gizmocreates · 11 months
god (the Dairy Queen staff) gives his finest soldiers (me) his toughest battles (most pathetic misty freeze known to man)
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moodr1ng · 9 days
im well aware that its profoundly cringe to admit to this publicly, alright, but sometimes i just stop to think and realize.. literally my entire life would be radically different if i hadnt been into homestuck when i was 14. like, i would not have had some of the fundamentally important relationships that shaped the way my teen years and young adulthood went. and due to this i would not be living in this home. i would not have the same friends today. i would have been in very different social circles and mightve evolved very differently as a person. i literally might not be alive - i have had my life quite literally saved by friends who i met or bonded with through being into this shitty comic, and by literally i mean was physically prevented from dying last minute. like thats crazy?? and all over homestuck????
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kandibatz · 1 year
had a dream where for some reason bob was moth themed instead of devil themed and somehow it was so so much more terrifying esp in the context of the dream
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
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boomerang109 · 1 year
one week one week one week
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My mom just came in my room right after I got home to be like how did it go???? What happened???? When are you going back?? How do you feel??? Are you ok???? What are your hours???? What did they say??? And I know she means well but
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#and she gets upset at me when i don't wanna talk#IM SORRY but I've been anxious about this for 3 days#the actual thing took an hour +#I had no idea what to expect going in#even tho my mom was convinced i had already gotten the job (i hadn't)#(i tried to tell her why i was unsure and she was like well im sure you got it!! but i didn't know and i HADNT YET)#YES ive been stressed about not having a job but now im stressed about HAVING a job!!!!#i want to forget it exists before i have to do things!!!!#its like she. doest understand how i cope with things#but ive explained it#and then she intrudes while im coping and gets upset at me getting upset#and talking about it while I'm trying to decompress makes me 50000x more anxious#and then she gets worried about how anxious i am#and then she thinks she needs to check on me more bc my anxiety is worse#but then i dont have a chance to decompress so the anxiety doesn't get better#and i tell her this and shes like i just wanna make sure you're ok#but shes making me less ok!!!!#just now when she came to talk about this she knocked. and actually kinda waited for an answer for once#and i didn't answer. bc i didn't wanna talk#so she COMES IN ANYWAY!!!!!!!#she knew i was in my room. she knew i wasn't sleeping bc i just got home. she just wanted to ask about it#while SHES ALSO WORKING!!!! AND DOESN'T HAVE THE TIME!!!!#idk if i didn't answer the knock on my door doesn't that suggest i dont want to talk???????#and she would say she wants to make sure im ok. which i can't argue with ig. but ive been in the house for 5 minutes#i didn't have time to kill myself. respectfully.#and ive TOLD HER i dont like to talk right after#my mental health is not at a point where i cant be trusted alone in a room for an hour and it NEVER has been#i KNOW shes my mom and she worries and she wants to take care of me i GET IT. but GODDDD!!!!!#anyway.#tw suicide mention
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thatgirlwithasquid · 2 months
you know when you just vaguely recall the plot/vibe/characters from some show or film or book you saw years back and you get that 'hm, yeah, i could fancy that right now' but its so difficult to find because your memory of it is so vague and generic? yeah. hate that. dealing with it rn
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purplelupins · 1 year
Sugar Sugar
|The Black Phone|
Part I Part II
Albert Shaw/The Grabber x Fem!reader
A couple months after Albert had snapped and finally gotten reader, she left for college…and all seemed to be going so well up until he pays her a visit.
Warnings: stalking, age gap, jealousy, toxic relationship, unclear intentions, unprotected sex, tummy bulge, overstimulation, pantie stealing, kidnapping, little bit of feelings, lowkey voyeurism, creampie, swearing, manipulation.
Notes:SURPRISE!! a year later and we have a part two!! This is dedicated to my dearest friend @wayward-persephone. Happy birthday you beautiful, talented soul. This is for you 🤍
If there was one thing you had learned about Albert Shaw, it was that he didn’t like to share.
It had been a month since you left for College, and Albert hadnt taken the change well. He had grown accustomed to seeing you everyday when he pleased, and he had so very nearly persuaded you to stay...to forget about your dreams and any future career you thought you might have...but he hadn’t quite gotten you.
Not yet.
He had played with your hair as you sat in his lap one afternoon in his office. “Why do you need college anyway? Statistically, most people don’t even use their degrees, honey.”
But you were adamant.
It would have been so easy to just drag you into his van and make you disappear from the world, but
You were his sweet little bunny, and he had engrained that in you so well, perhaps you just didnt realize how much you belonged to him yet, and that was alright, he could wait. he was old, and he knew a thing or two about patience.
Albert pulled into the college parking lot and gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white and his teeth hurt from clenching his jaw so tight. One month.
God he had missed you... needed you. Not that he hadnt seen you of course- he had indeed seen you, you just didnt know he saw you. countless nights of driving for hours just to sit outside your dorm window and watch you sleep. On more than one occasion he had attempted to sneak inside the campus but he had to appreciate the amount of security there- at least he knew that his girl was safe from anyone else trying to sneak in like him. he knew what college life was like; he had been young too. He knew all about how good girls became whores so fast without being under their parents gaze and how young men sought out any warm cunt they could to sow their seed...disgusting the lot of them. But he knew he had trained you well.
dumbed you down just right, and made you reliant on him...knew he was the one who could make you cum, and who would make you feel special. because you were. you were his, and that was very special.
Of course he wished that guard hadn’t stopped him so that he might sneak into your dorm room and slip into your bed to use your sleeping body…but alas he was denied.
It was chillier now, and Albert shrugged his cardigan on over his shirt as he strode across the parking lot.
He knew you werent expecting you, but he also knew you would be in your dorm cleaning until 3:30 that day... some study group you had joined was meeting and he knew he only had so long to see you. But regardless of if you had to go or not...he would see you.
As soon as he opened the door to the building, he swore he could smell you. Perhaps it was just his vivid memory, but as he strode to the reception, he ran his tongue over his teeth and he could even taste you. He could feel his pupils dilate at the very thought of how sweet you were when you came into his mouth. How you grabbed at him and whined and whimpered...
So fucking sweet...like sugar.
Albert asked the guard at the desk which room you were in, and it was easy enough to convince the man he was your father- Al was well aware that your family hadn’t come to see you yet- he had heard you talking to a friend one night on the phone.
Plus, the staff knew his face- he had been the one to move you there after all, not your family.
He smirked at the memory; remembering how he had knocked on your front door and your father had answered and looked so pleased.
Of course, your father knew Albert by that time- your he had come to your work numerous times to check on his baby girl, and Al had so happily greeted the man while you stood there with a blanched face. Your poor father had no idea that Al had just finished filling your young pussy with his cum and that it was now slowly dripping down your thighs under your skirt. He remembered how your father had invited him to your family's summer barbecue, and how elated he had been when Al accepted. His daughter's boss coming to their house? This was a big deal.
So when Albert showed up, van and all to move you two hours away, free of charge, you father had almost exploded with gratitude and pride for you. He had called you to the door and beamed at you- he had no idea what a fantastic impression you had made on your boss...he was so proud of you.
There was something about having your family so obliviously accepting of him that made the devil in him purr. He had loaded up the few things you had decided to take into his van, and watched as you nervously climbed into the passanger side. You had both waved to your weeping parents, but as soon as you were down the block and out of their view, Albert's warm hand was on your thigh, dragging that long skirt up you leg and bunching it around your hips so he could stroke your flesh. You had jumped and tried to push his hand away lest someone see...but he had just laughed and pulled off into a quiet parking lot. He had you in his lap before the engine was off; his hands had been in your hair, pulling you tight against his chest as his tongue licked into your soft mouth. "I’m gonna miss you, bunny." he had rasped, "Gotta make this trip count, right?" The sound of his belt unbuckling had made you shiver in his arms.
His eye twitched at the memory of it.
By the time he had your boxes in your dorm, he had made you cum three times. Albert needed you to remember who you belonged to; he didnt care if you could walk. He wouldn’t let you leave his sight without knowing very well that he could trust you…and in the back of your mind, you were aware of that.
His possessiveness worried you sometimes. You didn’t even feel comfortable going to the movies with a friend, lest he find out and torture you the next time. And Albert always found out. He knew everything; while that was charming and sweet sometimes…it was uncomfortable at times too. Al had immersed himself into your life like an infestation and if you wanted him out, you'd have to burn everything to the ground. Possibly including yourself.
He was everywhere all at once.
Al turned down the hall and found your dorm easily, his breathing came faster and faster as he got closer to your door. The anticipation was making his fingers tingle; he could hear light music playing and he smiled to himself when he recognized it. It was song that had come on the radio one night as he had driven you home from work and he had noticed you swaying to it. He had bought you the record the next day...you were thinking of him...
Of course she is.
The idea of you thinking of him was enough to make him sway on his feet.
Albert knocked on the door four times, and waited.
"One second!" He heard you call, and he felt his pulse jump.
A moment later, you were opening the door, and he watched you freeze.
You stared up at the man you knew so well and felt your eyes go wide. Your pulse quickened and your skin flushed at the sheer sight of him
"Albert." You murmured in shock.
He grinned, his canines showing off nicely.
