#J.P. Morgan of the South
Story of the Tennessee Agricultural Museum
I love history and learning the story behind the story! Thanks to friend and tractor collector Buddy Woodson for the invite to the Spring-Crank Up 2024, antique tractor show. During our visit to the show, and Tennessee Agricultural Museum, Buddy gave me a tour of the grounds of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Since then, I have been diving deep, and learning about the history of this…
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
The US Military is the biggest polluter next to China.  That only accounts for the military’s use of fuels, and does not account for bombs, and underground nuclear tests which destabilize weather, water supplies, as well as eco and animal life.   How are CO2 and fossil fuel emissions measured?   Is it empirical evidence?   Nah.  Air samples are obtained from NOAA’s air sampling network.  “A dual-tracer inverse modeling framework and CO2 and Δ14CO2 measurements obtained primarily from the North American portion of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network is the basis for making global determinations.”    
Sarah Kapnick, Ph.D., is chief scientist for NOAA.  Dr. Kapnick has extensive experience at the intersection of climate science and economics. Most recently, she served as a managing director at J.P. Morgan…  Prior to that, her work was in ‘climate prediction’ and sustainability.  
CSIS is very concerned.  Human activity in the South China Sea is causing severe ecological damage.  The main culprit – China.  Therefore, environmental organizations need to step up and take over these eco-systems and manage them for the countries responsible for the decay and decline…  Just ask JP Morgan.
The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has reached a pinnacle of disaster ~ according to the climate COPS.   The principle progenitor?   JP Morgan.   Banks, including PNB Paribas (Rothschild), HSBC, Deutsche Bank, and JP Morgan pumped billions into agribusiness companies that drive forest loss and profited from them. Such investments would make JPMorgan the top financier of deforestation in the U.S., EU, U.K. and China.
In fact 60% of direct global greenhouse gas emissions is the result of JP Morgan’s deforestation projects – including The Amazon.
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As Americans, this is a name we have all come to recognize. Carnegie was an incredibly successful industrialist and philanthropist in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
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He was born in Dunfermline, Scotland but his family moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when he was a child. He built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company which he sold to J.P. Morgan for a whopping $300 mill ($10 bill today).
His biggest contributions came after he sold his steel company. He believed that the rich had a duty to improve society so he focused his efforts on building local libraries, world peace, education, and scientific research. He are some of the buildings he funded or had built:
Carnegie Hall
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Carnegie Institute of Science
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Carnegie Mellon University
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Carnegie Museums
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Carnegie was fascinated with dinosaurs. He actually funded the digs at Dinosaur National Monument (yes, that place exists thanks to him).
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He was especially proud of Dippy, the first Diplodocus ever discovered.
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The species name was actually named for him (Diplodocus carnegii) and the full skeleton stands in Dinosaur Hall today at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Carngie had several copies of the skeleton made and shipped to other museums in South America and Europe.
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Carnegie donated over $250,000 to paleontology for "collecting, preparing and studying dinosaur and other vertebrate fossils." If only we had as generous a wealthy benefactor for our site. That is the dream.
While Diplodocus was the most famous dinosaur connected to Carnegie, there was one other fairly famous dinosaur connected to him. You've probably heard of this guy:
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The American Museum of Natural History in New York sold the skeleton to Carnegie during WWII when they thought in would be bombed by the Germans. The skeleton has stood in Carnegie's museum ever since.
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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What The Gilded Age Gets Right About Infamous Architect Stanford White
In reality, White lived a scandalous life that ended in murder. On the new HBO series, he fares better—so far.
By Nancy Bilyeau Feb 1, 2022
Up until the very minute he was shot on the rooftop of Madison Square Garden, Stanford White might have considered June 25th, 1906, to be a good day.
White, 52, the defining architect of the Gilded Age, the man who helped design Madison Square Garden itself, was sitting at one of the best tables that the rooftop theatre afforded, listening to the song “I Could Love a Million Girls,” when millionaire playboy Harry K. Thaw walked up to White’s table.
Minutes later, as White lay bleeding on the floor, Thaw announced, “I killed him because he ruined my wife.”
📷 Harry K. Thaw photographed in 1906 eating breakfast—catered by Delmonico’s, of course—in a New York City jail cell after killing the architect Stanford White.BettmannGetty Images
The murder trial of Thaw, husband to gorgeous young showgirl Evelyn Nesbit, was the first to take on the description “Trial of the Century.” The courtroom revelations of White’s brutal seduction of Nesbit when she was 16 shocked and horrified America. In a country still abiding by Victorian standards, debauchery was supposed to be carefully hidden. Laying bare the lifestyle of White—by no means alone in his womanizing, heavy drinking, and overspending—helped usher in the twilight of the Gilded Age.
One of the ironies of Stanford White is that the man whose life was raked over in an ugly and sordid trial had devoted decades to celebrating what was most beautiful in architecture and art—and to celebrating New York City, the city he adored. The Washington Square Arch, the Metropolitan Club at East 60th Street, the Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square, the Villard Houses at 455 Madison Avenue, the Players at 16 Gramercy Park South, and the Bowery Savings Bank are just some of his achievements.
As the series The Gilded Age, now streaming on HBO, makes clear, in the 1880s, Stanford White—who’s played on the series by John Sanders, and is summoned to supply his architectural magic for established society and gatecrashers alike—was the man to call in when someone with a fortune wanted to build a deeply impressive home. He was hired by Astors, Vanderbilts, and J.P. Morgan. He was also hired by those people with “new money.” White moved between the two groups with ease.
📷 Cynthia Nixon and Christine Baranski in The Gilded Age, the new HBO series that features real-life (and scandal-plagued) architect Stanford White as a character.Alison Cohen Rosa/HBO
Debra Schmidt Bach, curator of decorative arts and special exhibitions at the New-York Historical Society, tells Town & Country, “The artistry, size, ornament and structures of [White’s] buildings embody the energy and optimism that many felt the Gilded Age held for the United States.” In other words, he was the perfect man for his era.
White himself did not spring from “old New York” or from new money either. His father, Richard Grant White, “was a cranky bohemian who fancied himself an English gentleman yet was blackballed from the Century Club and was chronically broke and in debt, who had studied to be a doctor and also passed the bar but was, in practice, a music critic, a Shakespearean scholar, a linguist, a lecturer, a cultural gadfly, a sonneteer and an employee of the Custom House,” wrote Suzannah Lessard, the great-granddaughter of Stanford White in her bestseller The Architect of Desire.
Stanford attended public schools, a fact he denied later, saying he had been privately tutored. White in fact had no formal architectural training, which was not that unusual for the 19th century. He worked as an apprentice to Henry Hobson Richardson, and toured Europe, before joined two young architects, Charles Follen McKim and William Rutherford Mead, to form the firm McKim, Mead and White. He also married Bessie Smith from a prominent Long Island family.
