#Mushroom Mesa
sw5w · 6 months
Sebulba Leads the Pack
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:05
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noirrelite · 9 months
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*inhales* okay this is the last non-queued post before I take a break I pinky promise but this was pretty fun to work on I already had the idea of putting military gear on my mesa OC before warframe 1999 but the trailer and people 1999-fying their frames finally made me get off my butt and do it :D I wasn't even planning to draw a human face since I'm not too big into humanframes in general, but I remembered making a quick portrait (which I never posted) for a challenge where you drew your drifter in your favorite warframe's clothes/armor, slapped it on, and it turned out nicer than I thought xD
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cricketchirp · 11 months
Lake Living Summer Issue 2023
With twists and turns along the way, somehow we once again pulled off a summer issue of Lake Living magazine. This one is super cool because not only are all the articles written by women, but they each feature women. And one was actually written by a high school student; while another is about an fabulous twenties-something naturalist who is also an artist. I wrote an article about the middle…
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harrenhalyuri · 23 days
dark souls: prepare to die edition (2012)
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mushroomdelivery · 2 months
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Website : https://mushroom-delivery.com/
Address : 2527 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone : +1 844-420-9339
At Mushroom Delivery, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality mushrooms and excellent customer service. We have years of experience in the mushroom delivery business and understand how important it is for our customers to receive their orders quickly and in perfect condition. Our team of experts works hard to ensure that all orders are delivered on time and with the utmost care. Your satisfaction is our top priority, so we make sure each order meets your expectations.
At Mushroom Delivery, we make it easy to get your favorite mushroom products delivered to your doorstep! We offer an extensive selection of the best mushroom strains, and our delivery services are fast and secure.
Business mail : [email protected]
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catrizzle · 1 year
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Folks Pizzeria - Costa Mesa, CA
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fruityenderman · 11 months
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What if season 1 had a princess tea party?
Here's the first 5 party-goers + a party crasher
[Part 2 will be here later]
[ID: 6 traditional drawings of empires smp season 1 characters in dresses.
The first is of joel, wearing a mesa patterned skirt and a flowery moss cape.
The second is shrub, wearing a short, leafy patterned skirt, as well as brown shorts and a red cape with mushrooms growing on it.
The third is fwhip, wearing a vampire cape, a flowy red shirt, black and red corset, and a long black skirt with slits on the sides.
The fourth is Sausage, wearing a white unbuttoned shirt, teal and gold corset, and a red and gold skirt.
The fifth is gem, wearing a large purple cloak, and a multi layered skirt with purple and green layers.
The sixth is xornoth, wearing a red-to-purple gradient dress, with a slit down one side of the skirt.
End ID.]
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finnitesimal · 2 years
I think the funniest outcome of this would be Bdubs deciding the only way to rectify this is to crown everyone king I think it'd be even funnier if it worked. Everyone going alright epic and setting up their own kingdoms around their bases and making their own laws and builds for their citizens and forgetting entirely about royal emeralds in the shopping district in favor of setting up trade with the other kingdoms. Pearl's alien landscape melds enough into the natural mycelium growth around it to create larger mutated mushroom circles, the denizens of Decked Out embrace organic infrastructure in their wither roses, Gem and her descendants start deer religion and Joe's giant Relaxolotl escapes to the the wider ocean along with the sinking island of Cleo's Atlantis and the Hermissipi river's red herrings and Bdubs decides to take the seed of Whimsy to a mesa far far away. Hello everybody welcome to Empir
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Minecraft seed: 668365629652600969
This seed has the potential to be incredibly challenging. It spawns you on a treeless island in the middle of the ocean, and depending which direction you explore, it might be a while before you find any trees.
Very close by it features a huge mushroom island, and I do mean HUGE:
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(this is only a small part of it)
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Some of the closest wood sources to your spawn are these structures
You'll also find this desert village that generated into a mesa biome mineshaft and wound up completely jacked up
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imagine getting this seed your first time playing minecraft ever
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janirah · 8 months
I agree with fuckedbydrugs. Stanley seems like he's gone through at least something. Maybe he was experimented on before N came to power and doesn't want N to go rampage against the scientists that did it, since they still need those scientists. Or some horrible mishap on a mission that was somehow N's fault.
