#Language Honda Accord
wheels-tips · 5 months
Change Language Honda Accord Display 11th Generation (2023)
How to change the language on a Honda Accord Eleventh Generation (2023).
How to change the language on a Honda Accord Eleventh Generation (2023). In this video, I change the language displayed on the infotainment unit on a 2023 Honda Accord. This procedure works for 11th Gen. Honda Accords, allowing you to change the language on your Accord from English to Spanish or French.
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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  If he hears one peep about "the Joelussy"
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
I'm sorry for spamming you I'm just really excited--
Reader who also streams and just rants a lot while they play Stardew Valley?
Like mid milking a cow or something they pause the game and rant about how to kiss someone or smth?...
-🌕 anon! <3
AH OMG DONT WORRY ABOUT SPAMMING I LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🫶🫶 but I absolutely love this LMAO I made this into a preference setup instead of a oneshot bc I didn't know exactly who you wanted and I was having difficulty finding a way to stretch it out that long anyways. idk much about stardew valley so bare with me, I rewatched Tommy's video of him playing w Molly to help me 💀💀
MCYT ; stardew valley rants
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, freddie badlinu, niki nihachu, foolish gamers & quackity
warnings ; language
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you'll just be doing some tasks and be like "you know, I've never kissed anyone before. like, how does that work?"
meanwhile Tommy came over a little bit ago to hang out after stream and he just looks at you like 🤨😨
"youve never kissed anyone?? wait... we haven't kissed before? y/n/n, what?"
you shake your head no, confirming that you guys actually never kissed somehow, your relationship was kinda new in both of your defenses.
"we've only been dating like, 2 months, it's fine"
literally have your first kiss on stream bro
the cutest shit ever
you were playing stardew valley for a little calm/lofi stream before you went out to film with tubbo & tommy for a little challenge video
you got a little quiet after a while and started ranting about drama at school
you had some class time with a bunch of popular girls and you didn't exactly fit in with them and drama was starting to arrise
for a solid hour you were ranting about it
tubbo had your stream on as bg noise as he was on the bus to meet up with you and tommy
when you meet up afterwards his first words to you are "did you actually just rant for an hour about school drama?"
you nod and awkwardly smile cause you didn't know he was watching
"you're interesting to say the least"
"you are too!"
you literally paused the whole game mid-farming to rant about some restaurant you and ranboo went to the past day
chat was exploding with "oooo they went on a date" and you were just like "guys it was good food, 10/10"
they get you to join a call with them and you guys talk about it together and your whole experience and how awesome the food was
not to mention the aesthetic of the restaurant was so well put together
you got back to your stream with a little story for your viewers
you started ranting about a movie/show you're fixated on at the moment
went through all the lore, all the characters, background info, etc
Freddie was watching and using tts to talk to you
he encouraged it dw
like he was holding a convo w you and everything it was the cutest shit ever
the edits.
also people clipped the whole like half hour long thing and posted it to YouTube like "y/u/n and badlinu talk about ___!"
you don't even remember it within a week but HE DOES
just one of those cute relationship moments he loves to think about
you were playing stardew while he was playing gta and you were on a vc together
so obv it kinda sounded crazy 💀💀
"y/n I'm gonna drive my Honda Accord over there and kill all your cows!"
"I swear to God, quackity, don't even dare"
not really ranting but you were yelling threats at him and shit LMAO
you guys were playing together 🫶
you were teaching her how to do everything and stuff
you eventually went on a tangent about things you do and don't like about the game
she was agreeing to your solid points and stuff
that turns into a rant about hair color and if she can color your hair for you LMAO
"Dude, how do people do that van life shit? I'd die doing that"
straight up hour and a half rant about how much you hate van life tik tokkers while playing stardew valley
he's in your chat like "Yes 100 percent" and adding onto your points LMAO
you both share a hate for van life mfs
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 4 months
I've Got A Crush On You
A WMCJ!Jeremy x Reader Fic
Soundtrack: Crush On You- Lil' Kim
The last thing Jeremy wants to do right now is teach a team of 12-year-olds how to play basketball, but when he finds out that the nephew of his gym crush is on his team and practically a basketball prodigy, he'll do anything to get him as a client, especially if it means getting to spend more time with you.
Word Count:
Warnings: language, some shameless flirting and objectification of women
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"Dude, you've gotta get a new car. This shits a piece of junk." Jeremy slammed the door of Kamal's pale blue 1995 Honda Accord, the squeak of the hinges piercing his ear drums. "Man, shut up", Kamal sucked in his teeth at Jeremy as he hopped out of the driver's seat, a puff of black exhaust billowing out behind the car. "This is all 'Ni and I can afford right now, and last time I checked, it got your ass around LA just fine. Not everyone can drive Daddy's Porsche. Oh wait." He clamped a hand sarcastically over his mouth with wide eyes, chuckling at the look of hurt on Jeremy's face.
The brunette was quick to straighten up. "First of all, it wasn't my daddy's Porsche, it was Tatiana's daddy's Porsche", Kamal gave him a lazy roll of his eyes as he threw his gym bag over his shoulder, "and second, we broke up months ago, why do you keep bringing it up?"
"Because you call me at least once a week, tellin' me how much you miss her!" Jeremy quickly closed the distance between him, his face in a scowl, voice just above a whisper. "I told you that in confidence, man."
Kamal matched his tone, "Well, I wish you wouldn't tell me nothing at all." He was there for his friend during his breakup, but what Jeremy considered a "healthy processing of emotions", Kamal called "oversharing".
"Besides, I've moved on." Jeremy puffed out his chest, trying to appear as confident as possible. "I've met someone else."
"Oh right. Ms. Flexible." Kamal teased in a sing-song voice as he rested a forearm on the hood of the car. Jeremy wouldn't shut up about this "baddie" (his words) that he saw at the gym he frequented, and you would think Halle Berry was showing up in spandex every week, the way he talked about her.
"Put some respect on her name, man. It's Y/N. I took-well I snuck into- one of her yoga classes at the gym, and she is-", he let out a whistle in awe, "I left her class feeling so Zen." Jeremy wasn't any more limber than before the class started, but he sure was in love. "So what now, you wanna "align her chakras" or something?" Jeremy quickly got the innuendo with a suggestive raise of Kamal's eyebrows.
Jeremy let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Why do I feel like you don't take the ancient and complex, spiritual practice known as yoga, seriously?" You could insult his taste in women, but you couldn't insult his lifestyle.
"Because I don't." Kamal let out a hearty chuckle, but Jeremy was stone faced, failing to find the humor in his joke. "Come on, man. We're gonna be late."
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Kamal didn't enjoy stepping foot in his old high school, the memories from his his fall from grace senior year forever in the front of his mind. The only reason he was spending his Saturday in this gym he used to call his second home, was to honor a promise he made to an old friend.
"So where are these prospects you talked about?" Jeremy set his NPR tote bag down the bleachers, surveying the inhabitants of the gym. "There's nothing but some old guys and some kids here, man."
"About that..." Kamal's breath hitched in his chest. He hadn't been forthcoming with Jeremy about what they were doing today, because he knew there was no way he'd come if he knew the truth.
"Kamal Allen?" Kamal turned to see his high school best friend Chris Williams walking up behind him, a bag of basketballs in his hands. "Chris, what's going on man?", Kamal asked as he pulled him into a hug. "How long has it been?" Kamal knew exactly how many years it'd been. There were times when he wanted to reach out Chris, but didn't out of shame and embarrassment for how he left things.
Chris chuckled, "Five years, I guess. How's Imani and the baby?"
"He's not a baby anymore. Drew just turned four."
