udahpunya-blog · 6 months
My Third Birth Delivery's Story (1)
Tahun 2022 lalu, saat hamil di trimester ketiga rezeki dan ujian datang bersamaan. Deg deg an menjelang kelahiran bayi ketiga justru diberikan kejutan berupa fakta bahwa berat janin ku kurang dan didiagnosa IUGR alias gagal tumbuh! Huhuhu.. sediih.. tapi harus semangat untuk menaikkan berat janin. Saat itu memang berat badan ku tak naik banyak di trimester ke 2 dan 3. Banyak faktor yg mungkin melatarbelakangi dari segi ekonomi, sosial dan psikologis. Tapi tak hanya itu, Alloh kasih kejutan lain.
Mendapat rezeki anak ketiga ini bisa dibilang kami sangat tidak siap. Tapi bila Alloh sudah berkehendak, tak ada yang bisa melawan takdir, Ini pasti akan dijalani.
Di awal kehamilan, aku tinggal di rumah mertua. Mertua murka tau aku hamil anak ketiga. Kutelan semua perkataan nya yg menyakitkan. Sudah ku jawab saja dengan positif bahwa ini adalah rezeki dari Alloh semoga anak ini bisa membawa keberkahan dan kemurahan rezeki bagi keluarga kami. Meskipun begitu aku jadi merasa tak menginginkan kehamilan ini. Astagfirullah..
Saat tau aku hamil, aku beranikan untuk cek kandungan di puskesmas terdekat karena bpjs ku pun sudah menunggak setahun. Aku ke puskesmas ditemani suami dan anak2. Dari awal periksa kehamilan aku sangat ingin mendengar detak jantung bayi ku. Tapi saat itu usia kehamilan baru 8 minggu kata nya belum bisa terdengar. Bulan berikutnya kontrol kandungan lagi usia 12 minggu alhamdulillah ada detak jantung tapi bidan nampak kesulitan mencari letak jantung janin.
Riwayat kelahiran anak ku sebelum nya sc. Jadi direkomendasikan oleh bidan setempat untuk sc dan steril sekaligus di kelahiran berikut nya.
Alhamdulillah kami ada rezeki bisa melunasi bpjs dan kontrol kehamilan di spesialis kandungan terdekat saat usia kehamilan 16mgg. Aku bener2 ga sabar ingin dengar detak jantung bayi lewat usg. Tapi aneh nya usg di klinik ini tak bersuara. Jadi aku hanya bisa dengar detak jantung saat kontrol kandungan di bidan puskesmas. Hasil kontrol selalu dibilang baik sampai di trimester kedua. Padahal dengan berat badan dan tinggi fundus ku yang tidak banyak naik aku sempat mempertanyakan apakah masih normal dan dijawab masih dalam batas normal.
Di desa, rencana kelahiran apakah normal atau sc sudah ditanyakan dari awal kehamilan tapi dengan rekomendasi sc dan steril dari bidan dan spesialis kandungan aku lebih nyaman untuk melahirkan di kota kelahiran ku karena akses fasilitas kesehatan di desa kurang lengkap. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk ke rumah orang tua ku di akhir trimester ke 2 awal bulan Oktober. Suami ku saat itu sedang tugas di luar kota dari bulan Agustus. Aku dijemput oleh orang tua dan di antar suami yg libur seminggu, berbarengan dengan adikku yg akan menjemput istri dan anak nya dari Sragen.
Tak lama setelah tiba di kota kelahiranku, aku memanfaatkan fasilitas bpjs untuk periksa kandungan di faskes 1. Ternyata di tahun 2022 sudah ada kebijakan pemeriksaan usg di faskes 1. Alhamdulillah..
Pemeriksaan di faskes 1 bulan Oktober dengan bidan, bulan November dengan bidan, bulan Desember dengan bidan plus usg oleh dokter umum. Nah, dari hasil usg ini lah akhir nya ketahuan janin diduga gagal tumbuh karena berat nya rendah tidak sesuai usia kehamilan padahal semua hasil lab bagus, tekanan darah juga bagus. Dari situ dokter umum kasih rujukan ke spesialis kandungan.
Sungguh ujian dan rezeki datang bersamaan.. ketika tau janin ku beratnya kurang, orang tua, saudara2 kandung dan kerabat memberikan support materi, hadiah, dan perhatian untuk mendukung kenaikan berat janin. MasyaAlloh dek, banyak banget yang sayang sama kamu.
Periksa ke spesialis kandungan pun hasil nya memang dicurigai IUGR dan ada 3 lilitan tali pusar. Dikasih waktu 2 minggu oleh dokter untuk makan tinggi protein tinggi kalori, dikasih suplemen vipalbumim, trus minum peptisol, makan es krim. Segala macem biar berat janin tambah. Alhamdulillah ada sedikit kenaikan.. Saat kontrol setelah 2 minggu itu di bulan Januari, alhamdulillah berat janin dari 1,3kg jadi 2,2kg, lilitan nambah jadi 4 dan ada lagi kejutan yang Alloh siapkan. Dari hasil usg terlihat ada kebocoran jantung janin yang cukup besar yaitu 98mm. Allahu Akbar.. Sempat syok udah ga bisa berkata apa2 lagi. Saat kontrol kandungan itu udah yakin dapat kabar gembira tinggal milih tanggal sc eh malah dapat kejutan baru! Mana datang sendirian tidak ada yang menemani. Air mata pecaahh waktu nunggu surat rujukan ke dokter jantung anak di RS yg lebih mumpuni. Petugas administrasi nya lama pula ngeprint surat rujukan jadilah air mata mengalir deras. Hihihi..
Pulang ke rumah disambut pelukan bikin air mata tumpah lagi.. hueeee.. Makin nge lag. Ini memang diagnosis ssmentara, berharap saat ke spesialis jantung anak ada secercah harapan. Pengen optimis tapi tetep mau nangis.
Periksa fetalecho ke jantung anak saat usia kandungan 36 minggu bukan bikin adem malah nambah ruwet.. Hasil diagnosis nya "Moderate to large 2nd ASD with suspicious TGA association as side by side great arteries. Suggestion: bedside echo after delivery" (kebocoran jantung sedang hingga besar dan dikhawatirkan ada pertukaran pembuluh darah jantung tapi baru bisa dipastikan setelah echo ulang saat bayi lahir). SHOCK!
