#Lawlu hate page
turntechgaykid · 4 months
I live in fear of posts where Law is with the Strawhats, It's all fun and games until people start adding surprise Lawlu
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lululawlawlu-writes · 7 years
Ahhck! I don't know what to ask! Only wanted to say how much I love your writing! But I'm such a little shit that I always forget to comment! It's a bad habit I'm trying to put an end to. Your stuff is so awesome and you're great with the warm and fluffies! :D
Then I hope you don’t mind if I just leave this warm, fluffy drabble here:
Morning Cuddles
・ * ・ 。  *・ * ・ 。  ・ *・ 。 ・ * ・
pairing: LawLurating: n/aa/n: It’s a university AU, so I made Luffy a Brazilian exchange student (since Oda said he would be Brazilian & I just like writing him as such even if I’m nowhere near fluent in Portuguese).
・ * ・ 。  * ・ * ・ 。  ・ * ・ 。  ・ * ・
Luffy blinked his still-sleepy eyes, trying to adjust to the harshness of the morning light.
“Uah~ Que horas são (What time is it)?” he yawned out as he roll over onto Law’s side of the bed, getting shocked awake when he felt the chill of the sheets against his skin. He was starting to hate winter but mostly he hated that Law wasn’t there to give him his much needed morning cuddles. Judging by how cold the sheets were, Law hadn’t been in bed for a while. He reached out to the bedside table and grabbed up his phone to check that he still had a few hours before his first class and tossed the device haphazardly onto the bed.
Stretching, Luffy pulled himself out of bed along with Law’s fluffiest blanket. He couldn’t decide if Law was a penny-pinching miser or if he just enjoyed being cold for how frigid he kept his apartment- maybe both.
He stumbled sleepily from the bedroom of the little two room apartment, pausing in the doorway to give another wide yawn in greeting to Law.
“Morning.” Law acknowledged him from his spot on the floor, leaning over a thick textbook which was laid out on his main room’s coffee table. He barely looked up as he dragged a bright yellow highlighter across the page while holding a black pen between his index and middle fingers.
Luffy was a little insulted that Law hardly paid him any mind. He wanted to crawl into his lap and demand all of his attention, studying be damned, so he did. He dragged the blanket with him like a fluffy cape as he stepped over the coffee table, squeezing himself into the small space to sit in Law’s lap.
Law let out a wordless sigh as he watched his book disappear under the folds of the blanket.
“Eu tô morrendo de fome (I’m starving)” Luffy stated simply, squishing Law’s cheeks between his palms just because.
“That’s so unlike you,” Law quipped from between his hands. “You want some café da manhã?”
“Não.” Luffy smiled at him mischievously, his eyes meeting Law’s for a moment. “I want you! I’m hungry for Torao,” he laughed throwing his arms around Law’s neck, peppering his face with sloppy, wet kisses.
“Ack! Luffy-ya, I’m studying now. I’ll make it up to you later that you didn’t get morning cuddles.” Law tried to protest against Luffy’s attack.
“Não! Eu te apanhei! You can’t escape!” Luffy spoke, squeezing Law in his arms. Law’s body was so warm and comforting against the chill of the room. Luffy wanted to just melt into his embrace and stay there all winter. There was no way he was letting go for just any reason.
“Well, I’m hungry for something else” Law appealed to him, his voice smooth and sensual as he leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I’m in the mood for something special.”
Luffy shot up straight, pulling back to look Law in the eyes. “Does that mean we can get the endless breakfast buffet in East Commons Dining Hall!? The one you always say is too expensive!” Luffy cried. His mouth watered at the prospect of being able to tuck in to the variety of meats awaiting him in the fanciest cafeteria on campus.
“Sure. All the ham steaks you can eat,” Law nodded, “as long as you don’t mind if I bring my book.”
“And you’ve gotta give me morning cuddles on the go!”
“Sure, I’ll walk with my arm around you the whole way, now go get yourself ready if you want those cuddles.”
Luffy pressed one last quick kiss to Law’s lips before standing to shed his blanket cape and rush off to get ready.
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oh! i'm very sorry, i really should've specified but i forgot to mention a fandom ^^; maybe for one piece?
No worries at all! Just wanted to make sure I answered it for the fandom you wanted! I do want to apologize for the late reply. Usually I try getting to these earlier, but my dad is in town at the moment so I’ve been off doing things with him. Now I am back though and can answer the questions you asked previously!
Please note that these are just my opinions on the matter and I don’t think less of anyone who believes something different. We’re all entitled to our opinion on these sorts of subjects
One Piece answers
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Not hated really, more neutral about. Rarely do I legitimately hate a pairing, and generally when I do it’s because it’s a NoTP or a squick ship. There were two main ships I felt fairly neutral about though until I saw fan art. First is Marco/Ace. Originally I saw some cute Ace/Thatch fan art and sailed on that little boat for a while. I don’t remember specifically any Marco/Ace fan art that swayed my opinion, but I did eventually jump ship. The other one is actually LawLu. Shocking, I know, given how much they own my whole entire ass. For a while there I was completely oblivious to it being a ship. Went onto A03 and saw it on the top ship lists and kind of shrugged my shoulders. Well then Dressrosa happened along with Things™ and it kind of morphed into a lowkey ship. Then I stumbled upon trelldraws and their art and holy jesus was I converted into complete trash. (I hope you are ok with me linking your page on here because honestly I bow before your lovely art.) Their pieces were fundamental in forming my own view of the ship and Law as a character. And well the rest is history and I am utter garbage.