"Damn, time really does fly I guess." Their was a painful silence between the old friends, so Jeremy stepped in. "I'm Jeremy. I've actually got my own business", he slipped a business card to Chris, who reluctantly took it, a blank look on his face, "I mold basketball players into the the next NBA star with my patented, well it will be eventually, shooting drills and techniques." He gave Chris his signature smile, the elevator pitch committed to memory. "I'm gonna need that back by the way. I only have the one."
"Okay", Chris handed Jeremy back the business card with a confused look on his face, Kamal silently signaled to ignore him. "Anyways, thanks for coming down today. I know these kids are a little misguided, but with some good coaching, especially from one of the best players in our school's history, they can get on the right track."
That caught Jeremy's interest. "I'm sorry, what did you say about kids?" He looked between Kamal and Chris, waiting for an explanation. "You said we were working with prospects headed for the draft, K."
"We are", Kamal avoided eye contact, "I just didn't say what year the draft was."
"Look, these kids are from some rough neighborhoods around L.A. They come here to feel safe, appreciated, and stay off the streets. I need some help getting them together though, I can't coach them on my own." Kamal gave Jeremy a pleading look but he wasn't budging.
"No! Look, that kid is picking his nose", the trio swung their heads to look around, catching a tall, scrawny boy wiping a booger on his mesh jersey, all three groaning in disgust, "and that kid looks like a newborn giraffe." Another kid was having trouble staying upright while he was trying to dribble the ball. "Besides, kids through off my energy. I can't do this." Jeremy collected his things, taking a quick swig of his green juice before throwing it in the bag. "I'll be in the car."
"He made it a couple of steps towards the door before Chris stopped him. "Did I mention the job pays?"
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"Alright, everybody round up." Jeremy took in the group of boys in front of him, and realized there wasn't an ounce of talent between them. "This is Kamal and Jeremy, they're gonna help out the team."
"Help?!" Kamal shot a look at a kid with a high-top fade reminiscent of the 80s, couldn't haven been more than five feet tall. "What's an old man and Bob Ross gonna do for this team?" The team snickered and laughed at the joke.
"Bob Ross? You're lucky I don't believe in confrontation or..." Jeremy warned, a scowl on his face.
"Or what? You'd paint me a pretty landscape?" The kid shot back, and Jeremy forgot he was a peaceful soul for a second.
"Alright, that's enough Isaiah", Chris cut in. "This is Isaiah Thompson, our point guard." Isaiah flexed, earning a chuckle from Kamal and Jeremy. "What's so funny? I average 15 points a game. They call me Swisher, because I always make that net swish", he held up his hand in the follow through position, his teammates cheering for him.
"Well "Swisher", they should call you Swiffer, because y'all get swept every game." Kamal's tone was laced with sarcasm. He didn't like going toe to toe with kids, but he was asking for it.
"That's rich coming from you", the tall nose picker stepped in, "last time I checked, you weren't exactly holding any records lately. My dad went to high school the same time you did, and he said you blew your scholarship and now you deliver packages." Kamal's jaw flexed. Somehow, the story of his misgivings had been passed down through generations. He stepped to the kid in a moment of anger, but Jeremy was quick to hold him back. "He isn't worth it." He whispered, and Kamal composed himself.
"That's enough! Now, Kamal is still a legend at this school, and we're gonna show him some respect." Chris let out a sigh. "If we want to be taken seriously at this year's tournament, we need to buckle down and get back to the fundamentals."
"What about white boy over there?" Isaiah pointed in Jeremy's direction. "You don't need to worry about that white boy", Kamal palmed a basketball as he spoke, "he's one of the best shooters I've seen."
"Not with those shoes", Isaiah snickered. Jeremy looked down and wiggled his toes in his custom barefoot shoes. "What's wrong with my shoes? Studies have shown it's better for your body to connect with the ground."
"Its giving...broke." Another kid chimed in from the back of the group, sending the boys into a roaring laughter.
"The only thing its giving is me upper cutting a little kid today!" Jeremy lunged at the kid, Kamal stepping in with a hard push to his chest, making him stumble back. "Watch out everyone, Bob Ross is angry!" Isaiah teased, bellowing with laughter.
"Remember what you said? He's not worth it." Kamal patted Jeremy's shoulder reassuringly, this time the reasonable one. "I'm good. I'm good." Jeremy said with a hard breath out of his nostrils.
The sound of the gym door screeching as it opened made both of them turned. "Dude, you've gotta be kidding me." Jeremy couldn't help the smile that crept on his face when he noticed who walked in.
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You were even prettier than Jeremy remembered, and he'd spent a lot of time the last couple of weeks thinking about you. You were out of your usual matching gym set, instead wearing scrubs, and he almost lost it at the thought that you were a nurse.
"Isn't that-?" Kamal pointed over to you, and Jeremy quickly slapped his hand down. "Yes it is. What the hell is she doing here?"
"She's probably here to provide medical assistance if you keep getting killed by these kid's jokes." Kamal let out a humorous breath as he looked over at Jeremy who was in a trance, tracking your every step as you made your way to the bleachers. "You think so? I'd like to get some CPR from those lips."
Kamal shoved his friend, shaking him out of his daydream. "No man. She doesn't even know you exist. One of these gremlins is probably her kid or something." He tossed the basketball to Jeremy, who caught it without dropping his gaze toward you. "Are you coming, man?"
"Yeah, yeah. One second." Jeremy dropped the ball and waved Kamal away. He didn't know if he was gonna get a second chance to have your undivided attention, so he was gonna take advantage of the moment.
You shot off a text and looked up just as Jeremy approached you, planting one of his feet on the bleachers, and leaning in uncomfortably close to you. He was cute, messy curls, a smile that could be used on a dentistry advertisement. His wardrobe, an old tie dye t-shirt that was ripped at the collar and hem paired with basketball shorts and those weird individual toe shoes, was a bit off putting, but you had to admire him being true to his own style.
"Sorry, this is a closed practice", Jeremy said with a smirk. "Oh, sorry! I had no idea", you uttered, quickly collecting your things. "I'm just kidding", Jeremy grabbed your arm gently to stop you from walking away. You glanced down at his hand, making him retract it. "I'm Jeremy. I've taken your yoga class over at Hurston, I'm a big fan." He extended a hand out to you, which you took hesitantly.
"Y/N. I didn't know I had fans", your brow knitted together with a smile, "thank you, I guess?" Jeremy chuckled as you tipped your head to the side. "Yeah, I've never seen anyone hold Warrior II like you do." God, he was rusty as hell at flirting after being with Tatiana so long. He could physically feel the charisma draining from his body. "So are you here waiting for your boyfriend or something?" Jeremy knocked his head back in the direction of some senior citizens going through the motions of a Tai Chi class in the corner.
"Oh no", you grimaced, "hell no, uh I usually pick my nephew up from practice, and I got off of work early, so I thought I'd save myself the drive to Inglewood and just wait until he's finished. He's the shy one over in the corner, Mattias." Jeremy noticed the kid with tight curls atop his head dribbling the ball through his legs. He was honestly impressed with his handling skills.
" Are you one of the coaches?" You noticed the basketball that Jeremy was nervously tossing between his hands as you talked.
"Yeah, you know kids are really my passion. Anything to help", Jeremy was lying through his teeth, but you didn't need to know that. "Children are the future, you know?"
You spent the next 15 minutes talking with Jeremy, and you could admit that he was as funny as he was cute. There was something undeniably charming about him, and the way he spoke so passionately about his business, even if it was a gimmicky juicing endeavor, was endearing.
"Hey, Richard Simmons", Isaiah yelled from across the court, "if you're done bombing over there, we need another person for 5 on 5!" Jeremy cursed under his breath with a roll of his eyes, before turning back to you with a smile. "I'd really love to talk more, but duty calls."
"Yeah, go, go, I understand." You said with a giggle as he jumped off the bleachers and jogged to back to the team. "How the hell does he even know who Richard Simmons is?", Jeremy mumbled under his breath.