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shaynly-babieblue · 1 year
IUGR: Understanding Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Its Implications for Your Baby's Health
IntroductionCauses of IUGRSymptoms of IUGRDiagnosis of IUGRTreatment of IUGRRisks Associated with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)Prevention of IUGRFacts and Tips Maternal stress and anxiety can contribute to IUGR:Adequate sleep is crucial for fetal growth: Omega-3 fatty acids may improve fetal growth:IUGR baby may be at higher risk for developmental delays:Certain medications can cause…
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sakuramom · 1 year
every time i go to the obgyn they tell me more stuff was wrong with my pregnancy 😭
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womensecretinfo · 1 year
9 Months Pregnant: Best Tips and Advises
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Being 9 months pregnant can be both exciting and terrifying. It is critical to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, at this stage of your pregnancy. You can enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to the arrival of your child if you get good advice and support. Advanced maternal age is also somewhat risky, but we have covered almost every point here. Read the full article
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theblogtini · 1 year
I bet they made an exception for Harry. He is a prince and that will always give him leeway in life, something he doesn't ever seem to understand. He will get things others won't, merely due to the family he was born into.
It's gross.
Prince or not. So many women had to go through that period of time alone, with their partners not being allowed in the building.
It was TERRIFYING the day I went to a doctors appointment - alone. -and they couldn't find his heartbeat and I had to sit around waiting for the ultrasound tech to be available so they could check.
It was TERRIFYING when I had to go to the hospital alone, sit there for HOURS by myself, to not only find out I had preeclampsia for the second time and would be admitted to the hospital until I gave birth (and I was only 35 weeks), but that my baby had was also sick and had IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) and we would need a ton of tests, imaging, etc before we knew he was safe. I had to deal with that COMPLETELY ALONE because *I'm NOT Special Enough.*
But Harry and Meghan bend and break the rules whenever they want... and the monetize it.
It's disgusting.
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fauvester · 1 year
doing a presentation on intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) and small for gestational age (SGA) babies but every time i see SGA i read it as Same Gender Attracted. why are all the gay babies worse off :(
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thatadhdfeel · 1 year
intrauterine growth restriction anon here again: i have done a little bit of research, general information about it often mentions that there's an increased risk for neurological/neurodevelopmental disorders, i've done some searching for specific articles about IUGR and ADHD but i don't have a science background so i'm not totally sure how to interpret/weigh various findings! also some stuff is behind a paywall and idk if i have uni login access anymore bc i graduated like 6 months ago :(
ahhhhh paywalls are the worst :(
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poeenkcooley · 2 years
Effects Of Nutrition Within the National Education Plus Healthy Growth
Nutrition is an unavoidable factor inside education and well being regarding a region. A wholesome student will be a productive student. Good nutrition is definitely increasingly perceived as a good investment in individual capital that yields returns today whilst in the the future, while bad nutrition is definitely a treat to the nation. The global loss of social productivity in 1990 is caused by four overlapping varieties of malnutrition �?? stunting and problems related to iodine iron and vitamin A deficiency �?? amounted to almost 46 million yrs of productive handicap �?? free lifestyle nutrition raises comes back on investment in education and health care.
A kind of literature observed that there is a heavy decline in knowledge in Nigeria from 1980s unlike the previous years. Some credited this decline to the malnutrition in the past civil war. A researcher noted that in the 1980s Nigeria had the particular lowest quantity of native engineers of virtually any Third World country. The teaching regarding English, which is definitely chinese of instruction beyond primary college, had reached many of these poor levels that university faculty lamented their inability in order to understand the published work of their learners due to unproductive communication there will be a large amount of quack teachers and workers in the country. Simply by 1990 the catastrophe in education has been such that that was predicted that will in few decade to come, there is insufficient personnel to perform essential services of the country. This calls for a serious consideration before the nation losses all her qualified labour force. I have categories these kinds of problems into two major nutritional factors, the problem regarding undernutrition and weakness. The purpose of this write �?? up is usually to review the impact of nutrition on the present and previous and necessary actions taken to arrest the situation. It will likewise offer some relevant remedies to the trouble.
Nigeria as being a country is definitely characterized by two key nutritional problems which usually includes undernutrition plus micronutrient. The others have little impact and even may be available to now. Undernutrition is definitely characterized by insufficient the consumption of macronutrients. It often starts throughout utero and might extend throughout the existence cycle. It furthermore spans generations. Undernutrition occurs during maternity, childhood and teenage life, and has a new cumulative negative effect on the birthweight of future babies. Child who has suffered intrauterine growth reifungsverzögerung (IUGR) as a new fetus is properly born malnourished, in addition to has a significantly greater risk of declining in infancy. Typically the consequences to be born malnourished extend in to adulthood. During childhood and early years as a child, frequent or increase infections and inadequate intakes of nutrients (particularly energy, flat iron, protein, vitamin A, and Zinc) might add to typically the contribution of IUGR to preschool underweight and stunting. Within Nigerian situation, children after period of exclusive breast feeding happen to be followed up together with weaning which be made up of pap, akamu, ogi, or koko and is produced from maize (Zee Mays), millet (pennisetum americanum), or guinea hammer toe (sorghum spp. ). People from very low income groups rarely feed meat, ovum, or fish for their infants, because of socio-economic factors, taboos, and ignorance.
Throughout Anambra State, Nigeria, Agu observed of which pap contained only 0. 5% healthy proteins and less than 1% fat, as in comparison with 9% proteins and 4% fat in the unique corn. This is definitely usually due to weak processing. Akinele plus Omotola investigated the energy and proteins intake of babies and children of the low revenue group. They described that about a third to one-half of the infants experienced varying degrees regarding malnutrition and 10% were wasted in addition to stunted. A extra recent Nigerian Domestic Survey conducted by the Demographic plus health Survey (DHS) in 1990 placed the proportion of underweight children beneath five years of age (those below �?? 2SD weight-for-age ) at 36% including 12% severely underweight. (below -3 SD). The occurrance of stunting (below �?? 2 SECURE DIGITAL height �?? for �?? age) was 43% including 22% severe stunting (below �?? 3SD) whilst the levels involving wasting and extreme wasting were 9% and 2% correspondingly. In 1986 in Ondo State, Nigeria, DHS Survey of youngsters aged 6 in order to 36 months is definitely 28% prevalence with regard to underweight, 32% regarding stunting, and 7% for wasting. For adults and older youngsters, it is usually possible to be able to achieve a satisfactory protein �?? energy absorption by increasing the daily intake of starchy foods of low nutrient density. Intended for infants and tiny children, however, the quantity of the traditional diets maybe as well large to let typically the child to consume all the foodstuff essential to cover his or her strength needs. A newborn aged four in order to six months would require 920g of corn gruel to satisfy daily needs of energy (740 Kcal) and protein (13g). This is a great impossible task, thinking of the scale a great in fact�?? s i9000 stomach.