"Surprise, kiddo." Came that voice that made a shiver chase your vertebras. Albert ate up your appearance and clenched his fists to not grab you right there. Your hair was a mess and your only had on a crewneck you had gotten from the school over your jeans.
"C’mere." He opened his arms and relished in you stepping into them. He felt your arms wrap around his waist, and you buried your face into his thick chest as he in turn buried his face into your hair and breathed in. Albert noted that you smelled a little different, but it was still you. He made a mental note to steal a few panties while he was there since the ones he had snatched before now smelled more of him that you.
“Miss me?" he rumbled, and he felt you nod against his chest.
"Mhm. I- I had no idea you were coming..." you mumbled as you pulled away and he tucked some hair behind your ear.
He watched your eyes go all bright and fluttery as you stared up at him.
"Yeah well...I missed my favourite girl." Albert cupped your cheek and you melted into his touch, but you jumped away when you heard some footsteps coming down the hall.
The action stabbed at Albert’s heart and jealously began to poison his head.
Was she embarassed by me?
The older man looked down the hall, and saw that it was two girls who looked to be around you age; they smiled as they saw you.
"Hey y/n! Didn't know your dad was coming to visit you." One chirped and the other nodded.
Albert smirked internally.
You wanted to curl in on yourself. They had no idea this man had made your body do things you didnt even know were possible. You looked at Albert pleadingly and he slowly realized why you were panicking...because if they ever met your father they would question who he was…and that would rouse a plethora of questions.
Perhaps if Al was a better man he would have corrected them and told them that he was just a friend…but Albert Shaw was not a good man. And he was feeling particularly sadistic.
"Yeah, I thought I’d surprise her. Nice to meet you girls." Albert grinned and watched them pass.
They blushed and giggled when they were past and Albert’s face fell.
You rubbed a hand over your face and sighed out a laugh.
"Come in." You stood aside, and smiled sheepishly.
Albert shared your smile, albeit more predatory, and passed you; he waited until your door was closed before he grabbed you hand and pulled you to him. At the quickness of his actions, you squeaked, but the sound was covered by his mouth as he kissed you fiercely. The other man’s tongue slipped into your mouth and smoothed against yours. He pushed you up against the door and locked it blindly- need taking over him. His huge hand wove into your hair and held you still- a low groan emitted from him when he felt your soft lips move against his.
His warm breath huffed against your cheeks, and you felt as I’ve he was consuming you through his every touch, let alone his kiss. Albert picked you up and had you wrap your legs around his waist in an effort to have you closer. He needed more. So much more. Albert ground his hardening cock into your crotch, and smirked to himself when you moaned helplessly into his mouth, small hands grabbing at his shoulders and hips moving against his like he taught you to.
"A-Al-" You gasped as he released your mouth and kissed messily down your neck. Goosebumps springing up his lips’s wake.
"I know bunny, I know… I got you.” He rasped, and pulled you away from the door before dumping you down onto your small bed.
The record you had been listening to was still playing, and Albert was everywhere, and your head was getting dizzier, and dizzier by the second. It had been a month since you saw him and while you werent a particularly needy person, he had left a gaping hole in you. He had made you addicted to him; the way he held you and spoke to you and fucked you.
He had you in the palm of his hand. all he needed to do was close his fist.
Albert shucked off his jacket and connected your mouths again; unbuckling his belt, and unzipping your jeans and tugging them down all in a flurry. When the cool air snuck up your bare legs, you shivered again. Albert took notice and pecked your lips once before nuzzling your nose with his.
"Don’t worry, I’ll warm my girl up." He rumbled and you blushed even harder at his insinuation. Albert’s rough hands collected yours in one palm and wrapped his fingers around your wrist, while the other pulled his cock out and ran the tip through your slick folds. The slow drag of the leaking tip made you whimper at the contact after so long of relying on your fingers- just like he had showed you.
Albert tsked you and hummed, "Awe I’m sorry...I know. Its been too long. I’ll take care of you, bunny. just hold still."
You were so soaked that he slipped the head in far too easily, and you choked on your breath. The sudden stretch was painful, and you felt tear prick at your ears as your body adjusted. Albert groaned and dipped his face into your neck as he pushed and pulled until he was fully sheathed inside you. There was a bulge in your tummy when he sat fully inside you, and the sight of it when you look down made you clench unconsciously. You whimpered and your body began rolling your hips, needing him to move. And he was eager to oblige. The older man quickened the slow thrusts, and began hammering into you- all need and possession.
Your body bouched under him as the three his weight into fucking you, each thrust striking your clit steadily. Albert’s hold on you almost tightened in tandem with your body and he revelled in it.
“That’s my girl, look at you…” He purred, his head spinning from your rosy cheeks and heavy eyelids, “…You still fucking blush for me…” he mused as his pace slowed for a moment to enjoy how you went even redder.
You looked away, embarrassed that you were indeed a flushed mess; you bit your lip to stay quiet, but it couldn’t hide you mewling and gasping.
Albert could feel himself get closer and he gave into his selfishness and began rutting into you without abandon. There was only the muffled noises of your cries and the smack of his flesh on yours in the small room. He didn’t even try to hide it as people passed by outside, and the depraved side of him was hoping those girls from before would hear them and know what he’s doing to her. He hoped it would make them stay away from his bunny…he didn’t want her surrounded by sluts anyways. And if she was lonely, she was more likely to come home to him.
All mine…my bunny.
He was close. You felt Al throb inside you and his warm breath on your neck as he chased his orgasm. Albert’s thrusts grew sloppy and lost their rhythm, then he pushed forward into you, and you sobbed into his shoulder when you felt the tip of his cock press up against your cervix as he came. The bulge in your tummy grew warmer, and you felt as if you might melt into a puddle. His cum filled you, and some began to leak out past the tight seal of cock.
He growled into your hair, and ground his shaft against your g-spot, eliciting a surprised gasp from you at the intense stimulation.
“You thought I wouldn’t make you cum, bunny?” He smirked, exhausted. “You thought I forgot how to take care of you, hm?”
Your eyes went wide.
“I- I don- “ you couldn’t even keep at thought together when he lifted his shirt for his tummy to grind down onto your clit better, and he rolled his hips against you.
“Christ, you’re all dumb already, hm? I think my girl missed me.” He teased you, grinning wolfishly at your fucked-out form.
You nodded, not caring what he said; you could feel yourself tighten more and mor. You could feel a moan build in your chest. You gently grabbed the back of his neck and tried to bring him down to your lips. He resisted for a moment. “Ah ah, what do we say?” He had you hanging by a threat and he was going to soak up every moment while he could.
You sobbed quietly.
“Please!” You gasped when he ground particularly hard into you.
“Atta girl.” He praised you and dipped his head down to kiss you. You latched onto his lips eagerly and whimpered with need as he continued his ministrations. Albert hummed contently at your desperation for him, then he pulled away after a moment and spoke against your lips, “You’re almost there, cmon…” he encouraged you.
You could barely think after the kiss, and nodded. You felt yourself give in to the scorching heat inside you, and you arched your back as you came. You felt a rush of liquid down your bare thighs as you forced some of Albert’s cum out of you.
“There you go…there’s my girl. Good girl.” He rasped against you, the rumbles in his chest making your even warmer than you were. The older man’s demanding energy never ceased to envelop you- consuming you mind and body like you were his property.
Albert kissed at your neck and slowly eased himself off of you, and watched his cum spill out of you as he pulled out. “Made a mess of my bunny…” he mused under his breath and he pushed his hair back from his face. Then he looked down at you, and he paused.
You were staring up at him so serenely. So fucked out that you probably couldn’t even form a coherent thought or idea.
As your breathing finally returned to normal, you slowly eased yourself up from your bed and looked down at your legs where Albert was kneeling and kissing at your thighs. You watched him drag his tongue up a streak of your cum; as if he felt your eyes on his, he looked up at you, and smirked devilishly.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He cooed.
“Hi...” You said shyly, while you squirmed and twitched at his touches- your skin already so sensitive.
Albert placed one last kiss to your thigh then knelt down on the floor to look at you as you sat up. “What do you say if I take you out for a bit?” He rubbed your ankle gently, knowing his touch made your brain melt.
To his pleasure, you nodded with a dazed, shy smile, “Yes please.”
“Alright…let’s get you dressed. Can’t have you catching cold can we?” He stood slowly and winced at the pain in his knees; groaning at his back.
As you righted yourself and came back from the washroom after cleaning the mess between your legs, you saw Albert perched on the edge of your bed, playing with one of your stuffed animals. It was a little childish but they made you feel safe. For a man you knew could be brutal and cunning and possessive, he looked so soft with such an innocent object in his large, calloused hands.
You suddenly wondered if he had any when he was growing up…he had divulged very little about his younger life…but a few details about the cruelty of his father slipped by. You knew he didn’t have it easy…
Your heart stung. Wordlessly, your crossed the room to him, and crawled into his lap, not caring that you were sore. Albert watched you climb onto him, and was about to make a comment, but then you nuzzled your face into his neck, and breathed in, and he kept quiet.
“I missed you, Al…” came your soft voice from his hair.
Something in his chest tugged.
“I know…I missed you too, sweetheart.” He rasped, and pet your hair.
You both sat there for a moment- the carnal need for each other out of your systems for the time being.
“How’s Samson?” You asked as you reluctantly pulled yourself away and tugged on a new pair of panties since the ones you had been wearing were missing all of a sudden.
