#Muse Stelle
scifielves · 28 days
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"I think girls should date whoever they want and also fuck whoever they want. At the same time."
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fantasybots · 7 days
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"I wonder if Silverwolf will ever teach me how to harness my 'Gamer Swag'..."
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ananthologyofsouls · 6 months
Argenti: you're pretty
Stelle damn you're smooth
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pinkrose05 · 5 months
Hey wouldn't it be funny if all the references the Trailblazer makes to different types of media are fragments of their memories from their days with the Stellaron Hunters. Or if they were memories from Akivili's journeys. Wouldn't it be funny.
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txintedhope · 15 days
Y'all: She has a dick so ofc she tops
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frostwnd · 6 months
@erabundus | ( Closed starter. )
Mr. Yang had confiscated her phone. 'Try to blend in,' he had advised her, 'trailblazing is about connecting'.
Stelle is pretty sure he just seen the last bill she had for her games and was using it as an excuse.
This place was humid. Humid and hot. A far cry from Belebog, welcomed at first, but at least the cold didn't make her sweat so much. At least there were things to fight- she'd wandered out of the city after the itch to hit things started causing her to be snippy with her companions.
Now, now she was lost.
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Felling the enemy with a particularly hard swing of her bat (was it a crime to let off steam on something attacking her in the first place?), Stelle stepped back and sighed, wiping her brow. With a grimace, she pulled off her gloves to stick in her pocket when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
"You wouldn't happen to know the way back to the, uh, town?" She called out, though was unsure if it was anyone helpful, or just another animal or enemy who couldn't understand her speech, eyes yet to locate the source in her immediate vicinity.
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takethejourney · 3 days
@constellaris (continued)
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Stelle had not expected that compliment to be reversed, but damn if it and the kiss against her nose doesn't make her face redden a bit. Nevertheless, she smiles back up at the General and leans her head into the hand under her chin. One of her own hands moves to cup his cheek so she can hold him in return. "I suppose it would take a pretty person to know a pretty person."
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annihilitys · 3 months
// the way that sapphic acheron ships have me by the throat rn.
ach/eswan is right there, yes, and I love it so so much. so excited to see more.
hear me out. topaz. himeko. robin. also the fact that her ship with stelle is called stelleron. lmfao.
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gemkun · 2 months
@protcg said : slides dr. ratio a bar drink . he needs sometiming refreshing after tasting the horrors made by aventurine . /stelle
      ⸻       with   each   passing   system   hour   ,   the   nameless   adopts   to   a   miscellany   of   activities   ,   becoming    a   jack   of   all   trades.   her   endeavours   in   the   dreamjolt   hostelry   appear   to   have   paid   off   ,   once   he   regards   the   concoction   that   swims   ,   tremoring   from   the   abrupt   pass.   his   hand   had   prohibited   its   fall   ,   sparing   stelle   of   the   clean   —   up   ,   had   he   decided   to   subject   the   trailblazer   to   dusting   shattered   glass   and   spilt   beverage.
  how   wasteful   would   that   have   been.   a   prospect   veritas   simply   cannot   realise.
  he   raises   the   mixture   ,   eyeing   the   coalescing   colours   that   contribute   to   its   flavour   profile.   and   with   a   gentle   swirl   ,   he   indulges   in   the   creation   with   a   sip.
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  ❝   huh.   ❞   comes   his   announcement   of   pleasant   surprise.   with   rim   pulled   from   lips   ,   he   returns   the   drink   to   its   rightful   coaster   ,   preventing   condensation   from   dampening   the   bench   below.   ❝   not   bad   ,   nameless.   ❞   honesty   rings   ,   complimenting   the   elixir   housed   in   its   transparent   abode.   ❝   for   an   amateur   bartender   ,   this   is   quite   pleasant.   though   ,   next   time   ,   i   would   prefer   :   less   ice   ,   a   richer   flavour   and   a   smooth   finish.   ❞
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protcg · 2 days
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stelle teaching your muse how to ' dance ' by shoving them toward the floor without a warning , catching them mid-air by the arm & back , leaning in close to their face while they're still trying to catch their breath .
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scifielves · 3 months
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"What's going on?" There are two other Stelles... and they're arguing about trashcans? What's to argue about?
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fantasybots · 15 days
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"Stelle's two step program to make girls like you. Number one: Always look at them with your entire attention, because you can't help it. Number two: Offer to let them hold your leash after waiting a reasonable about of time. I usually keep this to about five minutes-"
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ananthologyofsouls · 6 months
If Stelle got plopped into another world (one that isn't Hoyoverse) she would be quite chill with it all. She might be like wtf at first like if it was attack on titan or hell even marvel/dc.
Talking dragons? Sure
People with curses? Why not?
Heartless? Weird but cool all the highscores she can get
People riding ostriches? Fuck yeah let me pet it and take it home to show Mr. Yang and Pom Pom
Alchemy is a thing? We have that, kind of, cool
She'll be literally the Spencer ostrich meme.
March 7th to Stelle what you got there?
*Stelle holding the reins of a chocobo* an iced latte *just gives a long ass sip*
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magnificentmuses · 4 months
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"What a planet, huh?"
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txintedhope · 24 days
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This what my Stelle be lookin like
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frostwnd · 2 months
@jueying replied to your post:
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"I brought back some records! ... Don't look at it too long or you'll get a headache-"
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