#Israeli citizens =/= Israeli government
capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 months
Extended excerpt:
The sharp divisions over Israel's war in Gaza are also on full display inside Israeli politics. Far-left-wing lawmaker Ofer Cassif survived an effort last month to expel him from Israel's legislature, the Knesset, after he voiced support for South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Netanyahu's allies accused Cassif of supporting terrorism. Cassif told our colleague, Michel Martin, he believes the war is a pretext for Netanyahu to seize even more power.
OFER CASSIF: Everybody knows that the government tried to pursue a coup d'etat under the sugarcoated term of judicial reform, in order to turn Israel into a full-fledged dictatorship. So now they are doing the same but under the smokescreen of the war in Gaza. And my persecution and my colleagues' persecution and attempts to silence us is not only of members of the Parliament. But the citizens at large, especially Arab citizens in Israel, have been persecuted intensely since 7th of October. People have been fired from their workplaces and suspended from their university studies solely for expressing grief and sympathy for the innocent civilians in Gaza.
What was your reaction when you saw this move to impeach you? How did you feel about that?
CASSIF: Believe it or not, I was not that worried about myself. I had life before the Knesset, and I guess that I live life after the Knesset if I'm not assassinated before.
MARTIN: Do you honestly feel that there may be an attempt on your life as a consequence of your positions?
CASSIF: Absolutely. It's very clear Israeli society, under the continuous incitement of Netanyahu and his bigots, Israeli society is not only polarized and enclaved, but even families of the hostages are under violent attack. The violence level in Israel, political violence and violence in general, but the violence - the political violence in Israel is on the rise.
[. . . . .]
CASSIF: There's no military solution. The fanatic Palestinians and the fanatic Israelis must understand there is no military solution to this situation, only a political one. And it was like that 75 years ago, 57 years ago when the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem began, and now. So no military option at all. The main factor that allows or enable this terrible carnage and bloodshed to continue is the administration of United States.
MARTIN: What role would you like to see the United States play, given everything that has happened so far, given where we are now?
CASSIF: When the United States continuously - and it doesn't matter which administration is in power, Democrats or Republicans. It's been going on like this for too many years that there is a blind support not for the people of Israel - I want to emphasize that - for the government of Israel. Those are not the same. If the United States wants really to assist and to stand with the people of Israel, like I do, they should do everything possible against the government of Israel. This specific government who supports Jewish supremacy and racial theory, literally and explicitly, once they support them, it is as if they supported David Duke. If the Biden administration and the people of America really want to help both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people, they must force the government of Israel to end it.
[End Excerpt]
(For those who don't know who David Duke is, and why that comparison is so devastating, here's a profile of him from The Southern Poverty Law Center)
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euphorial-docx · 7 months
people need to realize that what’s going on with palestine and israel isn’t about anyone being jewish.
there are jewish palestinians, muslim palestinians, christian palestinians being trapped in what is essentially an open air prison for children and the elderly with no food, water, or electricity just because they’re palestinian.
this is about colonization, and unfortunately so many people are falling for the blatant propaganda being turned out by an apartheid government (israel).
the only solution to stop all this violence is to give palestine their land back. that is the solution.
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perrysoup · 5 months
Don’t let them convince you that you are splitting the fight.
Congo, Sudan, Palestine, the others, they are all the same fight.
Keep fighting, keep pushing, keep demanding. Never let the colonizers get a moment of sleep without being able to face to torment they allow and fund.
Death to Colonialism! If any of us aren’t free, none of us are free!
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unbidden-yidden · 6 months
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beep-cares · 7 months
hey people? israeli citizens are being oppressed by their government. israeli citizens are terrified of their government. israeli citizens want down with their government. israeli citizens feel fear and sympathy for palestinians. israeli cotizens are not the issue. Politicians are the issue, just their every other crazy fucking country. You do not blame all french citizens for the ban of religion in public. You do not blame all americans for the ban on abortion. Many of you do not blame russian citizens for Putin's crimes.
