Artie to get to sectionals. Understandable? Is that like, legal?
Makes total sense that Sue has boosters that provide funds for traveling etc. Doesn’t make sense that the Glee club never started music boosters….not to me anyways.
Will’s right. In high school, some of the best trips were rides to other schools for volleyball games and showchoir competitions together. Although that almost always involved people mooning out the back window. And getting to third base under letterman jackets. Just my school? Anyone else?
Aw…Tina is looking at Artie from afar…not necessarily romantically…concerned? Whatever the reason, it’s cute.
Aw, Kurt’s so excited about Defying Gravity
let the record show, Mr. Schue just handed a solo to Rachel for a competition for the first time ever. But not the last. Don’t get me started.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find something for you to…dip in chocolate” Two things: 1. Yes you will. And his name is Sam Evans. (’wanky’). 2. No, you won’t Mr. Schue. No. You. Won’t. #oops
“I mean, bake sales are kind of bourgee” “So hip people stopped eating delicious, sugary treats?” “It’s not that, it’s that most of us don’t know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.” I love every moment of this exchange. And
Britany’s officially not all there now. :) Yaaaay!
Aw, poor Artie and the peer pressure of having to say he doesn’t mind when he’s clearly hurt by people he thinks are his friends. Poor guy.
It really does impress me how Kevin McHale manages to completely lose use of his legs. Even when he’s boppin in his wheelchair. I don’t think I could do it.
Jenna Ushkowitz is flat out adorable laughing at her lunch table in slow motion.
Aw Tina. These original members really do all have a lil special place in my heart. Before RIB screwed most of them over.
Ruh roh, I know that look. Mr. Schue is getting an idea watching Artie jamming around in his wheelchair…
Why is Kurt wearing a gangsta bandana on his head?
“But I’m happy to have you try out something else, Kurt. And I’ll make sure it’s got a killer high note” No. No, you won’t Schue. Ugh. Three seasons of empty promises and he won Teacher of the Year? Riiiight.
“Well, you’re irritating most of the time but…don’t take that personally”
“Preach!” Yes!!! There’s the Artie I know and love! It makes me giggle more seeing moments like this knowing he asks Amber to show him how to do it, lol.
hahahahaha – Finn just got hit in the back of the head with someone’s baseball bat! Rachel just got her lunch spilled all over her! Oh, happiness.
“it’s what I have left of my pool cleaning money. After I bought dip and numchucks” 
Quinn is so pretty in regular clothes with her hair down in season one. I would buy that THIS is the girl everyone wants to be. She’s totes that popular, bitchy girl who has everything.
“It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a Mohawk”
Aw, this food fight is still so cute. I feel like we haven’t seen Quinn laugh like that since until she was going up that ramp with Artie cheering her on. So cute.
“It’s not about a guy, is it? Cause…I’m not ready to have that conversation.” “At least you don’t have to worry about me getting someone pregnant” snicker snicker. True dat.
“You sing like a girl – in a good way”
So…yeah, they were doing Defying Gravity for Sectionals…what happened to that?
Ugh. So stupid Rachel is complaining about having to audition for a solo. It’s showchoir. You should have to audition for EVERY solo and anyone who wants to can. …but it’s Glee
“We all know I’m more popular than Rachel – and I dress better than her…”
“Your right hand, Britany” *Santana whispers to her “it’s this one”* Yup. Not all there. There’s mah girl!
I love that instead of saying “I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better”, Mercedes blatantly says to Kurt “I promise to vote FOR YOU” with a big smile. I love Kurtcedes. Have I said that yet?
“Maybe one of these days you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without ruining my life.” Oh he will Rachel. He’ll just ruin everyone else’s.
“Those are what I call ‘lazy makers’”
Figgins is making Sue hold auditions to replace Quinn on the Cheerios. How do they not try out in the first place?
“and as soon as a cheerleader rolls herself out onto the field in a wheelchair she becomes decidedly less effective at cheering people up. It’s just a fact.”
“Stop attacking me. I’m sick of it” I like this Finn. Where did he come from? And where did he go?
I never ever ever realized that that was Kurt auditioning for the Cheerios with a baton. OMG!
haha, also never realized that the “freak” did the splits and clearly landed on his junk but tried to play it like he was fine. HAAAAA!
“Becky, I’m gonna stop you right there. You’re in.” YAY!