📷 Stanford White designed any number of New York City landmarks, including the Washington Square Arch (pictured), the Metropolitan Club, the Bowery Savings Bank, and the Judson Memorial Church.Alexi RosenfeldGetty Images
“White's most significant contribution to New York City and American architecture was vision,” says Bach. “White was well versed in European classical art and architecture of the period and saw the possibilities that Beaux Arts forms and vocabulary symbolized for the United States during a period of massive economic expansion.” McKim, Mead & White designed hundreds of civic, commercial and resort and club buildings, public art structures, and elaborate private homes.
“Well versed in art, antiques and architecture, White designed buildings that were not simply dressy evocations of Gilded Age wealth, but also reflections of the seismic industrial changes that occurred following the Civil War and the possibilities that new building, transportation, and communication technologies held for a country also in the midst of huge demographic growth,” says Bach.
White was indefatigable, socializing whenever possible not just because he richly enjoyed the city’s entertainments, but he made contacts for McKim, Mead & White. Lessard said that at the firm, White was “tolerated because of his charm—powerful when he turned it on—and his overflowing giftedness. He was the baby of the office, a big, inspired toddler, indulged, angelic, oblivious, tyrannical.”
📷 Madison Square Garden Theater, where Thaw shot White in 1906.BettmannGetty Images
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His creations can be found outside New York City. He designed Rosecliff and several other houses in Newport, Rhode Island, and the Frederick Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park, New York. The firm’s Boston buildings included the Algonquin Club, the Boston Public Library, Harvard Stadium, and the Symphony Hall. His work on the University of Virginia is considered one of his few misfires.
White’s dissipated dark side was no secret to his friends. He was a predatory seducer of teenage girls, seeking out actresses or dancers who were from impoverished families. Evelyn Nesbit fit the profile perfectly. After befriending her and her mother as a supposed benefactor, White paid for the mother to visit relatives out of town and then insisted Evelyn, 16, drink a great deal of champagne, which may have been drugged as well. She passed out to find herself naked in bed next to a naked Stanford White.
The details of Nesbit’s trauma were coaxed from her at court to help build a defense for her mentally unstable husband. But other shocks were revealed. White would have been dead within the year if not murdered. He suffered from Bright’s disease, his liver was in terrible shape, and he had incipient tuberculosis. Not only was his health nearly destroyed by his way of life, but he was close to broke. Yawning underneath the Gilded Age veneer was a canyon of debts.
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, who was seduced by Stanford White as a teenager and whose husband subsequently murdered the architect, leading to the first-ever "trial of the century."GraphicaArtisGetty Images
“He was known to believe that he should live as well or better than his wealthiest clients,” says Bach. “His charming personality and reputation for lavish living brought him wide public visibility, including among Americans who otherwise may not have known about his architecture or heard much about his exploits.”
White’s rise and fall are echoed in the tragedies of certain public figures in the 21st century. As Bach says, “His extravagant lifestyle, and lack of discretion or concern for those who were impacted by his actions, despite producing outstanding work, has much in common with some of the high profile, publicity-seeking business and artistic innovators who exploit media attention today.”
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cruger2984 · 3 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT KATHARINE DREXEL The Patron of Philanthropists and Racial Justice Feast Day: March 3
"The patient and humble endurance of the cross - whatever nature it may be - is the highest work we have to do."
In 1891, Saint Katharine Drexel left her life as an heiress behind when she became a nun. She subsequently founded the order of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and used her fortune to create new schools for Native Americans and African Americans across the United States. She died in 1955 at age 96 and was canonized as a Catholic saint in 2000.
Drexel was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 26, 1858. Her father, Francis Anthony Drexel, was a business partner of financier J.P. Morgan. Her mother, Hannah Jane (née Langstroth) Drexel, died a month after Drexel's birth; in 1860, her father was married again, to Emma Bouvier. In addition to their great wealth, her parents were known for their philanthropic endeavors.
Drexel was raised as a young heiress in Philadelphia and was educated at home. However, having traveled throughout the United States, she was aware of the difficult circumstances faced by Native Americans and African Americans across the country. Drexel — who lost her stepmother in 1883 and her father in 1885 — wanted to use her inherited wealth to help these groups.
Drexel supported several schools, including one that was located on a reservation in South Dakota. During a trip to Europe in 1887, she met Pope Leo XIII and asked him to recommend a religious order that could send missionaries to the institutions she was funding. He suggested that Drexel might undertake the missionary work herself.
In 1889, Drexel entered religious life as a novice under the training of the Sisters of Mercy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She took her final vows in 1891. With the help of a few other nuns, she founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People (later known simply as the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament). The order would use Drexel's fortune to fund its work.
Drexel and 15 of her fellow sisters set up a school for Native Americans in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1894. This was followed by the creation of other schools throughout the Southwest, including ones on reservations. Drexel's order also opened many schools for African-American children. She founded a secondary school for African Americans in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1915. Ten years later, the institution became Xavier University.
Drexel suffered a heart attack in 1935; two years later, she gave up the leadership of her order. She died at the age of 96 on March 3, 1955, in Cornwell Heights, Pennsylvania. During her life she had given approximately 20 million dollars to help people in need.
Drexel's order had more than 500 members at the time of her death. With her assistance, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament had opened 145 missions, 49 elementary schools and 12 high schools. Today, the order continues its missionary and educational work.
She is beatified on November 20, 1988 and canonized a saint on October 1, 2000 by Pope St. John Paul II.
Katharine Drexel is the patron saint of philanthropists, social justice and racial justice.
Source: Biography.com
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neutralgray · 10 months
A Synthesized History: An Amateur Comparison of the Perspectives between the "Patriot's," the "People's," & The "True" History of the United States - Part 6
Full Essay Guide link: XX
(Patriot - Chapter 6 | People - Chapter 7 | True - Chapter 12, 13, 14)
The Downfall of Native Americans and the Rise of the White Class
To the United States, the War of 1812 was a justification for their failed attempts at expanding into Canadian territory. For the British, the war was a buzzing nuisance tacked onto their larger war with Napoleon Bonaparte's French forces. The war was ended with no side receiving any strong benefit from the entire conflict, which made accepting the loss difficult. Luckily American mythological revisions could make any loss an advantage.
After the war was officially over but before all participating factions knew this, a battle was fought in the deep South of the young country. Andrew Jackson led American forces against the English in the Battle of New Orleans, which ended up being a complete American victory. This end note to the war allowed many Americans to re-contextualize the entire experience as a victory-- further proof of America's rightful standing as its own world power, capable of defending itself as need be. This battle also helped set Andrew Jackson as an American "hero" of the day and age, proudly fighting back the English threat while also employed to create hostilities with Seminole Natives. The "Hero of New Orleans" would soon dominate this stage of American political growth.
Despite the failed attempts to claim territory in Canada, the United States continued expanding. During 1818, general Andrew Jackson seized lands in Florida from a crippled Spanish empire. They were much too busy fighting revolutions in their own heartland to keep their stakes in the "new world" secure, and they were all but forced to the negotiating table to sign over the territory of Florida to the Federal forces of the Unites States. For 5 million dollars, all of Florida was traded and Spain agreed to give up all claim to the pacific northwest.
