#Jalan Special Week
yyh4ever · 4 months
Yu Yu Hakusho x Jalan CM
"I didn't see a hot spring for nothing!"
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湯♨️湯♨️白書 (Yu Yu Hakusho) is a pun with the title! The kanji "湯"can also be read as "Yu" and it means "hot bath/spring", different from the kanji "Yuu" (幽, ghost) and "Yuu" (遊, play) of the original title 幽☆遊☆白書 (Yuu Yuu Hakusho). It seems Elder Toguro shapeshifted into that bucket where the cat is relaxing.
Jalan.net, a travel reservation site operated by Recruit, released a new web commercial with Yu Yu Hakusho. Many characters from "Yu Yu Hakusho" experience the limited time sale "Jalan Special Week", which is offering discounts and coupons for accommodations.
The content was exclusively drawn and recorded for this WebCM. The story, narrated by Nozomu Sasaki like a Next Episode Preview, depicts Yusuke Urameshi and his friends, exhausted from the fierce battles of the Dark Tournament, taking advantage of limited-time sales and enjoying luxurious inns and hot springs.
Yusuke is having fun with Puu...
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...and taking Keiko out for dinner.
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Daddy Youko is killing it!
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It seems hot water changes Youko back into Shuuichi! And, we finally get to see some Kurama skin!
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Hiei is also enjoying a good hot spring, boiling an Onsen Tamago with his black flames...
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...and watching over Yukina.
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Kuwabara is too cute! I don't think this cat is Eikichi, maybe it belongs to the onsen.
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OMG, Elder Toguro is almost naked!!!
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Additionally, to commemorate this collab, a campaign will be held on Jalan's official X account, where you can win special hand towels. The period is from January 31 until February 8, 2024. All you'll need to do is follow their account and repost the target campaign post.
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This art is so beautiful, we need a remake of the anime!
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no-slurprises · 2 years
The Joys for Boy
 (Tho your English is so damn gewd, and mine is not so, I’ll remain to write in Anak Jaksel way, you know, English covers the clumsiness). Hi, dear Boy! It’s exactly a week before your birthday and been 65 days we don’t meet each other, but still connected for WFH kinda stuffs, and through convo in our Whatsapp and Slack group, or the Twitter link we sometimes shared privately. This outbreak sucks, the longing of meeting the others in the office did even more. And, the saddest one is, we did miss a lot of things we usually do in office, having lunch together, monthly closing, and friend’s birthday surprise, and.... also yours.  Aha, someone is turning 30! How does it feel, to be in the age of early “om-om”? Hehehehe (Ga deng, gapapa bentar lagi juga gue ikut menua hehehehe). To the very best friend I firstly had in the office, I wish you the happiest birthday, ya Boy, and since I’ll be good person for the one who’s having birthday, I’ll write all the joys, hopefully you’ll get on your special day :)
You’re the first person helped me a lot during my probation in the office, and you’re well known as “Mas Boy yang senang menolong”, and you always keep asking for anything we probably need, so I pray, hopefully, all helps come along to your life always, may God ease anything you’re doing, and I believe He will.
You often treat us ice cream, or coffee sometimes, and what I cant forget till this very now, you treated me 2 glasses of vodka which didn’t even make me tipsy, till then I got jackpot *double smiles* and a bottle of beer on my birthday *hurray*, so I pray, may God bless you with a lifetime prosperity, tentunya untuk dipakai di jalan kebenaran yaaa, biar bisa melanjutkan liburan yang tertunda, jangan dipake nyewa hotel aneh-aneh, kalau mau ke hotel biar partner yang bayar, orang ganteng gabole susah :)
Since so many people said that you’re a very nice person to them, I sincerely pray, semoga kehidupan lo selalu diliputi kebaikan-kebaikan dari setiap penjuru mata angin, kebaikan yang panjang, apapun bentuk kebaikannya.
You’re generally kind person for all people in the office, meskipun tiap bulan ada aja keluhannya, tapi keluhan lo ngga jadi halangan buat lo bantuin orang, jadi sepenuh hati gue yakin your good deeds will be your good destinies, you’re a smart one, you have integrity (wanjay), you have goal and passion which may your own self does not aware (gue juga baru sadar belakangan sih setelah ngobrol sama lo beberapa waktu lalu), so that’s why, I do believe that success belongs to you as well, may God light your path of life, termasuk untuk karir lo. Jadi gapapa ngeluh, dikit aja, dibagi keluhannya jangan lupa, nomor gue aktif 24/7, kalau ga dibales ya gue lagi tidur ;)
Dari sekian banyak hari yang sudah gue lewati bersama lo, ada pemandangan unik yang kerap gue liat di sisi lain diri lo terhadap orang lain, you’re a very sweet person, sometimes. Gue kadang sampe mikir, kok bisaaa? Hahahaha. This is why, I hardly pray, and wish you are surrounded by the love you dream of. Apapun bentuk cintanya, dari orang tua, keluarga, teman-teman, atau dari siapapun sumbernya yang lo harapkan, semoga kehidupan lo penuh cinta kasih, iya gausah sama Isyana, Anya Geraldine, atau yang terakhir kemarin itu gapapa, lagian, yang nyata bisa diraih aja dong kalau punya mimpi hehehe.
Since you have a bad history of your health, then I beg to the only God, for blessing you the health, mentally and physically. Tolong banget lambung dijaga, asamnya jangan sering-sering naik, palagi naiknya sampe ke muka hehehehe. Dan yang paling mahal, jaga kesehatan jiwa ya, kalau mulai stress, cepet-cepet cari pertolongan ke mall, belanja, kan udah didoain biar prospered :)
So I summarize, may God bless you with the happiness, the timeless happiness. Kebahagiaan yang ngga ada habisnya, yang ngga ada ujungnya. Kebahagiaan yang apapun bentuknya, yang lo mau dan Tuhan kehendaki, bisa hadir dari dan untuk lo sendiri :)
Oh iya, ini sekalian farewell gue karena udah ngga satu Ruma lagi kali ya sama lo hahahaha *padahal aku kraaay*, dan karena ngga akan ada farewell juga sih. Jadi ya here we go, and it’s always began from thank you kinda things, right? hahahaha. I do thank you for soooooo many things you did for me from the very beginning ya Boy. Dari sejak awal gue datang ke kantor, sampai sekarang akhirnya gue harus udahan. Thanks-nya akan banyak banget, Boy, gue ngga bisa list semuanya satu-satu :(
Terima kasih karena mau dengan sabar dan ngga pelit ngajarin dan berbagi banyak hal soal kerjaan. Asem-asem dikit itu air muka gapapa, cause all the details you taught, at the end helped me as a rookie di dunia per-startup-an.
Terima kasih karena selalu bersedia ditanyain apapun, bahkan bantuin ngasi jawaban buat auditor. Bukan cuma buat gue, tapi buat teman-teman yang lain, mungkin semua juga sepakat, kadang-kadang you’re the first door we knocked when the problems poked, hehehe :)
Terima kasih karena selalu offer bantuan apapun ke gue, saat bokap ngga ada, saat kemarin gue dicoret dari Ruma, dan saat-saat gue tampak masi sibuk pas hari terakhir closingan (:
Terima kasih karena mau melibatkan gue di acara team, meskipun ya begitu doang gue bisanya, and sadly, ternyata gue juga cuma bisa andil sampai situ doang *cry*.
Terima kasih karena bersedia pulang bareng meskipun di MRT kita bengong-bengong juga karena capek, bersedia gue recokin nonton film padahal lo udah janjian sama temen, atau justru bersedia diajakin nonton karena gue ngga ada temen, dan bersedia gue intilin ke Starbucks padahal lo lagi pingin me time gegara gue ga jadi nginep di hotel :(
Terima kasih karena mau aja membunuh waktu malam-malam di McD Sarinah, jalan-jalan di Sabang buat sekadar ngopi. Heran gue kadang-kadang, katanya capek, bukannya balik cepet ke kosan, malah sempet-sempetnya cari McD yang sepian dikit, anak muda emang susah diem di rumah. Terus nanti kita nungkrung di McD mana nih?
Terima kasih karena masih belum kapok buat minum bareng sama gue, nganterin sampe kosan, meski gue udah pernah jackpot hahahaha duhhh kalau inget ini gue merasa sial emang, tapi kayaknya juga lo lebih sial deh hari itu. Ebentar......... apa sebenernya juga lo udah kapok? Maap ya :(
Terima kasih karena sudah pernah goblo bersama di saat-saat sulit mencari travel ke Bandung *smile* sumpah gue masi merasa goblo kalau mengingat ini *smile* tapi yauda lah ya gapapa, kapan lagi luntang-lantung dari pusat ke selatan, udahnya naik travel jam 2 pagi ke Bandung, terus makan indomi jam 5 pagi di Ciumbuleuit (oh ini sih gue) khaaaan (:
Terakhir, terima kasih karena ngga sengaja nemenin gue, lagi-lagi membunuh waktu nunggu jadwal kereta dengan ngeteh bareng dan nonton di PP, dan anter gue ke Gambir. Untung bukan airport, dikira adegan AADC ntar hehehehe kan lo udah mirip Rangga, dalam hal mempermainkan perasaan hehehehe. Eh ini jadi hari terakhir kita ketemu ngga sih?
Gilssss *clap-clap* belom juga setahun, tapi kayaknya cerita udah banyak aja. Ya ngga banyak-banyak amat lah, cuma lumayan. Lebih banyak cerita lo dan teman-teman yang lain kayaknya. Masi ada lagi sih tapi bakal kepanjangan. Pantes mantan lo susah move on he he he.
Pesan gue dua sih:
Do many things for your own self. Lo adalah orang yang gue kenal sangat selfless sih. Your self needs rewards. Jangan terlalu keras sama diri sendiri. Jangan lupa minta bantuan orang kalau memang lo udah kewalahan, jangan ditahan, buktinya ngga pernah baik buat kesehatan, kan. Lo sering mikirin orang lain gimana, tapi kadang lo lupa mikirin diri sendiri. Kasih diri lo lebih banyak apresiasi dari hari ini ya. 
Keep hoping, keep praying, keep believing (udah kayak AgnesMo belom gue?). Iya paham kok gue, ke gereja aja setaun sekali kalau niat kan? Wq. Tapi gapapa lah doa kan bukan cuma milik orang-orang yang rajin ibadah. Tetaplah punya harapan apapun bentuknya, ngarep punya tante pun gapapa kok untuk menunjang perekonomian ;) Tetaplah berdoa dan percaya. Ngga ada orang yang sepenuhnya ngga percaya doa gue rasa. Tetaplah berdoa, pada apapun yang lo percaya. Paling ngga, doa bikin lo lebih “hidup” dan menghidupkan harapan-harapan lo.
Satu lagi deng, keep shining, shimmering, splendid, as bright as the first time you got haircut and applied pomade to your hair mwehehehehe. Keep being Mas Ganteng yha!
Bukan apa-apa sih, cause I need a larger platform to write some things to you, so I come here and post this privately, so no worry ini akan dibaca sama banyak orang ya. Aku smart kok *wink* *wink*.
Aaaand, here we are at the stop by, so wherever I will be after this, lets still connected, as a year office mate, and as a friend, as a friend I reach in the mid of night just to share a Twitter link talking about anything, if you dont mind ofc.
I’ll meet you soon ya and let me know what things I should do to treat you, anything, tapi inget, tahu diri :)
Tho the age is only a number, so keep it stuck to the very best version of you!
Hipibidiiiii, dear Boy <3
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hforhaura · 13 days
Jadi, kan sudah lama ya aku tidak punya "crush". Sudah lupa bagaimana rasanya "butterfly in my stomach". Sudah lupa bagaimana caranya jatuh cinta. Awalnya apa sih? Kok bisa? Bla bla bla Let's talk about my condition right now.
Aku pernah cerita ga sih, aku tuh gampang suka sama cowo pinter? Di kampus mah semua pinter ya.. tapi ada kriteria lainnya kan.. Aku pernah cerita juga ga sih, aku suka sama orang yang supel?? Yang asik gitu. Setelah itu baru looks, pekerjaan, dan agamanya. Untuk agama yang pasti seiman ya, walaupun ini yang aku perhatiin terakhir, tapi ini yang paling penting. Walaupun kriteria lainnya udah klik nih sama aku, tapi kalo ibadahnya ga pas, gugur semua kriteria lainnya.
Jadi, there is this guy. Asdos. Pinter? Jelas. Banget malah. Asik? Banget. Looks? Mmm.. lumayan. Pekerjaan? Big4 guys. Nah agamanya aku belum bisa nilai karena cuma ketemu di kelas. Asiknya juga aku ga tau kalo di luar kelas. Aku masih kagum aja nih. Belum jadi crush. Aku mikir kayanya out of reach deh.
Terus, couple weeks ago, aku jalan nih sama temen sekelas, berempat sama J, T, R. Cerita-cerita lah mereka pernah atau lagi suka sama siapa. And then, pas sampai di aku, aku malah kepikiran orang lain temen sekelah yang udah nikah nih tapi udah kesebut sama temen aku. Ragu lah aku sebut. Sebelum aku sebut, eh R langsung nebak, nembak nama asdos. Aku jadi tau rasanya di kartun-kartun kalo tiba-tiba ada lampu nyala di otak atau di atas kepala mereka. Aku iyain.
Aku cerita lah kalau aku pernah request follow IG tapi ga diapprove. Sedangkan O diapprove. Terus info dari mereka O suka juga nih sama asdos ini.
Terus aku cerita lah di kelas tuh kalo aku ga diapprove sama asdos. Eh, M di belakang aku bilang kalau dia diapprove. Oh iya, aku ga temenan sama temen yang lain makanya ga ada mutual selain O. Nah pulangnya, M follow aku, aku follow dia. Jadi mutual aku ada 2 kan.
Terus aku coba lah batalin request, terus request ulang. Ternyata langsung diaccept.
Tapi aku ga difolback, dan aku juga ga ada chat apa-apa nih.
Seminggu kemudian di hari Rabu, kelas ASP, aku bilang ke R, aku udah diaccept nih, bantuin dong. R chat lah pake IG aku ke asdos. Isinya "annyeong haseo" pake hangul. Ga dibales. TAPIIIII aku difolback.
Seminggu kemudian di hari Selasa, aku DM lagi "Halo kak" ga dibales.
