grimmdeltarune · 1 month
Random Chapter Three Secret Boss Ideas I Threw Together For No Reason.
Hi Y'all! It's been a good bit since I've made a new secret boss. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't. The latest one was. . .MIKE-MAYHEM TWENTY-THREE DAYS AGO??? I must of lost track of time. In that case, why don't I show off a collection of designs based on some ideas I had, some theories I enjoy, and some horror movies that I find interesting.
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Up first we have Shioreta! Shioreta is my take on what I'd like to call Dragon Theory. It's basically just that the Secret Boss of Chapter Three will be the How To Draw Dragons Book and may explore the themes of Asriel's True Nature. For Shioreta's Design, I based it off of the description of the dragon, Susie, stereotypical Japanese school girl attire, and a bit of inspiration from Sailor Moon. My idea for her lore is that she was abandoned by Asriel and has become a bit of an psycho who desperately wants a friend. She lives in a singular grayscale room with filled with flowers and a cherry Blossom tree, the petals of which would be blood red.
The next design on the choppin' block is Mirrorscare! This design is based on the one and only Scream franchise and is based on the "faker" trope that I've seen quite a bit in Secret Boss circles. Mirrorscare pretends to be Asriel or Ralsei or one of the goat people and eventually tries to attack the Fun Gang. That is honestly all of the lore I have for them.
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And now we have the one and only RIPley! Listen, I freakin' love Evil Dead. It is stupid gorey fun that can get REALLY dark and messed up. My idea for RIPley came from the bouquet given to Toriel. I'd say that the flowers eventually wilted which gave rise to something sinister. . .something evil and dead. . .RIPley's design is based on flowey (specifically one of his creepy faces), Ash Williams, the Deadites, and their arm is suppost to be made of lost assets. I guess you could say that they were assets that died in production, ayy? AYY???
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Also, yes. They have the Necronomicon.
Finally for this batch of designs, we have an idea that was brought to my attention by my lovely friend Glitch! So, without further adieu, please welcome Saudade!
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Saudade is supposed to be an old family recording of a happy memory of the Dreemurr Family. This now acts as her hitlist, as she stalks the land searching to find the 4 Remaining. . . She's inspired by The Ring and all of the creepy VHS tape goodness that comes with it! Her fight would probably have her come out of a TV to fight the Fun Gang.
And that, my friends, wraps up this collection of designs. I hope you found at least a few of them enjoyable and that you had just as much fun as I did designin' these freaks. To be totally honest with y'all, Mari absolutely popped off with RIPley. I may never recover from how sick they were able to make that freak. If you made it this far, you my friend get to have some bonus content featuring Buddy Bloomy!
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Buddy Bloomy was made by @glitch-the-artist , who also gave me the idea for Saudade!
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see y'all some time in the future!
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roadrevamp · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Child Car Seat Mirror for Backseat Views
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Introduction to Child Car Seat Mirrors
Ensuring the safety and comfort of our little ones during car journeys is a priority for every parent. One innovative tool that has become indispensable for this purpose is the child car seat mirror. This device allows you to keep an eye on your baby or toddler, who is seated in a rear-facing car seat, without the need to turn your head away from the road. In this guide, we delve into the importance of selecting the right car seat mirror, offering insights and tips to make your drives safer and more enjoyable. Child car seat mirrors are designed to offer visual access to your child’s face and activities while you focus on driving. They are particularly useful for monitoring your baby’s well-being, entertaining them on long trips, and comforting them with your gaze. However, with the variety of models available in the market, choosing the suitable one can be daunting.Moreover, the right car seat mirror not only provides peace of mind but also enhances the bond between parent and child, even while on the move. It’s essential to opt for mirrors that are easy to install, adjust, and offer a clear, wide-angle view. Safety features such as crash-tested materials and secure attachment options are also paramount.Throughout this guide, we explore different aspects of car seat mirrors, including types, key features to look for, installation tips, and maintenance advice. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision that ensures both you and your baby can enjoy safe and pleasant journeys.{"type":"img1","src":"http://roadrevamp.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/fileUpload-82.jpg","alt":"child car seat mirror attached to vehicle headrest"}
Types of Car Seat Mirrors
Car seat mirrors come in various shapes, sizes, and attachment methods, each offering distinct advantages. The most common types include adjustable strap mirrors, suction cup mirrors, and seat-mounted mirrors. Adjustable strap mirrors are popular for their versatility and ease of installation on most vehicle headrests. On the other hand, suction cup mirrors attach to the car’s rear window, providing a stable view but requiring a clear line of sight.Seat-mounted mirrors, although less common, offer a unique advantage as they can be installed directly on the back of the car seat, minimizing vibration and ensuring a steadier image. Each type comes with its set of considerations, such as the mirror’s compatibility with your car and car seat, the quality of the reflection, and safety features. It’s crucial to assess your specific needs and vehicle configuration before making a choice.Moreover, some mirrors feature added functionalities such as remote-controlled lights and music, aimed at soothing and entertaining your child during the ride. While these features can be beneficial, it’s essential to ensure they do not distract the driver or compromise the mirror’s primary function — providing a clear view of your child.When selecting a car seat mirror, it’s also important to consider the quality of materials used. Durable, shatterproof mirrors with soft, rounded edges are recommended to enhance safety in the event of a collision. Additionally, easy-to-clean surfaces ensure the mirror remains clear and functional over time.
