#I'm just so goddamn tired and. just.
bellflower-goat · 11 months
anyways fucking. fucking hell
#Dear fuck why is this shit so hard#Who cares if I say it once in the notes of a post noone will read anyways#just. fucking hell people aren't lying when they say that this age is the fucking worst to live in#I just wanna hope that things will get better I am gripping that promise so so hard rn#I'm just so goddamn tired and. just.#At least when I'm older I'll have the possibility to dissappear and never hear or talk or deal with these people ever again#Just. fucking god this is hard#and everyone says to keep going caus things will get better. I don't have any hope anymore but I guess I just gotta keep going#And I wanna make a big deal out of everything and make so many people hurt with that one permanent desition but I know it aint#worth it and stuff. just fucking hell.#was it so hard to ask to live somewhere safe. I just want to worry abt normal things#I dont wnat to have to do things that don't suit me I shouldn't be doing any of this I should just worry abt.#who fucking knows. I should be able to just worry about dumb internet drama and using soci.al media too much or whatever#But I can't worry about that that's just not how it works#And I remember that maybe I could have a nice life where. where I get to breathe for once and I get to be happy and taken care of#And then I get hope and I tjink things can change and then i am forced to remember what happens when I dare to think such dumb shit#things won't change. at least not now. no hope just gotta endure this shit and wait till I am old enough to just. get out of here and never#Look back and stuff.#maybe I'll get to do that.and I'll be happy and everything will be alright#It's hard to imagine that will happen. Most likely won't. but I dont know#And here I am. I should be saying this to my the.rapist or some shit but instead I'm venting on a tumblr blog just.#I should probably go to sleep#just. How naive of me to think that things would have gotten better.#And a part of me thinks it's stupid to say this shit here like it feels like I'm just doing this for attention or some shit and I dunno#Maybe I am doing it for attention. hoping that someone will read this dumb little cry for help and at least tell me that I'll be alright#but I know that won't happen but still I do this. just in case
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
I need the comic book fanfic writers to be made very aware of something:
Roy Harper is the only one to EVER call Jason Todd "Jaybird".
This isn't a family name that he picked up on, or that Roy made and the family has adopted. Roy is literally the only person to call him that. Dick doesn't, Babs doesn't, Bruce doesn't, nobody but Roy does.
The others call him Jay sometimes, in old comics Jace was said a few times (which I actually like and wish people would use literally at all). Bruce has said "Jay, lad" like once and fandom adopted him calling Jason "Jaylad" but that's not horribly egregious so I tolerate it. Dick occasionally calls Jason "little wing". That's about it.
Jaybird is very specifically a Roy Harper thing.
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(Honestly yall better appreciate me actually looking back in RHATO 2011 because BOY do I hate this comic. It's not only poorly written, but in my opinion, ugly as fucking sin and I need to burn my retinas now)
That is the first instance of Jason ever being called "Jaybird", and it becomes a lowkey running gag that Roy calls him that and Jason "hates" it.
And then we get this post Heroes In Crisis
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This whole thing may have been poorly written because, again, Scott Lobdell sucks, but the intent is to evoke intimacy to make Roy's death hurt. Jason is supposed to have just lost his best friend and was told by Bruce Wayne whose last appearance in his life was beating the shit out of him and, oh yeah, who saved Jason? Roy Fucking Harper.
In addition to the fact that Roy only left Jason to get help for himself. He was supposed to be in rehab/therapy, somewhere safe, and he fucking died because of handwavy Speedforce shenanigans or whatever it's been retconned to now because nobody liked Heroes in Crisis. Roy was supposed to be getting better and he died ostensibly in an accident. Like if that's not the worst fucking bullshit--
This scene of Jason calling himself by what he deems a stupid nickname would mean jack shit if everyone and their goddamn cat called him "Jaybird". But it being a Roy-specific thing makes this scene distinctly about Jason being vulnerable and actively grieving. It's such a cliche trope, and a real coping mechanism, to call a deceased loved one's phone just to hear their voice in their inbox message again. He probably has no thoughts that Roy will ever hear it so this is just for him, but he's letting himself accept this dumb nickname Roy gave him now because it was Roy that gave it to him and Roy is fucking dead.