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To say that the team needed work would be an understatement. Most of the players couldn't even catch the ball without jamming a finger or getting the wind knocked out of them, and dribbling without a travel call was a pipe dream at this point. They could count on one hand the number of shots that made it into the basket during layups. The only player with a little bit of natural talent was Mattias. In fact, he could probably play on JV at his age, and both Kamal and Jeremy noticed how flawless his shot was.
"Are you seeing this?", Kamal whispered to Jeremy, who nodded without needing any other context. "He's good. For 12, he's great. He's Y/N's nephew." Jeremy looked back at you. You were intently watching the team play, and gave Jeremy a small wave, feeling your stomach flip as he returned one back to you. "What's up with that?" Even Kamal could tell there was a spark between the two of you. "All I know man, is when I look at her, my stomach drops into my ass." Jeremy's voice cracked as he spoke.
"Is that a good thing?", Kamal asked with a slightly disgusted face. Jeremy looked just as confused as he did. "I don't know man. I don't know." They both jumped as Chris blew the whistle, the sound echoing through the gym. "Let's get one more scrimmage in before we go home."
"Mattias, take point." Kamal tossed the timid kid the ball, but he caught it with ease. "I'm point guard." Isaiah complained, "Matti's too scared to even shoot the ball."
"No I'm not!", Matti threw back with a frown on his face. "Yes you are. Last game you choked, we could've won!" Isaiah was ever the instigator. "Y'all lost that game by 20." Kamal retorted, waving the paper schedule he had in his hand in the air.
"Yeah, but we could have lost by 18 instead."
Kamal sighed. "It doesn't matter, I'm the coach, and I say Mattias is running point. Now run the play." It ran more like a traffic jam than the play Kamal drew up for them to run, and it was only a matter of seconds before one of the kids missed the pass and the ball went flying into the bleachers.
"Mattias, you need to look where you're passing. Make sure you make eye contact with your teammate before you pass." Kamal ran through the motions before passing the ball back. "Jer, get on the wing." When he didn't move, Kamal looked over to see that Jeremy was practically drooling over you from afar, his back completely turned away from the basket. "Jeremy!"
Hearing his name called a second time caught his attention. "Sorry, man. She's just so beautiful."
"Man, get on the wing", Kamal growled. Jeremy jogged over his spot, but he couldn't take his eyes off you. He wondered what you smelled like, what kind of perfume you wore, what you dreamt about at night. He felt the ball whoosh past his head, but it couldn't tear his attention away from you.
He was so zoned in on you, in fact, he didn't realize the next basketball pass hit him so hard in the head, it knocked him out cold, his body falling to the ground.
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"Jeremy. Jeremy, can you hear me?"
Jeremy's eyelashes fluttered rapidly as he came to, and while he couldn't see clearly, he could make out blurry figures hovering over him, muffled voices coming in and out. The first voice to come in clearly was a woman's voice.
"Jeremy, if you can here me, please squeeze my hand." The voice was soft and sweet, like something out of one of his dreams. He gently squeezed the silky soft hand in his grasp, allowing his eyelids to slowly open. "Is this heaven?" He could make out your soft silhouette as the lights got brighter around his head.
You let out a quiet giggle as you moved out of the way so Kamal could check on his friend. When Jeremy's vision was fully returned, he groaned at the sight of Kamal's face in front of his. "No man, this is Compton, not Heaven." He helped Jeremy sit up, and you handed him an ice pack for the ever growing bump on his temple.
"Are you okay?", you gave him a sympathetic smile with a pat on the shoulder. You could tell he was embarrassed, his cheeks and neck a bright pink.
"You should have seen it, the ball hit you in the head, and you went flying. Knocked out cold!", Isaiah exclaimed with a laugh.
"Shut up", Jeremy mumbled, letting out a groan as the pain from the impact finally hit him; his face felt like one giant oncoming bruise. You pulled out the pen light you had in your scrub pocket. "Can you follow the light for me?" Jeremy squinted as you shined the bright light in his eyes but his pupils were receptive. "Well, I don't think you have a concussion, but you should definitely take it easy for the next couple of days."
"Thanks, I'm glad you were here." Jeremy gave you a small smile. "Sorry you had to come to my rescue."
"Don't worry, it comes with the territory." You showed him your nursing badge that was still clipped to your collar. "Here, hand me your phone." Jeremy pulled his phone out of his bag and handed it to you. You put your phone number in his contacts. "Call me if any of your symptoms get worse, and if you start to smell toast, call an ambulance." You gave him one last smile before heading out of the gym with Mattias.
"Wait, so you get a ball to the head, and you still managed to get Ms. Flexible's number?" Kamal playfully shoved Jeremy in the arm. "She gave it to me for emergencies, not to ask her out on a date." Jeremy wanted nothing more then to go on a date with you, but he didn't want to exploit your kindness either.
"Trust me man, I saw you drooling over her. This is definitely an emergency."
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That night, Jeremy wore a path in his carpet pacing back and forth in his apartment. He was trying anything to calm his nerves: herbal tea, meditation, even Ashwaganda, but that just made him horny and made it more difficult to hold off on calling you. Kamal wasn't any help either, edging him on as they drove back to their side of town.
He stared at your number in his phone contacts for so long, he had them committed to memory. Maybe he could just pretend that his symptoms had gotten worse. Yeah, maybe he did have a concussion, and while he was sure you'd advise him to go to the doctor, it would at least give him an in.
Fuck it, he was gonna call you.
The phone rang four times before you picked up, the sound of the TV in the background.
Jeremy cleared his throat, feeling it go dry. The first word came out in a croak. "Hello, this is Jeremy. From earlier today. You know the one that got hit with the basketball?"
You stifled a laugh as you straightened up on your couch. "Jeremy, yeah. Are you okay? How's your head?" You'd been thinking about him all day, hoping that you'd get to see him again, but you honestly weren't expecting to hear from him that night.
"Its okay. Still a little dizzy when I stand up too quickly, but I took your advice and I've been taking it easy. I actually made one of my recovery smoothies tonight, and I can swear its helping." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, waiting for you to speak.
"That's good, I'm glad you're doing okay." You allowed a pause, not really sure what he wanted. "Is there something else you wanted to talk about?"
It was now or never. You were the first person after Tatiana that he actually saw as more as a rebound hookup. He wanted to do this right.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tomorrow?" He immediately began to panic as soon as the words came out of his mouth. "I've know this vegan restaurant that has farm to table ingredients." He slapped a hand to his forehead in embarrassment. Good job, Jeremy. If she didn't think you were a weirdo before, he definitely did now.
He perked up as you began to speak. "That actually sounds really nice. I would love to go to dinner with you, Jeremy."
"One second." Jeremy punched the mute button so you wouldn't hear him run around his apartment in excitement, punching the air. He plopped back down on his couch, taking a second to compose himself and catch his breath before he pressed unmute. "Sounds good. 8'o'clock?"
"That's perfect. See you tomorrow."
Jeremy hung up his phone, and placed it on the coffee table as reality started to set in. This was the first date he was going on in five years. He really needed it to go well.
He needed it to go fuckin' perfect.
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thatumbrellaoni · 4 months
lots of subtlety happening in succession here. enough to give me whiplash.
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let me get this out of the way, bakuras image of yugi is this sweet blushing kid who wouldnt hurt a fly.
anyway according to bakura here, yugi was chosen after 3000 years. for that alone, yugi has worth and bakura needs him to be the puzzle's owner. its been a long time so I might be misremembering, but during their duel in memory world, doesnt bakura basically say outside of being a vessel, yugi is worthless? (thus the coming of age theme of ygo/yugis character development. also how rude, bakura.)
on that note!! yknow, because I always compare/contrast the yugis to the bakuras since we didnt get any of that much needed analysis in the series itself: bakura waited ~3000 years for ryou, his destined host, to be born. waited another 10 to actually meet him. then waited 6 more to be able to talk to him.
while atem just chilled and waited for granpa to find him in the tombs (to be finally found by yugi later in the shop), bakura was subjected to numerous potential hosts by shadi, burning people alive, before ryou came to him.
love language funny how that works out.
