#IkeVil Alfons sylvatica
kurishiri · 8 days
Ikemen Villains: Wedding Lily Parts ①〜④ card quote translations 💍
translations may not be 100% accurate, or may have some creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
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Alfons: “…If you so wish, I will make your life more crazy.”
Roger: “…You are the best woman, and I won’t ever find someone better than you.”
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Victor: “With these hands stained with blood, I’ll protect you from any calamity that may come our way.”
Ellis: “Until the day we are both the happiest in our lives, I swear we will love each other.”
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Liam: “You look really good — so pretty that I want to push you down right now.”
William: “I never could have seen the day come when someone would become so irreplaceable to me.”
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Elbert: “I want to be by your side. Forever, until death do us part.”
Harrison: “There’s no way we can go back now. So, accept your fate.”
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blue-inks · 2 months
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🎉🎉🎉 Ikemen Villain is finally free from AppleGate!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 (like a few days ago)
My first impression of everyone through the bathroom meme
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noxinara · 8 days
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If Kate had said that out loud, her rizz would be off the charts. 🥺
From Elbie's bitter ending in the Wicked Romance event! I was speed running all of the normal endings tonight because I wanted the pretty violet room... A bonus screenshot from Elbie's epilogue under the cut with Alfons because it makes me laugh.
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
2024 Villain’s Festival Teams
Team Villain:
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Team Love Thief:
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Team Aristocrat:
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Each team has a chance to receive votes. Winning team who receives the most votes will receive their own newly designed gacha card.
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natimiles · 3 months
Ikemen Villains: Headers & Spacers | Alfons
Based on his emoji and in his color. I hope we start seeing more content for them, so here’s a little incentive! Feel free to use it in future content creations! Please, don’t repost as your own.
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Countdown to Ikemen Villains' EN Release: Alfons 🪞 | 5 days!
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nightghoul381 · 1 month
Do as I Do ~ Alfons Sylvatica (POV) x Reader
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Entry number 4 in @judejazza's An Invitation to Crown Castle event!
Pairing: Alfons Sylvatica (POV) x Reader Prompt: Matching Together Genre: Spicy edging on Smut so MDNI CW: semi-public touching WC: 1.5k
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“Hey Al,”
Your voice draws my attention from my daydreaming as we lay together entwined on my bed.
“I don’t know why… but I was thinking, since your curse is the mirror, don’t you think it might be fun to mirror what the other does for the day? Like, if I eat something, you eat it too. Or if you wear something, I would wear it too?”
I can’t hold back the bark of laughter at your oh-so-innocent musings. I’m unable to deny that the thought is interesting, however, my mind tends to dwell in the darkness and my own ideas are far less naïve and simple.
“I must say, you’ve come up with quite an interesting idea. I think it would be fascinating to see how closely we can stick to matching each other,” I sigh, letting a wicked smile grace my lips.
“What say we up the ante on this little game? The first to refuse to mirror the other has to allow the other to do with them as they wish for the evening. What do you say?” I murmur enticingly.
“You’re on!” You giggle, staring into my eyes. “One rule though, no using your ability on me got it? I won’t have you making me believe you’re doing everything I’m doing while I’m the only one who actually has to participate.”
The sternness in your gaze for such a simple game is almost comical. Your stubborn streak surely means that I won’t be able to convince you otherwise, not that I want to. I’m very curious to see what you could come up with to try and trip me up.
“Alright then, sweet girl. Show me what you’ve got,” I taunt.
“Ten minutes, meet me in the foyer!” You grin, slipping free from my arms and quickly redressing before heading out the door.
“My, my, someone’s got an idea already,”
I am quite surprised when I see you in the foyer just a few minutes later with an outfit strikingly similar to my own. I recognize my shirt and see that you’ve taken one of my spare coats, given how long it is on you. The skirt you’ve paired it with though, I must admit, is eye-catching and hugs your hips in just the right way.
“I see, the game has begun before I’d even been aware,” I chuckle, offering my arm.
“I matched you, so next you’ll have to match what I do.”
“Very well, what will it be?”