“Howling for you.” Albert laughed. It was true. Samson knew you gave him the best treats and a month without you might have been even harder on him than on Al.
You nodded, then tried to hide your smile as you reached into one of your storage drawers and pulled out a large bag of treats. Albert barked out a laugh.
She’s incorrigible…
“I hope it’s okay…I found them in a shop here and thought of him.” You fiddled with the seal on the bag and looked down.
Albert shook his head, that signature half smirk pulling at his lips, “You’re too sweet, you know that?” And took the bag from you.
You waved him off and pulled on a skirt, and a new shirt that didn’t have cum on it. “It’ll make me happy to know he’s not howling.”
You tugged your shoes on and Albert wrapped his arms around your waist, “Is he the only one you thought of?” He rumbled, and noted that you instantly relaxed into his embrace.
Such a good girl…
“Al…” you gasped embarrassingly, and squirmed.
“What?” He chucked into your ear, “I thought of you, you know…”
You gasped when he nipped at your neck.
“I- well I just…I’m- you know I thought about you…” you felt him smirk, “And i-if you keep pushing I don’t think we’ll ever leave so…you know- just…” you tried so hard to be assertive and it failed so miserably, but Albert seemed to enjoy it as he kissed your head and was smiling as he came around you.
“Can’t blame an old man for asking.” He kissed your temple and handed you your jacket. “Now how about a milkshake and a slice of pie?” He opened the door, and let you walk out first.
You took a booth at the popular diner in town, and went to sit across from Albert, but he didn’t even give you the chance before he was tugging you into the booth beside him.
He scanned the menu, squinting at the small font, and made up his mind quickly.
You tried to hide your smile.
“Now why don’t you tell me what you’ve been learning so far?” He cooed and leaned his cheek into his hand as he watched you read.
You flushed agin. You were certain you’d never get used to his attention.
“Oh well most classes are just introductory right now…so nothing super interesting just-“
“Hi there folks, my name’s Harper I’ll be your server for today…what can I get for you?” A vibrant server came over to the two of you and you almost jumped when you saw her. You had been so used to being in the little bubble Albert seemed to make around you that someone popping it irked you.
Albert smiled at your startled form then looked up at the young woman. “A piece of cherry pie and a coffee for me, please.” He said. The young woman’s face flushed slightly, and you felt jealously rise in you. That was new…You knew Albert was handsome, and you trusted his claim that you were the apple of his eye, but that didn’t stop you from being a little possessive in your own way. You weren’t the most confident about yourself, knowing there were far more beautiful girls out there that could easily catch Albert’s eye-
“And what would your daughter like?”
The simple question made you freeze and look to Albert for help. You didn’t know what to say or if you should correct her. Evidently, Albert took a sick enjoyment from your discomfort and the perverted thoughts that swam comfortably in his head because of it.
Albert hid his wolfish grin, and covered it with a playful chuckle as he pulled you into him like a father might. “Go on then, kiddo. Dad can’t order for you forever.”
You stared down at your napkin like it might help you, but nothing happened. “J-just a strawberry milkshake please.” You murmured, still not looking up at the perfectly nice young woman.
“Sure thing- I’ll get those things out for you in a jiffy!” She chirped, and walked away with her paper in hand.
You still couldn’t look at Albert, though he seemed to have enjoyed the interaction thoroughly.
“Albert can you please make me disappear like one of your magic tricks?” You whispered, and covered your face with your hands when he laughed.
“C’mon now, sweetheart, it’s just a joke,” he kissed your hair, “You didn’t finish telling me about what you’re up to here.” He coaxed you to finally look up when he eased his hand over your thigh under the hem of your skirt.
“What’s wrong? Hm?” He teased you, and you just stared up at him helplessly as he moved his hand higher and higher until your lips dropped open; he passed the edge of your dampening panties, all the way to your very sensitive clit, and at the contact, you forgot how to breathe.
“Go on.” He prodded you.
Your lips felt dry and when you went to try speaking, you barley formed more than a few very discombobulated sentences.
You didn’t even notice Harper coming back with a smile on her face and tray in hand until Al looked past you and replaced his devilish grin with a pleasant expression.
“Here you are. Now just be careful of the pie it’s a bit hot. Oh, and I took the liberty of adding some cream to it…you strike me as the kind of man who might enjoy that.” She said as she put them down, and placed your milkshake down in front of you.
You might have made a comment to her about being more respectful and not flirt with the man she assumed was your father, but you decided against it. You would feel horrible after if you did, and she was harmless.
“Thank you so much.” Albert pulled you closer into his side and continued his petting of your clit as the young woman walked away.
“You think she knows?” He rasped in your ear, “That my cum is still dripping out of you? You think she knows I’m playing with your little pretty cunt?”
His depraved words made you shift and squirm. You gasped when he stroked over your clit- the friction from your panties over your recovering flesh making you twitch in your seat. “I don’t Um- I- ah!” You tried again, but when Al saw you about to speak he ran a finger down your slit between your puffy lips and your mind went blank.
“There she goes again…just an empty head.” he mused to himself as he watched your eyes glaze over while he toyed with your body right there in front of the half-full diner. He took a bite of his pie and groaned in his throat. “Almost as sweet as your cherry, kiddo.”
You fought with your brain to do your best to maintain your dignity and complete enough sentences to pretend that you were not being petted under the table, and seeing as no police were called, you managed.
Albert skillfully ate his pie and sipped at his coffee with one hand ; feeding you every other bite. A little red filling dropped down from your mouth onto your chin, and he couldn’t resist reaching over to you and swiping it away with his thumb before sucking it into his mouth. “Messy girl.” He hummed before returning to his coffee like nothing had happened.
Meanwhile you sipped mindlessly at your milkshake. You barely tasted it. Not when you were on the edge of another orgasm, which you pathetically fell over when he leaned over to you and kissed just below your ear.
“Come on pretty girl. Show your new town how well you cum for me.” He rasped lowly against your skin.
You bit down on your straw to hide your moan and you gripped his leg with your hand like a vice. Albert groaned deep in his chest when he felt the rush of wetness soaking your panties, and slowly took his hand away before sucking the two fingers into his mouth for a second.
“Such a good girl.” He said, and kissed your temple before giving you the last bite of pie.
The bill was brought to you and you didn’t even have time to glance at it before Albert had put down a $20 and was helping you up out of the booth onto your wobbly legs.
“Have a great afternoon!” The server’s voice called after you as Al lead you away and he sent her a wave of recognition; too busy trying to make sure you didn’t fall flat on your face. Your head felt disconnected from your body.
Albert -ever the gentleman- helped you into the van, and kissed your cheek. He climbed in beside you and pulled out with ease; you were still so boneless you didn’t even notice where you were going. He could have been driving to Canada for all you knew.
A comfortable silence enveloped you until Albert broke it.
“I was thinking, honey…why don’t you come back to Denver? You don’t seem very happy here.” He said, eyes on the road.
You blinked, and sighed; fidgeting with your hands. You had hoped he would have dropped the subject after you had officially left for college, but it seemed he was still focused on it. You hated any kind of confrontation, and sadly, he knew that.
“Well…I just…I know I probably will end up doing something else, but I guess I just want to have some kind of education…and it’s not for long.” You shrugged. It was the same conversation you had had with him months ago.
Albert gripped the wheel tight, “Don’t you miss me?” He asked, though his tone masked his rising temper.
“Of course I miss you…” You looked over at him, “So much.”
The older man pursed his lips and his eye twitched.
“Then what else do you need? Don’t you want to just wake up next to me and not have to torture yourself for years just to learn something you will probably forget?” He pushed, though his tone remained eerily gentle.
You were so focused on his words that you didn’t notice when he began to pull off the road.
It wasn’t until he parked the van that you finally looked around, and your brows scrunched up. “Al…where are we?”
There was a pause as he thought.
“Is there someone else?” He asked lowly, turning his body towards you and skipping over your question.
Your eyes went wide at the ludicrous insinuation. “Someone- No! No one…I don’t even really talk at all to anyone.” You offered honestly.
He sighed and shook his head. “So you’re staying?” His question was practically rhetorical.
“I am. At least for a year…if I hate it I’ll come back.” You nodded and smiled gently to reassure him.
Albert felt his anger start to rise and he turned away from you, running a hand through his hair.
He didn’t want “if”…he wanted you. He wanted you morning, afternoon and night and any other time after.
Albert sighed.
“Now why did you have to do that? Hm?” He turned to you.
You shook your head in confusion.
“A-Albert you’re scaring me…” there was a tremble in your voice and while Al had slowed down in his kidnappings and had truly enjoyed you…he had missed that nervousness. And hearing it in your voice was like a drug to him.
“You’re scared?” He asked. There was a lilt to his voice that you had only heard once before when he caught a spider and found out you were terrified.
Back then it was playful.
Now?…now it unsettled you. It was creepy and unnatural.
“Well…Yea…” you confessed, hands going cold all of a sudden.
There was a beat of silence, then he nodded. “Guess there’s not much use in dragging this out then.”
Everything happened so fast, but what you knew was your head stung, and your world went black and fuzzy.
You were dizzy and your temple throbbed. Your limbs all felt like lead while your neck felt like it was pumped with helium. All you felt was your limp body being moved and something rough tightening around your wrists- a tight, sticky feeling over your lips too.