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bakuras unnecessarily forceful entrance. so extra goddamn. for a thief, bakura sure isnt being sneaky for a change. the ring was sensing a disturbance so maybe he saw the need to hustle.
hondas face: I relate. exactly what I looked like seeing all that 🤨
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speaking of honda.
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his character and the things he does in the series dont get highlighted enough. I absolutely LOVE how hes the only Normal Guy in yugis circle who isnt insane about games. hes like, "ah yeah the guys wanted to check out that shop. good for them." solid trait that goes under the radar. more power to honda. and his doggy!
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me reacting to satan fucking shit up:
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darkeralmond · 5 months
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In The Spotlight
October Series
synopsis: trevor meets hayden after the game and they hang out, the next day the band has to meet with aubrey to talk about a new album
warnings: language
word count: 2.8k
Fans poured out of the Honda Center arena happy with the 4 - 1 Ducks win. I stayed inside with Mal, Alex, and Wes as I anxiously awaited Trevor to come out and greet us. I would have some doubtful thoughts here and there such as, “What if he doesn’t show up?”
Mal rested her hand on my shoulder, “I’m sure he will.” She looked around, people still everywhere. “Just stay alert for people screaming ‘Oh my God! It’s Trevor Zegras’! That’s how we know he’s close by.”
I rolled my eyes as I tried my hardest to stop the smile that threatened to break through. It didn’t help that my cheeks now flushed with bright red heat against my already pale skin. “How will he even be able to find me through this crowd of people? There’s like at least tens of thousands of people here.”
Wes then looked behind me and smiled, “Like that.”
I turned around at the squeals that broke through the crowd. Before I could grasp what was happening, a sweaty casually dressed Trevor Zegras emerged through the valley of fans in awe around him. Some asked for pictures, some asked for autographs, and the others were too stunned by his presence to do anything.
My heart rate rapidly sped up as either a pit formed in my stomach or the butterflies had come back. His sky-blue eyes were fixated on me as a smile grew on his face. “Hayden Clarke,” he said, both enthusiasm and a New York accent slipping from his voice. “It’s so nice to see you again after all this time.”
A nervous smile made itself present on my face as he went in for the hug. Oh, okay! I thought as he wrapped his arms around me. As I embraced him, two things stood out to me. The first thing was our height distance. The last time I went to the doctor’s office in February, the nurse told me I stood at 5’4 and 3/4 — which is oddly specific. Since then I’ve assumed that I’ve grown to be about 5’5. Trevor stood at around 6’0, at least according to Google, and he looked it. Compared to me, at least.
I let go of the embrace and tucked some blonde strands of hair behind my ear. “It’s nice to see you again, Trevor,” I bashfully said. I struggled to maintain eye contact with him due to how sheepish he made me feel. “Have you met my band mates?” I asked him.
He shook his head and glanced over my shoulder before letting out a chuckle, “And I don’t think I will be.” My eyebrows furrowed as I turned around and found that the three of them had vanished. Those fuckers! I turned back to Trevor and forced a laugh, masking my aggravation with them. “Looks like I get to know you more now. Did you drive here?”
“Uh, Alex did actually. We all pretty much carpool together since we live together.” I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets while looking up at him. His expression had soften compared to him earlier on the ice.
“Well, since your friends abandoned you… would you like me to give you a ride home?” My eyes grew as wide as they could. He’s already offering me a ride home? Is he trying to be prince charming?
My mom told me to never get into cars with men I’ve never met before. She didn’t want me to pop up missing, but I have Life 360 now, so what’s the worse that can happen? “Yes, please,” I answered.
Now we had to get through the mass of fans that crowded around us, shouting and taking pictures. I squeezed closer to him as I wrapped my arm around his, letting him lead us out to where ever he parked his car at. It had to be in some player reserved area, especially with the traffic coming out of the Honda Center.
Somehow, we lost the crowd of adoring fans which felt like a sigh of relief. “I haven’t seen a crowd like that since Miami!” I laughed as I glanced up at him. I still hadn’t let go of him, it felt comforting in a way. Maybe even a bit secure.
“It always feels like I’m in a pack of sardines when I’m near that exit,” he joked. “I should’ve told you to meet me by the locker room.”
I shrugged, “I don’t even know the lay out of the arena like that. Though it was one of the venues offered to us.”
Trevor dug in his sweatpants pocket and grabbed his keys from there. “Why didn’t you?” he asked as he unlocked the car.
My arm slowly let go of his as I made my way to the passenger seat of the car. “Because we were already performing at SDSU’s amphitheater. There was really no reason to go there and then drive an hour to Anaheim.”
Trevor chuckled as he answered, “Well, so I could see you guys perform obviously.”
“Should’ve just come to the SDSU one then,” I replied in a snarky tone.
His hand flew over his chest as his mouth popped open in a comedic way. I laughed looking at the obvious fake offense on his face. “You’re really mean you know that!” He then started the car up and began backing out of his parking spot. He placed his hand on the head of the passenger seat as he turned back to guide himself.
That was really attractive for no reason I could explain. He noticed before I was able to catch myself staring at him the entire time he did this with my jaw slacked. He smirked as he put the car into drive, facing forward again. “You also have a staring problem.”
“I thought you said I was talented,” I bit back. Bickering was the only way of flirting I could perfect.
“There’s a lot of things I’ve said about you,” he replied. “Mean, talented, surprisingly funny, and really pretty.”
That caught me off guard, I looked back at him with my eyes wide. “What?”
“I would dumb not to shoot my shot with you.” He glanced over at me, stopping at a stop light. He looked over at me, the red light being the only thing illuminating his face in the dark. “I tried to at your first gig, but you wouldn’t give up on caring that speaker back to the truck.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t have you do that. That’s how I met Aubrey and got us our record deal.” I glanced down at his phone which was plugged into the car and then back up at him. “I need your phone to put my address into, unless you already know where I live and avidly stalk me without my knowledge.”
“Oh, yeah,” Trevor said as he put in his passcode and gave the phone to me. The light flickered green and Trevor stepped on the gas pedal. “You might as well put your number in there as well.”
A smile cracked on my face as a giggle slipped out. He was such a smooth talker, it made me want to scream. I put the address into Waze, the directions immediately popping up on the car’s screen, then did as he told me to. I put my number into his phone before placing it in the cup holder.
“Is there anything you want me to get you to eat before I drop you off?” he asked, again glancing over at me with his bedroom eyes.
“Uh,” I hummed. “There’s an In-and-Out burger near my house. I only had popcorn at the game.”
“Thank God, Hay. I’m starving,” Trevor said as he turned in the direction the app told him to. I’m already Hay to him? That’s cute.
After I came home from hanging out with Trevor, I couldn’t sleep. Nothing happened like a kiss or anything, but the tension was unreal and that was only the first hang out. He wanted to meet again at Pearson Park on Sunday with Jamie and Mal. I agreed without any hesitation, especially since Mal would kill me if I ruined her opportunity to meet another Ducks player.
Now it was the afternoon and I sat on the couch, scrolling through Twitter. There were posts left and right about Trevor and I during and after the game. People were now speculating a possible relationship between us, which I now wouldn’t be opposed to.
One of the posts was from someone with a Trevor Zegras profile picture. They posted a picture they took of their TV screen showing my phone which said ‘Meet me after the game!’ and Trevor responding to it. The caption said:
When I went onto Instagram, an Anaheim Ducks fanpage posted the same thing except it was the highlight and with the announcers. One of the guys said, “And there’s Hayden Clarke, lead singer of Pink Slip, shooting her shot with Zegras right there.”