Hours slip by as we gradually increase the difficulty of our actions to be mirrored. A flower tucked into your hair is matched with one in my own, a strong drink of brandy by myself mirrored surprisingly easily by you. So on and so forth and here we are now, our bodies now matching in an entirely new way.
You tug me to sit beside you on a bench in the park.
“I’m really surprised you didn’t give in with this!” You giggle, resting your right side against my left. Of course, it would be your right because on your left ear is a fresh piercing, mirrored by one on my right.
“Oh, you don’t seem to understand, I’m going to have my way with you tonight, my dear. I only suggested such a prize as I knew it was mine,” I reply nonchalantly.
“Yeah right. What’s your next move then? I’ve matched you perfectly so far, you’ll have to do something truly outrageous for me to give up now!”
Oh, that foolish, wayward determination of yours… I want to corrupt you so, so very much.
“Ah, yes. The next task is actually quite simple,” I reply, shrugging out of my coat. I watch as you do the same, still looking so bold and sure of yourself.
When you notice my fingers coming up to flick each button of my shirt open, you start off with the first couple, but as your chest becomes exposed, I can’t help but relish the hesitation in your movements.
“Alfons, we’re in public. Surely you don’t mean to have me expose myself like this…” You hiss.
“That’s precisely what I mean to do,” I reply, freeing the last of my buttons and leaving the front of my shirt completely open.
I pause to watch, pleasantly surprised when you slowly unbutton the rest of your shirt. Unfortunately for you, I haven’t finished my turn.
With a dark smirk, I slowly pull my shirt free of my trousers, sliding it off my shoulders with a sly wink.
“Al! There are people here!” You squeak, staring at my body with thinly veiled appreciation.
Your face is bright red as you glance around the park. Your hands slowly move toward the top of your shirt, only to clasp the two sides together. I notice the gaggle of older ladies squawking to each other and shooting us offended glares.
One of the bolder of the group makes her way over to us and, in a shrill voice, begins screaming at us.
“Never in all my days have I seen such a blatant display of vulgarity! And in such a public place! It’s offensive and I ought to contact the authorities and have you institutionalized! Right yourselves and leave at once!”
The old bat’s drawn the attention of other park goers and I can see your face drain of color as more and more eyes fall upon us.
“I believe we’ll have to call our little game here, my darling.” I state grandly, pulling my shirt back on before reaching to fasten the buttons on yours. You merely sit in stunned silence as the gathering crowd of people encroaches on us. A shame too, I was really hoping to enjoy the sun on your breasts for a moment.
You remain silent, staring at your feet and letting your hair fall like a curtain in front of your face. I’m surprised you’re so disturbed, I’d been able to affix your buttons prior to the majority of people had even had a moment to see your briefly exposed skin.
Hailing a carriage, I bundle you inside and as soon as we begin moving, I pin you to the seat below me.
“Now, now, little robin. You’re acting quite disturbed for someone who wasn’t exposed to prying eyes,” I purr, tracing my nose along your jawline. “Tell me why that is…?”
I hear a disgruntled huff and glance up to meet your gaze.
“I… I lost because of that stupid old lady,” you pout, eyes darting away, telling me there’s something else you’re not telling me.
“Oh, is that all? I already told you, my delicious little pet, I was always going to win. There’s no need to be so upset about it.”
You then mumble something I just barely can’t make out, prompting me to push you just a little further. My tongue traces the length of your neck, curving up toward your ear before I nip lightly.
“I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that. Care to repeat?” I whisper, purposely letting my breath hit your ear in such a way to cause a shiver to run through your body.
“All those people saw you… I… I didn’t like that.”
I must say I’m taken aback by the sudden possessiveness. You’ve never much been one for keeping me to yourself, in fact we’ve both been quite open with sharing our intimate experiences with others, and yet, the sensation flowing through my veins at your admission is nearly intoxicating.
“Is that so?”
My voice is low and dark and I groan softly at the way your body shudders beneath me. I let one of my hands travel down your side, skimming past your hips and slowly pushing up the bottom of your skirt.