Like, in fairness it probably frustrates me more because I ship the two and parallel it with Oliver calling Dinah "pretty bird", but like...even as just a cheeky friend nickname, nothing romantic behind it, having everyone else call Jason that feels wrong. Especially his family who he still has so many issues with and, like it or not, he's closer to Roy than literally any of the Bats at this point.
This isn't the only time I've seen the fandom do this (this being giving nicknames between characters that just don't exist); Jason calling Tim "replacement" is absolutely rampant in the fandom and I hate that too because he never calls Tim that, and refers to him as such like once. I have a whole list of actual nicknames and insults these motherfuckers call each other somewhere, but maybe another time.
In short
Thank you and have a nice day. <3
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yukipri · 1 year
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Good morning.
A very kind follower let me know that my clones art has been stolen and reposted, again. This time on Tiktok.
So here's a new version of my art. It's called: "Apparently putting 'Do Not Repost' on the art 4 times + in my bios of every social + FAQ isn't enough, so how's this?!"
I'm feeling very defeated and exhausted.
I just finished filing a DMCA yesterday. This new art theft version already has more views than every like/note on all versions of my art on all of my socials COMBINED + multiplied. This art was only posted a few days ago. I'm beginning to deeply regret drawing it.
Art thieves getting views and likes does NOTHING for the community. Imagine of those likes/comments/followers had come to me, on any of my socials. Think of how excited I'd be to connect to new folks, how hyped I'd be to draw more.
(how maybe, just maybe, someone official might one day notice and it might lead to more😭)
I don't think I've hit 10K likes on ANY art I've ever posted on Twitter in 8 years, and certainly nowhere near that on Tumblr in a while. That's ok, I understand that's due to my own lack of skills, which is why i work hard daily to improve!
But ART THEFT DOESN'T HELP. This person did NOTHING but stress me out, make me regret sharing my work, and take away valuable time and mental energy from me producing more work. And I promise you, they will not be able to make my art for you.
Don't worry, I'm not just complaining about it. I've filed a DMCA (tho gosh TikTok's form is WEIRD, really hoping it worked🥲)
But please. If you see an art theft account, please don't give them views & likes. Someone else worked hard on that. They could really use your support.
Anyway, here's the link to my art on Tumblr. On my account. Since, y'know, I drew it.
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pixlime · 9 months
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Collecting these like talismans
[Link 1 (As of 9-14-23)- Link 2 ]
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iite-cool · 30 days
someone needs to send simon to me RIGHT NOW. i am so sick of carrying my heavy shit around i want him to treat me like a princess and just like... think for me. he can make the decisions bc i'm done i'm tired i need a break
need him to chauffeur me around pls i don't have my license yet..... i'll give him kisses (everywhere).
this is a psa for simon riley: come find me!!!
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Foul Legacy greeting you after a very physically and mentally taxing day. just getting home extremely tired and being scooped up by a pair of sturdy arms, a single crystalline eye staring at you, overjoyed. when you lean against his fluff he knows you're exhausted, chittering quietly and carrying you to your room. it's finally quiet in there, the curtains drawn shut over the windows and the constant noise of the outdoors muffled- in fact, the only thing you can hear is Legacy's soft, constant purring as he sets you down.
you feel the blanket being tugged over your shoulders and wordlessly reach out to grab Foul Legacy's claw, smiling at the surprised chirp he lets out. silently you tug him closer, motioning for him to lay down next to you, and he complies with delight, rumbling contently when you sling an arm over his waist and snuggle closer. you hum, the stress draining from your body as you're finally comfortable- nothing is too hot, too cold, too loud, too bright- you're safe and happy here, with an Abyssal monster beside you.
you lean up to give Legacy a quick peck before settling down for a nap, and just before you drift off, you swear you feel a small lick on your cheek.
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mikakuna · 3 months
the way people care more about jason fighting tim than like any other rogue fighting tim during his robin run is...!
"they're brothers! jason is so horrible to attack his little brother."
aside from the obvious twinkification of tim, stop pushing the family narrative on two people who did not see each other as siblings at that moment.
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pisshandkerchief · 2 months
does anyone want a picture of me serving cunt in rocky horror tonight
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turtlecleric · 5 months
I had this idea, and then it morphed into something that reminded me so much of this blurple symphony au thing that desceros wrote, and now we're here.