Terus di Minggu yang sama, hari Sabtu, dia update story pertama kali setelah aku follow.. dia ngajar asis di kampus. Padahal lagi minggu UTBK dan disarankan online. Bahkan kelasku semua online di hari itu. Padahal aku udah bilang Mama juga, percuma ke kampus, ga bakal ketemu soalnya semua online. Salah dong.
Akhirnya aku komen lah "Loh offline kak? Kirain musim UTBK ga bisa offline" (gilaaa, aku masih inget kata demi kata yang aku ketik di tgl 18/5)
Dibales!!! "Wkwkwk iya, ini special request minta offline ke sekree"
Aku bales lagi "ooh.. kelasnya ga semua kelas dipake ya kak? Oh kak **** ngajar asis SIA?"
Ga dibales lagi hiks T_T''
Terus yaudah sejak itu aku jadi cari-cari tau tentang dia. Sebenernya pernah juga cari LinkedIn-nya, liat GetContact-nya, liat FB-nya. Tapi dulu sebelum ng-crush. Sekarang pas search semua, rasanya beda.
Terus aku cari skripsinya juga. Nah kalo ini baru kali ini kepikiran karena aku lagi ngerjain METOLAK. Terus kalau dari pembuka skripsinya dan ucapan terima kasih kayanya anak rohis yang agamanya baik.. Semakin yakin lah aku "He is the one"
Dia sering online, tapi liat story aku cuma sekali dan itu story yang harus dihapus karena lupa sensor nomor hp temen sekelas di-capture-an. Hhh...
Update-an aku ga ada yang kenotice hiks
Kemaren aku asis Metolak ke kampus, ga ketemu dia.
Semalem dia update story, ternyata dia ke konser Avenged Sevenfold. Terus pagi ini posting mendaki gunung gede Mei 2024.
Aku cuma like postingannya. Mau aja sih like storynya, tapi ketara banget aku nungguin dan suka sama dia.
Udah deh. Baru segitu ceritanya.
Haura, 26/5/2024
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ranseltoska · 5 months
"I kinda think I am becoming the adults in the little prince book. Living a mundane life and mediocre one, not having any dreams, sparks, or passion at all, don't even know where to go and what to look for. Such a walking shell without a soul."
This is my entry when I turned older on my birthday last week. I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to expect, I don't know what will change. I just feel like I always in this staying a float phase, not flying and trying to not drowning myself. But as I go through my personal memories last year, I feel like whatever phase I am in I am doing quite a good life, somehow.
Starting the year with exo performing together again, win a giveaway to eat at gelora baik for free, go to solo to spend day with alifa, trying new place like bakmi gandhok, bakmi bersahadja 77, warung bahtera. Solo trip with mbak flos. Watching someday or another day and reading gadis kretek. Learning english translation seriously.
On february, trying new places again; ceria cafe, cinema bakery, wm berdikari, dragon hot pot. Watching jalan yang jauh jangan lupa pulang with ilak. Coming to arin's wedding with andri. Strolling around prawirotaman; tjemara noodle, art and craft space, tirtodipuran link, kebun buku, lawson. Having my first job ever. Moving from my favorite place on earth.
The march, going to pasar wiguna and reunited with isma. Watching suzume. Meet kak fira, mas danish, and dek al. Trying por aqui and the iconic.
Fourth month, trying to open jastip. Bukber with cece. Trying gudeg bromo, ayam gulai, golden geisha, nanamia pizzeria, tous ler jous. Going home. Spending ramadhan with people at home. Celebrating eid with extended family. Meet geng8. Vacation to Malaysia with ayah, bunda, kak qi, and adek. Seventeen release FML album.
May. Going back to jogja. Start journaling for fun. Trying sophie's sunset sunset library, cuena coffee, bungah, nasi teri gejayan. xyz coffee. Going to jogja beauty fest with mbak flos. Watching spiderman across the spiderverse.
The next month, join noraebang with mbak flos. Meet aliya, oma, and tante erna. Visited by mom and dad. Trip around jogja, solo, and pacitan with them. Meet kak fira's family again. Celebrating eid adha. Going to dongeng kopi and watching staar syndrom, onde mande, elemental force, the childe.
July would be a month full of reconnecting. Attending kak dika's wedding. Meeting firda in solo; going to loske, tfp, uma yumcha dimsum, pasar gede. Visiting alifa; patjar merah and lokananta. Having a day off; trying mie sapi banteng, dongeng kopi, warung yanto, cosan. Going to bantul to try sena cafe, meet sagita at jnm bloc, eat kazu ramen. EXO's comeback. Going to rumah miguni with mbak flos. Celebrating wonwoo's birthday. Watching barbie, my precious, and smugglers.
August. I am becoming the full timer in my work place. Going to toko buku nathan and trying ness donut. Watching the moon and head over heels towards do kyungsoo. Parting ways with some friends. Having a barbecue party with team.
This is the special month. I am coming home and gathering with families. Having spirited journey and doing umroh. Cutting of all the connection with real world, praying, worshiping, spending time with my favourite support system in Allah's house. Spending a week at Turkiye, road trip all over it. Spending time with myself and my loved ones. Listening over and over to Pengantar Purifikasi Pikir and Expectation. Reading Loki Tua
October, coming back to jogja and working again. Watching petualangan sherina, iu's golden hour, killers of the flower moon, and cobweb. Noraebang here and there with mbak flos. Seeing blooming season in this city.
November. Getting closer to farah. Reuniting with ilak. Going to bakmie 88, sintesis, kedai ketjil, fore, gyoza sutra, roti jala tanah melayu, baked me to the moon. Watching budi pekerti, love reset, past lives. Learning making beads with farah. Attending JAFF. Meeting lots of cool people. Watching lots of good movies; la luna, sugarland, jatuh cinta seperti di film-film, perfect days, gadis kretek talkshow, women from rote island, and monster.
The last month, my favourite December. Ending JAFF; watching Fallen Angels, attending the closing ceremony with Andri, watching 13 Bom di Jakarta. Evaluation with the team. Going to mie ayam grabyas, hotway chicken, homeground crsl, makmur chicken. Taking a day off to explore prawirotaman; my little warung, house of zaw, kebun buku, lakaey, and walking around kota baru. Finishing reading what you are looking for is in the library and watching the boy and the heron. Meet vika, trying kopitiam, journaling together. Watching live viewing seventeen follow the tour in cinema. Early christmas and birthday dinner with mbak flos at francis pizza and cheese cake cafe. Working in a very packed store during christmas till new year's eve. Celebrating my birthday; cleaning the room, going to periplus to buy a gift for myself, visiting dear eleanor to taking picture of my older self, journaling. Spending the last day of the year in work with a full heart. Meeting mbak flos' warm and beautiful family.
See, it's not a bad year after all. Of course, there are lots of tears, mental breakdown, fears, worries, and hurting myself and people around me. But you gotta experience lots of things, spend your days with your loved ones, going to places you never go before, eating lots of good food. Making connection with people. Buying and collecting lots of cute stuff. Enjoying lots of good films, music, books, and another form of art. So maybe this mundane and mediocre life, is good enough.
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comfortspace1 · 5 months
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Lee 60133914903 Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/lee_tV3e Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_rLKwH 🥳Comfy Single Room With Window🥳Renovated House with Great Maintanance👕 💰at Koi Tropika Room Video : https://youtube.com/shorts/awEM6t-qFcM Whataspp Message Me Now ! Address : Koi Tropika Condominium Jalan Puchong, Batu 13 1/2, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Special Perks - Once a Week Cleaner For Common Area ( Included ) - TIme 100Mbps with Full Coverage Mesh Technology ( Included ) - Common Area Electricity ( Included ) - Each Room Have Individual Meter For Electricity Usage Room Fully Furnished with - Fan - AC - Mattress - Bed Frame - Table - Chair - Wardrobe - Warm Light For Better Sleep Facility : - Gym - Swimming Pool - BBQ Pit - Washing Machine - Water Dispencer Note: - This House Have 3 Toilet, 6 Rooms at 1400 Sqf - Only Light Cooking Allowed - Only Rent 1 Person - Only Rent 6 Months Above - No guest are allowed unless approved by us ...
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Bukan Anak Meriam, film garapan sutradara S.Gracious Prasetya berhasil meraih penghargaan Jakarta Film Week 2022. Film Bukan Anak Meriam mampu menyingkirkan peserta lainnya. Kompetisi film yang diselanggarakan Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif DKI Jakarta juga memberikan penghargaan untuk beberaa kategori lainnya. Event Jakarta Film Week 2022 sendiri ditutup pada, Minggu 16 Oktober 2022 dengan pemutaran film "Arnold is A Model Student" karya Sorayos Prapapan. Jakarta Film Week 2022 yang digelar bersama Yayasan Super Delapan Milimeter memiliki enam kategori yang dikompetisikan. BACA JUGA: Dinas Pariwisata Jabar Sebut Film Pamali Angkat Kembali Budaya Sunda Kemudian, kategori Global Feature Award atau penghargaan film panjang internasional terbaik. Kali ini, pemenangnya jatuh pada film "Before, Now, and Then (Nana)" karya Kamila Andini. Dengan special mention untuk film "Huesera" karya Michelle Garza Cervera. Selanjutnya, kategori Direction Award atau penghargaan film panjang Indonesia terbaik dimenangkan oleh "Mencuri Raden Saleh" karya Angga Dwimas Sasongko. Sedangkan Global Short Award atau penghargaan film pendek internasional terbaik diraih oleh "Nauha (Eve of Eulogy)". Tahun ini, Jakarta Film Week juga menghadirkan dua kategori penghargaan baru. Pertama, Global Animation Award yang dimenangkan film "Tankboy" karya Novella Lian dari Singapura. BACA JUGA: Tiket Parade Sinema Jakarta Film Week Sudah Bisa Dipesan Program Producer's Lab Dan special mention kepada "Bro Dragon, The City is Under Attack (Serangan Oemoem)" karya Fajar Martha Santosa dari Indonesia. Sedangkan penghargaan kedua yakni Series of the Year yang dimenangkan oleh "Yang Hilang Dalam Cinta" dari Disney+ Hotstar karya sutradara Yandy Laurens. Sebagai informasi, bahwa selain dua penghargaan baru tersebut, Jakarta Film Week 2022 juga menghadirkan program baru yakni Producer's Lab. Ini merupakan kolaborasi bersama Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi. Program tersebut dirancang agar para produser dapat mengusahakan nilai produksi yang lebih baik. Menemukan penonton yang cocok untuk film mereka. Dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi guna memperoleh pendanaan alternatif dari sumber lokal dan internasional. BACA JUGA: Pameran Mainan Miniatur Hadir di BSD Tangerang, Catat Jadwalnya Producer’s Lab diadakan mulai 13 hingga 16 Oktober 2022, dengan 10 peserta terpilih. Di tahap akhir Lab, para peserta mengajukan proyek untuk menunjukkan kemajuan mereka. Sinema Independen Indonesia Tiga peserta dengan potensi tertinggi pun dipilih untuk mengikuti Platform Busan 2023, yakni Bunga Ineza dengan karya "Generasi Ketiga", Janice Angelica dengan karya "Nenek", dan Nick Musa dengan karya "The Island in the South". “Masa depan sinema independen Indonesia cerah terlihat dari proyek-proyek menarik yang dihadirkan oleh sekumpulan calon produser yang berbakat dan bersemangat ini,” ungkap Alemberg Ang, seperti dikutip Turusian.com dari Antaranews, Selasa 18 Oktober 2022. BACA JUGA: Sejak 52 Tahun Lalu, Baru Kali Ini TMII Berbenah dan Berbeda Wajah Produser asal Filipina yang menjadi salah satu mentor di Producer’s Lab ini pun berharap bisa mendulang kesuksesan pada tahun-tahun berikutnya. “Saya berharap dapat melihat ide film mereka membuahkan hasil di tahun-tahun mendatang,” katanya. Sementara itu, Kepala Bidang Ekonomi Kreatif DKI Jakarta Gumilar Ekalaya mengatakan, Jakarta Film Week 2022 mengalami peningkatan yang luar biasa jika dibandingkan dengan perhelatan tahun lalu. "Satu kalimat yang bisa saya sampaikan adalah, kita sudah berada di jalan yang benar. Yakni, menuju perfilman Indonesia masuk ke kancah dunia,” ujarnya. “Antusias penonton sudah luar biasa, program juga sudah baik, insya Allah tahun depan kita bisa buat lagi yang lebih besar lagi," sambung Gumilar. ***
0 notes
hasansonsuzceliktas · 4 years
Spiritual Movies that Nourish Your Soul
One night in 2003, while channel hopping on TV, I came across a movie named Interstate 60. I read the summary and it looked appealing. The movie then started, and after I finished watching it, I watched it again. (That channel had a repeat function.) My mind was blown, my smile was wide, and I felt great. I had never watched anything like it before. That’s when my interest in spiritual movies began. Four years passed and then The Secret came along. It was also mind blowing for its time. Although it has its controversial aspects now, it was a revolution in spiritual documentaries. Oh, there was also What the #$*! Do We Know?, but it takes my interest only after The Secret. Afterwards, I became deeply interested in spiritual movies and watched many of them. I made recommendation lists for my followers in Turkey, and now I want to share them with you. I don’t want to give details about the movies, though, because you can look them up on IMDb or whatever. I want to instead share the reasons for why I recommend these particular movies. First let me be clear about one thing, though. What is a spiritual movie? Everything is spiritual. The life we live is spiritual, because everything comes out of the spirit. If we looked at it from this perspective, there is a vast number of spiritual movies. You can see the spirit in many such movies. For me, though, a spiritual movie is one that expands your view, your perceptions, your world, and your being. After finishing one, you do not feel like you are the same person that you were two hours ago. It has touched your soul and made you think and feel deeply. Some of them even blow your mind. Such movies have similar effects on others too. That is what I call a spiritual movie, so I selected movies based on that criterion.
Classic Spiritual Movies
These are the ones where I could say, “Haven’t you watched it yet? How can you call yourself spiritual?”
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The Matrix You may well say, “Oh, come on! Starting with The Matrix? We’ve all watched it a million times. Give us something new!” Yes, I know. I also said it many times while checking the spiritual must-see lists of others. But last week, I watched the whole trilogy again because I wanted to find clues about “the loop.” By this, I mean the loop in our minds, which we may call dharma. I was thinking deeply about how I could get my mind out of the worldly plane. I then started to watch the trilogy and realized that The Matrix is about the trinity of mind, body, and soul. The machines could not understand love and therefore the soul, so the movie gives the message that the best way to get out of the worldly plane is through love.