Stanley surely have some dark moments in his life, but no, no experiments) He has been working at Black Mesa for only a couple of years and believe me, all the troubles that happen to him on missions are completely his fault. Well, you know this type of people: "Oh, what is it? A GIANT MUSHROOM? MAYBE IT'S FRIENDLY?"
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tev-the-random · 1 year
I wake up in cold sweat
I remember that in Katherine's season 1 finale, the Spring gave her seeds and told her to plant them when there was nothing left of the Overgrown. She did, and it eventually grew into a beautiful, gigantic plant.
The Overgrown was the empire of fairies. Otherwise known as the Fae.
This mysterious entity calling itself The Fae in season 2 presents as giant plants and mushrooms. It asks things of these emperors who are so reminiscent of the previous ones.
There was one in a snowy biome, one in the mesa, one in the ocean, one in a hollow as a mushroom, one on the cliffs...
... This feels like it means something. Do you understand what I'm saying or should I go back to sleep?
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sw5w · 6 months
Across Ebe Crater Valley
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:02
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intermundia · 9 months
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The course is outlined in blue—it starts in the upper right-hand corner at the arena; proceeding counterclockwise to the Waldo Grade, which was an elevation change; next is Mushroom Mesa, which is followed by Ricks Rise, an elevation drop; a sharp left turn brings them to Ebe Crater, a big flat area with sinkholes that leads to the narrow slot through which is the curvy Beggar's Canyon; this leads to the Dune Sea portion of the race, but that was deleted; next is Arch Canyon, which leads to Jag Crag, where all the stalagmites and stalactites are, which goes into Lagulla Caves-where Rats Tyrell blows up; next is Tusken Turn, where the Raiders snipe at the Podracers. The last stretch is Hutt Flats, where Sebulba crashes.
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the podrace sequence in phantom menace is admittedly long, but it also very visually exciting and uses many pretty environments. the combo of miniatures, matte paintings, and cgi works imho to make a convincing backdrop for the race. it's interesting to see it all broken down into the sequence, and fun to identify what part is the infamous beggar's canyon that luke flew through.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
So, if I know my Mesa Island geography, we should be getting pretty close to Songshroom Marsh. Wonder if Yoyo's still hanging around here?
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That's, uh... that's... not an ominous name or anything....
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This place... doesn't seem quite as fun as Luana made it sound.
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Okay, full disclosure, I was actually trying to drown myself in the mire because I want to tell Quarble about all the cool stuff I did.
But this is cool too. I guess the moral of the story is that sometimes attempted suicide comes with neat prizes. If they ever write a fable about all the things I learned on my travels, I'll be sure to include that.
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Holy shit, the Magic Seashell? The one from Watcher Island that lets you breathe underwater?
Wait, no, I can already do that for some reason. Plus, it doesn't really look that cute. Luana said it was a cute pink clamshell thing. She was very excited about it. But this more resembles a slug.
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That does sound like it relates to the magic Docarri shells, though. Hmm....
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Yeah. Uh. What the hell happened to this place? Luana didn't like it very much but what she described pales in comparison to how tortured and gross the marsh is.
Also, she called it Songshroom but the sign at the entrance said Quillshroom. So. Obviously some changes have taken place.
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Oh, is it the cool magic seashell I found? 'Cause I found it. You can't have it back. It's mine now, as laid down in the Mine Now, Fucko bylaw.
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Primal Fear... fuck, I know that name. It's... somewhere. Maybe one of Teaks's stories? I don't know. I've heard it before. I know I've heard it before.
No, wait! It was one of the volumes of prophecy that Yoyo kept in her cabin. She had a book on Primal Fear. That's where I know the name from.
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Is. That. Where the living mushrooms come from?
...Luana wrote about them singing. The ones I've seen have not been singing. I don't think they're enjoying their fungal lives anymore.
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With gusto.
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I can't believe you told me to fight it! Do you have any idea how humiliated I was!? That was the most embarrassing moment of my goddamn life.
And I once screwed up Cloudstep practice so hard I ended up dangling from a tree branch by my pants around my ankles. I met Quarble on a return trip through a challenge I'd already solved. So the competition is steep.
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How many times have you sent members of my order to their graves to pick a fight with a harmless glowball minding his fucking business!?