President Main Olusegun Obasanjo deservingly observed that nearly half of kids ages 7-13 inside Nigerian are continue underweight. A lot of children and adults get to bed deprived and some take a single meal a working day which mostly is made up of carbohydrates.
Micronutrient is another difficult nut to crack in the place of nutrition. This is the insufficient intake of key vitamin supplements and minerals. It could be observed both among the rural and metropolitan dwellers in Nigeria. The lack of vitamins and mineral deposits bring about irreversible impairment to child physical and mental advancement. Apart from typically the indirect effects upon the mother, micronutrient deficiencies during pregnant state have serious significance for the developing unborn child. Iodine deficiency problems could potentially cause foetal human brain damage or even now birth (mental retardation, delayed motor development) and stunting. Iodine deficiency in during foetal development plus infancy has recently been shown to depress intelligence quotient degrees by 10-15 factors. Foliate deficiency can result in neural conduit or other birth defects and preterm delivery, and both straightener deficiency anemic plus vitamin A deficiency may have important implications for the particular future infant�?? s i9000 morbidity and mortality risk, vision, intellectual development reduce their ability to focus and fully take part in school and socially interact and even develop. It truly is on record that 40% of children beneath 5 years associated with age suffer nutritional A deficiency. This is the major cause of preventable, severe visual impairment in addition to blindness in youngsters. One of the most vulnerable is usually a high proportion of pre-schoolchildren in addition to pregnant women who will be anemic. These two nutrition problem happen to be enormous in Nigeria situation have a great impact in the economy in addition to social life involving the country.
Nutrition has the dynamic and synergistic relationship with economic growth through the particular channel of training. Behrman cites a few studies suggesting that, by facilitating intellectual achievement, child diet and schooling can significantly increase pay. In utero, toddler and child nourishment affects later intellectual achievement and studying capacity during university years, ultimately improving the quality involving education gained since a child, teenagers and adult. Parent education affects within utero, infant and even child nutrition straight through the good quality of care given (Principally maternal) in addition to indirectly through increased household income. Individual capital development, generally through education, provides received merited interest as a step to economical development, but early childhood nutrition has yet to get the required emphasis being a necessary facilitator of education and human money development.
A current analysis shows that earlier childhood nutrition takes on a key function in cognitive accomplishment, leaning capacity in addition to ultimately, household wellbeing. For example , protein instructions energy malnutrition (PEM) deficiency, as described in stunting will be linked to lower intellectual development and education and learning achievement; low beginning weight is connected to cognitive deficiencies; iodine deficiency on pregnant mothers adversely affects the emotional development of youngsters can cause delayed maturation and decreased intellectual performance; flat iron deficiency can effect in impaired contingency and future learning capacity. This should go a long method to prove that healthy eating plan have a perfect impact to national education as Nigeria is fully experiencing this ugly impact now and inside of time to come.
Some sort of health nation will be a wealthy region. Nutrition has a great impact on every nation�?? t growth especially as we can observe in Nigeria scenario. Inadequate consumption regarding protein and energy as well seeing that zero key micronutrient like iodine, vitamin A and golf club may also be key elements inside the morbidity and even mortality of children and adults. Mal-nourished children also have life span disabilities and vulnerable immune systems.
In addition, malnutrition is linked with disease in addition to poor health, which places a more burden on household as well while medical systems. Disease affects a person�?? s development coming from a very early age. Gastro-enteritis, respiratory system infections and malaria are the just about all prevalent and critical conditions that can easily affect development throughout the first 3 years of life. In factions affect children�?? s development simply by reducing their dietary intake; causing the loss of vitamins; or increasing nutrient demand as the result of temperature.
Malnutrition also performs a tremendous role inside of morbidity among grownups. The web link between morbidity from chronic disease and mortality, upon the one aspect, and a large body mass listing (BMI), on typically the other have been acknowledged and analyzed inside developed countries mainly for the goal of determining living insurance risk. A report on Nigerian men and women has shown fatality rates, among persistently energy �?? bad people who find themselves mildly, relatively and severely underweight to become 40, a hundred and forty and 150 percent more than rates between non-chronically energy �?? deficient people. A new lack of micronutrients also contributes considerably to the problem of disease. Metal deficiency is linked with malaria, digestive tract parasitic infections plus chronic infections. Serious iodine deficiency leads to goiter in grownups and Children plus also affects mental health. Vitamin A deficiency significantly raises the risk of severe illness plus death from commonplace childhood infections, especially diarrhoeal diseases in addition to measles. In places where vitamin The deficiency exists, children are on regular 50 percent more likely to suffer coming from acute measles. Some sort of UN report declares that improvement in vitamin A status have been decrease in mortality among youngsters aged one in order to five.
Presently there have been sequence of bold stage toward solution obtaining by government in addition to non-governmental organizations (NGO) to eradicate zeichen nutrition as well as responded effect in the particular present and past, though some proven abortive due to be able to bad government and economic dwindling which often characterized the 1980s, in order to this chronologically. In 1983, typically the U. S. Organization for international Growth (USAID) began supplying assist with the Nigerian Federal and State Ministries of Health to develop and put into action programs in family members planning and kid survival. There focus was at three places, but especially inside the government and even social services location. It will also be dedicated to catalyzing the growth and leverage of NGOs working at typically the community and country wide levels in health care support and even democratization. The USAID committed and $135 million to zwischen zwei staaten assistance programs with regard to the period involving 1986 to mil novecentos e noventa e seis as Nigeria initiated an initially successful structural Adjustment software, but later give up it. Plans to commit $150 mil in assistance from 1993 to 2000 were interrupted by strains in US ALL �?? Nigeria relations over human right abuses, the hit a brick wall transition to democracy, and a not enough assistance from the Nigerian Government on no- �?? narcotics trafficking issues. By typically the mid �?? 1990�?? s these problems resulted in the curtailment of USA IDENTITY activities that might benefit the military government.
