#Marcus Carl Franklin
byneddiedingo · 3 months
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Marcus Carl Franklin, Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, and Richard Gere in I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Cast: Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Marcus Carl Franklin, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, Richard Gere, Kris Kristofferson (voice), Charlotte Gainsbourg, Bruce Greenwood, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams. Screenplay: Todd Haynes, Oren Moverman. Cinematography: Edward Lachman. Production design: Judy Becker. Film editing: Jay Rabinowitz. Music: Bob Dylan. 
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mappingthemoon · 5 months
Books Read 2023
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations / Mira Jacob
A Grief Observed / C. S. Lewis
Grit Lit: A Rough South Reader / ed. Brian Carpenter & Tom Franklin
Two or Three Things I Know for Sure / Dorothy Allison
Weather: Air Masses, Clouds, Rainfall, Storms, Weather Maps, Climate (A Golden Nature Guide) / Paul E. Lehr, R. Will Burnett, Herbert S. Zim ; Harry McNaught (ill.)
Improbable Memories / Sarah Moon
Endless Endless: A Lo-Fi History of the Elephant 6 Mystery / Adam Clair
The Difference Between / Billy McCall
The Submissive (The Submissive #1) / Tara Sue Me
Last Night at the Casino [v. 1] / Billy McCall
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing / Marie Kondo ; Cathy Hirano (tr.)
Pnin / Vladimir Nabokov
My Heart Is a Chainsaw / Stephen Graham Jones
"Waltz of the Body Snatchers" / Alfred Bester, in Andromeda I: An original SF anthology / ed. Peter Weston
Blue Highways: A Journey Into America / William Least Heat-Moon
The Stars My Destination (The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series) / Alfred Bester
Laughter in the Dark / Vladimir Nabokov
Man and His Symbols / Carl G. Jung
Mysteries of the Unexplained / ed. Carroll C. Calkins
The Westing Game / Ellen Raskin
The Seven Ages / Louise Glück
The Wild Iris / Louise Glück
Vita Nova / Louise Glück
Doctor Who: Impossible Worlds: A 50-Year Treasury of Art and Design / Stephen Nicholas & Mike Tucker
Where's Waldo? (Where's Waldo #1) / Martin Handford
Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey (Where's Waldo #3) / Martin Handford
Doctor Who 50 Years #3: The Doctors / ed. Marcus Hearn
Rabbit, Run / John Updike
Mother Night / Kurt Vonnegut
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) / Bibliographic Standards Committee, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, in collaboration with The Policy Standards Office of the Library of Congress
"Descriptive Bibliography" / Terry Belanger, in Book Collecting: A Modern Guide / ed. Jean Peters
The Essential Doctor Who #2: The TARDIS / ed. Marcus Hearn
Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited / Vladimir Nabokov
Chicago: City on the Make / Nelson Algren
Gustav Klimt, 1862-1918 / Gilles Néret
American Gods: A Novel / Neil Gaiman
Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968: Art as Anti-Art / Janis Mink
The Empathy Exams: Essays / Leslie Jamison
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families / James Agee & Walker Evans
Hallucination Orbit: Psychology in Science Fiction / ed. Isaac Asimov, Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg
Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project / W. Eugene Smith ; ed. Sam Stephenson
Twilight / Gregory Crewdson ; Rick Moody
Magic Eye: A New Way of Looking at the World / N.E. Thing Enterprises
Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams / Steve Horton & Michael Allred ; Laura Allred (ill.)
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path / Jack Kornfield
The Gin Closet: A Novel / Leslie Jamison
The New Kid on the Block / Jack Prelutsky ; James Stevenson (ill.)
A Book of Common Prayer / Joan Didion
Mariette in Ecstasy / Ron Hansen
Camp Damascus / Chuck Tingle
The Mass Production of Memory: Travel and Personal Archiving in the Age of the Kodak (Public History in Historical Perspective) / Tammy S. Gordon
Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas / Rebecca Solnit & Rebecca Snedeker
Other Voices, Other Rooms / Truman Capote
Fabulous New Orleans / Lyle Saxon ; E.H. Suydam (ill.)
Weird Pennsylvania: Your Travel Guide to Pennsylvania's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets / Matt Lake
Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence (Griffin & Sabine #1) / Nick Bantock
Sabine's Notebook: In Which The Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues (Griffin & Sabine #2) / Nick Bantock
The Golden Mean: In Which The Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Concludes (Griffin & Sabine #3) / Nick Bantock
Breath, Eyes, Memory / Edwidge Danticat
Last Night at the Casino, v. 2 / Billy McCall
What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions / Randall Munroe
Collection-Level Cataloging: Bound-with Books (Third Millennium Cataloging) / Jain Fletcher
Speaking Pittsburghese: The Story of a Dialect (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) / Barbara Johnstone
My Misspent Youth: Essays / Meghan Daum
Slender Intuition: Essays on Artist's Block / Brian Hitselberger
The Mister / E L James
Crapalachia: A Biography of a Place / Scott McClanahan
The Transcriptionist: A Novel / Amy Rowland
Explanations/Opinions below the cut:
Ok so I have several reading lists/stacks that I rotate through: my to-read spreadsheet (which has almost 300 titles listed in chronological order by date added, with the oldest being from 8/22/2014), my to-read bookcase/nightstand (which holds ~50 books I’ve acquired over the past few years but haven’t yet read), a stack of oversized unreads that don’t fit on the nightstand shelves (this gets its own list bc I need to read them and find a permanent home for them before the stack gets too tall), and “interruptions” (books that override the list order bc I didn’t want to wait to read them, for whatever reason).