After the war, the United States experienced multiple concurrent revolutions across many variables. Growth of canals, roads, and easier travel allowed for quicker postage, new population explosions, new job and career opportunities, and less focus on ownership as a necessary virtue of generating capital. This would snowball into an Industrial Revolution during the 1820's and 30's. Steamboats, powered locomotives, and textile factories were on the horizon, along with new cutthroat seekers of profit. During this revolution of societal progress the following future leaders of private industries would be born: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Levi Strauss.
While the future of American enterprise was being born, the future enterprise of free black Americans was further being destroyed. From 1821 to 1842, states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Rhode Island passed laws limiting black civil rights. This also notably happened after the stripping away of property requirements for many white voters. Despite the previous political mingling of united labor (regardless of race) among low-class workers of the United States, a new separation of class was beginning to develop among poor white immigrants (largely German/Irish Catholics)-- a viewpoint that seemed predicated on supporting political bodies that seized opportunity while minimizing the progress of other minority groups. Consciously designed or not, a clear division of "race" was happening along the lines of wealthy whites and poor whites aspiring for wealth, and everyone who was someone else.
The United States would continue to practice largely isolationist policies, removing themselves from the theater of European political drama. The Monroe Doctrine outlined the American position of foreign influence well. The doctrine declared that the United States would stay completely out of European affairs and that the United States would not interfere with any European colonies in South America. This declaration of non-interference was taken as an implied support of independent freedom fighters and rebels that revolted against Spain among their colonies. As those colonies broke down, the federal government eyed Spanish colonies that occupied lands that would later become Texas, New Mexico, and California.
Decades of American political effort went into ignoring the problem of slavery in the states. Time after time, though, the issue rose to the surface. This was again true when Missouri applied for statehood in 1819. The issue was thus-- could slavery expand into this new state? The Southerners who stood to profit off slave labor saw this as a natural opportunity to continue growth. When congressman James Tallmadge proposed an amendment that would prevent further slavery practice expansion into any and all future states, the issue was unavoidable.
The South could not force the vote on the issue outright despite the electoral gains of the infamous "Three/Fifths' Compromise" because it still did not give them enough political voting power to dominate the vote. At that time, slave states had 81 votes vs the 105 free states held. They could, however, cause enough chaos to push the issue anyway. A chance for "compromise" developed when Maine applied for statehood. The states would be voted together, along with a compromise that prevented slavery from expanding above the latitude line of 36°30," but allowed for expansion south of said line. These compromises also prevented free black migration and guaranteed a slave master could take slaves into free states and the slaves would still legally be recognized as their master's property.
Issues over slavery led to a new kind of political machine-- the idea of a party who vied for its own power for the sake of maintaining power. Martin Van Buren founded the Democratic Party, which focused on suffrage and power of the press to develop support for their positions. The party claimed interest solely in national unity above all else, which would allow the slavery issue to be removed as a focal point as long as needed. Federal and state jobs were to be leveraged in exchange for support of the party. It called for a "Northern man of Southern Principles." If such a man could lead, the country could be held together under such a leadership.
The next president was not the hypothetical leader Van Buren's democratic party envisioned. Instead the next acting president was John Quincy Adams, a progressive for his time. Adams' largely more egalitarian political style was opposed by Andrew Jackson and his growing army of loyal "Jacksonians." Jackson was the image of the bull in the china shop-- the common man's "in" to disrupt what they perceived as a cold and distant wealthy elite. Andrew Jackson was a hero of war and a promoter of American expansion for the noble common frontiersman. With his hostile opposition and charismatic influence, Adams' was boxed into a largely ineffective administration that simply could not combat the infectiousness of a "hero's" appeal.
Andrew Jackson would then get his chance to lead. A man not unlike Van Buren's vision, Jackson took strong control of the federal government while endearing himself as a new age Jeffersonian, calling for a small government of non-interference.
Despite a carefully cultivated image as an "every-man," Jackson actively and strongly used the power offered to him as president of the United States. He enacted a sort of "spoils system" that rewarded his close friends, family, and allies by appointing them personally to powerful positions of authority. The proverbial "common man" was not found among his staff, his delegates, his advisors, or his most affluent allies. Jackson knew better than to genuinely give his points of control to his "lessers." Instead Jackson spoke as though his will and the will of the common people were the same. And so for many who viewed him as an American hero, his will had become their will. This only applied if you were a white American, however. Jackson never prioritized stopping states' individual efforts to limit black civil rights or stripping Native protections. In fact, Jackson did not oppose much the states did so long as state decisions did not directly contradict or challenge his authority as leader of the Union. It did not take much for the man to see threats, however. A complete breakdown of the federal banking system and continued aggressive tactics to break the spirit of Native Americans are among some of Jackson's biggest legacies.
Jackson coasted on the idea of "states rights," but had no real problem flexing his federal authority. He flexed it often even, using states' rights as an excuse to not involve himself in a conflict when he did not want to interfere but ignoring it when his hold on the union was threatened. The Bank of the United States represented one such threat to Jackson's vision of America because it wasn't his people who controlled it. It was in the "wrong hands." He withdrew all federal deposits from the BUS then placed those deposits in smaller banks run by friends and officials who supported him. His first two Secretaries of the Treasury even refused to comply, but Jackson merely replaced them until Roger B. Taney, another prominent politician, agreed to comply with Jackson's request. This de-stabilized the immediate value of American currency, and gave lending power to smaller banks who loaned more carelessly. The long-term effects of this butchering of the federal BUS allowed for the rise of strong de-centralized financial powers such as Wall Street. The road to generative wealth in the hands of privatized self-interested parties was now established. Written history at the time mythologized it as Jackson breaking the backs of the elite for the people. He was "with them."
For the Native Americans, the post-war landscape following the passing American/English conflict was simply a new and awful chapter in the ongoing story of Native vs Colonial conflicts. England withdrew from the United States once again along any protection they might have offered, and Spain's hold was rapidly eroding across North America. Fewer and fewer places of respite were available, and now a man who was no stranger to fighting, burning, destroying, and killing Native Americans was the acting leader of the nation they were "occupying."
Native American society adapted to survive in many ways Thomas Jefferson had once envisioned-- many at this point had become farmers, merchants, land owners, and sometimes even slave owners. The Cherokee tribe above most others exemplified adaptation to surviving the the colonial system of government. They formed their own documentation outlining their government, their rights as people, and their status as their own sovereign peoples. Unfortunately this assimilation did little to stop conflict with the American government. In the case of the Cherokee Nation vs Georgia in 1831, it was determined by the Supreme Court that the Cherokee were not federally recognized as its own sovereign nation. A different kind of decision than the ones Native Americans were used to was decided during Worcester vs Georgia (1832), however.