Albert placed you in the back of his van, and tore a piece of duct tape over your pretty lips and bound your hands and feet. He tsked the blood dripping down your face from your head. “All you had to do was agree with me, bunny…now look at what you made me do.” He tittered.
You squirmed against him weakly as unconsciousness took you, and he chuckled at your fight. “Shh…I know you’re scared…I know you don’t loved me like I love you, bunny… but that’s okay. I did all this to get you…and I’m not going to let you leave now…I have just the place for you.”
You would learn to love him, Albert would make sure of it.
He had managed to trap this precious little bunny in his jaws, and he wasn’t about to just let her go.
Not when she was as sweet as can be.
Just like sugar.
@dogmatic255 @ethanhoewke @honeycovered-bandaids @dancingisdangerouss @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @theroadreader2 @lxdyred @eth1calcannibal @ebiemidnightlibrarian @katehawke @blep-bloop @ratpackash @al-shaw @darkvoidz @belladonnaaura @pecter-specter @samhainrain @turtle-boris @mandowifey
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tciddaemina · 5 months
so i had a dream last night about a svsss bingqiu dating sim story set post-epilogue where Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe hadnt gotten together. idk how that would even be set up but like maybe they stopped Maigu ridge but didnt bone but its still revealed Binghe is into Shen Qingqiu, and now its in the peace afterwards where things have more or less gone back together and Shen Qingqiu has finished his sexuality crisis and decided he absolutely needs Binghe to rail him
and so its this situation of Shen Qingqiu in a dating sim, but his only romance route is Binghe and hes just trying to select the correct dialogue route to getting rawed over the nearest desk except he has no romantic experience except reading godawful stuff like PIDW and so he keeps fucking it up by saying the most unhinged shit, and it keeps making Binghe blush and run away or misunderstand him because hes so used to Shen Qingqiu being dense and misunderstanding all flirting that now that Shen Qingqiu is explicitly and deliberately trying to flirt with him he keeps explaining it away
and so Shen Qingqiu is like tearing out his hair and choosing increasingly more unhinged dialogue options and dressing in increasingly raunchy clothes to try and get Binghe to do something and its just like. 10000% pure crack
And its like
Shen Qingqiu sitting across from Binghe, the two them drinking wine together after dinner. The hour is late, the day stretching long and the two of them enjoying their rest after a day of endless meetings. The breeze is sweet with the scent of golden night jasmine, the candle light is dim and intimate.
Shen Qingqiu bites his tongue, an impatient itch running up his spine. It's a fine evening, but he can't enjoy it - all day it's felt like his nerves have been ground down to a find powder. All week, his nerves have been ground down. He just about tastes his impatience now, so thick its grown, its given a physical taste in his mouth.
He glances at the dialogue boxes hovering before him resentfully.
1. BOLD. "This master is tired of waiting. He has wanted Binghe too long." [Lean over and kiss him.]
2. EXTRA BOLD. [Let your actions speak for you! Start removing clothing and reach for him! Get it started!]
3. SUGGESTIVE. "Binghe has been a good boy. Why not allow this master to show his favor?" [Glance demurely at Binghe's crotch.]
4. SLY. "How have Binghe's energy levels been? Is he he still feeling unbalanced from Xin Mo? Perhaps this master can help..." [Offer dual cultivation.]
5. COP OUT. The weather is fine today, is it not?
And Binghe sits up, eyes softening, touched by Shen Qingqiu's concern. A soft ping rings out, an alert appearing in the corner of Shen Qingqiu's vision [+15 affection points]. Still, he appears a bit abashed, ducking his head.
"Ah, shizun need not worry. Mu-shishu has been taking care of this disciple - this disciple has been meditating each morning in the spiritual caves," Luo Binghe says, hurrying to reassure Shen Qingqiu and completely missing the point. "Shizun shouldn't concern himself - he has his own energies to worry about. Has Without A Cure been acting up again?"
Fuck Without A Cure!! Shen Qingqiu almost screams. This isn't about that! Tens of millions of words of Binghe fighting and fucking his way through the plot of PIDW, suave as anything, and yet here he can't see a flag being waved in front of his face! What next? Will Shen Qingqiu get out a flag and wave it, shouting Please fuck me??!!!
Binghe! Please be more conscientious of your poor master and think with your dick a little more!! Where is that insatiable lady-killer when you need him??? Shen Qingqiu is so frustrated he feels like he might spit blood! Please do something about it Binghe!!
Shen Qingqiu just smiles and inclines his head. "It has been manageable," he says, and tries a little harder, attempting to redirect the conversation. "Though... with our energies in such a state, perhaps we might find a way to help one another..." He looks at Binghe shyly over the top of his fan, lashes lowered. He bites his lip, a small thrill of shy anticipation running through him.
Binghe brightens, eyes clearing. He straightens. "Of course!" he says eagerly. "This disciple would be honored in taking over for Luo Qingge in balancing shizun's meridians each week! This disciple will ask Mu-shishu for a lesson on the proper way to circulate energies through the meridians of the wrist!"
So dense!! Shen Qingqiu's jaw twitches, and he almost throws his fan down onto the table. He smooths out his expression immediately, mask serene and implacable. "Ah," he says delicately, because fuck it, maybe he needs to be more explicit. "This master was perhaps thinking another way..."
And Binghe nods, realization washing over his face. "Of course," he says. "If human solutions are not working, but perhaps a demonic method-"
Yes! Like the divine pillar! Please fuck this master! Binghe is finally catching on!!!
"- the demon realm probably has entirely different healing practices and methods! Why have we never thought to look before? Maybe they will have something. Shizun, I will go immediately-"
"That wasn't quite what I-"
"Shizun is so wise! Wait for me shizun! I'll be back before you know it!"
Whoops there's a part 2.
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444rockstargf · 10 months
"be a good baby, do what i want." | dan cooper
off to the races. - lana del rey
summary: trying out a toy on dan.
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dom!reader x sub!dan
contents: masturbation, use of vibrator
not proofread.
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you had him wrapped around your finger. he was your little bitch, and he knew it too. all you had to do was ask him to put on the slutty little maid dress that you'd gotten for him, and he did it in a heartbeat.
you took a sliky black ribbon and tied a bow in his hair, making him look perfect for what you had planned for tonight.
dan had been very good at hiding his curiousity, but by this point he couldn't take it anymore. "so, uh, why'd you have me get into this, anyway..?" he asked nervously. you found it adorable how he was already slightly intimidated.
"don't worry about it, danny. just trust me. you know i'd never do anything to hurt you." you smiled sweetly, patting his cheek. you couldve sworn you heard him purr. "now, get on the bed." you tone had gone from sweet and smooth like honey to a firm and dominating one.
dan didnt even hesitate to follow your instruction. he got onto the bed, looking at you as he waited for your next move. you grinned a little as you walked to the drawer, pulling out a cardboard box from it.
you walked over to dan and handed the box to him. he shook it gently, trying to make out what was inside. "open it." you said softly. dan quickly took off the top of the box. the suspense was killing him.
you watched him intently, waiting for him reaction when he saw the box's contents. as he saw what was inside, his cheeks immediately flushed an embarrassed shade of red. "o-oh..." was all he could manage to get out.
the box held a variation of sex toys. dildos of different sizes, shapes, and colours. vibrators with many different settings and intensities. and buttplugs of every colour of the rainbow. it was clear that you'd been saving all of these up for a special occasion.
"so, what do you think..?" you ask, a nervous smile creeping up on your face. dan cleared his throat. "i-i... i t-think that..." he was a mess, and you hadnt even gotten to the main event yet. you laugh softly before kissing him on the forehead.
"just... trust me with this. you'll enjoy it. i promise." you held out your pinky to him. he hooked his with yours, giving you a little smile. your excitement grew as you got his approval. you wanted to get started right away.
"alright. lets start simple." you pull out a battery-powered pink vibrator, handing it to dan. "it's all clean, dont worry." you assured him, but he still looked completely clueless.
"w-what exactly am i supposed to do here..?" his voice dripped with uncertainty, so you decided to give him a little push in the right direction. "just sit back and relax. then you can take over once your comfortable, ok?" he nodded, feeling a little better.
you moved his hand to his crotch, feeling his bulge pressing against the fabric of the maid dress. you giggled a little to yourself before pulling it out, revealing his swollen, red cock.
dan's breath hitched as he felt your hand on his length, already getting needier. you wasted no time turning the vibrator on to the first setting and pressing it against his tip.
he gasped at the feeling before letting out a few slurred words. "o-oh..! oh g-god..." he moaned out, his hips already bucking into the toy. you smiled as you turned it up to the second setting, the vibrations getting stronger.
his mouth gaped open as precum already started spilling from his tip. he was gripping the bed sheets as if his life depended on it, biting his lip to hold back his noises.
you noticed this right away. "i wanna hear your noises, danny..." you move the vibrator up and down his length, earning a few whimpers from him as his cock began to twitch.
you turned the vibrations to the third setting, causing dan's legs to start shaking as his moans and whimpers got louder. he was gasping for air like a fish out of water, and you loved it.
you moved it up to the fourth setting, his eyes shutting as he feels his climax rushing through him. he starts moving his cock against the vibrator, desperate to get more friction between it and his aching dick.
just as you sensed him getting closer, you moved it up to the highest setting, making dan completely fall apart. but before he could cum, you turned the vibrator off, grinning.