Maybe it’s weird that I’m so attached to reading things “in order”? Idk. I’ve always been like this. It’s only a mild compulsion – obviously, I am perfectly capable of ignoring what’s supposed to be next on the list, in favor of reading something that catches my interest more strongly in the moment, but in general, I like to read things either in the order I added them to the list, or the order I personally acquired a physical copy (if I went by the list only, I’d be drowning in unread books [yay, college town thrift stores], so I gotta stay on top of that pile pretty regularly). So that is why I am often reading things that I first became aware of/added to my list nearly 10 years ago. Sometimes this practice results in feelings like, “Dang, I wish I would’ve actually read this 10 years ago,” but also sometimes, “WOW, I’m so glad I’m reading this RIGHT NOW, as opposed to 10 years ago when I first heard about it!”
I think my favorites this year were Mariette in Ecstasy; Other Voices, Other Rooms; Crapalachia; and Speak, Memory.
Mild disappointments were the essay collections by Leslie Jamison and Meghan Daum, two authors I’m pretty sure I discovered via popular and relateable quotes reblogged on tumblr ca. 2014, but the collections taken as a whole just had too many moments of cringe – casual classism, arrogant self-absorption, and other annoying and unrelateable qualities typical of privileged 20-something writers (this tone definitely appealed to me when I was a naïve and melodramatic snotty 20-something, so there’s that).
As a kind of memorial, Rachael and I read David’s three favorite books: The Stars My Destination, Mother Night, and American Gods. In all the time I knew him, including all the times we used to sit on the porch together, reading quietly while he drank whiskey, I never thought to ask him his favorites. I kept looking for pieces of him in the stories, wondering what lines stood out, what made a book memorable, what did it say about him that these were his favorites.
Being an elder Millennial, I’m in the stage of nostalgically re-acquiring important artifacts from my childhood, so that’s why there are some children’s books on my list. Where’s Waldo? was one of the most coveted books in my grade-school library! There was always a list of people waiting to check it out, but usually, whoever actually had the book that week would let the other kids gather around and look together.
My Heart Is a Chainsaw was a recommendation from my goth teenaged birthdaughter <3 which I probably read too much personal symbolism into but maybe not!
I thought John Updike was overrated, lol.
Favorite photography book: W. Eugene Smith’s Dream Street. His pictures made me so homesick, and it was wild because he took them from 1955-1957 but they still really, REALLY, to me, looked like the Pittsburgh of my ‘80s/’90s memories (bc Pittsburgh doesn’t change, and also the “idea” or “brand” of Pittsburgh in the ‘80s/’90s was ofc consciously referencing its industrial working-class past). He took over 10,000 photos but was never able to “finish” the project to his intense, obsessive standards of perfection (I KNOW THAT FEEL) and felt it failed to capture the multifaceted essence of the city. WELL, not in my opinion at least!
PS I'm moonmoth on LibraryThing.
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Aaron Ada Adam Adrian Adrienne Agnes Alan Albert Alberta Alberto Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexis Alfred Alfredo Alice Alicia Alison Allan Allen Allison Alma Alvin Alyssa Amanda Amber Amelia Amy Ana Andre Andrea Andrew Andy Angel Angela Angelica Angelina Angie Anita Ann Anna Anne Annette Annie Antoinette Antonia Antonio Antóny April Arlene Armando Arnold Artúr Ashley Audrey Barbara Barry Beatrice Becky Belinda Ben Benjamin Bernadette Bernard Bernice Bertá Bessie Beth Betsy Betty Betány Beulah Beverly Bill Billie Billy Blanca Blancé Bob Bobbie Bobby Bonnie Brad Bradley Brandi Brandon Brandy Brenda Brent Brett Brian Bridget Brittany Brooke Bruce Bryan Byron Calvin Camille Candace Candice Carl Carla Carlos Carmen Carol Carole Caroline Carolyn Carrie Casey Cassandra Cathy Catérine Cecelia Cecil Cecilia Celia Chris Christian Christie Christina Christine Christopér Christy Cindy Claire Clara Clarence Claude Claudia Clayton Clifford Clifton Clinton Clyde Cody Colleen Connie Constance Cora Corey Cory Courtney Craig