22. Popular character you hate?
I’ve covered this question in much greater detail in a previous post, but I am happy to kind of(ish) summarize it here. The character in question is in fact Vivi. First time watching, while I didn’t exceptionally like her, it was very easy for me to ignore her. Felt she was kind of a weak character and moved on from that. Well jumping into the fandom was a bit of a shock with how much everyone absolutely ADORED her. All I could see for miles was constant praise and adoration like ‘she’s such a badass’, ‘she’s the best princess’, ‘she’s so amazing’, and so on and so forth. And I’ve literally never understood that? Vivi to me is one of Oda’s weakest characters, falling victim to a bunch of Mary Sue tendencies such as people always attributing her with positive characteristics without her actually SHOWING any of them. Which given that a lot of the One Piece fans on here are early to late teens and identify as female or feminine, and the Mary Sue characters are EXTREMELY appealing to that demographic, I completely get why so many people love her. I loved her as Miss Wednesday actually. But by the time she got to Alabasta I was about ready to smack her. She messed up. A lot. Like a whole fuckton of a lot. Which is fine, no character is perfect and no character should be perfect. Unfortunately no one ever calls her out on it though, either in canon or in the fandom. She is Saint Vivi who can and does no wrong. There are no critiques of her, no discussions of how she has room to grow and what kinds of things to look forward to for Reverie to make amends for her previous mistakes. There’s nothing. Plus people have a nasty tendency of dragging the other princesses to make her appear better and I will have none of that thank you very much. All of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. We shouldn’t have this internalized misogyny of tearing down other strong female characters just to prop up another one.
tl;dr - I am probably one of the few outspoken critics of Vivi I have ever seen on here. I was neutral about her but then the fandom shoved her in my face too much, demanding her to be this perfect character and I had to agree with or else I was wrong, and no thank you.
 27. Least shippable character?
Oh god this is a bit of a difficult one. There are quite a few characters I would not ship with anyone because I just absolutely despise them or think they are disgusting. One in particular though just doesn’t do anything for me - the Holy Fuck himself, his royal majesty Donquixote Doflamingo. He’s way too much of a nutter butter to ship healthily with anyone honestly. A lot of the popular ships (him with Law or with Corazon) are absolutely NOs on my ship list. I can understand the appeal of him, but while I do enjoy my trash barges, he’s a bit too much of a garbage monster to pair with anyone and not feel immensely guilty about it.
Want to ask me questions about a particular fandom??? Send me some numbers and a fandom and you can get my salty opinion on these salty questions!
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petite-neko · 7 years
Boyhood Blues - 09
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Law, Marco Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: Dear god. My apologies. I was too preoccupied with Stability and then my Birthday weekend and then I was just overwhelmed by over socialising AND THIS FUCKER WAS TOO FUCKING LONG. SERIOUSLY. ITS 11 FULL FUCKING PAGES AND THE ORIGINAL WAS JUST SHY OF 7. I go die now and potentially work on Stability 3
PS: This is an emotionally charged chapter!
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 8 || Chapter 9: Trapped || Interlude
Being a dead man was boring, Ace decided.
It was more boring than waiting for your public execution in the metaphorical hell. Because, then, at least the public knew that you were still alive. At least they were waiting to see you one last, gruesome time.
The whole world knew.
Granted, the contrast between then and now was quite prevalent. Now? He had freedom – even if it was limited in a sense. He could actually move and walk and talk with his brothers and sisters. He wasn’t weighed down by the sense of the sea. He could laugh and eat and…
But only behind closed doors.
He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t train. He couldn’t even see the light of day. No. Not until he was healed.
He didn’t know which was worse. To be completely denied freedom, or have it tangible on his tongue but just out of reach.
Because the world thought him dead, and it was better that way. Better to be thought dead than to be hunted and defenceless and alive.
(He promised Luffy after all…)
It didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying, or it didn’t irritate the hell out of him. It didn’t mean his heart didn’t ache as he heard the sounds of battle and his brothers and sisters were potentially getting hurt. It didn’t mean he wasn’t pissed as hell because his goal was to be infamous, and he couldn’t do that while dead. His life was on a halt until his body could recover…
Sure, Luffy knew. Sure, his crewmates knew but…
(He wondered: did Gramps know? What about Dadan?)
He doubted it.
(Honestly, it was probably for the best. Gramps couldn’t keep secrets worth shit, and if Sakazuki found out the possibility that he was alive? The witch hunt would never cease. Just like Law said. Ugh, just thinking about that lava bastard gave him shivers.)
Ace sighed and placed his hand on his bandaged abdomen. He could still remember the pain as Sakazuki’s fist went through him. (And the yells and cries and screams of those all around him.) Sure, he wasn’t at death’s doorstep anymore, but it didn’t mean he was out of his yard. The doctor still hadn’t cleared him ready for combat as of yet. And while he protested and mocked Law when they were alone on his submarine, Ace wasn’t stupid. He was lucky to avoid dying that day. That if it weren’t for a misdirecting blow and Law’s immediate medical attention, he wouldn’t be breathing right now. He still had a long ways before he could even consider thinking about training, never mind an actual battle in the New World.
He hadn’t seen Law since the day that he had returned to his crew. Of course while they had strongly suspected that he was alive, with everything that Law had been saying, they still doubted. The reunion was very tearful before Law had explained the charade they were pulling, and the benefits of it all. Then Law went to have a very long discussion with the doctors.