Key Features to Look for in a Car Seat Mirror
When it comes to choosing the perfect car seat mirror for your needs, there are several key features to keep in mind. Firstly, the size and shape of the mirror significantly impact the field of view. A larger, convex mirror will provide a more comprehensive view of your child and the surroundings, making it easier to monitor their safety and well-being.Adjustability is another critical feature, as it allows you to position the mirror for the best possible view from the driver’s seat. Mirrors that offer easy angle adjustments can accommodate changes in the car seat’s position and the child’s growth, ensuring you always have an optimal view.The attachment mechanism is also a vital consideration. A secure and sturdy installation prevents the mirror from becoming a projectile in the event of a hard stop or collision. Look for mirrors with robust, crash-tested attachment systems that can withstand the rigors of daily use without losing grip.Furthermore, for nighttime driving, choosing a mirror with a built-in light can be beneficial. It allows for easy checking on your child without turning on the car’s interior lights, which can be distracting and dangerous while driving. However, ensure that any additional features, such as lights or entertainment options, do not detract from the mirror’s primary function of providing a clear, unobstructed view.
Installation Tips and Considerations
Proper installation of a car seat mirror is crucial for both functionality and safety. Begin by carefully reading the manufacturer’s instructions, as the installation process can vary significantly between different models and types of mirrors. Generally, it’s best to attach the mirror to the headrest of the seat directly behind your child’s car seat, ensuring it does not obstruct your rear-view or cause any safety hazards.After securing the mirror, adjust the angle to ensure a clear view of your child’s face from the driver’s seat. It may take several adjustments to get it just right, so it’s worth taking the time to perfect the positioning. Remember to regularly check the mirror’s stability and adjust as needed, especially after long trips or when switching the mirror between vehicles.In addition to following the installation instructions, consider the mirror’s impact on your vehicle’s interior environment. For example, a mirror with a large reflective surface can create glare in certain lighting conditions, potentially distracting the driver. Choosing a mirror with anti-glare properties or strategically placing it to minimize reflections can help mitigate this issue.Lastly, while a car seat mirror is an excellent tool for keeping an eye on your little one, it’s important to remember that it should not replace proper child car seat safety practices. Always ensure your child is securely fastened according to the car seat manufacturer’s guidelines and that the car seat is correctly installed in your vehicle. A car seat mirror should complement these safety measures, not replace them.
Maintenance and Safety Tips
To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your car seat mirror, regular maintenance is necessary. Keep the mirror’s surface clean and free of dust or smudges to maintain a clear view. Use a soft, damp cloth for cleaning, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the mirror’s surface.Additionally, periodically inspect the mirror’s attachment to the vehicle headrest or seat. Ensure it remains secure and tight, making any necessary adjustments to prevent the mirror from shifting or falling during travel. In the event of a vehicle accident, inspect the mirror for any damages or cracks, and replace it if any signs of wear or impact are visible.Safety should always be the paramount concern when using a car seat mirror. Avoid mirrors made from glass or other materials that could shatter upon impact. Opt for models constructed from shatterproof materials, ensuring that in the unlikely event of a collision, the mirror will not pose an added risk.Furthermore, resist the temptation to constantly check the mirror while driving. While it’s comforting to keep an eye on your child, remember that your primary focus should be on the road. Use the mirror for quick glances to confirm your child’s comfort and safety, not as a continuous monitoring tool.In conclusion, selecting and utilizing a child car seat mirror requires careful consideration of various factors, including types, key features, installation, and maintenance. By choosing the right mirror for your needs and ensuring it’s used and maintained correctly, you can enjoy safer and more pleasant journeys with your little one. Always prioritize safety, both in selecting a mirror and in practicing vigilant driving habits. Read the full article
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dealher · 5 years
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        ❛  i  actually  thought  i  could  leave  this  place  for  good,  ❜  there’s an air of despair in her voice, just under the surface. the most easily read emotion being that of melancholy. not even surprise just acceptance.  ❛  don’t  you  get  tired  of  this  place?  ❜  //  @mirrorscared: sc.
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catladystarterkit · 7 years
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