In 1987, The International Company of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), under the principal Researcher Dr. Kenton Dashiell, Introduced an ambitions effort in Nigeria to be able to combat widespread weakness. They encourage making use of nutritious economical soybeans in everyday foods. They further explained that soybeans will be about 40% proteins �?? rich than any of typically the common vegetable or animal food source found in Africa. With the addition regarding maize, rice and even other cereals to the soybeans, the cake you produced protein meets the standards of the Unified Nations Food and Farming organization (FAO). Soybeans also contain in relation to 20% oil which in turn is 85% unsaturated and Cholesterol totally free. Though that is definitely nice program for alleviation of weakness started at period, plenty of socio financial thorns hindered its proper function during this period.
The globe health organization (WHO) in 1987 approximated that there had been 3 million cases of guinea earthworm in Nigeria about 2 percent associated with the world total of 140 mil cases making Nigeria the nation with the highest quantity of guinea earthworm cases. In impacted areas, guinea earthworm and related problems were estimated to be the major cause of work and college absenteeism.
In July 1987, the us government released its primary Health care plan (PHC), which President Ibrahim Babangida announced since the cornerstone involving health policy. Planned to affect the entire national inhabitants, its main explained objectives included quicker medical care personnel advancement; improved collection in addition to monitoring of well being data; ensured supply of essential drugs in all areas of the country; rendering an expanded Plan on Immunization (EPI); improved �?? nutrition�?? throughout the country; promotion of health consciousness progress a state family health software; and widespread advertising of oral lacks therapy for remedy of diarrheal condition in infant and children.
The president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in 2002 gathering with the president international Union involving Nutritional sciences (IUNS) promised to support a better coordination regarding nutrition activities plus programs in Nigeria, he further mentioned that �?? the particular high prevalence involving malnutrition is completely unacceptable to this particular Government and he guaranteed the IUNS leader that he might do everything achievable to ensure that resources are available to improve household food security greater access to healthcare services and better caring capacity by mothers including supported for breast giving promotion.
In typically the 27th September 2006 Nigerian President Main Olusegun Obasanjo Lunched the Nasarawa Express School feeding plan at the Laminga primary school. This program is fully funded and even administrated with the condition of Nasarawa, which in turn makes it an unique model inside of Africa today. The epoch making function is in fulfillment of one regarding the promises of combating malnutrition especially among children who he observed that many at the age of 6 �?? 13 years are underweight. He further promises to reach out about 27 million children during typically the coming 10 decades. The NAFDAC are also helping inside arresting the matter of malnutrition via making and satisfactory evaluation of food and drugs employed in the country.
Additional international bodies plus NGO like the particular World Bank enhancement fund; the entire world health and fitness organization (WHO); typically the United Nations firms (UNICEF, UNFPA and even UNDP); The African Development Bank; typically the Ford and Mc Arthur Foundation etc . All of these people have contributed their own quarters to the improvement of typically the nation�?? s wellness and nutrition.
The greatest Treatment for nutrition can always be captured in this kind of slogan, �?? Get them young�?? �??, Children are almost all vulnerable to malnutrition in Utero in addition to just before three yrs of age, as growth rates are really fastest ad they are most dependent upon others for treatment during this time period. However, nutrition intervention, such since school feeding course which has started in Nasarawa State amongst children of class age are likewise important for strengthening learning capacity. Teaching and nutrition education and learning is very important. Nutrition education can certainly easily incorporate straight into primary health care programs. The African-american Child survival plan have reduced typically the high prevalence involving malnutrition in lots of component of cause and even an outcome associated with under nutrition monetary losses from undernutrition includes, as proportions of total losses from all causes: foregone human productivity, 10 �?? 15%; foregone GDP, percentage - 10 percentage.
The government must also use mass mass media to make necessary consideration as needed. The federal government should also try to reach out to be able to people in the country areas with smaller access to number of government interventions. Additionally, improved nutrition is really a particularly powerful antipoverty intervention because this is possible at lower cost and contains some sort of life long effect. Investment in healthy eating plan is one associated with the best choices for economic growth more enhanced social life.
1. King L, Ashworht A changes in infact feeding techniques in Nigeria: the historical review. Periodic Paper No. nine. London: Centre regarding Human Nutrition, Birmingham School of Hygiene and Tropical Medical, 1987.
2. Kazimi J, Kazimi HOURS. infact feeding procedures of the Igbo Ecol Food Diet 1979; 8: 111 �?? 6.
three or more. The United Stated Department of Cultivation, Washington, D. Chemical. food, the year book of Agriculteur 1959.
4. UNICEF, Strategy for enhanced Nutrition of Kids and females in Establishing Countries, New york. 1990
5. ACC/SCN, Fourth Report upon the World Nutrition Situation Geneva: ACC / SCN inside Collaboration with typically the International food Plan Research Institute N2000.
6. http: //WWW. UNU. Edu/unupress/food/v191 e/cho 6. htm
seven. http: //WWW. Fao. org / docrep / 033/ x9800e /x9800 e07. htm.
8. http: // WWW. Online Nigeria. Com/education/ index. asp.
9. Yu xiaodong. Action Neede In the national levels, The Chinese research SCN News Growth In International Nourishment. No. read more , middle - 2006.
12. Armar MA. Mother's energy status lactational capacity and newborn growth in country Ghana: a study associated with the interaction of cultural and natural Doctoral thesis, College of London, 1989
P. O. BOX 196,
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RSS Methylation-Specific MLPA is a molecular test used to detect copy number variants or methylation abnormalities associated with Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS). Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and postnatal growth deficiency are primary features of Russell-Silver syndrome. Individuals with RSS also commonly have developmental delay and characteristic triangular facies. These patients will not usually attain normal height or weight as adults. RSS is casued by alterations in methylation at 11p15.5 as well as by uniparental disomy of chromosome 7.
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ritwicksrivastav22 · 12 days
Enhancing Pregnancy Outcomes and Wellness with ARGIGYN by Medixcel Pharmaceuticals
ARGIGYN, a premium L-Arginine supplement by Medixcel Pharmaceuticals, emerges as a beneficial addition to prenatal care, particularly from the second trimester onwards, with promising outcomes for both mother and baby.
Key Benefits During Pregnancy:
1. Better Pregnancy Outcome: Studies suggest that L-Arginine supplementation from the second trimester can lead to improved pregnancy outcomes, including reduced risks of complications.
2. Enhanced Workout Performance: Helps to boost workout strength, stamina, and energy, aiding in maintaining fitness during pregnancy.
