#I’m just. so angry and sad.
sandeewithtwoe · 8 months
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Training is important…. But talking about your favourite show is important too
Blue belongs to PopcornPr1nce
Ink belongs to comyet/ myebi
Dream belongs to Jokublog
In case you can’t read my handwriting:
Blue: Huh, that’s weird. Dream is late for training
Ink: Wait, IM not the one late? That’s new!
Blue: Maybe we should check if he’s alright
Blue: Dream, wake up! There’s no time to be a lazybones!
Dream: uh… hey guys! What’s going on-
Ink: Please please please tell me you’re a brony too!
Dream: A… brownie?
Blue: OMG you have so much to learn!
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
cw: pregnancy, kids (you guys have a daughter together), fwb’s, angst with a bit of a hopeful ending, refers to you as ‘girl’ once
Friends with benefits Bakugou who never really got over his ego to fully commit to you. You’re a little ashamed to admit it, but when you fell pregnant, you thought that things would change. That the whole “no feelings” aspect would’ve been dropped, that he would’ve embraced you fully.
But he just…didn’t? If anything, he distanced himself away from you, became so formal like you were another coworker he would address. It was heartbreaking, going through your first pregnancy feeling so, so alone, but having to grin and bear it the whole way through.
He supported you though in every way that he could. He never missed an appointment, would trek to your house during late nights whenever you craved something. He even moved you in to his own apartment during your last trimester, but a couple months after your baby was born, you went back home. You never felt unwelcome, but you couldn’t pretend to be a happy family when he slept in the guest room every night.
So now, you coparent quite easily. At least, it seems easy to Bakugou, but really, it’s all a facade.
In all honesty? He thinks he’s a fuck up. An idiot. The stupidest, shittiest person who’s ever existed.
He thought what he was doing was enough, that the words he didn’t say carried across oceans, formulated into titles that he never verbalized. So when you told him you would be happy to coparent, his world felt upended suddenly, as he holds his tiny little baby girl in his arms.
Coparent? How could a couple coparent? Where did he go wrong? (He only slept in the guest room to give you and baby space, only moved you in late because you lived so far away and you were getting so big. He never said I love you because he was too embarrassed to say it out loud. He didn’t know he had to say it out loud to solidify it. He thought you just knew.)
So it’s why his heart breaks when he catches a glimpse of curly blond hair and red eyes in the grocery store. He tries to duck behind an aisle, but his baby would recognize him anywhere. (It’s true; you’ve sent many videos of her recognizing him on billboards and tv commercials and magazines.)
“Bakugou?” You call, ducking around the corner to catch a glimpse of him. He tries to act nonchalant like he’s looking at cans of soup, tries not to cringe at your formal name. He turns when you come into view, eyes drinking in your attire. His heart breaks a little when he recognizes the shirt you took in your second trimester, still has the pic you sent him of you grinning as you show off what you stole.
“Hey.” Bakugou greets gruffly, mouth pulled tight, but it cracks into a grin when his daughter starts squealing. She’s in the front part of the shopping cart, twisting her little chunky body to get out and get to him. She damn near screams when he sets his basket down to pick her up, rubbing his nose to hers.
“How ya doing, squirt?” He asks quietly, pecking at her chubby cheeks as she instantly starts babbling to him. He holds her close to his chest, eyes full of pure love for his baby girl, and it makes your heart squeeze so tight you think it might burst.
“This isn’t your neck of the woods.” You mutter, head tilting to the side as you take in your daughters excited face to see her father. Bakugou’s eyes snap to your own, letting his daughter play with his fingers in the meanwhile. He looks embarrassed, cheeks a dusty pink as he grumbles and looks away.
“I was just picking up some stuff to drop off for her. Was gonna text you and see if you were home,” he replies, and something tells you that it’s a lie. But you don’t pester him about it, just nod a few times, taking in the sight.