Under the continued leadership of John Marshall, the Supreme Court decided that the Cherokee Nation's lands were federally protected. The agreements and treaties the federal government had signed with Cherokee leadership were valid. Andrew Jackson did not care, however. Emboldened by his leadership of the executive branch, Jackson forced the Cherokee out of occupied lands anyway. The Supreme Court did nothing to stop Jackson's aggression towards the Native people and his blatant disregard for the system of checks and balances which are supposedly in place to prevent gross misuse of power such as this. Jackson was even purported to say "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." There is next to no evidence of this being a real quote, but even if it was never stated, the sentiment was so strongly transparent that the supposed quote has continued to exist as an infamous summation of Jackson's presidential attitude.
The tactics employed by Jackson's administration were insidious and clearly created to win no matter the outcome. Most of the time what happened is that a Native tribe was given a "choice" to move west or stay and be subject to the laws of the states whose lands they were "occupying." This was clearly not much of a real choice, however, because often state governments would write laws in place that would essentially erase federal recognition and protection of a Native tribe as a distinct recognized people while also severely limiting their rights to vote or own property. For example, states like Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi passed laws that:
outlawed tribal meetings
Removed tribes as a legally recognized entity/identity
Removed chief powers
Subjected Native Americans to state taxes while they could not vote, testify, or bring suits to court
The Native Americans could either leave their lands for a dry and barren atmosphere further west or stay and be destroyed on a bureaucratic level. If the Natives went to the federal government with grievances over the fairness of these positions, Jackson would cleverly hide behind the shield of "states rights," saying it wasn't his place to dictate how a state may view Native Americans, nor was it his place to stop encroaching settlers in those states' borders. The "states rights" shield was quickly put away if a tribe did not comply, however.
No stranger to conflict with the Natives, Andrew Jackson led forces responsible for the death of over 800 Creek people in 1814, while allied with Cherokee and other Creek tribes. Once those forces were crushed, Jackson's forces happily claimed territory in lands of both the forces he crushed and the Natives forces he allied with. Clearly alliances with the American government were only temporarily advantageous to the Native tribes, if they had any advantages at all. Now with a new "Indian Removal Act" passed by Congress (97 to 102 in the House), Jackson once again used this aggressive combative experience to force or crush Native American people to the choices he all but demanded they make. You either moved, chose to stay and lose your identity and rights, or fight and risk being killed or imprisoned.
In 1836 the Creeks refused to move from their current occupation. This fact coupled with consistent small skirmishes and conflicts gave the United States justification in declaring that the Creeks were aggressors at "war," and that they had now lost all treaty rights they might have been afforded or were currently under. Very few of their people were actually combatants in these skirmishes but they were all forced to move the same, or risk the wrath of the military presence overseeing the blatant ethnic cleansing. They did not resist.
The Seminoles in Florida actively fought. One man, Osceola, was a prominent resistance leader among the Native Seminole people. Their form of resistance was notable-- hard to crush. They killed, captured slaves, and would disappear into the marshes and swamps just as quickly. Any attempt at truces from the Seminoles were met with arrests, and fighting continued. The battles continued for 8 years, before Osceola was arrested and died of illness in prison. Seminole attacks from the swamplands continued for a while longer, but soon enough the fighting faded altogether. It seemed to be a war of attrition that finally petered out.
The Trail of Tears was the direct result of Jackson administration decisions. As Cherokee people were forced to move from their lands and cross thousands of miles, many of them died due to exposure and harsh conditions. It's estimated approximately 4000 Cherokee died moving from their lands to the territory of Oklahoma. Several thousand Creeks died as well. Overall, 60000 people from the "Five Civilized Tribes" (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee (Creek), and Seminole) were deported west. None were treated kindly, though the federal government continued to act as if the deportation was somehow in service to both the United States and the many Native Americans blanketed together as simply "Indians." Van Buren even stated the removal had the "happiest effects."
Final Thoughts:
This was a particularly harrowing chapter of American history, which was quite frankly frightening to read because of how often the culture as described under Jackson's America reminds of the fervor and zeal seen in modern political machinations with new cult-of-personality political leaders.
It's difficult to even compare the texts in a way that doesn't feel like it trivializes the content being told. The conflict with the American people and the Native Americans has been a recurring element of all past analyses, but this was definitely one of the most prominent examples of cruelty seen thus far. There was a heinous tendency to cripple Native American negotiating power, force them in a position where they essentially have to agree to a treaty that does not favor them, while the American government promises them asylum. That same government would then later betray their promises virtually every time. The treatment of allies and enemies alike by the federal powers demonstrated that if you were Native American and entering agreement with any white official, it could be inherently assumed the agreement was a lie.
I guess if i had to compare the text for the quality of content itself, I've noticed a tendency in A Patriot's History that might admittedly be a nitpick, but Schweikart and Allen have a tendency to write in a subjective tone that sometimes assigns inferred or guessed feelings and motivations on the part of several prominent historical figures. The text often makes comments about how certain political leaders should "know better" before making a mistake in regards to political alliance or a policy position, as if the history that was going to result should have been obvious. It's a repeated offense I've only just honed in on but I know I'm going to continue noticing this.
As for what that content says, it's clear that this is the birth of a more uniform concept of what being "white" in America meant. Religious branches and national origins likely still had their place in the background of politics but it was no longer the prominent force. Jackson's charismatic demeanor and "for the people" mythology crystallized enemies in the minds' of people-- it was the bankers and the elite stealing your money, it was the black American threatening your hierarchical position, it was the Native American occupying your lands. Those were the enemies. A people organized against these threats was strong. A new class of "white people" had been developing in the body of American politics for a while, and now it was taking form.
The United States seemed to be as one force, seemingly tricked by an administration that struck the balance between being a single union and a confederation of states who believed their individual rights were being well protected-- a compact view without compact practice. This was evident when South Carolina challenged Jackson's authority by attempting to nullify their requirement to comply with high trade tariffs on their cotton. Jackson crushed the resistant state opposition, as he had crushed many threats to his United States of America. For a man of states' rights, he did not lightly tolerate when those supposed "rights" challenged his presidential authority.
Following Jackson's terms in office, he left behind a much stronger executive branch, which threatened the concept of checks and balances. His divisive nature also led to a complete schism in American politics-- You were either a supporter of Jackson or you weren't. A position strongly resembling our modern understanding of the "two party system" came to be, with the opposing Democrat and Whig parties fighting for ongoing control of government administration.
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themarketinsights · 1 year
Credit Derivative Market to See Huge Growth by 2027 | Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo
The latest study released on the Global Credit Derivative Market by AMA Research evaluates market size, trend, and forecast to 2027. The Credit Derivative market study covers significant research data and proofs to be a handy resource document for managers, analysts, industry experts and other key people to have ready-to-access and self-analyzed study to help understand market trends, growth drivers, opportunities and upcoming challenges and about the competitors.