"n-no..! p-please... i-i need to cum! i need it!" he begged, tears rolling down his red cheeks. you smiled at him before handing him the vibrator. "i think you've got the hang of it now. so, give me a show." you say, leaning back on the bed with him on full display for you.
he desperately took the toy and turned it on to the maximum setting, immeidately pressing it onto his throbbing cock. his lips parted as he quickly became a moaning mess, uncontrollably bucking his hips into the toy.
he used his unoccupied hand to start jerking himself off while the vibrator was pressed to his tip. he cried out, jerking himself off at lightning speed. his hot cum started shooting out of him, staining the fabric of the dress.
but he didnt stop yet, he kept on going with it until he had milked himself completely dry. he came all over the dress and the bed. you watched the entire thing with a massive grin on your face.
as he came down from his climax, he spoke to you, breathlessly. "im gonna be borrowing this a lot now if thats alright with you." he smiled and you laughed before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
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author's note: im glad i got this finished, writers block is a motherfucker. but anyway, i hope you all liked this one!
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ilovebuckers5 · 5 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ur so pretty ੈ✩‧₊˚
paige bueckers x reader
suggestive and explicit language
A/N: this is my first time writing on tumblr don't judge. also sorry it's so short im not used to writing one shots ESPECIALLY fluff.
My hair still hasn't cooperated with me yet. i've straightened it, curled it, crimped it, scrunched it, nothing has worked. i got more and more upset until i tossed my hair straightener on the counter and sat down against the bathroom wall.
call me dramatic but i was going to a very important meeting with some co workers i really didn't want to look like a hot mess. a couple tears rolled down my cheeks but i quickly wiped them away while sniffling. as i continued to sit there contemplating whether i should just not go or go with my natural hair. While a couple tears came down my cheeks followed by more and more and more... i heard the front door of my dorm unlock.
"Hun? you still here?"
Paige walked through the door shutting and locking it behind her. she set her duffel bag down and walked around the dorm looking for me. i stayed quiet so that paige wouldnt have to hear me crying. but she still found me in the bathroom leaning against the wall with only a bra and shorts on. she quickly kneeled down next to me and began to panic.
"baby whats wrong?" she said with heavy concern in her voice.
her hand wandered up to my cheek to wipe away a couple more tears that i hadnt gotten before. she took her other hand up to the small of my back and began rubbing it to comfort me. she looked up at the counter and saw that the straightener had knocked over a couple things. she stood up and set everything up straight before lifting me up from the floor. i stood infront of the mirror and stared at my half curly half straight hair and more tears started going down my face. suddenly i felt paiges arms wrap around my stomach and started rubbing my skin. i leaned back onto her shoulder. she placed a soft kiss on my cheek before pushing me back up. after i got my composure back in place i went to grab the straightener, forgetting that i didnt turn it off before having a break down. when i went to grab it i grabbed the heated part (which was at 450* degrees). once the heat came intact with my palm i let out a loud cry before tossing the straightener back on the counter again.
"FUCK!" i yell out and cover my mouth after realizing how loud i was.
"shit are you ok hun? come here run it under water."
paige took my wrist and guided me to the kitchen. she ran my hand under water as we just stared at eachother. i took the moment to silently observe paige and all her flawless features. her pinky lips. her icy blue eyes. and god her jawline. i was so lost in her beauty i forgot what i was doing and ended up getting my entire arm soaked with water.
"you ok beautiful?"" paige said smirking
i giggle a bit before answering
"ur so pretty paige."
paiges cheeks went red and she looked away. as paige was easily flustered i was easily falling even more inlove with her by the minute. a large smile grew on my mouth as i watched paige avoid eye contact. paiges face fell into her hands trying to cover her now completly reddened face. a couple laughs filled in the silence of embarassment that was lingering in the room. paige couldnt help but pull me into a long kiss. my heart started to flutter once i felt her soft lips pressed against mine. paige moved her hands to my back while mine were cupping the sides of her face. i felt her lips smile against mine. i slowly pulled away just to start placing softer kisses all over her face. her hand cradled my chin and pulled me away from her face. i noticed that her pupils were growing larger and larger the more she stared at me.
"i love you" paige said under her breath
we had been together for only 5 months but it already felt like ive known paige my entire life. neither of us have said i love you yet and i definintly didnt think that would happen now. my eyes widened a little but i tried to keep calm instead of folding into paiges arms and simply collapsing.
"i...love you too" i said hesitantly.
i knew that i loved her i dont know why it felt hesitant. actually paige was the first person ive loved for this long without something going wrong. she picked up my hands and held them in hers. her hands were slightly cold but it felt nice after burning mine.
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
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Summary: As Joe's long-term girlfriend, you reflect on your relationship over the last 4 years.
Content warning: 18+ so minors are not welcome, real person fiction (don't like, don't read, don't bitch), smut, fluff, angst, probably inaccurate timelines and processes but does anyone really care?, alcohol use, smoking...if I've missed anything please let me know!!
Author's note: when I was deep in my Dan and Phil phase I wrote this, published it on AO3 and then took it down so before anyone says "Hey this looks familiar" don't panic, I'm not stealing anyone's work and I can prove it lmao. Thanks to @harrys-four-nipples for reading this first chapter and telling me it wasn't as shit as I thought. Love you girl 🥰 feedback is always appreciated, let me know if you'd like me to continue this!
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December 2022
After the craziest year anyone could ever imagine, exploring and staying in a variety of hotels across the globe, the last convention of 2022 was finally happening. You had been by your boyfriend's side the entire time; your job as a freelance photographer/social media specialist pretty much allowed you to travel anywhere and everywhere and luckily Joe's team were on board with you providing his official con photos and managing his social media. But as ideal as that sounds, it hadnt been easy.
It had been one of the best experiences of your life, watching the man that you love so, so much bring so much joy to the millions of people around the world who adored him. Despite being at every convention, watching all the fan interactions and all the panels, you were never bored. It hadn't all been perfect though, in fact it had been extremely trying at times, what with Joe being so damn exhausted there was barely any 'you' time, or fans getting a little bit too crazy at the meet and greets, but you wouldn't have traded it for the world.
You'd think that being cooped up on planes, in hotel rooms and travelling constatnly for months on end, spending almost every waking minute of the day together would have seriously damaged your relationship, but in all honesty, it brought you and Joe closer together. Sure, there have been times where you’ve wanted to smother each other with the shitty hotel pillows, but what couple doesn't argue? Without the option of slamming the bedroom door shut and sulking, you've learnt to just talk it out, and move on, and things have just gotten better and better. You had just celebrated our 4 year anniversary in Tokyo last month, and Jamie was constantly teasing you, telling you if you didn't get a ring this Christmas, you two could just run away together instead.
Of course, Joe had gotten super salty at the joke, seemingly never being able to escape the never ending question from his family and friends of when he was finally going to pop the question. He didn't need it from Jamie now too. He was going to do it, he just didn't want to rush it after all.
As it was the last con of 2022, Joe's team had given you some time off to just enjoy the convention, acknowledging that you had worked through your anniversary in Japan. This meant you could actually walk around the con and hang out with some of your friends, and enjoy the panels, which you were grateful for. You had some time to chat with Joe's dad too, which was always a good time, you got on so well with him and it was nice to see just how proud he was of his son.
Although you had been together for 4 years now, you and Joe weren't quite comfortable with going public with your relationship just yet. Joe had sky rocketed to fame overnight and his fanbase could be a little...intense. They went into a frenzy if he was spotted within 5 feet of another girl, and said girls were always stalked and harassed online and Joe didn't want that for you. You'd been pretty good at hiding it so far, most fans just thinking you were part of Joe's management team always there to keep him on schedule. It was a bit shit not being able to hold his hand or give him a hug in public but when the time was right, you both agreed you would go public.
You had headed back to the hotel a little before the con was over, Joe would no doubt get waylaid by fans outside the convention centre and you'd said you would order you both some food and run a bath for him so he could just relax now he was done for the Christmas period. New Orleans was a little after New Years so you'd have time to explore Paris, get home for Christmas and see in the New Year together.
Joe practically collapses through the door and you run to hug him, you were both desperate to touch each other after a long day of pretending to be work friends.
"Hi," you mumbled into his neck. "Last one for this year done, babe. I'm so proud of you."
He doesn't respond, he's holding onto you as if someone was threatening to take you away from him. "Babe, what's wrong?"
"I love you so much," he whispers. "Thank you."
"Joe, you don't need to thank-"
"Yeah, I do. I just thought that you've been there from the very start, and you've worked so hard, putting up with all my shit and you've been so supportive. I couldn't have done it without you." He sniffs, looking a little emotional. "Tonight was the first night I've actually been able to see you and not your camera, and knowing you were actually there, right in front of me, like, everything from the past 4 years went through my head and I could see you smiling at me, and the fans and I just..." he trails off, at a loss for words. You kiss his cheek, your own eyes welling up.
"You're such a soppy git, Joe." You tease him, but he knows you're joking.
"Shut up, you're just as soppy. " He laughs, poking you in the side gently. You poke my tongue out at him and he crosses his eyes in response, before my phone buzzes to let me know our food has been delivered to the hotel lobby. You break away from Joe, kissing his cheek and heading downstairs to grab your food.