He looks so good like that, in his compression shirt and sweats, his hair mussed from your daughters incessant pulling. He’s grinning at her, but looks so bashful when he turns to you, like he’s thinking about things he knows he shouldn’t, like he has a boatload to say but can’t cough up.
And if you were a mind reader, you’d be so fucking right. He can’t help but reminisce on before you got pregnant, the nights spent with you. The day you told him you were having a girl, the tears you cried when you delivered her. He thinks, filled with so much guilt the entire time, that he wants another one. With you.
“‘S it okay if I walk my favorite girls home?” He asks you gruffly, nibbling on your daughters cheeks to hear her giggle again, uncaring of the drool she leaves on his hand. You feel your eyes widen at his term for you, face suddenly flushing. Favorite? You, his favorite?
Something tells you that you shouldn’t fall down the rabbit hole that is Bakugou Katsuki and his suppressed emotions and shitty ego. But there’s another something that tells you to trust it this time, to let things happen organically and without expectation. So you do.
“I’m sure she would love to show her daddy the new toy her grandma just brought her.” You tell him, giggling when he rolls his eyes at the mention of his mother. But he walks with you the entire time you finish up your grocery order, holding your daughter the whole time and pays for your groceries despite repeatedly telling him that he doesn’t have to.
He pushes her in the stroller stored underneath the shopping cart on the way home, making small conversation. And when you’re halfway home, does he reach for your hand. Only to cross the cross walk though, he tells himself, only for your protection. But he doesn’t let go until you’re in your own place, and even then, he’s close by the entire time. He helps you put away groceries, remembers where everything is like he lives here.
And for some reason, the familiarity makes your heart ache a little more than you would like it to.
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padfootastic · 8 months
my sirius & harry thought of the day:
harry kept that firebolt alive for all 137 years of his remaining life through sheer willpower and magical strength. he did not let a single twig of it die off. not only was he absolutely unhinged about taking care of it, not letting anyone near it after 5th year, but he also basically single-handedly reinvented the field of broom-crafting just so he could keep his godfather’s gift to him alive. he didn’t do anything with this skill, basically driving everywhere who knew him spare bc !!! ‘harry do u know what u just did? most brooms don’t last over 6-7 years, not even a fraction of that if used at the pace and frequency as u. if u could just—‘
and he just flat out shuts them up bc how does he tell them that the reason his firebolt is still alive is bc sirius’ love runs thru it and harry would die himself before he let it bc he can’t lose the last piece of sirius he has left. he cannot perform this miracle on any other broom, tho he can probably make the single best non-sirius-gifted broom that the WW has ever seen just bc of how extensive his knowledge is now
and the thing, right, is he doesn’t keep the firebolt locked up in some display like some artefact. sirius would’ve never wanted that. his dad would’ve hated it. brooms were meant to be flown. so fly, he does. wonderfully. it’s forever his primary broom and he puts it thru all the paces, keeping up with all sorts of newer, flashier, pro models w utter ease.
it’s like this: when he uses this firebolt, it feels like perhaps he has his godfather back for just a second. and harry is forever weak to that feeling.
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ein-shtink · 3 months
Sometimes I think about the fact we’re neighbors. There are more things that bring me and a Palestinian woman living in Gaza together than things bringing us apart.
We grew up watching the same sunsets, the same sunrises. If there were no borders, it would take about an hour for us to go and visit one another. We grew up listening to the same music. Our parents did, too.
Our grandparents read poetry in the same language, watched the same Egyptian movies. The foods are similar, the hobbies are, too. When I was in high school I met a girl my age, who grew up in Gaza but relocated with her family to an Arab village within Israel, a five minute drive from where I used to live. We made movies together. We joked a lot. We were one and the same, more often than not.