Key Players in This Report Include: ANZ (Australia), BNP Paribas (France), Deutsche Bank (Germany), Goldman Sachs (United States), J.P. Morgan (United States), Nomura (Japan), Societe Generale (France), Morgan Stanley (United States), Wells Fargo (United States), SunTrust Bank (United States) Download Sample Report PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/178273-global-credit-derivative-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Definition: Credit Derivative is a financial contract that allows parties to reduce their credit risk exposure. Credit derivatives are privately held, negotiable bilateral contracts traded over-the-counter (OTC) between two creditor or debtor parties. These enable a creditor to effectively transfer some or all of the risk of a debtor's default to a third party. This third party takes on the risk in exchange for a payment known as the premium. A credit derivative is a type of derivative contract whose value is derived from the underlying debt instrument and is used to protect the lender from credit risk. The risk that borrowers will default on their loans or debt obligations is referred to as credit risk.
Market Drivers: • Increasing Digitalization and Adoption of Technological Advancement to Serve Customers Online and Offer Enhanced Services • Demand for Commercial Banking Services is growing among Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Startups
Market Trend: • Increased Emphasis on Developing Innovative Commercial Banking Solutions Using Advanced Technologies Such As AI and Machine Learning • Commercial Banking Market, an Emerging Trend of Open Banking
Market Opportunities: • High Growth of Commercial Banking and Increasing Digital Transformation of Commercial Banking in the United States • Increased Integration of Cloud-based Technology Due to Enhances Flexibility
The Global Credit Derivative Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Unfunded Credit Derivatives, Funded Credit Derivatives, Credit Default Swap, Total Return Swap, Credit-linked Note, Credit Spread Option), Application (Hedging, Speculation and Arbitrage), End Users (Startups, Small & Medium Enterprises, Large Enterprises), Component (Solutions, Services)
Global Credit Derivative market report highlights information regarding the current and future industry trends, growth patterns, as well as it offers business strategies to help the stakeholders in making sound decisions that may help to ensure the profit trajectory over the forecast years.
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Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share, and growth rate of the following regions: • The Middle East and Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Egypt, etc.) • North America (United States, Mexico & Canada) • South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, etc.) • Europe (Turkey, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) • Asia-Pacific (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia).
Objectives of the Report • -To carefully analyze and forecast the size of the Credit Derivative market by value and volume. • -To estimate the market shares of major segments of the Credit Derivative • -To showcase the development of the Credit Derivative market in different parts of the world. • -To analyze and study micro-markets in terms of their contributions to the Credit Derivative market, their prospects, and individual growth trends. • -To offer precise and useful details about factors affecting the growth of the Credit Derivative • -To provide a meticulous assessment of crucial business strategies used by leading companies operating in the Credit Derivative market, which include research and development, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, new developments, and product launches.
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Major highlights from Table of Contents: Credit Derivative Market Study Coverage: • It includes major manufacturers, emerging player's growth story, and major business segments of Credit Derivative market, years considered, and research objectives. Additionally, segmentation on the basis of the type of product, application, and technology. • Credit Derivative Market Executive Summary: It gives a summary of overall studies, growth rate, available market, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues, and macroscopic indicators. • Credit Derivative Market Production by Region Credit Derivative Market Profile of Manufacturers-players are studied on the basis of SWOT, their products, production, value, financials, and other vital factors. • Key Points Covered in Credit Derivative Market Report: • Credit Derivative Overview, Definition and Classification Market drivers and barriers • Credit Derivative Market Competition by Manufacturers • Impact Analysis of COVID-19 on Credit Derivative Market • Credit Derivative Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2021-2027) • Credit Derivative Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2021-2027) • Credit Derivative Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type {Payment Gateway, Merchant Account, Subscription Management,} • Credit Derivative Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis Credit Derivative Manufacturing Cost Analysis, Industrial/Supply Chain Analysis, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Marketing • Strategy by Key Manufacturers/Players, Connected Distributors/Traders Standardization, Regulatory and collaborative initiatives, Industry road map and value chain Market Effect Factors Analysis.
Browse Complete Summary and Table of Content @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/178273-global-credit-derivative-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Key questions answered • How feasible is Credit Derivative market for long-term investment? • What are influencing factors driving the demand for Credit Derivative near future? • What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global Credit Derivative market growth? • What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia.
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woodfinder8754 · 2 years
Johannesburg's Gated Communities Echo Apartheid-era Segregation In South Africa
Neo Estates' administration staff, collectively has over 20 years' expertise in property growth and actual estate in Europe as nicely as South Africa, and may offer you turnkey options for all your property necessities. Through investment and support of Neo Africa, Neo Estates is a stage 2 BEE company, with national in addition to worldwide interests and capability. Although the headquarters of Neo Estates are located within the Cape Town area, we don't solely have offices nationally, but in addition satellite offices and legal companions in different European countries to find a way to service your needs globally. According to Hamann, residential improvement is not the one reason for the persistence of apartheid spatial types. He says present developments mean that “when the city-region expands, there's little socioeconomic mixing taking place. The satellite pictures, launched by the Gauteng City Region Observatory on 31 October, present that freehold formal homes make up nearly half of all properties in Gauteng and stay the most typical kind of residential building.
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Cape Malay cuisine encapsulates local historical past, developed by the folks of the same name – now extra generally referred to as Cape Muslims – who arrived from southeast Asia when Cape Town was a Dutch East India Company maritime outpost. Conflict in one a half of the world creates insecurity and threatens peace far past. At a time when considered one of every four people lives in a conflict zone, International Peace Day reminds us of the need for a stronger rules-based worldwide order and well timed funding in peace upon the earliest warning signs.
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wespeakglobal · 2 years
(via Mbali Nwoko | Black Female Motivational Speaker | Johannesburg)
Mbali Nwoko is an award-winning commercial farmer, entrepreneur, speaker and columnist. She is the CEO of Green Terrace which is an agribusiness based in Boksburg, Johannesburg that farms high value crops namely; baby marrows, green peppers and green beans and supplies to leading retailers, food processing companies and the fresh produce markets across South Africa.
Prior to establishing her agribusi- ness, she previously co-owned a successful headhunting talent organisation called ClientScape for 3 years, which niched in headhunting professional engineers and artisans for the manufacturing, engineering and chemical industries.
Mbali is a BCom Industrial Psychology Graduate from the University of Johannesburg and also an alumni from the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) after being selected from a thousand applicants across South Africa to complete an intensive business boost program sponsored by J.P Morgan.
