#Jeks I am so sorry if this answer is not satisfying but I tried my best </3
bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Stole the other wing, but what if Jekffin route + transmasc Jekyll? Hurt/comfort potential.
TW: talk of unintentional misgendering
What if the Lodgers start arguing about whether or not Jekyll Jr. is a she-cat or a tom, and they decide to just check? Jekyll is mortified, and it's made worse by them calling him 'little lady' and 'miss Jekyll'. Griffin is the only one who doesn't, barking about 'cats don't care what they're called', and comforts Jekyll in a private. Maybe part of his comfort/teasing is calling Jekyll 'his handsome tom cat' and other things?
Okay now for some fluff; what if after a while of dating Griffin, Jekyll suddenly tells everyone he has to leave for a family emergency that makes take, oh, let's sayyy three to four months? Don't ask him why specifically that amount of time, goodbye everyone. Jekyll Jr. is seen around the Society alot more, especially with Griffin and Griffin Jr. Everyone is curious as to why 'both Griffins' seem extra concerned about Jekyll Jr. lately, until right before Jekyll's scheduled return someone opens a closet and finds Jekyll Jr. and Griffin Jr. inside.
Oh, and a whole litter of kittens.
I imagine they'd both have to come clean about their shifter natures and relationship as soon as the kittens suddenly turned into human babies at random, but the idea of Jekyll and Griffin trying to wrangle a bunch of toddlers who can turn into kittens and get into even more mischief is a very cute thought to me. Just "Rose, NO, get off of that cabinet right this instant!! Hydrangrea, get away from my alcheny equipment, you'll hurt yourself!! Chrysanthemum, stop that, you'll shred the curtains!! Marigold–!! ..well, you're napping in a sunbeam, that's fine- ALLIUM JEKYLL-GRIFFIN, IF YOU TOUCH THAT WINE BOTTLE, SO HELP ME—"
Wait they're names put together spell C.H.A.R.M., that's so cute.. the charm squad.. they charm they're way out of mischief.. anytime they act grumpy like Griffin or sweet like Jekyll the Lodgers say 'you inherited your father's charm'...
Sidenote: I named them all after flowers so Jekyll can call them his flower patch because I like to headcanon that he really likes flowers and also it's cute. "Now where has my flower patch gone off to?" is said everytime the girls are hiding and it makes them giggle and he immediately finds them.
I'm just going to be honest with you for a second and admit that I'm often not entirely comfortable with transmasc/mpreg/general preg stuff but! I have to admit that this is absolutely adorable. (Also just to clarify I am not shooting this idea down and I don't want you to feel bad I just wanted to put this out here real quick <3 Also. I was in the middle of my DND session when I got this ask so let me tell you quickly checking my inbox I was not prepared to read what I thought said "ALLEMINIUM JEKYLL GRIFFIN". That confused the shit out of me before I could actually sit down and read this XD)
Putting a read more link on this in case this makes anyone uncomfy btw <3
Ok but before I go into this now I'm getting very interested in the biology of this. And I guess this specific paragraph is going to be slightly NSFW if peeps want to skip that. But like... Would things work differently depending on how they did it? I'm assuming that Henry hasn't transitioned yet if he is still able to get preggo and his cat form is still biologically female, but would things work differently if they were like... Cats rather than humans? Would it be the same deal? Would it be a specific catshifter thing about having to be in cat form while bearing a litter? Would the kits be able to randomly turn into babies right away, or would they be stuck as kits for a while until they are... Say, actual functional toddlers both cat and human wise, or is it a coming of age/puberty thing? Is it just some magic hocus pocus that there is a specific thing that suddenly makes them human for a bit, or is it something that grows with them? Does the form they are born in determine what they predominantly are? Like if they are born as humans, would they be more human than cat, etc? Would the effects of the pregg stuff affect Henry's human form too, since he hasn't transitioned?
Ok i'm not going to get into this. I have had too much sexual biology this week in school already lol
I really do wonder how Jekyll would find out and even tell Griffin about this. They have been dating for what, a few months? And it's in those few months that they both have learned about the other being a catshifter and Griffin has learned about Jekyll being transmasc, I like the thought of them doing the do once thinking like "pfffft, what are the odds, right?". The odds were very high, apparently. Maybe Henry wouldn't even notice until he and Griffin are lounging in their cat forms and suddenly Griffin feels that something is... Strange with Henry. He is acting a little bit weirdly suddenly, his smell is new. Imagine the absolute panic. Or even better if one of the different zoologists starts noticing the changes with "miss Jekyll" and immediately are pointing fingers at Griffin Jr. and Hyde Jr. wondering which of those fuckers did this (which counters what you said with them not knowing until they find the litter but cat preggs are v hard to hide. Mfs look like they swallowed a football <3)
Also love the thought of Jekyll having peacefully sat up a lil nest inside some closet, a Lodger deciding that that particular closet has just been gathering dust for years so it's time to clean it out-- oh shit the cats are here-- OH SHIT A LITTER OF KITTENS IS HERE-- oh ahah nice Griffin Jr. is currently trying to bite my face off, nice.
I just... I love the imagination of Jekyll and Griffin having to explain all of this. Ahah yes we are both the love children of interspecies romance between humans and werecats or catshifters. We have also been dating for a few months, Jekyll was born a woman, and oh yes, we accidentally created four kids, whoops lol, shit happens.
(imagine the exasperation/shock/confusion of all the zoologists and Maijabi. The Zoologists bc of the... Well, biological facts and Maijabi bc his son-- WHAT THE HELL MAN YOU ARE A DOCTOR YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.)
would the kids grow like kittens? Like insanely fast? Takes a year or two suddenly the two-year-olds are as developed as seven-year-olds. Just... The chaos of everything. Also "the flower patch" is an adorable nickname and I love that <3
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