I can’t stop thinking about the Palestinians in Gaza. I can’t stop thinking about the horrors they endure. I can’t stop thinking about Palestinian men, women and children, having to fight for food. For hygiene products. For water. I can’t stop thinking about them having no time to hide before a bomb hits, about them not being allowed to evacuate. I can’t stop thinking about the ones who died protesting for a better life, long before this war started. They are my neighbors. We watch the same sunsets.
I can’t stop thinking about the hostages, either. I can’t stop thinking about the desecrated bodies of innocent women paraded around Gaza’s streets. I can’t stop thinking about the sisters who were raped and murdered together, aged 13 and 16. The older one was my sister’s friend. I can’t stop thinking about Shlomo Ron, the art-loving 80 year old man who sacrificed his own life to save his wife and grandchildren. He looks just like my grandpa. I can’t stop thinking about Thomas Hand, who was told his little girl was dead and cried tears of joy, because being dead is better than being taken hostage. I can’t stop thinking about the fact Emily Hand didn’t die, and actually was taken hostage. Ever since she was released, she only whispers, too afraid to speak up.
I can’t stop thinking about the suffering. About the loss. About the mothers on both sides of their border who had to watch their children die. About the pain.
Their faces haunt me.
I don’t understand why the West is calling for a ceasefire when they should be calling for peace. I don’t understand why the West is calling for the destruction of Israel when they should be calling for a solution that will allow both people to live side by side, in peace. I don’t understand why the existence of Israel is a bad thing. I don’t understand why the West refuses to call out Hamas, for the crimes of October 7th and their gross mistreatment and neglectful leadership of the Palestinian people ever since they rose to power. I don’t understand why the West views this decades old conflict through a one sided lens, amplifying the voice of one people’s crying and shutting down the other’s.
We deserve better. Palestinians and Israelis deserve better. We deserve to prosper, we deserve to live long and proud of our heritages in the land we both call home.
Maybe one day nations around the world and our own corrupt leaders will stop making us paint one another as the enemy. Israelis and Palestinians, we’re not each other’s enemies. We’re each other’s neighbors.
We deserve to let our children play.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
incredibly lame of someone to go “making Talia do bad things in your hc is racist and misogynistic”
LET WOMEN BE EVIL AND HAVE FUN SOMETIMES (ik it’s more nuanced than that but those tags were just so insane and funny to me)
(Also hi I love your writing everytime I see it pop up on my dash I get excited)
Yeah I mean— it’s not even a headcanon it’s literally just a PROMPT 😭 and until now I’ve pretty much only ever written Good!Talia so I wanted to switch it up a bit 😂
Oof, but I’m really happy most of you guys enjoy my prompts and know not to over interpret them 💚
And thank you! I’m really happy you enjoy my writing 💚💚💚
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honorarybuckley · 1 month
what could have fucking been am i right? i’ve been mostly silent today with everything going on because i didn’t feel like i really had anything to contribute. and i still don’t, except to ask what could have been? imagine all the season five moments we could have possibly still had but with the promise of canon buddie covering it all in a warm blanket. the look in 5.01. eddie having a panic attack and being called repressed. buck worrying about him and pushing him to break up with ana (how messy would that have been after we witnessed them have their feelings realization, buck wondering if he was telling him this for the right reasons). the balcony scene. eddie leaving the 118. “you need to move on, i have.” buck kissing lucy. buck breaking down the door. eddie apologizing for scaring chris (for scaring buck?). taking eddie to see charlie. reuniting at work in may day. eddie going to texas. taylor coming back for the jonah stuff but as a friend. “is that really love.” the henren wedding (a perfect moment for them to move further towards an actual relationship leading into season six). god and there’s so many other moments in season five alone that would have been colored differently if they’d only been able to tell the story the way they wanted to.