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Market Talk - September 27, 2022
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ASIA:  To stabilize China’s foreign exchange market and support the value of the yuan, the country’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBC), announced that it will raise the foreign exchange (FX) risk ratio for foreign exchange forward trading from 0 to 20 percent, effective Wednesday. It will increase the cost of foreign exchange forward trading by banks, reducing demand for foreign exchange forward purchases in the market to stabilize yuan exchange rates, economists said. The Chinese yuan’s central parity rate weakened 378 basis points to 7.0298 against the US dollar on Monday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trading System. The offshore yuan closed at 7.1173 the previous trading day. Apple Inc said on Monday it will manufacture its latest iPhone 14 in India, as the tech giant moves some of its production away from China. Analysts at J.P. Morgan expect Apple to move about 5% of iPhone 14 production from late 2022 to India, which is the world’s second-biggest smartphone market after China. Apple could make one out of four iPhones in India by 2025, JPM analysts said in a note last week. Sri Lanka will step up efforts to revive a stalled free trade pact with Singapore, President Ranil Wickremesinghe told the city-state’s prime minister on Tuesday, Reuters reported. The leader of the crisis-hit Indian Ocean nation met Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Japan on the sidelines of a state funeral for Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister assassinated in July. A free trade pact signed in January 2018 was suspended due to objections from Sri Lankan opposition parties and professional bodies. Sri Lanka proposed more than a dozen amendments in May 2021, but talks have largely stalled. The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: - NIKKEI 225 increased 140.32 points or 0.53% to 26,571.87 - Shanghai increased 42.64 points or 1.40% to 3,093.86 - Hang Seng increased 5.17 points or 0.03% to 17.860.31 - Kospi increased 2.92 points or 0.13% to 2,223.86 - ASX 200 increased 26.80 points or 0.41% to 6,496.20 - SENSEX decreased 37.70 points or -0.07% to 57,107.52 - Nifty50 decreased 8.90 points or -0.05% to 17,007.40 The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today: - AUDUSD decreased 0.00197 or -0.30% to 0.64463 - NZDUSD increased 0.0011 or 0.20% to 0.56480 - USDJPY increased 0.12 or 0.08% to 144.692 - USDCNY increased 0.00981 or 0.14% to 7.18241 Precious Metals: - Gold increased 13.91 USD/t oz. or 0.86% to 1,635.48 - Silver increased 0.242 USD/t. oz or 1.32% to 18.577 Some economic news from last night: China: Chinese Industrial profit YTD (Aug) decreased from -1.1% to -2.1% Japan: Corporate Services Price Index (CSPI) (YoY) decreased from 2.0% to 1.9% South Korea: Consumer Confidence (Sep) increased from 88.8 to 91.4 EUROPE/EMEA: The global economy will suffer a $2.8trn (£2.6trn) hit next year in the wake of Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to an international policy forum that is predicting zero growth for the UK. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said its projection for lost output worldwide was based on a comparison between its pre-invasion forecast and its latest projections. The report said economic growth worldwide was slowing more than expected as energy prices spike, and the resulting inflation crisis takes its toll on demand. The OECD was particularly gloomy about Germany’s Russian-gas dependent economy, forecasting it would contract 0.7% next year, slashed from a June estimate for 1.7% growth. The OECD said it expected the UK to grow by 3.4% in 2022 – above the international average – as a whole but that achieving growth in gross domestic product (GDP) next year would be difficult. The European Central Bank (ECB) is moving ahead with its plans to launch a digital version of the euro. To this end, the regional banking regulator said it will collaborate with five companies to test “user interfaces” for the central bank digital currency (CBDC). Each of the five companies will be tasked with focusing on one use case of the digital euro, with Amazon testing the application of e-commerce payments. Nexi and EPI will focus on point-of-sale transactions initiated by the payer and the payee, respectively, while CaixaBank and Worldline will cater to offline/online peer-to-peer payments The major Europe stock markets had a negative day: - CAC 40 decreased 15.57 points or -0.27% to 5,753.82 - FTSE 100 decreased 36.36 points or -0.52% to 6,984.59 - DAX 30 decreased 88.24 points or -0.72% to 12,139.68 The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today: - EURUSD increased 0.00119 or 0.12% to 0.96229 - GBPUSD increased 0.00478 or 0.45% to 1.07740 - USDCHF decreased 0.00448 or -0.45% to 0.98872 Some economic news from Europe today: France: France Jobseekers Total decreased from 2,967.0K to 2,966.0K Italy: Italian Trade Balance Non-EU (Aug) decreased from -2.83B to -5.79B Euro Zone: M3 Money Supply (YoY) (Aug) increased from 5.5% to 6.1% Loans to Non Financial Corporations (Aug) increased from 7.7% to 8.7% Private Sector Loans (YoY) remain the same at 4.5% US/AMERICAS: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen praised the Inflation Reduction Act for providing tax credits toward green investments. Yellen claims the $329 billion that will be spent on climate initiatives will somehow lower costs for consumers. “These investments will accelerate the transition to our green energy future and lower energy costs for American households and businesses,” Yellen said. The infrastructure likely will not be available for decades to come and will not help consumers amid the current energy crisis. Housing prices are declining across the US at the fastest pace in the history of the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shriller Index. Prices still remain high compared to the pre-pandemic era, however, home prices in July reflect a large deceleration when compared to the previous month. Prices rose 15.8% this July compared to the year prior, but are still beneath the 18.1% YoY increase reported in June. The 10-city composite rose 14.9%, down from 17.4% in June. The 20-city composite rose 16.1%, also down from June’s recording of 18.7%. Tampa (31.8%), Miami (31.7%), and Dallas (24.7%) saw the largest increases in the nation. US Market Closings: - Dow declined 125.82 points or -0.43% to 29,134.99 - S&P 500 declined 7.75 points or -0.21% to 3,647.29 - Nasdaq advanced 26.58 points or 0.25% to 10,829.5 - Russell 2000 advanced 6.63 points or 0.4% to 1,662.51 Canada Market Closings: - TSX Composite declined 19.13 points or -0.1% to 18,307.91 - TSX 60 declined 2.56 points or -0.23% to 1,112.05 Brazil Market Closing: - Bovespa declined 737.81 points or -0.68% to 108,376.35 ENERGY: The oil markets had a green day today: - Crude Oil increased 1.834 USD/BBL or 2.39% to 78.544 - Brent increased 2.026 USD/BBL or 2.41% to 86.086 - Natural gas increased 0.0084 USD/MMBtu or 0.12% to 6.9114 - Gasoline increased 0.091 USD/GAL or 3.82% to 2.4752 - Heating oil increased 0.1332 USD/GAL or 4.26% to 3.2623 The above data was collected around 11:50 EST on Tuesday       - Top commodity gainers: Heating Oil (4.26%), Gasoline (3.82%), Methanol (5.47%) and Lumber (7.96%) - Top commodity losers: Oat (-0.53%), Cotton (-1.34%), Lean Hogs (-0.60%) and Feeder Cattle (-0.78%) The above data was collected around 11:57 EST on Tuesday. . BONDS: Japan 0.250%(-0.1bp), US 2’s 4.31% (-0.007%), US 10’s 3.9553% (+7.53bps); US 30’s 3.81% (+0.114%), Bunds 2.231% (+13.9bp), France 2.841% (+14.4bp), Italy 4.748% (+22.2bp), Turkey 11.50% (-3p), Greece 4.930% (+25bp), Portugal 3.357% (+17.5bp); Spain 3.435% (+15.1bp) and UK Gilts 4.5040% (+25.3bp).   Original Article Original Article Here: Read the full article
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schaeffersresearch · 2 years
The brokerage lowered VRM's rating to "undeweight"
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disneytva · 3 years
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Bob Chapek Confirms That Disney To Close 100 International TV Channels In 2021
With the international rollout of Disney+ in full swing, Disney has been making big changes to its traditional television networks, as it moves its content over to Disney+.
