cruddyart · 3 months
Playing a tzimizce made me realize that there is not enough content about the specific horrors of being a tzim and rather about encountering one.
You are tied to people, places and objects and it doesn't matter what happens to this place or who these people are. Friends or abusers. You cannot leave. If you do it feels like you're dying. And you can't have them leave so you need to make yourself as appealing to them as possible.
This is your land, even if it hates you. Even if the people who live in it discriminate you. Even if the woods in which you live get smaller and smaller and you cannot go out anymore wearing the form you are comfortable in. You can not stay in your ideal body, you need to make yourself small and human so that they won't kill you. No matter if there's war or flood or radioactivity, you don't want to leave.
It is your object. Even if it is cursed or poisonous. Even if it hurts you.
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kikker-oma · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request something. (Your art is beautiful and Ilysm)
So what if there’s an instance in battle where it’s best that four splits? Let’s say…time and twilight are exhausted and terribly hurt so Four splits and each color surrounds them on every side to protect them while they try to heal each other?
Thank you! 💜
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just-miru · 2 years
sillies look-
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found a silly picrew :D
silly tags (no pressure, of course!): @coffeeandconfusion, @terrence-self-ships, @chuuyas--boo, @oc-x-cannon-on-main, @ninasrandomships, @just-slightly-unhinged, @spideygal and whoever whoever wanna join :D
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hey-hermy · 3 months
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i felt pretty
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macaronienthusiast · 2 years
I need a pretty generic superhero alias, like XYZ-Girl, and I’m pulling blanks so I went to the first result for “Superhero Name Generator” on Google and y’all I’m rolling. Site asked for a word to describe my hero and I was like “idk...fierce?”
Here’s a shortlist of the best names it generated:
Professor Rough
Captain Tearing
Agent Bowelless
Someone pls give me more words I need to see how strange it can get
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butchfairyzine · 5 months
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I have been informed that many humans celebrate Christmas and holidays around this time of year. I myself am partial to a jolly dance or two, so may I wish you all a festive holiday season.
We will have more information on this zine of Butch Fairies soon, as well as answers to all your questions.
The Frog
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mogspawner · 3 months
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Hello Minecraft community!
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natolesims · 3 months
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*Sips tea* Yeah. It surely won’t be.
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ecosine · 1 year
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we had so much fun bringing london dispatch’s finest supervisors to fanime 🤘
will is @infamously-winking, grelle is me, and photos were taken by the talented @marissa.dumlao !
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yooboobies · 2 months
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ittybittydovahkiin · 8 months
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me seeing everything about how ofmd s2 is "just fanservice 🙄" tbh
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cruddyart · 1 year
This is a topic that came up more than once with my friends so now I'm asking. How many of you actually played around a table with other people?
Feel free to elaborate
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gniteruirui · 1 year
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Coucou ! ! !
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zazima · 2 years
“where are you going?”
Harry freezes, his hand resting on the door knob of the front door. He slowly turns to see Sirius standing at the bottom of the staircase, one eyebrow raised. Harry clears his throat.
 “I dunno… out?”
 Sirius gives him a wry smile. “I can see that, given you’re halfway out the house. But do you mind letting me know where exactly you’re heading out to at 9 pm on a Tuesday?”
 Harry looks down at his worn sneakers, his mind traveling approximately six thousand miles per hour. “I dunno,” he repeats. “Just out.” His face grows hot as he takes in his own lame response. “I wasn’t aware I had a bedtime. I’m fifteen.”
 Sirius tilts his head at the remark. “Touche, you don’t.” He descends the last few stairs and strides over to where Harry is standing, one hand still on the knob. Harry’s remain fixed to the floor, anticipating some sort of scolding. “But I’d appreciate knowing where you’re going. And when you might head back. Just so I’m not going spare with worry and wondering if you’ve been kidnapped or whatnot. Or wondering if you’ve run away.”
 Harry’s head snaps up. Sirius smiles at the surprise openly blooming across his face. “C’mon, mate,” he says, ruffling Harry’s hair. “Let’s head to the kitchen. Have a bit of a chat before you head out.” He moves towards the kitchen. Harry follows him after a beat.
 Sirius pours them both glasses of water. “Now,” he says as he settles into his chair. “You clearly weren’t running away, as you didn’t have any of your belongings with you. Or maybe you are and are a bit of a poor planner. So do you mind helping your dear old godfather out with your plans for tonight?”
 Harry traces the rim of his glass with his index finger. “I dun-,”
 “If you say that you don’t know, then we might be here for awhile,” Sirius interrupts, taking a sip of water. Harry lets out an audible sigh.
 “But I really don’t know. I was just gonna walk around a bit. I wasn’t running away, I swear.”
 “That’s good to hear at least,” Sirius lets out a mock sigh of relief. “Good to know I’m not mucking up this parenting thing.”
 Harry’s head shoots up. “No of course not!”
 Sirius gives him a small smile. “If you ever need to take a walk, Harry, that’s more than okay. I know this house can be suffocating. I’d just like a head’s up before you do, if you don’t mind. Like I said, I don’t love going mad with worry that you might have been abducted.”
 “But I’ve never had to do that before,” Harry blurts out before he can stop himself. Sirius looks unfazed at the outburst.
“I figured,” Sirius acknowledges. He puts his hand over Harry’s wrist. “Your aunt and uncle probably didn’t care where you headed off to, whether in Surrey or while at Hogwarts, right? As long as you didn’t draw attention to yourself and completed all your chores, right?”
Harry can only nod, feeling only the strange sense of shame that always floods his entire body whenever Sirius brings up his time at Privet Drive.
“However,” Sirius continues. “I care, alright? I don’t want you to get hurt. Ever. Especially not when you’re under my care, where you’re supposed to be safe. So it’s nice for me to know where you are. But I also want you to maintain your independence. So just let me know where you’ve headed out to and when you plan on coming back, okay? I probably won’t have any issues, unless I need you to do something. Does that sound good to you?”
Harry thinks for a moment, slighting weighing the pros and cons. “Yes,” he finally says.
Sirius gives his wrist a slight squeeze. “Thank you. And whenever you do go for a stroll, just keep your wand on you, please. Never know when an admirer of Voldemort’s might decide to try and incite a new revolution.”
Harry nods more vigorously at the new request. “I can do that.”
“Good lad,” Sirius says. He gets up from the table. “Get on with your stroll. Be back around ten, please, yeah? We’ve got to get up early to meet with Remus.” He waits for Harry to agree before starting toward the living room. He stops before he reaches the door and turns around. Harry is still sitting at the table, finger still tracing the glass. “Just so you know,” Sirius breaks the silence. Harry turns his head to look at him. “Worrying comes with having you. Package deal with being a family. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” He winks at Harry. “Enjoy your walk.”
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slowbrrn · 1 year
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ieroshock · 2 years
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