#I'm trying to introduce diversity into the ecosystem or whatever! ! !
birdmenmanga · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @hexfloog​​ as well as @rainyfox3!! Thank you guys for the tag and sorry to rainy for the slight delay LMAO
Relationship status: Well... not taken by anyone, per se... but certainly there are people I'm taken with
Favorite colors: black white gray red <3 I want to cite scp for this but maybe it was birdmen after all
Favorite foods: oh... something salty for sure... red wine beef stew, maybe?
Song stuck in my head: Daisy - Zedd ft. Julia Michaels. this one's basically been on loop since Gary sent it to me. reishi song of all time btw. if you even care
Last thing you googled: water tank (images)
Time: 11:47 PM
Dream trip: Augh travelling is kind of a pain isn't it?? Planning a good trip and everything... that's pretty exhausting and I start wanting to draw after an unreasonably short time. I think I'd just like to go and meet my besties again... go up to NYC to see Fires, back to Florida to bump noses with everybody still there, visit Gary on the way, and then to wherever Emery is, whether that's Kentucky or Illinois or somewhere else. maybe hit boston since I've got a couple bosties (boston besties), and at one point california was on my hit list but not anymore, I don't think
Last thing you read: ?? Discord messages, probably?
Last book you enjoyed reading: lol! BIRDMEN. if we have to count text-only books, I suppose it's Kitchen (Banana Yoshimoto)
Favorite thing to cook/bake: oh... mushroom risotto maybe? Miso soup!! Mushroom soup...
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Huh... I haven't done this in a while, but since I don't consider drawing a craft, maybe Chinese calligraphy...?
Most niche dislike: The equalizer in Audacity. the first audio editing program I used was garageband, and that let you mess with the equalizer WHILE the audio track was playing so it made it more clear what you were actually changing. Whereas in Audacity it just plays you the same 5 second clip, which might not even sample all the different sounds that are affected by the equalizer... And even the way you adjust the values on the equalizer just isn't as good. in garageband you have these nodes that you can drag around and it sort of affects all the frequencies in a natural and organic way. whereas Audacity's is all straight lines... well, it's a good thing I don't do too much audio editing (he says, clearly having done at least a decent amount of it)
Opinion on circuses: I've never been to one but I'm sure they exist
Do you have a sense of direction?  yea
Tagging: @tangentiallly @jeepers-its-the-void @musichenni133 @midnight-revelation @ashe-is-here @hellishnotions @udurghsigil @desfraisespartout @kitsoa @blazinfox555
Wow usually I think I have trouble thinking of people to tag but there're definitely more people in my heart I want to know better. if I didn't tag you and you're like. idk. my birdmutual. well know that I'm looking at you with pleading eyes. and of course if you're busy with life there's really no pressure to play <3
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prof-peach · 4 years
I'm curious about your stance on the mass breeding some people do in order to get "shiny" pokemon
Stance is bad haha!
It’s alwasy going to be a disaster if you introduce a huge number of non shiny Pokemon into the environment, which is the biggest issue with the whole mass breeding topic if you ask me (though it is not the only issue). If the Pokemon introduced has no natural predators they’ll run riot, take over the ecosystem, and destroy countless species homes, and potentially lives. If the released Pokemon is no acclimatised to wherever their careless breeder dumps them off at, then they suffer, huge numbers of Pokemon being released in the wrong locations means Pokemon centres, and labs like ours get sudden mass waves of Pokemon needing medical attention and care. Quite frankly we aren’t alwasy equip to handle such high volumes. A wonderful example of this whole mess that we’ve recently had to clean up after is a local pest problem, someone brought a breeding pair of alolan rattata to johto, they kept trying for a shiny, subsequently resulting in many eggs hatching, released what was left after obtaining his 1 in 3000 or whatever the odds are. Now goldenrod has a bit of a pest problem to say the least, we get so many of these new rattata handed to us to send home, they breed madly and have a much more aggressive temperament than the native ones, so they’re even being wiped out by them. Honestly the while things a mess, and it can disrupt an awful lot. Rattata also eat Pokemon eggs, so you know, a load of those turning up will affect the local native species really negatively.
With this aside, you can then deal with the secondary horror to the practice, breeder Pokemon and their welfare. Ditto seem to be the most commonly used for rare breeding, but when possible you can obtain two of the same species from different parts of the world, this is said to increase shiny odds by a small margin, and a lot of people try to do this. While it’s not an issue that they come from different locations, it is however a problem as to how they’re pushed together to produce eggs. All Pokemon have preferences, and of course prefer a choice, especially over mates. To have one partner in the daycare with them, who they don’t particularly like will put a lot of emotional (and physical) stress on the individual if they’re expected to keep breeding endlessly for eggs. It’s not a good and healthy environment for anything, pokemon or otherwise. breeders should at the very least do the right thing in finding their pokemon appropriate mates that they have chosen and enjoy the company of. 
Breeding specialists usually have to go through rigorous health and safety, providing appropriate documentation for all their pokemon, and they must prove they can care for great numbers, and that the pokemon hatched go to either their rightful location, or to good homes. Breeders caught without the correct permits will be fined and given a grace period to sort their paperwork out. Failing to provide the correct documentation will result in confiscation of all pokemon, and you will be sent to a court of law to explain your practices. Should you be found guilty of pokemon abuse of any kind you get a fine, your license stripped, your pokemon get rehoused and/or rehabilitated, and some trainers get jail time on top of that, depending on the severity of their crimes. it is not an industry that takes their work lightly, breeders who love their job and want to do the best for their partners will go through hell and back to get their paperwork in order and keep their pokemon healthy, happy, and safe.  The shiny hunting that seems to grip so many trainers is a bit of a mystery to me, with variants and hybrid pokemon being so much easier to come by, and diverse in terms of skills and forms, shiny pokemon are simply a different colour, no special abilities, no large quantities of power, just...shiny? its cosmetic only and personally I find it quite selfish for one trainer to go off and try to breed for one. If you find one by chance in a shop or in the wld so be it, we’ve all been there at least once right? but endlessly breeding for one is very telling of a trainers character, to want something for its looks alone? sounds unkind to me. I don’t personally support the shiny hunting/breeding industry and have had to rescue a lot of them from terrible people, rehabilitating them and caring for them, when you see first hand the emotional toil being a shiny pokemon has, the stigma, the attention they get, how high on a pedestal they are put, and if they should fail their trainers, some humans go as far as to physically and/or mentally abuse them when they fail. they expect a shiny pokemon to be more than average, when its truly just a different protein in their bodies that makes a slightly different colour. They have no special skills because of this, and need just as much care love and attention as an ordinary species.
I could go on, but these seem to be the bigger issues facing the industry.
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