3. Supports Circulatory Health: Promotes healthy blood circulation, crucial for both maternal and fetal well-being.
4. Facilitates Protein Synthesis: Supports the body in synthesizing proteins, essential for the growth and development of the fetus.
The Science Behind ARGIGYN:
•  L-Arginine: A vital amino acid, L-Arginine plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including protein synthesis, vasodilation, and immune function.
•  Pregnancy Benefits: Studies suggest that L-Arginine supplementation can improve blood flow to the uterus and placenta, potentially reducing the risk of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and pre-eclampsia.
Why Choose ARGIGYN?
•  Quality Assurance: Medixcel Pharmaceuticals ensures the highest standards of quality and safety in ARGIGYN production.
•  Expert Formulation: ARGIGYN is formulated by experts, keeping in mind the specific needs of pregnant women.
ARGIGYN from Medixcel Pharmaceuticals emerges as a valuable supplement for pregnant women, offering a range of benefits that contribute to a healthier pregnancy and better outcomes. With its focus on quality and effectiveness, ARGIGYN stands as a reliable choice for expectant mothers seeking to enhance their well-being during pregnancy.
For a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy, choose ARGIGYN by Medixcel Pharmaceuticals.
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drnishamangal · 21 days
Importance and Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy
Exercise during pregnancy offers numerous benefits for both the expectant mother and her baby. While it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen, most pregnant women can safely engage in physical activity throughout their pregnancy. Let's explore the importance of exercise during pregnancy and its potential benefits for maternal and fetal health.
Improved Physical Health: Regular exercise during pregnancy helps improve overall physical health by strengthening muscles, increasing cardiovascular fitness, and enhancing flexibility and endurance. Engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, or low-impact aerobics can help alleviate common discomforts such as back pain, constipation, and swelling. It also promotes better posture and balance, which can be especially beneficial as the body undergoes changes to accommodate the growing baby.
Management of Weight and Gestational Diabetes: Exercise plays a crucial role in managing weight gain during pregnancy and reducing the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight throughout pregnancy can help lower the risk of complications such as pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, and macrosomia (large birth weight). Regular physical activity helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity, reducing the likelihood of gestational diabetes and its associated risks for both mother and baby.
Preparation for Labor and Delivery: Exercise during pregnancy can help prepare the body for labor and delivery by strengthening the muscles needed for childbirth. Activities that focus on pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, can help improve pelvic floor strength and control, potentially reducing the risk of urinary incontinence and perineal tears during childbirth. Additionally, maintaining physical fitness and endurance through regular exercise can help increase stamina and energy levels, which may aid in the birthing process.
Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: Pregnancy can be a time of heightened emotions, stress, and anxiety. Exercise serves as a natural stress reliever, releasing endorphins that promote feelings of well-being and relaxation. Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and mood swings during pregnancy, promoting mental and emotional well-being for both the expectant mother and her baby.
Enhanced Fetal Development: Research suggests that exercise during pregnancy may have positive effects on fetal development and long-term health outcomes. Regular physical activity improves blood flow to the placenta, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby. It also promotes healthy fetal growth and development, potentially reducing the risk of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and low birth weight.
Improved Postpartum Recovery: Maintaining an exercise routine during pregnancy can contribute to a smoother postpartum recovery process. Stronger muscles, improved cardiovascular fitness, and better overall physical health can facilitate a faster recovery from childbirth. Additionally, women who exercise regularly during pregnancy may experience less postpartum weight retention and have an easier time returning to their pre-pregnancy fitness levels.
Conclusion: Exercise during pregnancy offers numerous benefits for both the expectant mother and her baby, including improved physical health, weight management, preparation for labor and delivery, stress reduction, enhanced fetal development, and improved postpartum recovery. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting or continuing any exercise regimen during pregnancy. By incorporating safe and appropriate physical activity into their routine, pregnant women can support their own health and well-being, as well as promote optimal outcomes for their baby.
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ivfbabyscience · 2 months
What Are the Chances of Having Twins Through IVF
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Understand the Chances of having Twins Babies with Baby Science IVF
Experiencing twins has become more common place in recent years, with research indicating a doubling of twins births over the last four decades. The escalating prevalence of twins pregnancies can be attributed, in part, to the advancements in IVF treatment . For women seeking fertility assistance, the chances of conceiving twins are notably higher with IVF compared to natural pregnancies. While the occurrence of twins in a regular pregnancy is approximately 6%, IVF significantly elevates the likelihood to up to 25%.
IVF stands as a beacon of hope for numerous infertile couples globally, offering a lifeline to those who have struggled to conceive through natural means. This groundbreaking medical procedure enhances a woman's prospects of pregnancy by facilitating the development of embryos (formed from the egg and sperm of the couple) in a state-of-the-art laboratory. Subsequently, the doctor carefully implants the embryo into the woman's uterus, where it takes root and matures.
What are the chances of twins with IVF?
Gynecologist and IVF Specialist , Dr. Indira Hinduja, sheds light on the probabilities, stating, "According to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HEFA), one out of five pregnancies may result in multiple births with IVF." This statistical trend often arises from the practice of inserting multiple embryos during IVF to enhance the chances of twins pregnancies. The increased likelihood of implanting more than one embryo onto the uterine lining is a contributing factor to the occurrence of twins pregnancies with IVF.
How Twin pregnancy can happen in IVF?
In IVF, you can increase the likelihood of having twins, even with just one embryo. When a single egg splits into two and forms two zygotes, it leads to what we call monozygotic twins. On the other hand, dizygotic twins happen when two separate eggs are involved. This can occur if two or more embryos are placed into your uterus during the IVF process.
What if I want to have a twin pregnancy with IVF?
Now, let's make it clear how IVF and having twins are connected. People who choose IVF sometimes want to have more than one baby.
If parents are older, they might prefer having more than one baby through IVF.
IVF can be expensive. Some couples worry that using only one embryo might not work, so they choose to use more than one at a time.
Some couples specifically hope to have twins when they opt for IVF.
It's important to talk to your fertility expert about having more than one baby. They can explain the good and not-so-good things and help you understand the risks and benefits of having twins through IVF.
If there are already twins in your family, your chances of having twins might be higher.
Surprisingly, taller and overweight women are more likely to have twins, according to research.
Studies suggest that women over 30, especially those near 40, are more likely to have twins through IVF.
If you had trouble getting pregnant before and needed IVF, there might be a higher chance of having twins or more than two babies.