“Mmhmm,” you whimper, clinging to my shoulders, body tight with anticipation.
I let out a heavy breath against your neck as my gloved fingers find their way over your panties… or rather, lack-there-of. Heat flares in my veins as my fingertips draw such precious little whines from you as they dance across your sensitive flesh.
“You naughty little minx,” I growl, suckling at your throat as I continue to stroke your slit, feeling the vibrations of your whimpers against my lips and tongue.
“A-Alfons, please…” you breathe, hips squirming for more.
“Ah-ah. I already won I’m afraid. And as it is the evening, I believe my prize to do as I wish with you begins now. I do hope you’re prepared.”
I continue to toy with your sensitive spots until the carriage finally reaches Crown Castle, stopping only to bring you to my room where we shall remain for the rest of the night. How eagerly I look forward to hearing you scream my name well into the morning.
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Taglist: @judejazza @natimiles @aquagirl1978 @themiscarnival
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, feel free to let me know
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rou-luxe · 1 month
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you're welcome
there should also be a section that's "I'll stab them not if but when I feel like it"
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j word coded
TO BE CLEAR: I am NOT claiming that this other game (Ikemen Villains) is a "rip-off" of TWST; I'm pointing out parallels between them because I think it's entertaining to see how different games interpret the same or similar fairy tales.
Please also note that although nothing I say in this post is explicit, IkeVil itself is designated as 17+ and contains dark content. If you decide you want to try the game out for yourself, BE AWARE OF THE AGE RATING AND TRIGGER WARNINGS.
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ARE THESE NOT JUST J WORD IN A BLACK WIG AND CONTACTS (the last one looks like a blend of Jade's sus face + Idia's sus face) 😭 His face looks so similar… and they're both "attendant" characters that act polite but are more manipulative than they appear at first glance... (although Alfons has Floyd's hedonism rather that Jade's restraint!)
More of my first impressions of the characters of IkeVil below the cut!! Again, there's nothing explicit, I just wanted to keep this post not too bulky.
And not just him (Alfons) either, ashldbiasydefpaei there's a Trey-lookalike and a Silver pre-hair color change in the same game! Roger has a rifle and is cursed by Snow White's huntsman, so I joke that he's Rook and Trey's test tube baby... and Elbert has Vil's keen eye and desire for what is beautiful!
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There are also characters that don't look like an TWST ones, but definitely have personalities that remind me of a few! For example, Liam's laid-back affability is Che'nya and Chenya Cater-esque, Jude speaks in a gruff but aristocratic manner like Leona but is a tough businessman like Azul, and Ellis seems like a mix of Malleus's obsession with happy endings + Idia's gloomy demeanor…? No clue if he actually is gloomy or not, he just gives me gloomy vibes.
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Victor is Crowley-adjacent! Like they're both overseeing this group of powerful men with magic so you'd think they're serious types--but they aren't. They're silly and use their own skills to do frivolous things like doing magic tricks or making cake fancier. They also both seem to be hiding a secret...
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Harrison doesn't remind me of anyone in particular, though I do see little bits of our typical "lying" characters in him. He has the chill of a Che'nya but also Floyd's flippancy and lies as easily as like... I don't know, Cater?? Not sure on this one.
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abfhbyoafvadpiadgo OKAY OKAY BUT THE FUNNIEST ONE TO ME IS WILLIAM BECAUSE HE'S "THE QUEEN OF HEARTS" CHARACTER... Most of the time when you have a character with this inspiration, they're controlling and easily angered (*stares at Riddle*), but William is NOTHING like that???? In fact, he's got a strong sense of justice and often encourages others to be honest and to act freely, even if it means disregarding the rules. Every time William opens his mouth... I picture Riddle shrieking and sobbing/j
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chevlvrs · 2 months
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The ikemen villain mc is literally the prettiest. She's gorgeous
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ndoandou · 5 days
Mirror mirror on the wall,
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Who’s the fairest of them all?