When Disney purchased 20th Century Fox, they obtained a large number of TV networks around the world including Fox, Star, National Geographic and more, in addition to their own Disney Channels.
Last year multiple Disney Channels were closed down around the world, including in Australia and in the United Kingdom.  With Disney also set to close down the Fox channel in the UK next month and another 18 channels in South East Asia later this year.
During a recent interview with Walt Disney CEO Bob Chapek at the J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media And Communications Conference.  He was asked if more international cable networks are going to be closing, and he replied:
Well, we closed 30 channels in FY2020 or in 2020. We plan to close 100 in 2021. So yes, we will continue and continue at a robust rate. And then the content to your question, we’ll continue to migrate to Disney+, the great majority of that content will migrate to Disney+. And again, the decisions that we make in individual channels and individual markets, and the timing of such are sort of framed up by existing deals that we’ve gotten some of the constraints we’ve got there, but as you can see, that continues to be a core strategy for us as we pivot towards direct-to-consumer.
There are still many countries within Eastern Europe, Africa, The Middle East and in Asia, that don’t yet have Disney+ available.   So we should expect a lot more channels in those regions to be closed later this year, once Disney+ launches in those regions.
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yasbxxgie · 3 years
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For 43 years, Belle da Costa Greene ran the Morgan Library — 19 years as the private librarian of financier J. Pierpont Morgan and later his son, Jack, then 24 years as the inaugural director of the Pierpont Morgan Library, which is now known as the Morgan Library & Museum.
She did not only help Morgan to organize his legendary collection of manuscripts and rare books, but also transformed Morgan’s private collection into a major public resource which, to date, hosts series of lectures, exhibitions, publications, and research services, all of which first started under Greene.
Becoming “arguably the most powerful woman in the New York art and book world” at the turn of the 20th century, Greene, with a flamboyant fashion sense, dined with the rich and famous, including opera stars, tycoons, and royalty. She had access to places that were not welcome to Black people, and she won many admirers who were charmed by her acuity and intelligence.
But historians say she probably wouldn’t have made it to that level had she revealed her background. Greene told everyone who bothered to ask that she was Portuguese, but in fact, she was Black. Her employers did not even learn of her secret until her death.
The child of two African-American parents of mixed ancestry, her birth certificate identified her as “colored” though she was light-skinned as both her parents. Her father was lawyer Richard T. Greener, the first African American to graduate from Harvard and the first librarian of color at the University of South Carolina. Genevieve Fleet was her mother.
Growing up in a community of color in Washington, D.C., Greene, by the age of 12, wanted to work with rare books. “I loved them even then, the sight of them, the wonderful feel of them, the romance and the thrill of them,” she once said. Though Greene perhaps developed her love for rare books from her father, she knew that it would be difficult for her to rise, being in a deeply segregated and racist society and having witnessed her father being subjected to discrimination.
So when her father left the country in 1898 for a consular post in Vladivostok, Russia, and her parents’ marriage came to an end, Greene and her mother shortened their last name. They began publicly describing themselves as Americans of Portuguese descent and passed as white. Greene (named Belle Marion Greener at birth) became Bella da Costa Greene, constantly explaining that “da Costa” was a reflection of her Portuguese ancestry.
While in her teens, Greene, unable to afford college without her father’s help, started working at the Princeton University library where she soon mastered cataloging and served in the reference department. However, it was her interest in the library’s rare-book collection that grabbed the attention of Junius Spencer Morgan, a nephew of J. Pierpont Morgan. Junius recommended Greene to his uncle, Morgan, who was then building a library in New York City for his large collection of manuscripts and early books.
By late 1905, Greene had begun working as the private librarian of Morgan. Managing, documenting and building his collection of rare books and manuscripts, she also organized public exhibitions at outside venues and traveled regularly to Europe to purchase additions to the financier’s collection. Morgan admired her work and soon made her his “primary adviser on manuscript matters,” according to a report by The New York Times. By 1911, Greene had become a well-known figure to dealers and scholars, and could even defeat experienced bidders during auctions. By 1912, she was earning a quarter million a year.
When Morgan died in 1913, it was found that nearly half of his $3 billion was in his art collection. “Some went to the Met but the rest remained under the control of Belle da Costa Greene,” a report noted. It is also documented that Morgan’s “considerable fortune” was at her disposal. Greene continued to work as a private librarian to Morgan’s son, J.P. Morgan Jr. It was during this period that Greene thought of making the rare books in her employer’s collection available to the public instead of getting them locked in the vaults of private collectors.
Thus, in 1924 when Morgan’s library became a public institution and she became its first director, she mounted a series of exhibitions, and one even drew a record 170,000 people. She continued to make trips to Europe and would for the next 24 years transform her boss’ library into a world center for scholarly research.
In 1949 — a year after she retired — an exhibition was mounted at the library in her honor. She died the following year but her legacy lives on in the many contributions she made to bibliography and scholarship. Her employer’s library was renovated in 2006. The Morgan Library & Museum to date caters to scholars while playing its role as a public institution.
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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Harry K. Thaw photographed in 1906 eating breakfast—catered by Delmonico’s, of course—in a New York City jail cell after killing the architect Stanford White.
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Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, who was seduced by Stanford White as a teenager and whose husband subsequently murdered the architect, leading to the first-ever "trial of the century."
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Madison Square Garden Theater, where Thaw shot White in 1906.
What The Gilded Age Gets Right About Infamous Architect Stanford White
In reality, White lived a scandalous life that ended in murder. On the new HBO series, he fares better—so far.
By Nancy Bilyeau Feb 1, 2022
Up until the very minute he was shot on the rooftop of Madison Square Garden, Stanford White might have considered June 25th, 1906, to be a good day.
White, 52, the defining architect of the Gilded Age, the man who helped design Madison Square Garden itself, was sitting at one of the best tables that the rooftop theatre afforded, listening to the song “I Could Love a Million Girls,” when millionaire playboy Harry K. Thaw walked up to White’s table.
Minutes later, as White lay bleeding on the floor, Thaw announced, “I killed him because he ruined my wife.”
The murder trial of Thaw, husband to gorgeous young showgirl Evelyn Nesbit, was the first to take on the description “Trial of the Century.” The courtroom revelations of White’s brutal seduction of Nesbit when she was 16 shocked and horrified America. In a country still abiding by Victorian standards, debauchery was supposed to be carefully hidden. Laying bare the lifestyle of White—by no means alone in his womanizing, heavy drinking, and overspending—helped usher in the twilight of the Gilded Age.
One of the ironies of Stanford White is that the man whose life was raked over in an ugly and sordid trial had devoted decades to celebrating what was most beautiful in architecture and art—and to celebrating New York City, the city he adored. The Washington Square Arch, the Metropolitan Club at East 60th Street, the Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square, the Villard Houses at 455 Madison Avenue, the Players at 16 Gramercy Park South, and the Bowery Savings Bank are just some of his achievements.