You both scoff down your food, both of you having been way too busy to really eat a proper meal today, and then Joe gets into the bath. He tries to persuade you to join him, but honestly the bathtub here was smaller than the one at home, and even that could be a struggle to fit the both of you in, so you decline, changing into your pyjamas and watching some random show on TV and scrolling through your phone, replying to messages in the Quinn family group chat and your own family group chat.
You can't help but bite your lip in appreciation as Joe comes back into the bedroom, a towel around his waist and his curls dripping. He makes his way over to his suitcase in search for a pair of clean boxers. Your eyes scan over his bare torso, his broad shoulders, sharp collarbones, toned arms and his perfect stomach with a dusting of dark hair disappearing into the towel. He feels your eyes on him, standing up and turning around.
"What?" He smirks, stifling a yawn. You return his smirk, stretching a little.
"Nothing, just admiring my boyfriend. That alright with you?"
"Depends, can I ogle you like a pervert the next time you come out in just a towel?" Joe jokes, quickly pulling his boxers on under his towel, pulling it off and hanging it back up in the bathroom, before crawling on the bed and collapsing on his stomach, sighing heavily.
"You do anyway, I'm just more subtle about my staring, Quinn."
"You're just as pervy as me, Y/N, dont even try and pretend you're not. " he laughs, turning onto his side, pulling you down and wrapping his arm around you. You cuddle into him, burying your face in his neck.
"Difference is, Joseph, the whole Internet can see what a flirt you are, nobody has dirt on me."
"M'too tired for your smart arse right now."
"You like my smart arse." You grin into his skin, and he chuckles, the sound rumbling in his throat.
"I like your smart everything," he mumbles, kissing the top of your head. You sigh in response, enjoying the feeling of him cuddled up to you. "M'so tired. And my back is killing me."
"Did you twinge it again?"
"Mm. Hurts."
You untangle myself from him and roll off the bed, rummaging through your suitcases until you find the baby oil you always use to keep your skin moisturised after a shower. You shake it up as you walk towards the bed. "On your stomach, babe."
"That is the most terrifying thing you could say to me whilst holding baby oil." He eyes the bottle in your hands suspiciously, but does what you've said anyway.
"I believe that would actually be 'face down, ass up and just relax'." You smirk, climbing back on the bed, straddling his legs. He groans dramatically, making you roll your eyes and laugh. "You're such a drama queen, babe."
"Making a living off of it, aren't I?"
"Yeah, yeah, shut up Mr Man of the Year." You quip, opening the bottle and pour some of the oil into your hands, rubbing them together to warm it up before pressing your palms against his shoulder blades. You apply just the amount of pressure that you know he likes, rubbing his flawless skin. "That okay?"
He responds by letting out a quiet moan of approval.
"How did I get so lucky?" Joe groans into the pillow as you continue to rub his shoulders and upper back, trying your best to work out the knots in his muscles. You smile, placing a kiss to the back of his neck that makes him shiver slightly.
"You elbowed me in the tits on the Underground and made me spill my coffee all over myself." You chuckle, adjusting your position on his legs so you could massage further down.
"The one time in my whole life that me being a clumsy twat has actually worked out in my favour." Joe's voice is muffled by the pillow, but you can tell he's smiling. He grunts in pleasure as you knead his lower back gently.
"Meh, you're just lucky I thought you were hot." You teased, gently poking him in the sides. He chuckles softly. "And you were, and still can be, so socially awkward, it was endearing."
"Mm, love you." He mumbles, and you know he's slowly falling asleep by the way his body is relaxing beneath you.
"Love you too, babe." You whisper back, moving off of his back and into bed next to him, pulling the covers over both of you. Ypu push his curls back from over his face. "Always have, always will." You kiss his temple and turn off the bedside lamp, letting him sleep off the post convention exhaustion whilst you take advantage of the good selection of TV channels the hotel has.
A few hours later, you're still awake and on your phone, scrolling through Instagram, the TV long turned off. You're laid on your side facing away from your currently snoring boyfriend. Joe grumbles in his sleep and rolls over, moulding his body around yours and spooning you. You feel something poking you in your bum and smirk to yourself, wiggling your butt back against him.
"Hmm, you still awake?" Joe whispers, his voice rough with sleep and exhaustion, one of his hands running over your thigh.
"Mm, I didn't wake you up, did I?" You reply, shivering in delight as his lips graze your neck. You roll over to face him, and he moves your leg on top of his, moving your bodies closer together as he kisses you hard, his hands wandering around to your ass and squeezing it.
You see where this is going.
"Are you sure you're up to this, Joe? You're exhausted." You say quietly, trying your best to control your breathing after you break away. Thanks to your busy schedules, it been at least two weeks since you'd last had sex. You snuck in whatever you could, but mostly it was just heavy make out sessions or occasionally a hand and/or blow job to help with Joe's anxiety levels. You were practically soaked already and he'd barely touched you.
"Never too tired for you," he mumbles, pecking your lips softly, and slowly lifting up the hem of your (his) shirt. "Off?"
You nod, and you both work together to rid you of the oversized shirt. "C'mere," he grunts, rolling you on top of him, his hands on your hips as he looks up at me.
"Lazy," you tease, your skin feeling like it's on fire as he runs his hands up your sides.
"Beautiful." He responds, giving you that little smile that makes your heart melt every time. It's a smile that only you get to see, and it's during your intimate moments like this that he smiles like that, and you fall in love with him all over again. You hum and lean down, kissing him passionately, your tongues dancing around each other. His hands return to your hips, pushing them down against his crotch as he lifts his hips up, and the friction and heat makes you both moan. You nibble on his bottom lip, which you know drives him crazy, before moving to kiss his jawline and neck, a somewhat external G-spot for him. "Fuck..."
"Well, if you want, I mean, I was just gonna suck you off and then take care of myself," you grin against his skin, and he responds by slapping your ass lightly. In return, you bite gently on his collarbone, and he grunts, the noise going straight in between your legs. "What do you want, Joe? Tell me."
"Wanna fuck you," he growls, turning his head and capturing your bottom lip between his teeth and tugging gently. "Wanna be inside you so bad, baby, please."
You whimper, nodding. Foreplay would have to wait for tonight.
You sit up and awkwardly peel off your underwear, throwing it somewhere in the room, deciding you'd find it in the morning. You gently palm Joe's cock through his boxers, making him grunt and moan your name loudly, before pulling them down his legs, and he kicks them off his feet. You take his cock into your hand, squeezing gently and stroking him a few times. "Please, baby, m'not gonna last long..." You'll let him off for that, it really has been forever since you last fucked. You reach across to the bedside table, grabbing a condom from your makeup bag (damn your birth control prescription running out before you'd realised) and tearing it open. He holds his hands out to put it on himself, but you slap them away, rolling it on him as slowly as possible, making him grit his teeth, grunt and buck his hips slightly.
Deciding to be a bit more of a tease, you hover above him for a few seconds, grinding down ever so slightly. He grips your hips so tight there will definitely be bruises in the morning, and he bites his lip, whimpering and cursing. You decide to let him off, because you want this just as much as he does, and you place the head of his cock at your dripping pussy, slowly sinking down onto him. He throws his head back and moans, a little too loudly, as do you. "God, I missed this...missed you."
"I missed you too," you sigh, placing your hands on his chest, giving yourself a bit of leverage before you start to move your hips. "Fuck, Joe, you feel so fucking good..." as much as you want this to last, you know it won't. You can already feel your orgasm growing as you grind down against him. He bucks his hips up, his cock brushing my g-spot. "Oh my god, Joe!"
"Fuck," he growls, his breathing heavy. "Faster, baby, please, I-" he cuts himself off with a moan as you obey. "Shit, fuck!"
"You're so loud," you giggle breathlessly, gasping as he places his thumb on your clit and rubs in time with your thrusts. "We're gonna get noise complai-AH, FUCK, JOE!"
"I'm the loud one, am I?" Fucking asshole.
"Shut up," You gasp, as he sits up, wrapping your legs around him and attaches his lips to your collarbone, sucking and biting as you move together. You can tell he's getting close from the way his breath is coming out in pants, and his moans are getting more desperate sounding. He rests his forehead against your shoulder, and you run your fingers through his curly hair, and he looks up at you.
"Kiss me," he whispers, and of course, you do. "M'getting close."
"Me too," you whisper back, and he reaches between you to stroke your clit. "Joe, I-"
"I know."
The room is filled with your moans, and heavy breathing as you both get closer and closer to the edge. Joe moves his hand and lies you down on the bed, so he's on top. He winks at you, and smirks as he puts your legs around his waist, and his hands either side of your head. He ducks down and kisses you softly before moving his hips, fucking you hard and fast, the way he knows you like it.
"Oh,my god Joe, I'm gonna cum!" You moan, digging your nails into his back.
"Do it, wanna feel you cum for me," he groans, and all it takes is him angling his hips just right, and you're coming, moaning his name probably way too loud, your whole body shaking. Joe curses and stills, pushing his cock inside you one last time as he cums into the condom, hard, his head dropping onto your shoulder as he whispers your name, telling you he loves you. You say it back, stroking his neck gently as he collapses on top of you, his head on your chest. "You're amazing."