You should not blame israeli citzens for their governments crimes.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 6 months
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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storm-of-feathers · 6 months
Fellow jews I would like a hug
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fellhellion · 2 months
the USAmerican centric views on this site regarding protesting the genocide in Gaza are just astounding at times. Do y’all hear urselves when you say “they’re bombing Gaza during the Super Bowl to distract Americans from protesting!!”.
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enfinizatics · 28 days
the polish government is so fucking scared of israel and netanyahu that not only they abstain from voting for the ceasefire during an UN meeting, but even when israel literally targets a humanitarian convoy and kills one of our citizens all they fucking say is: “we don’t understand how this could happen but we will try to find the answers”. how the fuck can you say that when israel has been literally ruthlessly murdering palestinian people for the past 6 months and conducting an ethnic cleansing for 76 years. how can you say this shit when they mostly target civilian infrastructure, hospitals and most recently, refugee camps. how can you be so disgustingly oblivious to everything that’s been happening for the past few months.
not to mention the fact that bombing humanitarian relief is literally one of the tactics used to prevent any kind of help reaching the palestinian people.
the idf has come forward to call bombing the humanitarian aid a mistake but everyone fucking knows that targeting three branded vehicles was intentional, not to mention the fact that the route the volunteers took had been discussed with IDF before they targeted them. because all of that, polish people finally started to realize that it’s the israel who’s a terrorist here. finally the society is asking the right questions and starts advocating for the palestinian people and in return we’re getting accused of antisemitism by an israeli embassy in poland. very fucking frustrating it took the death of a polish white man (damian soból whom i respect very deeply as a human rights lawyer/activist and volunteer myself) for this to happen because there have already been several cases of palestinian-polish people trying to get out of gaza, and they had to wait ages until the polish people started advocating for them and then the government finally got them out. they had to wait because they weren’t white. fuck the polish government that licks israeli boots on a daily basis and fuck israel, a terrorist state that openly commits war crimes. i wish both of them to fucking die tbh.
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gayhenrycreel · 3 months
yet another day of blocking popular blogs for supporting an organisation that they would hate if they were killing their own people but nooooooooo its okay to kill random Jews apparently.
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jewishbarbies · 6 months
I’m truly sorry your humanity is so far gone that you genuinely believe genocide is not only justified but should be the moral response to any perceived oppression but literally no one asked you and we don’t fucking care.
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m-12-7-jo · 6 months
I haven't been out in public much due to taking a year off from school and not being able to work. I've been watching the news around the i/p conflict from indoors and have admittedly been reluctant to look at my states numbers.
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So, i finally decided to take a look at the ADL's H.E.A.T. Map and uh...
Florida's had a huge rise in white supremacist propaganda and antisemetic hate crimes since the start of 2023. I figured there would be, since the backlash against the global jewry has been particularly volatile both on and offline. But i hadn't checked the local numbers until now.
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We are one of the few states into the 100+ range and that's particularly horrifying. If we look into the specific numbers, we have:
123 antisemitic incidents, with a majority being vandalism and harassment. A number of these incidents occurred with white supremacist movement (propaganda being spread as well as gatherings).
I know everyone's probably exhausted. But i just want to point out some of the hotspots: Orlando (17 incidents), West Palm Beach (10), Boca Raton (7), Fort Lauderdale (4), and Miami (6).
Thankfully, my city has not had any, and I hope that remains.
I don't know enough about the conflict to say anything more than this: I want jews and palestanians to be safe. I want them to have an ability to govern themselves and not be infringed upon or attacked. I don't want more people to die, on either side.
And, it is not "decolonization" to suggest that an entire civilian population be destroyed for the wrongdoings of their government.
We can call for the dismantling of Israel's government all we want, but THIS here only proves what others have said: the diaspora is too unsafe. This is what is used to reinforce the notion that Israel is necessary at all costs.
We cannot call for deconstruction without being willing to address the rampant white supremacy and antisemitism throughout the US and most of Europe. We can't keep kicking jews out of their homes.