Benefits of Having Twins:
Having twins means achieving a two-child family without undergoing separate pregnancies.
Twins provide each other with constant companionship, reducing the need for undivided attention from parents.
IVF twins mean avoiding additional expenses for another IVF cycle to have another child.
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Risks Associated with Twin Pregnancy in IVF:
Gestational Diabetes:
Cesarean Section:
Premature Birth:
Low Birth Weight:
Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS):
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR):
At Baby Science IVF , our experts are here to help with any questions about having babies. Whether it's about problems with getting pregnant for men or women, we've got you covered. You can set up a free meeting with us to talk about it.
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studymedicc · 2 months
Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology
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Ultrasound technology has revolutionized the field of obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), offering a non-invasive and highly effective method for imaging and diagnosing various conditions. Here are some key applications of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology:
Prenatal Care: Ultrasound is routinely used during prenatal care to monitor fetal development, growth, and well-being. It helps determine gestational age, assess fetal anatomy, detect abnormalities, and evaluate the placenta and amniotic fluid levels.
Dating and Viability: Ultrasound is used to accurately determine the gestational age of the fetus, helping to confirm the due date and assess fetal viability in early pregnancy.
Anomaly Scan: Anomaly scans, typically performed around 18–20 weeks of pregnancy, use ultrasound to assess the fetal anatomy in detail. This helps detect structural abnormalities, congenital anomalies, and markers for genetic disorders.
Multiple Gestations: Ultrasound is essential for diagnosing and monitoring multiple pregnancies, including twins, triplets, or higher-order multiples. It helps determine chorionicity, amnionicity, and assess the growth and well-being of each fetus.
Fetal Growth Assessment: Serial ultrasound measurements of fetal biometry, including biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length, are used to assess fetal growth and detect intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or macrosomia.
Fetal Doppler Studies: Doppler ultrasound evaluates blood flow in the umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, and ductus venosus to assess fetal well-being, detect signs of fetal distress, and monitor placental function.
Fetal Echocardiography: Specialized ultrasound techniques are used to evaluate the fetal heart, detect congenital heart defects, and assess cardiac function in cases of suspected cardiac abnormalities or high-risk pregnancies.
Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): Ultrasound guidance is often used during invasive prenatal procedures such as amniocentesis and CVS to ensure accurate placement of the needle and minimize the risk to the fetus.
Gynecological Disorders: Ultrasound is used to diagnose and monitor various gynecological conditions such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometrial abnormalities, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It helps evaluate the size, location, and characteristics of these abnormalities.
Infertility Evaluation: Ultrasound plays a crucial role in evaluating infertility by assessing ovarian reserve, detecting structural abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries, and monitoring follicular development during assisted reproductive techniques (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Overall, ultrasound is an indispensable tool in obstetrics and gynecology, providing valuable diagnostic information, guiding interventions, and facilitating optimal care for pregnant women and gynecological patients. If you are preparing ultrasound courses. join StudyUltrasound.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 3.12
Alfred Hitchcock Day
Amalthoea Asteroid Day
Arbor Day (China, Taiwan)
Ashley Johnson-Barr Day
Coca Cola Bottle Day
Day of the Seven Billion
Detransition Awareness Day
Employee Day
Fireside Chat Day
Flag Day (Saudi Arabia; Sweden)
Girl Scout's Day
Grækarismessa (Traditionally, the Oystercatcher, the Faroe Islands' national bird returns this day)
Gregoru Diena (Ancient Latvian Groundhog Day)
Hound Matsuri Komaki (Celebration of the Penis; Japan)
International Day of Tweeters
International Yes Day
IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) Awareness Day
Mammal Big Day
Martyrdom of Hypatia of Alexandria
Mourning for Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Alfred Hitchcock Day
National Arts Advocacy Day
National Christian Day
National Map Day
National Ruth Day
National Shield Day (Argentina)
National Working Moms Day
Parsley Day (French Republic)
Plant a Flower Day
Sun-Earth Day
30 MPH Speed Limit Introduction Day (UK; 1935)
312 Day
Tree Day (Republic of Macedonia)
Truman Doctrine Day
Wallet Day (Japan)
Workers of the Penal System of the Ministry of Justice (Russia)
World Agnihotra Day
World Day Against Cyber Censorship (UN)
World Glaucoma Day
Youth Day (Zambia)
Z Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eskimo Pie Day
National Baked Scallops Day
National Milky Way Day
2nd Tuesday in March
Gambling Disorder Screening Day [2nd Tuesday]
Organize Your Home Office Day [2nd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Basutoland Annexation Day (by UK; 1868)
Renovation Day (Founding of Democratic Party; Gabon; 1968)
Mauritius (from UK, 1968)
Woodlandia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Aztec New Year
Festivals Beginning March 12, 2024
AgriTek/FarmTek Astana (Astana, Kazakhstan) [thru 3.14]
Eastern Winery Expo (Syracuse, New York) [thru 3.14]
Expo West (Anaheim, California) [thru 3.16]
London Book Fair (London, England) [thru 3.14]
Feast Days
Alphege of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Aristippus (Positivist; Saint)
Aztec New Year (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Bernard of Carinola (or of Capua; Christian; Saint)
Blot to Odhinn All-Father (Pagan)
Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin (Artology)
Cuddle an Accountant Day (Pastafarian)
Cuddle a Policeman Day (Pastafarian)
Edward Albee (Writerism)
Elaine Fried de Kooning (Artology)
End of the World by Sekhmet (Egyptian Warrior Goddess)
Feast of Marduk (Babylonia; Mesopotamian)
Fiesta de las Fallas begins (Spain)
Fina (Christian; Saint)
The Genie (Muppetism)
Gorgonius, Peter Cubicularius and Dorotheus of Nicomedia (Christian; Martyrs)
Gregor the Great (Christian; Saint)
Houdini Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Huddling for Fairies of the Third Flight (Shamanism)
Jack Kerouac (Writerism)
Maha Shivaratri (Festival of Shiva; Hindu)
Maximilian of Tebessa (a.k.a. of Numidia; Christian; Martyr)
Mura (a.k.a. McFeredach; Christian; Saint)
Parchment Protection Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Paul Aurelian (a.k.a. Paul of Cornwall; Christian; Saint)
Pope Gregory I (Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Church, and Anglican Communion)
Seraphina (a.k.a. Fina; Christian; Saint)