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sapphosclown · 1 year
hello this is a short list off the top of my head we will not get to see bc rotpl is being cancelled and erased and i am grieving so bad rn
i’d warn for spoilers but. yeah.
cynthia coming out to the rest of the pinks
hazel finding her dynamic in the pink ladies and forming those friendships with them
wtf buddy i gonna do with his life
richie killing mr. daniels
mr. daniels getting fired
mrs. mcgee getting her assistant (we know it happens i just wanted to see her happy for once)
olivia and gil kiss and getting together
cynthia and lydia learning who they are as a couple
susan’s official redemption arc
rizzo and frenchie becoming pink ladies
whatever they were planning on doing with zuko
learn why happened with cynthia’s mom/learn more about her family dynamics
see how jane lives up to being student council president
nancy and potato. i just want more of them.
edward reclaiming his name and becoming eddie
eddie accepting his queerness and as he and cynthia find solidarity together officially
that’s what came off the top of my head. i’m so sad. feel free to add on if you feel like you need it to grieve as well
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luanneclatterbuck · 14 days
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Banana bread, secret ingredient: mayo. 👆
Took the oldest shopping for a graduation present 👇
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Did some porch planting/decorating with the youngest 👇
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Not my cat but like…👇
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fakeoutbf · 12 days
five stages of grief but it’s five stages of social anxiety
#walk with me#this morning i got a bouquet delivered to me at work randomly out of nowhere#the note basically said that i could count of the person even if for just some words of advice or a gesture that could make me laugh or mad#count on the person**#i immediately knew it’s from one of my coworkers and ngl i have a very charged?? relationship with them#in the sense that it’s very intense and we can be laughing joking and teasing or we can be really angry and pissed with each other#it can have very extreme emotions even if we just chill most of the time#idk why i think this whole year i’ve been leaning on them more?? and we started texting more often too#so we’ve been more properly friends lately#and for one i was SO EMBARRASSED for getting flowers bc my coworkers tease the shit out of everyone myself included and i’m not used to#gestures like that so obviously they were on my ass all day about it#and everyone asked about them and it’s EMBARRASSING to get that much attention#(me: i wanna be a singer / also me: can’t stand to be the center of attention)#anyway the person that sent them avoided me yesterday out of nowhere??? idk if they thought i was mad bc i didn’t reply to their texts all#weekend but i literally never reply to anyone and pms was a bitch and i just wanted to be alone#so they didn’t talk to me on monday i was mostly just working listening to music bc i was still emotional whatever#and today i did talk to my other coworkers bc it’s the day when my favorite coworker comes in and i talk to them a lot so i engaged more#and they were still ignoring me and then the flowers came in and we didn’t say a single word to each other today we just texted#they told me they sent them and that ‘they forgot’ what they sent and that it was just meant to be a nice gesture#and that bc they wanted to ‘surprise’ me and make me feel better bc i said i was sad at one point?? idek#i literally just want to tell them I HAD PMS ITS FINE I FEEL SUICIDAL ALL THE TIME and move on#bc now i’m second guessing everything they’re saying bc i thought we were friends and there’s no reason why friends can’t send each other#flowers or whatever but they’ve been avoiding me and then they keep answering my texts really weirdly and i always misinterpret flirting bc#i’m never outright romantic with anyone?? plus we’re FRIENDS i should have no reason to think that’s changed#but they’re being so weird and why get me FLOWERS??? idk get me a chocolate or a coffee i don’t NEED flowers#and then i said it was random to give me flowers out of nowhere and they’re like no it’s serious bro what’s serious??????#your feelings towards me?? or just your will to cheer me up???#if they don’t reply straight up in their next texts i’m gonna flat out say but it was a platonic gesture right???#so yeah i’m overthink getting flowers bc what’s the social code for that and what is one supposed to do when they get flowers from a friend#delivered to their joint workplace where everyone can see them and think they’re from a partner or something
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figofswords · 1 month
they are currently tear gassing my former classmates four blocks from my apartment. the encampment was there for literally like two hours and as soon as the sun set state troopers in riot gear moved in and started tear gassing and arresting people on the grounds of “unlawful assembly”, in a public park on a public campus of the university these students pay to attend, that I paid to attend not even a year ago. I’ve been getting university alert texts calling it a “violent protest” because a handful of students threw water bottles at these cops in their riot gear, and because they don’t need a real reason to arrest you, and because they can say whatever they want and do whatever they want and get away with it. they’ve been setting off the emergency sirens periodically, a thing I’ve only heard them do before in the event of an active tornado. there are ALWAYS christian fundamentalists on campus harassing students with megaphones, but we can’t doing anything about that. there’s breaking and entering and violent crime and sexual assault all the time but we can’t do anything about that. a kid died from hazing two years ago. multiple students have died from being hit by cars in the last few years but we don’t have traffic cops helping regulate things. but I’m just saying things we already know: the cops aren’t here for us. they’re here to uphold fascism. the university isn’t here for us. the government isn’t here for us. no one in my generation will be able to afford a house since there’s no money to excuse student debt or fix the economy, but somehow there’s money for more cops, more tear gas, and more weapons to fund israel’s genocide. I’m not at the encampment because I’m a coward and my fear of getting tasered is stronger than my desire to help. but god I’m so fucking angry.