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Celestine Prophecy James Redfield’s novel was one of the first books I read in my spiritual awakening days. It is still marvelous, but the movie could have been better I think.
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Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman’s marvelous book was adapted into a great movie. It touched many people’s souls, as I have witnessed many times. You have to read the book after watching the movie, though. The book has much more, as you can no doubt imagine.
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Conversations with God We all love Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series, and this movie is about his life. It is a good movie.
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Interstate 60 For me, this is the best spiritual movie of all time. In my mind, it’s a timeless classic. Yet when I checked other people’s lists on the web, I didn’t find this movie in many of them. It may well be that you still haven’t watched it yet. If not, prepare yourself for a spiritual feast. Even after watching it 30 times, like I have, you can still find many messages. Believe me when I say you can watch it many times over without ever getting bored of it.
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What the #$*! Do We Know? This early spiritual documentary was labeled as talking heads (i.e., many experts coming together and talking about something). Quantum physics meets with spirituality and good drama in what is still a must-see documentary.
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The Secret Ah! The Secret. We can still argue that it represents the law of attraction, but it is still a great documentary. It gave rise to the term “secret-like” when describing spiritual documentaries. Nowadays, when you mention The Secret, many people deride it, but it has still a special place in my heart.
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Fight Club “The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.” Okay, I won’t, but I had to put it on the list.
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Avatar If I feel like an avatar living on Earth, being controlled by someone’s conscious in another place, it is because of this great movie. I had to watch it again.
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Groundhog Day A funny, classic movie about being stuck in a time loop. No doubt you have seen it already.
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Baraka – Samsara Movies without words but with many deep meanings. Many years of work went into Ron Fricke’s movies, which are not just spiritual classics but also works of art.  
Lesser-Known Movies
These great movies are adored by many, but maybe you haven’t heard of some of them
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Nossolar Do you want to know how the afterlife is? Based on the channelings of Chico Xavier, Nossolar is a great Brazilian movie about the afterlife.  
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Bab’aziz This is the most beautiful movie about Sufism ever made. Nacer Khemir’s work is outstanding, and you can feel this great movie fill your soul. The soundtrack is also magnificent.  
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Chaotica Ana This is one of the best movies about reincarnation and the goddess. Ana, a Spanish art student, meets Said in Madrid and they fall in love. After Said disappears, Ana starts to undertake hypnotherapy and finds out she has lived many past lives. You can find out the rest in the movie…  
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The Man from Earth This very beautiful classic movie starts with a boring discussion between six university professors and turns into a great dialogue when one of them confesses that he is 14,000 years old. Still not watched it yet?  
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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring You cannot forget this movie, even after many years. Korean director Kim Ki-Duk uses the symbolism of the passing seasons to tell this story of a young Buddhist monk’s evolution from innocence to love, evil to enlightenment, and ultimately to rebirth. Please watch it in HD on a big screen please. It is a Buddhist poem conveyed through cinema.  
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Powder IMDb describes it as follows: “An off-the-charts genius who is home schooled and shunned after his last relative dies shows the unconscious residents of his town about connection awareness and the generosity of the spirit.” It’s the story of an albino boy with psychic powers. It is a classic, and I will never forget the scene with the hunter and deer.  
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Defending Your Life This movie is also about the afterlife, but its story is told in a much funnier way. It is about love, karma, and rebirth. You will remember this movie from the scenes of a Japanese restaurant in Heaven.  
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Serendipity A romantic movie about love and coincidence starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.  
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Sliding Doors Just one door staying open can change your life in this Gwyneth Paltrow classic.  
Little-Known Movies
If you’re saying, “Come on, we all know these movies. Give us something new!” Okay, here you go.
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Valley of Flowers IMDBsays, “A great Asian love story, an unforgettable tale about passion, death and reincarnation. A mesmerizing Himalayan epic that spans two centuries, from the Silk Route of the early 19th century to the bustling metropolis of modern-day Tokyo.” It’s the most passionate story about soulmates ever made, and the love of Jalan and Ushna will take your breath away.
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Looking for Muhyiddin A man (played by filmmaker Nacer Khemir, who also directed Bab’aziz) returns home to Tunisia to bury his mother. Following the burial, his father gives him an amana to take to a Sheikh named Muhyiddin. The man immediately sets out on an epic journey to find the long-lost Sheikh and deliver the amana to him. Throughout his journey, he is guided by a mysterious spiritual master and many friends of the Sheikh who he encounters along the way. As the adventure unfolds, we learn about the rich life of this Sheikh and his uncompromising love for humanity, for under his teachings, different beliefs, faiths, and ways of life can only converge and become one. The more we learn about the Sheikh Muhyiddin, the more we understand why he is so venerated across cultures and continents. Looking for Muhyiddin is a deeply lyrical odyssey into the soul of Islam through the life and the works of one of its most beloved mystics: Ibn Arabi. This is one of the best Sufi movies you will ever watch.
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Happenstance Everyone knows Amelie, but did you ever hear about this other movie with Audrey Tatou. It is about coincidence and chaos theory, possibly the best one on the subject.
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Un Buda IMDb says, “Un Buda follows two brothers orphaned as children when their parents were taken by the military during the ‘Dirty Wars’ of the 1970s in Argentina. Tomas is now a drifting and withdrawn young man who experiments with ascetic practices and has an instinctive compassion for others. His older brother Rafael is a university philosophy professor, detached and alone. Their struggles with each other and the world around them in Buenos Aires take a dramatic turn when they find themselves at a rural Zen center.” It’s a great spiritual movie from Argentina
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Now and Forever If you want to watch an unforgettable spiritual love story, do not miss out on this one. I watched it many years ago, but some scenes still stick in my mind. IMDb summarizes it like this: “Against a backdrop of clashing cultures, John Myron and Angela Wilson find each other and over the years form a powerful bond. One tragic night, John rescues Angela from a wicked act of betrayal. Faced with its aftermath, Angela flees town, unaware that she has put into motion a dramatic and intense string of events that will forever change the course of their lives. Harboring a secret, John guides Angela to a shocking realization that will uncover the past. Now & Forever is a dramatic contemporary love story combining elements of spirituality, heart and integrity. They say sooner or later all love stories will end; Now & Forever is the exception...”  
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An… This Greek movie is so special for me. We watch a choice and then the consequences in parallel universes. Demetris is a handsome man with a dog. One night while out with his dog, he meets Christina. In the alternate universe, he doesn’t go out with his dog, so he doesn’t meet Christina. We watch both sides of this simple choice. But fate says, if you are destined to meet someone, you will meet him or her whatever. Why is this movie so special for me? In one great scene, Demetris and Christina sit with a coffee and share love. I later found this coffee when I visited Athens and sat with my own love. I will never forget either that experience or this magnificent movie.  
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Storm If you loved The Matrix, watch this Swedish version. It starts similarly when a man meets a mysterious woman with an evil man chasing her. The story then turns in a different direction. Please just find it and watch it.  
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Ink Ink, a mysterious creature, steals a child's soul with the aim of using it as a bargaining chip to join the Incubi, a group of supernatural beings responsible for creating nightmares. It may seem like a horror movie, but it’s not. The less you know about it, the more you will enjoy it.   I know many other movies could be added to this list, but this is just a selection to start you off. There are also many spiritual documentaries, but I will share a list of these in our next issue… Read the full article
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cincaila-blog1 · 5 years
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Photo credit: https://klfoodie.com/top-14-new-things-to-try-in-klang-valley-this-week/, https://www.facebook.com/onezo.malaysia/
OneZo is definitely one of the most unique boba tea shops in Malaysia as they offer many different kinds of special toppings with natural ingredients, one of their most popular topping is their Pokeballs. I would say it is a very underrated shop because their drinks are actually very unique and extraordinary. If you are into milk tea, I would recommend Flaming Brown Sugar Milk or Taro Milk Tea but personally, I really loved Berry Vinegar - it was a refreshing and unique drink, you can’t get a drink like this from other beverage stores.
Location: Address: 70-G, Jalan SS 15/4, SS 15, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Operating hours: Monday - Sunday 11am – 1:00am
Tel: 014-319 9328
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
Daily Ham News 9/10/19
  Daily Ham News
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(via Daily Ham News 9/9/19 | dxerhamnews) via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2HY2ThB September 09, 2019 at 09:20AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187599342640
Daily Ham News
Daily Ham News
Heli, DD0VR and Sabine, DE3BWR will be active from Samoa as 5W0VR during September 9-16, 2019. QRV on HF bands. QSL via DD0VR. Activity from Fiji and Tonga also planned during their Pacific trip.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2Lvdba0 via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2PWIQqm via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2N4MJaq September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574734815
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – Votes must be received no later than Sunday, September 15, 2019 in order to be counted in the 2019 AMSAT Board of Directors Election
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/315T88L via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2I9245V via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/316tCQB September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574734945
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – Each weekend in September, the South African Radio League (SARL) has some contesting activity to keep you busy
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2N2Q3Tn via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Q6iv98 via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2N1Cq79 September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735065
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – Alex, N7AGF, and Ron, AD0DX, are planning to activate DM02 on Sunday, September 22, 2019 on FM and Linear satellites
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/315NqUi via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HUuP5W via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3170Xef September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735255
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – The WIA reports a new Australian DX record in the 3.4 GHz band was made using the digital mode FT8
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2N3u3rr via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2PXsA8B via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2N3OpkB September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735390
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – This week’s WIA News report: When CEPT met in Turkey it finalised its positions on a wide range of WRC-19 Agenda Items, including proposals for WRC-23
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/315TcW3 via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HX4tR0 via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/31hiDUo September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735495
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – In this edition of Ham Radio Now David Goldenberg W0DHG and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC talk Ham Radio: EmComm, Dorian, Elmering, etc
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2N1db4N via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2PUnuKc via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2N2aEr2 September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735645
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – Ralph Fedor, K0IR, has participated in at least 15 DXpeditions to the most remote parts of the World
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2N2Oq8e via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2HTM7Ah via IFTTT via Tumblr https://ift.tt/316DA4m September 08, 2019 at 07:25AM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187574735790
Daily Ham News
Southgate ARC – Members of the Kelab Radio Amateur Jalan Klang Lama, the 9MDXC and MARTS will be activating the special event callsign 9M16KING from Kuala Lumpur between now and September 30th
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/315TQTt via IFTTT
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Daily Ham News
If you’re a regular on the SWLing Post, you’ll certainly know our contributor, Robert Gulley.
Robert is a wonderful friend and one of the biggest ambassadors for radio I know. Robert has mentored a countless number of ham radio operators and radio listeners–his enthusiasm is infectious.
This time, Robert could really use our help.
His wife Jennifer has Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS)–a disease that has progressed to the point she needs 24/7 care. Finances are tight, so when a home equity loan taken out over 15 years ago recently ballooned, Robert and Jennifer have struggled to make these payments and stay afloat.
They’ve explored refinancing and even selling their home, but the numbers simply don’t work in their favor.
I, along with a number of Robert’s close friends, have encouraged him to start a GoFundMe campaign to try to raise some funds to pay down the home equity loan.
Robert isn’t the sort of guy that ever asks for help, indeed he’s always the one giving help. This is why I’m asking you to consider supporting his GoFundMe campaign if you have the means to do so. You can read more about his situation on the GoFundMe page.
Any amount will help as it will be dropped on the principle of their loan and thus shorten the term or even make a refinance possible.
Click here to support Robert’s GoFundMe campaign.
GoFundMe is a reputable organization to raise funds and they don’t take a large cut like some other platforms do, but if you would rather support Robert outside of GoFundMe (directly, by check for example) feel free to contact him.
Thank you!
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8947639 https://ift.tt/2ZJv2DV via IFTTT
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Daily Ham News
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1430 via Tumblr https://ift.tt/2N6sMzR September 08, 2019 at 12:03PM via Tumblr https://certainheartrunaway.tumblr.com/post/187579340220
Daily Ham News
SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1430
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1430
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1430
BID: $OPDX.1430
September 9, 2019
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Send from Strongsville, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K’s AR Cluster
Networks, KV1J, NJ1Q & W1AW, WB2REM, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,
K8GI, K8YSE, WB6RSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, N0TG, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX
News Letter, DxCoffee.com, DD0VR, DXNews.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA &
Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IZ7KHR, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX
News, RN3RQ, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 1st/September, through Sunday, 8th/September there were
217 countries active. Countries available: 1S, 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A4, A5, A6, A7,
A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C9, CE, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E5/n,
E5/s, E6, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY,
EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0,
HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, JA,
JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY,
PY0F, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T5, T7,
T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TN, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3,
V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YL,
YN, YO, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report “could” contain “Pirate/SLIM” operations or
more likely a “BUSTED CALLSIGN”. As always, you never know – “Work
First Worry Later”.
3W9, VIETNAM (Update). Jacek, SP5APW, and his wife are planning to visit
Dao Co To (AS-132) between September 27th and October 3rd. He plans to be
active as 3W9KJ. Activity will be mainly FT8/FT4 possibly on 40/30 meters
with some SSB (if conditions allow) using 100 watts into a wire. QSL via
his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog’s OQRS.
5K0, SAN ANDREA ISLAND (Update). The 5K0K team that will be active from
San Andres Island (NA-033) around/between October 15-30th (see OPDX.1428),
now has a Web page at: http://www.cdxp.cz
6O, SOMALIA (Reminder). Ken, LA7GIA, will once again return to Somalia
and be active as 6O7O between September 14-28th. Activity will be on
160-10 meters mainly on CW. Activity on other modes (SSB, FT8) will be
limited and on 1-2 bands only. For more details, visit his Web page:
QSL via M0OXO. Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog. Also, make sure you
read Ken’s “QSO & QSL Policy” on his Web page.
7Q, MALAWI. Operators Bill/KC4D (7Q7WW), Don/K6ZO (7Q6M) and Junior/7Q7JN
are currently active from Embangweni Mission Hospital at the Loudon Station
in Malawi as time and power allows. Activity has been on FT8, SSB and CW
modes. They have an amp, and are using a Hex Beam, as well as OCFD and
various other wire antennas. More details and QSL info to follow.
9G, GHANA (Reminder). Chip, KB1QU, will be active as 9G5QU between Sep-
tember 8-21st. Activity will be on 40/30/20 meters using CW, FT8 and
FT4. QSL via N4GNR direct.
9H, MALTA. Klaus, DL7OO (ex-DD1AY), will once again be active as 9H3GK
from Malta (EU-023) between September 29th and October 6th. He will have
with him his XYL Jacky, SWL Rolf from Cologne, Günter/DO5GS and Sven/DO2SS.