“Technically he shot his shot first when he did that interview with Gina,” the other one responded.
It was kind of funny to see how viral this has already gone, and we haven’t even done anything.
Wes came out of his room with his burrito blanket wrapped around him. He yawned loudly before announcing his presence, “Good morning.” He had bags under his eyes and his hair was an absolute mess. I beamed at him and nodded my head, “Good morning!”
“Uh oh,” Wes laughed. “What did you and Trevor get into?”
I rolled my eyes with red cheeks and got up from the couch. I watched as Wes grabbed a mug from the cabinet and placed it beneath the coffee machine. “Nothing! I promise!” I pulled myself onto the counter and swayed my feet. “We just got food last night and we talked. He’s really sweet.”
“Is he boyfriend material?” Wes asked as the machine dispensed coffee for him.
“Okay. One, don’t ever say ‘boyfriend material’ again. Two, yes he is!” I chirped. “He said I was pretty and he did that sexy thing that guys do when they back out of parking spots and —” I heard my phone begin to ring, cutting my off from my talk about Trevor. Disappointment swept across Wes’s features as he was intrigued to hear more about my night with Trevor. I checked who was calling and saw it was Aubrey. I picked up the phone and put it up to my ear. “Hey, Aubrey. What's up?” I answered.
“Hey, Hayden!” she responded, “Is there any time I can see you all later today at the studio?” Wes leaned against the island next to me as he listened in on Aubrey and I’s conversation. He took a long sip of his black coffee.
I put the phone on speaker before I replied, “Uh, yeah! Alex and Mal get back around 2.” Mal and Alex were early birds unlike Wes and I, so they had gotten up early to get brunch. “It’s only Wes and I right now.”
“Hi, Aubrey!” Wes said to her.
“Hi, Wes!” she replied, I could hear the smile on her face. She always had one. “I should be free around then. I’ll give you a call if anything changes,” Aubrey said.
With that, I said bye and hung up the phone. Wes pulled himself up on the counter and said, “I wonder if she’s gonna talk about Trevor.” He then gasped and playfully hit me, “What if she says you two should date for publicity?”
“Who said it would be for publicity?” I shrugged my shoulders while smiling.
“Don’t tell me you’re already falling for him,” he said with a chuckle.
I placed a finger over my lips and simply shushed him. I snagged the mug from his hands and took a swig. The bitter hot coffee made my nose crinkle as the boiling liquid ran down my throat. “This stuff is poison. I don’t know how you can drink plain black coffee.”
We entered Hillister at 2:03 PM and made our way to the control room where we found Aubrey glued to her phone like a screenager. She sat on the rolly chair while on her phone. She perked her head up like a dog when we entered the room. “Hey, guys! Sit down! I have stuff to talk about.” She gestured us to a couch that would she still believed would fit all of us — which it never did.
I crammed in between Mal and Wes. “Okay, we need to talk about new music.” She clasped her hands together and leaned toward us. “You guys haven’t released an album since last year, let alone a single. The fans are expecting stuff from you guys. Especially you, Hayden.”
“Me?” I asked.
“Yes!” Aubrey exclaimed. “There’s so much buzz about you and Trevor. It’s all I’ve seen on my feed. Which good job by the way, he’s a cutie.” Mal nudged me with her elbow and cooed as I rolled my eyes, though I struggled to hide my smile. “I’m gonna call up Kayla and see if I can get her down here sometime this week to discuss ideas,” she said as she pulled out her phone.
Kayla was older than all of us, but younger than Aubrey. I loved her songwriting abilities. Not only was she was good, but it gave us less work to do. That was sort of the problem though. The music didn’t feel authentic when performing. I just equivalated it to performing a cover of a song no one knows.
“Uh, Aubrey?” I spoke up and shifted in my spot again. She perked her head up and let out a hum. “Could we try something new…?”
“Oh, you want someone else?” Aubrey tilted her head to the side slightly, her phone lowering as she looked at me. “I can find someone with a new sound, it’ll probably just take about 2 weeks instead of this one.”
I shook my head. “No. I, uh,” I stuttered and looked over at Alex and Mal who were looking at me just as confused as Aubrey. “I was wondering kind of wondering if we could, maybe, start writing our own music.”
“Huh?!” Alex asked aloud, his eyebrows knitted together. I could hear the loud slap he had received on his arm from Mal due to his verbal shock.
If you would’ve suggested to me a year ago writing music for ourselves, I would’ve said no. I was, and still am, sort of embarrassed by the stuff I came up with growing up. I also wasn’t the type of person to suddenly change my mind especially on stuff this big, but something about writing our own music just made sense. It’s why I wanted to form a band in the first place. “Are you sure, Hayden?” she asked.
I looked over at the three of them before answering, “Yes. I just feel it would really challenge us as a band and make our music feel more personal. It’s a better way for us to connect with our fanbase.”
She placed her phone down on her lap and nodded her head, “Uh, yeah! If you guys think you can do it. I would love it, but let’s get into details,” Aubrey said as she adjusted her position in her own seat. “I want to be able to have everything recorded by the end of November, mid December at the latest. I want something to put out by Spring of next year.” She spun around and grabbed her keyboard from the empty chair next to her and wrote down the requirements. At least a 10 track album, something to do with love as it could really promote sales.
She also wanted us to go on tour again, but she said logistics of that would be determined around spring when the album is planned to drop. She wanted it to be bigger and better than the previous tour we had over the summer.
“Hayden,” Aubrey placed both her hands down on the clipboard and again stared right at me. “I believe you will be America’s next punk pop princess, this band will be remembered for decades to come.”
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111moonstone111 · 2 years
Robert "Bob" Floyd Headcanons
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- Never wears matching socks. Never.
- He listens to 2000s rock music [but rarely around others]
- He was a chorus kid in highschool (this thought has been in my head for DAYS)
- Favourite movie is Killer Klownz from Outer Space
- Dont play Mario Kart/Wii Sports/Just Dance with him. Just dont. You will lose very badly.
- Didnt learn to ride a bike properly till he was around 12. He could technically ride a bike but couldnt keep it straight or up for too long.
- He had a funeral for his pet goldfish when he was 8.
- The legs to his glasses are superglued in place. He broke them by rolling over on them while asleep. (I have infact done this before and I do have the legs to my glasses glued in place)
- Cant tell you where he wants to eat, but can tell you where he doesnt want to eat.
- Drives a 2018 Honda Accord
- This man is picky as hell when it comes to sweet tea and prefers light ice in it.
- He can draw really well.
- Cant be near people eating fish or lobster. He doesnt like seeing the bones or shell, thinks its gross looking.
- Definitely not a lightweight when it comes to drinking. He hardly ever drinks though.
- When he does get drunk he does not SHUT UP. My man is a talker and will suddenly remember every single detail from a problem that happened when he was 15.
- Human Heater Unit. Blankets off even when its freezing in the bed.
- Will get you anything you want. Even if yall are just friends. You see a nail polish color you like? He will get it for you. (Love language is gift giving)
- He once took apart a whole DVD player and put it back together (correctly) with no help at all
- He can play bass guitar.
more Top Gun stuff
Thank you all for reading this. If you want proper explanations for some of these just let me know. :)
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countesskittymeow · 2 years
We're going to Karachi! We're going to Karachi!
Well, not me personally. I haven't been there in about a decade and a half but Kamala is headed to Karachi and I'm excited to see it happen!