And before that? Well, that was years ago. If he recalled, Luffy was… what? Nine years old, and he was twelve? (How much older was Law than them? He couldn’t remember actually.)
To be honest, he didn’t like Law at first. He was too broody. Too quiet. Too sullen. (Too like himself.) There just was this seriousness about him, not to mention how cold he had been. But eventually he softened out a bit. Enough for Ace to respect him. Not to mention… well... Aside from his constant complaining of Luffy’s crying, he didn’t make any comments when Ace broke down himself.
If Law had ever gotten his nose out of those books, they probably would have made good friends eventually.
But Law had left before that ever happened, and, if Ace was honest with himself, he was glad that never happened. Because by leaving, Law had been their lighthouse, even if the guy didn’t intend it.
Trafalgar Law had shown them the way out of that shore surrounded by rocks. Well, maybe not the exact path, but he showed that there was a way. Somewhere. And they just had to find it.
He knew Luffy admired Law. But Luffy was prone to finding people he idolised. There was Shanks, for example, and there were other things that left his little brother in awe. Sure, Ace didn’t know much about Law, but… he liked him. And now the guy had saved their lives.
And what the future held? Well, it would most certainly be something. Especially when Luffy finished training…
“Hey, what are you…”
“You can’t…”
“…Off limits…”
There was a bunch of chaos outside, and Ace could hear the scuffles above him, and confident steps walking towards the hatch that was the entrance to his… voluntary confinement.
And so he reached over, grabbing the weapon that was beside him. Risk be damned, he wasn’t going down without a fight!
(“And don’t even think about using your logia abilities for the first few months! The last thing you need is for all my hard work to be undone because your body can’t figure out what goes where.”)
Damn it. Damn it all! Had somebody suspected that he wasn’t actually dead? Or… were they insisting on entering the space that he had claimed as his for whatever reason?
At the very least self defence was a permitted last resort. He wasn’t going to sit there and be killed…
“Relax.” That was Marco’s voice booming out. He muttered something else that Ace didn’t quite catch before continuing. “What are you doing here?”
He heard another voice that sounded strangely familiar and yet he couldn’t recall ever hearing it before…
“Can I not come and see how he’s doing? Promise I won’t hurt him.”
Ace could hear Marco sigh before the hatch opened, and the beam of natural light shone down. It made him wince a bit, not accustomed to it at all. God, he hated being cooped up like this but they had to go on the move again, and they were vulnerable at sea, and nobody was to know that he was alive…
“Must be boring down here.” That mysteriously familiar voice spoke again as he jumped down. “At least you have some semblance of light.” He said, referring to the artificial lighting around the room. It was dim. Enough to not rouse suspicion.
The man before him wore blue, and he had this stupid hat on his head, a scar on the left side of his face. As the hatch was closed, Ace noticed the man’s hair was blond and…
Oh. Ace recognised him now. Yes, he saw this man once.
This was the man who saved his life.
“So,” Ace said, relaxing a bit and put down the weapon he had grabbed for himself within reach, “you’re the person who my idiotic little brother gave my vivre card to.”
To be honest? He hadn’t heard much about him. Why he never asked Luffy or Law about him, he didn’t know. Probably too busy catching up with Law? And mulling on the fact that he had to pretend to be dead. All he knew was that this guy was a revolutionary and his name was…
The revolutionary nodded, leading against the wall with his right arm. The left one sat on his hip casually. “Sabo. And, hey, that’s not a nice thing to say about somebody who broke into the world’s most secure prison to save you.”
Ace shrugged. “I’m not lying.” And laughed. “If anything, that proves he’s even more of an idiot.” But softly and carefully, his flesh and muscles were still tender beneath the bandages.
And Sabo laughed as well. “True enough. But that kid will do anything for those he cares about.”
Introductions aside… just what was he doing here? Hell, he had a lot of questions for him actually. Like, who was he? Why did he come to the war? What was his purpose?
Did he have ultimatums?
And was that a fucking pipe at his back?
“You look like you have a lot of questions on your mind, Portgas D. Ace. Go ahead, ask them.”
Ace had turned his gaze back up to his face and glared, only to see the sincere smile on his face. Sabo hadn’t made the comment in mockery, and the guy had been serious when he used his name, even though the world knew just what blood ran through his veins…
Seriously, who was his guy?
“Well, what are you doing here, first of all? Come to collect on a debt or something?”
With those words Ace’s eyes narrowed and he fingered the weapon at his side as a warning.
And Sabo? He smiled, not at all intimidated by Ace’s threat. “Unfortunately not.” His eyes were soft, glinting in this mischievous, playful manner that seemed familiar to him. “I can understand why you think that though. Some stranger coming up to a war that had nothing to do with him, risking his own life while doing so, is rather suspicious after all. No, I haven’t come here for that purpose, Ace, I came because… because I finally remembered something…” Those eyes misted over now, nostalgic. As if he was remembering that thing he just mentioned.
Ace only found himself more confused by that. Especially since Sabo knew just what was bothering him. Although, he supposed anybody would be thinking that…
But for Sabo to not have any ulterior motives? It was baffling to him. Why? Why did Sabo do it? And just what did the revolutionary mean by remembering something?
Did he just simply forget to do something after the war?
“What do you mean by remembering something?” Ace asked, and sure, yeah, maybe he was a bit rude and defensive but… “What the hell do you mean?”