Activity will be holiday style on various HF bands (probably 80/40/20m
SSB). QSL via DL7OO by the Bureau.
C21, NAURU (Update/Change). Operators Yuris/YL2GM, Jack/YL2KA, Kaspars/
YL1ZF and Kristers/YL3JA will be active as C21WW (not C21W as first
announced) from Nauru (OC-031) after their Western Kiribati operation
(OPDX.1425) between September 16-25th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters,
possibly 60m, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. The suggested frequencies are:
CW – 1826.5/1821, 3524, 7024, 10113, 14024, 18083, 21024, 24903 and 28024
SSB – 3790, 7090, 14190, 18140, 21290, 24940 and 28490
RTTY – 3583, 7043, 10143, 14083, 18105, 21083, 24923 and 28083
FT8(*) – 1836, 3565, 7070, 10143, 14090, 18095, 21090, 24910 and 28090 kHz
* – FT8 will be Fox & Hound mode
Split operation will always be used: QSX CW up 2 (160m down 2, for JA
1810-1820); and QSX SSB/RTTY up 5.
QSL via YL2GN direct or ClubLog (for direct or by the Bureau) for paper
QSLs. Full LoTW upload will be done 6 months after the end of the DX-
pedition. For more details and updates, see (new URL):
Please do not send log correction requests. Corrections will not be
provided. All individual supporters 20 USDs+ will receive direct QSL.
Please do not send your QSL to them via Bureau – they are not required.
D6, COMOROS (Update). Members of the Mediterraneo Dx Club (MDXC) will be
active as D68CCC from Comoros Island (AF-007) between October 21st and
November 2nd. Operators are an International Team and are Ant/IZ8CCW
(Team Leader), Gaby/I2VGW (Co-Leader), Marco/IZ2GNQ, Eric/ON7RN, Axel/
DL6KVA, Gerd/DJ5IW, Gab/YO8WW, Feri/YO5OED, Karl/OE3JAG, Frans/ON4LO,
Marco/IZ3GNG, Fabio/IK4QJF, Dario/IT9ZZO, Steve/MW0ZZK, Jean Luis/F6BPZ,
Emir/9A6AA, Dan/LB3TI and Uwe/DL8OBF. Activity will be on 160-10 meters,
including 30/17/12m, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. Suggested frequencies
CW – 1823, 3519, 7010, 10109, 14019, 18069, 21019, 24891 and 28019 kHz
SSB – 3795, 7125, 14215, 18140, 21295, 24945 and 28019 kHz
RTTY – 3595, 7049, 10140, 14080, 18103, 21080, 24910 and 28080 kHz
FT8 – 1840, 3567, 7056, 10131, 14080, 18103, 21080, 24910 and 28080 kHz
They will listen for US Generals on 14280 kHz and UP.
They will listen for JA stations on 160m DOWN 5-6 kHz.
The FT8 frequency for JA stations on 160m is 1908 kHz
They plan to have 5 transceivers with 5 amps into various 5 to 6 band
Spiderbeams, verticals, Inverted L for 160m and Beverages (160/80m). QSL
via IK2VUC, by the Bureau, direct or OQRS. For more details and updates,
see: http://www.mdxc.org/d68ccc
E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Reminder/Update). Fred, DH5FS, will be active as
E51SFS from the South Cook Islands between September 8-25th. He is sched-
uled to operate from Rarotonga Island (OC-013) between September 8-16th,
and from Aitutaki Island, (OC-083) between September 20-25th. Activity
will be on various HF bands and modes. QSL via his home callsign or
ClubLog. Also, checkout the new ClubLog feature “LiveStream” at:
See details below under “QSL INFO AND NEWS” about the new ClubLog feature.
Fred is also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dh5fs
E6, NIUE. Andrew, OZ5E, is now active as E6AN from Lakepa, Niue Island
(OC-040) until September 10th. On QRZ.com it states, “This is a “research”
activation to prepare for a DCA-expedition (Danish Contest Academy) later
in the sunspot cycle, so there will not be that much activity and it will
be a holiday operation.” Activity will be on 40/20/15 meters, maybe
160/80/17m and 10m if it is open. Modes will be mainly FT8 and SSB –
maybe some CW. QSL via OZ5E direct or LoTW. For more details, see:
FM, MARTINIQUE. Jim, N6TJ, will be active as FM5KC from the Ducos Radio
Club on Martinique (NA-107) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
23-24th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via LoTW, or F5VHJ direct
or by the REF Bureau.
FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (Update). Eric, KV1J, will once again be oper-
ating from the Island of Miquelon (NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, Grid
GN17) as FP/KV1J between September 24th and October 8th. This is his 13th
trip to the island. Activity will be on 160-6 meters (no 60M – not author-
ized) using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 (but primarily SSB, RTTY and FT8) and the
satellites. He will generally be on the highest frequency band that is
open (favoring 12/10m). He will be active in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest
(September 28-29th). ADDED NOTE: Eric will usually try to be on as many
Satellite passes as he can when the WX is good, generally favoring the
FO-29, XW-2x, AO-7, and possibly the FM birds. Eric states, “Equipment
is two FT-817s and an Arrow dual band yagi. I’ll favor the SSB birds
usually higher in the passband, but will also try FM if they do not get
too busy. Satellite logging is by paper so may not get loaded to LoTW
until the week after I return to the USA.” Weekends may be limited since
he will be concentrating on the low(er) bands and contests. QSL via KV1J,
direct or by the Bureau. Also eQSL, ClubLog and LoTW. For more details
and updates, check out his Web page at: http://www.kv1j.com/fp/Sep19.html
EA, SPAIN. Steve, K5YS, will be active as EA3/K5YS from Spain between
September 14-21st. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB.
QSL via K5YS.
EU-029. YL Rosel, DL3KWR, will once again be active using the special
callsign OZ6SYL of the Danish club of SYLRA (Scandinavian YL
Radio Amateurs) from near Faxe on Sjaelland Island between
September 9-23rd. Activity will be holiday style on CW. She
will also participate in the Scandinavian Activity CW Contest
[SAC] (September 21-22nd). QSL via OZ7AGR.
EU-165. Giuseppe, IK5WWA, will be active as IM0DAE from San Peter
Island (a small island southwest of Sardinia) between Sep-
tember 16-28th. Activity will be on all HF bands as well as
6 meters, 2 meters and 70 cm. QSL via his home callsign,
direct or by the Bureau.
NA-077. Eric, VA2IDX, will once again be active as VA2IDX/p from
Anticosti Island between November 2-6th. Activity will be
sporadic around 2000z and 0200z. Operations will be on 40/20
meters using QRP SSB and maybe CW. QSL via his home callsign,
direct, by the Bureau eQSL.
NA-211. (Reminder) By the time you read this, operators Yuri/N3QQ,
Cezar/VE3LYC, Sandro/VE7NY and Adrian/KO8SCA should be active
as K7TRI from the rare IOTA Tillamook Rock until September
9th. This IOTA is in demand by almost 94% of IOTA members,
and has been on the air only once in 21 years. Activity will
be on 40-17 meters using CW and SSB. This is a very expensive
and challenging project, and they are actively looking for
possible support from IOTA chasers and DXers at large. All
donors will be promptly acknowledged on their Web site at:
QSL via VE3LYC, direct or by the Bureau. The preferred method
is ClubLog (for direct or by the Bureau).
CORSICAN IOTA TOUR (Reminder). Laurent, F8BBL, will be active as TK19IOTA
from the following Corsican IOTA islands between now and Sep-
tember 22nd: Corsica (EU-014), Iles Cerbicale (EU-100), Lavezzi
Archipelago (EU-164) and Sanguinaires Islands (EU-104). He
will also activate one SOTA: Capo Di Locu (TK/TK-148). Activity
will be holiday style on various HF bands using a KX3 Elecraft
+ MP1 Antenna. QSL via F8BBL, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.
For updates, watch: http://rnb.dx-cw.net
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have
decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin……
JW, SVALBARD. By the time you read this, members of the IO9A Team (the
operators mentioned are: Antonello/IT9YVO, Dario/IT9SSI and Francesco/
IZ7KHR) will be active as JW/IT9YVO, JW/IT9SSI and JW/IZ7KHR, respectively,
from the Radio Club JW5E in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard
Islands (EU-026), until September 10th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters
using mainly CW, SSB and some RTTY or FT8. Antennas are an OptiBeam Yagi
on high bands and wires on the low bands. QSL via their home callsigns,
and ClubLog/LoTW will be uploaded after their DXpedition. For more details,
see: https://io9a.it/jw-2019
ADDED NOTES. Spitsbergen is the largest and only permanently populated
island of the Svalbard archipelago in northern Norway. Constituting the
westernmost bulk of the archipelago, it borders the Arctic Ocean, the
Norwegian Sea, and the Greenland Sea. Spitsbergen covers an area of
37,673 km2 making it the largest island in Norway and the 36th-largest
in the world. The administrative center is Longyearbyen.
OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). The “new” OPDX Mailing List is back up
and running! Details on how to subscribe/unsubscribe are at the bottom of
this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around…. Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW
(along with XYL Bigi, DE3BWR) informed OPDX on Monday that their Fiji
“DXpedition ends here.” Heli explains that after two visits to the Fiji
Customs Bureau, and having endless discussions, the couple was told that
they would have to pay three times 1540 Fijian dollars (700 USDs) for
their transmitters & amp in order to take their equipment into the three
islands they planned to operate from (Fiji, Samoa and Tonga). So Heli/
DD0VR and XYL Bigi/DE3BWR then decided to make their trip a “normal
holiday” and pick-up their equipment on the way back to Germany. At
this point, they were very disappointed. However, on Wednesday, thanks
from some help by Tevita Navila (Telecommunications Authority of Fiji),
Tony/3D2AG and Bernie/W3UR of The Daily DX, Heli was able to retrieve
his equipment and was able to be active as 3D2VR from Fiji for a few days.
By the time you read this, Heli (along with his XYL) will be heading
to Samoa and should be active as 5W0VR from Samoa sometime between Sep-
tember 9-16th. Activity will be on various HF bands and modes. QSL via
DD0VR. Next stop will be Tonga, Heli will be signing as A35JY between
September 16-21st.
PJ4, BONAIRE (Reminder). Randy, K5SL, should now be active as PJ4/K5SL
from Bonaire (SA-006) until September 14th. Activity will be on 40/30/
20/17 meters using mainly CW, but possibly some 17 meters SSB. QSL via
his home callsign.
Sep/09th HN Sep/12th AN Sep/14th AN
Sep/10th AN Sep/13th AN Sep/15th AN
Sep/11th AN
—————– —— ——– ——
AN – Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7
HN – High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15
LN – Low Normal Active K=3 16-29
BN – Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49
DIS – Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99
VRY DIS – Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400
Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
* VOACAP predication Web page at: http://www.voacap.com/hf
and http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html
* DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: https://dx.qsl.net/propagation
* A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
* SolarHam Web page: http://www.solarham.net
* Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
* Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at: http://arrl.org/propagation
* Information and tutorials on propagation are at: http://k9la.us
* Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: http://www.dr2w.de/dx-propagation
* Point to point propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk/p2p.html
* Realtime propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk
* Also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@GiellaW4hm
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF (www.qslinfo.eu)(September 7th)
3Z50KP via SP5KP (d/L) HF20RCN via SP2MKO PH100KLM via PA3DVA
9U3TMM via IV3TMM & (L) II1FGC via IQ1GE PS8MT via PS8MT (d/L)
DL0SKCC via DJ7MH & (L) II3L via IQ3MV SK6W via SM6CTQ
EG8SDC via EA1AUM & (L) KH0/WB6Z via JF1OCQ T6/IT9HRK via IT9HRK
EM225FA via UT7FA LY30BW via LY2QT TC0Z via TC0Z (O/L)
EV0BREST via EW3W (d/O) OT8B via ON1CH UP55GA via DL8KAC (d)
EX0QP via SP6OJK OU29EU via OZ1GML (d/L) ZZ40ZT via PT7ZT (d/L)
(e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX’s- Bureau
(O) OQRS only © ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed
(I) No IRC (P) PayPal (NB) No Bureau
https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/9U3TMM (Updated)
https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/J68HZ (Updated)
a new feature available on ClubLog to all users and expeditions. “Makes
sense when combined with real-time uploads, can be embedded on Web
pages”, states Michael. For more details, see:
CY9C LOTW UPLOAD. Randy, N0TG, reports [edited]: “Per Phil, VA3QR, and
Bill, K6DHY, the CY9C Sable Island DXpedition Log has been uploaded to
LoTW. If there are still missing contacts of any mode, please E-mail
the contact to ([email protected]) with date, time, mode, frequency and
your callsign.”
and XR1RRC
AZ0H, C81G (AF-061), EA8ZS, FG8NY, HB0/ON5UR, JW3TR, LT7F, LU1AS, LU3CM,
— We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
to send in their info….
REBEL DX GROUP NEWS. Tack, JE1CKA, announced on Twitter this past week:
“T33T #Banaba has been postponed to next year. I will do my best to 3Y0I.
I think the details will be announced around October.”
S79GJ SEYCHELLES DXPEDITION (Update). Lance, W7GJ, will be active as S79GJ
from La Digue Island (AF-024, WW Loc. LI75vp), Seychelles, between September
20th and October 5th. Lance informs OPDX this past week of the following:
“All the equipment has been set up and checked and then packed up to go
on the plane with me to S79. This is primarily a 6m EME DXpedition, but
I have packed a 20m dipole and may also get on 20m FT8 during the first
few days of October. Full details are on my website:
Although the CP1GJ 6m EME DXpedition in May was a big success, I am
especially excited about S79GJ because nobody from NA has ever contacted
S79 before on 6m. This is especially well suited to NA horizon-only
stations during their moonrise…. GL and VY 73, Lance”
QSL via his home callsign direct.
T30, WESTERN KIRIBATI. Operators Yuris/YL2GM, Jack/YL2KA, Kaspars/YL1ZF
and Kristers/YL3JA are now active as T30L from Western Kiribati (OC-017)
before their Nauru operation (see C2 above) until September 15th. Activity
will be on 160-6 meters, possibly 60m, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. Their
suggested frequencies are above under “C2, NAURU”. QSL via YL2GN direct
or ClubLog (for direct or by the Bureau) for paper QSLs. Full LoTW upload
will be done 6 months after the end of the DXpedition. For more details
and updates, see (new URL): http://www.lral.lv/c21ww_t30l/index.html
Please do not send log correction requests. Corrections will not be
provided. All individual supporters 20 USDs+ will receive direct QSL.
