#Law of Cycles Hall of Fame
baby-bonham · 2 years
Week 1 & 2 update: Settling into our new life at home and the eat-sleep-shit-repeat cycle
Hi all! Well just like that - Bonham turns 2 weeks old today! 🥳 🎂
These first couple weeks have been a blur and really flown by! Our pediatrician described it perfectly as “Damage Control” with the only goal being just to survive and keep Bonham alive 😂 After getting home from the hospital Mami and Papi were quickly thrown into the newborn cycle of nonstop diaper changes, wardrobe changes💩, and feeding times🥘. Thanks so much to my amazing sister-in-law Sissi who was CRITICAL to this mom and dad getting any sleep our first week🙏🏽. We must have looked pretty ragged when we got home with Bonham (😵‍💫👶🏽😵‍💫) because she demanded that we sleep as much as possible those first few days and she took care of pretty much all of those middle-of-the-night feedings and changes. Hall of Fame Tia (Aunt) right there!😇 A big shout out also goes to Abuelita (Grandma) Carolina for also being a YUGE help with cooking serious comfort food🤤, washing anything that needed washing 🧼 , and stepping in with feeding and changes. It has taken a village so far! 😅🙏🏽
Week 2 has been a little bit easier. We’ve settled into a bit more of a routine and thankfully Bonham appears to be a rather chill newbie and is a pretty good sleeper when he’s not needing to be fed or changed. We’ll see if he keeps this up but as of now it looks like we might have lucked out in that department🍀 😅
It is truly amazing though how such a tiny creature (our cat weighs more than twice what Bonham weighs 😹) has come to 100% completely dominate our lives and household 😂 It is clearly Bonham’s world now, and we’re just living in it 👶🏽🌎
Despite the lack of sleep and exhaustion, this whole process has felt like a dream and one that we don’t want to wake up from. We keep pinching ourselves every time we look at him, hear him, and yes even change him 😷😍 We can already start to see parts of his personality begin to develop and have both laughed and ugly cried at even the most subtle of his facial expressions or movements😂😍😭. It really is a magical time and can’t wait for you all to meet him.
On to the next diaper change!🫡💪🏽
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kewltie · 4 years
college au katsuki is prelaw who gets the thrill of verbally eviscerating people in court just as he does outside of it, trading fists for words but the punch is all the same and izuku is a premed student who wants to save the world one person at a time but also lives on 24hr caffeine addiction. they're former childhood friends who got reacquainted again as dormmates in their freshman years in college and now they're sorta maybe something more but who the fuck even know because they refuse to acknowledge this tentative and fragile relationship between them especially with the turmoil of their shared past.
So katsuki would go out of his way to deliver five coffees for izuku's late night study session in the library. izuku often helps katsuki practice his mock trial and supports katsuki in his mission to tear into his opponent and make them cry. OK MAYBE NOT THE CRYING PART but still proud as fuck. izuku's sleep cycle is consistently fucked because he's always pulling late night studying sessions plus he got all these volunteerings so katsuki would find izuku sleeping randomly in odd places so to make sure he doesn't FUCKING ROLL OVER AND DIE he quietly tucked izuku into bed whenever he catches him sleeping on his desk or some random bench at their campus’ courtyard. While katsuki get really obsessed and competitive with maintain his consistent ranking as the stop student in his class and often hounds the professor when he get a 98 instead of 100 on his term papers and they're like, 'please someone get me midoriya-kun' as an emergency to wrangle katsuki back.
They have a super close and intimate non-relationship where it is THE RUMOR AND SPECULATION OF THE ENTIRE CAMPUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! katsuki coming to pick izuku up from his late night study sessions and dragging his tired ass back to their dorm across campus!!!! izuku attending every one of katsuki's debate competition and CHEERING HIM ON and professore is tired of saying, ‘midoriya this isn't a concert please calm down’. like they the fact they AREN'T DATING make the rumors even worst because everyone either assume they're FUCKING DUMBASS FOR NOT SEEING THE OBVIOUS or they're having a secret relationship on the downlow but still being obvious BECAUSE THEY'RE DUMBASS but either way they're still dumbasses lol.
worst is that the campus has a yearly best couple competition and bakudeku had been crowned three times since their enrollment and THEY'RE NOT EVEN DATING,,, or so they claimed but pictures of them holding hands, snuggled up in a reading nook in the library, and aggressively feeding each other food say otherwise. it became the biggest joke because they're IT COUPLE ON CAMPUS and THEY'RE NOT EVEN DATING. JUST TWO DUMB BROS being so intimately close that izuku wears katsuki's debate team jersey to class one day with BAKUGOU KATSUKI NAME ON HIS BACK and doesn't even blink when someone point it out.
i have this image of katsuki dragging izuku's sleepy ass across campus because they ARE NOT GOING TO BE LATE for their 8:30am class. izuku spent all night revising his term paper for another class due online at 8am so he's lon living on 9 cups of coffee and an hour of sleep. izuku doesn't even have time to change out of his pajamas before katsuki literally hauled izuku out of their dorm because katsuki had never been late to a class let alone MISS A DAY so he's not letting izuku DRAGGED HIS ASS DOWN lol even though he could have easily gone without him.
they scrambled across campus ground with izuku in his pjs still and NOBODY EVEN BLINK when they burst into the lecture hall with a min to spare. katsuki dumps izuku's sleepy ass in the seat next to his because everybody is kinda use to the 'bakugou and midoriya's show' by now. they dont often take the same course together because of their different majors (law and med) but they always lean toward taking the same elective when they can. so every semester there’s a hotly combative debate about what elective they should take together where it eventually into a war everytime lmao. izuku tends to pick wiLDLY DIFF ELECTIVE EVERYTIME that is humanity base (they took human sexuality one semester and katsuki is still mad about it) while katsuki leans toward classes have real world practicality like ceramics where izuku still kept all of katsuki's cutely shaped mugs.
izuku doesn't even have his notebooks or even his bag because katsuki had grabbed him and go, but katsuki is diligently taking notes next to him, his cellphone is recording the lecture and he got the lecture powerpoint outline printed out. he always come prepared and ready to destroy the class' curve!! while izuku is TRYING V V HARD not to doze off but when he nods off a little as his head about to drop, katsuki without even pausing mid-writing just pulls him back by the collar of his shirt so his head doesn't bang on the desk and it's JUST--!! so simple and dumb but it's INTIMATE!!
when izuku seems to lose the fight with sleep, katsuki brings a hot thermo with coffee in it to izuku's lips and lets him take a sip of it. NOT TOO MUCH because izuku doesn't need anymore to feed his caffeine addiction, but enough to keep him awake just few more mins. izuku is barely cognizant but sometimes the fact that he would raise a hand mid lecture to ask a serious question about the topic at hand is scary to the other students because they all remember that katsuki and izuku are top ranking in their class for a reason even if izuku is a zombie right now. this elective class is about erotica in classics because lol it's izuku turn to pick elective this semester and even tho KATSUKI ABSOLUTE LOATHES IT he's going to fucking ace this damn class even if he has to stare at several thousand years old art of people fucking on a wall.
bkdk are like giant enigma for the class because they take their grades V V V SRLY and consistently wreck the class average but they look like they dont give a single fuck about it because izuku is in his PJs and NODDING OFF IN CLASS while katsuki looks like he would rather die than be here. bkdk is fame not only because they (jokingly) keep winning best campus couple award every yearr EVEN THO they're not dating but because they do shit like izuku is nodding off on katsuki's shoulder while he doesn't seem to even care and/or notice as he debates the prof on a finer detail of the lecture.
once the class is over katsuki half drag and half-carry izuku out of there. he has a class right after this I ten mins and izuku doesnt, but he doesnt have time to drop izuku off at the dorm so he takes izuku with him to his next class like he's just an extra accessory he could bring LMAO. izuku is not even enrolled in the class which is political science class but katsuki deposits him in the seat beside him and lets izuku actually NAP this time as he pay attention to the lecture, throwing his coat over izuku's sleeping form as he snuggles up to katsuki while entire class tries not to stare too much. by the end of the afternoon the entire campus sns is lit up with receipts, recaps, and slyly taken photos of bakudeku's shenigans. there is even a popular running blog where anons can submit their bkdk's encounter stories chronicling their 'WEIRD MATING HABITS OF BAKUDEKU' lol because they are the cryptid bfs of the entire campus that everyone warn each other about but nobody can stop watching this trainwreck from happening.
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artisticamore · 4 years
❄❄The tiniest snowflake❄❄
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The tattoo is a symbol of the snowflake clan. A large intricate detailed snowflake made of warm hues of amber dusted in sliver, outlines in gold. Everyone wore the mark with pride, with honour. They were a clan of assassin's everybody knew that they would do anything for money. But they only went after thoes who the law couldn't touch thoes who hid in darkness, the unknown of society. But something changed after 300 years of loyalty. Their views changed.  After a while killing people wasn't enough they were hungry for even more power so they became something twisted. What was once a clan of protectors, hero's was now a name that scared everyone.
Seven-year-old Amethyst  watches the sky from her perch, her back against the tree trunk, her legs stretched out in front of her. This was her escape, high in the trees where no one could reach her. Isolated and alone, where eyes can’t see her and faces can’t sneer at her . A safe haven, her God given solace, but also a curse.
It’s a double-edged sword.
Alone, she doesn’t have to listen to the poison that spews from people’s lips, washing over her and choking her. She doesn’t have to see the hatred and malice directed toward a not-so-hypothetical devil spawn or the jeering glee at the image of said spawn’s rightfully earned suffering and death for the crime of existing. She doesn’t have to hear stories and legends about the oh so great clan and how she tainted their bloodline. How her parents should have struck her down of her 5th birthday. She was useless, unwanted, something ugly that didnt deserve to keep living. All because of her being born quirkless. Was she really something tinted, twisted and unclean? Would she really be destined to live a life of hardships? Would she really die lonely and alone never to know love?
Their words cut deep than any sword could, even alone, she is trapped in her own head. When she's  with people, she at least has something she can take her frustration out on. Without them, her thoughts enter a downward spiral of anger and self-disgust.
Still, it is better this way, at least, that is what she has convinced herself.
Who can possibly stand the thought of being near someone like her?
She didn’t deserve to be born. She is evil personified after all; there is nothing good about her.
She's tainted.
And so her thoughts would go, on and on in an endless, self-crippling cycle.