Theophanes the Confessor (or Chronicler; Christian; Saint)
Wenchang Wang Day (God of Literature; China)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 71 [20 of 72]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [19 of 57]
Bad Hair Day, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1996)
A Bell for Adano, by John Hersey (Novel; 1944)
Bend It Like Beckham (Film; 2003)
The Book of Three, by Lloyd Alexander [Chronicles of Prydain #1]
The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1955)
Clippety Clobbered (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
Couples, by John Updike (Novel; 1968)
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1953)
Fanfare for the Common Man, by Aaron Copland (Fanfare; 1943)
The Flying Jalopy (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Glass Houses, by Billy Joel (Album; 1980)
Go, Dog. Go!, by P.D. Eastman (Children’s Book; 1961)
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (Film; 2010)
It’s Like That, by Run-DMC (Song; 1983)
King’s Up (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
La Sylphide, by Jean-Madeleine Schneitzhoeffer and Adolphe Nourrit (Ballet; 1832)
Lighthouse Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Light in August, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1932)
The Little Bantamweight (Happy Harmonies MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Live at the Sunset Strip, by Richard Pryor (Stand-Up Comedy Show; 1982)
Longitude, by Dava Sobel (Book; 1996)
Nancy Steele is Missing (Film; 1937)
Nothing Like It In the World, by Stephen E. Ambrose (Book; 2001)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1960)
Out of Time, by R.E.M. (Album; 1991)
Resident Evil (Film; 2002)
Rosemary's Baby, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1967)
Seven Thieves (Film; 1960)
She’s Out of My League (Film; 2010)
The Shield (TV Series; 2002)
The Sneezing Weasels (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Southbound Duckling (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1955)
Ten Apples Up On Top!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1961)
22, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2013)
The Velvet Underground and Nico, by The Velvet Underground (Album; 1967)
Where Eagles Dare (Film; 1969)
Wonderfalls (TV Series; 2004)
Today’s Name Days
Almut, Beatrix, Serafina (Austria)
Bernard, Budislav, Fina (Croatia)
Řehoř (Czech Republic)
Gregorius (Denmark)
Rego, Reio (Estonia)
Reijo, Reko (Finland)
Justine, Pol (France)
Almut, Beatrix, Serafina (Germany)
Theofania, Theofanis (Greece)
Gergely (Hungary)
Massimiliano, Simplicio, Zeno, Zenona (Italy)
Aija, Aiva, Aivis, Ausmins, Gregors (Latvia)
Darmantė, Galvirdas, Grigalius (Lithuania)
Gregor, Gro (Norway)
Bernard, Blizbor, Grzegorz, Józefina, Wasyl (Poland)
Simeon, Teofan (Romania)
Kira, Marina (Russia)
Gregor (Slovakia)
Inocencio (Spain)
Victoria, Viktoria (Sweden)
Maryna (Ukrainę)
Graig, Grayson, Greg, Gregoria, Gregorio, Gregory, Orion (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 72 of 2024; 294 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 11 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 3 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 2 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 2 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 12 Green; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 28 February 2024
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Antisthenes]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 83 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 23 of 30)
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theblogtini · 2 years
I’m not from the us but what’s with the baby formula? No one in my country uses that we just breast feed. And if there is a shortage of the powder then why aren’t people you know breast feeding which is the normal way to feed a baby?
Not trying to be rude lol
So, earlier this year we (as a country) basically ran out of baby formula because 1 of the major manufacturers (it's VERY highly and carefully regulated - as all baby food is - so there are only a couple of manufacturers) had to issue a recall and close down 1 of their plants due to contamination or something. So the shelves were basically COMPLETELY EMPTY.
As you can see from the below chart (source), in the US, most babies are breastfed at SOME point, but not for the recommended duration of time. Only 45% of babies are exclusively breastfed for 3 months, and that number drops dramatically to 24.9% for 6 months - so 75% of babies are receiving formula at some point in their life.
This is most likely attributed to the fact that in the US, some employers (those who have a certain # of employees, etc) are only required to provide full-time employees with UNPAID maternity leave for 12 weeks. Some employers do offer paid maternity leave, but even those that do only provide it for a few weeks (some really amazing companies do provide it for longer, but most women do not receive paid maternity leave at all. My sister works for A HOSPITAL SYSTEM and she will only receive 6 weeks of PAID maternity leave and then 6 weeks of unpaid leave. A FREAKING HOSPITAL!) And since most women can't afford to be unpaid that long (or for any period of time at all), they have to go back to work and put their child in daycare or with a nanny or with a family member.
Often times in order to take any paid maternity leave at all, women have to use their vacation time and sick time which amounts to maybe - MAYBE - 3 weeks?
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And then, of course, there's the fact that some women - such as myself - don't have a strong enough supply to be able to sustain a baby. (I will admit - I was never really in love with the idea of breastfeeding, I tried to pump for my kids but didn't have much of a supply and was only able to get maybe 4-8oz per day. Newborn babies eat like, 2oz every 2-3 hours round the clock - so this was woefully insufficient. And for my youngest, he was an IUGR preemie so he had to be on specialized formula anyway (even though I did still try to pump a bit for him).) ALSO - in the 1950s and 60s, with the growth of the suburbs, middle class, and women working outside the home, baby formula became a thing and it was deemed the more hygienic, proper way to feed a baby. Doctors would even say it was better because you knew exactly how much food the baby was getting, it was coming out of sterilized bottles, so there was no risk of germs from the mother, etc. So most people my age (35) and my parents' age were formula-fed and breastfeeding was seen as a "hippy" or crunchy thing.
Now we all know about the health benefits of breastfeeding v. formula feeding so it's gaining popularity again, but for literally 2 generations breastfeeding was considered the less desirable option (and I also think was a bit stigmatized because only women who "couldnt afford" formula were breastfeeding so it was seen as a "poor" option).
ALSO I would like to say that in the US they are pushing breastfeeding so much that it actually has done harm to some women and babies. Mothers are so ashamed if they have to formula feed (due to low supply, etc) that they DONT. They keep trying and trying to breastfeed and their babies end up getting sick because they're not getting enough nutrition. Some babies have even DIED because of it.
