#Jesper reminds me so much of Loki it’s insane
ibenology · 5 months
lokius Klaus AU where Loki is sent down to a freezing norwegian town on earth by Odin to learn to be humble and while trying to get back he meets toy-maker Mobius and together they learn about love and family
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Okay so thoughts on shadow & bone S1? If you feel like rambling a bit - opinions about the characters/ships/plot? Ty 💕✨️
Hello! I'm navigating the hell of academia and as im waiting for friends who have the application process figured out to get back to me, why not answer this lovely ask :) thank you for asking me btw i love to give my opinions about stuff :)) under the cut bcs its probably gonna get long... hugs! <3
i mean.., its silly. not to say stupid but like, it very much shows that its a ya novel. i wasnt expecting much, given that i wasnt invested in it since i havent read the books or anything, but its just... silly and cliched. the writing choices are very much in like with ya literature, there werent any surprises or plot twists that i havent foreseen at least a bit in a way, and its a good show to like, semi watch when your brain is foggy and you need sth to rest your brain bcs you dont need extreme brainpower to follow it, or much brain power at all if im honest.
i have absolute beef with the completely insane way that language was butchered, alongside slavic naming conventions. it grates on your brain when youre familiar with it, so thats a minus. on the other hand, i didnt like the worldbuilding around the shu - you choose a fake russia to be the center kinda good guys, and you choose a vaguely mongolian-chinese resembling guys to be the villains. there was no nuance to the racism, and from what i understand, the author is american, so i dont get why theyd even write about these things without bothering to do even basic research. idk if im explaining it well, but that pissed me off.
i like the crows? kaz is hillarious, as are the rest, and all ive been hearing tells me they are the best part of the series. i figured out nina and matthias are also crows, or will become so, so thats cool. love their "priest witchunter falls in love w the witch" story, it very much reminds me of illya kuryakin and napoleon solo from man from unkle, and im a sucker for that. cant wait to see more inej and jesper too, they are literally the most interesting part of the show.
alina is a typical chosen one protagonist, tho her and mal are cute. i liked ben barnes more as prince kaspian. im thinking (and friends told me), that he gets babyfied and uwufied by the fandom, whichis honestly expected. imma browse the fanfics to see if theres sth interesting but im not holding my breath xD hes just... basic wannabe antagonist villain. loki wannabe xD idk.
anyways, it was fun to watch it and to bitch about it, imma do it again when s2 comes out probably, if i dont forget about it by now. its not a very memorable series for me. im more excited for a single episode of tatort saabrücken than i am for this tbh xD but oh well. i'll take whatever holds my attention (broadly speaking) these days :)
thanks again for asking me! all the hugs to you <3
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