However today was different something had happened something even when your evil the honor the clan once had wouldn't stand for. Someone died that shouldn't have, as assassin's they had one rule get the job done, don't be seen, but most importantly  do it right.  The family broker aka Nathaniel was in charge of the assignments who got A-E assassinations.
Going by all the screaming someone royal screwed up a A column assassination attempt killing the 3rd cousin of the target, the good looks gene must run very deep to look so much like each other that even your 3rd cousin could past to be you.
"They want who blood as collateral?" Screamed the monarch!
 Nathaniel looked his long time friend and boss in the eye. "The assassin who killed the wrong man. I know this isn't something you want to hear believe my old friends but a sacrifice must be made as payment you know the law of the trade a life for a life."
"Unacceptable Nathaniel! I refuse to give up one of my best assassin's just because they didn't give a clear description. How was we to know that not only did they have the wrong person but that he had three look alike, he has the picture on him saw his target made the kill end of story. If they want a sacrifice they'll get on. I'm a man of my word and I follow the rules however they will not be getting the killer. Instead you can repay them with little miss worthless. I've been trying to find out a way to get rid of the brat for a whole year." The monarch gave a killer smile.
Nathaniel couldn't say he didn't see this coming. His old friend could be a hothead. Signing he nodded his head while making a call to set up preparations for the transfer.
Amethyst  couldn't believe her ears she was being sold.  Quickly and quietly she climbed  down from her hiding spot making it back to her room just in time for the door to be busted open. Raymond her uncle drags her before the gathered clan members throwing her down before the monarch.  Amethyst kept her eyes to the floor she wasnt allowed to look up to anyone unless being told otherwise. From there she listened to the clan speak about her, laughing and calling out words of happiness that she will no longer be their problem. The monarch spoke up calling the attention to be once again on himself. He announced that she will no longer live here from now on. Amethyst doesn’t know what to think. She didn't understand even if given as payment what could she possibly give, what use was she, was a nobody, she was quirkless though she did know how to fight she learnt by watching in serect her clan thought so much of themselves that they viewed she couldn't do anything yet she was quieter than the most skilled in stealth and was the lightest on her feet out of the whole clan. Well that came from being underweight. She might not look it but she was indeed much lighter than she looked.
Her face most have gave her away because next thing she knew she smacked hard enough she saw stars. She must had caught the side of her cheek between her teeth, blood pulled inside her mouth. Yet she stayed submissive low to the ground her head never once lifting higher. The monarch was angry, no pissed he sneered at her and spat in her face that she would be a prefect slave. That she would listen to each and every instruction place upon her and was expected to fulfill each task perfectly. She was also warned if she failed to do as told even death wouldn't be merciful for what they would do to her. Amethyst nodded silently brushing the spit and blood on her ragged clothes.  Next to the monarch stood his wife the misstress or shedevil in her book. 
She rattled off a list of things such as her new training, no longer would she clean and cook. She had maybe a few weeks to months till the transfer was to be completed. Her training was in effect immediately. Shedevil order the clans women to teach her how to walk seductress not knowing what type of slave she would become. Shedevil explained that even though she was young and no one would touch her she must learn how to be a hostess. 
From that night on till the night of her be shipped off she trained, walk like a lady, talk and listen like the person in your company hung the very moon themself. She was given better clothing too, she trained her voice to be softer sweeter, musical. The males of the clan showed her how to assist them in dressing while the woman did the same too just in case she was made into a lady in waiting. The cooks were given the task to show her how to make many different drinks. The monarch and shedevil gave little praise to her picking up her skills hastily. Little did they know Amethyst was always a fast learner dare say she was a genius not that anyone took note of it. After many weeks of hard training the day had come she was being transfer many states of to a underground strong held ran by the strongest family the mafia. 
When Amethyst came too, the first thing she registered was pain.
Burning, searing pain. The kind of pain she hadn’t felt in weeks. Not since she started her new training. Her newest owner hated her by sight called her ugly and unsightly, that her skin tone was a eyesore, that her curly natural hair was dirty looking even though her hair was washed and scented with warm lavender and coconut oil for some reason her Misstress hated her. Amethyst was no stranger to to racism she knew prejudice when she saw it.  She couldn't feel the weight of her own hair anymore, tentatively, slowly she ran her hand across her head, where once laid shoulder length hair pulled into a bun. Now was a tiny curly afro, someone had lopped off her hair. She felt empty; the constant warmth of her hair provided was no longer there to soothe her. It was agonizing; her back felt like it was on fire, skin and flesh seared down to bone. It hurt to move, hurt to breath. It was agonizing. But Amethyst  clenched her jaw and grit her teeth, refusing to let any sound escape, refusing to let them know she was in pain, refusing to give them the satisfaction. She may be a slave, but she was not broken. Not even her own clan had broken her and neither would her new mistress.
 As the pain in her back dulled, she let her senses take over. She was lying on her stomach, the surface beneath her hard and cold, a sharp contrast to her back. Something cool was locked in place around her neck, wrists, and ankles. A collar. Shackles. And suddenly, with startling clarity, Amethyst  realized that the burning pain in her back was a brand. She hadn’t just been sold. She was branded as a plaything in essence she was a pet.
Fury coiled in her gut and rage bubbled up her throat. Not even her own blood stooped to  something so cruel even if she was viewed as worthless scars on the back was a warriors shame. Even though she was beat upon they never once marked her back out of honor.  
Amethyst cried, tears burred her eyes, tightly clamped lips cut off any noise trying to make its way out. She had read stories about this; that some people marked their property like animals.  She’d always thought it odd that she never heard to clan brag about offing such ones where in the grand hall of history she has read about such ones. Back in the day her clan hunted such ones down.  So why was these people permitted to do such a thing to her, why were they able to keep breathing?  Amethyst had her answer now. And it sickened her greatly . Their lives were spared  because her clan fell so far from honour and grace that their love of money and possible fame made it so that they supported this disgusting practice.  The only reason why her clan was so know now wasn't because if their Legacy. NO they were in the back pocket of the government pretending to be honorable. 
Amethyst  was pulled out of her thoughts when cool air brushed over the wound on her back. Her eyes snapped open of their own accord and she was met with the sight of a older boy. A very, very tall boy. He was thin, startlingly so, but his face somehow still held the roundness of a child’s. Maybe 15 no older then 17 He had big, grey eyes, a large scar across his nose, and a mop of black hair. He wore nothing but a pair of worn and ragged pants, no shirt, no shoes. His wrists and ankles had thick black shackles, but the collar around his neck showed his strength a first classes high tech quirj collar Amethyst  didn’t need to see his back.
This teen was a slave and very powerful.
Her eyes flitted around the room they were in. Or rather, the cell. It was medium sized, the floor, ceiling and three of the walls made of cold, unforgiving stone. The fourth wall was made of metal bars. Amethyst saw a hallway possibly the way out. She could see another cell across from their and what looked to be a storage room might hold supplies.
Her vision was obscured by another face in front of her's. “So,” he drawls from her eft in the darkness of the cell, and Amethyst freezes, “Awake finally. Your very interesting, little one I heard the guards say your quirkless yet I noticed your eyes flash. Shhhh... your okay there is no need to panic they haven't seen it. You've been here about a few months this is first time you've stayed awake though. I'm glad your alright.”
 Months? Amethyst doesn't remember that only the first day of meeting and possibly a few hours after that. So she's been here longer than what she thought, Amethyst thinks it would be best not to answer him however he was the only one here with her. Company would be nice maybe since he been here longer he knew things. She licked her lip once twice then and third time befor clearing her throat. "I'm Amethyst." She rasping out.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Hatsuharu though I go by Haru. My friends call me dark Haru as a joke because of my quirk. It's void and sentinel my quirk gives damage boosts to my allies, but it draws my opponents attention and focus AWAY from my allies and towards the user, allowing for the perfect distraction! Because it's basically a taunting quirk, a defensive abilities activated. The cold air you felt on you when you first woke was me using my quirk on you, I've been here for a long time wearing these, I've kinda grown a somewhat immunity to the quirk suppressors. I'll help you out anyway I can."
"Why? What’s in it for you?”
This one was different then the other slaves that came through here. Haru could see that he knew the quirkless was treated like dirt less than everything hell trash was viewed better. Amethyst read him the way he’s standing, searching for any weaknesses, searching for any hint of ill meaning. And maybe a better word would be analyzing. This girl wasn’t just reading him. She was completely analyzing him, and she was about as ready as one can be to jump out if Haru would make any sudden movement. Despite hurt she could still fight.
“Nothing.” Haru shrugged.
“Impossible. No one offers without expecting something back.”
"I've heard what they have in store for you once you come of age I want to help you. But I'm gonna need your help too, i need to get home. They think your quirkless you might be a late bloomer or possible a rare case of a forced quirk mutation from all the hardships. Your quirkless so I know your life hasn't been easy. I'll watch out for you and you do the same for me. With them thinking your quirkless they'll underestimate you."
 For a few seconds, silence falls in the cell again, and then the same voice replies in dry, almost flippant tones, “Your underweight tiny but a fighter i can tell just looking at, youve probably foiled everyone. But not me before becoming a slave i was a vigilante."
Wait he said Months didn't he?
Amethyst  had to concentrate on breathing for a minute, in and out, in and out, until the strange tangle of panic and grief that hits her out of nowhere fades again.
“Haru,” She eventually croaks out. She pauses, then forces out, “How… many months … has it been?”
“Not sure exactly,” Her cellmate - Haru - answers easily. “I think we get fed once a day, but I didn’t know that at first so I didn’t bother counting, and I’ve probably missed a few days here and there. As close as I can tell though, it’s been almost  six months since they stashed you in here with me, give or take. If you were in a different cell before, I wouldn’t know.”
Six month. Six months . Six-
“Hey, calm down,” Haru cuts in, and for the first time, something sharp enters his voice. “If the guards see you throwing a fit, they’ll gas us unconscious. And that’s all they’ll do if we’re lucky,
but considering the fact that we’re here at all, luck screwed us over a long time ago.”
Amethyst drags in a shaky breath that rattles down her throat and feels like it gets stuck somewhere in her chest. She does it again and again until she regains a thin veneer of calm that at least allows her to think. The muscles in her back burn with each breath.