"I think you'll find that's you, babe." You say breathlessly, grinning like a fool.
"I am pretty fucking good in bed, aren't I?" Joe grins, a teasing lilt to his voice.
"You always know what to say...so romantic," you roll your eyes, poking him in the tummy.
"Mhmm, you're very lucky. I mean, I even make sure you cum every single time we fuck, if that's not true love, I don't know what is." He pulls off the condom, tying it and throwing it into the bedside bin.
"Be still my beating heart!" You laugh and kiss the top of his head, rolling out from underneath him. He pouts, reaching out for you with grabby hands. "Joe, as much as I'd love to cuddle right now, I seriously need to shower after that. Wanna come with?"
"Depends, you might have to roll me, you've worn me out." he yawns, sitting up on the bed. "Besides, I already had a bath. Can't you just give me a sponge bath or something so I don't have to move?"
"Again, lazy. And I know you already showered, but if you think I'm cuddling with you when you smell like sweat and sex, you can fuck right off." You tease, grinning with your tongue poking between your teeth. You turn around, heading into the bathroom and turning on the shower. After waiting for the water to warm up, you step in, relishing the warmth cascading over you. A few minute later, you feel Joe's arms wrap around your waist and his body pressing up against yours. You stand in silence for a few moments, letting water fall down over you both. He then turns you around in his arms so you're facing him, your arms around his neck.
"Y'know, we could have just done it in here, that way we could be in bed right now." He says, flicking his wet hair out of his eyes. You run your fingers over the short hairs at the back of his neck as he leans his forehead against yours.
"Hey, I'm not the one who fell asleep before we'd even had a chance to do anything."
His face falls a little. "I'm sorry, I've been kind of a shitty boyfriend recently, haven't I?"
"What are you talking about?" You frown up at him, his beautiful brown eyes avoiding yours.
"Well, just with conventions and appearances and everything, and how busy we've been, I haven't had time to just...be with you, y'know?"
"Joe, we live together, we travel together, we're with each other every day almost-"
"That's not what I mean, we haven't been on a date in literally forever, I was at the con in Tokyo the entire day of our anniversary, and my dad was with us all day before that, for fucks sake!"
"Your dad is pretty much with us all the time, babe. It doesnt bother me, you know how much I love him. Turn around." You say, squirting some shampoo into your hand and massaging his scalp. He sighs.
"See, this is what I mean. You do all this nice stuff for me, like the back rubs, the food runs, the surprise blowies-"
"Which I do because I want to, not because I feel like I have to." You take the shower head off the wall and rinse his hair out, before running some conditioner through it. "I love you, and I know exactly what being with you entails. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I got salty about everything?"
"A normal one." Joe retorts, turning back around and gesturing for you to turn your back to him so he can wash your hair for you. "And I'm glad you're not, I just feel bad. You do everything for me and I can't even give you five minutes recently."
You don't respond, revelling in the feel of his fingers on your scalp, massaging in the shampoo. You hum appreciatively. He rinses out the shampoo and runs conditioner through your hair, making sure to cover every inch. "When we get home, I promise I'll make it up to you."
"Please? We can go out and celebrate our anniversary properly, dinner, drinks, a movie, whatever you want."
You turn back around to face him. "What I want, is to stay in, order Chinese, shag and then fall asleep on the sofa with you. Joe you don't have to take me out, or buy me shit to make me feel like you love me. I know you love me, without all the materialistic crap, okay?"
He said nothing, instead he looked at you his eyes looking a little misty. He was an emotional mess tonight, but you couldn't really blame him. He blinked a couple of times, and kissed you on the nose.
"Turn around, you sap." He mumbled, giving you a small smile. He basically meant 'stop before you make me cry' in fewer words. You laughed softly, before turning back around so he could rinse your hair and his. Once you're clean, you step out and dry yourselves off, and you put on Joe's shirt again, this time pairing it with some pyjama shorts. You quickly dry my hair before getting back into bed, settling down with your head on his chest and his arms around you. "See, isn't this better than standing up and actually moving?"
"Mm," you sigh, already feeling your eyes getting heavy. "I miss our bed though."
"Me too, when we get home we are gonna spoon so fucking hard in bed for like a week." He mumbles into your hair.
"What about food and stuff?" You look up at him, raising an eyebrow. He laughs.
"Of all the things you're worried about, I love how food is at the top of that list. I fucking love you." He kisses the top of your head and switches off the bedside light. "Maybe we can persuade Wes to bring us breakfast in bed."
"Oh yeah, I can totally see him being okay with that," you laugh, my hand resting on Joe's stomach. "If anything, you owe me breakfast in bed after all these bloody photos I've taken of you. Know how hard it is to make you look good mid sentence?"
"Ouch, low blow, babe."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You know I love looking at you, chocolate button eyes." You tease, laughing as he groans into his pillow.
"I need to learn to think before I divulge all this stuff. I'm never shaking that am I?"
"Never ever."
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bingusbongu · 6 months
A/n: goodness im on a role tonight! Ive actuslly felt like writing! Here is my absolute favorite comfirt nerd, and his dating headcanons, goodness dont we just love our nerds<3333 i know i do! May rewrite tomorrow! I wrote this as midnight lmao, prolly many mistakes!
Dr. Flug relationship headcanons!
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• honestly, Flug still dosnt understand how he managed to het together with you
• he figured out he liked you awhile back, but thought he didnt have any time for love at first, until you waltzed in and made his heart spin in his own chest
• regardless, he still gets so incredibly nervous around you, he cant help it! He has this overwhelming sense to impress you in every way possible, whether that be showing you his latest invention, or just him doing something incredibly dangerous infront of you, nearly giving yourself a heart attack
• when he did that and it came out successful, you ran up to him to make sure he was okay, blabbing about how he could have hurt himself.
• flug was confused, until his heart skipped a beat in realizing that you were worried
• you were worried about him
• no one had ever cared if he got hurt, neither did he, he just took care of it himself. But you, you were the first person to actually care for him, to look over him in panic that he was harmed
• if he wasnt in love to begin with, he was sure as hell in love now
• you cared, geniunly cared about him, and you were so nice to him
• whenever Blackhat would use Flug as his own personal punching bag, you were always by Flugs side instantaneously after, already taking care of him and patching up his wounds. No matter the amount of blood, you did everything you could to help him, in any way you could
• You were helping him, a insane maniac, a killer, and yet, you showed not a hint of fear
• he was completely head over heels
• Sometimes (alot), Flug would end up working himself down to thd bone, to where he was on like his 9th cup of caffine just to finish a project
• and you would try to persuade him to go to bed, snd when that dosent work, you take the initiative
• you pick him up, and drag him away from his work
• he was hardly much weight at all, so you could easily lift the frail scientist into your arms and take him to bed.
• he would try to struggle, but he was obviously way to tired to protest, and just let himself sink into your arms and rest his head on yoir chest. If he wasnt so tired, he woukd be a flusterd mess, but he was exhausted
• you thought Flugs bed would be way to uncomfortably for him, so instead, you took him to your own. Laying him down on your comfy bed and tucking the poor guy in, and as soon as he hit the pillows, he was out.
• and when i say out, he was completely and utterly knocked out, dead asleep
• when he woke up, he nearly paniced, but realized it was your room, only for him to go into even more panic when he found you laying in bed with him reading a book
• he frantically tried to say sorry and get up, but you were quick to grab him and pull him back to your bed, soothing him and telling him to go back to sleep
• he would protest, but... he felt oddly safe, something he hadnt felt in a long time, and with you there, it felt... nice. As soon as he layed back down, he passed out once more
• from then on, he would occasionally ask to sleep in your room, because he found it more comfortable, and it was a safe place for him to go
• Flug is ever so greatful for you and your kidness to him, he was so... lovesick he couldnt help it. Youre the first person to treat him with kidness, what do you expect?
• when you two get together, Flug woukd be very clumsy. He dosnt know hardly anything about love, he just gets so nervous
• Your going to have to reasure him and make sure he dosnt overwhelm himself
• he is alittle hesitant with affection, despite how much he craves it, he is still unsure, sincecso far all the touches he has gotten fron people were bad
• so you were determined to show him you werent gonna harm him in any way
• your first act of affection was slipping your hand into his while you were walking together. He sputtered incoherently, and nearly bluescreened. But instantly, your warmth soothed him, and he found himself softly holding your hand back
• kisses are a different thing, he gets so nervous when it comes to that. The thought of kissing you makes his heart thump so hard it makes his body shake. He is way to flustered to actually do it, especially a kiss on the lips, he wasnt ready to show you, yet
• and of course, you did the first move, and after a mission, you lightly kissed the top of his bag before bording the ship
• he stopped working, and nearly passed out
• he was a completely flustered mess around you after that, he lovedthe contact, but was so afraid to ask you for more, so he just clamped his mouth shut
• you only realized ome day when he had stopped talking about his day and his gaze landing on your lips. So, you leaned over and kissed him on his bag where his mouth would be
• god he was over the moon
• he feels so safe around you, its the first time he had evr felt that way, he appreciates how being in your presence just makes him calm, or when he is paniced, how you calm him down with loving and gentle words.
• geniunly adores you and everything you do, though he always wants to make sure youre safe, if youre going to be his safe haven, je needed to make sure you were safe, aswell.