FUCK. No wonder Luana called probably-you an assclown!
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WHAT. NO. I don't really see much relevance or importance in your stories - I think the pear tree one might have been about Yoyo maybe? - but I've been enjoying them nonetheless.
I'll stop touching your cabinet if you keep sharing stories with me. ._. Pweese?
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Oh, there's the singing mushrooms. Okay, so they are still here.
They. Uh. They don't look very cheerful, though. Luana said they were cheerful.
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Gotta say, not a fan of the titular quillshrooms. Their quills are incredibly difficult to dodge, especially when they fire while I'm in midair. What total assholes.
As a botanophobe, I can't be surprised by this, but fungus is far more dangerous than turtles.
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...how stupid do I feel like being today?
I am... passably competent at the Cloudstep. I think I could--
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Okay, I want it on record that I actually made it, but was killed by a Quillshroom afterwards. After being thoroughly tenderized by spikes in the process of making it but that's beside the point. The point is I'm awesome and this is definitely going down as a W in my book.
Not important. What's important is HEY BESTIE, check out where we are? Yeah, that's right, I'm blazing trails through Quillshroom Marsh with my expert jumping and profound getting-stabbed proficiencies.
I know we were in Howling Grotto last we talked but I... found the exit of my own accord and nothing else happened. Now we're here. Trying to not be here as expediently as possible because I don't want to be a mushroom.
Why is this my life?
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...we've found one secret path beneath the mire. I wonder... This does look very suspicious.
They thought they could hide their secrets from me. Joke's on them, I am highly skilled in observation and pattern recog--
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I think I hate this place.
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astralfrontier · 2 months
I think I've figured out what I don't like about Star Trek Discovery. But to explain it, I have to talk about what I do like, and where I am - which is midway through Season 2.
First, Michael Burnham, herself, is a good character. She's confident, talented, driven, capable of making mistakes (and makes a very big one at the opening of the show), but also capable of taking big risks and coming out on top. She admits when she's wrong, but she's not afraid to tell other people when they are. For the most part, she's the sort of character we're told Starfleet wants to have as officers.
Second, she's surrounded by interesting oddballs. Stamets is a wonderful academic who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and he's got a loving and tender relationship which is a fucking rarity in Starfleet. Tilly is like a visitor from a more mature Lower Decks. And so on. It's really Michael's show, but she's got a good crew around her - some of whom can give her orders.
Third, the ship's concept is really neat. It's a combination flying science labs and black-ops project, like Half-Life's Black Mesa in space.
So I'm still watching the show, because I feel all this potential there, but I sometimes wrestle with it. And here's why.
Every plotline has to orbit Michael Burnham. Most recently, she takes a mentally tortured Vulcan to a planet for help and the point of being on that planet, seemingly, is to just tell her a story about what happened, then see some exposition. That trip could have just happened, she could look angsty while specialists do their work, and then there's a scene of truth if not reconciliation.
But this isn't an isolated case. Just over and over, the writing pushes her to the center of the action. She's got personal connections to every single thing that matters. Some hypothetical time traveler could apparently screw up the Federation for centuries just by messing with her timeline a tiny bit.
The times when this doesn't happen - like when it's Stamets, not her, in a time loop - are so delicious, because she's smart and clever and has this out of context problem thrown at her repeatedly, and she prevails. It's episodes like this that convince me Burnham is a good character independent of the spotlight the writers seem intent on locking onto her 24/7.
(This is also my problem with Voyager - some of the characters there are good, some are meh, a few are fantastic, but MY GOD the writing is like a vampire that just sucks the enjoyment out of watching it)
The show is having wild hate-sex with TOS-era canon. The show really, really wants to remind you that it's the immediate prequel to TOS. Like look, here's Captain Pike, here's Spock, there's the Enterprise, but we're also going to drop this multiversal mushroom network on you out of NOWHERE, we're going to a lot of stuff with Klingons, we're just doing all this wild shit.
I'm glad they're swinging for the fences though. The Sphere is probably the most impactful encounter they have in Season 2 in terms of its story impacts, and it's just such a wonderful TOS-era thing. There's this big weird object in space, there's literally nothing like it anywhere else, it's dangerous but not malicious, we're going to pit Federation ingenuity against the puzzle it represents, and we're going to have a good outcome if we're lucky.