Six months. In a way, it feels like it’s been even longer than that. But, she thinks, some part of her still clung to the hope that it hasn’t been months, maybe days at most, and…
(And she promised herself, deep down, that if she ever got out her family would pay back for everything in tenthfold every scar, the abuse the hardships. Everything. She'll grow stronger she'll get as far from America as she could, she'll make a name for herself she'll live and maybe find someone who will love her.  And live her life to the fullest.
She knew what it sounded like, a fairy tale, and she learned a long time ago that there’s no such thing in real life, so she knows full well that if a life of comfort full of love and happiness and a family of her own is what she wanted she'll have to put in the blood, sweat and tears.)
She lies there in the darkness for a while, just… digesting everything, and her cellmate doesn’t interrupt. Her thoughts turn to Haru which is an easier subject to focus on than how much time she's lost. Older than her, and strong by the looks of.  Smarter than her. Skilled too.
“You said… since they put me in here with you,” she frowns. “How long… have you been here?”
Haru hums, and there’s a note of surprise in the sound, like he didn’t expect her  to pick up on that, or maybe to ask about it at all. “Dunno. Like I said, I didn’t count at first. I had no way to tell morning or night my eyes were covered at first for weeks. But maybe three years or so? Had the cell all to myself back then. My will was stronger back then I broke out a few times too each time I did I was caught and drugged till they had enough they broke both my legs and put this high end collar on me. I stopped trying after.
“How old are you?” she asks abruptly.
Haru doesn’t answer right away, and when he does he looks sad. "I had just turned 16 when I was captured. I was out on patrol with a buddy of mine. We heard of kids being taken of the streets so I was watching over the children who walks home I kept everyone safe except myself."
“I’m fairly certain that you did your best if your the only one who ended up here.” Amethyst explained.
“True as that maybe i still shouldn't have been taken,” Haru volleys back without missing a beat, and Amethyst sighs and lets the matter drop.
“Why are you in here?” He asks instead. “how old are? I can't till your very short.”
"I'm here as payment, a life for a life, my family are hired assassin's someone murder the wrong person. Normally the guilty person gives their life however the monarch of my family gave me in their place. As for my page if I really been out for weeks then I just turned eight years old.
Thank you so much for your help my lovely friends.
@thedreadthread @plainbrunettelbl @monst @smittenkitten143 @todorokiaimee
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angelicranger · 4 years
Introduction to Semdaeism
Hello! I am the Semdaen arrikirri which makes me the head and founder of Semdaeism. In the past I have made several smaller introductions to Semdaeism but I feel they were too vague and didn't give a proper understanding of the religion. So I will use this time to make a much fuller and more detailed introduction to the faith while also making sure I answer some of the more asked questions, show how to be a Semdaen and dispel the misunderstandings around my faith.
Firstly, what is Semdaeism? The Semdaen religion is a polytheistic religion that takes an Omnic standpoint on the existence of the gods and believes that all of the gods exist at once, this isn't anything special amongst polytheistic faiths, however Semdaeism itself worships a different pantheon of deities named the 'Kono. The 'Kono are not gods, but rather people who had become godlike by the judgment of a creator deity named Pono, the crow. This is a important doctrine in Semdaeism and often leads to people thinking I am belittling the gods, this is not true as the gods are still considered extremely important, but ultimately subservient to the 'Kono and the king who we will get to later.
Now the 'Kono act a lot like gods, in short terms, due to the gods warring with themselves and with demons it plunged the world into chaos and the king of the gods Dyeus Phter had lost control. Then two creator deities came to the world and segregated the gods and installed the 'kono to police the world and keep it under control. They do eventually lose control and leave Earth for a while to come back later, through me. But that is not important. There are various 'Kono, they come from many backgrounds and areas in the world and have various temperaments and laws. These Laws are often on things such as drinking and eating along with social manners etc. Apart from the actual religious laws of the faith which are concrete, the laws from 'Kono are often varied and change on which 'kono is the Cultic (Patron/Matron) 'Kono. The Punishment for breaking these laws are often dealt with by the 'kono as well. I mentioned that there are Cultic 'Kono, the Semdaen religion has a system similar to the patron and matron gods and goddesses of other Polytheistic faiths. This being you have a wider Cultic 'Kono/s that you worship directly and a personnel 'Kono that acts as a guardian angel figure, this 'kono will act as your protector on day to day life and is separate from other guardian angel figures but works with them. The personnel 'kono was acting as your guardian from your birth and will continue to guard you all of your life. Cultic 'Kono represent themselves various animals and beasts, such as bears, boars etc. In artworks that have religious connotations, made by me, the animals are used to represent various 'Kono who are then used to represent various concepts such as life death, love and war. This is important because in the place of true idols for the 'Kono which show them as how they look you can instead use an animal statue in its place for Worship. The 'kono that are minor govern other many things such as the rocks, hills, trees and mountains. They exist too in the cycle of worship and reverence, especially high ranking minor 'Kono will inhabit various grand structures and as such deserve reverence the most. Therefore we have a system that is very similar to the Kami system in Shintoism.
The Next largest part of Semdaeism is the king, before I became the Arrikirri I got involved with the cult of king Arthur. I carry this belief into Semdaeism, the king is a central messianic figure in the faith, he is said to come back and turn the world into a golden age after he combines all the worlds religion into one religion. He has been declared king of the gods, of man, of the beasts and birds and even of the demons of the world, what does not bow shall bow to the king. He has servants, these servants are normally kings and generals that have achieved glory and fame and in some way had impressed the Lords and the gods in such a way that they had achieved enlightenment and went straight into the kings court, these people are normally not Semdaen themselves but of other religions and had unlocked Semdaen virtue, an example of a servant would Decebalus last king of Dacia. These servants are known by the name of Regs, they help kings and generals in certain situations but will also help the general public. They are like the Catholic Saints if you are still having trouble understanding.
The way to become a Semdaen is to simply prepare an Altar in the Semdaen way, which is simple but can be somewhat costly depending on the quality you want for your Altar. To create an Altar you need to first find a space for it, a bench is the best way to achieve this space. The next thing you need to do is get a larger clothe to cover the entire space, this clothe is called the Plarom. The next thing you need to do is add another much smaller and thinner clothe to put in the middle called the Klijo, it must be wide enough to fit a few statues in and long enough to go across the entire space. On the Klijo you need to place three items, an Idol of your Cultic 'Kono, an Idol of the king and an Idol of your Personnel 'Kono. The next Item you need to place is in front of the clothe and needs to be the Srwos which is a candle holder in the shape of a peacock meant to represent Melek Tawes, the defender of humanity. The Ancestors Skull or the Strutjos is next, placed to the right of the Srwos which should be on the far left. On the far right should be the Donom which is the Libations bowl Finally inbetween the Strutjos and the Srows is the Asis which is a offering urn for things like paper prayer. Behind the klijo you can place the images of other gods for worship. Finally one of the most important parts is the Asajos or Altar sword, this is almost always a real sword, however if there is any reason you legally or financially cannot own sword there are alternatives such as Paper swords or less dangerous training swords.
There are several sacred things into Semdaeism, the numbers eight and four, blood, foxes and Kashmiri cypresses are all considered sacred things. The 'kono of sacred thing and blood, Vestpus represents himself as foxes. Along with that there are the two temples, the Domos and the Yageh. The Domos is considered the most important out of the two, they are made to look like hills or mountains and they contain eight kinds of rooms. The main hall, the sacred well, the room for the Native god, a room for sword smithing, a main worshipping room which has a oven for baking offerings, a tomb or sacred grave for the priests that double as a ancestor worship room and finally a room for some more minor cultic practises. Along with this stands a idol modeled after the Shigir idol which represents the 'kono of the temple and a protector and a Menhir which details certain events that take place during the construction. There is also Kashmiri Cypresses on the top as the top of the complex is covered in dirt and it is surrounded by native fruit trees and other native plants you can eat, these will be farmed in times of emergency. Domos should be sanctified with first a blood offering and some minor rituals, if the Domos is in a larger area as it should be then a game of Polo should take place to properly make it sacred in the eyes of Vestpus. The other structure is the Yageh, which is the main home for the native god, the native god or the gnos if you wish, is a idol of a god that is native to the region Like Zeus or Heracles for Greece and is made in the native art style. He gets two holidays, the day of the gods where he is taken from the Domos to the Yageh representing him being apart from the 'kono but still worshipped The parade is a four hour trip and then the peach parade where he is taken back to the Domos Representing princess Hurkino joining the 'kono as their princess after being abandoned by her fellow gods The Yagehs are built in the style of the native architecture either in the shape of houses or in the shape of granary representing the god is there for their people. Another factor of Semdaeism is that there are the seven heavenly isles where either an important religious event happened or they have a section of Semdaeism within their religion. these isles are as follows, Britian, Japan, the Carribian, Malta, New Zealand and the Canary isles. These I hope will have some of the first Domos and Yagehs.
The next thing I would like to talk about is enlightenment, the Semdaen enlightenment comes in two forms, Bhilis, the right handed enlightenment and the Pavillion Leaf Path, the left handed enlightenment which leads to a form of immortality but is widely hidden or unknown, Clergy and Successor Arrikirris do not take this path but instead take a form of enlightenment reserved for clergy called Itrdae which is a special form of the Leuk path when the clergy devotes themselves to the lords and the king. Bhilis is a very long process and revolves heavily around the concept of the cycle and reincarnation, the result of this is that you must achieve eight forms of lesser enlightenment through each of the eight heavenly laws which I will go over. In each eight you must achieve the lesser enlightenment or Gnowa. the laws go as follow:
Nos, the law of North America, that one must be of their community, know and speak the native language and the popular language, move in the ways of the native culture and the popular culture and bow and pray to the Native, Semdaen and popular gods, unless it is the Yahweh of Abraham.
Mer, the law of Ocenia, that one must understand that all things live through the cycle that is birth, life, sacrifice (Literal and figurative), death and rebirth and that even the animals, to live through this cycle and that slaughter is their sacrifice to us, that man does not harm or act inappropriately to the animal even during slaughter and even after death.
Deh, the law of Africa, that one must realise that the Lystche ancestor spirits watch over their families and their lands and that they are forever listening to our every word and our every action, that no matter what we must be respectful of the dead and not speak ill of them nor insult them with our actions.
Leuk, the law of India, that one must understand that the gods are ever present and ever helpful beings but they are still gods, they are the highers and we are the lowers. We are of not right or will to insult our heavenly lords with images of them as cartoons nor slander their name of deeds with such casualty.
