bra1n-r0tt1ng · 2 months
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 3 months
Literally just finished reading episodes 1 through 72 of school bus graveyard and it has now consumed my soul.
So, obviously I have to make an au based on my other current hyperfixation, Twisted wonderland.
My thoughts begin with the first years being the main characters. I feel as though Yuu would take on the Ashlynn/Leader role of the group. Which makes sense considering Yuu is the unofficial leader whenever it comes down to it in game.
Frankly, nobody fits the exact molds of the other characters but I’m trying to boil them down to their base archetypes I guess??? I think Jack gives me the same vibes as Ben. Minus the anger issues. Very large, very protective, very quiet.
I think Ace probably fits best with Aiden, I feel they’re both very impulsive and though Ace is less creepy, he still seems like the type to do dumb shit that could get him killed… more so than the rest.
That being said I feel Deuce would probably fit best as Tyler. Now this might be a bit out there, considering Deuce and Ben both have pasta that revolve around being violent and having anger issues, but I feel Deuce resonates more with Tyler, due to his desperate protectiveness of his sister and mother. I think Deuce would be very protective, but also jump the gun and tend to lash out more like Tyler does when he’s scared.
With only two slots left and 3 characters, things get a little more difficult. Sebek, Epel, and Ortho are all very unique characters, and it’s difficult to place them in Logan and Taylor’s positions. Ultimately I think Ortho would probably take on a role closer to Taylor’s, as she is part of the mechanics club and also has a very caring attitude that seems to bring everyone together. I think Ortho, who also has a complicated relationship with a sibling, would fit pretty well.
Epel absolutely doesn’t fit into the nerd archetype, so when I place him in Logan’s shoes it’s mostly because one, I can see him getting bullied for his appearance, and two, Similarly to Logan I think him being the ‘unexpected sharpshooter’ would be awesome. That is in no way saying he’s week, but it just klicks in my head.
Now that does leave Sebek alone, what no actual correlation. But I love him so I’m including him anyway. I think he’d take on a role similar to Tyler’s. He’s very vocal about what he’s thinking but he also cares deeply for people. He’d take on a more protective position in the group, he’s very large and very strong, so I think he’d take it upon himself to try and protect the others.
Anyway, thanks for getting this far in yet another random Au idea. My hyperfixations come and go pretty quick but It’s 5 am, and I had to get this out of my system. I want to write this au so bad but I already am working on a fic and I have to dedicate myself to that :’)
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 3 months
Figures that my first fanart from Twisted Wonderland would be Idia.
There were so many new experiences involved in drawing Idia here.
For starters, he has been sitting in my drafts for almost 4 months as an abandoned pose practice. Taking a break from the pressure of drawing reference sheets, I decided to finally do something with that.
Rendering Idia and his background was probably the weirdest experience of my life. The amount of accidents that ended up looking so good was truly astonishing. Overall, it was a lot of fun an I learned so much! I’m not going to say I broke through my Art block just yet, but I am optimistic!
Anyway! I hope you all enjoy and I would love to see and Idia headcanons you have!
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 5 months
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The finished concept Art for my spidersona’s suit! Been a minute since I posted content on them so I thought I might as well share.
The suit itself is nano-tech, similarly to Peter Parker’s in the newer MCU movies. It’s activated via a ring Jessie wears at all times.
As for the other portions (headphones/jacket/shoes/belt), they are all separate pieces. So while they typically have time to put on the whole outfit, they can occasionally be seen tending to an emergency in the bare bones suit.
Initially the suit was designed with mostly blacks and greys, with the occasional orange accent, Jessie disliked the lack of color and ended up painting on the spots themselves.
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 5 months
I’m stuck with the idea of a percy jackson/DCU au.
Full disclosure, I haven’t read the books or watched the new show yet. I did see the movies and have some knowledge from the musical… but safe to say I have very little knowledge on the subject. My knowledge of Greek Gods is also somewhat limited in itself.
That being said I desperately want to see an au with Bruce Wayne as Hades, claiming unclaimed kids like their collectibles.
Seeing Dick Grayson, a kid who just got to camp after losing his other bio-parent and step-parent, wondering if anybody is gonna take this grieving child. When nobody does he doesn’t see the problem in taking him as his own. (Giving me Aphrodite or Apollo vibes)
Jason Todd, a child so obviously born of Ares (I’m pretty set in this headcanon but that might just be me), yet unclaimed despite the knowledge. Not unclaimed but rejected entirely. That’s alright, Bruce will take him instead.
Tim Drake, another child so easily claimed. The blood of Athena so easy to see, but never good enough for her to claim as her own. (Pretty set in this headcanon too tbh) Oh, Bruce couldn’t stand to watch a desperate child hoping that one day his mother would see him, when Bruce already knew she never would.
Cassandra Cain being the embodiment of shadows itself, if he didn’t know better he’d wonder if she truly was his child. A child of Thanatos, perhaps. No matter, he has room for many.
Duke Thomas, the boy born of Apollo (fucking tell me I’m wrong, that boy is sunshine itself it makes zero sense for him to be anybody else’s kid) but only caring for the mother and father that raised him, not the god who never made themselves known. Perhaps Duke doesn’t need him like the others, but his door will be open all the same. (I’m gonna be totally honest with the fact I don’t follow much Duke Thomas stuff, I mostly know him from Wayne Family Adventures)
Lastly, Damian Al Ghul, his only blood child. Hidden away from the other gods but his nonetheless (you guessed it!! Another moment where I have no idea what the hell is going on in Percy Jackson lore.)
Anyway those are my thoughts. I might update with more depending on how badly I hyperfocus on the tv show once all the episodes are out.
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 7 months
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Sneak Peak to my Spidersona, Starspider without their mask. I’m working on their second reference sheet but It’s been a slow going month with Art block and I wanted to post something. I am really proud of this piece though! After all, including this one I have only every drawn 3 chibi’s I would consider successful!
Spider-senses are hard to adjust too, what can I say?
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 10 months
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Tried a Color Palette Challenge! Got confused! Dove head first without a sketch! And got this! I’m super happy with her! Even if I don’t know who or what she is XD
Time : 3 hours 39 Minutes
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bra1n-r0tt1ng · 1 year
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Reference Sheet of my Spidersona/Oc! I’d love to make more content about them! Some Art, maybe some writing. I’m really new to tumblr, so please be nice!
Update : I finally saw the Across the Spider Verse Movie yesterday, and will now hyperfixate for the next month XD
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