Sabo zoned back into the present and he laughed with a nod. His hand went to adjust his hat, the dim light catching on something…
“Did Luffy or Trafalgar ever tell you why I came to Marineford?”
…Wasn’t that what he was trying to find out here? And he hadn’t even answered his first damn question! What was this? Just telling him to ask questions but not even giving him a full reply... Bastard.
Ace told himself to calm down before he became too aggravated.
“No, I wasn’t told much about you, not that I really asked either. And Luffy was too busy blabbering off about Law or to Law. And Law? He was more concerned that I wouldn’t go and do something he deemed as stupid, and injure myself beyond his repair.”
Sabo laughed again. For a man being interrogated, he was quite carefree, wasn’t he?
“Yeah, he’s really fascinated with Trafalgar, isn’t he? You guys are childhood… acquaintances, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” Ace thought back to Luffy and Law and smiled, “something like that. He’s kinda… Luffy’s idol. Well, next to Shanks that is.” He only remembered back to Alabasta when Luffy had showed him Law’s bounty poster.
”Oh! Ace! Ace! Come here!” Luffy was laughing and tugging him along. His eyes were sparkling and Ace could only just wonder just what it was that made Luffy’s eyes sparkle like that.
Luffy had dragged him over to a room on his ship.
“It’s just right here…”
Luffy let go of his arm and started rummaging through a box. He was laughing and grinning. “There! I found it!”
He pulled out a piece of paper. “Look Ace!”
Ace looked at the paper. No… it wasn’t a paper, it was a poster. A wanted poster.
…The face looked vaguely familiar…
He looked down to the name.
Trafalgar Law.
Ace found himself laughing.
“So that bastard really did become a pirate!”
“I know! We were right! I knew we were right! Ace! I can’t wait to meet him! Vivi said that her book said he was coming to the Grand Line! Maybe he already did? Hey, hey, Ace, could you see if you could meet him? Please?”
Ace laughed even more. “Sheesh, the last time I saw you this excited was eight years ago. Well, I am on my mission, but I’ll definitely keep my eye out Luffy.”
“Really? Oh thank you Ace! Do you think I’ll meet him? I hope I do….”
Ace rolled his eyes. Who would’ve thought? “I’m sure you will. Pirates tend to run into one another along the line. If the two of you make it through, you’ll definitely be meeting him later, I can guarantee that.”
“Shishishi, I can’t wait Ace!”
That boy…
Sabo smiled softly. “I see…” He was quiet for a short period of time again before startling.
…What was that guy doing?
“Oh! Right, back to what I was saying…”
(Well, he supposed the two of them had gotten lost in their own respective memories…)
“Well, if you think Luffy’s an idiot for trying to save his brother, you’ll think I’m a complete moron.” Laughter left Sabo – that guy liked to laugh a lot, didn’t he? “The moment I read the paper, I snuck into the nearest Marine Base and onto a ship in order to arrive at Marineford or Impel Down. And why?” He was smirking now. “Well I had no fucking clue as to why. Just that I was overwhelmed with this fury and your execution had to be stopped.”
…Well Sabo was correct in that deduction. He was a complete moron. Who the fuck did that? Over a stranger no less!
“…But it was that paper that started something. If it weren’t for that… I may not have ever fully remembered…”
Ace groaned. This guy going off on his tangents was really starting to annoy him…
“Can’t you explain things straight?” He had more questions than answers damn it! And, of course, Sabo was just taking so damn long to answer, which only created even more questions…
Sabo sighed and covered his left eye with the hand that was at his hip. “When I was ten I was in a tragic… incident and lost everything. My name. My memory. My age… I knew nothing of myself. Not who I was, nor who my parents were. Friends, family… it was all gone. The revolutionaries had found me and nursed me back to health. Sabo… that was the only potential hint to my past, since that name was on the belongings they found with me...” He sighed again, and his hand fell down as Sabo looked at it. “…It happened on a small kingdom in East Blue…”
Ace had to admit that he was sceptic to believe Sabo’s story, especially since the guy had started out with when he was ten. Perhaps he meant ten years ago? Because that sounded more plausible, to be honest.
But then Sabo had mentioned a small kingdom in East Blue…
(Of course, Ace wondered about Luffy talking about a Sabo character, but… of course it couldn’t be Sabo. There was no way. It was far more likely that they had just met a person with the same name, the world was a huge place after all…)
And Ace started putting things together. An accident… the guy’s name…
And he stared.
He just had to know…
“…How old are you now?”
(Ten. It happened when he was ten and…)
“Same age as you Ace, twenty.”
No fucking way. There was no fucking way…
(Didn’t Sabo say he had remembered something…? That he now knew his age and…)
There was this metaphorical hole in his stomach that had nothing to do with the literal one that had been there a few months ago. He wanted to hope. Oh how he wanted…
“But,” Sabo was laughing again, “I guess considering what your mother did, you’d definitely be the older brother, wouldn’t you?”
Ace felt the tears leaving him. How? How could he be so happy again? “S-Sabo?” Gods, he wanted it to be true! He looked. He stared. At this man. Trying, trying to find something – anything. Sure… sure, they both had blond hair, and sure they wore stupid hats and wore blue but…
The light flicked again on something on his top hat.
Those glasses…
“Yeah. Goa Kingdom… sake… stealing from bandits and pirates and…” The smile on the other’s face was almost sad. It was so happy that it looked sad. His eyes were watering and –
Ace didn’t give a damn about anything else right now, no. He just jumped up and embraced the other in a tight hug.