Webh, the law of Asia, that one must understand that above all else, the lords be they gods, demons or 'kono are beloved of those things which are creative above all else, be it art, writing, music or answering the simple question.
Heug, the law of South America, that one must be virtous above all else, even without acting in gnowa. The lords are watching constantly and so to do good deeds and to act in all the manners and be kind is above all else when they watch.
Gwhen, the law of Europe, that one most be aware of the Asajos as one must be aware of the king as a warlord, this world is a violent one for that is a form of the cycle ever since peace came into being and that to obtain virtous too is to obtain skill in the sword and skill in the hand.
Wied, the law of Antartica, that one must be knowledgeable for the ultimate sin is ignorance, that you must live in the great and constant state of learning and knowledge, you must be a scholar above all others and your simple breathe contains more information then even the great libraries. It should be noted that these laws are not really true laws in the sense that you can break them easily, with exception such as Leuk and Deh but rather the eight most important guidelines and eight different ways of reaching enlightenment. I do not decide whether you reach this enlightenment nor are they levelled against each other but rather equal to one and another. After achieving gnowa eight different times (Normally taking eight or more different lives to complete) you become what is known as a Mereg who is an enlightened king or general where upon death you will become a god and begin to serve the king in his court, for only those that are great can serve that which is the greatest.
A confusing part of Semdaeism seems to be the Arrikirris, as some people confuse me to be the only Arrikirri, that is not true. I am the Arrikirri of the four pointed star which makes me the first of my fellow Arrikirris of the heaven of the four pointed star. There they wait in line to incarnate, my job is simply to found the religion and set up some early organisation in the faith. Each Arrikirri will atleast write eight books to add to the holy text before their death. Arrikirris do not have an extreme authority over a Semdaen, it would be good to tell one you're becoming Semdaen so that they can help you and get an idea of numbers in the faith and demographics but it is not needed. Additionally any issue you have with clergy can be brought up to a Semdaen Arrikirri and he will try to mitigate the issue, Semdaeism also relies on UPG and Arrikirris, especially me, will try to check up on you to see how everything is going with your faith and learn more from what you have learnt while worshipping. There is also no ill will towards anyone that leaves, I might get upset, sad or angry for a bit but I will not hold a grudge against anyone that leaves and I hope all other Semdaens will be this kind.
In Semdaeism there is two calendars, the sixteen heavenly days calendar Noichos for the sixteen holidays of Semdaeism and the Zodiac calendar Alkis these two calendars are important, I'm not going to show them in this post but maybe another post because then it will be far too long. Now the Zodiacs in Semdaeism function as a form of totemism, as the lesser Zodiac, the animal Zodiac has an animal for each of the twelve months. Depending on which month you are born you have a different animal, these animals represent the Xenematres who are the lords of the months and if you see your totemic animal it means goodluck. You must also deny the meat of this animal. The greater zodiac is about worship, the greater zodiac creatures are often beasts and coincide with the year you were born in. These beasts are often used to represent your personnel 'kono and they are placed on the Altar right next to your Cultic 'Kono.
I will leave some of the more frequently asked questions below:
Does the religion have a central text Yes, if you ask I will send you what I currently have (The text is unfinished)
How old is the religion/how many followers do I have/ how old am I Not very old, not that many followers
Is Homosexuality a sin No, unless you're a king or queen, then adopt a child before you ascend to the throne
Is Abortion allowed Yes, if the child is born from rape, it isn't a plan B
That is all for now, I will update the questions and the post in general and resend it if I have anything else to add or any more commonly asked questions pop up. I would like to be able to work with the community so I can better express myself amongst you so that I don't seem so dangerous to some. I will be looking forward to talking with you and thankyou for reading.
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I remember being so stressed the trip wasn even really enjoyable. When we got home, I found my mother in law had went to our house and cleaned it spotless, did all of our laundry and took care of everything. I NEVER forget how good that felt to walk in and find the house in perfect order.. Then you should be honest with her about how it felt to end up the third wheel and ask her if she can wingman until you find someone to talk to when you go out in the future. If you too shy to talk to women you going to need a little help or else this will happen again. And, if you have any romantic or sexual feelings for her going out together to meet people is just going to hurt.Also, if your friend picks someone up at the bar don go home with them or head home after you get back if you all rode together. That shit is definitely true. Not only when it comes to work but also the social sphere. I often judged for my clothes and hair when hanging around in whiter and more upscale parts of town. H. AudenFound in Thank You, Fog: Last 경상북도출장샵 Poems by W. H. The first Thames frost fair was in 1607; the last in 1814, although changes to the bridges and the addition of an embankment affected the river flow and depth, hence the possibility of freezes. The freeze of the Golden Horn and the southern section of the Bosporus took place 경상북도출장샵 in 1622. In 1658 a Swedish army marched across the Sound to Denmark and invaded Copenhagen. He is a great dude with a Hall of Fame career that knows winning basketball and playoff basketball. Good locker presence never really made a fuss. Can still get rebounds and has a good court vision for his size. Find a personal injury attorney WHO ALSO ADVERTISES THAT THEY PRACTICE WORKERS COMP. Most do, but some don't, and you'll want one that can attack this employer in both directions, and knows what pitfalls to avoid I can't tell you how many times I've seen a shitty personal injury attorney tell their client to skip the workers comp system, just file a bodily injury lawsuit, and then once they lose that suit realize they waived any comp recovery in doing so. An attorney who knows both systems will be invaluable here.. I don't entirely agree. Monetization isn't to blame for lack of creativity because beauty videos rarely get marked as not advertised friendly, they are one of the safest video categories on YouTube. The issue is the algorithm which is fueled by what people click on and current trends. If this frustrating hair removal cycle sounds all too familiar, rest assured that you are not alone. According to one women's magazine, 73 percent of females try to get rid of leg hair around three times every week [source: Goins]. That adds up to a lot of hours spent shaving. Clios nudism cushion is my favourite so far. It's Worked very well for me as a spring/summer cushion. It has a soft matte finish which I prefer, and it lasts for a decent time without primer. You won't have more farm than viper with his nethertoxin, he will get his second core item before you even finish diffusal. Also if you "send some illu" they will expire before they even reach him because they only have 10 second duration. Phantom lancers illusions are only a small portion of his damage unlike naga or CK.
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blackkudos · 6 years
Billy Porter
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Billy Porter (born September 21, 1969) is an American stage performer, pop singer, film and television actor and vocal coach. He attended the Musical Theatre program at Pittsburgh Creative and Performing Arts School's School of Drama and achieved fame performing on Broadway before starting a solo career as a singer.
Porter won the 2013 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical for his role as Lola in Kinky Boots at the 67th Tony Awards. For the role, Porter also won the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical and Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical.
Early life
Porter was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to William E. Porter and Clorinda Jean Johnson Ford. His sister is Mary Martha Ford. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University College of Fine Arts with a B.F.A. in Drama as well as a certification from the graduate-level Professional Program In Screenwriting at UCLA.
During the summers of 1985-1987, Porter was a member of an entertainment group called "Flash" which performed daily at Kennywood Park in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.
He played the Teen Angel in the 1994 Broadway revival of Grease!. Other shows he has been in include Topdog/Underdog at City Theatre (2004), Jesus Christ Superstar and Dreamgirls at Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera (2004) and the song cycles "Myths and Hymns" and "Songs for a New World" (Off-Broadway, 1995).
Porter wrote and performed in his one-man autobiographical show, Ghetto Superstar (The Man That I Am) at Joe's Pub in New York City in February and March 2005. Porter was nominated for "Outstanding New York Theater: Broadway & Off Broadway Award" at the 17th GLAAD Media Awards.
In September 2010, Porter appeared as Belize in Signature Theatre Company's 20th Anniversary production of Tony Kushner's Angels in America.
Porter originated the role of "Lola" in Kinky Boots on Broadway in 2013, with songs by Cyndi Lauper, book by Harvey Fierstein and directed/choreographed by Jerry Mitchell. Porter won both the 2013 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical and Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical for this role.
Porter has also appeared in a number of films. He played a major role as Shiniqua, a drag queen who befriends Angel (David Norona) and Lee (Keivyn McNeill Graves) in Seth Michael Donsky's Twisted (1997), an adaptation of Oliver Twist. He has also appeared on an episode of The RuPaul Show.
He has had a musical career with three solo albums released, Billy Porter on DV8/A&M Records in 1997, At the Corner of Broadway + Soul in 2005 on Sh-K-Boom Records and Billy's Back on Broadway (Concord Music Group) in 2014. He as featured in a number of songs in the tribute album It's Only Life: The Songs of John Bucchino in 2006 released on PS Classics. He sings on Adam Guettel's 1999 album Myths and Hymns studio cast album on Nonesuch Records. He also covered "Only One Road" that was included on the Human Rights Campaign compilation album Love Rocks.
Porter wrote the play While I Yet Live, which premiered Off-Broadway at Primary Stages on September 24, 2014 in previews, officially on October 12. In addition to Porter, the cast included Lillias White and S. Epatha Merkerson.
Billy Porter released Billy Porter Presents the Soul of Richard Rodgers in April, 2017. The album, which features new, soulful takes on classic Richard Rodgers songs, includes solos and duets from the following artists (in addition to Porter himself): Tony and Grammy Award winners Cynthia Erivo (The Color Purple), Renée Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton) and Leslie Odom Jr. (Hamilton), Tony Award-winner Patina Miller (Pippin), Grammy Award winners Pentatonix and India Arie, Tony Award nominees Brandon Victor Dixon (Shuffle Along), Joshua Henry (Violet), and Christopher Jackson (Hamilton), alongside YouTube sensation and Kinky Boots star Todrick Hall and multiple Grammy Award nominees Deborah Cox and Ledisi.
Porter reprised the role of Lola in Kinky Boots on September 26, 2017, on Broadway, where he did a 15-week run.
In 2018, Porter starred in the FX show, Pose in the role of Pray Tell. Pose has been picked up for a second season to be aired in 2019. In August 2018, Porter confirmed via Instagram that he was joining the cast of American Horror Story for its eight season, subtitled Apocalypse.
Personal life
He and Adam Smith were married on January 14, 2017.
