#LYNEY what do you mean? check YOUR HAT??? where the fuck is the baaBY????!
sarahsartistportfolio · 7 months
What I imagine our children to be like/Genshin fathers <3
Notes: Completely self indulgence. Technically self ship? Can be read sagau or just traveler!me. Basing this mostly on vibes, I'm still lacking knowledge on a lot of characters personal quests and insights. Very very tempted to draw some of the children. Would you wanna see that?😊
Lyney- One boy and one girl. Birth order doesn’t matter. I could also see him very much adopting. Maybe our third child is an adoptee. And yes he is including them in his magic acts Lyney darling where did the toddler go? Hm? What do you mean say the magic word and he'll reappear??!!
Cyno- One boy. Looks just his father. Child is quite and has a very calm temperament. Most well behaved child ever. All the other parents are jealous. For sure teaches his son how to protect himself and others when he’s older.
Childe- Twins, one girl and and boy. A mix of brown hair like me and bright red hair like their dad. Freckles too. If we decide to try again it’s another set of twins lol.
Heizou- Two little girls. 3-5 years apart. Omg he babys them so much. Spoils them rotten.
Zhongli- Just one little girl. She looks a lot like her father but has my eyes. Inherits archon power so she is a little dragon herself. Has a name referencing a flower or jewel like Jade or Amethyst. She's the ideal daughter when she's a young adult.
Ayato- Three boys. Oldest 10 years old, middle 8, youngest 5. And they are a menace. The biggest trouble makers. They did not inherit their father’s calm demeanor. They behave well enough in front of Ayato but left alone...chaos.
Wanderer- A single little girl who Scara is secretly so soft for. Outwardly and mostly in the early stage of fatherhood treats the child pretty indiffrently in public. But behind closed doors cuts the crust off the bread for his daughter and lets her braid his hair.
Venti- One son who has my hair color but still carries Venti’s teal color gradient. Venti is really clueless on how to care for a newborn but as soon as the baby starts to babble and become mobile he becomes surprising a really good dad. In true god of freedom fashion lets the toddler wonder around barefoot outside ! Venti sweetie your baby's about to eat a worm go get em!!
Kaveh- Oldest a boy, middle a girl, and youngest a boy. Actually very deicated to his family, gives him a reason to get up in the morning. When his child needs attention he sits them on his lap while he (trys) to work at his desk, giving the toddler a paintbrush to play with.
Tighnari- Four children. Hmm maybe two girls and two boys? All of them have fox ears and tails. Mix of them looking more like me and more like Tighnari.
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