Lmao, the flower garlands at the airport 🤣
Also the Nani! I absolutely adore this actress. Definitely didn't expect to see her in the MCU but i like the casting tbh
Kamala nearly losing her head with the guy on the bike going the wrong way. OMG, i have a funny story like that one too. Though it happened to my parents the first time they were going over to meet my in-laws. They hadn't been to my husband's hometown in decades and so my dad wasn't used to the attitude that traffic rules are mere suggestions and so he alost got into an accident with a guy on a bike going the wrong way on the highway and the dude had the nerve to gesture at my dad to watch where he's driving. 🤣🤣🤣
Blegh! Whey are the subtitles constantly going (speaking hindi)??? They're speaking Urdu, not Hindi. They sound pretty close but both are distinct languages.
Ohh, now I'm craving some pani puri.
Also, the local guy giving her directions to the traon station brings back memories 🤣🤣
Red dagger is hilarious 🤣 and their headquarters are so cool. Also Aisha's homeworld is all purple and really really pretty? Interesting though that according to Waleed, these djinn aren't the same as the djinn in mythology, so I guess I can excuse the 'made of noor' thing that Najma said in episode 2 i think?
Omg, a prison breakout and a betrayal? Also poor, poor Kamran.
If the Biryani isn't spicy, is it even Biryani?
High speed rickshaw chase?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!? I did NOT know i needed this but this is fucking hilarious!
Also what part of Karachi are they supposed to be in where the streets are this... Cart free? Also, why in the world are ALL the cars in the street so old??? Like they were pulled out of the 70s and the 80s. Even in parts of the city that are kinda old timey, people would LOVe to buy the latest cars and stuff. Where are the local cars?!? Where the Toyotas, Hondas and the Suzukis? 😂
She time travelled? She time travelled?!
Also that scene from the partition gave me chills!
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Revolutionary and Budget-Friendly: Tesla Unveils Game-Changing EV - Don't Miss Your Chance to Own It
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Tesla Motors is actively preparing to unveil its highly anticipated, next-generation electric vehicle (EV), commonly referred to as the Model 2. This groundbreaking budget-friendly EV is scheduled for release in 2025 and is projected to feature a remarkably affordable manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) ranging from $25,000 to $30,000, positioning it among the most competitively priced EV models in the U.S. market. Presently, Tesla's most accessible offering is the Model 3, starting at an MRSP of approximately $39,000. However, with the impending arrival of the Model 2, Tesla aims to cater to a wider audience by delivering an affordable yet feature-rich hatchback. As with their existing mid-priced vehicles and trucks, Tesla will provide an array of options and upgrades for the Model 2, including battery enhancements and service subscriptions, enabling customers to personalize their driving experience according to their preferences. By reimagining the provided information in a more technical and SEO-friendly manner, we emphasize Tesla's commitment to making electric mobility accessible to a larger demographic while maintaining its renowned focus on innovation and customization. Tesla's forthcoming affordable EV, the Model 2, is expected to have its primary manufacturing hub at the upcoming factory in Monterrey, Mexico, potentially supplemented by production in Austin, Texas. While Tesla's high-end vehicles are currently manufactured in the United States, this strategic decision aims to optimize production efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Tesla's vertical integration strategy plays a pivotal role in cost control, as the company designs its own batteries, software, and equipment. This comprehensive approach allows Tesla to have greater control over the manufacturing process and contributes to maintaining competitive pricing. During Tesla's investor day event in March, Lars Moravy, the Vice President of Vehicle Engineering, highlighted that the Mexican factory selection, combined with the utilization of larger flat batteries serving as the car's floor, will streamline assembly processes and potentially lead to cost reductions of up to 65%. However, some budget-oriented car manufacturers, such as Honda and Hyundai, express skepticism regarding Tesla's proposed price point. Hyundai, for instance, stated that achieving a $25,000 battery-powered EV without compromising driving range is challenging at present. They anticipate that, eventually, the internal combustion engine and battery electric vehicle models will reach price parity, but the exact timeline remains uncertain. Nonetheless, several other electric vehicles, including the Chevy Equinox EV and the Vinfast VF7, are also striving to offer future models within the same price range as Tesla's Model 2. By optimizing the language for SEO and enhancing engagement, we delve into the manufacturing considerations and skepticism surrounding Tesla's affordable EV while highlighting the competition in the market from other automakers. Read the full article
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dhanvitour · 1 year
Best Cab Services in Udaipur
Udaipur is one of the most beautiful cities in India. This city looks more beautiful during the rainy season and winter season. Dhanvi tours provides Best cab services in Udaipur with best affordable fare for local and outstation cabs in Udaipur. The beautiful city Udaipur attracts over 1.8 million tourists every year. Udaipur is known for its beautiful lakes. City Palace and Fatehsagar Lake are the most popular attractions for tourists in Udaipur. These places are attractive destinations for domestic and foreign tourists.
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Best cab services in Udaipur
Are you looking for a cab in Udaipur? Want to have a comfortable travel experience with your dear ones ? Choose the Dhanvi tours, the best cab services in Udaipur. We give you the best and most memorable and comfortable travel experience. We have a wide range of vehicles including SUVs, Innova, Innova Crysta, Honda City, Etios as well as Swift Dezire etc. Users can choose any brand with all the conveniences they need and have the comfort as well as convenience of travel knowledge with Dhanvi Tours. We offer car rental service in Udaipur. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide the best service. We take care of all safety guidelines. Drivers are certified, qualified and well trained by public authorities, and their backgrounds are properly screened to ensure safe as well as comfortable travel for our passengers. We got experienced as well as trained drivers.
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Out station trips from Udaipur We offer outstation trips also from Udaipur to other nearby cities such as Jodhpur, Jaipur, and Jaisalmer etc. You have the freedom to choose between one way as well as round trip for the outstations of Udaipur. Enjoy a beautiful and comfortable traveling experience with the Dhanvi tours. Dhanvi Tours provides the best cab services in Udaipur as well as explores the wonderful city of lake. For More Information Please Contact Dhanvi Tours.
Dhanvi tours offers best cab services in Udaipur We at Dhanvi Tours offers a reliable as well as affordable cab service which is always an advantage for customers. Providing good customer service as well as having a user-friendly booking process set Dhanvi Tours apart from others. Additionally, ensuring the safety of passengers is on top priority for Dhanvi Tours cab service.
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motorgrind · 1 year
Top 5 Upcoming Cars in 2023
The year 2023 is full of car launches. Coming from top brands like Suzuki and Hyundai, all are set to launch their upcoming cars. A lot of people are buying cars since the end of the pandemic. Seeing the demand, manufacturers are launching one new car after another. This launch spree is not going to stop in the coming days, with several new cars expected under Rs 20 lakhs. In today’s article, let’s talk about the top 5 Upcoming cars in 2023. Click here to check our home page.
1.    Maruti Suzuki Jimny
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Maruti Suzuki holds almost 50% of the market share in the Indian car market and has sold over 10 lakh units in the financial year 2022. The company is a joint venture between Maruti Udyog and Japanese automobile manufacturers Suzuki Motors. Carmakers have been a prominent brand in the Indian car market since the early 1980s and have developed cars that cater to the requirements of almost every customer. Maruti Suzuki is known for launching affordable cars and providing their customers with exceptional after-sales services. In the next few months, Jimny will be their upcoming car, a 4×4 SUV that is already a prominent name in popular car markets such as UK and Australia. Recently at auto-expo, Suzuki unveiled its SUV. Now, Jimny is set to hit the Indian Roads. It will launch within the price bracket of 9L and 14L INR.
2.    Hyundai Next Generation Verna
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Hyundai Motors has come a long way since the launch of the Santro in 1998. The carmakers held 16.30% of the market share in the Indian car market as per the records of the financial year 2022. Hyundai has 2 manufacturing plants in the country and each of them can manufacture approximately 6 lakh units every year. The carmakers have a service network of nearly 1,000 facilities. In almost 2 decades, Hyundai has managed to launch a wide range of vehicles right from entry-level hatchbacks to high-end SUVs. Some of the popular car models include the Grand i10, Verna and Creta. Now, Hyundai is expected to launch its 4th generation Verna in march 2023. As of now, Hyundai India has displayed a concept image of Verna which clearly shows its dimensions and design language. Hyundai Verna is a much-loved car among the car lovers because of its good looks as well as practicality.