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kurishiri · 4 days
I have so many questions
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genuinely, I love Elbie, I really do, but how is he still alive?? 😭
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and why are these two casually saying he might be dead and not helping 😭😭
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I love you Victor you are like a father figure but please what is this 😭😭😭
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…and for goodness sake why am I agreeing with Alfons of all people— 🫠
don’t worry Alfons I still love you
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mayu-otome · 13 days
Drink, Get Drunk, And Drown - Alfons Sylvatica
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These translations are solely for entertainment and not profit. Accuracy is not 100% guaranteed. MDNI
(quick note that English and Japanese are not my native language and there might be some errors and mistakes in my grammar and wording in the translation)
On the way back from accompanying a mission to a warehouse suspected of selling drugs.
Roger: You have some nerve to use a person as a human shield.
Alfons: I'm putting to good use, those muscles you're so proud of. shouldn't you be grateful towards me instead?
The two started fighting.
(It all started when Alfons used Roger as a shield against a gun-wielding man...)
Alfons: Can you not come any closer? Joining shoulders with a filthy man like you is giving me the chills.
Roger: Young lady, say something too.
Kate: .… I agree with Roger on this one!
Alfons: How cruel! You're disregarding your lover and agreeing with that man's opinion!
Kate: You shouldn’t use people as shields in the first place!
Alfons knocks Roger arm off and wraps his arm around my waist.
Alfons: Then we'll be around here. Let's go, Kate.
Roger: Hey, you're not planning on running away, are you?
Roger: I risked my life to protect you. I guess it makes sense to treat me to a glass of alcohol
Alfons: Huh? Why do I have to treat you?
Roger: Generally you—
(If things continue like this, we won't get anywhere. When it comes to this...!)
Kate: I’ll treat you!
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Alfons & Roger: …..Huh?
Alfons had a disgusted look on his face as Roger gulped down his beer.
Alfons: You've finished drinking. Please go home.
Roger: Of course I’m still going to drink
Alfons: You're always drinking the same thing. seriously, you're no fun at all.
Roger: What’s wrong with drinking what you like?
Kate: Alfons, you seem to know a lot about Roger.
Alfons: This is a well-known fact that everyone in Crown knows, but it’s not even worth remembering.
Roger: I've known Al for a long time.
Alfons: I'm very dissatisfied.
Roger: I think of you as a friend.
Roger: Kate, if something ever happens with this guy, I'll be your listening ear however much you need.
Alfons: In your case, it’s probably not enough to just listen.
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Roger: I mean, the little lady’s face is quite my type.
Kate: Eh….!
Alfons: What are you embarrassed about? Don’t tell me….. You’re planning to cheat on me in public?
Kate: T-this is because of the alcohol!
Alfons: Heh….. I’ll leave it at that.
Suddenly, a joyful voice rises from the seat in the back.
When I looked over, I saw two men lying face down on a table with many glasses on it.
Alfons: Most likely they were having a showdown to see who could drink more.
Roger chuckled upon hearing those words
Roger chuckled upon hearing those words, seemingly having thought of an idea.
Roger: Let's do it too, Al.
Alfons: No thanks, Please do it alone.
Roger: You're not in the mood, then—
Roger: How about betting on the young lady?
Kate: Me?!
Alfons: What ridiculous thing did you just say?
Roger: If I win, I'll spend the night drinking with the young lady. If you win, I'll pay for the drinks and get out of here.
Alfons: I don't want to have anything to do with you
Roger: Are you afraid of losing to me?
Alfons: —Huh?
Alfons: ... I get it. Let's do it.
Kate: You're really going to!?
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Alfons: It's okay. I won't lose to this idiot.
Leaving me surprised at this unexpected turn of events, the two of them took a quick sip from their glasses.
Alfons: You can still drink... please just hurry up and pass out.
Roger: You're not already at your limit?
Alfons: Please don't take your jokes too far.
(Roger is strong. Alfons is a stronger drinker too.)
His hair is disheveled behind his ears, his reddish cheeks and unusually loose lips doubling his sex appeal.
(As expected, this might be violating the rules.)
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As I’m exposed to the sex appeal of my drunken lover, our eyes meet.
Alfons: ....What kind of face are you making?
Kate: eh?