Please do not send your QSL to them via Bureau – they are not required.
T6, AFGHANISTAN (Reminder/Update). Robert, S53R (ex-YA5T), is once again
active from Kabul as of September 4th, signing T6AA and may continue
until the summer 2021. He will be there for two years working with the
UN World Food Program. Robert has been issued two callsign: T6AA and T6A
(to be used during contest). Activities outside of the contests will be
limited to his free time, but he plans to be on 160-6 meters using CW,
SSB and the Digital modes. He was heard early in the week on 60/30/20/17
meters CW and FT8 as early as 0700z and as late as 2300z. QSL via S53R,
LoTW or ClubLog.
T8 PALAU. Operators Yas/JA6UBY (T88RR), Hiro/JM1LIG (T88FM) and YL Miyo/
JO3LVG (T88MK) will once again be active from Koror Island (OC-009) between
September 12-20th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, FM and
the Digital modes (FT8, JT9 and JT65). QSL T88RR via JA6UBY direct only
or eQSL. QSL T88FM via JM1LIG direct only. QSL T88MK via JO3LVG, direct,
by the Bureau or eQSL.
V3, BELIZE. Members of the “7163 DX Group” (http://www.7163net.com/) will
use the special callsign (assigned by the Belize Public Utilities Commission
for the use during special events) V3M from Belize during the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (October 26-27th). QSL via WB2REM or ClubLog’s OQRS. Operators
mentioned are Chuck/N6OJ (V31CT), Jim/WB2REM (V31MM), V31NY, Steve/W4SJT
Nancy/KG0YL (V31ST) and John/K3MA (V31ZZ). Look for operators to be active
outside of the contest using their own Belize callsign. The team will be
at Maya Hill Lodge in the Cayo District of Belize between October 23-30th.
Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8, FT4 and possibly
EME. Look for more details to be forthcoming.
WH0, MARIANA ISLANDS (Reminder). Harry, JG7PSJ/JD1BMH/KW2X, will once
again be active as WH0RU from Saipan (OC-086) between September 15-22nd.
Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via LoTW
or direct to JG7PSJ. For possible updates, watch: http://jg7psj.starfree.jp
TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST — Click or send requests to:
Subscribe: (mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe)
Unsubscribe: (mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe)
Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [http://www.papays.com/opdx.html],
QRZ.com (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.), several
DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups (rec.radio.info and
rec.radio.amateur.dx). The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
NODXA FaceBook — https://www.facebook.com/NorthernOhioDxAssociation
Twitter — https://twitter.com/kb8nw_opdx
* All excerpts and distribution of “The OPDX Bulletin” are granted as
long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.
** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
……. 73 de Tedd KB8NW
Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW – E-mail addresses:
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX – DXer’s Tool of Excellence)
President of the “Northern Ohio DX Association” (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the “Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the “Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS” (BARF80.ORG)
Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#1538): https://groups.io/g/DXERhamradio/message/1538
Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/34067658/254209
Group Owner: [email protected]
Unsubscribe: https://groups.io/g/DXERhamradio/leave/513947/1503254849/xyzzy [[email protected]]
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Daily Ham News
Ham Radio Update
Ham Radio Update – http://www.hamradioupdate.com/
Former Cushcraft President Glen Whitehouse, K1GW, SK
2 hours ago
ARRL -The former president of the Cushcraft Antenna Company, Glen Whitehouse, K1GW, of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, died on September 5 after a lengthy illness. An ARRL Life Member and a ham for more than 60 years, Whitehouse was 76.Whitehouse was known for his far-ranging interests in operating and technology as well as business. He was an avid contester and DXCC Honor Roll DXer and an early membe…
IARU attends ITU Inter-Regional Workshop
2 hours ago
ARRL -As part of its strategy to support topics related to Amateur Radio at World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was on hand at the third inter-regional workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, this past week.The workshop, attended by member states and other International Telecommunication Union (ITU) sector members, considered and discussed the posi…
RSGB release delayed Board Proceedings for May
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – The delayed RSGB Board Proceedings for the May 2019 meeting have now been released
Nauru DXpedition
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – Operators Yuris/YL2GM, Jack/YL2KA, Kaspars/ YL1ZF and Kristers/YL3JA will be active as C21WW (not C21W as first announced) from Nauru (OC-031) after their Western Kiribati operation (OPDX.1425) between September 16-25th
Kenwood ham radios in Australia
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – In WIA News Geoff Emory VK4ZPP reports the JVC-Kenwood conglomerate has quietly discontinued sales of Kenwood amateur gear in Australia
ICQPodcast – Training, Licencing and Growing the Amateur Radio Hobby
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – In this episode, Colin Butler (M6BOY) discusses training, licencing and growing the amateur radio hobby with Martin Butler (M1MRB/W9ICQ), Chris Howard M0TCH and Dan Romanchik (KB6NU)
Ham radio in newspaper’s Bygones column
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Southgate ARC – The Border Counties Advertizer’s Bygones column takes a look at an amateur radio picture from way back in 1996
DXCC Country/Entity Report
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – According to the Amateur Radio Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 1st/September, through Sunday, 8th/September there were 217 countries active
Comoros Island DXpedition
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – Members of the Mediterraneo Dx Club (MDXC) will be active as D68CCC from Comoros Island (AF-007) between October 21st and November 2nd
IOTA news from OPDX
8 hours ago
Southgate ARC – Weekly IOTA News – compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
West Malaysian special event
A day ago
Southgate ARC – Members of the Kelab Radio Amateur Jalan Klang Lama, the 9MDXC and MARTS will be activating the special event callsign 9M16KING from Kuala Lumpur between now and September 30th
QSO Today – Ralph Fedor, K0IR
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Southgate ARC – Ralph Fedor, K0IR, has participated in at least 15 DXpeditions to the most remote parts of the World
HamRadioNow: Emergency Communications, Hurricanes and Elmers
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Southgate ARC – In this edition of Ham Radio Now David Goldenberg W0DHG and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC talk Ham Radio: EmComm, Dorian, Elmering, etc
Good news for the two-metre band
A day ago
Southgate ARC – This week’s WIA News report: When CEPT met in Turkey it finalised its positions on a wide range of WRC-19 Agenda Items, including proposals for WRC-23
FT8 used for Australian 3.4 GHz record
A day ago
Southgate ARC – The WIA reports a new Australian DX record in the 3.4 GHz band was made using the digital mode FT8
DM02 Satellite Expedition
A day ago
Southgate ARC – Alex, N7AGF, and Ron, AD0DX, are planning to activate DM02 on Sunday, September 22, 2019 on FM and Linear satellites
Contest activity in September
A day ago
Southgate ARC – Each weekend in September, the South African Radio League (SARL) has some contesting activity to keep you busy
AMSAT Board of Directors election ballots due September 15
A day ago
Southgate ARC – Votes must be received no later than Sunday, September 15, 2019 in order to be counted in the 2019 AMSAT Board of Directors Election
ICQ Podcast Episode 304 – Training, Licencing & Growing the Amateur Radio Hobby
A day ago
ICQ Podcast -In this episode, Colin Butler (M6BOY) discusses training, licencing and growing the amateur radio hobby with Martin Butler (M1MRB/W9ICQ), Chris Howard M0TCH and Dan Romanchik (KB6NU).ICQ AMATEUR/HAM RADIO PODCAST DONORS
We would like to thank Donald Gover (KC9ZMY ), Nigel Wells (2w0cgm) and John Baggott (K2BAG) and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit – http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
International Air Ambulance Week 2019
Eddie De Young (AE7AA) Named CQ Awards Editor
IARU Region 1 145 MHz Contest
2 days ago
WA7BNM Contest Calendar – 1400Z, Sep 7 to 1400Z, Sep 8
Hurricane Watch Net Activates as Dorian Exits the US for Maritime Canada
2 days ago
ARRL –[UPDATED: 2019-09-07 1700 UTC] With Hurricane Dorian literally speeding up the east coast of the US, the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) has reactivated. As of 1500 UTC, Dorian, a Category 1 storm, was some 200 miles south-southeast of Eastport, Maine, and about the same distance southwest of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The storm is moving to the northeast at 29 MPH. HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said …
Propagation de K7RA
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – Old Solar Cycle 24 sunspots returned this week, but for only two days (Sunday and Monday) with a sunspot number of 12. Average daily solar flux increased from 66 reported in last week’s Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP035 to 67.4 this week
VK6WIA NewsWest
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – NewsWest for Sunday 8th September is the History of Amateur Radio edition. Today we look back on Amateur Radio History. What I enjoy most about reading amateur Radio History is that so much never changes. Stay tuned to find out why
New amateur radio maps
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – EI8IC has released a number of new amateur radio maps: CQ Zones, ITU Zones, UK/EI Contest District Codes
Ham radio continues on the Hi-Line
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Havre Daily newspaper interviews Lloyd Stallkamp NO7G about ham radio and the Hi-Line Amateur Radio Club
Ham radio company wins big
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – Al Williams WD5GNR writes on Hackaday about the strategic partnership between FlexRadio and Raytheon to develop an HF radio for the US Air Force based on the existing SmartSDR/Flex-6000
Foundations of Amateur Radio
2 days ago
Southgate ARC – Boating adventures – The other day I was on a boat. That’s right, me, on a floating thing, on the water, the ocean actually, steering and everything. I should confess that when I was younger I spent most weekends sailing as a sea scout in Holland.
Eddie De Young, AE7AA, Named CQ Awards Editor
3 days ago
ARRL -Eddie De Young, AE7AA, of Clearwater, Florida, has been named Awards Editor of CQ Amateur Radio magazine. His first Awards column appears in the September 2019 issue. De Young succeeds Ted Melinosky, K1BV, who served both as Awards Editor and USA-Counties Award Custodian for more than 20 years. Brian Bird, NX0X, now is USA-CA custodian.Licensed since 1954, De Young has held more than two dozen …
Past Japan Amateur Radio League Vice Chair Hisao Shono, JA1AA, SK
3 days ago
ARRL -Hisao Shono, JA1AA, died on August 19. He was 100. Shono served two terms as vice chair of the Japan Amateur Radio League. He was licensed in 1938 as J2IB. In 1952, when Amateur Radio was again permitted in Japan, he became the first to be relicensed and became JA1AA. He enjoyed DXing and QRP operation.
Hurricane Watch Net Suspends Operation, May Reactivate on Saturday
3 days ago
ARRL -The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) suspended operation temporarily at 1600 UTC today (September 6), after a 139-hour marathon activation that began last Saturday. The net may reactivate if weather conditions dictate.“The hurricane has been moving just offshore of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina,” HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said. “This morning, Hurricane Dorian made US lan…
FCC Extends Waiver Permitting Use of PACTOR 4 for Hurricane Relief Efforts
3 days ago
The October issue of Digital QST is Now Available!
3 days ago
The K7RA Solar Update
3 days ago
ARRL -Old Cycle 24 sunspots returned this week, but for only two days (Sunday and Monday) with a sunspot number of 12. Average daily solar flux increased from 66 reported in last week’s bulletin to 67.4 this week.Radiation from a coronal hole increased the average planetary A index from 5.7 last week to 19.9 this week, with the level on Saturday and Sunday at 38 and 45. In Fairbanks, Alaska’s College…
The Space Weather Woman
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – Our Sun and the Hurricane Create a Perfect Storm – The latest space weather forecast from Dr Tamitha Skov WX6SWW
The superheterodyne radio
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – The superhet or superheterodyne radio has been in use for over a hundred years and it is still one of the most popular formats for a receiver
STEVE returns during Labor Day geomagnetic storm
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – Last weekend polar skies lit up brightly in response to a geomagnetic storm. But not all the lights in the sky were auroras. STEVE was there, too
Radio hams track interfering signals
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – ARRL report volunteers from the Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club (SARECC) in Anacortes, Washington, recently assisted the US Coast Guard in tracking the source of interference on VHF Marine Channel 5A (156.250 MHz)
International Air Ambulance Week 2019
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – This year’s International Air Ambulance Week will take place between 7th and 15th September with the focus on supporting and generating donations for flying medical services around the world. The event covers two weekends, giving amateurs a great chance to get involved and support the event
Hurricane Dorian: Ham radio important in emergencies
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – WVLT TV news reports amateur radio operators are helping during Hurricane Dorian
GJ, Jersey
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – Bob, GU4YOX, will be active in this year’s CQWW DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as GJ4YOX
DXCC Most Wanted
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – The ‘DXCC Most Wanted’ entities list has been updated on ClubLog as of August 30th
2m Threat: Radio DARC broadcast
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – This Sunday morning at 0900 GMT the Radio DARC broadcast on 6070 kHz AM will cover the role of the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in the recent French threat to 144-146 MHz
DX News from the ARRL
3 days ago
Southgate ARC – The American Radio Relay League’s round-up of the forthcoming week’s DX activity on the amateur radio bands
North American CW Sprint Set for September 8 UTC
4 days ago
ARRL -The fall running of the North American CW Sprint, sponsored by NCJ, is this coming weekend. Many operators believe it levels out the playing field, making it the most fun of any contest. An operator must QSY (change to another frequency) after making a single contact where he/she initiated the contact by calling a CQ, or by contacting a station calling CQ and “inheriting” the frequency after th…
Washington Amateur Radio Club Volunteers Track Interfering Signals
4 days ago
ARRL -Volunteers from the Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club (SARECC) in Anacortes, Washington, recently assisted the US Coast Guard in tracking the source of interference on VHF Marine Channel 5A (156.250 MHz). This channel serves the commercial Vessel Traffic Service north of Bush Point on Whidbey Island, as well as in some Canadian waters in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The service …
QST Congratulates its Key Competition Winners
4 days ago
ARRL -Ingenuity and craftsman abound within the Amateur Radio community, as shown in the results of the 2019 QST Key Competition. More than two dozen entries were submitted, and the judges gathered in late July to evaluate them. The competition sought Morse key and paddle designs in four categories: straight key, semiautomatic key (bug), paddle, and sideswiper. Each was a mechanical work of art, but …
The Doctor Will See You Now!