The show sure likes to sleep on its ensemble. I love Saru and Stamets and Tilly, but I wish we'd heard more about that weird cyborg lady, Airiam, who's on the bridge before she's under it. They dropped TIG NOTARO on us as a sassy engineer, give her more love. Detmer clearly has a ton of emotion she's processing. I want to see her actress, Emily Coutts, in more stuff. It feels like they almost put in too many characters and then shone spotlight on the same few all the time, and then would pull others from their back pocket for moments of drama.
All of these things are why I'm looking forward to Season 3, where it seems the writers hit the reset button on a lot of this and are trying something new. I don't know if it'll be a better new, but it'll solve the problems Season 1-2 have given me. And I want to see what Strange New Worlds does.
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pixies-and-poets · 10 months
Ok here you all go, some more background information I thought up for the High Seas AU!!!
-Instead of being planets, Palette Prime, Terra Flora etc. are all isolated continents or large islands in one big world dominated by ocean. They have established trade with each other but it takes a fairly long time to traverse between them by sea, so travel for leisure is minimal. Barrendale Mesa is still in its bountiful untouched form; in fact, it hasn't even been discovered by sapient life yet and thus has no name.
-The Mushroom Kingdom exists on a larger continent along with the Darklands, Beanbean Kingdom, Flower Kingdom, Sprixie Kingdom and some others. It's pretty distant from what is known as the "Rabbid Archipelago" where Rabbids are the dominant species, and the two civilizations have only recently discovered each other. Donkey Kong Island is between the two.
-Wardenry has not been established as an institution in the Rabbid Archipelago.
-Sweetlopek felt the calling to be a sailor (specifically a ship's carpenter) instead of a lumberjack, and thus left his home island when he came of age.
-Woodrow's childhood was much the same as we know it. However, he left Palette Prime as a young man and took to sea. This was largely for two reasons: 1) his best friend had already departed, leaving him far less incentive to stay, and 2) as stated above, the position of warden did not exist, so he didn't have that to strive for. Once he realized his poetry would never be appreciated by the locals, and without his friend to back him up, he decided to leave, despite his strong love of his home island.
-Woodrow's main reason for going to sea was the hope of running into his best friend again. Being an honest and honorable sort, be started out serving on merchant ships. However, eventually his curse would always be discovered, and he was chased off of multiple crews, even being marooned once. Turns out the discipline on merchant ships is strict, and the captains were none too keen on finding out one of their own was a disaster poet who threatened the merchandise. It was not a pleasant era of his life.
-It was then that he turned to piracy, ironically finding buccaneer types more forgiving. By a stroke of good luck (perhaps after writing a limerick?) Woodrow was eventually able to find Sweets serving on a rival crew, and his old friend convinced his current captain to give Woodrow a chance (keeping his affliction a secret still, of course).
-Neither Woodrow nor Sweetlopek knew the Dryad of Palette Prime beyond legend. Since Sweets left when he was fairly young, and Woodrow never became warden, the mysterious spirit never made herself known to them. Dryad, however, has taken to the sea on her own account. She is on a journey to meet with nature spirits and observe the biomes of other locations, both land and sea. But she also wants to get to know "normal Rabbids" better and thus has disguised herself as one, going by the name Darya.
-In the regular canon, Dryad would find interplanetary travel difficult. As a nature spirit, she struggles with the sterility of a spaceship and the vacuum of space surrounding her, in addition to being intimately tied to her planet. The mechanics of this AU would make travel easier and more pleasant for her, so travel she does. At least temporarily. (The Spellbound Woods will be ok without her for a little while.)
-Orion is the captain of a regular ship, possibly even the ship Woodrow/Sweetlopek/Darya are on, but I haven't decided.
-Augie has the potential to be a lot more important in this AU; I'm thinking he's generally seen as the god of the whole sea and Perfectus is the god of the land.
-Bea is possibly another siren with this whole underseas drama going on with Phantom??
-Momma is also a captain, of a ship she designed herself, known for its astonishing technological advancement (she and her vessel/crew are very steampunky).
-I wanted to keep Phantom feeling mysterious and primal, so I haven't thought much about how he came to be a siren-monster or if he was just born that way. Someone else can feel free to run with it.
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