#Jack and Maddie have been getting killed off since collage alright.
radiance1 · 10 months
A 'No one knows' Au and that one au where Danny leaves behind a corpse after death.
With a twist.
Jack and Maddie, not fearing death but fearing becoming a ghost after death have perfected what one would call functional immortality.
Which is kind of why they're pretty careless about danger outside of combat, they just, quite literally, cannot be bothered to care less. If they die? Then their souls would just be thrusted into a clone body.
They didn't just cheat death, they walked all over it, spat on it, and continued walking over it a multitude of times.
Which accidently became a plus for Danny and his secret identity.
See, when Danny went ghost to save the day, he came back only to find his body gone. Safe to say, he panicked and looked everywhere for it, or tried to at least, because if that got out he wouldn't really know how to deal with it.
Only to then learn his parents hid and are quite literally experts at hiding bodies, his included.
Jack and Maddie are quite happy that they were the ones who stumbled upon Danny's body and not anyone else, since it would take a quite long amount of explanation as to why their son was found dead yet seemingly walked to school fine hit Monday!
Well, they weren't happy he died really, as any parent wouldn't be, but they're glad they prepared extra bodies for both him and Jazz in case the day ever came.
Danny awkwardly slid himself into said excuse while trying not to externally freak the fuck out. But hey, at least it's a plus that whenever his parents find his corpse they just, hid it no questions asked.
Good, it would be so weird if anyone managed to find either of their multiple corpses.
But hey! At least Jazz hasn't died yet!
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