#? yeah sure
footlongdingledong · 2 months
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appystruda · 1 month
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doodle of mumbo's ocs and how i was picturing them
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canisalbus · 1 month
Since you mentioned it in an answer to someone's question, could we please have feral Machete in grippy socks?
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boxbrained · 5 months
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trashiiplant · 12 days
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fellas is it gay to confess when you're about to die
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onshrike · 7 months
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A 5 panel comic featuring Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog. The comic has an overall blue-green hue.
Panel 1: Sonic, looking scuffed up, winks and salutes while saying "Not the assist I was expecting, but thanks Shadow!"
Panel 2: Shadow looks downwards.
Panel 3: A closeup of Sonic's hands. He's cradling one hand, unable to extend two of his fingers. Sonic says: "Cutting it close though. Heheh."
Panel 4: Shadow looks to the side, crossing his arms. Shadow says: "...You can't afford to get sloppy, hedgehog."
Panel 5: A faraway shot of Sonic and Shadow standing in front of a large busted Roller Badnik.
Sonic is still cradling his hand and says, "...You keep showing up lately. It almost makes me think you're worried about me!"
Shadow turns to walk away, saying "You're fine, so I'm leaving."
Aside dialogue reads: Shadow, "Ice that later." Sonic, "Pft."
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docockbrainrot · 2 years
i love villains. redeemable or irredeemable. don't care. putting them in my mouth.
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
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some of the tags on my edit are making me think:
do you think random sinners who watched everything in stayed gone and never met alastor in person have like fan interpretations of how he looks like based on this one shitty drawing and his voice.
some draw him with a full body of fur. some draw him with a nose, some draw him without a nose. they come up with their own colour palettes too and they all look very different. there are some popular, agreed on interpretations of him too that are commonly drawn
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some have interpreted the monocle to be a goofy mismatched eye so there are a lot of people who draw him like that too with one big eye and one small eye
vox has seen all of them and lost his mind about them because they're so WRONG AND INACCURATE (okay maybe he laughed at some of them, but how the hell is he going to enjoy sexy alastor art if they all draw him wrongly? and val doesn't care enough to draw him often) and he wonders if he should have just used the actual picture he had of him for his news broadcast instead so he wouldn't have to be subjected to these horrendously inaccurate interpretations of him. this is why he sent a proper reference when he commissioned luci--
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talkshowboymidis · 4 months
watching the devstream, according to hakita, in the original draft of the diary entry in 5-2 ferryman was supposed to pass out in gabes arms, then wake up in their bed but he changed it because it seemed too much like they fucked, and also "its not fitting for gabes character arc at the moment"
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claybyte · 2 months
strongly dislike the idea that harry would become an auror after the war. give the boy a break. he deserves to live in a little cabin in complete isolation for a few years to discover himself
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lishenkaaa · 8 months
AITA for ruining a girl's attempts to get with her crush?
I (40s, 5th) died alongside my husband (40s, 5th) a year ago. We were quite upset about it but a few weeks later we found ourselves called into a false reality created in the mind of this girl (18, 9th) we only half knew before we died, who my husband insists I refer to here as "Garrow", along with a few other people we knew before we died including our adopted kids. It took a while but we eventually realised we were trapped here as a result of her attempts to lobotomise herself in order to forget her dead friend/crush "Hideon" (19, 9th) and preserve her soul without consuming it. Recently, however, Garrow almost died, and as a result the false reality holding back her memories of Hideon had begun to break apart and mutate trying to remember Hideon, even almost pulling my kids back into this mortal bubble after I had found a way for them to leave. Here's where I might be the asshole. In order to stop this, my husband and I have had to interrupt the new realities where Garrow attempted to picture a world where her and Hideon could love each other freely. Now that the false realities have stabilised, she says she understands why we did what we did, but I can't help but feel bad since right afterwards she dug her hands into the mattress and cried for Hideon. AITA?
EDIT: For those of you asking why we didn't leave with our kids and remained in the false reality, a vengeful ghost was haunting Garrow and we wanted to help defend herself from it.
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cockmaxxed catapulter
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vampiregeese · 8 months
none of you are normal none of you are free of sin
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idc. self indulged "romeo lives" au
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mudstoneabyss · 1 year
got something to say about the polls? need to say it? unfulfilled? never made since of who you vote for? who you voted for? who you will vote for? unfulfilled? do you forget sometimes about your own roots? your own history? other people's history and roots? can you make more history? more roots? do you need more roots and/or history? unfulfilled? are you satisfied with it all? do you see it all? what side are you on? what side do you want to be on? how big is your side? unfulfilled? have you ever said a thing inside your brain and then sent it to your hand to touch a keyboard to write it into symbols onto a website, which used to be rocks, and then used your eyes to translate those symbols back into the thing you just said inches away in your brain and then re-said it with your mouth into an ear? who's ear was it? unfulfilled? ever read posts that make you think differently? heard posts? unfulfilled? feel things? felt things? we are you. Strexcorp.
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acoraxia · 8 months
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erlang with a beard
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