Sabo was continuing to blabber on. “…It’s still a blur, and I don’t remember everything but – Ah! Ace! You’re burning me!”
“Ah! Sorry!” And Ace waved away the flame before rubbing the back of his head. “I’m just… I’m so glad Sabo… You’re… you’re alive. You’re you…” There were tears in his eyes as well, but he couldn’t give a damn about that. He stepped back slightly and took a long, good look at his brother. Sabo… Sabo… The smile that was on his face almost hurt, and he placed his hands on the other’s shoulders. They slid down slightly to the side and Ace clutched tightly, feeling his own shoulders trembling.
“We thought you had…” A sob broke through. He could still remember that day… “And when Gramps had heard what happened he… he took us in. Saying something about how dangerous it was and…”
Tears were sliding down his face.
“…Gramps missed you too, ya know? Dadan… Luffy…”
(It hurt. It hurt remembering the agony they had all gone through…)
“Luffy… he – he took it the hardest. And then… when we were stuck with the Marines it… it reminded us of when you left with your parents for our sake. Of just how trapped you were and how unhappy and… I know, I know Gramps didn’t mean to do it but… we felt trapped Sabo. That none of us could obtain our dreams…”
His legs couldn’t support him anymore, and his hands slid from Sabo’s shoulders as he sank to his knees.
“Thank you…. Thank you Sabo… thank you for coming back… Thank you for living.”
A sound notified him of Sabo sinking to his level and he felt arms tightly embrace him.
“Deep down,” he started softly, “I knew who I was. I didn’t truly forget. And seeing you in danger? It triggered something in me. Even though I didn’t remember yet, I couldn’t let my brother die.” Sabo squeezed him tighter for a moment. “And I’m just… I’m so glad that I was able to save you. That… you survived that.”
Ace could feel the way that Sabo trembled as well, and he wrapped his arms around him in return, clutching tightly to his back.
“Even… even when I still didn’t remember… I lost sleep, just staring at your vivre card. I needed to know that you were going to be alright Ace. I needed to see it grow in size…”
There just was something so comforting in the way the two of them trembling in one another’s arms. To know that the other was alive and safe and here.
And when Sabo had calmed down, he pulled away a bit, hands on his shoulders and just looked him in the eyes. “Back then, during the war, I put together the pieces. I figured that I probably was your brother, but I didn’t truly remember. Sometimes… I would have moments where I almost did… where I heard you and Luffy calling out to me as children. I could hear your laughter… foreign voices whispering foreign words…” Sabo was smiling and he let out a gentle sigh and shook his head. “But… I couldn’t… I couldn’t tell either of you. Not when I wasn’t too certain myself, when I didn’t remember. Because I wasn’t the boy you remembered, not really. And I couldn’t do that to either of you. Not until I remembered.”
As Ace thought about being told that, he closed his eyes and nodded. Really, he appreciated it. Luffy had taken it the hardest, and of course being the older brother he had to be there for him but… But it didn’t mean that Sabo’s death hadn’t affected him too. He just hid it and let it out in different ways. And, if he had learned that Sabo might have been alive? The prospect would’ve destroyed him. He wouldn’t have been able to rest until he had gotten an answer one way or another… and if Sabo hadn’t happened to be…
It would be worse than losing him the first time.
“Thank you. For that. For everything.”
Sabo was smiling down at him.
Ace brought his hands up, cupping Sabo’s face and brought their foreheads together.
“Thank you, brother.”
They stayed like that for awhile: just rejoicing in the simple fact that the other was alive.
Eventually, though, they parted and Ace relaxed with a laugh.
“I’m guessing Luffy doesn’t know?”
Sabo shook his head. “Luffy doesn’t have a vivre card. When I finally regained my memories, I decided I’d come to you first since I knew where you were.”
A light laugh left him and he nodded. “He’s decided to train for the New World. After what he’s seen, I must say I don’t blame him. In fact, it’s a really good idea to be prepared and a smart thing for him to do.” His brother had gotten himself far, he had strong friends, but the New World was tough. If Luffy didn’t feel prepared enough, then he should train.
Ace couldn’t back him up after all, and Luffy didn’t know about Sabo, and they didn’t have any way to get a hold of him…
“After all, he’s gained a fair bit of notoriety because of Marineford.” Luffy’s father being revealed to the world… and his actions during the war… then what he did afterwards to insinuate that he was dead… All in all, most definitely things that would earn one a higher bounty. “I was surprised though that they didn’t reveal that we were practically raised by the Marines. Would’ve given them more fuel to the fire…”
“Show.” Sabo answered far too quickly than he would have liked. “Remember, Marineford was broadcasted. If it was revealed that they harboured and raised the demon spawn without knowing, it would have shone a bad light upon them.” Then Sabo laughed. “Not to mention it would be practically publicising that being raised by Marines would make you turn to piracy. There’s, what, one known example already, and if you include Trafalgar and the two of you, that’d make a total of four.”
Ace laughed. “I suppose. And I doubt that Sengoku acknowledged Law on the battleground, or at least more than just stating that Law was there. He didn’t show us much softness after all. Although, who knows… he did raise Law for a few years…”
Sabo nodded. “I suppose you could say he acted rather professional.”
Ace smiled softly. “But don’t worry about Luffy. You’ll know when he comes back, it should be another year or so, but he’ll make the headlines for sure.”
“You two talked for quite awhile.”
Marco had come down to the lower deck after Sabo had left.
