#Miracle of fobo?..
mokassins · 3 months
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Queens of fobo 👑
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guy-mcgonagall · 5 years
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Oh hey, it’s GAIUS “GUY” MCGONAGALL, the 6TH year CISMALE GRYFFINDOR. I always thought HE looked just like the muggle, GREGG SULKIN. I’ve heard they’re CHARISMATIC + SELF-ASSURED, but also COCKY + ARROGANT. Hope they have a good year!
Minvera McGonagall is his great-aunt. His grandfather is her brother. His father (Marcellus Gaius or M.G.) was a third year when the Marauders were first years. Guy’s father was 46 were he and his wife, 38, had him. They knew that it could be a risk to have a child at their age, but they’d always felt there was a hole in their lives without a child. When Guy was born, it felt like a miracle--he was a perfect, beautiful baby
Guy was treated exactly how you’d expect a long-awaited child to be treated: doted on, spoiled, and coddled. Needless to say, Guy developed something of an ego. It didn’t help that he was naturally quite charming and had great Quidditch abilities
This has created a sort of complex relationship with his parents--on one hand he loves the attention and the love, and he’s used it as a way to get out of doing work and lift him up no matter how bad his day has been, but on the other hand, he feels like it set him up for failure in the real world--he doesn’t know how to do anything but ride a broom--and he sometimes doesn’t feel like his own person, he feels more like a bit of a whole
It’s also kind of made a lot of his schoolmates think he’s obnoxious and annoying. He’s full of himself and it’s easy to see that he’s used to getting his way
On the other hand, his self-confidence is actually quite contagious, and he’s quick to compliment anything and everything he likes--the way you did your hair today? Yes. How great you did in potions class? Yes. Something funny you said? Absolutely. When Guy likes something, he lets you know, completely unashamed, even if you’re a stranger. Being friends with him often makes you more self-assured
So basically, you either love him or hate him. There’s no in between
He’s got a good heart under all that bravado, I swear
Big FOBO (fear of better options) sufferer. Trying to make plans with him is a pain--he says “maybe” to everything in case something better comes along. The same goes for relationships. He’ll be with a girl for a week and then he’ll panic and break-up with them bc he worries that there’s something better out there that he’s missing out on 
Will throw a part for p much any reason 
Can be thoughtless--not realizing how his actions or words can hurt those around him 
Total shit at school. Like honestly. It’s almost like he’s trying to fail all his classes. Has dyslexia but is like oh well I’ll just be a Quidditch player soooooo I don’t need to worry about it
Ex based on this song. Could be a toxic ex situation, where they fought a lot together and bring out the worst in each other. Maybe they hate each other still, maybe they’re friends, maybe it’s something of a cycle. I’m up to discussion about it
Something based on this song. Friends, exes, something where they don’t judge each other for past mistakes or anything else, they’re just there for each other. They’ve probably both done some questionable things, but they’re here for each other
Someone who hates him on principle--they don’t know him they just know his “type” or maybe one of their friends hates him, so they do too
Friends--he’s a charismatic, uplifting dude, he’s got m8s
Hype man: they come to him when they need a little bit of hype or need to be talked into doing something
Someone he hurt without meaning to or without realizing. Now he’s genuinely confused why they hate him, and that bothers him
Friend who dropped him bc he was so flighty 
Sibling-like relationship
Week-long relationship--they dated for a week and then Guy was like lol bye~ but he probably made it seem like their idea. Or they could still be bitter about it idc
We can work out something else, I’m open to ideas!
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