3.    Mahindra 5-door Thar
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Mahindra and Mahindra started off as a steel trading company in the 1940s. Shortly after India gained independence, the company ventured into the production and distribution of  MUVs and later moved to tractors and light commercial vehicles. Mahindra Motors is still the largest manufacturer of tractors in the world and is one of the leading car manufacturers in the country. At present, Mahindra has widely captured the SUV market in India which includes popular names like XUV700, Scorpio Classic, Scorpio-N, 3-door Thar, Bolero Neo and Xuv300. To add on, Mahindra is set to launch its upcoming 4×4 car, 5-door Thar which will directly rival the Suzuki Jimny. According to Mahindra, 5-door Thar will be more practical than 3-door. The car is most likely to launch with both petrol and diesel engines which are already offered in 3-door Thar
4.    Hyundai Stargazer
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Hyundai has never launched an MPV in the history of the Indian market. Finally, Hyundai has decided to launch its upcoming MPV Stargazer. The car is expected to launch at the end of 2023 and will rival the segment king Suzuki Eritga and Kia Carens. Hyundai Stargazer offers a very unique design that will surely attract the customers and will be a feature-loaded car with spacious interiors.
5.    Honda HR-V
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Honda Cars India Limited is the Indian subsidiary of Honda Motors that entered the Indian auto industry in 1995. At present, the carmakers have 2 manufacturing plants in the country and have the capacity to produce 60,000 to 1 lakh units a year. Currently, Honda is offering 2 popular sedans in Indian Market namely City and Amaze which are much loved by Indian Buyers. Apart from that, Honda is unable to sell its cars in good numbers plus Honda has not launched a new car in India in the last few years. Hence, Honda has finally decided to launch its upcoming Crossover SUV, HR-V in the most competitive segment of the Indian Market which will rival popular cars like Creta, Seltos, Tiagun, Kushaq, Grand Vitara and Hyryder. Honda’s engines are considered very much reliable and therefore, Honda HR-V is expected to get massive demand. The car is expected to launch in 1.5L petrol hybrid and diesel engine.
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techitoolz · 1 year
All-New Accord Adds Google Built-In to its Must-Have Technologies - PR Newswire
All-New Accord Adds Google Built-In to its Must-Have Technologies – PR Newswire
Searching for your content… In-Language News Contact Us 888-776-0942 from 8 AM – 10 PM ET News provided byDec 13, 2022, 09:00 ETShare this articleTORRANCE, Calif., Dec. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Stacked with must-have technology, the all-new 2023 Honda Accord arrives at dealers next month featuring Honda’s first integration of Google built-in for seamless on-the-go connectivity. Standard on the…
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bulletinhour · 2 years
Ameca Robots can walk, talk, and keep company
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A company called 'Engineered Arts' in the UK is developing such a robot named Ameca. Eyes have been placed on this robot. When someone looked into Ameka's eyes, she could give a soft smile. If someone mistakenly asks him whether he is a human or a robot, he can answer. Ameka can say—' I'm a robot. Amecar's creator is Will Jackson, head of Engineered Arts. He told the British magazine Economist that no one would want Ameca as a guest at any event now. But having a few Amekas together can get everyone involved in the conversation. Once they start talking, they won't want to stop. Engineered Arts is a small robotics company based in Falmouth, England. They are working to fix several bugs in the Ameca robot. In particular, they are improving the camera installed in the robot's eye. The software of this camera is made in such a way that it can recognize human faces. It even understands who is making eye contact and speaking seriously. In general, teaching robots to behave like humans, especially training them to work alongside humans safely, is a complex and lengthy process. However, some of these advanced robots, including Ameca, have made significant progress. Now big technology companies have also come forward in making humanoid robots. Last September 30, the world's richest man, Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk launched a robot named Optimus. Elon Musk's robot shows off its skills by waving to the audience. The robot, named Optimus is still under development. Later a more advanced robot developed by Tesla was demonstrated. The wheeled robot can't walk yet. However, Elon Musk said that many improvements have been made in the field of robots. Advanced robots will be mass-produced. Its price will be 20 thousand US dollars. Robots in the house The robot that Elon Musk talks about making costs much less than Ameca. Jackson attended the unveiling of Musk's Optimus robot. He said that the price of robots will come down if mass production starts. So far his company has sold 11 Ameca robots. Ameca robot manufacturing plant to be launched in the US soon. However, Jackson was surprised by Elon Musk's proposal. Because some of the kinds of robots that Musk talks about making are not humanoid. A variety of factory-tailored robots now perform tasks such as transporting machinery, welding, painting and assembling cars. So these robots have to be humanoid, there is no such thing. According to Jackson, creating humanoid robots involves human interaction. If the Ameka is improved a bit, it will be able to become a companion for the elderly. It can do many things like looking after the old man, giving him information about various things, and reminding him if he forgets something. Apart from this, Ameka is also being taught various games like chess. But Ameka is being taught in such a way that it is possible to beat him at times. Jackson believes that robots should be human-like in order to communicate properly with humans. According to him, the human face is the most important factor for communication. Many times words convey a lot more than words. So they made Ameka's appearance in such a way that the robot can make intelligible facial expressions. In addition to Ameka's humanoid form, it can also be transformed into an avatar. In addition, the special Artificial Intelligence (AI) called a 'Large Language Model' is used so that the conversation is not robotic. It can be run with an internet connection. As of now, however, Ameka cannot walk. It is being said by Engineered Arts that, in addition to improving the computer vision of this robot, it is working on adding legs for its movement. Who's in the Robot Ameca Business? Various organizations are working on different aspects of the robotics field. Companies like Engineered Arts, as well as big companies like Tesla, are working in this field. But many organizations did not find success easily. Japanese car maker Honda started working on a robot named Asimo. Since the eighties, they have worked on it and made various improvements to Asimo. But in 2018, they stopped the ASIMO project to make the robot more lifelike. Now they are working on various robots for the elderly. Many companies have turned hobbies into businesses. London's Shadow Robot is one such organization. They work on making robotic arms. Apart from this, Boston Dynamics, which started from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is working on various robot projects. A Hulk-looking robot named Atlas has already become popular on the internet. It can run, jump, and turn upside down. The company is also working on a dog-like robot named Spot. The Digit robot was developed by Azirite Robotics of Corvallis, Oregon, USA. This robot can easily go to places where humans cannot go. It can do dangerous work for people. It reduces the risk of people getting injured. The company is planning to make more such robots by 2024. However, to successfully communicate with humans, the safety aspect of the robot must also be considered. Currently, the safety aspect of robots is mainly regulated through quality, safety, and product-liability regulations. But experts feel that special laws are needed for robots to operate robots safely Read the full article
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In India, engineering courses were always the first choice for most of the people to choose it as a career. The Engineering Domain has grown with more than one million students pursuing this degree. We have listed some of the best engineering courses with a broad range of prospects for a career and a better future. The list contains programs with various streams and programs for any vertical work in Engineering. The courses were explained in order to offer you the best choices. There are over 20+ different engineering courses in India today, each stream focusing on a specialized subject but let’s take a look at the disciplines that have attracted attention in the present time and are sought after until we pick divisions with more reach and opportunities. We have developed a list of the top 5 divisions that are currently trending in accordance with the perspective, reach and job opportunities are listed below in this blog:
1.     Computer Science Engineering
2.   Civil Engineering
3.   Mechanical Engineering
4.   Aeronautical Engineering
5.   Chemical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering is one of the most top courses students prefered now a days. This course is selected by the candidates who are interested in serving as Software Engineers or Informatics Specialists in the IT industry. In this course, you will learn programming languages, software knowledge, program design, and coding. This field is all about the development of hardware and software. Computer engineering courses can be the best Engineering course with a high amount of salary. It’s also best if you want to build new systems based on the technological advancements of computer science. It  offers good placement to students in marquee companies. Amazon, LinkedIn, IBM, TCS, Adobe, NXP Technologies, Samsung R&D, Kraftly are some of the companies which hire computer science professionals and Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, Cisco, and Wipro are among the most famous companies.