Cristina Crystal Curtis Cyntûa Cád Cárlene Cárles Cárlie Cárlotte Célsea Céryl Céster Daisy Dale Dan Dana Daniel Danielle Danny Darla Darlene Darrell Darren Darryl Daryl Dave David Dawn Dean Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Delia Della Delores Denise Dennis Derek Derrick Desiree Diana Diane Dianna Dianne Dixie Dolores Don Donald Donna Dora Doreen Doris Dorothy Douglas Duane Dustin Dwayne Dwight Earl Ebony Eddie Edgar Edith Edna Eduardo Edward Edwin Eileen Elaine Eleanor Elena Elisa Elizabeth Ella Ellen Elmer Eloise Elsa Elsie Elvira Emily Emma Enrique Eric Erica Erik Erika Erin Erma Ernest Ernestine Essie Estelle Estér Etél Eugene Eula Eunice Eva Evelyn Everett Faith Fannie Faye Felicia Felix Fernando Flora Florence Floyd Frances Francis Francisco Frank Franklin Fred Freda Freddie Frederick Gabriel Gail Gary Gayle Gene Geneva Genevieve George Georgia Gerald Geraldine Gertrude Gilbert Gina Ginger Gladys Glen Glenda Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Greg Gregory Gretcén Guadalupe Guy Gwen Gwendolyn Ian Ida Inez Irene Iris Irma Isaac Isabel Ivan Jack Jackie Jacob Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jaime James Jamie Jan Jana Jane Janet Janice Janie Janis Jared Jasmine Jason Javier Jay Jean Jeanette Jeanne Jeannette Jeannie Jeff Jeffery Jeffrey Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jenny Jeremy Jerome Jerry Jesse Jessica Jessie Jesus Jill Jim Jimmie Jimmy Jo Joan Joann Joanna Joanne Jodi Jody Joe Joel John Johnnie Johnny Jon Jonatán Jordan Jorge Jose Josefina Joseph Josepûne Josúa Joy Joyce Joánna Juan Juana Juanita Judith Judy Julia Julian Julie Julio June Justin Kara Karen Kari Karl Karla Kate Kathleen Kathryn Kathy Katie Katrina Katérine Kay Kayla Keith Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Ken Kendra Kenneth Kent Kerry Kevin Kim Kimberly Kirk Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Krystal Kurt Kyle Lana Lance Larry Latoya Laura Lauren Laurie Laverne Lawrence Leah Lee Leigh Lela Lena Leo Leon Leona Leonard Leroy Leslie Lester Leticia Lewis Lila Lillian Lillie Linda Lindsay Lindsey Lisa Lloyd Lois Lola Lonnie Lora Lorena Lorene Loretta Lori Lorraine Louis Louise Lucia Lucille Lucy Luis Lula Luz Lydia Lynda Lynette Lynn Lynne Mabel Mable Madeline Mae Maggie Mamie Mandy Manuel Marc Marcella Marcia Marcus Margaret Margarita Margie Marguerite Maria Marian Marianne Marie Marilyn Mario Marion Marjorie Mark Marlene Marsá Marsáll Marta Martin Martá Marvin Mary Maryann Mattie Mattéw Matéw Maureen Maurice Max Maxine May Megan Megán Melanie Melba Melinda Melissa Melody Melvin Mercedes Meredith Micáel Micéal Micéle Micélle Miguel Mike Mildred Milton Mindy Minnie Miranda Miriam Misty Mitcéll Molly Mona Monica Monique Morris Muriel Myra Myrtle
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #253 . AA.VV. - I’M Not There (O.S.T.), 2007
Bob Dylan, che è stato anche attore (14 film come attore protagonista o co-protagonista), non concesse mai la sua autorizzazione per un film biografico su di lui. Con una unica, spettacolare eccezione: Todd Haynes, creativo cineasta canadese, che ha grande passione per la musica nei suoi film (cito per esempio Velvet Goldmine sul mondo glam, o un documentario sui Velvet Underground uscito nel 2021), ha il suo placet per un film su di lui, I’M Not There, che esce nel 2007. Dove per tutta la pellicola non viene mai citato Bob Dylan per nome, ma dove è rappresentato da 6 storie potenti e profonde da 6 personaggi diversi, ognuno a raccontare un aspetto del Dylan leggenda: il Poeta Arthur Rimbaud, il Profeta Jack Rollins / Padre John, il fuorilegge Billy McCarty, il falso Woody Guthrie, il "martire del rock and roll " Jude Quinn e la "stella elettrica" Robbie Clark. Il cast è stellare: Marcus Carl Franklin, 11 anni, in una prova magistrale per Guthrie, ossessione adolescenziale di Dylan; Christian Bale come Jack Rollins\Padre John, per il primo Dylan acustico e folksinger; Cate Blanchett come Jude Quinn, che rappresenta il Dylan della svolta elettrica ‘65-’66, accusato di tradire lo spirito della musica folk, per questo “martire”; Richard Gere è il Dylan che interpreta Billy The Kid nello storico film di Sam Peckinpah Pat Garrett E Billy Kid, e del ritorno alla musica country e folk; Heath Ledger è il Dylan febbrile e martoriato dalla fine del suo matrimonio con Sara di Blood On The Tracks; Ben Whishaw è un