1997: Billy Porter (DV8/A&M Records)
2005: At the Corner of Broadway + Soul (Sh-K-Boom Records)
2014: Billy's Back on Broadway (Concord Music Group)
2017: Billy Porter Presents the Soul of Richard Rodgers
1997: "Show Me"/"What Iz Time"
2005: "Awaiting You"/"Time" (Live) (Sh-K-Boom Records)
2017: "Edelweiss"
Other songs
"Only One Road" on Love Rocks compilation album
"Love Is On The Way" on The First Wives Club album
"Destiny" with Jordan Hill on Jim Brickman's Greatest Hits album
"Where is Love?" with Liz Callaway
Appears in
Featured on a number of songs on tribute album It's Only Life: The Songs of John Bucchino
Adam Guettel's album Myths and Hymns in 1999
He is featured with Alan Cumming, David Raleigh and Ari Gold in a cover of "That's What Friends Are For", of 'The Friends Project' in support of the Ali Forney Center, a NYC shelter for homeless LGBT youth. The song was arranged and produced by Nathan Leigh Jones and directed by Michael Akers.
Porter has performed at various venues in New York City, including Lincoln Center, which was broadcast on PBS in 2015 and Joe's Pub in New York City.
Another World, Billy Rush, 1 episode (1998)
Shake, Rattle and Roll: An American Love Story, Little Richard, TV movie, 1999
Law & Order, Greg Ellison, 1 episode, 2004
The Big C, Eric, 1 episode, 2012
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Jackie Walker, 1 episode, 2013
Land of Lola: Backstage at Kinky Boots with Billy Porter, Host, 8 episodes, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance, Performer, 4 episodes, 2007-12
Christmas at Rockefeller Plaza, Performer, NBC, December 2014
Billy Porter: Broadway & Soul, Self, TV concert special, Live from Lincoln Center, 2015
Sinatra: Voice for a Century, Performer, TV concert special, Live from Lincoln Center, December 2015
The Get Down, DJ Malibu, 1 episode, 2016
Pose, Pray Tell (series regular), 2018
American Horror Story 2018
Twisted, Shiniqua (1997)
The First Wives Club, singer (1996)
Anastasia, Ensemble (1997)
Intern, Sebastian Niederfarb, (2000)
Fabulous! The Story of Queer Cinema, composer, documentary (2006)
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy, Taylor, 2000
Noel, Randy, 2004
The Humbling, Prince, 2014
Sources:Playbill Vault; Off-Broadway Database
Miss Saigon, Ensemble/John (u/s), Broadway (1991)
Grease, Teen Angel, Broadway (1994)
The Merchant of Venice, Solanio, off-Broadway (1995)
Songs for a New World, Performer, off-Broadway (1995)
Smokey Joe's Cafe, Performer, Broadway (1995–97)
Miss Saigon, John (replacement), Broadway (1998–99)
Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus of Nazareth, Helen Hayes Performing Arts Center, Nyack, NY (1998)
Dreamgirls, James Thunder Early, New York Actors Fund concert (September 2001)
Radiant Baby, Various, off-Broadway (2003)
Topdog/Underdog, City Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA (2004)
Little Shop of Horrors, Audrey ll (replacement), Broadway (2004)
Chef's Theater: A Musical Feast, Performer, off-Broadway (2004)
Ghetto Superstar, Performer, off-Broadway (2005) - also playwright
Birdie Blue, Bam/Little Pimp/Sook/Minerva, off-Broadway (2005)
Putting It Together, Performer, New York (2009)
Angels in America, Belize, off-Broadway (2010)
Kinky Boots, Lola, Broadway (2013-2015)
Kinky Boots, Lola (replacement), Tour (2014)
HAM: A Musical Memoir, off-Broadway (2015) - director
Shuffle Along, or the Making of the Musical Sensation of 1921 and All That Followed, Aubrey Lyles, Broadway (2016)
White Rabbit Red Rabbit, off-Broadway (2016)
Kinky Boots, Lola (replacement), Broadway (2017)
Awards and nominations
2013 Broadway.com Audience Choice Award for Favorite Actor in a Musical for Kinky Boots (won)
2013 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical for Kinky Boots (won)
2013 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical for Kinky Boots (won)
2013 Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical for Kinky Boots (won)
2013 Fred and Adele Astaire Awards for Outstanding Male Dancer in a Broadway Show Kinky Boots (nominated)
2013 Drama League Award for Distinguished Performance for Kinky Boots (nominated)
2014 Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album for Kinky Boots (won)
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tigermike · 3 years
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On this day in 1916, two women conclude a remarkable motorcycle ride across the United States. The Van Buren sisters had undertaken the ride, hoping to prove that women could ably serve as military dispatch riders.
Augusta “Gussie” Van Buren and Adeline “Addie” Van Buren were also descendants of the 8th President of the United States, Martin Van Buren.
The women began their ride at Sheepshead Bay, New York, on July 4, 1916. More than 5,000 miles and nearly two months later, they and their Indian PowerPlus “moto-cycles” would arrive in California.
Today, we have paved interstates that would make such a ride easier. The Van Buren sisters had no such luxury.
“There were no road maps west of the Mississippi,” the women’s great-nephew Robert Van Buren said of his aunts’ trip. “The roads were just cow passes, dirt trails, wagon trails, things like that.”
Actually, the sisters may have been happy anytime they found so much as a dirt trail. Sometimes, there were no roads at all.
“Impossible roads, unseasonable weather and difficulties in untold number and magnitude were encountered at every turn,” a contemporary newspaper account reported. “Washouts, mountain slides, desert wastes and wrecked bridges delayed them, but did not deter them. Incessant rains in Colorado made riding conditions the worst imaginable, and those terrific days were followed by an equally ardent week in crossing the Great American Desert in Western Utah.”
The sisters accomplished a stunning feat while in Colorado, however. They were the first to ride motorized vehicles to the top of Pike’s Peak.
But poor roads and bad weather weren’t the only challenges. Would you believe the women were pulled over by police—more than once—because they were wearing men’s clothing?
Hmm. How times have changed.
The Van Buren sisters made it through all these trials. On September 2, they pulled into San Francisco. By September 8, they’d arrived in Los Angeles.
The sisters had hoped to prove that women could serve as dispatch riders, freeing men up for combat if the United States entered World War I. Unfortunately, in those early 1900 years, their motorcycles and their attire got more attention than their accomplishments.
Things would change and women would serve as dispatch riders in World War II.
In the meantime, Adeline would go on to get her law degree and Augusta would go on to become a pilot. Both women were inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2002.
Nevertheless, the ride has proven inspirational to many.
One of the great motorcyclists of their age, Paul “Daredevil” Derkum reportedly called the trip “one of the most noteworthy motorcycle trips ever accomplished.” The Van Buren sisters had proven that the “motorcycle is a universal vehicle.”
Others credit the Van Burens with introducing women to the sport of motorcycle riding. In 2016, as the centennial anniversary of the ride approached, dozens of women decided to commemorate the cross-country trip.
They, too, would start in New York and ride to California. Notably, Sarah Van Buren, the great-great niece of Adeline and Augusta, learned to ride a motorcycle, just so she could participate.
The women started in New York, as the Van Buren sisters had done. By the time they reached California, the group had swelled in size to more than 200.
“Woman can, if she will,” Augusta Van Buren once said.
Yes. She certainly can.
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riyaraysj · 4 years
After full ideation on 73 areas of Rs 100 crores each (15M$)....by
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Any who provide, n 1( tiled ) room/ space to buy, rent , donations for above NGO etc will get avg commission of Rs 250-1000 pm for 6 months per salaried staff if they work ( upto Rs 20k for space) etc n for all others, good commissions.
All send details, CV to org group at vigmanav@ yahoo.com or WhatsApp
msg only ( no talk pl ) 91230 78306
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aseemdhru · 7 years
Reflections on Death..part 1.
19th November 2017. Sunday.
We live by desire to live; we live by choice; by will, by thought, by virtue, by the vivacity of the laws which we obey, and obeying share their life,—or we die by sloth, by disobedience, by losing hold of life, which ebbs out of us says Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay Immortality. 
His Poem Brahma too takes the essence from this Upanishad.
If the red slayer think he slays
Or if the slain thinks he is slain
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.
Far or forgot to me is near;
Shadow and sunlight are the same;
The vanished gods to me appear;
And one to me are shame and fame
They reckon ill who leave me out;
When they fly, I am the wings;
I am the doubter and the doubt,
I am the hymn the brahman sings.
I read this essay and poem as a teenager and then when I read Emerson assigning the inspiration behind Immortality and Brahma to Kathopanishad, I remember being really intrigued. There is so much wisdom in our ancient texts that will be lost unless we propagate it. Katha Upanishad, one of the principal Upanishads and part of the Yajurved tells the story of a young boy Nachiket and the circumstances that lead him to have a dialogue with Yama - the God of death.
Death has fascinated me since as far back as my memory goes. As a child, I told stories and in parties and gatherings that my Foi (fathers’ sister) would do, I was frequently asked to tell a story. While I have no memory of this, her friends tell me to this date one in which the hero dies and apparently I said, I don't want to die. I pray to god that everyone sitting here dies but not me. The way it came out must have been really funny for these people to remember it several decades later. 
I must be ten when I was allowed to cycle on the road and I remembering cycling to a crematorium on the banks of Sabarmati on the way to Tagore Hall in Ahmedabad and stopping outside. Watching dead bodies being brought in bound to a bamboo ladder. Nose and ears stuffed with cotton. Their most loved one will ultimately set them on fire.
The bodies arrive in the same bamboo bed. The people who arrive with it step out of expensive cars or have walked along or in a bus. As they say when the game ends the King and the Pawn go back into the same box.
What leaves the body at death? Where does it go whatever it is that leaves? Is it soul? Spirit? Will it find another body to take form?The physical body meanwhile unites with the five elements it was formed from.
‘You too shall die..knowing this how can you quarrel?’ Buddha says in Dhammpada. Yet, we do. How much drama we go through, how much we collect, how big we inflate our ego, when the reality is the next moment is not in our control. Yaksha asked Yudhisthir in the Mahabharat, “ What is the most surprising thing on earth?’ Yudhisthir says, ‘Day after day countless creatures are going to the abode of Yama, yet those that remain behind believe themselves to be immortal. What an be more surprising than this?” 
Isn’t it true. I bet, you don't like reading this. You would have preferred an upbeat blog. Do you agree? Why is it that what is so much a part of life we do not even want to think about. We love this story, this life, we just fear its end and believe that if we do not talk about it, somehow it won't come.
....to be continued. 