There are waves of pleasure pulsing through your entire body like electricity. The pure, uninhibited need that you're experiencing is more intense than you've ever felt in your entire life. Your toes curl. Your thighs shake. Your hips lift, seeking, searching, begging, while you chase your high, and your thoughts are just a repeat of please, please, please. It's almost enough to have you actually cry, until finally, finally, your body shudders as you let go, moaning and writhing-
And then you wake.
You become aware of yourself suddenly, all at once, and it's incredibly disorienting. Phantom touches linger, and for a moment you're not sure what's real. Your whole body is fucking trembling. Your breaths are stuttering in your chest, your mind still clouded and confused, your core still pulsing from whatever the fuck just happened. It takes a moment for you to orient yourself, to understand that you had just been asleep, and now you were awake.
Did you just... did you just orgasm? In your sleep?
That's. That's never happened before.
You swallow thickly and shift, freezing when you realize that Leo is still asleep behind you, his hand limply draped across your waist. You can hear his quiet, slow breaths, can feel the air against the back of your neck when he exhales. You're suddenly very aware of the wetness of your underwear. Of the fact that, if he was awake, he'd be able to smell what happened.
God. That whorish moan - you're honestly not even sure if you'd kept it in or not. Did you dream that? Or had that actually happened? Had you been moving around and making noises in your sleep? Thank God he seems to have slept through it, because you seriously don't think you could handle the embarrassment. Your friendship might never recover, if only because you'd be dead from the absolute mortification.
Minutes later, your heart is still pounding against your ribcage. It's hard to focus. Hard to think straight. So you lie there, waiting until you feel like a person with a functioning brain once more. Waiting for the heat between your legs to dissipate. It takes a while, but you do eventually manage to calm down. You stay in bed, though, because you'd hate to wake Leo by getting up. He really does not get enough fucking rest. You won't deny him the little bit he's getting now.
By the time Leo stirs, it's definitely been long enough that you don't think he would be able to smell anything in the air.
(Thank God.)
He hums, pulling you a bit closer to him. "G'morning, hermosa." The sleepy rasp in his voice makes you smile, and you pat his arm affectionately before finally pulling away and going into the bathroom. He lets out a grumpy mumble about missing your warmth, but once you're out of the bathroom your offer to make breakfast easily has him forgiving you. Despite the... unusual start to the day, you're looking forward to a little more quality time with your best friend.
It doesn't occur to you that Leo normally snores when he sleeps, and he'd been quiet that entire time. It doesn't occur to you at all.
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stardustedknuckles · 4 months
Ugh now that I've accepted I don't want tits I can't quit thinking about them and how they're actively hindering my idea of self expression. But like. Top surgery is for people with a network. On top of needing thousands of dollars, the logistics of taking care of myself or getting someone to help are just. Hmm. Like maybe by the time I'm able to actually get it done I'll have someone who will be okay with dealing with all the aftermath but even I don't want to think about having wounds and recovering for weeks because last time I was doing that it was because I nearly died. The weeks after scare me more than the surgery.
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chungledown-bimothy · 3 months
fuck (and i cannot stress this enough) daylight savings time
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alyeecoffee · 4 months
(Please ignore this, it's just a vent that I want to let out lately)
Sometimes I just want a day where I don't need to work on anything (art, especially) and just to relax myself from all the pressure I've been through...
Lately it's been so tiring.. I'm so sorry for the negativity.. it's just that I feel like I'm not a good artist.. the thing is, I've always tried to make everyone like my hard-work content but in the end there's no use because I don't get many people to like it as much as that cool artist did.. (why can they managed make many people like their art..?)
Like, I had a dream where I can get likes that is equal to my hard-work but no matter what that's impossible, like, 'with too much effort' posts is just the same as 'no effort at all' posts
So, why do I always strive to work something hard if in the end only a few people that really like my art, right..? I'm just tired of trying to be perfect at art.. but I don't want to be lazy at art too.. ugh, it's confusing 😭
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autism-swagger · 3 months
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I'm so tired of people asking me if I want to be set up with someone, or when I'm going to get married, or if I'm seeing anyone, or when I'm going to have kids. Like... it's just fucking constant. Why aren't I fucking enough
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must-be-mythtaken · 22 days
not having a good one yall
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