4 days ago
WSPR explained: How to get started with one-way ham radio
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – Geoff Fox writes on Extreme Tech about how radio amateurs transmitting as little as one milliwatt can be heard on the other side of the world
Key role of radio hams in natural disasters
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – WBRC TV News reports on the important role radio amateur undertake during hurricanes or tornadoes
IARU attends ITU Inter-Regional Workshop
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – As part of its strategy to support the topics of interest to the amateur service at WRC-19, IARU is present at the third inter-regional workshop in Geneva this week
Hurricane Dorian: Storm watch continues
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – ARRL reports as of 1500 UTC Sep 4, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) was reporting that a hurricane warning has been extended northeastward along the North Carolina coast
Hurricane Dorian: Radio hams help connect with families in Bahamas
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – WINK TV news reports communication is key after a devastating storm. Families across Southwest Florida are trying to make sure families in the Bahamas are safe. That’s when ham radios come in handy
Foundation Licence course on the London/Essex border
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society ( LEFARS ) will be running a weekend Foundation Level Course and Exam over the weekend of the 5th and 6th of October at All Saints Church Hall, Romford Road, Chigwell
EURAO Party – Autumn 2019: claiming for 2m
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – The European Radio Amateurs’ Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: ‘claiming for 2m’
Amateur radio opens the world
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – Krugersdon News reports on Clarissa Clarke ZS6LIS who was one of the South African representatives at the Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) event in Bulgaria
2019 Syllabus Foundation in Braintree
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society in Essex is one of the first clubs to announce a 2019 syllabus Foundation course
Tony’s 10m Band Report
4 days ago
Southgate ARC – Strangely during the week was better than the weekend, Sunday was especially poor. Top chased after DX was OH73ELK (Finland). ~Also TM17FFF (France), 5T5PA (Mauritania)and S55G (Slovenia) showed up well. But there were others
Storm Watch Continues Along Southeastern US Coast
5 days ago
ARRL –[UPDATED: 2019-09-05- @ 1942 UTC] Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) teams from Florida to Virginia went on alert this week, even before Hurricane Dorian left the Bahamas and started making its way up the southeastern US coast. As of 1800 UTC on September 5, Dorian was back to a Category 2 storm, with maximum sustained winds of 110 MPH. It was 115 miles south-southwest of Wilmington, North…
Regional Organizations Wrapping Up WRC-19 Preparations
5 days ago
ARRL -The African Telecommunications Union (ATU) held its final preparatory meeting ahead of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), convened by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Attending the session in South Africa was Brian Jacobs, ZS6YZ, who represented the South African Radio League (SARL) and International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU R1) as part of the South Afr…
Tracking Dorian: Hurricane Watch Net Hunkered Down for the Long Haul
5 days ago
ARRL -The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) has been in continuous operation for Dorian since last Saturday at 2100 UTC, and it plans to remain in operation on 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz until further notice, HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said. The storm, then a Category 5 hurricane, made landfall on Grand Bahama Island with maximum sustained winds of 180 MPH, where it stalled for a day and a half. Only on…
NZ5A Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award
5 days ago
ARRL -The winning article for the August 2019 QST Cover Plaque award is “Optimizing Propagation on 630 and 2200 Meters” by Robert S. Logan, NZ5A.The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the author or authors of the most popular article in each issue — is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll web page.
Route 66 on the Air
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Route 66 on the Air event will take place from September 7 until September 15 with special event calls W6A to W6U
Radio Amateurs of Canada AGM
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Riverview, New Brunswick just outside of Moncton. The AGM event will be hosted by the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club and will be held in conjunction with its Annual Fleamarket, which is being held at the same location. All RAC members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting
Hurricane Dorian: Temporary waiver for ham radio mode Pactor 4
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – ARRL reports the FCC has granted ARRL’s emergency request for a temporary waiver to permit only those radio amateurs active and involved in Hurricane Dorian response and relief efforts to use the PACTOR 4 digital protocol on HF
HRN412 EmComm, Huricanes, and Elmers
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – David and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC talk Ham Radio: EmComm, Dorian, Elmering, etc
Ham Radio gets embedded RTL-SDR
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – Tom Nardi writes on Hackaday about the work of Rodrigo Freire PY2RAF who has integrated a RTL-SDR into a Yaesu FT-991
IOTA news from the DARC
5 days ago
Southgate ARC – Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
ARES on Alert for Hurricane Dorian’s Possible Arrival
6 days ago
Route 66 On the Air Special Event Set Announced
6 days ago
FCC Readies for Hurricane Dorian
6 days ago
ARRL -As Hurricane Dorian nears the US southeast coast, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai reports the agency been working throughout the weekend to finalize preparations for the storm and coordinate with federal and state partners.“Our staff has reached out to wireless carriers and broadcasters to offer assistance,” Pai said in a statement. “With our government partners, including FEMA, we have worked to ensure…
FlexRadio Teams with Raytheon Team to Develop Airborne HF Radio
6 days ago
ARRL -In a strategic partnership with Raytheon, US Amateur Radio equipment manufacturer FlexRadio®has been selected by the US Air Force to adapt its off-the-shelf SmartSDR/FLEX-6000 architecture for HF modernization of airborne communications platforms. The new radio will provide beyond line-of-sight, long distance communications for air crews.“We are excited to convey that our proven modular direct …
A New QST QuickStats Poll Has Been Posted
6 days ago
September is National Preparedness Month
6 days ago
Radio Romania to end shortwave broadcasts?
6 days ago
Southgate ARC – It looks as though Radio Romania International may be planning to end broadcasts on shortwave according to a press release from the Romanian Syndicate of Journalists MediaSind
2019 37th AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting
6 days ago
Southgate ARC – Please join us for the 2019 AMSAT 50th Anniversary Symposium, to be held in the Washington, DC Metro Area on October 18, 19, and 20, 2019
GB100GP active for Jamboree on the Air this October
6 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Scout’s UK Headquarters station GB2GP, located at Gilwell Park, North London, will be active for this year’s JOTA with the very special callsign GB100GP to celebrate 100 year’s of Scouting at Gilwell Park
Annual maintenance shutdown of the MSF service
6 days ago
Southgate ARC – The annual maintenance shutdown of the MSF service to allow safe working on the masts and antennas will take place on 12 September 2019
FCC Grants Temporary Waiver Permitting Use of PACTOR 4 for Hurricane Response and Relief
7 days ago
ARRL -The FCC has granted ARRL’s emergency request for a temporary waiver to permit only those radio amateurs active and involved in Hurricane Dorian response and relief efforts to use the PACTOR 4 digital protocol on HF. The waiver is valid through 2100 UTC on Friday, September 6. The waiver request was necessary because Section 97.307(f) of the FCC’s Amateur Radio Service rules limits digital data …
WRC-19 Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – WIA Board Director Greg VK2GPK reports WIA continues its commitment to international representation in the lead up to the ITU World Radio Conference (WRC-19) which is being held in Egypt later this year
South Orkney Islands DXpedition
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – VP8/VP8DXU Corporate Sponsors — We are delighted to announce that Low Band Systems will supply their High-Power Bandpass Filters for all planned bands. This complement of best in class filters, in conjunction with vertical and horizontal polarized antennas, will allow us to operate two stations on the same band simultaneously and improve overall inter-station operability
Rescue assistance by Malabar Amateur Radio Society (MARS)
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – A few hours after the landslide occurred at Kavalpapra, Nilambur in Kerala, INDIA on August 9 where around 40 houses where gone under the mud and the all means of communications were breakdown, members of Malabar Amateur Radio Society (MARS) played a crucial role providing communication support to the Authorities
QSO Today – Eric Sears – ZL2BMI
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – Eric Sears, ZL2BMI, who joins me from New Zealand, is famous for this 80 meter QRP double sideband rig that he designed and documented in the 1980s for his personal use when “tramping” in the forests and mountains of New Zealand
ICQPodcast – Radio Caroline (GB55RC)
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard M0TCH, Martin Rothwell M0SGL, Ed Durrant DD5LP, Frank Howell K4FMH and Bill Barnes N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is the GB55RC activation onboard Radio Caroline at the start of August
Ham College 56
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – General Amateur Radio Exam part 27. Meters, Batteries, RF Exposure. Plus surprise visit from Ray Novak, N9JA live in the Icom booth at Tokyo Hamfair 2019. Preview ground breaking new technology
DXCC Country/Entity Report
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – According to the Amateur Radio Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 25th August, through Sunday, 1st September there were 207 countries active
ATU finalises its positions for WRC-19
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – IARU Region 1 has released a report on the African Telecommunications Union preparatory meeting for WRC-19 held in East London, August 26-30
AMSAT SA Dual Band Yagi now available for export
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – AMSAT South Africa (AMSAT SA) has developed a dual-band Yagi VHF/UHF antenna for satellite operation
ADF4351 new Arduino code
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – I have been challenged by another member of our club, the Banbury Amateur Radio Society, to get some code working to program the Analog Devices ADF4351 – a digital signal generator with a range of 35MHz to 4.4GHz (yes you read that right)
IOTA news from OPDX
7 days ago
Southgate ARC – Weekly IOTA News – compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
Major Hurricane Dorian Prompts Sustained Activations
8 days ago
ARRL -Hurricane Dorian, now a dangerous Category 5 storm, hit the island of Abaco in the Bahamas with 185 MPH winds and heavy rain. The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) on 14.325 MHz (7268 MHz alternate) and the VoIP Hurricane Net (EchoLink WX_TALK Conference) remain activated in conjunction with WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center to keep on top of ground-truth weather information and to handle emergen…
ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program is Now Accepting Applications
8 days ago
ARRL –Applications for the 2020 ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program will be accepted between September 1 and December 31, 2019.All applicants must be FCC-licensed radio amateurs, and many scholarships have other specific requirements, such as intended area of study, residence within a particular ARRL Division, Section or state, and license class. Applicants should review the scholarships and check of…
ICQ Podcast Episode 303 – Radio Caroline (GB55RC)
8 days ago
ICQ Podcast -In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard M0TCH, Martin Rothwell M0SGL, Ed Durrant DD5LP, Frank Howell K4FMH and Bill Barnes N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is the GB55RC activation onboard Radio Caroline at the start of August.ICQ AMATEUR/HAM RADIO PODCAST DONORS We would like to thank Joe Ferguson (W4JF) and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit – http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
– Parks on the Air Come to England – World’s First FT8 Contact on 122 GHz – VRT Withdraws Slur Against Radio Amateurs – BBC Service to Kashmir on Shortwave Increased – Ideas Sought for the Next FUNcube Satellite – Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration – Radio Hams Continue Support of RNLI – Automated Contacts Prohibited – RSGB Release Mock Exam Papers
The Space Weather Woman
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – Hurricane Dorian and Smart Space Radiation Medicine – The latest space weather forecast from Dr Tamitha Skov WX6SWW
Propagation Report from Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to remain at low levels
The satellite phone you already own: From orbit, UbiquitiLink will look like a cell tower
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – For anyone that’s ever been broken down along a remote stretch of highway and desperately searched for a cell signal, knowing that a constellation of communications satellites is zipping by overhead is cold comfort indeed
The September/October 2019 Communicator
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – Projects, News, Views and Reviews… Back after Summer break, here is the September / October SARC Communicator newsletter
SARL attended ATU APM19-4 meeting in East London
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – SARL News reports the fourth and final African Telecommunications Union WRC-19 Preparatory Meeting was held in East London (South Africa) from August 26-30, 2019
Ham radio operators stand ready in case of disaster
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – British Columbia local news reports amateur radio may be the only communication left after a major calamity
GB8NCI at Exmouth National Coastwatch Institution
8 days ago
Southgate ARC – The Exmouth Journal reports amateur radio enthusiasts across Europe learnt about the work of the National Coastwatch Institution thanks to an Exmouth station’s annual radio event on August 24-25
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Latest Amateur Radio News from around the world as compiled by the Southgate Amateur Radio Club web site.
Kenwood ham radios in Australia
In WIA News Geoff Emory VK4ZPP reports the JVC-Kenwood conglomerate has quietly discontinued sales of Kenwood amateur gear in Australia
RSGB release delayed Board Proceedings for May
The delayed RSGB Board Proceedings for the May 2019 meeting have now been released
ICQPodcast – Training, Licencing and Growing the Amateur Radio Hobby
In this episode, Colin Butler (M6BOY) discusses training, licencing and growing the amateur radio hobby with Martin Butler (M1MRB/W9ICQ), Chris Howard M0TCH and Dan Romanchik (KB6NU)
Ham radio in newspaper’s Bygones column
The Border Counties Advertizer’s Bygones column takes a look at an amateur radio picture from way back in 1996
Nauru DXpedition
Operators Yuris/YL2GM, Jack/YL2KA, Kaspars/ YL1ZF and Kristers/YL3JA will be active as C21WW (not C21W as first announced) from Nauru (OC-031) after their Western Kiribati operation (OPDX.1425) between September 16-25th
Comoros Island DXpedition
Members of the Mediterraneo Dx Club (MDXC) will be active as D68CCC from Comoros Island (AF-007) between October 21st and November 2nd
DXCC Country/Entity Report
According to the Amateur Radio Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 1st/September, through Sunday, 8th/September there were 217 countries active
IOTA news from OPDX
Weekly IOTA News – compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
QSO Today – Ralph Fedor, K0IR
Ralph Fedor, K0IR, has participated in at least 15 DXpeditions to the most remote parts of the World
Good news for the two-metre band
This week’s WIA News report: When CEPT met in Turkey it finalised its positions on a wide range of WRC-19 Agenda Items, including proposals for WRC-23
FT8 used for Australian 3.4 GHz record
The WIA reports a new Australian DX record in the 3.4 GHz band was made using the digital mode FT8
West Malaysian special event
Members of the Kelab Radio Amateur Jalan Klang Lama, the 9MDXC and MARTS will be activating the special event callsign 9M16KING from Kuala Lumpur between now and September 30th
HamRadioNow: Emergency Communications, Hurricanes and Elmers
In this edition of Ham Radio Now David Goldenberg W0DHG and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC talk Ham Radio: EmComm, Dorian, Elmering, etc
AMSAT Board of Directors election ballots due September 15
Votes must be received no later than Sunday, September 15, 2019 in order to be counted in the 2019 AMSAT Board of Directors Election
Contest activity in September
Each weekend in September, the South African Radio League (SARL) has some contesting activity to keep you busy
DM02 Satellite Expedition
Alex, N7AGF, and Ron, AD0DX, are planning to activate DM02 on Sunday, September 22, 2019 on FM and Linear satellites
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lattov-blog · 5 years
#4th Week of 2019
What’s up the people of the world
Minggu ke 4, akhirnya brrti udah sebulan nih ya? eh udah belom sih? harusnya udah dong ya haha. Diawali dengan pembukaan pelatihan Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (PPR) untuk Industri tingkat I dan II serta Medik tingkat I. Nah gue bakalan cerita tentang apasih PPR itu? yoi banget kan informatif nih blog gue kali ini. Mungkin special khusus minggu ini akan menjabarkan sedikit banyak tentang PPR ini dan batch saya kali ini ya, ‘cause it seems like it’ll be a fun class.