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mayacatmaster · 5 years
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Good Deeds Should Be Done With Energy-Working-Function-Pattern,  Not For Attention, Not For Money; Power; Fame Or Social Praise.  *** *** *** How do you know the BEHAVIORS OF GENUINE PEOPLE? They practice what they preach/teach/post and can help themselves and another people beautiful dream come true, or at least can get rid bad-bitter-life-fruits-Vicious circle. *** *** *** How do you know the BEHAVIORS OF fake PEOPLE? They never practice what they preach/teach/post and they will said a lot of beautiful-pretty-word, what is holy books, light, love, saints, morality, or what is Great nation, race, family….or their religion/morality/holy books/political/country-social-family-belief-system is based on love., …. and just want another people loyalty, devotion, sacrifice, service for their personal purpose, desire, egoism-standard. *** *** *** But if you ask what happens when people don't follow the rules about their religion/morality/holy books/political/country-social-family-belief-system? And see into their history….><!!! *** *** *** The most dangerous person on earth is a Fake Friend.  The most dangerous person on earth is a Fake heart.  *** *** *** No matter it’s in a world, a country, a home, a mind-body. *** *** *** No matter it’s your government, your religion, your moral, your holy books, your teachers, your gurus, your parents, your family, your education-system, your boss, your lover, your friends…! *** *** *** Real is rare. *** *** ***  Sincere & honest words are not always very pretty; and those very pretty words are not always very sincere & honest.  信言不美,美言不信。 *** *** ***  People lie. *** *** ***  Actions also can lie. *** *** ***  But energy-function-pattern can’t lie. Energy is my first reading language. I understand it more than I witness and watch the people’s words, deeds, or though, ideas, belief-system. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** No Dark Tyranny Rulers. If Nobody Obey. *** *** *** Fear and obedience are one of the elites tool to control the masses. *** *** *** One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say, preach, teach.  I watch what they do instead. *** *** *** Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Qscar Wilde *** *** ** And….: If you look at the people in your circle and do not become “inspired”(help you beautiful dream come true or at least help you cease bad-bitter-life-fruits-Vicious circle ,  And they just only teach/preach you how to kiss as by blind-obey/blind follow, No matter of it’s use what kind of name, God/holy books/religion/moral/country-social-education-family-belief-system. Then you don't have a circle, you have a cage.  *** *** *** So...make sure what your morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system not AGAINST FREEDOM.  *** *** *** AGAINST you to be free, THEY just WANT YOU TO BE SLAVES. Their whole vested interest is in your being always a slave. *** *** *** The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living. -Socrates  *** *** *** A man lives in slavery without self inquire because he lives unconsciously He lives like a robot.  *** *** *** So….: If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that  come to you.  You do not accept them willy-nilly. -Seth  *** *** *** So…: I don't trust words, I trust vibes.  People can tell you anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deed-words. *** *** *** I don't trust deeds, I trust vibes.  People can pretend anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deeds. *** *** ***  So…: I Don't Always Visit Freethinker Groups  Such As Those Great Gurus/Saints/Religion/Morality/Political/Education-Belief-System. But When I Do,  I Am The-Original-Face-Badass-Man,  I Question Everything, Self-Inquiry For Myself. I Don’t Want Be A Copy Cat. *** *** *** Because….: If this is all a dream, a Maya, a mirage, it's long as fuck....: Because lesson repeats until it is learned….: It has 5000 years in China, It has 7,000 years in India,….: *** *** *** And…: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. 愚蒙人是話都信,智慧通達者步步審慎。 ~Proverbs 14:15 King James Bible *** *** *** So…: Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! We become who we spend time with. The quality of life is most often a direct reflection of the expectations of' their peer group. Choose your friends well. — Anthony Robbins  *** *** ***  Beacuse…: Real is rare. *** *** ***  Because…: Sincere & honest words are not always very pretty; and those very pretty words are not always very sincere & honest.  信言不美,美言不信。 *** *** ***  People lie. *** *** ***  Actions also can lie. *** *** ***  But energy-function-pattern can’t lie. Energy is my first reading language. I understand it more than I witness and watch the people’s words, deeds, or though, ideas, belief-system. *** *** ***  Looking for truth? Observe people's habitual behavior patterns/cycles.  The truth is in their patterns and cycles.  Not so much their words. *** *** ***  Energy moves in cycles, circles, spirals, vortexes, whirls, pulsations, waves,  and rhythms-rarely if ever in simple straight lines. ~Starhawk *** *** ***  Consciousness Isn't Merely Just A State Of Mind. But A Vibrational Frequency In Which We Perceive, Live, And Broadcast Out To Others.  *** *** ***  Intuition is real.  Vibes are real.  Energy doesn't lie,  Tune in. *** *** ***  What you are living is always an exact replication of your vibrational patterns of thought. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Between egoism and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between man-made-rules and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between desires and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between your-origin-face and "Source"(Tao; True Self); *** *** *** Between your heart, my heart and another heart; *** No matter what... You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the end beginning of it. *** *** ***
Knowledge is a huge threat To the agenda of authority. *** *** *** So…: What is your religion-belief-system, morality-belief-system or any kind of belief-system Based Upon? The "Laws of the Universe"(Source; Tao; True Self; Brahma) or the laws-of-man-made? *** *** ***
Good Deeds or bad deeds, who decide?
By any kind of egoism-standard or “Source”(True Self; Tao; Ma at; Logos; Dharma)?
*** *** ***
Good sheep or bad sheep, who decide?
By any kind of egoism-standard or “Source”(True Self; Tao; Ma at; Logos; Dharma)?
*** *** *** Life is "Tao"(True Self;Brahman) back to itself. I observed the sun, moon, stars orbit operation life. *** *** *** "Nature"(Tao;Ma-at;Logos; Source) never did betray the heart that loved her. *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions,  But Nature Has But One Truth. ~MANLY P. Hall  *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions/Moral/Education/Country-Social-Family-Person-Belief-System,  But Nature Has But One Cosmic-Principle-Truth.  *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** Because…: A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. *** *** *** The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. *** *** *** So so what…:  Dimensions are not places or locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power & more opportunity to create our reality. *** *** *** Everything around us is made up of energy To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy!! *** *** *** You Are Made Of Source Energy. *** *** *** Energy is my first language.  I understand it more than I do words.  *** *** *** And I can…: Mirror the most simplest “Cosmic Principle”(Tao; Source; Ma at; Brahma) in every area every topic…: *** *** *** QUANTUM INTUITION EXPLAINED  Everything is Energy.  Energy connects everything.  Energy carries information.  The past, present a future all exist simultaneously.  Therefore, as energetic beings, we have  access to the past, present & future  at any point in time via energy.  IT ALL CONNECTS.  *** *** *** You are an electmagnetic being emitting a frequency.  Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting  can come into your experience.  Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on.  *** *** *** Health, wealth, beauty and genius are not created: they are only manifested by  the arrangement of our mind. ~Neville Goddard  *** *** *** We remind you that you are dreaming right now.  Wake up and live the dream you prefer.  Understand that you are always making choices. That's your free will. If you do not prefer what you are choosing, redefine it; choose something else. Then lock the new choice in by acting as if the new choice is now  the real reality. Do not play "what if-— play *what is."  Be bold. Be who you are. Be in joy, and enjoy yourselves. Believe in yourselves.  You are all there is to believe in. ~Bashar *** *** *** The Alchemist Is One Who Transforms All Energies Into Higher Frequencies Of Light And Love. They Are, The Bringers Of A New Dawn,Transmuting The Old Paradigms Into A Higher Intelligence And Order. They Act Solely For The Highest Good Of All. Love Is The Only Master They Answer To. *** *** *** You are a fortunate soul who has the power of self-renewal, simply by re-awakening every day to a spiritual sense of self.  *** *** *** The Source within me, that is expanded as a result of what I have lived, stands in loving appreciation of all that I have become and calls me never endingly toward it. ~Abraham  *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** *** You create your dream state just like you create your awake state—  with the same law of attraction, and with the same focus. ~Abraham-Hick  *** *** *** You Do Not Allow Because You Do Not Believe.  What You Believe Regarding Anything That You Want Is Extremely Important - For You Will Allow Only Within The Boundaries Of Your Beliefs.  And So, In Many Cases, Your Beliefs Must Be Altered To Harmonize  With Your Intentions. ~Abraham *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Abraham Hicks Picture Quotes N Open Forum”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So we’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately trying to help you understand that as you are the creator of your own reality, how things come from that vibrational, not-yet-tangible state of being into a manifested tangible state. And it ALL lies in perception. It all lies in your ability to tune to a frequency that allows you to perceive it. And this is the thing, humans (we love you so much) stubbornly hold back from. You want to call reality one thing and you want to call nonphysical another. You want to call what’s manifested like the money you’ve got in your bank one thing, and you want to call vibration something else. And we want you to understand that it’s all the same thing. And that when you accept that it’s all the same thing, and you accept that you are the thinker of the vibrational currency, that you are the director of the thought, and you are the synthesizer of the energy. And most important of all, you are then the translator of the energy that you have created into the reality that you call real life. ~Abraham-Hicks, Sacramento, CA, 03/1/14 *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help people as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** If not according to the "Help people to be natural, relax & be who-really-they-are, and alignment with their “Source”(True Self; Tao; Inner Being)”,  *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** And Anybody can say that they listen to their own inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao), …: *** *** *** People may think that they have found a great many Masters in America or Europe or Asia, but they are masters only outwardly; those who follow them are not yet living in the presence of an inner Master. *** *** *** And…: How can you be sure of the inner presence of a Master?  How can you tell whether the voice you hear is really the inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao) or external influences from any kind of dark-tyrant-rulers?  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help themselves as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** *** It takes both sides to build a bridge. *** *** *** Source part of you and Physical part of you;  “Form is empty”(energy-vibration-frequency return to original face) and “Empty is form”( energy-vibration-frequency became matter) and  who see who identify with any kind of “I am this or that…!” *** *** *** Source is thinking through you and your Emotion-Energy-Guidance-system tell you,  *** *** *** Source Energy Guidance system, the “Source”(True Self; Tao) always same, no matter of it western or eastern, past, now or future or any kind of time-space-social-energy-structure *** *** *** Sloppy Thinking and you will make your life became a pile of shits. *** *** *** Subject of your Creation *** *** *** Self Mastery & Awakening *** *** *** See who is Seer *** *** *** See you As….: *** *** *** Self Define….; *** *** *** Which you? Which world? *** *** *** How to bring heaven to earth? *** *** *** Good Deeds Should Be Done With Energy-Working-Function-Pattern,  Not For Attention, Not For Money; Power; Fame Or Social Praise.  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Mina Milos”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Everything is Energy:  Everything we can see, hear, touch, taste & smell is made of different wavelengths of vibrating frequencies. The time is upon us to harness the power within & envision ourselves as the true spiritual beings of Divine love  & light that we are. The more conscious we become, the more wisdom we attain from within that has always been there waiting for us to rediscover.  This infinite wisdom within is the highest form of intelligence that no level of man taught education can ever teach. When you learn to listen to your intuition & how you feel, you become more in tune with energies, therefore  becoming more conscious, refined & having deeper clarity of the frequencies within & around you. Spirituality is having a deep connection with your inner being. It is a continuous process on the path to remembering our divine selves. Once you choose to remember this within yourself, all that you haveexperienced on this earthly plane of social constraints & paradigms become redundant & uninspiring & eventually you will come to question it all, which will move you & inspire you to go inwards even though you might not be fully clear as to why it's happening. We are constantly evolving through each & every experience we have regardless of whether or not we are fully aware of it. Eventually we come to that Ah ha moment where we understand the experience at a deeper level to where we start to see things from broader perspective through the eyes of source/the God within as opposed to our limited human perspectives. And  as we reach this awareness, the journey becomes more profound & exciting as we become conscious & aware that we are in fact the creators of our experiences on every level' :in that knowing we can create any reality we  choose to align with as we reclaim our power thru that knowing & remembering.  Namaste my dear beautiful loving friends & soul family with eternal love & gratitude! ~Mina Milos
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blackkudos · 7 years
Georgia Douglas Johnson
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Georgia Blanche Douglas Camp Johnson, better known as Georgia Douglas Johnson (September 10, 1880 – May 14, 1966), was an African American poet, one of the earliest African-American female playwrights, and an important participant in the Harlem Renaissance.