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roadkilledthegirl · 10 months
ok. I’m going to say it.
I love ALL eras of boreo/decklikovsky EQUALLY, and I will FIGHT for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
Las Vegas era? Brilliant - the inexplicable teenage love and lust for each other (terrifying and amazing) - caring for someone because they’re the only person in the universe who cares for you, getting drunk and high and altogether plastered together because you’re so traumatized and lonely that you don’t know how to bond with people in any different way and hey, you both like it (a little too much in fact) so why not?? It’s DELICIOUS. this part of the book was just written too well to be put down as “unfortunate” or “less than”. It’s so so so sad and raw and angry and vulgar and and and
And you couldn’t even have post-Vegas New York, Antwerp & Amsterdam without it!! Where would the tension, the longing, the shock of seeing your - best friend? ex best friend? The guy you hate so much because you love him even more ??? Where would all of that come from without such a complex, tangled backstory???? There’s no one without the other!!!!!!
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weirdcursedvaultkid · 3 months
since merula likes thoughtful gifts I’d like to share my hc that merulas develops a lil baby crush on mc ever since the Christmas sq where mc gifts she the song book
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sampilled · 5 hours
Seeing peoples takes about sam leaving for Stanford will never fail to raise my blood pressure
He wanted John to understand and to support him and to not be a freak for once and to feel safe.
Like the idea that he was the one who cut contact is, not only fucking stupid, but also just textually untrue. John shut that door, not him and it’s very much implied that Dean followed suit with John in cutting him off. (They say this in johns journal but I don’t consider it fully canon so)
and like the idea that deans "end goal" was for Sam to “get out” and “live a better life” or even that dean put the idea of going to college in sam head(a take I just saw) is contradicted in canon where dean, in a very vulnerable moment, admits that all he wants is for them (Sam, John and Dean) to be a family again.
And in “drag me away (from you)”. We see dean actively discourage sam from looking into college.
Like I just don’t get the idea that Dean protected sam from the life. Protected sam *in* the life. Yeah absolutely. He kept it from sam til he was old enough to understand. Didn’t want him to start going on hunts til he was physically capable. Probably always had his back on hunts and made sure he didn’t get hurt. Yep all true but he wanted sam hunting.
I just believe dean wanted him to stay because Sam made him feel safe. he was his one safe haven in his life and I really do feel for him that sam left and he no longer had that person in his life who made things feel better but girlll thats not on sam. sam getting literally disowned was not him abandoning dean and personally im sick of hearing people say that it was
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Of course he’ll forgive him
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queenqunari · 4 months
Has anyone figured out what to do with the undying rage that lives just beneath the surface? Like the fury that you constantly need to be pushing down because you know unleashing it onto others is cruel? But if you never let it out the build up causes you to explode on some unsuspecting bystander?
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