Kelas dibuka dengan kurang lebih 29 anggota, 9 diantaranya merupakan PPR Medik 1. Nah bingung kan? Jadi PPR ini ada 2 jenis yaitu industri dan medik, dari dua itu dibagi lagi jadi 3 tingkatan yaitu tingkat 1, 2, dan 3. Kali ini pelatihan berisikan peserta dari Industri tingkat 1 dan 2 serta medik 1. Jelas, gue ikut yang PPR medik 1. Dari 29 peserta yang ikut, sepertinya gue paling orok disini, haha. Meskipun ada sih anak angkatan 2013 yang kebetulan kampusnya daerah depok juga, tapi kebanyakan sisanya sudah putih rambutnya wkwk. Walaupun gitu, kita semua tetep gak mandang umur dan profesi, semua welcome dan asik. Saling belajar satu sama lain dan berbagi pengalaman di kantornya masing-masing, tentu saja saya belajar sangat banyak dari sini. Kalau dijelasin lebih detail, gaakan cukup cerita seminggu ini haha. Pokoknya seru, kalo banyak yg mau saya ceritain special tentang PPR saya, nanti saya buatkan.
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                                    Praktikum sambil bergaya
Anyway, weekend ini saya kembali ke Jogja untuk beberapa urusan (fitting baju, cieileh). Tentu saja bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat Catam juga yang sampai saat ini masih setia untuk selalu berbagi pikiran dan cerita. Selain itu, tujuan Utama saya kembali ke jogja adalah untuk menjemput tuan putri mbantul yang mau main ke Jakarta selama seminggu! Minggu depan bakalan seru karena dia bakal tidur di...… rumah kakak saya kok tenang haha. Waktu singkat di Jogja engga begitu banyak jalan-jalan, beneran cuma meet up sama catam dan fitting baju, so yeah.... Oh iya saya dan pasangan juga sempet menghampiri kawan kami yang baru aja wisuda, selamat ya Diana!
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                               Baru sadar saya ganteng juga
I think that’s all for the week, I’ll see you next week with a lot of fun!!  Ciao!
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homodesty · 2 years
Because epidemic emergency, I have to create herbal sachet in my office. This time, I don't have enough manpower, therefore unable to sell them to the public. However, for those who purchase Chinese medicine supplements in this week, I will give you a free herbal sachet.
Wearing herbal sachet had been a special culture in the ancient time in China. Herbal sachet hang on the neck helps to prevent epidemic, awake brain resuscitation, aromatize the turbidity, promoting energy, invigorating spleen and stomach, avoid negative energy that caused diseases, repel mosquito and worms. The special aromatic smell from herbal sachet can stimulate the nasal mucosa to increase nasal mucous Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) antibody for killing viruses and preventing epidemic.
Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/XFT2CAZC2VS2
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
#Covid19 #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Aroma #Herbalsachet #Homodesty
0 notes
flavourpoison · 2 years
error 404 : not found
ada beberapa hal yang ingin gue utarakan tapi saking pikiran campur aduk, gue bingung harus memulai dari mana. tahun 2021 penuh dengan lika liku, penuh dengan drama, dan penuh dengan kejutan.
gue tahun ini... masih gini-gini aja. karir tetap jalan meskipun gak tau gue kapan bisa mutasi ke jakarta, hopefully 2022 (doakan saja), keluarga gue baik-baik aja, rezeki gue di tengah tahun alhamdulillah lancar meskipun di akhir tahun udah seret.
sempat terpikir apakah 2021 ini gue bakalan kembali being depressed like 2019 or 2020 karena gue selain depressed soal kerjaan, gue juga depressed soal cinta. sebenarnya gue waktu konsultasi sama psikolog pernah bohong...
ditanya apa gue pernah merasa that “being depressed” about love and i answered “no, not at all” while the fact is yes i’m hardly depressed. 
semua karena pengaruh dari luar diri gue tbh, bukan dari diri gue sendiri. gue masih banyak goals yang belum gue capai sampai sekarang dan gue pengen goals itu gue dapatkan dulu. but my parents, my co-workers, like they always ask me “when?”, talks about the marriage. geez, can you guys please stop asking me while i want to pursuing my goals?
january 2021 was like a nightmare, i met a wrong guy that makes me hate myself. luckily i blocked him, we never contacted since then.
february 2021 was like “ok damn let’s finished this fucking works”
march 2021 was like “nothing special, just as usual”
april 2021 was like “wow who’s this damn fine guy?”
may 2021 - now : error 404.
this damn fine guy, i like him after 2 weeks we met. but he was like “well im looking for a friend, that’s all.” and when i told him that i’m catching feelings towards him he was like “huh what? how can you catching feelings with a guy like me? i’m sorry you have to feel that”
gue bercanda bilang mau nungguin dia sampai dia bisa jujur sama perasaannya ke gue tapi keterusan sampai sekarang.
akhir-akhir ini gue gak sesering itu chat sama dia, udah jarang bercanda-bercanda lagi, dia juga jarang ngirim hal-hal random. which is “i’m kinda miss it so much”.
so this is how the feelings of one sided love hahahah. 
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gem01817 · 3 years
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comfortspace1 · 5 months
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Lee 60133914903 Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/lee_0MnT Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_rLKwH 🥳Comfy Single Room With Window🥳Renovated House with Great Maintanance👕 💰at Koi Tropika Room Video : https://youtube.com/shorts/awEM6t-qFcM Whataspp Message Me Now ! Address : Koi Tropika Condominium Jalan Puchong, Batu 13 1/2, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Special Perks - Once a Week Cleaner For Common Area ( Included ) - TIme 100Mbps with Full Coverage Mesh Technology ( Included ) - Common Area Electricity ( Included ) - Each Room Have Individual Meter For Electricity Usage Room Fully Furnished with - Fan - AC - Mattress - Bed Frame - Table - Chair - Wardrobe - Warm Light For Better Sleep Facility : - Gym - Swimming Pool - BBQ Pit - Washing Machine - Water Dispencer Note: - This House Have 3 Toilet, 6 Rooms at 1400 Sqf - Only Light Cooking Allowed - Only Rent 1 Person - Only Rent 6 Months Above - No guest are allowed unless approved by us ...
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aliaakma28 · 3 years
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🌱Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: “Bandingan (derma) orang-orang yang membelanjakan hartanya pada jalan Allah ialah sama seperti sebiji benih yang tumbuh menerbitkan tujuh tangkai, tiap-tiap tangkai itu pula mengandungi seratus biji. Dan (ingatlah), Allah akan melipatgandakan pahala bagi sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah Maha Luas (rahmat) kurnia-Nya, lagi Meliputi ilmu pengetahuan-Nya. (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 261)⁠💞 .⁠ YES! We will allocate RM5 for every piece scarves sold🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸. It will be taken from the amount you pay for the scarf. No extra charges/fee needed. Instead, you will get to buy our premium quality P-scarf at much lower price. Isn’t that awesome?⁠😉 .⁠ Order will be taken via Pre Order as this is our special ad-hoc project. Scarves will be ready insyaAllah in 1-2 weeks time (we’ll try ASAP) . 📌OPEN PRE ORDER TILL 27 MAY 2021, 11:59PM😘 DM ME NOW, LINK ON BIO.. http://wasap.my/60182816452/palestinavoile #tudungsarung #palestinavoile #palestinavoilebycloverush #tudungsarungpalestine #tudungpalestine #tudungpalestinecantik #tudungpalestinebycloverush #membelisambilmenderma #palestine #tudunginstantpalestine #tudungpalestinebaru #tudungpalestinepreorder #shawlpalestine #bawalpalestine #savesheikhjarrah #savepalestine #cloverush #lillybellebycloverush #tudungcantik #palestinehijab #hijabpalestine #freepalestine #tudungbawal #palestinescarf #tudungpalestinemalaysia #ilovepalestine #standwithpalestine #palestine #standwithgaza #palestineshawl https://www.instagram.com/p/CPRmM9wtTGa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1429
SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1429
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1429
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1429
BID: $OPDX.1429
September 2, 2019
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Send from Strongsville, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K’s AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, WB6RSE, K8GI,
K8YSE, KT8D, W8GEX & 60m DX News, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter,
DxCoffee.com, DD0VR, DXNews.com, DX-World.Net, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nou-
velles DX, GU4YOX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News,
RN3RQ, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information.
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 25th/August, through Sunday, 1st/September there were 207
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5W, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J,
9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3,
C6, C9, CE, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY9, D2, D4, DL, DU,
E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F,
FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC,
HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J7, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4,
KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0,
OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PZ, S0, S5, S7, S9,
SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP8, VP9, VR, VU,
XE, XU, XZ, YB, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, ZA, ZB, ZD7,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report “could” contain “Pirate/SLIM” operations or
more likely a “BUSTED CALLSIGN”. As always, you never know – “Work
First Worry Later”.
4U1UN UNITED NATIONS NEWS. On August 24th, the following was posted on
the United Nations Amateur Radio Club’s (4U1UN) FaceBook page: “We are
receiving a lot of messages regarding the lack of 4U1UN (United Nation
Amateur Radio Club) activity on the bands. We will try to clear some
things about the current Club’s activities.” Read the complete post at:
8Q7, MALDIVES. Roly, ZL1BQD, will be active as 8Q7XR from Maldives (AS-013)
between November 10th and December 30th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters
using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via his home callsign. ADDED NOTE: Beware that
this is a re-issued callsign. Mark, M0DXR, used this callsign in 2008.
9M16, WEST MALAYSIA (Special Event). Members of the Kelab Radio Amateur
Jalan Klang Lama, the 9MDXC and MARTS will be activating the special
event callsign 9M16KING from Kuala Lumpur between now and September 30th.
Activity is to celebrate the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong (16th constitu-
tional monarch and head of state of Malaysia). Activity will be on 80-10
meters using CW, SSB and various Digital modes. QSL via the operators’
9U, BURUNDI (Reminder). Francesco, IV3TMM, will once again be active as
9U3TMM from Bujumbura (WW Loc. KI46QP) between now and September 17th.
Activity will be on 60-6 meters using SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via IV3TMM,
by the A.R.I. Italian Bureau, ClubLog or LoTW.
A2, BOTSWANA (Update). The A21EME Team have updated their info on their
activity from Botswana (KG25wk) between October 20-29th. Operators now
mentioned are Dan/HB9CRQ, Chris/PA2CHR, Lins/PA3CMC, Andrew/ZS6AVH, John/
ZS6JON, Paul/ZS6NK and Bernie/ZS4TX. Activity will be on the following
dates and bands:
October 20-25th — 6m, 2m, and 70cm EME. Modes JT65 and CW.
October 20-29th — 23, 13, 9, 6 and 3cm. Modes JT65 and CW.
Also mentioned is activity on the QO100 satellite. For more details,
see QRZ.com.
QSL for 6m, 2m, 70cm and QO100 Sat. QSOs via PA3CMC, direct or by the
Bureau. NO IRCs.
QSL for 23cm and up QSOs via HB9Q.
CQ NEWS (Eddie DeYoung, AE7AA, Named CQ Magazine Awards Editor). A press
release, dated August 29th, from Richard Moseson (W2VU), Editor of CQ
Amateur Radio, reports the following: Eddie De Young, AE7AA, of Clearwater,
Florida, has been named Awards Editor of CQ Amateur Radio magazine, Editor
Rich Moseson, W2VU, announced today. His first Awards column appears in
the September 2019 issue. De Young succeeds Ted Melinosky, K1BV, who was
both Awards Editor and USA-Counties Award Custodian for more than 20 years.
CQ previously announced the appointment of Brian Bird, NX0X, as the new
USA-CA custodian.
De Young has been licensed since 1954 and has, over the years, held more
than two dozen call signs from 11 different countries. He spent 38 years
in the Pacific, Asia and Antarctica, including many in Australia. While
there, he served as Awards Manager for the Wireless Institute of Australia,
where he helped modernize the program and developed software to improve
award processing. He has also been on nearly a dozen DXpeditions.
Since returning to the United States, Eddie has worked summers for the
National Park Service as a park ranger at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
and at Glacier National Park in Montana. On the ham bands, he is active
via remote stations and with limited operation from his new apartment,
with 100 watts and a homemade fractal square loop on his balcony. Eddie
enjoys operating primarily CW and digital modes.
De Young says he plans to offer hints in his column on earning CQ awards
of all kinds, inform newbies how to get started on their award hunting
quests and share how much fun and educational award-chasing can be. Eddie
also says he plans to include occasional competitions, award nostalgia
and ideas from readers.
CQ Editor Rich Moseson said, “Eddie brings a world of experience from
all over the world to this position. As an avid award chaser as well as
someone who has ‘been the DX,’ he understands both sides of the award-
hunting equation and is uniquely qualified to help CQ’s readers achieve
the greatest possible success in their own award-hunting efforts. Plus,
as former awards manager for a national association, he understands the
administrative side of award programs as well. I look forward to working
with Eddie.”
D4, CAPE VERDE. David, CT1EKU, is once again active as D44CH from Sal
Island (AF-086) until September 5th. Activity will be on various HF
bands using SSB and the Digital modes (FT8). QSL via LoTW, ClubLog and
DXCC’S MOST WANTED (ClubLog). The “DXCC Most Wanted” entities list has
been updated on ClubLog as of August 30th. The list contains 340 entities.