Alfons: I'm leaving
Alfons stood up and grabbed my arm, forcing me to stand.
Kate: We're still in the middle of a showdown…
Alfons slammed the money down on the table and glared at Roger.
Alfons: Were you satisfied?
Roger: I'm satisfied because I found out that you're more excited than I imagined. Kate, next time let's have a drink when Al isn't around.
Alfons: ...It seems you really want to be killed.
Roger: Haha! If you try to kill me, I'll shoot you back.
Alfons: …. I’m leaving
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(This is the first time I've seen you so drunk...)
His gait was shaky and unsteady….
(Besides, he’s usually talk a lot, but…. he’s been quiet the whole time.)
(They say that alcohol reflects a person's true feelings, but I'm surprised that Alfons is so quiet.)
Kate: Kyaa!
The moment I entered the room, I was pushed onto the bed.
He got between my legs and hung over me so that I couldn't move, before stealing my lips.
Kate: ….Nn, Al
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Alfons: ….You looked incredibly naughty just a little while ago
His tongue slipped into my mouth.
Alfons: You got excited seeing me drunk? What a pervert.
Kate: That—!
The spilled breath was hot.
The ribbon of her blouse was untied and her underwear was roughly pulled down.
Kate: Ah!
The moment the red ripe tip was played, a sweet voice came out.
Alfons: ……
He usually says provocative words here, but for some reason, he just kept attacking me relentlessly.
Kate: Not there—!
My legs instinctively tried to close in pleasure, but were blocked by his hand.
Alfons: ...Isn't it faster than usual?
Kate: Because, ah!
A long finger slowly enters through the gap in her shorts.
Kate: It’s hot….
I feel like I'm going crazy just from the heat of the fingertips,
(Because Alfons is silent….!)
The lewd sound of water echoed throughout the quiet room, and my aroused body came to an abrupt climax.
Kate: Nn !
Alfons silently put his hands on his belt.
Kate: Al—-
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Alfons: ... Seriously, what was going on with that man?
Kate: Eh?
(That man is Roger, right?)
With an irritated look, he threw his hair back and gently stroked my cheek.
Alfons: I'd never give you to him.
Kate: … Are you perhaps jealous?
Alfons: …. What if I say yes?
Kate: Ah…..
Alfons: It's fine, so please just let me hold you.
I gasped at the warmth that replaced the fingers that smoothly left my cheeks.
Alfons: I love you because I'll be causing a big scar that'll someday drive you into despair.
She drowns in the pleasure he gives her and becomes intoxicated with him.
<The next day>
When I opened my eyes to the glare, I found myself in his arms.
(Innocence sleeping face…..)
Just as I was about to reach out to touch his cheek.
Alfons: Will you give me a kiss?
Kate: You’re awake !?
Alfons: I’m not awake. Look, my eyes are still closed, right?
Kate: You’re already awake.
Ignoring him, who was reluctant to open his eyes, I tried to get up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
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Alfons: Let's go back to sleep. I drank too much and I'm really tired.
Kate: …. I think I'll go get some hangover medicine from Roger.
Alfons: When did you become such a bad girl, always mentioning other men's names in bed?
In an instant, I couldn’t help but laugh at the furrowed brows.
Alfons: What are you laughing at?
Kate: Fufu... that's because I thought that even you'd get jealous, Alfons.
He let out a sigh as I laughed.
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Alfons: What if I say yes?
I put my arms around his neck, trying to answer the same lines as last night.
Kate: I’m happy
Kate: And... I was a little happy to see you different from usual.
Alfons: …. You seriously are something else.
When he finally opened his eyes, he lowered his eyebrows in annoyance, smiled, and kissed my forehead.
Alfons: You really are an idiot.
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666love666gaming · 22 days
My Wicked Little Secret Collection Event
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Jude's Secret
Victor's Secret
Ellis's Secret
Elbert's Secret
Liam's Secret
Harrison's Secret
Roger's Secret
Alfons's Secret
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ceruleanwhore · 2 months
How did they come up with these names? “Alfons Sylvatica” and “Elbert Greetia” sound like font names and then Roger’s last name is freaking barrel and emo kid Ellis Twilight gets the most emo name to ever emo.