“I’m just saying, she has a point; you are kind of an idiot.” Truth.com, Puck.
“It’s just like you, with your stutter” Tina’s reaction said it all. “But I wanna be very clear: I still have the use of my penis.” HAAAAAAA!!! And Artie’s “why did I say that?!” look afterwards. Golden.
Kurt warming up to a high F while Burt gets the “your son’s a fag” phone call. So damn sad.
“Sometimes I just…I wish your mom was still around, y’know?” Aw, Burt. So happy you’ll find Carol.
“I don’t wanna win out of charity. I wanna win the solo because it’s right for the club. I really think that the judges at Sectionals will find a female version of Defying Gravity much more accessible.” Lies and manipulation and selfishness of Rachel Berry. And it begins.
“People just don’t like me.” “Yeah, you might wanna work on that” Yup. You might, Rachel. Too bad ya never really did unless it was to benefit you. hahaha, Puck put a lil pot in the cupcakes. I totally forgot about that. omg. There’s a loooot of flannel in that lunch room. What is that about?
Haha. Puck buying pot from Sandy. “The doctor said the shark fractured my spinal cord.” “This is why I don’t go to the aquarium.”
Sue’s mean don’t discriminate because of handicap, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
“You think this is hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they’re going in a different direction. THAT was hard.” Truth.
“Oh, I bully everyone, William. That’s the way I roll”
First official Diva-off!! I remember I soooo wanted Kurt to win, but it was all over his face that something was up ever since Burt told him about that phone call.
First sacrifice for Rachel Berry. Go.
Even back then when I liked Rachel Berry, I didn’t like her singing this song. I think my dislike of her started right around here. Like “who does she think she is, trying to sing this song better than Idina, when she knows damn well, coming from Broadway, who Idina is!?” that was me, lol. My point is I still don’t like her on this song. It has a special place in my heart and I need more of a powerhouse on it, and someone whose soul I can hear when they sing it, not just trying to sing pretty.
“’It’ is a ‘she’.” That’s a cute moment. :)
Ok. Ohhhhh boy. Finn got a job by pretending to be handicapped and stuck in a wheelchair. But wasn’t it Finn that 2 seasons later berates Quinn for not announcing that she’s improved to now be able to stand/walk to get votes for Prom Queen? I just…I refrain from comment. It’ll get ugly.
Aw, Artie is donating the money to get a ramp put in the auditorium instead of using it to get a bus to go to Sectionals with everyone. Way to take one for the team, Artie. He’s a good guy.
Sue donated the $600 to rent the bus for Sectionals. Aw. I knew something was up at that point. Lies. I knew something was up when she told Will “You don’t know the FIRST thing about me.”
Aw, Jean. This relationship was so sweet.
AWWWWW – Artie’s face after Tina kisses him!!!
Aw. Artie’s face after Tina admits that she’s faking her stutter. :(
“I’m sorry now you get to be normal and I’m gonna be stuck in this chair for the rest of my life. And that’s not something I can fake.” Aw, man. So sad.
“I’m just saying that I love you more than I love being a star.” Oh Kurt. You little angel.
Ok. There are no words for how I felt when I found out Glee was doing Proud Mary. Here’s the thing: Me and my theatre friends always go to karaoke and take turns singing this song. And then the rest of us kinda flash mob it and rush the stage once the tempo picks up in synchronized back-up dancing. And it’s the highlight of our night and the best tradition when we can get everyone together to do it. Once people came up and asked if we were some group of performers that the bar hired to come do it. It’s soooo much fun. It has such a special place in my heart. I do it now for warm-ups with my high school kids when we need to unwind. And I always use this Glee version. Cause I loves Amber Riley and Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz on it. Things like this are what make me sad that Glee-ers are graduating more than missing the show itself or the writing; the memories made along the way. And the things like this that just make me smile.
Lol, one of my friends loved the duplicity of them singing this. Cause it was ‘rollin’ for Artie and ‘Mary’ for Kurt. He was gay, so I guess he was allowed to say things like that cause he owned it, lol.
This number is so effing awesome. And the costumes and hair are super cute.
I love the behind the scenes of this where Cory talks about when Amber fell out of her wheelchair and he just heard a crash followed  by incessant laughing. SOLOS: Artie (2), Rachel (1), Kurt (1), Mercedes (1), Tina (1)
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