“Yeah… we had a lot of catching up to do.” Ace was tired, but a good tired. He hadn’t had a conversation like that in awhile, but his energy levels were still so low, and it had been so emotionally taxing…
“Catching up?” Marco sat next to him, handing him a basket of food. “You know him yoi?”
“Yeah.” But despite the exhaustion, Ace knew that he was grinning ear to ear now. He took out a piece of bread. “…He’s my brother. You know… the one we thought we lost?” He took a bite and chewed on that while Marco chewed on that information. “He didn’t know. Well, at least until a few days ago. Amnesia after the accident. Apparently something Luffy’s dad said was the last trigger to the lock on his memories. And, since he had my vivre card he came to tell me first.”
Marco was quietly watching him as he explained all of this.
And Ace sighed, bringing his head back as he thought about it. About family and losing them and regaining them…
“Marco,” he said with a pause and looked the other man in the eyes, “we need to protect the Old Man’s treasure. I don’t want to lose any more family… I-I can’t…”
A warm hand was on his shoulder now, squeezing tightly.
“And that’s why, Ace, why you need to stay down here and recover. For now, I will do the protecting until you can fend for yourself, and then we can do it together. But we – I – need you to stay safe until then, okay? None of us want to lose family either.”
Ace sighed but begrudgingly nodded. “I know, I know, I just… I hate being a deadweight Marco…”
“Better a deadweight than dead.”
And while Ace agreed, pretending to be dead still fucking sucked.
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petite-neko · 7 years
Dissentient - 10
Fanfiction: Dissentient Story Summary: Trafalgar Law wasn’t a lot of things. But the one thing he most definitely was, was a man in denial. But you’d never hear him say that. Instead, he’d just blame that damned Strawhat. Characters: Zoro, Luffy, Law Pairing: Eventual LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, angst, alcohol use, canon typical violence, mentions of suicide A/N: YOU NEED TO READ THIS STORY FIRST.
Ahhh sorry for the delay. I couldn’t finish this by Thursday and my life was crazy. Like I’d work a bit here and a bit there between the things I had to do all weekend. Once more, this is the end of what Oda has really given us so far. I DO have other plans for this, but it’s dependent on what happens next because this is the story I want to keep pretty close to canon! So until then, this story is ‘done.’
If you haven’t noticed: I’ve started a new series and it’s UA (Universe alteration) So it follows a similar plot to the canon story but there’s changes here and there. Check it out on my Ao3 or my one piece fanfiction page!
Previous story || Read on Ao3
Part 9 || Part 10: 13.5 Happiness  || ??
Chopper was one thing – Law could understand it, certainly, but only at the barest of levels. He still went overboard however.
Yes, certainly the way he was acting around Luffy did appear to be unusual when one took into consideration what Chopper did know about him. But Tony-ya had not only assumed that what he knew about Law was everything there was, (not even considering the possibility of what he knew to be a charade of sorts) he then concluded that he had a concussion and ignored his protests.
(And, besides, hadn’t he already gone through that process and then eliminated the ‘symptoms’ in favour of a far more reasonable explanation? Not that he was going to share the details of that conclusion however…)
At the very least, Zoro was able to dissuade the whole ordeal in the end. (Even if said actions were more than he had apparently observed…)
Bepo, too, seemed surprised at it, but then again he had not shown such behaviour to anybody else but the bear, so that was understandable. But, what surprised Bepo (and his entire crew actually) the most was the fact that when Law had escaped the grasps of the tiny doctor he had brought Luffy along with him. Especially considering that Law was allowing Luffy to sit against him while he relaxed against Bepo.
(Sure, yeah, he didn’t ask Bepo’s permission, but considering the things he said earlier to Chopper…)
But, it just… it didn’t feel right without Luffy. That contact. (And, yes, he had missed it.)
And his crew’s surprise really wasn’t all that unusual, considering that the moment Law had settled himself against Bepo was the universal sign of ‘leave the captain alone.’ Most of the time, it was because he wanted some sleep, but right now? Right now he wanted some peace and quiet because he didn’t have a damn concussion and he just…
“He’s comfy Torao!”
Law looked up to see Luffy practically snuggling Bepo, and it lit something in him he didn’t really enjoy feeling. “I can see why you like to sleep on and cuddle with him!”
Law grit his teeth, feeling even more irritated right now. “It’s not–” He hissed out in an attempt to soothe whatever it was that was growing within him, and to dissuade the whole cuddling issue.
But then, of course Luffy just moved himself, almost flopping on top of him and interrupted him yet again. “But Torao’s comfier!”
At those words, that irritation died down and Law felt a smile coming to his lips as he stared at the younger captain. Comfier huh? He could live with that.
(So was Luffy.)
To say he was irritated… yeah. Trafalgar Law most definitely was irritated.
He was having what was probably the most peaceful, pleasant sleep in his life before Bepo had just… catapulted them off of him for God knows what reason. There was screeching laughter off to the side (his crew, and probably Luffy’s too) and he was laying uncomfortably on top of Luffy.
(That wasn’t to say Luffy was uncomfortable. No, it was his positioning. He wasn’t made of rubber like the other captain was.)
That being said, the only blessing to any of this was that he was on top of Luffy and could see that damn adorable, sleepy expression up close and personal….
…Of course that had to be ruined and short-lived too because of some damn samurai going missing and…
Oh. Shit. The samurai…
Law groaned and sat up, most definitely annoyed at the turn of events. He just couldn’t enjoy himself, could he? He then wandered over to where his belongings had flown from Bepo’s impromptu jumping into action, picking them up.