COMMON JOB PROFILES ARE –                          
Software engineer
Project manager
Team leader
Software tester
Application developer
Floor manager
Web designer
2- CIVIL ENGINEERING Civil engineering is one of the traditional branches of engineering and it is also one of the oldest and core branches of engineering which includes practice of designing and developing infrastructure projects. This branch of Engineering is concerned with developing national highways, water supply networks, or developing single roads and buildings. Like all other engineering courses, this civil engineering course is also a 4-year course which is split into 8 semesters which covers several different subjects. The course does not only deal with construction, design of buildings, but also, designing, planning, construction, and maintenance of roads, stadiums, bridges, dams, etc. Therefore, the demand for civil engineers is now increasing day by day. COMMON JOB PROFILES – Junior civil engineer Assistant civil engineer Planning and design officer Site engineer Supervisor Assistant project manager Planning and design officer Contractor CAD designer
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Mechanical engineering is one of the most oldest and it is still in demand engineering course in the world today. It helps students to understand heavy machinery’s working mechanisms. The postulates of engineering includes physics and materials are studied and applied under this branch. Some of the common subjects in the course include robotics, mathematics, manufacturing technology, kinematics of machinery, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, engineering material, the strength of materials, quantitative analysis, industrial engineering, thermodynamics, heat etc. Mechanical Engineers can easily find employment in government organizations like Railways, SAIL, Metro Projects, and private organizations like TATA Motors, BAJAJ, Honda, ISRO, COAL INDIA, NAVY, Ford, Design Tech System Ltd, and many more. Unlike other courses, mechanical engineering graduate has a diverse job scope. As far as we know, the maximum salary of an experienced mechanical engineer is close to 25+ lakhs per annum. You could imagine how good this course must be.
Junior engineer
Senior engineering
CAD technician
Mechanical process engineer
Mechanical design engineer
Aeronautical engineering is considered to be a part of aerospace engineering and it is one of the most complicated engineering courses . This engineering course is all about planning, designing, manufacturing, and maintaining aircraft and spacecraft. Some of the important subjects covered in this engineering course include engineering mathematics, aircraft structures, aerodynamics, propulsion, flight mechanics, the theory of vibration and noise control, theory of heat transfer, aircraft systems and instruments, computational fluid dynamics, aircraft maintenance, control and navigation etc. Aeronautical engineers are considered to be the highest paid engineers in the industry and experts which are dealing with the design and development of aircrafts and spacecrafts
Aeronautical engineer
Aerospace engineer
Mechanical design engineer
Thermal design engineer
Flight engineer
Aeronautical electrical engineer
Aircraft production manager
5- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Chemical engineering is not a core of  engineering field, yet it is one of the most oldest engineering branches in India today. This course is offering students the knowledge which they apply chemistry to day to day life as well as for industrial purpose. They focus on the chemical and biological processes to make materials beneficial and combines natural and experimental sciences with life sciences, mathematics. There is chemistry everywhere and the job scope of a chemical engineer is diverse even the food production and processing industry requires chemical engineers. To get a better knowledge of this course, these are some of the subjects taught in this course, organic chemistry, chemical processes, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, process automation, thermodynamics, mechanics of solid, environment science, physics, petrochemicals, fertilizers, pharmaceutical processes and products, chemical reaction engineering, etc. COMMON JOB PROFILES – Plant manager Plant designer Purchase and quality control officer Chemical engineer Junior chemical engineer Production manager Safety management officer
Are you thinking about making career in technology field and looking for best engineering college in Meerut. We’ve got you covered.  Vidya college of engineering is proud of its reputation for being able to helping students in achieving their dreams. This top b tech colleges in Meerut is approved from All India Council of Technical Education (A.I.C.T.E.), New Delhi, Govt. of India, and the Government of Uttar Pradesh and offering courses of bachelor, masters and diploma in engineering. It is listed as top engineering college in UP due to its strong academic heritage, innovative teaching methodology and proactive industry collaborations.
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avniraghavan · 2 years
Top 5 Lightweight Best Scooty for Ladies at a Reasonable Price & Mileage
It's no secret that many of us ladies love our scooties. They're just so darn convenient and fun to ride! But with so many different models and brands on the market, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. But we've got a few great options for you! 
If you are daily commuting in the cities like Pune, Mumbai and Bangalore then scooty or bike is the best option for you. And thinking about budget then Second hand scooty is perfect for you. Buy a second hand scooty in Pune, Mumbai, and Bangalore online and grab a good deal for you.
Whether you're looking for something lightweight and easy to drive, or something with a bit more power and range, we've got you covered. We've listed a great selection of scooties at a variety of price points, so you can find the perfect one for your budget. 
Women feel more independent when riding scooters. A new generation of the best lightweight scooter for women was introduced in 2022 as part of the debut of the newest scooter models from Hero, TVS, Piaggio, Yamaha, and Suzuki.
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Check out our top five scooty for ladies to buy, which are listed below.:-
1. TVS Scooty Zest - 
TVS markets the Scooty Zest 110 scooter as the best two-wheeled vehicle for females. Because of this, the overall design language is trendy and retains the familiar scooty look, a big headlamp, and vertically stacked turn indicators. It comes with tubeless tires and a Led taillight.
It offers 2 variants and 5 colours with 103 kg weights. It is powered by 7.88PS @ 7500 rpm; Max. Torque – 8.4Nm @ 5500 rpm engine. This can be your perfect choice for buying the best TVS scooty in 2022.
2. Vespa VXL -
This is the most stylish scooty for women. It offers 1 variant and 8 different colours to choose from. It came up with a few new features which create more demand in girls. The scooter has a digital display and an analogue speedometer as part of its feature set.
Notably, the new BS6 model also includes an under-seat light, USB charger, and full-LED headlamp.A fuel-injected, single-cylinder, 125cc engine with a 9.7bhp and 9.6Nm output powers the scooter. It is the best scooty to buy for females that have a never falling market. 
  3.Yamaha Fascino 125
This is ideal for women who are looking for stylish scooty to roam around the city. It is available in 5 variants & 17 colours for you. It retains the retro design of its predecessor and retains a curvy design also.
The sleek Yamaha Fascino is the best scooter under Rs. 1 Lakh that is now equipped with fuel injection (FI); according to the manufacturer, this enhances power by 30% and mileage by 16%.
  4. Honda Activa 6G
This is my personal favourite scooty in honda. Honda Activa is the most economical with good features and that’s why it's popular among many people. Its weight is 106 kgs & fuel tank of 5.3 liters.
It gives a good mileage of 45-50 kmpl. If you are looking for a second hand Activa then visit the CredR website to buy your favourite scooty.
 5. Honda Dio
Honda Dio can rank among the top 5 scooters for women in India according to the Scooters for Women Price List. The scooter's obvious appearance and lightweight features are liked by the women. 
It has features like a 109.51cc displacement, a maximum power of 7.65PS at 8000 rpm, a maximum torque of 9Nm at 4750 rpm, a fuel tank capacity of 5.3 liters, and a weight of 105kgs.
I hope this article helped you choose the best scooty for you according to your preference. If these scooties are not in your budget, search for second hand scooters and start enjoying your ride on the scooty happily.
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jajutuluxo · 2 years
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