daemoninwhiteround2 · 3 years
The idea of alpha Tim being like “ah my good friend Kon who is gorgeous and powerful and completely amazing, I’m so lucky to have a great friend” and of course is a little in love with Kon, but who isn’t it? He’d never dare presume or try to force his feelings like a brute! He’s happy to have such a wonderful friend! Meanwhile omega Kon is like “Tim, notice me, Tim, I love you, like romantically, I want your knot and mating bite, Tim, I am giving you my jacket to cover in you in my scent, not because of any pure hearted intentions” out here knowing this is his alpha, how on earth to get his alpha to see the same light? came to be in a random thought and won’t leave me alone
Bart is watching with popcorn and cackling at these two pining idiots
Anon, your mind!!
Tim hangs the jacket up with tender care, takes a moment to admire how it looks nestled amongst the others.
Someone snorts behind him and although he knows it'll just feed into their, their delusions, Tim's incapable of stopping his shoulders from tensing defensively.
"Friends, huh?" Jason asks, derision dripping from every syllable.
"Yes," Tim rejoins, keeps his head high as he sails past further into his apartment. "Did you have a reason for being here? Because if not, I'm-"
"Tim!" Dick cries as he sticks his head out of the kitchen. "You're back!"
Tim's steps stutter and he can feel Jason at his back. He fights to keep his face smooth even as he's feeling increasingly like he's being herded.
"Dick. What are you two doing here?" he repeats.
"Can't an older brother come hang out with his younger brothers?"
Tim raises an eyebrow. "I'd maybe believe that of you, Dick, but we spent most of yesterday together. And you brought Jason."
His and Jason's relationship is a lot better than it was, but they'll never be at the casually-dropping-by-one-another's-houses level.
"Ah, well," Dick ducks back into the kitchen and, from the sound of it, riffles through Tim's cutlery drawer. He emerges with a tray covered in little containers and bowls, a pile of forks and spoons in the middle. "I thought," he walks past Tim, forces Tim to take a couple of steps back to give him enough room, and goes into Tim's living room. "Maybe we could watch a movie?"
Tim follows Dick, Jason close enough behind him that Tim can smell him. Jason actually has a nice scent, once Tim got used to the acrid trace of the Lazarus Pit that threads through it, but Tim still presses his nose to his shirt collar to inhale the echo of Kon's scent that got passed along from the jacket.
He thinks he disguises it well enough, lifting his arm, making it look like he's wiping his face on his shoulder, but Jason scoffs behind him.
"Gotta go with the intervention first, Big Bird. Timmers' got it bad."
Tim and Dick exclaim in tandem.
Jason snorts at them and throws himself into the couch, which creaks alarmingly. "We both know you didn't buy it."
He leans forward and starts opening containers. The savoury, spicy smell of chilli fills the air and Tim instantly starts to salivate.
He narrows his eyes, swallows, and weighs up the possibility that Jason has done some sort of Pavlovian experiment on him up against the possibility that Jason's cooking is just that good.
In all honesty it's probably a bit of column a, a big of column b.
He sighs and settles into an armchair that's close enough to the coffee table that he won't have to get up to get refills. "I don't need an intervention."
Jason points a fork at him. "Kid, you kind of do."
Welp. There's Jason's I'm-giving-you-a-hard-truth tone.
"I don't," Tim mutters into his chilli and shoves a massive spoonful into his mouth.
Fuck that's good.
Dick shoots Jason a glare. "Jason's not right - but he's not totally wrong either, Tim. What are you doing with Conner?"
Tim glares into his bowl, stirs it around needlessly. If he had to have this conversation with anyone in his family, these two are probably the best to have it with: he would've flung himself out the window, suit or no suit, if Bruce or Damian were here, and Steph and Cass would probably just encourage him.
He pushes down the voice that mocks him for wanting his ex, and his ... Conner's ex here to encourage him.
There's a long beat of silence as they allow him to chew and swallow the chilli he has in his mouth.
"There's nothing between us," he bites out.
"You're wearing his jacket, Tim," Dick says, all carefully and soft and Tim has the brief, blinding urge to throw the bowl of chilli directly at his face.
"Don't fucking talk down to me," he snaps, temper and scent flaring.
Dick leans back and Jason's scent swells up. Tim knows it's an instinctive response to angry alpha, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work.
He sighs. "Just - don't know? I'm not a kid or a victim you have to handle."
They sit in silence for long enough that Tim is almost at the bottom of his bowl.
"I'm just worried about you, Tim. I - uh, I know what it's like, to want an omega who doesn't want you."
Tim looks at the two of them. Jason's chasing the last bits of his chilli. Dick's looking at Tim. Tim knows that it would never occur to Jason that Dick's talking about him, and from the way Dick's eyes dart to Jason and go sad, just for a moment... Yeah, there's been no improvement on that front.
"It's not worth it," Jason offers.
Tim bites back the first rejoinder that comes to mind, that of course Conner is worth any wait, any pain, any longing.
From the way a muscle in Dick's jaw visibly twitches, and Dick looks away to look out Tim's window... Tim thinks he might agree.
"You can't just wait forever. That's not fair to you or Conner." Jason looks directly at him and Tim, to his shame, is startled by the depth of regret in his eyes. "Pining forever after someone who doesn't want you - it just hurts you. Conner probably misses having his friend around." He lounges back against the sofa and smirks at Tim as though to cover the lasp in visible emotion. "Either shit or get off the pot."
"Vivid," Tim says dryly.
Jason snorts.
Dick looks at Jason in silence, his face inscrutable.
There's a long beat of silence again before Tim leans forward, refills his bowl and turns on the TV. He offers the remote to the others but they both decline, so he just flips through the Netflix catslogue until he finds something appropriately mindless and settles in to watch a movie with his brothers.
"I gave him my fucking jacket Bart and he just thanked me and left!"
Bart crosses that one off their list.
"I swear, I'm just going to strip naked in front of him and tell him to fuck me."
The way they're going, even that won't work.
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