The Strawhats had already started rushing off to find the samurais, while his own crew just stared curiously at him as he grabbed Nodachi.
Law sighed and stood up. “We are allies, are we not?” He then straightened out his clothes before following the Strawhats. “We need to be together through thick and thin, so go help and look for the samurais you idiots. This is what they look like…”
Hopefully they could find them before a fight breaks out…
Of course, as soon as the opportunity arose, Luffy was at his side one more. Currently, he was talking about what had just transpired: how amazing and great it was that the Samurais and the Minks were friends and that they didn’t have to fight these nice people.
And Law? He could only nod and agree. “Yes Mugi- Luffy-ya.” And while he had slipped, Luffy’s expression was still beaming up at him. (Probably because he had quickly corrected himself.) “This country is in enough despair as it is.” The war against Kaido’s men had taken much from them and to fight yet another battle over their presence… Well, Law wouldn’t blame them but it was pointless.
(But then again, weren’t all wars pointless?)
Seeing Luffy’s smile, however, shook him from his darker thoughts.
“And a ninja Torao! A ninja!” Luffy was just this exuberant ball of sunshine, wasn’t he? It made him smile slightly as Luffy went off on his tangents again over a ninja. Finally, Luffy had exhausted his current imaginations when he looked up at Law with those curious, dark, innocent eyes. “Is there anything about the ninja that interests you?”
Law let a soft sound that resembled a chuckle leave him. “There is a rumoured technique involving cloning that is interesting enough, I suppose.”
He felt Luffy wrap an arm around him, chuckling all the while with that damn adorable expression beaming up at him.
Luffy was whining. Whining as they made their journey to where the ninja was hidden. Whining and tugging at his shirt and a pout in his eyes and on his face.
Law could only sigh. “…What is it Luffy-ya?”
… Could that idiot not whine his name?
And so he just stared at his partner, awaiting an answer to his question that he had yet to receive.
“Please Torao…”
More whining…. Honestly, Law wasn’t too certain what to think about it. Especially when Luffy whined his name for a third time. “…What do you want Luffy-ya?” He groaned out. He hated repeating himself.
“I know you said… but I wanna….”
…Okay, seriously, just what was this idiot blabbing on about? They were walking in a forest and then Luffy just started whining.
“…Maybe we could slow down?” Luffy suggested, still going on about whatever it was that he wanted. “And go behind a tree or something… and catch up after?” The latter words were said hastily and in a hushed tone.
Law sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. So he tugged Luffy’s ear, using enough haki to ensure that it was Luffy’s neck that stretched upward and not just the ear, or the ear and some assortment of his face next to his lips.
“You need to explain Luffy-ya. I don’t know what you are referring to.”
“Um... but you said!” Ugh, more pouting and whining! “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”
…Oh. Oh. Now he understood. That’s what Luffy wanted. He tried to mask his outward reaction by sighing. “Be patient Luffy-ya.” Of course this was going to happen… “Right now it would be far too suspicious.” He tilted his head as he pondered the potential opportunities. “Perhaps after we get there? You’re the one who is most excited to see this ninja and if you vanished from sight… well people would wonder.”
And that they would. The would wonder just what was more exciting than the current thing that Luffy had fixated himself on.
(His damn boyfriend wanted to kiss him, that’s what.)
Goodness, couldn’t the boy have picked a more opportune time?
(Of course he couldn’t. This was fucking Mugiwara no Luffy for crying out loud.)
“Just wait Luffy-ya.”
He only received more whines as a response.
…Just what was he going to do with this idiot?
After numerous whines and pouts that Law had given up on counting, he was able to drag Luffy away. (In very little sense of the word. It looked like it was contagious…)
Of course, they had to climb the tree and descent it from within, observe the ninja in action and hear a tale or two before they could even attempt but… the moment they were shooed outside…
(Well Law was surprised that it hadn’t been Luffy to drag him away. In all literal senses of the word.)
He supposed that Luffy trusted that Law wouldn’t go back on his word.
As those from the Wano Kingdom sobbed over the state of their allied country, Law could feel those hands tugging at him. Law did sigh, but at the same time he could feel the corners of his lips curling slightly. And so, he summoned a Room before he switched them with a few leaves that were atop the tree.
“Truth be told, I’m surprised you lasted this long.” He teased when they arrived there.
And Luffy? Well he practically toppled Law over.
“Well, Torao said only I can see him like this!” Luffy replied with a grin on his face, rubbing his face against Law’s neck affectionately.
The laughter bubbled from his lips and Law ruffled Luffy’s hair. He enjoyed seeing Luffy act like this towards him. And, hey, Luffy was being considerate! That certainly was something indeed. “I’m glad you waited Luffy-ya.”
He really was happy, by gods he was happy!
Isn’t this great? Cheer up Law! You’re going to live!
Be happy! This is the devil fruit that is gunna save your life!
As Law remembered those words, he smiled. He smiled and looked down towards Luffy, gaze catching those mesmerising dark eyes.
Quiet. It was quiet as they stared at one another. Of course, it didn’t last overlong, as it was Luffy who broke it with a soft “Can I…?”
As an answer, Law just leaned in, pressing his lips against Luffy’s. He knew, he knew what Luffy wanted, and he would gladly give it to him. And he revelled in the sensations it stirred within him: Warmth, comfort, acceptance, affection. But most of all: happiness.