So let's be very clear - (and this is not directed at you Anon, but to anyone who comes for me on this post b/c it can be a heated topic) - FED IS BEST. Getting your baby the proper nutrition they need, any way that you can, is the MOST important thing. And you DO NOT NEED TO JUSTIFY why you've chosen 1 way over another. Ever. Period.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 3.12
Alfred Hitchcock Day
Amalthoea Asteroid Day
Arbor Day (China, Taiwan)
Ashley Johnson-Barr Day
Coca Cola Bottle Day
Day of the Seven Billion
Detransition Awareness Day
Employee Day
Fireside Chat Day
Flag Day (Saudi Arabia; Sweden)
Girl Scout's Day
Grækarismessa (Traditionally, the Oystercatcher, the Faroe Islands' national bird returns this day)
Gregoru Diena (Ancient Latvian Groundhog Day)
Hound Matsuri Komaki (Celebration of the Penis; Japan)
International Day of Tweeters
International Yes Day
IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) Awareness Day
Mammal Big Day
Martyrdom of Hypatia of Alexandria
Mourning for Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Alfred Hitchcock Day
National Arts Advocacy Day
National Christian Day
National Map Day
National Ruth Day
National Shield Day (Argentina)
National Working Moms Day
Parsley Day (French Republic)
Plant a Flower Day
Sun-Earth Day
30 MPH Speed Limit Introduction Day (UK; 1935)
312 Day
Tree Day (Republic of Macedonia)
Truman Doctrine Day
Wallet Day (Japan)
Workers of the Penal System of the Ministry of Justice (Russia)
World Agnihotra Day
World Day Against Cyber Censorship (UN)
World Glaucoma Day
Youth Day (Zambia)
Z Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eskimo Pie Day
National Baked Scallops Day
National Milky Way Day
2nd Tuesday in March
Gambling Disorder Screening Day [2nd Tuesday]
Organize Your Home Office Day [2nd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Basutoland Annexation Day (by UK; 1868)
Renovation Day (Founding of Democratic Party; Gabon; 1968)
Mauritius (from UK, 1968)
Woodlandia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Aztec New Year
Festivals Beginning March 12, 2024
AgriTek/FarmTek Astana (Astana, Kazakhstan) [thru 3.14]
Eastern Winery Expo (Syracuse, New York) [thru 3.14]
Expo West (Anaheim, California) [thru 3.16]
London Book Fair (London, England) [thru 3.14]
Feast Days
Alphege of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Aristippus (Positivist; Saint)
Aztec New Year (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Bernard of Carinola (or of Capua; Christian; Saint)
Blot to Odhinn All-Father (Pagan)
Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin (Artology)
Cuddle an Accountant Day (Pastafarian)
Cuddle a Policeman Day (Pastafarian)
Edward Albee (Writerism)
Elaine Fried de Kooning (Artology)
End of the World by Sekhmet (Egyptian Warrior Goddess)
Feast of Marduk (Babylonia; Mesopotamian)
Fiesta de las Fallas begins (Spain)
Fina (Christian; Saint)
The Genie (Muppetism)
Gorgonius, Peter Cubicularius and Dorotheus of Nicomedia (Christian; Martyrs)
Gregor the Great (Christian; Saint)
Houdini Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Huddling for Fairies of the Third Flight (Shamanism)
Jack Kerouac (Writerism)
Maha Shivaratri (Festival of Shiva; Hindu)
Maximilian of Tebessa (a.k.a. of Numidia; Christian; Martyr)
Mura (a.k.a. McFeredach; Christian; Saint)
Parchment Protection Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Paul Aurelian (a.k.a. Paul of Cornwall; Christian; Saint)
Pope Gregory I (Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Church, and Anglican Communion)
Seraphina (a.k.a. Fina; Christian; Saint)
Theophanes the Confessor (or Chronicler; Christian; Saint)
Wenchang Wang Day (God of Literature; China)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 71 [20 of 72]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [19 of 57]
Bad Hair Day, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1996)
A Bell for Adano, by John Hersey (Novel; 1944)
Bend It Like Beckham (Film; 2003)
The Book of Three, by Lloyd Alexander [Chronicles of Prydain #1]
The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1955)
Clippety Clobbered (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
Couples, by John Updike (Novel; 1968)
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1953)
Fanfare for the Common Man, by Aaron Copland (Fanfare; 1943)
The Flying Jalopy (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Glass Houses, by Billy Joel (Album; 1980)
Go, Dog. Go!, by P.D. Eastman (Children’s Book; 1961)
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (Film; 2010)
It’s Like That, by Run-DMC (Song; 1983)
King’s Up (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
La Sylphide, by Jean-Madeleine Schneitzhoeffer and Adolphe Nourrit (Ballet; 1832)
Lighthouse Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Light in August, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1932)
The Little Bantamweight (Happy Harmonies MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Live at the Sunset Strip, by Richard Pryor (Stand-Up Comedy Show; 1982)
Longitude, by Dava Sobel (Book; 1996)
Nancy Steele is Missing (Film; 1937)
Nothing Like It In the World, by Stephen E. Ambrose (Book; 2001)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1960)
Out of Time, by R.E.M. (Album; 1991)
Resident Evil (Film; 2002)
Rosemary's Baby, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1967)
Seven Thieves (Film; 1960)
She’s Out of My League (Film; 2010)
The Shield (TV Series; 2002)
The Sneezing Weasels (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Southbound Duckling (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1955)
Ten Apples Up On Top!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1961)
22, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2013)
The Velvet Underground and Nico, by The Velvet Underground (Album; 1967)
Where Eagles Dare (Film; 1969)
Wonderfalls (TV Series; 2004)
Today’s Name Days
Almut, Beatrix, Serafina (Austria)
Bernard, Budislav, Fina (Croatia)
Řehoř (Czech Republic)
Gregorius (Denmark)
Rego, Reio (Estonia)
Reijo, Reko (Finland)
Justine, Pol (France)
Almut, Beatrix, Serafina (Germany)
Theofania, Theofanis (Greece)
Gergely (Hungary)
Massimiliano, Simplicio, Zeno, Zenona (Italy)
Aija, Aiva, Aivis, Ausmins, Gregors (Latvia)
Darmantė, Galvirdas, Grigalius (Lithuania)
Gregor, Gro (Norway)
Bernard, Blizbor, Grzegorz, Józefina, Wasyl (Poland)
Simeon, Teofan (Romania)
Kira, Marina (Russia)
Gregor (Slovakia)
Inocencio (Spain)
Victoria, Viktoria (Sweden)
Maryna (Ukrainę)
Graig, Grayson, Greg, Gregoria, Gregorio, Gregory, Orion (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 72 of 2024; 294 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 11 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 3 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 2 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 2 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 12 Green; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 28 February 2024
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Antisthenes]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 83 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 23 of 30)
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