#If people start shit on this idgaf youMre getting sent to the worm hole
habitscapes · 2 months
Not to discoursepost on main but its bothering me so bad i have to say it. Why do people think it's their business if a trans man is dating a lesbian. If a trans person doesn't have dysphoria. If a system isn't traumagenic. It literally doesn't matter at all and it will never matter because it is no one's place to decide what is "valid" or not. Remember when everyone hated neopronouns and xenogenders in like 2019? No one cares anymore. Stop brainrotting about things that you hate just because you don't understand someone's personal experience and start finding things that give you joy. Cultivate your own experience. Spend time with the people you love. Become someone you love and love being. You are in an endlessly expanding void full of stars and and galaxies and beautiful things beyond human comprehension and things you can only dream of. Stop caring about internet discourse you won't remember in 5 years
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