Rimbaud decadente e immaginifico, e Dylan non ha mai nascosto il suo amore per la poesia del grande francese. Il film ebbe grande eco, e vinse a Venezia il Premio Speciale della Giuria (presieduta dal regista cinese Zhang Yimou) e la Coppa Volpi per la miglior interpretazione femminile andata a Cate Blanchett (il quale premio fu ritirato, data l'assenza dell'attrice, da Heath Ledger, in una delle sue ultime apparizioni pubbliche prima della morte avvenuta il 22 gennaio 2008). Haynes pensa ad una colonna sonora degna di tale progetto, chiamando una serie di artisti a reinterpretare il catalogo dylaniano, pescando in alcuni dei momenti non solo più classici, ma anche minori della sua lunghissima carriera. Il materiale è così tanto che viene utilizzato solo in parte per il film e viene raccolto in una colonna sonora da 2 cd, che esce con lo stesso titolo del film. I’m Not There è infatti un’altra perla di quel tesoro infinito che furono i Basement Tapes e qui è presentata in due versioni: la prima dei Sonic Youth, quella di Dylan chiude il secondo disco quasi a dire che beffardamente che “lui non sta davvero là”. In mezzo altri 32 brani, dove amici ed estimatori prendono e reinterpretano, la maggior parte in modo interessante, il catalogo di capolavori. Parto subito dal dire che si poteva fare meglio sulla versione che Charlotte Gainsbourg fa di Just Like A Woman (uno dei massimi di Dylan), per il resto il disco è pieno di gioiellini, soprattutto quelli che riscoprono brani del Dylan minore: tra questi, emozionante sono le riprese di Goin' To Acapulco di Jim James e i fantastici Calexico (da The Basement Tapes,1975), che con il loro tocco psichedelico-tex-mex sono favolosi, anche in Dark Eyes con gli Iron & Wine (brano dal disco Empire Burlesque,1985). Molti dei brani sono suonati dalla Million Dollar Bashers, supergruppo che prende il nome dal titolo di una canzone di Dylan - The Million Dollar Bash - composto da Lee Ranaldo e Steve Shelley degli Sonic Youth, il chitarrista Nels Cline degli Wilco, la chitarra magica di Tom Verlaine, Tony Garnier, bassista di fiducia di Dylan, il chitarrista Smokey Hormel e il tastierista John Medeski. Ci sono prove di classe di grandi vecchi: One More Cup Of Coffee di Roger McGuinn con i Calexico, Tombstone Blues cantata da Richie Havens, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues reinterpretata dal grande Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Senor (Tales of Yankee Power) da Willie Nelson (da Street Legal, del 1978, uno dei primi dischi del Dylan convertitosi al cristianesimo).  Caratteristiche sono le riletture mariachi dei Los Lobos di Billy 1, dalla colonna sonora di Pat Garret,  I Wanna Be Your Lover dei Yo La Tengo (questa presa da Biograph, disco del 1985). Non mancano i super classici: All Along The Watchtower cantata da Eddie Vedder con i Millon Dollar Bashes, The Times They Are a Changin' da Mason Jennings, Highway 61 Revisited cantata da Karen O degli Yeah Yeah Yeahs con i Million Dollar Bashers, Simple Twist Of Fate cantata da Jeff Tweedy. Da ricordare una tenebrosa Man In The Long Black Coat di Mark Lanegan, brano tratto da Oh Mercy! del 1989 e la bella ripresa di The Wicked Messenger dei The Black Keys. Vennero scelti anche due brani particolari all’epoca: Can't Leave Her Behind, registrato incompleto su nastro e in video nel maggio 1966 in una stanza di hotel durante la mitica tournée nel Regno Unito di quell’anno, riarrangiata in parte e cantata da Stephen Malkmus & The Million Dollar Bashers ; Mama, You've Been on My Mind / A Fraction of Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie, qui uniti insieme da Jack Johnson, erano usciti separatamente nel primo volume della Bootleg Series (1991), Vale l’ascolto anche You Ain't Goin' Nowhere di Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová, che in due si chiamano The Swell Season, i quali nel 2008 vinceranno l’Oscar per la miglior canzone originale, Falling Slowly tratta dal film Once. Rimane un tentativo unico e davvero interessante di carpire l’essenza di Dylan, da sempre misteriosa e sfuggente, il quale nel brano omonimo dice: Sì, credo che sia giusto, oh, nell’animo lo credo\mi hanno detto, come ho detto io, quando prima portavo io il peso del delitto\quando lei è tutto quello che le hai detto, come ho detto, tira dritto\vorrei essere lì ad aiutarla ma non ci sono, me ne sono andato.