* always has a hatbot watching after you to make sure you are okay
• dong blame him! He is worried!
• the first time yall cuddled, Flug was so confused, he had came to your bed to sleep for the night, and you invited him closer
• he obliged, but almost instantly, you carefully wapped your arms around his back and pulled him close
• he was blushing maddly, unsure of what to do, as he tried to pull away but couldnt. He body instantly sank into the comfort of your own warmth, trapping him andhis touch starved self into a hug
• maybe it was fine for one night...
•it happend almost evry night, and Flug loved it. Secretly, ofc
• thr first timd he verbally asked was when he was do exhausted, and wanted nothing more thsn to go lsy down with you and cuddle, (as in cuddle, i mean snuggle his head into your chest and pass out)
• Flug trusts you, youre tge main person he has actuslly ever trusted. You help him in so msny ways
•not to mention you let him ramble about his inventions and plains to you, he liked impressing you, he loves how yoi would sit and listen to him talk and rant, even allowing him comfort and a shoulder to cry on
• you would hold him as he cried and rocked him tell he calmed down and fell aslesp
• He didnt know how much he truly needed you, someone to love him
• geniunly, he feels so lucky to have you in his life, someone who loves and cares for him instead of breaking him into further pieces, you actually tried to glue Flugs pieces back together yourself and it was working
• Flug adores you in every way possible, he is so in love with you, he felt wanted
• especially when something happened to you, and you immediate came to him of all people, to him
• it made Flug feel special, that you chose him, not someone else, he dosnt feel like he deserves it, or deserves you
• but you are bound to do everything in your power to show him how much you loved him
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ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
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Yandere Rory Keaner x Reader
I only write sfw, pls send me requests!! Uh... idk what to put as a warning? Wrist grabbing? What I don't know.
There he was, waiting on your porch after you had gotten back from a nice lil date with your boyfriend. Of course you hadnt told Rory. He was crazy. He was obsessed with you and didn't make any effort to hide it. Who knows what he'd do if he found out?
"You're home!" He jumped off the porch and ran towards you as you reached your yard. "I've been waiting for you! Why are you home so late? You should've been off work hours ago." 
"They asked me to stay late. Why are you here, Rory?" You asked as you crossed your yard to your porch, Rory tailing behind you. Of course you couldn't ignore him. He was right there and loud and obnoxious with all of his questions. 
"I told you, babe. I was waiting for you." He snakes an arm around your waist which you quickly shake off and decline. 
"Rory. What do you want?" Your firmness and obvious annoyance startled him at first but he collected himself and charged on like he always did. 
You unlock your door and open it just a bit. 
"Are you free right now?" He asks, getting fidgety. 
"No. I'm not." You squeez through your door, trying to keep it as close to closed as you could. You didn't want him in your house. It was your place. If he came in he'd never leave. "If that's all, go home." You started to close the door. 
"Wait!" Rory kicked his foot into the small gap. "Did I do something wrong?" 
You just sighed and rubbed your head. "Move your foot please." 
"No!" He started pushing open the door. He didn't seem that strong but you couldn't even push back. He even pushed you with the door as it opened. "What did I do wrong?" 
He's inside your house. He's inside the only place you thought you could keep him out of. 
"Get out, Rory!" You stepped out from behind the door and pushed on his chest. 
As soon as Rorys hands grabbed yours you knew you had made a mistake. Rory held your hands tightly as he pushed you back, till your legs collided with the couch and you fell back. Still holding your arms, he pinned them above your head. 
Of course you were scared. He'd never done anything like this before, just annoyingly following you. What was wrong with him? 
"I know you were with him." He looked angry. Like you had betrayed him. His eyes trailed over every inch of your face. "Why would you do that?" He clasped your wrists together to one hand, giving him a free hand which he used to push a lock of stray hair behind your ear. "Why do you even need him? I love you more than he ever could." 
"Rory, it's not about how you feel!" You tried to wriggle your arms free with your rebuttle.  
"I know- but..." his voice trailed off. He let go of your wrists and flopped onto the couch next to you, burying his head into his hands. 
"Rory, can you please leave now?" You scooted away from him just a bit, being uncomfortable with the entire situation. 
He pulled his head up, rubbing his face as it dragged across his hands. 
"Yeah... I should go home anyway. My mom will kill me if she finds out I'm not home yet." Rory started for the door but stopped just as he was about to open it, turning towards you. "Don't lie to me again, both you and him will regret it." For a second, you thought you'd seen his eyes turn yellow, but that wasn't possible, right? 
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thoughtfulpaperback · 3 months
You know, I've been scrolling through the tags, and I've seen some posts arguing either that Colin never loved Marina or that he did love her and anyone who thinks other ways is being being misogynistic or racist.
And I will say that I agree that we can't overlook the mysogynoir I also think that many people are missing the big picture here: that Colin hasn't been in love at all based on the shows definition of love.
Okay like here me out before everyone jumps down my throat.
I will concede that love is complex. It comes in many forms. While I have never experiences puppy love I don't want to devalue the experience of others who have.
What I am trying to say is that based on how the show defines love in each of its stories. He just hasn't been mature enough to be in love.
Violet tells Daphne that the best match/choice is your best friend. Though each story takes on a different troupe (fake relationship and enemies to lovers) the heart of it is the same. Love is wanting someone who is your friend. Someone who you know well and can share parts of yourself that you don't share with anyone else. Someone who challenges you to grow and you you are willing to be open minded for. Someone you want to stick with even when life is tough. Passion and all that is part of yeah but essentially that is the gist from the main show and Queen Charlotte.
While I personally do think Colin has affection for both Marina and Pen and he knows and liked the idea of love, but He just isn't mature enough to love anyone in that way yet.
He could never have been Marina's best friend not because of the lies but because he hadnt really tried to be. He never seem to actually get to know her. He liked dancing with her and spending time with her but, and forgive me if I'm wrong since it has been a while since I watched it last but Colin didn't seem to ask her her much past the superficial or the rescue attempts.
He had the whole willingness to stick it out with her. And he definitely had the feelings. I don't think its fair to downplay that Colin felt genuine care and infatuation. Maybe it was based on a fantasy more than the reality, but those are still valid feelings.
I do think Colin definitely could have grown to love Marina because if they had gotten married they would have eventually grown to be each other's friends since he cared for her and would be more than eilling to make it work, but that also would depend on whether Marina ever let down her guard and stopped playing the part of wanting to be with him for security reasons (Which I don't think is a crime worth all the hate it gets her).
By the same token, he isn't in love with pen. Again there is genuine care. And Pen for sure loves him. He is one of her best friends, she would do anything for him. She wants to protect him and she sees him in a way no one else does.
Obviously while Colin also matches some of that, he isn't there yet. He cares for Pen, he sees a part of her that no one else does, and he's her friend. But he doesn't actually see all of her yet. And I'm not just taking about the LW thing. But everything that goes with it. She isn't a damsel that needs rescuing or a puppy to coddle. She is capable witty and talented.
He definitely sees some of it, but not enough.
Now again if we are going to talk about the complexities of love and validation of experiences.
Then yes Colin loved Marina and he loves Penelope. Just like Anthony loved Sienna and loves Kate.
Love isn't just one thing or another, and it isn't always equally reciprocated.
But I feel that in the context of the shows idea and presentation of love, Colin has not loved anyone truly and probably won't love Pen right away either because he just hasn't matured enough yet to get it.
I don't think this is a particularly new or insightful thought but hadn't seen yet while i was scrolling.
Also yall who are out here waiting for Marina to die....what the heck. I am someone who likes Phillip x Eloise's story, though I think a lot of that would have to be revamped for the show Eloise if they were going to do it.
I honestly would think that they will move on to Benedict before Eloise. That aside I'm not like out here counting down the moments and anticipating the death of a character...
Jeez. Yall out here posting crap that makes me like not want to admit I liked eloise's book.
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Liking Phillipe x Eloise is not equal to wanting Marina dead ASAP.
I feel like I shouldn't have to say that but apparently it needs to be said.
That's pretty disgusting, y'all, especially knowing how poorly Ruby Barker has been treated.
Now I know you can feel away about a character and not an actor, but I don't think giving the trolls validation is a good thing.
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marciliedonato · 3 months
There's something rly satisfying abt figuring out a twist and THEN it being confirmed like I just knew I had a feeling from the start that watching the dragon scene where falin gets eaten that she was gonna be the one who haunts the narrative and my theory was seeing them scramble to try to get down there ASAP that it was gonna be too late and it was always gonna be too late no matter what. And then when they were on that third (?) floor and they get attacked by the ghosts and laios sees the ghost as falin and he just willingly goes towards her bc he feels so much guilt and feels it's his fault what happened to her bc he was distracted and she jumped in front of him to protect him and sacrificed herself and then when senshi wards off the ghosts and chilchuck is saying how he was seeing his dad (implied dead) and laios says he was seeing falin and marcille says that's silly bc she's not there and she's not even dead I just knew then and there that was foreshadowing lol. And THAT reveal hadnt even aired yet I was just like 'this is not just a coincidence that ghosts take the form of things you feel gulit for they can only take the forms of people who are gone..' and I haven't even gotten there yet (almost lol) but I'm getting glimpses that my theories were true and I'm going absolutely insaneeeeeee lol
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