Early life
Johnson was born in Atlanta to Laura Douglas and George Camp (her mother's last name is listed in other sources as Jackson). Her mother was of African and Native American descent, and her father was of African-American and English heritage.
Much of Johnson's childhood was spent in Rome, Georgia. She received her education in both Rome and Atlanta, where she excelled in reading, recitations and physical education. She also taught herself to play the violin, which developed into a lifelong love of music that appears in her plays, which make distinct use of sacred music.
Johnson graduated from Atlanta University's Normal School 1896. She taught school in Marietta, Georgia. She left her teaching career to pursue her interest in music in 1902, attending Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio. She wrote music from 1898 until 1959. After studying in Oberlin Johnson returned to Atlanta, where she became assistant principal in a public school.
Marriage and family
On September 28, 1903, Johnson married Henry Lincoln Johnson, an Atlanta lawyer and prominent Republican party member. They had two sons, Henry Lincoln Johnson, Jr., and Peter Douglas Johnson (d. 1957). Johnson claimed her husband was not very supportive of her writing, preferring her be to a home-maker instead. Her husband's job as a lawyer forced them to live in Washington, D.C., away from the literary center in Harlem. He died in 1925 when she was aged 45 and she was left to take care of their sons, who were teenagers at the time. Even though her husband often criticized her career as a writer, she published two poems dedicated to him: "The Heart of a Woman" (1918) and "Bronze" (1922). Johnson lived in Washington for the last 50 years of her life. After her husband died, she struggled at first with some temporary jobs. As a gesture of appreciation for her husband's loyalty and service to the Republican party, President Calvin Coolidge appointed Johnson as the Commissioner of Conciliation in the Department of Labor.
Johnson's husband accepted an appointment as the Recorder of Deeds from United States President William Howard Taft, and the family moved to Washington, D.C., in 1910. It was during this period that Johnson began to write poems and stories. She credited a poem written by William Stanley Braithwaite about a rose tended by a child, as her inspiration for her poems. Johnson also wrote songs, plays, short stories, taught music, and performed as an organist at her Congregational church.
She began to submit poems to newspapers and small magazines. Her first poem was published in 1905 in the literary journal The Voice of the Negro, though her first collection of poems was not published until 1916. She published four volumes of poetry, beginning in 1916 with The Heart of a Woman. Her poems are often described as feminine and "ladylike" or "raceless" and use titles such a "Faith", "Youth", and "Joy". Her poems appeared in multiple issues of The Crisis, a journal published by the NAACP and founded by W. E. B. Du Bois. "Calling Dreams" was published with the January 1920 edition, "Treasure" in July 1922, and "To Your Eyes" in November 1924.
Johnson was a well-known figure in the national black theatre movement and was an important “cultural sponsor” in the early twentieth century, assembling and inspiring the intellectuals and artists who generated the next group of black theatre and rising education (16). Johnson wrote about 28 plays. Plumes was published under the pen name John Temple. Many of her plays were never published because of her gender and race. Gloria Hull is credited with the rediscovery of many of Johnson's plays. The 28 plays that she wrote were divided into four sections: "Primitive Life Plays", "Plays of Average Negro Life", "Lynching Plays" and "Radio Plays". Several of her plays are lost. The first section, “Primitive Life Plays,” features Blue Blood and Plumes, which were published and produced during Johnson’s lifetime.
In 1926, Johnson's play "Blue Blood" won honorable mention in the Opportunity drama contest. Her play "Plumes" also won in the same competition in 1927. Johnson was one of the only women whose work was published in Alain Locke's anthology Plays of Negro Life: A Source-Book of Native American Drama. Johnson's typescripts for ten of her plays are in collections in academic institutions. Blue-Eyed Black Boy is a 1930 lynching genre play written to convince Congress to pass anti-lynching laws. This lesser known play premiered in Xoregos Performing Company's program: "Songs of the Harlem River" in New York City's Dream Up Festival, from August 30 to September 6, 2015. "Songs of the Harlem River" also opened the Langston Hughes Festival in Queens, New York on February 13, 2016.
Anti-lynching activism
Although Johnson spoke out against race inequity as a whole, she is more known as a key advocate in the anti-lynching movement as well as a pioneering member of the lynching drama tradition. Her activism is primarily expressed through her plays, first appearing in the play Sunday Morning in the South. This outspoken, dramatic writing about racial violence is sometimes credited with her obscurity as a playwright since such topics were not considered appropriate for a woman at that time. Unlike many African-American playwrights, Johnson refused to give her plays a happy ending since she did not feel it was a realistic outcome. As a result, Johnson had difficulty getting plays published. Though she was involved in the NAACP's anti-lynching campaigns of 1936 and 1938, the NAACP refused to produce many of her plays claiming they gave a feeling of hopelessness. Johnson was also a member of the Writers League Against Lynching, which included Countée Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Jessie Fauset, and Alain Locke. The organization sought a federal anti-lynching bill.
Soon after her husband's death, Johnson began to host what became 40 years of weekly "Saturday Salons", for friends and authors, including Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Anne Spencer, Richard Bruce Nugent, Alain Locke, Jessie Redmon Fauset, Angelina Weld Grimké and Eulalie Spence — all major contributors to the New Negro Movement, which is better known today as the Harlem Renaissance.
She was especially close to the European-American writer Angelina Grimké. Johnson called her home the "Half Way House" for friends traveling, and a place where they "could freely discuss politics and personal opinions" and where those with no money and no place to stay would be welcome.
She died in Washington, D.C., in 1966.
In September 2009, it was announced that Johnson would be inducted into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame.