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daimonclub · 5 months
Self-words quotes and aphorisms
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Self-words quotes and aphorisms Self-words quotes and aphorisms, quotations, ideas and thoughts, by famous writers and authors, from Self-Acceptance to Self-Interest I don't care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself. Michel de Montaigne There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself. Miyamoto Musashi  The Book of Five Rings Some very important key words for the growth of the human being. First golden rule: you must learn from experience, in general! Then you must always rely on: self-control; politeness; hard-working; self-conscience; self-assessment; self-critical; self-management; self-autonomy; self-determination; self-esteem; self-government; self-independence; self-esteem; self-respect; cooperation; empathy, self-motivation; self-confidence; self-love; pluralism; reciprocity; tolerance; learning to learn; permanent education; rules; law; perseverance; responsibility; pragmatism; honesty; self-sacrifice; self-discipline; and last but not least, a bit of luck! SELF-ACCEPTANCE Our entire life... consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are. Jean Anouilh (1910-1987, French playwright) Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not. Henri Frederic Amiel (1821-1881, Swiss philosopher, poet, critic) Accept the place the divine providence has found for you. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist) Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others. William Hazlitt (1778-1830, British essayist) The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss psychiatrist) SELF-ACTUALIZATION Now is the time when your action is practice. The Dalai Lama Only by giving, only by serving, only by doing, do we really do something for ourselves. James W. Frick Our greatest joy and satisfaction comes from the act of giving. Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998, American expert on love, lecturer, author) Only those who have nothing in them have nothing to give. Douglas G. Franklin Men do less than they ought, unless they do all they can. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881, Scottish philosopher, author) SELF-APPRAISAL Idiots and lunatics see only their own wit. Francois De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680, French classical writer) Never let your failures go to your heart or your successes go to your head. Author Unknown Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble. John Madden (1936-, American football coach) SELF-APPRECIATION To accept ourselves as we are means to value our imperfections as much as our perfections. Sandra Bierig I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. And I need nobody to make me somebody. Louis L'Amour (1908-1988, American Western author) SELF-APPROVAL What do we call love, hate, charity, revenge, humanity, forgiveness? Different results of the master impulse, the necessity of securing one's self-approval. Mark Twain (1835-1910, American humorist, writer) I'm not trying to prove anybody wrong, I'm just trying to prove something to myself. Mike Piazza SELF-AWARENESS My mind is my biggest asset. Tiger Woods (1975-, American golfer) Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize? Marcus Aurelius Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. It enables you to keep growing. Lawrence Bossidy Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.” Anthony de Mello Self awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad. Debbie Ford I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards becoming a champion. Billie Jean King (1943-, American tennis player) The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve. Henry David Thoreau Without self-awareness we are as babies in the cradles. Virginia Woolf SELF-CARE Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again. Lalah Delia You can’t always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. Wayne Dyer You have your own life, why waste it on focusing on others. Nitin Namdeo When you focus on yourself and love yourself, some relationships have to go. Adrian Michael Be you, love you. All ways, always. Alexandra Elle I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. Pablo Casals Care is a state in which something does matter; it is the source of human tenderness. Rollo May Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting. William Shakespeare If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. Jack Kornfield SELF-CONCEPT The term self-concept is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives themselves. To be aware of oneself is to have a concept of oneself.
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Self-words quotes and aphorisms SELF-CONFIDENCE Creativity means believing you have greatness. Wayne Dyer (1940-, American psychotherapist, author, lecturer) The confidence we have in ourselves arises in a great measure from that which we have in others. Francois De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680, French classical writer) One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. Arthur Ashe (1943-1993, African-American tennis player) Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained. Madame Marie Curie (1867-1934, Polish-born French physicist) SELF-CONFLICT Whatever you condemn, you have done yourself. Georg Groddeck It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others. Sidney J. Harris (1917-, American journalist) It isn't the things that happen to us, it's the things we think are going to happen to us that drive us almost crazy. Kathleen Norris (1880-1966, American novelist) A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, The one I feed the most. On Other Peoples Expectations: The only man who behaved sensibly was my tailor; he took my measurement anew every time he saw me, while all the rest went on with their old measurements and expected them to fit me. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950, Irish-born British dramatist) SELF-CONSTRAINT Don't be curious of matters that don't concern you; never speak of them, and don't ask about them. St. Teresa of Avila Everybody's business is nobody's business, and nobody's business is my business. Clara Barton (1821-1912, American humanitarian) I listen and give input only if somebody asks. Barbara Bush (1925-, American First Lady, wife of George H. Bush) Too often in ironing out trouble someone gets scorched. Marcelene Cox (American writer) When you borrow trouble you give your peace of mind as security. Myrtle Reed SELF-CONTROL A little kingdom I possess, where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find of governing it well. Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888, American author) If a man doesn't delight in himself and the force in him and feel that he and it are wonders, how is all life to become important to him? Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941 American writer) I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. Aristotle (BC 384-322, Greek philosopher) Prudent, cautious self-control, is wisdom's root. Robert Burns (1759-1796, Scottish poet) I never prod my nose into other man's porridge. Miguel De Cervantes (1547-1616, Spanish novelist, dramatist, poet) He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior. Confucius (BC 551-479, Chinese ethical teacher, philosopher) The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin (1809-1882, British naturalist) Not to have control over the senses is like sailing in a rudderless ship, bound to break to pieces on coming in contact with the very first rock. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948, Indian political, spiritual leader) We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contest, and we must win. Edward Gibbon (1737-1794, British historian) It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. Francois De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680, French classical writer) He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. Lao-Tzu (BC 600-?, Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism) He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself. Philip Massinger (1583-1640, British dramatist) He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher) The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and objectionable. Plato (BC 427?-347?, Greek philosopher) To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941, British novelist, essayist) You can also read this article about The Importance of self-control SELF-DELUSION Don't let self-doubt hold you back! Author Unknown Don't mistake chicken dung for an egg. American Proverb (Sayings of American origin) The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher) The worst thing you can do is start slow, or con yourself into thinking that you can take your time getting into a match. The curtain is up so you've got to perform. Jack Kramer (1918-, American basketball player) I suppose I have a highly developed capacity for self-delusion, so it's no problem for me to believe that I'm somebody else. Daniel Day-Lewis (1958-, British-born American actor) SELF-DENIAL Self-denial is painful for a moment, but very agreeable in the end. Jane Taylor Few men make themselves masters of the things they write or speak. John Selden (1584-1654, British jurist, statesman) Self-denial is not a virtue, it is only the effect of prudence on rascality. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950, Irish-born British dramatist) Self-denial is indispensable to a strong character, and the highest kind comes from a religious stock. Theodore Parker (1810-1860, American minister) The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing. Leigh Hunt (1784-1859, British poet, essayist) Every extreme attitude is a fight from the self. Eric Hoffer (1902-1983, American author, philosopher) SELF-DETERMINATION It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through. Zig Ziglar (1926-, American sales trainer, author, motivational speaker) I will always stay hungry, never satisfied with current accomplishments. Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-, Austrian-born American actor, author, director, restaurateur) My will shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me, or I can be lost in a maze. My choice, my responsibility, win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny. Elaine Maxwell
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Self-words post by English-culture SELF-DISCIPLINE Doing your best is more important than being the best. Author Unknown A mind which really lays hold of a subject is not easily detached from it. Ida Tarbell If someone transports dung and does not eat it, it should not be concluded that he is an honest person. Taiwanese Proverb If you can command yourself, you can command the world. Chinese Proverb (Sayings of Chinese origin) If you are willing to discipline yourself, the physical universe won't need to discipline you. Leonard Orr Not being able to govern events, I govern myself, and apply myself to them if they will not apply themselves to me. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne (1533-1592, French philosopher, essayist) He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty. Lao-Tzu (BC 600-?, Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism) Being professional in whatever you do is important. Talent alone is not enough. Kathy Ireland (1963-, American model) Self discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don't talk back. W. K. Hope You must have discipline to have fun. Julia Child (1912-2004, American gourmet cook, author, and television personality) SELF-DISCORVERY No one is more interesting to anybody than is that mysterious character we all call me, which is why self-liberation, self-actualization, self-transcendence, etc., are the most exciting games in town. Robert Wilson (1941-, American theater director, designer) When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves. William A. Ward We discover in ourselves what others hide from us, and we recognize in others what we hide from ourselves. Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues Some people say they haven't yet found themselves. But the self is not something one finds; it is something one creates. Thomas Szasz (1920-, American psychiatrist) People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass themselves by without wondering. St. Augustine (354-430, Numidian-born bishop of Hippo, theologian) Lose yourself wholly; and the more you lose, the more you will find. St. Catherine of Siena I think somehow we learn who we really are and then we live with that decision. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962, American First Lady, columnist, lecturer, humanitarian) Everything changes when you change. Jim Rohn (American businessman, author, speaker, philosopher) The person who God shows a treasure to must dig it out himself. Czechoslovakian Proverb (Sayings of Czech origin) One must know oneself. If this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life and there is nothing better. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662, French scientist, religious philosopher) No thinker's thoughts give me as much pleasure as my own. Of course, this does not prove anything in their favor; but on the other hand, I would be foolish to neglect fruits that are tasteful just because they grow on my own tree. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher) No one has ever learned fully to know themselves. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832, German poet, dramatist, novelist) Look into the depths of your own soul and learn first to know yourself, then you will understand why this illness was bound to come upon you and perhaps you will thenceforth avoid falling ill. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939, Austrian physician, founder of Psychoanalysis) Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898, British writer, mathematician) Let's dare to be ourselves, for we do that better than anyone else. Shirley Briggs SELF-DOUBT Our self-conceit sustains, and always must sustain us. Samuel Butler (1612-1680, British poet, satirist) SELF-EDUCATION People think of education as something that they can finish. Isaac Asimov School can provide you an education and university can give you a culture, but self-knowledge and self-learning can help you to make a fortune. Carl William Brown Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. The only function of a school is to make self-education easier; failing that, it does nothing. Isaac Asimov The first thing a student should understand to have success is that of becoming a self-taught man. Carl William Brown Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. Robert Frost SELF-ESTEEM SELF-ESTEEM controls PERFORMANCE/REALITY which stimulate SELF-TALK which reinforces SELF-ESTEEM. This cycle can work positively or negatively and is greatly influenced by the self-talk. (I knew I wasn't good at..., next time I'll practice and do better! Author Unknown All the extraordinary men I have known were extraordinary in their own estimation. Woodrow T. Wilson (1856-1924, American President (28th)) Blessed are they who heal us of self-despising. Of all services which can be done to man, I know of none more precious. Read the full article