The following are the top 10 entities:
1. P5 DPRK (North Korea) 6. BV9P Pratas Island
2. 3Y/B Bouvet Island 7. KH7K Kure Island
3. FT5/W Crozet Island 8. KH3 Johnston Island
4. BS7H Scarborough Reef 9. FT5/X Kerguelen Island
5. CE0X San Felix Islands 10. 3Y/P Peter 1 Island
No changes this month. The complete “DXCC Most Wanted” entities list
is available at: https://secure.clublog.org/mostwanted.php
E6, NIUE. Andrew, OZ5E, will be active as E6AN from Lakepa, Niue Island
(OC-040) between September 7-10th. On QRZ.com it states, “This is a
“research” activation to prepare for a DCA-expedition (Danish Contest
Academy) later in the sunspot cycle, so there will not be that much
activity and it will be a holiday operation.” This operation is actually
being called an “Antenna Experimental Tourist Style expedition.” It also
states on QRZ.com to not shout too loud at him as “Andrew is not up to
speed as an operator (yet).” Activity will be on 40/20/15 meters, maybe
160/80/17m and 10m if it is open. Modes will be mainly FT8 and SSB – maybe
some CW. QSL via OZ5E direct or LoTW. For more details, see:
EA6, BALEARIC ISLANDS. Alessandro, IU2IBU, will be active as EA6/IU2IBU
from Punta Prime, Minorca Island, between September 7-13th. Activity
will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using SSB with 100 watts into an
End-Fed Half Wave antenna. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau,
direct or LoTW.
EX, KYRGYZSTAN (Reminder/Update). Operators Leszek/SP6CIK, Jarek/SP6OJK,
Janusz/SP9FIH, Roman/SP9FOW, Jerzy/SP9TCE and Jozef/SP9HVW will be active
as EX0QP (not EX6QP) from the south shore of Issyk-kul Lake between Sep-
tember 2-15th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, especially the 30/17/12m
bands, using an Inverted L, phased verticals, and Spiderbeams. Operating
modes will be CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (F/H mode). Suggested frequencies are:
CW – 1832, 3532, 7032, 10122, 14032, 18082, 21032, 24912 and 28032 kHz
SSB – 3605, 7100, 14195, 18140, 21195, 24940 and 28420 kHz
RTTY – 1845, 3569, 7045, 10145, 14095, 18095, 21095, 24920 and 28095 kHz
FT8 – 1845*, 3569, 7045, 10145, 14095, 18095, 21095, 24920 and 28095 kHz
* listening for JA on 1908
QSL via SP6OJK or ClubLog’s OQRS.
GJ, JERSEY. Bob, GU4YOX, will be active in this year’s CQWW DX CW Contest
(November 23-24th) as GJ4YOX. Boat and lodging are booked, and Bob is
looking forward to his first CQWW CW operation from GJ-land. Bob will be
a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/High-Power/Unassisted entry in the contest.
QSLs will be available by Bureau, direct and LoTW. Bob will arrive on Wed-
nesday evening (November 20th) and return to Guernsey on Monday (November
25th), so there could be some pre/post contest QSOs.
AS-159. By the time you read this, operators Bulent/TA0TA, Nazim/TA2MN,
Adem/TA6CQ and Taskin/TA6N will be active as TC0Z from the
Kefken Island Lighthouse until September 4th. Activity will
be on 160-10 meters using SSB and the Digital modes (FT8 was
mentioned). All logs will be uploaded to LoTW, ClubLog and
QRZ.com after the DXpedition.
AS-206. (Reminder) Operators Take/JI3DST and Masa/JR8YLY will be active
as JI3DST/0 and JR8YLY/0 from Sado Island between September
6-11th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY
and FT8. QSL via their home callsigns.
EU-034. Ari, OH3KAV, is now active as ES0KA from Saaremaa Island
(WW Loc. KO08) until September 5th. Activity will be on 80-10
meters using mainly using FT8 and CW, and possibly also on 60m.
QSL via OH3KAV, by the Bureau or direct. All QSOs will be
uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog.
EU-058. Thierry, F6CUK, will be active as F6CUK/p from Sainte-Marguerite
Island (DIFM ME-020 FFF-1450 DFCF 06-063) between October 5-6th.
Activity will be on 40/20 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his
home callsign, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog’s OQRS.
OC-237. Look for 7I1TI to be active from Tunda Island, Java Costal
Islands, Indonesia, between September 6-8th. Activity will
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have
decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin……
JT, MONGOLIA. Operators Sergey/UA0SE, Leonid/UA0SU, Serge/UA0SC, Mark/
UA0SRQ and Anton/RA0SMS will be active as JT7A from the Khövsgöl Nuur
National Park, Mongolia, between September 5-9th. Activity will be on
various HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4. QSL via RA0SMS or ClubLog’s
KH6, HAWAII. Ben, DL8UI, will be active as KH6/DL8UI from O’ahu Island
(OC-019) between September 13-15th. Activity will include the Worked All
Europe DX SSB Contest (WAE), September 14-15th. QSL via his home callsign,
direct or by the DARX Bureau.
NCDXF NEWS. Now available online is the 2019 Summer Northern California
DX Foundation (NCDXF) Newsletter (11 pages) for download at:
Interesting DXpeditions to read about are:
* Kanton Island – T31EU QRV from a scrap heap by Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP
* Shif Island (AS-189) – EP6RRC by Vasily V. Pinchuk, R7AL
OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). The “new” OPDX Mailing List is back up
and running! Details on how to subscribe/unsubscribe are at the bottom of
this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around…. Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW
OY, FAROE ISLANDS. Operators Ray/DL1ZBO, Peter/DL5FF and Volkmar/DL2VU
will be active as OY/DL1ZBO, OY/DL5FF and OY/DL2VU, respectively, between
September 2-12th. Activity will be on CW, SSB and the Digital modes. They
will also be in the Russian WW RTTY Contest (September 7th). QSL via their
home callsigns.
P2, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Puiu, YO5BIM, is currently and once again active as
P29VIM from Port Moresby, until September 22nd. Activity will be on 160-6
meters (including 60m) using mainly CW, JT9 and FT8, with an Icom IC-706
MK2G. QSL via his home callsign.
PACIFIC TOUR HAS STARTED. Heli, DD0VR, (along with XYL Bigi, DE3BWR) who
was active as C6A/DD0VR from the Bahamas during January and February this
year, informed OPDX on Saturday morning that they were in Singapore, and
they should be starting their Pacific Tour that night by the time you
read this. Their tentative schedule is as follows:
Fiji — Signing as 3D2VR between September 2-9th
Samoa — Signing as 5W0VR between September 9-16th
Tonga — Signing as A35JY between September 16-21st
Activity will be on various HF bands (80-6m). QSL via his home callsign,
direct or by the Bureau. LAST MINUTE UPDATE: Message from Heli late Saturday
indicated they had problems with customs (radio equipment) in Nadi because
they were closed on Sunday. They hope to get the equipment on Monday and
start building antennas.
Sep/02nd HN Sep/05th AN Sep/07th AN
Sep/03rd AN Sep/06th AN Sep/08th AN
Sep/04th AN
—————– —— ——– ——
AN – Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7
HN – High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15
LN – Low Normal Active K=3 16-29
BN – Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49
DIS – Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99
VRY DIS – Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400
Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
* VOACAP predication Web page at: http://www.voacap.com/hf
and http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html
* DX.QSL.NET Propagation page: https://dx.qsl.net/propagation
* A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
* SolarHam Web page: http://www.solarham.net
* Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
* Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at: http://arrl.org/propagation
* Information and tutorials on propagation are at: http://k9la.us
* Graphic propagation tool by DR2W: http://www.dr2w.de/dx-propagation
* Point to point propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk/p2p.html
* Realtime propagation at: http://www.predtest.uk
* Also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@GiellaW4hm
QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF (www.qslinfo.eu)(September 1st)
3Z0R via SP9SX HB0/DJ1AA/M via DJ1AA SI3A via SM3LIV & (L)
5B4ALX via IZ4AMS & (L) IF9/IT9PPG via IT9PPG SP60DXC via SP7DQR
5H3DX via NK8O (d) IQ3GO via IV3AZV SP75WA via SP5WA
DL70AFUG via DM4EAX & (L) IQ9DE via IW9CTJ (d) SV5/DJ5MN via DJ5MN
EO28U via UR8US LZ304AE via LZ1KCP TM5MFL via F6KJX
ET3AA via N2OO & (L) MM2N via MM0GPZ & (L) YQ8T via YO8KGA
G1A via M0NKR & (L) OE3XMA via OE1DIA YR2019SIMPO via YO3KAA
GB100HAL via G0KUC OZ/DK1DU via DK1DU (d) YU73BFG via YU8A
HA01FF via (HA-B) S92HP via CT1ENW & (L) ZW5ARCCO via PY6TV (d)
(e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX’s- Bureau
(O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed
(I) No IRC (P) PayPal (NB) No Bureau
(AS-206) and V31DL
— We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
to send in their info….
SPECIAL EVENT (Highway to a DX Party!). The Citrus Belt Amateur Radio
Club of San Bernardino <w6jbt.org>, California, is once again hosting
(probably one of the most fun special event activities) the 20th annual
“Route 66 On The Air” special event between September 7-15th. The purpose
of this event is to offer amateur radio operators a fun way to “Relive
the Ride” of their own memories of Route 66, and to celebrate the highway’s
93rd anniversary. The U.S. Highway 66 established in 1926, was the first
major improved highway to link the west coast with the nation’s heartland.
Through stories, songs, and TV shows, the highway came to symbolize the
spirit of the freedom of the open road, inspiring many to see America.
Look for the following 20 stations (two are rovers) operating in or around
the major cities along the old “Route 66” from Santa Monica, California,
to Chicago, Illinois:
Stations City Clubs/Individuals
——– ——————– ————————-
W6A Santa Monica, CA Westside Amateur Radio Club
W6B Los Angeles, CA Westside Amateur Radio Club
W6C San Bernardino, CA Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club
W6D Victorville, CA Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club
W6E Barstow, CA Barstow Amateur Radio Club
W6F Kingman, AZ K2 Amateur Radio Society
W6G Flagstaff, AZ Northern Arizona DX Association
W6H Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque DX Association
W6I Amarillo, TX Panhandle Amateur Radio Club
W6K Oklahoma City, OK W6K Oklahoma City
W6L Tulsa, OK Tulsa Amateur Radio Club
W6M Riverton, KS
W6N Joplin, MO Joplin Amateur Radio Club
W6O Lebanon, MO Lebanon Amateur Radio Club
W6P St. Louis, MO St. Louis Amateur Radio Club
W6Q Chicago, IL Six Meter Club of Chicago
W6R Springfield, MO Southwest Missouri Amateur RC
W6U Wilmington, IL Wilmington Area Amateur Radio Club
W6S ROVER 1 Northern Arizona DX Association
W6T ROVER 2 Northern Arizona DX Association
Special event stations are expected to be found in the vicinity of the
following frequencies. (Look for digital modes in the standard band segments
for such mode) All frequencies +/- QRM:
CW – 3533, 7033, 10110, 14033, 18080, 21033, 24900, 28033 and 50033 kHz
SSB – 3866, 7266, 14266, 18164, 21366, 24966, 28466 and 50166 kHz
Digi – 3573, 7074, 10136, 14074, 18100, 21074, 24915 and 28074 kHz
R66 MOBILE Operations – Any amateurs operating while actually driving
along Route 66 during the special event period are encouraged to
take part in “Route 66 On The Air”, by using the designation
“mobile 66” for SSB or “/m66” for CW after their callsigns. All
other amateur radio operators are welcome to contact these mobile
REPEATERS – Some of the participating clubs will also be operating this
event from their local VHF/UHF repeaters. Check the ARRL repeater
guide for possible repeater frequencies, if you’re in the local
Each participating club will issue their own QSL card commemorating
this event. QSL information is available on the Web at:
For more details about the event and the certificate that is available,
please visit the “Route 66 OTA Site” at: http://w6jbt.org
T8, PALAU (Reminder). Nobuaki, JA0JHQ, will once again be active as T88PB
from the VIP-Guest Hotel in Koror City, Palau, between September 6-9th.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW and 6m FT8. His equipment is
an IC-7300 w/TL933 amp (about 500w) into a 3 element Yagi and DP antennas.
QSL via LoTW (preferred) or direct to his home callsign. For more details
and updates, see his Web page at: http://pandasan.jimdo.com
TK, CORSICA. Arnoud, PE2USA, will be active as TK/PE2USA from two different
locations in Corsica during the month of September. Between September 2-9th,
he will be in WW. Loc. JN42ON (close to Ravin de Stipidi), and between
September 9-14th, he will be in WW. Loc. JN41KR (north of Punta Vaccaja).
No other details were provided. QSL will be confirm via eQSL.
TT8, CHAD. Jean Louis, ZS6AAG, is now active as TT8JLH from N’Djamena.
He is there working for the Médecins Sans Frontières [MSF](Doctors With-
out Borders), and the length of his stay is unknown. Activity has been
on 20 meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign and eQSL.
V2, ANTIGUA (Reminder). Bud, AA3B, will once again be active as V26K from
Antigua (NA-100) between September 8-20th. Activity will be sporadic
because he is doing maintenance on the station but will be primarily CW
on various HF bands. QSL via LoTW or via AA3B, direct or by the Bureau.
An OQRS will be available via ClubLog.
V3, BELIZE. Vernon, NN5E, will be active as V31CC between October 5-12th.
Activity will probably be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.
QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.
V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Felipe, NP4Z, will once again be active as V43Z
from Saint Kitts Island (NA-104) during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (October
26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via N4AO.
ZK3A TOKELAU ISLANDS DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). The following was reported
on August 29th, on the ZK3A Web page (https://tokelau2019.com) and Twitter
(https://twitter.com/ZK3A_2019) [edited]: The ZK3A team will be on all 3
of the Islands in Tokelau (Fakaofo, Nukunonu & Atafu).
* The Amateur Radio Club in Tokelau will have callsigns for each of these
islands, ZK3RF, ZK3RN & ZK3RA.
* Each club stations utilize electricity from the islands solar panels.
* The ZK3A team will be donating to all 3 islands the following.
TS-590S, Dipole for 40m & 20m, A3S and a 800w Linear Amplifier.
* In addition the team has shipped 3 x 6 KVA generators to be used
during our activation. At the end of our time on the island, we
will be donating these generators to each of the Tokelau Islands.
* Total donation from our team is around $ 8,000 USD.
ADDED NOTES: The ZK3A Tokelau Island DXpedition is conducting a survey
on what bands and modes are needed for this operation. Give them your
input at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZK3A
Also, it has been reported: A free of charge certificate issued in
electronic format will be available for working ZK3A on 3 different
bands regardless of mode, or on 3 different modes regardless of band
send your application to: uz1rr at ukr.net
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Twitter — https://twitter.com/kb8nw_opdx
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** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
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……. 73 de Tedd KB8NW
Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW – E-mail addresses:
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX – DXer’s Tool of Excellence)
President of the “Northern Ohio DX Association” (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the “Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the “Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS” (BARF80.ORG)
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