As the series The Gilded Age, now streaming on HBO, makes clear, in the 1880s, Stanford White—who’s played on the series by John Sanders, and is summoned to supply his architectural magic for established society and gatecrashers alike—was the man to call in when someone with a fortune wanted to build a deeply impressive home. He was hired by Astors, Vanderbilts, and J.P. Morgan. He was also hired by those people with “new money.” White moved between the two groups with ease.
White himself did not spring from “old New York” or from new money either. His father, Richard Grant White, “was a cranky bohemian who fancied himself an English gentleman yet was blackballed from the Century Club and was chronically broke and in debt, who had studied to be a doctor and also passed the bar but was, in practice, a music critic, a Shakespearean scholar, a linguist, a lecturer, a cultural gadfly, a sonneteer and an employee of the Custom House,” wrote Suzannah Lessard, the great-granddaughter of Stanford White in her bestseller The Architect of Desire.
Stanford attended public schools, a fact he denied later, saying he had been privately tutored. White in fact had no formal architectural training, which was not that unusual for the 19th century. He worked as an apprentice to Henry Hobson Richardson, and toured Europe, before joined two young architects, Charles Follen McKim and William Rutherford Mead, to form the firm McKim, Mead and White. He also married Bessie Smith from a prominent Long Island family.
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Stanford White designed any number of New York City landmarks, including the Washington Square Arch (pictured), the Metropolitan Club, the Bowery Savings Bank, and the Judson Memorial Church.
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saltprint07 · 2 years
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arcticdementor · 4 years
Is America disintegrating into anarchy and civil war among races, religions, and regions? Is the country more divided than ever before? The answer is no. The social and economic divides among white Northerners and white Southerners, Blacks and whites, Catholics and Protestants and Jews were much more intense in 1920 than they are today in 2020. What has happened is that the formerly unified, mostly Northern mainline Protestant American establishment has—perhaps temporarily—broken down, allowing the actual diversity of interests and opinions in the United States to be expressed rather than suppressed. If the emerging woke national establishment has its way, however, that diversity of viewpoints and values will soon be suppressed once again, in favor of an intolerant and exclusive doctrine that greatly resembles the old-time Social Gospel from which it is derived.
With the exceptions of Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson, every American president between 1861 and 1933 was a Republican mainline Protestant from the North or Midwest. The Republican Party, still the Lincoln coalition of Northern industrialists and Yankee Protestants, dominated Congress in the same era. Industry and finance were in the hands of a small number of Northeastern financiers, many of them old-stock Northeastern Protestants like J.P. Morgan. While there were some important Jewish financiers, Jews along with Catholics were kept out of many snobbish Wall Street firms until well after World War II.
The Democratic Party that dominated the United States between the 1930s and the 1980s had a few Yankee progressive members, but it was essentially the old Jacksonian alliance of white Southerners and non-British “white ethnics” in the North. If Harry Truman is understood correctly as a cultural Southerner from Missouri, then with one exception every Democratic president between Roosevelt and Obama was a white Southerner—Truman, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton. The one exception was John F. Kennedy, from the other wing of the Jacksonian anti-Yankee alliance of Southerners and Irish Americans. Meanwhile, the Solid South combined with the seniority system ensured that Southerners, many of them segregationists, dominated Congress and the Senate throughout the New Deal era.
Driven from the White House for half a century after 1932, marginalized in Congress and circumvented by federal state capitalism, the Northern mainline Protestant elite managed to preserve its dominance in three areas: The “Deep State,” the major nonprofit foundations, and elite prep schools and universities. In the movie The Good Shepherd (2007), Joe Pesci’s Mafioso says to Matt Damon’s WASP CIA agent: “You know, we Italians have our families and the church, the Irish have the homeland, the Jews their tradition, the [Blacks] their music. What do you guys have?” Damon’s character replies: “We have the United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.”
In addition to the “Deep State,” other national institutions that the neo-Jacksonians of the New Deal coalition never conquered in their revolution against Yankeedom include the major nonprofit foundations like Ford and Rockefeller and the Ivy League universities. The culture of what might be called the NGO-academic-spook complex remained deeply rooted in the Social Gospel wing of Northern mainline Protestantism of the early 1900s.
The Social Gospel progressivism these institutions have long embraced is a Janus-faced tradition. One face is technocratic, holding that social and global conflicts, rather than reflecting the tragic nature of human existence, are “problems” which can be “solved” by nonpartisan experts guided by something called “social science.” The other face of Social Gospelism is irrational, and rooted in post-millennial Protestant theology convinced that we are on the verge of a world of peace and prosperity, if only wicked people at home and wicked regimes abroad can be crushed once and for all.
This mentality with its bizarre synthesis of science-inspired technocracy and millenniarian zeal, was shared by many turn-of-the-century Progressives, including Woodrow Wilson, a Southern-born Northern transplant. As Dorothy Ross points out in The Origins of American Social Science (1990), Wilson, like many leading American Progressives, was the child of a mainline Protestant minister.
Shedding its specifically Northern mainline Protestant cultural attributes, a version of Social Gospel Protestantism has mutated into the secular religion of wokeness, the orthodoxy of the universities and the increasingly important nonprofit sector. Its converts include many of the affluent white secular children and grandchildren of members of mainline Protestant denominations like the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Methodists, which are hemorrhaging membership to the category of religious “nones.”
By evolving from an ethnoregional culture into a crusading secular creed disseminated by the universities, the public school system, the corporate media, and corporate HR departments, post-Protestant wokeness is capable of assimilating anyone, of any race or ethnicity, native-born or immigrant, who is willing to conform to its weird rituals and snobbish etiquette. The Long Island lockjaw accent has been replaced by the constantly updated “woke” dialect of the emerging American elite as a status marker. You may have an Asian or Spanish surname, but if you know what “nonbinary” means and say “Latinx” (a term rejected by the overwhelming majority of Americans of Latin American origin) then you are potentially eligible for membership in the new national ruling class.
Although the woke managerial culture in the United States has lost most of the vestiges of its Yankee mainline Protestant origins, the emerging American national oligarchy has the same enemies as the old New England-Midwestern WASP oligarchy: white Southerners, Catholic white ethnics and observant Jews. This became clear in the summer of 2020. The woke left not only demanded the removal of statues of Confederate traitors—a perfectly reasonable demand—but also targeted Columbus, the icon of Italian Americans, and Spanish Catholic saints and conquistadors. Democratic liberals warned, in the tones of 19th-century Yankee Protestant nativists, that papists were taking over the Supreme Court. At the same time, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, Italian American by ancestry but woke by culture, exhibited a striking double standard when it came to public gatherings by left-wing protesters on the one hand and, on the other, Orthodox and Hasidic Jews.
What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly by some white Americans against other white Americans. The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening is the revenge of the Yankees.
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