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lunesalsol · 1 year
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
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Bob Dylan (Christian Bale / Cate Blanchett / Heath Ledger / Marcus Carl Franklin / Richard Gere / Ben Whishaw), ícone musical, poeta e porta-voz de uma geração. Sempre viveu em constante mutação ao longo da vida, especialmente durante os anos 60. Musicalmente, fisicamente, psicologicamente, as alterações do seu personagem público dialogaram com acontecimentos sociais e ocasionaram múltiplas repercussões culturais. De jovem menestrel a profeta folk, de poeta moderno a roqueiro, de ícone da contracultura a cristão renascido, de caubói solitário a popstar.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 8.2
338 BC – A Macedonian army led by Philip II defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, securing Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean. 216 BC – The Carthaginian army led by Hannibal defeats a numerically superior Roman army at the Battle of Cannae. 49 BC – Caesar, who marched to Spain earlier in the year leaving Marcus Antonius in charge of Italy, defeats Pompey's general Afranius and Petreius in Ilerda (Lerida) north of the Ebro river. 461 – Majorian is arrested near Tortona (northern Italy) and deposed by the Suebian general Ricimer as puppet emperor. 932 – After a two-year siege, the city of Toledo, in Spain, surrenders to the forces of the Caliph of Córdoba Abd al-Rahman III, assuming an important victory in his campaign to subjugate the Central March. 1274 – Edward I of England returns from the Ninth Crusade and is crowned King seventeen days later. 1343 – After the execution of her husband, Jeanne de Clisson sells her estates and raises a force of men with which to attack French shipping and ports. 1377 – Russian troops are defeated by forces of the Blue Horde Khan Arapsha in the Battle on Pyana River. 1415 – Thomas Grey is executed for participating in the Southampton Plot. 1610 – During Henry Hudson's search for the Northwest Passage, he sails into what is now known as Hudson Bay. 1776 – The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence took place. 1790 – The first United States Census is conducted. 1798 – French Revolutionary Wars: The Battle of the Nile concludes in a British victory. 1830 – Charles X of France abdicates the throne in favor of his grandson Henri. 1858 – The Government of India Act 1858 replaces Company rule in India with that of the British Raj. 1869 – Japan's Edo society class system is abolished as part of the Meiji Restoration reforms. 1870 – Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opens in London, England, United Kingdom. 1873 – The Clay Street Hill Railroad begins operating the first cable car in San Francisco's famous cable car system. 1897 – Anglo-Afghan War: The Siege of Malakand ends when a relief column is able to reach the British garrison in the Malakand states. 1903 – The Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising against the Ottoman Empire begins. 1914 – The German occupation of Luxembourg during World War I begins. 1916 – World War I: Austrian sabotage causes the sinking of the Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci in Taranto. 1918 – The first general strike in Canadian history takes place in Vancouver. 1922 – A typhoon hits Shantou, Republic of China, killing more than 50,000 people. 1923 – Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes U.S. President upon the death of President Warren G. Harding. 1932 – The positron (antiparticle of the electron) is discovered by Carl D. Anderson. 1934 – Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg. 1937 – The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 is passed in America, the effect of which is to render marijuana and all its by-products illegal. 1939 – Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard write a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. 1943 – The Holocaust: Jewish prisoners stage a revolt at Treblinka, one of the deadliest of Nazi death camps where approximately 900,000 persons were murdered in less than 18 months. 1943 – World War II: The Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 is rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri and sinks. Lt. John F. Kennedy, future U.S. president, saves all but two of his crew. 1944 – ASNOM: Birth of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, celebrated as Day of the Republic in North Macedonia. 1944 – World War II: The largest trade convoy of the world wars arrives safely in the Western Approaches. 1945 – World War II: End of the Potsdam Conference. 1947 – A British South American Airways Avro Lancastrian airliner crashes into a mountain during a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile. The wreckage would not be found until 1998. 1968 – An earthquake hits Casiguran, Aurora, Philippines killing more than 270 people and wounding 261. 1973 – A flash fire kills 51 people at the Summerland amusement centre at Douglas, Isle of Man. 1980 – A bomb explodes at the railway station in Bologna, Italy, killing 85 people and wounding more than 200. 1982 – The Helsinki Metro, the first rapid transit system of Finland, is opened to the general public. 1985 – Delta Air Lines Flight 191, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, crashes at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport killing 137. 1989 – Pakistan is re-admitted to the Commonwealth of Nations after having restored democracy for the first time since 1972. 1989 – A massacre is carried out by an Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka killing 64 ethnic Tamil civilians. 1990 – Iraq invades Kuwait, eventually leading to the Gulf War. 1999 – The Gaisal train disaster claims 285 lives in Assam, India. 2005 – Air France Flight 358 lands at Toronto Pearson International Airport and runs off the runway, causing the plane to burst into flames leaving 12 injuries and no fatalities. 2014 – At least 146 people were killed and more than 114 injured in a factory explosion in Kunshan, Jiangsu, China.
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indigomusicdotcom · 2 years
It is not new that musical biopics generate a great commotion in Hollywood . A lot of that comes from the interest, whether from fans or the general public, in seeing the story of that artist or that famous band being represented on the big screen.