Major works
The Heart of a Woman (1916)
Bronze (1922)
An Autumn Love Cycle (1928)
Share My World (1962)
Blue Blood (1926)
Plumes (1927)
Frederick Douglass (1930s)
Paupaulekejo (1926)
Starting Point (play) (1930s)
A Sunday Morning in the South (1925)
And Yet They Paused (1938)
A Bill to Be Passed (1938)
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milliondollarmusic · 4 years
Shared till siliguri.. Hdg....Billion dollar project startup seek s 25 category staff,associates ..... Xxxx Billion dollar project , NGO startup forming for Lockdown losses offset, New World order etc... Xxxx invites (from ww) 20 -25 categories ppl,Staff, associa tes n Space ... paying Good commissions to who give.... Xxxx Also, fame / power/ emotional / Intellectual satisfaction etc seeking associates....eg 17. businessmen /18. Events orgr , 19. Publishers, 20. CD mfrs...21. Detv / security + see below ... Xxxx ..want in Kolkata, howra /All India / Mumbai....... Xxxx 1. Lawyers ( esp computer, email drafting capable in LD/ Willing to take court work on contract) for work over Rs 5 -10 lakh in Kolkata, Supreme Court etc Xxxx 2.court clerk for all courts around Kolkata, sci and general prepar ing, OUTDOORS works,security / escort at court s, leaflets distribute etc ..... Xxxx 3. Business Experienced persons,groups,house s etc for mktg, running socio eco projects of Multiple National Awardee upto 1000 crores ( Capital not essential / can be arranged. Salaried post also there ) Xxxx 4. (Agents with contacts to) Bengali / MUSIC/ tv VIPs of Tolly / mumbai, big political party of Bengal, India etc Xxxx 5. Home /OUT DOOR asst - security / clerk/Accounts, comp personnel between GKW- BAKULTALA Hw ( or little beyond if have cycle) XXXX 6.PRO/ mktg /sales/MR/LIC etc OUTDOORS mobile, experien ced result orien ted personnel with high ambitions / business interest etc Xxxx 7. Digital mktg/ soc media asst ... Knowing all...fb, Instagram,email, Twitter, tumblr, net search, ytub LinkedIn etc. Etc. ( will Pay per transparent post ,type etc ) even in Lokdown. Own computer, net pref Xxxx 8.Hindi,Bengali singers, musi cians, actors, anchors, models, starlets etc pref from howra, Kolkata willing n able to co promote / work with us for BIG joint publicity Xxxx 9. Litigants for association ( wb, E. region, All India) who find difficulties of proceeding,cheated, threatened by law personnel ... Xxxx Or who thinking/ feeling need to file cases, but lack dependable, economic law consultations Sharing etc Xxxx 10. Members for new political system, (later party) ... who have spare time, money, etc n want fame,power, emotional/intellectual satisfaction etc Xxxx 11. Volunteers, social workers, students, house wives, retired , unemployed, wishing to spend time, serve nation, L/earn, train for jobs etc with Multiple National Awardee, get fame, power, avoid boredom etc... Xxxx 12. Donors, patrons,hall program hosts etc seeking fame, power,emotional satisfaction,immortality... n sponsors,advrs seeking publicity, power also.... Xxxx 13. People seeking change, security or shared solutions to other soc..eco problems,consumers of BIG business product s ...mobile,railways,advg.,hospitals, etc etc Xxxx 14.South Asia ppl who want build International conglomerate comparable to China 15. Developed countries ppl who want World forum compar able to USA, EUROPEAN UNION, Russian, Islamic etc blocks Xxxx 16. Under developed country ppl who want indepen dent block to develop early Xxxx Any who provide, n 1( tiled ) room/ space to buy, rent , donations for above NGO etc will get avg commission of Rs 250-1000 pm for 6 months per person if they work ( upto Rs 20k for space)etc n good commis sions 21. Security, detvs willing to work on daily pay after see work..., n huge rewards on results. .. Xxxx All send details, CV to org group at vigmanav@ yahoo.com or WhatsApp msg only ( no talk) 91230 78306
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riyaraysj · 4 years
Shared till siliguri.. Hdg....Billion dollar project startup seek s 25 category staff,associates ..... Xxxx Billion dollar project , NGO startup forming for Lockdown losses offset, New World order etc... Xxxx invites (from ww) 20 -25 categories ppl,Staff, associa tes n Space ... paying Good commissions to who give.... Xxxx Also, fame / power/ emotional / Intellectual satisfaction etc seeking associates....eg 17. businessmen /18. Events orgr , 19. Publishers, 20. CD mfrs...21. Detv / security + see below ... Xxxx ..want in Kolkata, howra /All India / Mumbai....... Xxxx 1. Lawyers ( esp computer, email drafting capable in LD/ Willing to take court work on contract) for work over Rs 5 -10 lakh in Kolkata, Supreme Court etc Xxxx 2.court clerk for all courts around Kolkata, sci and general prepar ing, OUTDOORS works,security / escort at court s, leaflets distribute etc ..... Xxxx 3. Business Experienced persons,groups,house s etc for mktg, running socio eco projects of Multiple National Awardee upto 1000 crores ( Capital not essential / can be arranged. Salaried post also there ) Xxxx 4. (Agents with contacts to) Bengali / MUSIC/ tv VIPs of Tolly / mumbai, big political party of Bengal, India etc Xxxx 5. Home /OUT DOOR asst - security / clerk/Accounts, comp personnel between GKW- BAKULTALA Hw ( or little beyond if have cycle) XXXX 6.PRO/ mktg /sales/MR/LIC etc OUTDOORS mobile, experien ced result orien ted personnel with high ambitions / business interest etc Xxxx 7. Digital mktg/ soc media asst ... Knowing all...fb, Instagram,email, Twitter, tumblr, net search, ytub LinkedIn etc. Etc. ( will Pay per transparent post ,type etc ) even in Lokdown. Own computer, net pref Xxxx 8.Hindi,Bengali singers, musi cians, actors, anchors, models, starlets etc pref from howra, Kolkata willing n able to co promote / work with us for BIG joint publicity Xxxx 9. Litigants for association ( wb, E. region, All India) who find difficulties of proceeding,cheated, threatened by law personnel ... Xxxx Or who thinking/ feeling need to file cases, but lack dependable, economic law consultations Sharing etc Xxxx 10. Members for new political system, (later party) ... who have spare time, money, etc n want fame,power, emotional/intellectual satisfaction etc Xxxx 11. Volunteers, social workers, students, house wives, retired , unemployed, wishing to spend time, serve nation, L/earn, train for jobs etc with Multiple National Awardee, get fame, power, avoid boredom etc... Xxxx 12. Donors, patrons,hall program hosts etc seeking fame, power,emotional satisfaction,immortality... n sponsors,advrs seeking publicity, power also.... Xxxx 13. People seeking change, security or shared solutions to other soc..eco problems,consumers of BIG business product s ...mobile,railways,advg.,hospitals, etc etc Xxxx 14.South Asia ppl who want build International conglomerate comparable to China 15. Developed countries ppl who want World forum compar able to USA, EUROPEAN UNION, Russian, Islamic etc blocks Xxxx 16. Under developed country ppl who want indepen dent block to develop early Xxxx Any who provide, n 1( tiled ) room/ space to buy, rent , donations for above NGO etc will get avg commission of Rs 250-1000 pm for 6 months per person if they work ( upto Rs 20k for space)etc n good commis sions 21. Security, detvs willing to work on daily pay after see work..., n huge rewards on results. .. Xxxx All send details, CV to org group at vigmanav@ yahoo.com or WhatsApp msg only ( no talk) 91230 78306
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davidranjan · 4 years
Shared till siliguri.. Hdg....Billion dollar project startup seek s 25 category staff,associates ..... Xxxx Billion dollar project , NGO startup forming for Lockdown losses offset, New World order etc... Xxxx invites (from ww) 20 -25 categories ppl,Staff, associa tes n Space ... paying Good commissions to who give.... Xxxx Also, fame / power/ emotional / Intellectual satisfaction etc seeking associates....eg 17. businessmen /18. Events orgr , 19. Publishers, 20. CD mfrs...21. Detv / security + see below ... Xxxx ..want in Kolkata, howra /All India / Mumbai....... Xxxx 1. Lawyers ( esp computer, email drafting capable in LD/ Willing to take court work on contract) for work over Rs 5 -10 lakh in Kolkata, Supreme Court etc Xxxx 2.court clerk for all courts around Kolkata, sci and general prepar ing, OUTDOORS works,security / escort at court s, leaflets distribute etc ..... Xxxx 3. Business Experienced persons,groups,house s etc for mktg, running socio eco projects of Multiple National Awardee upto 1000 crores ( Capital not essential / can be arranged. Salaried post also there ) Xxxx 4. (Agents with contacts to) Bengali / MUSIC/ tv VIPs of Tolly / mumbai, big political party of Bengal, India etc Xxxx 5. Home /OUT DOOR asst - security / clerk/Accounts, comp personnel between GKW- BAKULTALA Hw ( or little beyond if have cycle) XXXX 6.PRO/ mktg /sales/MR/LIC etc OUTDOORS mobile, experien ced result orien ted personnel with high ambitions / business interest etc Xxxx 7. Digital mktg/ soc media asst ... Knowing all...fb, Instagram,email, Twitter, tumblr, net search, ytub LinkedIn etc. Etc. ( will Pay per transparent post ,type etc ) even in Lokdown. Own computer, net pref Xxxx 8.Hindi,Bengali singers, musi cians, actors, anchors, models, starlets etc pref from howra, Kolkata willing n able to co promote / work with us for BIG joint publicity Xxxx 9. Litigants for association ( wb, E. region, All India) who find difficulties of proceeding,cheated, threatened by law personnel ... Xxxx Or who thinking/ feeling need to file cases, but lack dependable, economic law consultations Sharing etc Xxxx 10. Members for new political system, (later party) ... who have spare time, money, etc n want fame,power, emotional/intellectual satisfaction etc Xxxx 11. Volunteers, social workers, students, house wives, retired , unemployed, wishing to spend time, serve nation, L/earn, train for jobs etc with Multiple National Awardee, get fame, power, avoid boredom etc... Xxxx 12. Donors, patrons,hall program hosts etc seeking fame, power,emotional satisfaction,immortality... n sponsors,advrs seeking publicity, power also.... Xxxx 13. People seeking change, security or shared solutions to other soc..eco problems,consumers of BIG business product s ...mobile,railways,advg.,hospitals, etc etc Xxxx 14.South Asia ppl who want build International conglomerate comparable to China 15. Developed countries ppl who want World forum compar able to USA, EUROPEAN UNION, Russian, Islamic etc blocks Xxxx 16. Under developed country ppl who want indepen dent block to develop early Xxxx Any who provide, n 1( tiled ) room/ space to buy, rent , donations for above NGO etc will get avg commission of Rs 250-1000 pm for 6 months per person if they work ( upto Rs 20k for space)etc n good commis sions 21. Security, detvs willing to work on daily pay after see work..., n huge rewards on results. .. Xxxx All send details, CV to org group at vigmanav@ yahoo.com or WhatsApp msg only ( no talk) 91230 78306
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phgq · 4 years
PSC eyes higher cash gift for Sports Hall of Fame inductees
#PHnews: PSC eyes higher cash gift for Sports Hall of Fame inductees
MANILA -- The Philippine Sports Committee (PSC) board is studying to double the current cash gift given to the inductees of the Philippine Sports Hall of Fame (PSHOF).
“We will check if this is possible with the budget that we have,” PSC chairman Butch Ramirez said in a statement on Wednesday.
Currently, an inductee of the PSHOF receives PHP100,000 pursuant to Republic Act 8757, or an act establishing PSHOF.
Signed on Nov. 25, 1999, the PSHOF law enshrines Filipino athletes, coaches, and trainers who have brought honor and pride to the country in their career, and exhibited exemplary character.
Ramirez announced the PSC board’s plan to increase the cash gift after the PSHOF 2020 Committee, which he chairs, held its first meeting on Wednesday for the awards body’s fourth enshrinement.
“This is good that we met early so we have ample time to study the nominations,” Ramirez said.
He said the PSC board has issued two resolutions including recommendations for amendments to RA 8757. Another resolution is to automatically include as nominees the previous eligible nominees who did not make the final cut.
As the government’s sports agency, the PSC is directed by law to organize the Screening Committee and the awarding of the PSHOF title to the chosen athletes.
Nomination guidelines and forms will be released in time for the start of nominations on March 1. The awards night is tentatively scheduled for November 5.
The nominees will be screened by a committee consisting of Ramirez, Games and Amusement Board (GAB) chairman Baham Mitra, Philippine Olympic Committee Secretary-General Ed Gastanes, Integrated Cycling Federation of the Philippines Secretary-General Avelino Sumagui, University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) executive director Rebo Saguisag, and SEA Games gold medalist and Philippine Olympians Association president Akiko Thomson Guevara. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PSC eyes higher cash gift for Sports Hall of Fame inductees." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094318 (accessed February 20, 2020 at 05:12AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PSC eyes higher cash gift for Sports Hall of Fame inductees." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094318 (archived).
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