sunnibits · 7 months
also. also. (quickly putting on my beekeepers outfit to protect from the hive that I’m potentially whacking). thinking about izzy saying “blackbeard. it was us.” izzy telling ed that he fed his darkness on purpose, that he maintained blackbeard on purpose, because he needed him. thinking about how ed begs izzy not to go, tells him he can’t leave him. (he needs him). thinking about how ed could never truly heal until he left blackbeard behind. thinking about how blackbeard is really two people, not one. thinking about how izzy tells stede in season 1, “it’s my job is to make sure that edward is content”. how it’s been his purpose from the very beginning to protect edward, to help him be blackbeard, to be his right hand man. thinking about izzy saying “I wanna go”. thinking about all the meta from season 1 about ed keeping izzy in episode four on purpose, because he still needed him. thinking about izzy telling ed that he’s ready. ed is ready. (and it’s not just ed. izzy is ready too. I want to go. ed, I’m ready. I don’t need you anymore. I don’t need blackbeard anymore. you can let go). thinking about izzy looking up, seeing ed’s face, and softly saying “there he is”. (when was the last time izzy truly saw ed and felt at peace with it? when was the last time he didn’t search for something darker underneath? how soft were there faces then? how young, how unscarred was their skin?). thinking about izzy telling stede that he thinks he’s good for ed, that it took him a long time but that he sees it now. (he trusts stede now. he trusts him to take care of his eddie. he couldn’t trust him before, couldn’t see it, but he knows now. he knows he’ll be okay with stede). thinking about izzy using his last words to tell ed that he’s loved, that he’s surrounded by family. (you’re safe now. you’ll be safe without me. you’ll be safe without blackbeard). thinking about how blackbeard has always been a form of protection, of defense - now unneeded. but blackbeard was always two people knitted together. two scrappy boys in a costume, like a prey animal fluffed up to twice it’s size. a skin that can’t be shed without splitting them both apart. stitches that can’t be undone without bleeding.
they’re both ready. they’re letting go.
“there he is.”
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alonetogether · 2 years
ofmd tag meme
i was tagged by: @blackbeardz to do this really fun ofmd tag game! thank you omgies
no pressure tags — @2ndjerma @rhysiedarbs @theplanetinmoonlight @boygir1z @natjennie  @manforsale @mrbonnetbeard @fullyerecteggplant (no pressure as said hehe)
your name? — andy !
how many sugars? — 1 teaspoon if it’s tea and like 4 if it’s coffee, so it’s basically not coffee anymore
characters you relate to most? — stede :,) yes im goofy yes im sad yes im some guy
otp? — stede & ed (but other than them definitely lucius & pete)
notp? — any and all ships that include izzy or cj, lol
if you were a pirate captain, what would you call your ship? — uhh, something corny like... the fools demise, for the ones aboard or the ones that try to attack? who tf knows
what position would you have on a pirate ship (bosun, captain, powder monkey, master gunner, surgeon etc.) — can i PLEASE be a scribe
favourite ofmd fics or arts? — my all-time favourite art in this fanbase has to be this art by @miistermee and it NEEDS more attention on it and my favourite fic is anything wretched_wren@ao3 writes tbh AND @stedechain with their stunning graphic edits, like this one
biggest wish for season 2? — i need them to kiss like its both their final act in life and theyre teenagers in highschool again, also PLEASE can the crew all group hug, i just love love, lol
favourite quote — "i'm sorry tonight was a bit of a bust" / "no no, mate you were right, wasn't ready" / "i don't know, i think you're very sophisticated" / "thank you" / "that's a lovely piece of silk you have there" / "this tatty old thing?" / "well, sometimes the old things are the best things- may i?" / "there we go, look at that... you wear fine things well" cause... YEAH yeah, but also “well sussed!” just cause of how flouncy stede looks and sounds saying it
favourite minor character — frenchie or roach, if they count? otherwise, mary
favourite episode — pilot (ep1) OR this is happening (ep7) OR the art of fuckery (ep6) i can never choose
has ofmd caused you to re-evaluate your gender — yeah! made me believe in love again and therefore helped me believe i could find love despite my relationship with my gender (and my self image) being difficult, even if i’m late
favourite cast/creator quote or interview — when rhys and taika did that lie detector video and rhys asks, “so would you say as an actor you have leading man looks” and then taika shifts into ed’s voice and goes “i don’t know, you tell me” and rhys being the little shit that he is shifts into stede’s voice and whispers EXACTLY like he did as stede on that beach and goes “i think so” like they know what they’re doing i.....
do cats have knives in their feet? — absolutely, deadly even but they’re allowed to have them actually
song that makes you think of stede bonnet — little lion man by mumford & sons
song that makes you think of ed teach — the hearse by matt maeson
song that makes you think of izzy hands — that screaming and farting playlist jerma listens to idk and idc about izzy hehe <3
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