You can't support a free Palestine then use antisemitism as a bludgeon, and expect that to somehow save them.
Focus more on combating antisemitism in your area and generating support for Palestinian relief.
Check out: Palestine Red Crescent Society to support Gaza, especially in providing medical relief.
Learn about antisemitism: Antisemitism Uncovered to understand its forms and prevent an increase of it in the diaspora.
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strawberry-graveyard · 6 months
why are people so bad at separating governments from their people? even elected governments will often do things that their people directly hate.
you can hate the united states government and not hate the united states’ people. you can hate the canadian government and not hate the canadian people. you can hate the russian government and not hate the russian people. you can hate the israeli government and not hate the israeli people. and so on and so forth.
unless someone directly encourages their government’s actions (which is generally just a very loud minority, but a minority nonetheless) then you have no reason to be against them. this may shock some of you who are so thirsty for blood and war and patriotism, but most people generally don’t think their governments should be hurting innocent people in or out of their country. stop assuming they do.
and for the love of god, even if you do disagree with someone, do not threaten them. do not throw out racist or antisemitic remarks. do not make them social pariahs. you don’t have to educate them if you don’t want to, but being horrible not only sends them further into their beliefs but it hurts those around you who were on your side. just ignore them, and keep fighting against your actual enemies: the governments ready to sacrifice you at a moment’s notice should it suit their personal pursuit of money, land, and power.
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perrysoup · 5 months
I’ve said it over and over and I will continue to say it over and over
America and Israeli DESPERATELY want you to associate Zionism with Judaism.
Why? So they can use it as a shield.
They take a religion and peoples who have endured atrocities and use them as a shield against criticism for their crimes, foreign and domestic. They want Zionism to equal Judaism in your mind so you are scared to speak up.
Say it with me, and keep saying it: Zionism is NOT Judaism, Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism
The Zionists, the Imperialists, the Colonizers, the Capitalists, they are all the same in their goal: to make the people fight among themselves while they pull the labor from our corpses.
Don’t let them make the Jews ANOTHER scapegoat.
Fight back. Kill the system.
If any of us are enslaved, we are all enslaved!
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jyndor · 2 months
finally blocked that one video essayist who instead of idk uplifting palestinian voices just continues doing apologia for israeli occupation and zionism. I don't think I've ever seen them actually engage with palestinians on here.
I mean you are not a serious person if you think "israelis don't support their government" means "israelis don't support the occupation or ongoing genocide of palestinians" at this late date. I don't really care that literally every israeli I've ever met has been rancid on this at best because that's just my anecdotal experience (including family btw), and if I let that color my opinions I'd be a dipshit but I'm not. I'm literally letting my opinions be informed by actual data that is so fucking well documented it is embarrassing that this is even up for fucking discussion amongst ANYONE who thinks they are allies of palestinians.
this isn't exclusive to israelis, who is saying that only israelis are racist and ignorant of their own country's history???? certainly not this us american. we arent just "picking on" israelis bro trust me a lot of people have heat for everyone. I'm sorry I'm just so fucking fed up with this horseshit.
unbelievable to me that anyone who loves rogue one would be pussyfooting around GENOCIDE. grow up. if you know who I mean do not harass do not bother them just ignore them or block like I did. I'm so done being disappointed time and time again when people who are otherwise very rational and caring just refuse to see reason on this.
this is why i don't fuck with breadtube because they all love each other's white fucking bullshit and rarely do they ever actually stand up for non-white creators who are always, always getting bullshit from viewers.
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beep-cares · 7 months
PEOPLE NEED TO SHIT THE FUCK UP! Stop being so biased. Oh wow your government is going horrid shit and it's not your failt but as soon as its israelis who *have been protesting against their government* all of them are horrible people. Also, Hamas actually doesnt care about palestinians, they just want to kill jews. People, actually do your research, and stop being so ignorant and work past your bias towards viewing jews as evil. The government of israel is not evil because they are jews, theyre evil cause theyre goddamn politicians
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