Thus, throughout the history of cinema, several celebrities in the music business have had a biopic to call their own. That's why we've gathered here the best movies about music legends !
Rocketman (2019)
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Starting with one of the most recent biopics on this list, Rocketman brings actor Taron Egerton as the emblematic Elton John , owner of memorable hits like Tiny Dancer and what gives the film its title. The musical is an epic journey through the life and career of one of the music scene's most important songwriters.
Directed by Dexter Fletcher , the feature follows the trajectory of the talented pianist from childhood, when he was still called Reginald Dwight , until he became a big star during the 1970s .
Accompanying Egerton, the cast of Rocketman has Richard Madden, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jamie Bell and Kit Connor in the cast.
Where to watch : Netflix, Star+, Amazon Prime Video, Youtube, Google Play and Apple TV.
Tina: The True Story of Tina Turner (1993)
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Owner of an impressive voice, Tina Turner also has a biopic to honor her. Titled Tina: The True Story of Tina Turner , the film traces the singer's journey from anonymity to worldwide fame. Furthermore, the plot also focuses on Tina's troubled marriage with her mentor, Ike Turner .
The great person responsible for playing Turner in Brian Gibson 's film is the incredible Angela Bassett , who plays opposite Laurence Fishburne .
Where to watch : Star+.
Amadeus (1984)
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The award-winning Amadeus is perfect for those who can't do without good classical music. Inspired by the lives of composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri , the story is told from the point of view of Salieri ( F. Murray Abraham ), who is confined in a psychiatric hospital and recalls the period in which he lived with his secret rival, Mozart ( Tom Hulce ).
Amadeus is directed by Miloš Forman and won 8 Oscars in 1985 , including Best Picture .
Where to watch : Apple TV, Youtube and Google Play.
I'm Not There (2007)
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The ambitious I'm Not There , by director Todd Haynes , is a biopic of Bob Dylan , one of the most important singer-songwriters in the music scene in the world. In the feature, several actors interpret different phases of Dylan's life and professional career, showing the musician's ability to reinvent himself in the industry.
The cast of I'm Not There includes names like Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Marcus Carl Franklin, Richard Gere and Ben Whishaw .
Where to watch : Amazon Prime Video, Youtube, Google Play and Apple TV
The Boy from Liverpool (2009)
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The Liverpool Boy follows the youth of John Lennon , one of the members of the influential British band The Beatles . The plot shows young Lennon, who is played by Aaron Taylor-John , and his troubled family relationship with his authoritarian aunt after being abandoned by his mother. In the midst of it all, her friendship with Paul McCartney ( Thomas Brodie-Sangster ) and her desire to form a band become her only salvations.
Where to watch : Globoplay, Youtube, Google Play and Apple TV.
Straight Outta Compton: A História do N.W.A. (2015)
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In Straight Outta Compton , we follow the story of the revolutionary hip hop group NWA from their successful journey to the release of their debut album. Directed by Joseph Trapanese , the film also shows the members' relationship with manager Jerry Heller and the impact of their songs on society in the late 1980s .
Straight Outta Compton: A História do N.W.A. tem O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell e Neil Brown Jr. no elenco.
Where to watch : Netflix, Star+, Globoplay, Youtube, Google Play and Apple TV.
The Beach Boys: A Success Story (2014)
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Although the film's title is The Beach Boys: A Success Story , the film's focus is actually the life of musician Brian Wilson , founder and member of the Beach Boys , one of the most influential rock bands in the world. In the plot, we follow the moment of production of the iconic Pet Sounds album and Wilson's relationship with his future wife, Melinda Ledbetter .
The Beach Boys: A Success Story is directed by Bill Pohlad and Paul Dano and John Cusack are the two interpreters of Wilson, in different stages of life.
Where to watch : Apple TV, Youtube and Google Play.
Control: The Ian Curtis Story (2007)
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Control: The Story of Ian Curtis is also one of the great highlights among the genre of biopics. Directed by Anton Corbijn , the film follows the life and death of Ian Curtis , the lead singer and co-founder of the legendary band Joy Division .
In the plot, we follow the short trajectory of the musician, who is played by actor Sam Riley , during the punk rock scene in the 1970s . In addition, the film also presents his difficulty in dealing with fame, the frequent epileptic seizures and the troubled relationship with his wife, a set of factors that culminated in his suicide in 1980.
Where to watch : Amazon Prime Video, Google Play and Apple TV.
Johnny & June (2005)
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Johnny & June is the story of the rise of country icon Johnny Cash , who is played by actor Joaquin Phoenix in the film. In addition to following his journey to fame, director James Mangold 's feature also shows Cash's coexistence with his father's neglect in childhood and the moment he met the love of his life while on tour, singer June Carter ( Reese Witherspoon ).
Where to watch : Star+.
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aliveandfullofjoy · 3 months
marcus carl franklin in i’m not there. what a performance.
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moviemosaics · 3 years
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I’m Not There
directed by Todd Haynes, 2007
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loveboatinsanity · 2 years
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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I’m Not There (2007)
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filmlababry · 3 years
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I’m Not There (2007) | Dir. Todd Haynes
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I’m not there, 2007
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