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natimiles · 2 months
Ikemen Villains & Flowers | Alfons
I’m not an expert in flowers. It’s all according to this site.
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Nerium (Orleander)
desire, destiny, caution
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nightghoul381 · 10 months
Hello! I have a request if you may make something about alfons x mc/kate, like maybe me/kate was once a part of danganronpa game (a killing game) and when she saw corpses she had a panic attack or something, please and thank you :)
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the request! I'm sorry it took longer than I thought it would for me to get to this request, I was waiting on Alfons' birthday story to be released and translated so I could get a better feel for his pesonality.
I hope this story meets your expectations!
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Never Again
Alfons (POV) x Reader Hurt/Comfort | Angst C/W: Mentions of death, blood and murder
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Since we rescued you, I’d tried my best to protect you and keep you away from this sort of thing. I knew you were sensitive to the sight of bodies and no one could blame you.
You had been trapped by a twisted doctor who decided he wanted to pit several people against each other in a test of survival, last one alive was the winner. Crown had caught wind of the event only hours after the ‘event’ had started and before the end of the day we had managed to put a stop to it. But that was more than enough time to completely scar your mind.
You had been one of only three people who had managed to stay alive during that time, corpses strewn about the makeshift arena and blood spattered all over your horrified face. Something about the pure terror in your eyes tugged at my otherwise emotionless heart and I felt myself drawn to you. You looked like a frightened little deer, clinging to me as though I was the only thing keeping you from being dragged under by the torrent of emotions swirling through your brain. I felt compelled to hold you closer, cradling you in my arms until your trembling had ceased and your heart rate had slowed.
Ever since then I couldn’t seem to let you leave my side. I had never felt so overwhelmingly concerned over the well-being of another person as I did with you. I had managed to convince El and Victor to let you stay with us, El allowing you to live at his mansion with me and Victor allowing you to remain alive after witnessing the existence of Crown.
It surprisingly took only a short while for you to recover from the shock, and you’d been so desperate to earn your keep that you finagled your way into Crown’s innermost circle and were granted the opportunity to accompany the team on missions.
I tried to argue with Victor about this, you were already in such a fragile state from the trauma you had witnessed I couldn’t imagine how much worse it would be for you to repeatedly experience murder and torture. Victor had tried to assure me that he would only allow you to accompany on the safest missions, where reconnaissance and intelligence gathering were the only goal.
I was still hesitant but you had been so excited to prove your worth that I couldn’t bring myself to stop you. I really regret not stopping you now.
This was supposed to be just a simple information gathering task, talk to a couple of people who were thought to have intel on some nobles associated with a group of thugs for hire. The nobles must have somehow caught wind of the meeting, however and when we arrived, the people were lying in a large pool of blood, devoid of life.
I tried to shield you from the sight but it was too late. Your eyes were stretched impossibly wide with terror, your breathing rapid and shallow and I hardly had time to catch you as you began to crumple to the floor, panicked gasps spilling from your lips as you covered your ears in an attempt to drown out the sound of your own racing mind. My heart lurched as you let out a frantic sob, eyes unblinking as you stared right through me to the grisly scene behind my back.
“Shhh, shh, sweet one it’s alright. You’re safe,” my words did nothing to soothe you as you curled into yourself, lost in your thoughts. Swallowing thickly, I slid one glove off, drawing my bare fingers across the nape of your neck and once again whispering calming promises of safety in your ear.
I hated using my ability on you. I wish that I could be the one to soothe you with my words and my presence alone, but this was the only way I could think of stopping the downward spiral of your mind into the darkness. I relaxed slightly as your breathing calmed and I was able to pull you tightly to my chest, holding you close like the precious treasure you had become for me. I gingerly shifted you in my arms, lifting you in such a way that allowed your face to remain buried against my chest as I carried you out of the building and away from the nightmare within its walls.
Never again, I thought inwardly, I will never let you feel this way again.
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Taglist: @aquagirl1978 @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @candied-boys
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