He always had such a difficulty finding it – even if momentary. And now? Now it was just overwhelming as he would just look in Luffy’s direction. As he would see the smiles aimed towards him. As he saw that warmth in those dark eyes. As he heard the music of his laughter. As he thought about him. As he kissed him.
Trafalgar D. Water Law was ridiculously happy.
Law pulled away, smiling down at Luffy and caressed his cheek. Seriously… who would’ve thought…?
And Luffy? He was laughing again, those dark eyes sparkling. “Torao, I thought I told you to stop thinking.”
“I-I…” That damn idiot! “I wasn’t – I mean I was but – It was about you…okay?”
He wasn’t blushing! He wasn’t!
“Shishishi,” Luffy was still laughing and his hands came up to hold Law’s cheeks. “I guess I can forgive you. You look so happy after all!” Those hands gently tilted his gaze back towards Luffy’s.
However, he didn’t have much time to think on whatever nonsense that idiot was on about now. (Not to mention Luffy would have just told him to stop thinking again…) For Luffy had pulled him down for another kiss, those hands wrapping around his neck as the idiot pressed more against him.
Decidedly, Law just ceased thinking and his hands moved up – gripping on Luffy’s shirt, tugging him closer. More his mind told him once again, just as it had the first time Luffy had kissed him.
A hand reached up into his hair, gripping there, the other hand turning into an arm to pull him closer. Closer.
And his hand tugged more, one slipping behind Luffy’s waist, pulling.
Closer. Closer.
(He didn’t blame Luffy. Not one bit. Nor did he discourage it.)
The reaction was immediate as Law felt his body tense at the sound of that voice.
It was Luffy however that pulled away, his neck stretching towards where they had been prior to their ‘escapade’ before pulling back. Laughter left him. “…Ooops…”
Oops is fucking right…
Law groaned, placing a hand on his face – but he couldn’t place the blame wholly on Luffy either. No, he had been quite the willing participant in this scenario after all…
“Don’t worry Torao.” Luffy flashed him a grin. “He’s looking away now, shishishi.”
…That wasn’t the fucking point Luffy!
Another groan left him and he shook his head. He was mortified. Absolutely fucking mortified. Why? Why? Of all the people to discover it, it had to be Zoro. And, of all times, it had to be now…
“Don’t worry about it Torao!” Luffy insisted, still chuckling. He removed Law’s hand from his head before stretching and pecking him on the lips. “Zoro’s understanding.”
But also violent and protective… Law sighed. “I do hope you haven’t forgotten that he punched me last night Luffy-ya. My eye certainly hasn’t.”
“It’ll be fine!” He dismissed. “Besides, it wasn’t like you were doing it then.”
…He supposed but… Law could only sigh as he shook his head. Luffy was too fucking carefree dammit. He fixed his hat, as it had moved when Luffy had his hand in his hair… “Very well,” he compromised, “but if your swordsman tries to murder me in my sleep…”
“Don’t worry! He knows not to hurt you anymore Torao!”
(…Oh yeah. That squeeze definitely was a threat then.)
“Oi!” Luffy called out, running towards Zoro as they warped back to the entrance. “Zoro, is Robin done now?”
And, of course Luffy was the only one not to read the awkward, stiff air between them. That, or he just didn’t care. (Both were highly likely.) And, when Zoro gave a tense nod, Luffy ran down the stairs cheerfully.
Law, however, was more focused on observing Zoro. What was the man going to do? Threaten him some more? Or go against his captain’s indirect orders and…. He couldn’t read anything from the man, not with the tense way he held himself. But, at the very least, it seemed he wasn’t going to make the first move. Very well then…
“…I would appreciate silence on this topic…”
He knew his voice was stiff. Yet, at the same, this… this needed to be said. Law wasn’t comfortable with others knowing about his personal life, especially considering how new this was to him. Perhaps later, it could become something more known about, but not right now. Not when he was still becoming accustomed to, and comfortable with, this.
“…What topic?”
At those words, Law sighed as he felt that awkward tension fade away. Good. This didn’t have to be awkward. A soft sound left him. But, he had no doubts – even though Zoro was pretending it never occurred – about it… He knew… He knew.
And, so, that was why when Zoro had gripped at his good arm (which he was grateful for, in all honesty) he had been expecting it. A silent warning, just as Luffy had given him. The last thing Zoro wanted after all was for his captain to be hurt, or sad, or torn or…
(Law had to admit, he felt the exact same. It hurt… it hurt just remembering the expressions on Luffy’s face when he told him he planned to die…)
It was the last thing he ever intended on doing. Hurting Luffy… it would do things to him that he didn’t want to imagine. Seeing that sunshine fading into darkness…. Seeing those smiles disappear… that laughter muted… those dark eyes cold..
Luffy was the man who saved his life and made him empathetic and hope and smile again. Luffy was the man who made him feel again. (Feel conscious of his own actions. Feel comfortable around another. Feel wanted and important and cared for.)
Luffy was the man who made him want to live again.
And if he caused that man sorrow….
“Don’t worry Zoro-ya. If there’s anything left of me after I’m through with me, you’ve got first dibs.” Because, Law didn’t think he could live with himself if that ever happened. He owed Luffy so much and to repay that with unkindness… “I’m not about to harm the man who gave me a reason to hope. A reason to live.”
With that said, he removed Zoro’s hand from his arm, readjusting Kikoku before heading down the stairs to follow Luffy.
To follow the reason Trafalgar Law had to live.
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